Whitby Keystone, 29 Jun 1905, p. 3

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1:111 tO tbll Who 4 0017Ou>yPM 5TesIIkE-L-UE rBson. (er tiqf' 8~~7 - - - -- - -- "~Jemimedem ot kSuorubt it is tg o'v W&SUJlW ws =J Ua." fo8UND, WUTSLEEPOisam8k fortoSEJLY ,Ih ty~ aeeog< nieb!iaî XA3flJPÂÀCTUMME», LIY P cx» ha '~~ f,~1I~tdo look stth' s*I bae:btWamrnat3r ý1erup ýud «mAnd they have Mot tate 'me, 7UI9~ oteoud ho~-, M", bu aï, our g rwrd, OMM, ug the à om&Mho ae.is, , n e! bor. <?rhoe l only Hg'NerIhs oitua.bpsu, _______________ ~~~*T"old Halfl immrSJan& n ot~l;p~ ~ _ ' A m d I d o m o t r o a t y f o ' , L E t A n d W V I d e r f à n i h l y q O a rea i a o u r V m a p i t r onir M B=- Btx Rumis 1T.Y our majestWu reommanda. B tbe"' fuliph4ure, &B r .P& nmaMr. Omly ONE BST. BLUE REBON'S IT.wsy, I have reeekved a eomaunnd 8rB~ Vine WOUM mna"e a pot Of roo- th.moraMng,»ho.breaks 0&f ----------Jeann~e looka up eagerl7.. <Wetat'. hat b. nia, misv Ma -------- Vane nodds with asmoui"msreI ho h for M-ra~U~ Baly s as, birds of a brightel' Bke-.md I hope MNh e b.appy l' Sibe féaherwer abut.Whiodo youtIIIk vin», a"ithere h ,sa susPici 01 c LOVE AND TU IL met in the village ?" Dioisture in the simple, kind-lo~n Jeanne thinka "Old GriffinI" ? eyes, hc u Jt1 amsÂm 'No, hat W8 dow on tie ~ Jane to 'ripe hers, for it j, as tzr. te 40 E N À T T Lsmore one who deçms hnseif of More wfeping 18 contagilous as ta thï~ ar __________________________________ importance than aIl thie old Griffifslu rnOften more tomearsimu anles &t a fred- the orld. Wat do you gay to the mur rms-lula - ------------ ~~~~Honorable Clarence Fitzjames Y-Ad ne&n*ta h iéjý ibenta--a-d-o---ud---- ---rnefo Jeu--to----dbeWhat Jeanne says ls--notbing; but coud, fordeed. nov tht a ertl-e1ba 80hS e ohe smim t'i ettr adhi.wiha murmured word of eiidesar- "e s, oti n ok ues V n asi18 'onderful how mmmy bearta are tbis tîme by the appearance of heueflw "Lt islike the sleeping palace"h ~ lJd bbn i ed imqt'cf rrelfor;bu goln. To Thoonut, who was pelting down thie 'itai bi quiet emije. p -O Mihlm riding dow the. street exeited aud 1l11î, but jet oSuclrnot, 11k. a r Street on bis bay borse, when, c.oig "br r hyal? ad, aptated-for the fluet turne M«i bIS fep in the bud, feed on, his d@Maaiau etk% mlq. 1 fVernon Vane's stawart fi e, ahyly. "i vas upstairs, Hais aoutreloand vndr endi nt sêtbre 'vas overy dog about the lc .pUloc ut thie gate, Ga if struek by aunt-" "Who got a kind word aurda &caresi rm ZyJeanne does mot speak, but that =-br l rfi~ wou o on m m e oudnides. Only a few heours mgo, "Arn I so ealy ?" ho iid; "I ahould l-cer promis gwen so Wooenly rforsand Vmmm Vn. ad e}ver I2ucbtemt-bave been hert> before, but bave been de- ber thot àdkeepsher dumnb. paad at th acà Blpuf ra l ed to ptch he onorbleClarnceove t anmd,' das hie spoke, h. drew ber "He had