'i.. j WWlu polo' "A Physician" writes ini the London Chronficle:' If it were getierally-nderstood how salutary the act of %laughing îs to the 4J0cl,, ,&un ine 14 WiL lî -* L MN ceh&cts!stiO i lfile ptteru4 Se0* trouS b.Iut blà ck, thon, tbeséfetihW lust Preou#t' velr ly- goirgenseacals.hIiflU8i theyiare auti t'k sur aut t$n Oil -l usome caues thee lunluor c- 0m e .1 - - i-.- 4A idb l .1 bodily' health there might be more laugh- *ciO. Sa a IIî5MIDiaîl uuew.'a Utound ter than lamentation in the worîd, and mont frequently In the oel alt, udii the ardi coedis prve ore îtrc- pobal lterpretati o Ofuiie 'le thut hem" the arcil emedis prve oreottra- i=ally se, outwar, but, beolng 0v- tive to the invalid than physicians. Th eret wlth ekîn toits. their p*rcoee base bi- coule modttied lie supplytliie yesofthe* old adage, "Laugh and grow fat-," ila tbes vlth«>Inertaset e»utlveu te ife fouaded on a sound physioligical basis,oneetclrbvensei" It Spmmonly observed that fat mcen- lau gh wi th cousiderable facility. But E IS A I IIICI they do' fot liaugh because they are fat. EO 111051 INLINUIMENTI rJji1y 'Are fat bera:îQe they laugh, t.he Rmvsalbraf reUue art of cachinnation hiaviîig a profound lumps adIlembard, .ot or cileueod influence in promnoting appetite, oxidâ-a- inn Psud blempinshesruo erse bloo tion of the' blood, digest ion-indeed, the saicre pitrubneeny stifles, eprains. soie and swollen throat, entire and ronplex jprocess of nutritiûfl. coughsetc1..baye $5 KO Ue01on f t Gond :îourishmient produes the contenit-tde.Warranted the bMo se o oeu. a ed body. The fit temple cf the contented Blemieh Cure ever knowz, nind, wi:ich is, we know on excellent__________ aiitiiiriiv, a perpetual feast. e sm Rw& Th% imedite hyscalresltsof n- The Carnegile Hero Fuud Commission là dulgeiîce in laugh'ter are numerou8. Ini not predIgal ln it% awards. To a girl wbe theQ first place, the art of laughing in- sknted eut on thin ice with s polo for the volveslt eecs o arenm e cue of a young man *ho had broken _s te exrrieof lare nuberthrough. t gare a bronze modal. To a boy of nmuscles, incliiding manyy of those o! wh ventured three tintes ie deep vater tihe face. neck. chest and abdomien, which to rescrue another lad. belng teret te <Ire if tliev are exerci;ed sufficinetly, often him ttp the f irsItvo imes because thme drowning one hampered hlm by cIutcblng bcn'correspondiiigiv weil deveioped, hlm teo tlghtly. t gave s bronse modal. To as do also aIl those Iglands, blood vessels, a Coney Island ticket seller, vho Jumped Tierv".s and othcr tissues in timate con- late the ocoan when thme tide vas runnlng - i viththe. Th faial usces, ontandi brou gimIback a man who teuglit tes- ichton tlthm Tefailmse, perately te commît suicide, i gave a bronze for- exaitiple, or the man who laughs ef- medal. Tg an Ellis Island hospitai attend- tc ad asl are generally developed aont wbo oyant 100 feet &9&1,0eeut vt tifl ncl O1SI~ .a domestic who bail trled te drowu horseît. Vo a (1legree Whicbl gives hiix the fa.ciall i awarded a bronze meai. of the 401 rotcîniity of n contented child. But câ&Mo brought te the attention o! the con- tan o snethe -tunil vas es.tablished on I1 h" ccnpîlesmc oe *Xl 15, 1904, ih refused awards lun2M9 and the production of this mere outward geatedt tent lu nine, jeaving 159 awalting apparance, of mvcl-beiiig. It has a high- Invesitlion. The nine awards announceti hnas message te Mn. Carnegie on Wednesday ly b,'nefioial influence on those tmvo vi- ere thee tirt made by the commission. tal orgaîtix the hieart aînd the lungs. Four avants et money wene madle, the During gvwhat is called a "fit Of Ilaugli. commissionuin tee cases specifing the pur- té,r" th iu-gs mv b alnOýt oin-pos for which t shouit be uset. The vldev 1er. theiu'n~ ray b lilio' 1 o f a South Portlaud oMe.) bridge tender vie contained previously oUly stagrnant air lest bIs lIte lu the rescue ot s bey abouit Fr,,sh air is then drawn . în te " the full- te drown, received a bronze modal and 3500 te ho used in paying an lncumbrance onte est e\tentt of their CapacitY, inflating home, A girl wbo svim under a fleni la perhaps. those little used air celle mhich te 0CCen nean Northt Weymouth. Mass., anà contitnt'il prî'vioIIsIy onlv ..atgnantt air rescued an unconscieois man. roceived a ail- end fo ii ht shllw re114i ver modal ,and $M0 te be devotet by ber te and ia'iilifointesa1 " tl educalionsi purpesen. she being a eludent lu wl' ordltfarilx ratie cornparatively th. department et deslgnlng et the Boston frcic d Museum et Fine Arts. The girl aIse iO- largre îrao's o air cell-e are iM es. celvet s medal tram the Massachusetts Hu- Dcirjing tii- proe Uc .cîrl ru1 mane Society fer IbIs resette. The vldow tion ip;acieaeî,impurtte air in buirt-ed of a Sprtngda>o (Ps.) carpenter vhoesue- Oltof tic eydern aand fel air burried cumbet te gas wile trying to rescue a vorkc ciii rman front a veil. neceived 'a silvea- modal ii tlîtue forcible asenit iand des- sud SmiO te ho a.pplild on a tuotgage on ber ce'nt of the diapiîragrrl during inspira- home. The unconditional money avant veut tin tlepia iAie ieanote te te wtdow et a Lawrence Mass.) man whe tionamIc\piati)fl it~r ~td oherlest ltslife i utnyiug te rescile tvo 111110 abdominal organs unulergo a kird cf girls. vito ero drowued. lu vas $0. kneading iot rillike 'that undergont' dur- Buffalo Express. ilig îa-.gand tlii, iscf great bene- e-. fiît ini roingt,( them froti that torpor Heleu's Prayer. to t~îe hr are hiable. The heart ia Little Helen was a firm bellever lu alîo &-t imulilitto more vigorous econtnilC- tio di ig )wacivecaiîilntl1W pro. prayer annd was tauglit aiways Vo attend cesS. Per-ons %-ho, so 10 speak. ilet theni- family devotiona. During a sesson et selves go, and laugh with a wiil. sOme- drought, one morning icr tather snid tirnes lýjijing lmnot ail 1tii principal to ber, "Do net ict me torget te bav-b !nuscC]t'of tpîr lodv iito play. twist-a p-a pyeforintnghste lngy, tiirniticgandl îendinig tlîexnselves al- aseiipae o ant-lha Pns loull iscrmi -a xmlr-want cf t la causing much su ceingand ynot dube i sheriiiiscarexhla nî any deaths among -the animais. UBer ..tltm0 siie, rwîa epoual fathcî hid hardi>' left lhe bouse when ternIt) "a fit o! ~lite ue.tsamnî lte Helen thisiking aie would do mu-h stat ofen auec bya pionng O! good b>' nntidîpatingbe atir.pa- etat oftn (als-j IYI POIont er for rain, ran upstairs and, falling on the nervous state wiîlî One Of tllo-e cu bler