cause to be uetIl Vane g<>eS L1e m ib ns eart out; md a halcoëny; but durimg ibose few hours into the gardien. exmoegrvly fr eba ua Iatly, there was Hal-Hal,wodlrg Udfl hd hppnedwhih ad oftne Jenneon moe gavly,"fo bd jstde thea. lunt few days, would c lrelylt 1ibl~a usd appnedwbic hs eotene JenneWa 'very allent and very mhy ceived news of bis brother>s deatb, branncdi sgtsd f*ag i à" tart even. to the Honorable Cler. as she walked by bis aide, butbererytnof hiela now Visdoufo Laite." eue, m intea ohtai usal uri grM mdtaien, as he stoppdte pick one or Ho pauses, faimtly surprised at the ab>-wbsln adsbtig okidoeu Mcd, aie looked &cWT uars.niable, a tl'bother of taie spring Plwrsesoeasneo ayepeso fsrrs z wbenever mention was made oit the long mw esSnmt got off hua hor-se, eand beld gl&a.igLt the h&~ndme go e spr h~f saeJOUruuer which would follow bard 10 Out bis baud. Inngledlove gd ride.of Janspr; h el ht i yzaethe ruaiageceremony.po "Gcdrnrnng ase, ae idn eve ovn ad rie.For whaît girl- upon ber, and Jeanne, open and candid "Goo, monin, Vae,"ho Md. nd een pzicessof the loo-woud nt Jenliewhobas eberto<Taoie i be (Tobe nued.)dL Van. noticed.. as Jeanne bad done, taie b. proud of the Io". of tans sta.hvo.rt, lifo, or known a concealmnent, la in dilOreue uin s voice and! iannor. "How handa>mo artist anud musician? . oc ys e ac o oe'4OKIOR E with you. ~~~To Jeanne e hma been frosu the irt Tbe41-t'. e ysbrfc o n I-I.waned t hae a orda bo of romance. Gan ho flot painut, moment, then leaves ,it pale, beW ot b e?» n id Vrhie Yo ansd sing, and mil a boat, snd does he But Vane for a. wonuder is not lookiW., Cm Obtain New Healtai mi eit b en utes 3y1h9 or m ont look like a king? And ho loves ber. at ber, but la gzing musingly at the br u h r. W ilam ' PI k pill "Yoys"assemted Lo ame, look- 8ud!c!oly ho scatters ber d4lious i-ev- BkY* hO0D.WllaePn ngrt e nbsrremsed for a moment. erie by Putting bis arms around ber- "Viseount Lane!" he Yep<its8: it wasgq atl 8 S.Iee "Febeen for a ride-tht la-Is«Y, th" bave reached one of theiste g a surprise for bim. and for tho moment vgrMael08 S itr Van., Iy. beard 1304 fews.," sdeering walks iiwaiîcb the oic! gardoen had frigbtened hlm out'of bis s ire Ominet, Quebee, la one of heotlýou4- "l'ineory for that," said Vans. aouusad dr'Wing err b hlm. skin of unpa.aaive langeur." suds of woriugumen througbout Oaa- "Y..,» continued Lord Lame. "Footil,. "Welî, my dar ig»Je mays, in the low, "Ad-and the comniamd," mays Joan- ada Who cheerfully admit tht teyj rve just had a lette.