kaces, pîayed for the much-needed irhu, to\xine tvlieh the hody Ocasionallv rà .Tâ ieno h 0mi hé elaborates f ro i te f ood eupplied te it, ste lit afleroothb ée verlu leb-, anid ii Pii i.P lug,ý11 lve trie shower-barnm were uuroofed and (mhos.e diutyil t ardtheportale ymuciîdamage vas doue. Helen, with t!to- of thle ýy1ili and Pilîveîîlt the entrancered-falicctIdodtbkîgV s o! urttii mttei ron th' limntaN'ail ii n tswer te lber prayer, e.gain fel canah. lias a lldto paqseunciallenged. où lier kneea, exciaimlu:"orvo Laujgiti 'r ali lias heemi known 1: diesi- Iav doue r' palet tiq kiltd of menîtl depresioll, lvbame TEPMIT DET riteliaiiialI roîîsing tile systein. in« TEPWBT DETO treacin lte rate of oxitiltion fl fte TItE STOXÂCH.-ThiIo a adi>'tocetten blood, eiîîdirectly -stitnilIRtilig lie organe the case. Se mnu= aieous nostUomoPur- bv wlîich aucitpoisons are elimin ttcd porthgt ue ateett e ain n &;iud by ilsý bene-ficiati action on lte liver, mýc#ely more harnia ian <ot. Dv. Voa a.rresting te absorption iito lhec s5teln, Stanls Pineapplo Tablete anc a puly voge- of any more poisonit. To de this, of table pepsia preparsio as %annies, aU course. the' laughiter muet be iîearty and M11IL. Onesstier sattes prereute a ter pîoloiiged-of tlit kind evoked by the di~ b 15*eogeNl e,8 weholi nyed f'arcial comedy. Ttl es amat- - inîiinueamiet ne'fat vWb"i I o.N ~ YA T A stessary.toe i.imel-beIng e! Vhs bodp- fat, beien-, uccessar>'constituent et the healtiv> brais s"d nerveus systmn, M0 Tlte laughlnýg habit le ene, tiioreforeiý at ~ A~ Il la -wrtliî cdivating. l Io la sMattergt a everydav eýcPPenenethst onelfes tb tPuat - mrg l4ap.). better for -a good lasgbi an e$olu ToMbly-4. usa. wcvr 1 u e Iad of laugliten' being, lu Iutlî, 9a -erve- um«a d.trormi I$tb G oa 1 s*torm. colaablelu iefeet te jg T thundemrimn SNature (on Avey sioti '~.Tom W iJ. bshgs cIe) urg god by dltià ltg hoitos f tti*>"&wýi~ s~ip~ oprssv loude so! car. whiemeI s .-«W wte * eo;îr Inesdkcs tlm, ment*l hora.. - -Bout! 8001? & T- u.,aadP Noble flrough 3qflmZ Noblity le' usually -a heritage, but ln the. case et eue famneus Englah showmaxi the.titi. 'WUa -aled througil baptisua, and net Ibrougi brth. l Tii. circu business le ilereditnry' abroad, and appreciatiug lb. advsntagee acrimmg- froua an unusual cognomen, lie son et a cirons proprielor was baPtized "Lord George Sanger." Since bisetien- ogeule lias- everal Urneisuhovu befone royalty, Viiere are Vhesmaaîda who tiras.. 1>' beieve tha! "Lord George gained bis titi, as did Sir Henry Irving aud otiior titled actons. As a trade mark Vthe nmc as boom ,worth thousauds et dollars te tie exlb- ieor, and vasresponsible lu a large mens. une for bie cari>' sucess-a success whjch coutinued until-ho vas induced te f oras bis circus ite a stock cempan>', on the Barnum and Baile>' plan. wiien Vhe in- terfèeoce o!fVile directors prevented hie unique methode o! self -exploitation. BAIN! RIVETR IAN RAD TROITBLE8 Till Dodd's Kldney Pills Cur.d Mis Kidocys. Thon Ris Rileumatimandai Other Pains Vamished Once aid for Ail-Nias Came Only Ou et Many. Barvick, Ont., June &. -(Special)- That Dudd's Kidue>' Pille v-lU cure Rheu- maitisua or au>' other disease- reultMng trom discrdeied kidneus ale b experieuce