-we gt tluem an softened voico wbioh bas hsunted Je.annue ne, speaking at last, 'what vas thatt?» M !kept n hleath and.! sthti bOur eaulier up at the parktb.th" y0u, during tihe niglut, "and bave you Vane frow-ns. Pilla. To tie reo rrvhoIntervI% u s - e 1 t: that my brte repented 1 Are yen sing to tell me tisI "A comical one, but one wich, being hm, Mr. Martel ai: PrhoPresut n mea vitan accioedent and la rnorning that taie fainies bac! bewitched lu a good humor this ronnm Ipoi.. iinc o aili oase rkn yOU last igbt, and t.hit you bac! vecv- to obey. I1 9t0o ptet ePrk ith a-bat t as mIme menthib ago. ho Vorzuom Vabuesac! ee itenng urier erec! your senses wltb the morning? suad break the news ofhihea ordsbup's de-baIwu-Iost1& abrdSentay, but t e bta t.in , .rid You see, I eau hardly bélieve lun ry good parture te tho Laubtoms. Poor M a d 1 I toit t t I va rn t~ at dèýtb's "L4Ane-dead!' ho oxclaimed.lckzyhapnsa"iPoo erius1 - bappy Maud 1 happy door, wbile ,nov I amrnt-ong mmd ýwII. The nev Lord Liuue no<dedi Joanne smioed tbrough ber tears. Georgiia'i they a-cie only wise en- ibpp hnelaetrl d.t r "Yes,» h.osaid. oDdpo uo "Are you laughing at me? 1 amrnui* aOugb to kmov ther escape frorn a man William Pink Pilla. I amna orixtnm Vernon Vane'a usual rencu-veci manner poor, insignificant littie thirg-" W-ho would bave marioc!tbem for tair n! aUie od=thtair envelopedhim immediately. d "Husb!" ho saya, taking ber baud and miney. If poou- Lame bac! lived-anotber of diligenti toil my uyatcm vWA. "I bave met him," ho said, coldly. "Adputting itoteber lips and thon te bis six nioriths, one of tbem would have been al u ci.M lo got as tia h. is dead 1" owu; *"mot a iword- more of sucb <laik the Honorable IMni Fitzjames. Ah,- aber, sud I gi-ev so poory,--that î the "Yes-was pitohed -out of bis dogcart; treason. Bear with me, Joanne; it in Jeanne! h as, suddenly, witb a spark least exertion would leave% me reïk, alwuys weswu oo fona of driving risky' s<> 'a'i-<for" me to realize that I have, of scorn. "vou wamted te know th>e rt.! andtrernbl'uig I1vu$W~ted a otr cattle. Knew bow it would bce orn ae t scb appines aitiummy grasp. B re la a ittle piece Of it for you 1 M lat jWho saic! tht 1 'asw u n m il -poor Loue!" iTi dirliiig, I eball have te keep yenuin do*ou tbink of it?"tbrougb bard work, but laMni m VeronVao o'ke mb'eutfo ani,.n'y sight foir bhc moxt few dmys tei peu- w"o-ne 111 she Ben tl aemm <dmtbelp rme amy. A -1ev 'woéks s u n d e '~~~~~ tro u b le d , " I d o mo t n o w . I a- l se ta y n l t r a sï o c d t u i . v r , a 4 m ent, Ut he h smid: sI n yself that it ls real, sd that 'moat ef te it e ' won. ýa Can I do anytluing for you ?' child! Jeanne," hoenmys, suddemly, with oW mot ?"f I i>io. ue &Y Lordc Laite utarted slightly at lis titte; a raIf-sertous, w¶holly tender srrqi1e lurk- "For just eue mc 'th, darllng,» behofdilow workinau calle* o.tei; itww tiefiîttite~i hd .~~î ,~i ng under bis moustache, wha ' i -tpem ,"anld then iyuealuothe sud cuoedme te D.W j AntJan sy -bo Igolitsu tXI era-rIc!, a-t!