ai rany cf tie settlers inu lis flainy River country'. Tiie.ce-et WVilliam John Dixcu, cf tuis place la a tait sampleofe the vork tie great Canadian Kidue>' Rcmedy ta dowag. "&I bail Rieuimatism se bad Vint I had Vo use a stick te waik.1I md palualui my back aid rShiV bpt and I hine couafort lu sleeping. "I could ne more Vian drese or umîrese mynoîf loi neari>' 1v- months, aud I vas for nearly thie veeke I coud net lace my nigit sice. «My brother idvised me te lry Dodd's Kidney Pilla, aid I did so. Af ter tnkln Vire. boxes I couid valk aromiland lapse Up rny shoos and do my work. Sixboe cured me comnpletels"- D)odd'e Kudney Pille are lb.eoue r cure for siek Kidneys. SIuk Kidue>', aM tie cause, Of sine-tthi et the lnsu ic hum a faait> sufers trous (N~ew York-Tie. ouent our Corepoi*dnlals a~s gt- bu that 0 lhollnaysb. celebrated on Vie 8aturdays tit omae ,uarest h_ dates. Ti ol Somethhug la thie ide Sal la deaeives oonuideratiou. W. sus-pect_ ilowever, itl00bcouelderaîion v-oul end lu Vths e»eton etfVils Ide&. 0f la ri om certi iI umdrt ntumbora, the>'are *A MUCh etfanlu- jury ma ot auiIntlemptios, and a holdy, .osloirateds anether -Vhac ils noturai historig date la ýrebbeci et mos ofet Is 'mot FOR -NEW VORICI.- luvitfl fu"aOsIm ItgJae 151h, at Tikt f ts U pt u» CamBig, t 71 W.a fitu.tica, .n i W2-O avosw inEgia qlh cceu etumulaoe the ,WUmlig oe-t-sà in. Pre-' I..-1 ý' mmcar ffered a" foUobwus' For each ml speclmen eof . bark, of whatj -apeie (the entable onese xcepte, te 5 foot There are very -few CIens in length,, $t'3; for ltpr -ee 460, Ineoinwhcl aud for ver>" argespelmit I> tle pe erations îwhc SinU"ht ie Oxyrrhimna saiaza 1 Odon. s-ýý 'i Soap cannot be uscd to advant-. taspis fée$ 11.. For the capture of f te h, oS bih man-eating sharks prEriumai4 of g. I ae h oebih $9.20 te $230 are îffered. ~Fisbermen dea..l making application for .payinn r e_______________ exhibit- the specimens te t . nnrett arnd store Nove The. woman, hargain hunter has for Durlns June, July, August &» Spome mate butt et the professional jokesmith. ePObrWith characteristie American exaggerus- the. Chicago sud Nortb western naUwaY vil)1tien aile aiulyrepresented sbuy- seil) rom Chicago round imp excýrsiou tick- Ilng wbat se does not want for cheap- ets to- Snu Francisco, Los Angelei, Portlnd. ,nes' ake; but the truth la, as a writer Oie. (Lewis ant Clarke £xfocito) e- in The, Milwaukee Sent'nel peints eut, île, Victoria, and Vancouver, a vy1w *tti.rn loacasie raes eorsotnly cbeap fà frou1ý1ma a ,pontste u Ada.Colic, etroue, buof ekme-prudent <ister fie «manages te tra . lévie fuableooMr, daithbral dreaubetter, te keep the chfldren lodkinùg rotjarn limita. Re, o andst1fi itr mon en be cbtaie4frjuB. il Benoet-, etter, te keep the bouse better fur- Qoneral Agent. Z s ugatret 0ut, Toronto. ulahed aird the table tuiler." T1he bar- Ont.-. gin hunter reads the daily newepaper, and looks first of alilfor the store an- MOCSQUI1O'u IR RPET CÃ"OLR noumeemente, with mutual profit ?o bel'- -e akBle u self sud te the advertisers. Her hus- Llka arkBle, utWI AVýid Yeflw band may laugh at ber, but h. woulf' as AUl Tmea., be the tiret to proteet if shc should ne- A yong ii~w~utii~~~ a~<>.