> me «lyu uie, te k«p V1 II illa., tiefore, the speond o dressed., and eomrineneed kicking the gi-. aut Jber ov wen agbi" n tn brrnfl higafiou ee eeli tsvsfumo ' >bte 1hti vol with bis foot. 1wnt brewelmbt a fu l t t rmee ocil Ya iÎ&d,,-a A'et ite 'Thakait'wit' veRy knd e ye, IJeanne looks Up for a secound brmvely. ski- <o ,V litzte White dove." m eih4w elsd t *i and-well, , ou could do somctî,l ' N-"Wat can Bhe say?"j A- mmt ! ays Joanne, innocent. caunemevt-gb. la wwek 0o I m t o n 1 ' m te m y , c t h m e~ a b o w su v e a f i n t a ' 1 08W b . you w oult." V ernon V ane hakes bis ead. , y T hen ber face crnim ons. "O , - r- I v s a l a o e t a a » 4 utsua.l directiiffl.. particular, do net meet witb an effusive Bt lnbd'vi erfa l reu usint e, zay1 es l e té.o M "Well, YOu sce, Ive only ;it heard velcome Whem tbey corne with tae ri-t tous gle oh bth ter rM digtlu- er reto r sic ry teiath aP the nca-s, and t.hey do't know nthn quest 1 ami gOing te Make. An.! Jeanuu.," <ai-k eyes,; sud Vernon kOb ta st nbout it up at thze park, and, te tel yo u hogasys, taking botlu ber bauds, and bol.! - ec. es s ve tAac i .& A tep riuth r iatirsbikgon tioul ngber igtyash loa bid. -. 13 o mp44eÏlt recovryeiitfr'sly W_ -II1-m s i -l l 'àal B obb M e vIlb -4- er M aul broth er. -cap"aln By Fetuio-8 -for- mort7 41te Mia. Melyu. mbu i th» ret, feelng v.rydiaconse. laesddemly euniers Bobby IMl- -ville, viteaont uili bisnurse. 1OmpaN?" -HElloBobby! Ho-warn you? Bobby-Oh, Ocaptea-y evventomeîl'a mue se plein.! ta se. yen. I'rn havlng a blrfday te-day. Ute b.eitvite.! to help cnt tais brthday Bobby (entu siutlUcmyî-uY4 cf courue!1 Corne iomg backwlv me m ovt1 CaP R-&flright, Bobbyt Wh&V-atS the maair whth our buylng a boex of chocolateseh? Bobby--O, tbamk you eves'goe much, *>Ptmln Fevversiome. (The ehocoltes ame dul --urhsd, amil Bobby cornes cuit cf taiesop bolu- ing Feathonatones.hn.. 0%"tan P.-Amd oy aff %bey a.11at boiBobb Î taie m&ter's al right tba u o, Cmjtmln Piversome. c4ptai P. (vitb elaborate camoeaa- mue)-Aât A min ', sls ter? h sabo mI Bobby- Well,-alater'. heen havmg beadaceas nionM ; n'Iflnk ber eyes 100k.! m-Lter c--bbtoot1 By Jove. Pl m. w full sn-y te boa', that. 1 hope sbers net I1I ,Bobby (eheerfuly....oh ne. sbo's eomlur'teamy birtbdmy panty ibi, mter- noou nay boa-; se0yon'lt ho aOle te ai ber o bey h.La (Whlthe tiitoparty I. ln fullsNTlng# Capimln Femtbersiome contnived te gsi Misa Melitmie, vith Wahem=-hi bas019Y exchasugei vo-y c"IliLfgreetlaig a oa b ot ai..! co rm er, w here th t li v n ou sues): Edth<iii iigmty)-Roafl . cap., tino-b if Pealue eu, i minsMprisolt se i ~ a tal F. (vekly)-T b. ftct fi BObby drm ggeime ber., M d I oo1 d' very a-ell esape. Balth (Unmasicaly)-Ot, course. Pot aui the blime, on -a chuilfvêears old, C&PtSln F.