~ mn fect te keep pested as te how te keep quilous She bad spent theo mmr n a1c hee eywere numorous. ~ Svn ueTg -~~~Svn à - ,uh@t&1A MaiWUU voie o.yellow diess I didu'! et a ugI bite." "Diii yeu notice liaI?" aNd lt on à eenV;st. And Vies ho went dsgny «I m gat you uoliced thagafo I i a verificatien et certaiuen= ,sentftlthat v-e bave made. i '%W. made tiiese crermetsl a gaure ent, sud tbeftr oblect*as tea&. certain lh. effeet et moaquitoýs etool-1. "We place& ln lie tout boxes - imbu writh idoti et different hus,and v-e touud llal Vile litlei pesta cno* ded frai- icaIly ite lthédark bIne bex, whils Vhe yeleow box. lbey woula net u*der .any czrouuatakce ester. 1 "Tiie expecimeuta oxtenâded over mev- oral webka. W. had ln the te at asIe vemssesfer Vhs mosquitou os tein. l W. discovered tt, next te iii. dark- blue lb. moequilee. oht eb.daxk red box. Miaen o :jc.,sbrovu, thon scarlet, lilen blaek, thoen oaegrays, thon olive tree», theu violet, tie e gray, then whitë- .4. Pr Thlus Ve proved lt Mos-utocc Do. tic. oolors', and vs forimulate two iieip- fui blutas for Vile inhabitauts ,of -mes- iut-iidden dietricta. "'The fiat hbt la te vWear M'llov to «ucape Mosquito bites and te1 use yel-* lev nettÃŽng for W dcanppiea andin- deer screensu 1>, box if youv-astto t ra itcl Wlth tila box lunm anfst -9117io, ye coula elly catch ,addes lieus- aida o eticInsecte daily,- ew York HRaa. nhe i-aioua dotarlmoel t tb 0 Offic e Issu tOdd.n"d - put forwand la a dumMY> *hlka a tnt bas resm Tic object o!fliais Ime trouble wlhh nfforus animai apt te ru» aaY at ti dotglil Car or caae. Il la' inV.sded' ttace o lb. uoter sur for o! ltb. ruai hre.n s ils fu ilpurpose of0! tuyt tI' la th* lochextm a80ga0udI.. se ffl sri >' b . bêmotemaL5 eatousobIIa ou a e"M r !<teu up, oùe otheUr sM,a" na the "me uu sue IL tPatost redé.e y ila yel oehils.delphta Ledger.) The nigbt of a flue ehade troc te ive i Oestral Park, New York, bas esuset quite a controycry beive the parutcdpeMtateut the teparmmeut of voter upply. <s sd eloctrtcity. The. latter had started te dIi a di"c for a vater main thet wounit hSo. destroyet on* ef the *maples lu th* Park. The park depariment prototet ond thf, wAt- or mes saidt uatl fthi. route of bthedto vrers ebaugét lu vouit com ii the OUT IMM. The park deparimout repiiet that teaple va vorti $2.00, at nd ction route hbu b e an i t é k e d o u t ik cmerit*$ et. Vits' Don».. *ouVInCIxg tcetu lcaL Tiare te a restaurait smas lu Brook- lys vie -makes a apeclult>' etchieken croquette.limev-as v-len Ihe publie tuned up Isamceat the lIai upon vilich hle prIddl blif, aud could net. b. Indued Vo give it a trial The -sus- p ,cenprealeltialts r0 glvll ehi.,e»'croquette v-ascempounted o! ucrapa left ou lbepatios.' plates-tal Il eontalne. nose uhken. Tie reaau- =apt mainIçiew botter; bis-,croquettes vere bonestly mate suai ho resorted te nevupaper adverllslng space tq provo 1IL '& t.v- oisomense Ltls wlth the 44kophl &anUectiIntereet sud cà rriet coilvlotlos. ima nasnov- bes moe sai Ohà ceeacroquettes thau- ton ans other Itaus os < e 1>111 o! tatre -AÈM beo la aregular a4ventli!., ___ easy terme, veaIuabl," o11property tu ]PO- trou,1 thirty acr el ce.ari i ltuate 1a; ýoniy $1.000 dovu or eooured6--bslanoe et 53% per- cent-London Loan Coûâpany, London. -Ont. FOR 9ALE TWO ELEOTRIO MOTORS. Direct curi'ent, «1% a" d8-horse-ýpower. Ad- TIMES OFFICE. 1 WOLJLD LIKE- EVERY WOMAN te wrIte for our -New Styles -and- Sanples of, $4.50 and $u2Suitt, tu cloth, <11lk, linon .=4 lustres, aeoraimet, kirt ansd waiets. menacerSOUTHCGTTSOIT CG0 LONDON, ONT. Send for- sesplea et shirt walst suite tu lawms, une-c. trom, $2,50up. _J t M o',nt ré'à l Lsave Hajuton 1 noon aud Toronto 7.30 P.m.- on Tuesdays, Thursdaye ont Saturdays for Bay of Qginte, Moutreai sud Interzn*- diate ports. * LOW RATES ADOVE UE TORONTOMMONTREAL LUNE ST&U-M O 8TORONTio ADiciNGSTo. Le..r.Toronto at 3 _. n. tolIy, i tept sudt days.. Froin July 1 dally, Roohister, Thonu. saud IlsIsniRapIde. St. Lawrence, MotreL Quebes aud Murray BDay, Tadoumue,. Sagueney River. For information apply te- R., . agente or write H. reeter Chattes, iWestern Pasentgor Agent, Toronto. Doedad Law for-SoOrcIIQ& When tthe MaqislofoQueensbory seekti l& court a filense te. Carryasun ,te protect, hiessetan su hietlîdren froua the. deadly on- siaught et thé-reckl~ autombiler,, It la ap- parenti that ove-epeting uit scorohuua tbrough oity stretesle by no =sansauan crU à Oatinied te etrecueus Amer in. <mé om > are Iuettectlvéý Ittelanaw sUgStt,that th* auëieuit'lawof the tsodand be revtved and the punislimeut eite'i-te th. machine th"t toes the miechief. Udter the -teodmu- oC yore a -cart, rning ovir or occulonliig the dosth 'et a 'reasonable oreaipr" vas for- fouedýto -the k Ut g or pionsu.. urpos. IL- for - an -automobile, b. aubtitutet andt-ta,- plsce eot the king a eeeiety for Ibe preventiosn ef eruelty te reso0uable, creAtures a moderm Ivw et the dotdand.theus Propoer 0contents, *ouId pSoT* a. geflule bIlllu RIJI(NING SORMS, the, oUtoOMeof e neglett, or bAt bbot. hbavea ee-Wu balmin luDr. ÂgnewIs Olutient WiIl buat the 'nmstutubbora cil ot~IrttO -aluiesi Iutanur y ttertis >llaIL t reions ýAil tehtit nd utburnlié.tkin ,lseeee i day.XIt dures -piles la 38-te. 6iiis 8cent.-M The. bons shares vltii vonan us -Éft ci tbe ýgreftetoanmate 078y1C81 beautyi ont ii. ha'luation doe,the* latd no tisoredit. As for mou,-,bis patx!er in puiçinitude te 4w ovu I t>eIns, probably, a' mule .a4 nayq burro. Ticheorse tan" hlb' thta eut, adomtion sut appretatie on-!q dn icane ho , 1.btuieom*, ç bAt ess'oê As patienjt, agile sanduseful. 0 RsF0111 RI bèat- Pl &yfi la TUE lIER? SU 1Ma* Sos.Ne otions About thé of lite8skia. tbe United status FiaiC"M« te shbow thAt deuo "a e»Mput tita JU Revi -Shepard of g, tels thern I the sheep; )E Pharmnees à n thieves arad i sbeep. Thoe enter. in thro Christ Couaci oheep; the w the she ep; t Wolf cometil; and protectà any, near Ji aî id isisti te Jésus infc fIBethabani di'ciplea and arrived in J dead and bu Jeans first; mourned tha before He di wept; the Ji loved Him;" away. the -sti Zl1ud voice iy -of tii ent they s III. Topie: any. A f eas Rhist'e heapI0 writiithe oe wÀcijse.is fea in the temptc _eiple9 aud ztA eople Who1 throng of te le= te mncet- king sud cri on & Young to see him; and tauglat _1 V.- Topic:'ý Place -An Up axtd.biîs diacil the Pssover puted over 1 a dJesus, t ility -by ris Peter objecte, pectien; FPe Christ refera: VI. Toplo:. Place: -In3e4 Tii. supper i- à iiii t4 -11,