(pnbenti j> % m. d«ou vmrng, lmdee&D. ct1 d yoatenda&r Liai I 1, nh" te se .7.,a ou yenagmin? ly said go. EdlU-ýAud jet you ba,#e Lb. aud, *clty te om-mm d frct uom lf eUurpo tO.pd a veryborynvttnfei bu broterBobbyto crnete «te* vitIt ~EdtIt(frmiafl)-OttThen Lt a-u WeI deir,,tý'Beby's soolety' Ibait > rougbt yen bers tis a mftroo th*âh is re ,0 té -me. vasa la mear- gamai-eç "Nos n'otig-iund 'Pou myIle IS hg?" ,, l'eMmDnvrRc okam avsof <u Adi m.t uzua much oliod tW yen," nid bis lrdhup, atlgt bav besWhitemoaies-<t i4 gr&tehully. "14 veuld bavre bQen a ter'- lfumil*y quou, am M aid a inlce'gebr wnt f# awJ?=m rible boe n k Adwi mlI ebst1Ir lot Nm lmt euew a pherauSI9, "Do#'t spoak oh h," Mid Vane, cohdly. Tmtà"goi~,yb~-eyso.,tt "Geod-munnng, Lord Lote." 7,I.siet .t ere "Oh-lIt a mmezt," nid hbiSuld., luit i asLi7 relaslte thie boflsly 1 sblp; O&I O amy Vansti-eue Uulî more 4Aut Jant'.SIoeuI iuoae ly a as. tte "m4g bi yo-tCourse yen weu't tdulnk sxytblmg fis eookWsg armu1ar aotoui- cht lut ulgt-.bouùtirahiamvithout aUOdJam l to fi&*b S& n XÈ'à ot.ber tile lady, you ýknéw?" irism ndmie 4lOaw., Vemgan Vue'sli ps t4ihtmud.« erouVans ou., lis abtt laPi 'ionrtei litMil, -"Are yon mtuduug to Mis. Besta=Y asn mkes f@ taihe . t bt "Xù41p houeakei ny <'ciet» r 8j mye Âmt Mt Ldord Lme anddmd gatiurel Mp le lAMt, blasout a fnoma asia~ u~ et ~~ ~ vlt4hOmwlug t viti ' No moi-e toe bthéu M o su*M a Vtu --l , lGe *JImi*ý of ouzue. wcud'r*,~' De)9'i mention fi, brat 'OYMM g«ou-,afl tOsu, a "NeI,"s49MV011 -1 à= o't ]lctý. oïl 4ý9_ lh tondu 1 W1tlA,-q-iet qiuo Z_ ,ided wvas Sage why iteli, ident 4, t of of ;ur- ýgbt, tan- tl.0 Lbe sF. rre- reot 'Nn- the. paid i--it;ii SH. kna- Laîr- >ond Elu-. evi- 'rges I in dêar as' t QuId~oa remors U l o i b. attuku kWt?:rmnoduroe eth on. et 1. madngotetma, "o Illem dv a élu ci rbcea la AMnesl . vohns Whuls amUterabeuldinevieu tu'yte stop dlartacu, mie- oiuld, stop thre oe.wol Narirca i a ymptoin of ldgai ha~~g st p demy inibte,<o itb in tiebovols, md thie ay t£c0 e i s toeie.tteritt.le tenr hovel. ittk< Baby'.Ovnu bet& k voumu nom dida't 1remember iecas* i.Btrdiâruhoca sud cnMIptWnÀ Ïie reffulta of Id-getIo oswlm dtl. *9,IOr fe-sanIcboili aé re u-c by le Ovit Tableta. But tse mbets areanr.' thon s mers laxtive. ýThey are abo- 1 lutedy a qmSpecf for ail th;e.mîzior iII La osto Infants aitd ohu- il4. d&=3, viether a néw-bom %mi*orga boy; or girl ton or -twelvyem..Hy-' bit , 00af: Ma 3*.MGsoo wuuiton, Ont . mys"hnna a, .0roi m<Ia net slcep vei.Igv l (ay hmO tTablets, anUrtre4W* 0 more tronhie. 1 »ow allwaa give, Nfl the 'Ta&Weta eten due bu amy Utile-au-, ment andti» aoon eto"Atish «Ma o neher should b. vithSt' Haby'is Own Tabiets la the boum. YoU oau get ilium frein medicinadeaers or- hO mia a25 'ents a box b7 wltlng ÎeD.WilliamMedicine Ce,Brook- viii. Ont. TEE SWORDPI8K p-mat- usgtb 81 4 toerIbie weffla, la ibis, mirO ý m fumteInet suln aaeum Nuel 1 M=vîw tZn *u..u* __hW Wèa, m.s.,l;.l,-,,t',.ýý

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