Whitby Keystone, 15 Jun 1905, p. 5

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s IN i ¶ MILLI NERY The -Balance of oui' High-Class Spring Millinery And Trimmed Hats on sale, 's BY te . Lge, 4. ontj p i..i ecQtr(iitiolur Mesbrs. Do-w or National i. nto. GY LE -very, Friday- ASO N. iIt'e roumndl (rî dJ. 700. Lin. 60C. .nz 60c. hall lare.. - a at 5.00p.r for- (Ie season purser and on 41l. ýy and ipromrpt- IIAZ LE W, lri, Toronyto. SAT-URDAY JUNE 101h. 1 Green Satin Straw and Chiffon Trimmed Hlat, former price $9.50, Saturday $8.00. iBrown $6.50e Chiffon Picture Ilat, former price Saturday $4.7 5. 1 Black Satin-straw and former price $7.50, Chiffon Trimmed Hat, Saturday $,0 1 Pale -Bine Shirred Chiffon Hlat, former price 1$5 .0O, Saturday 83.504 1 Black Chiffon Torpedo Turban, former, price $6.50e Saturday $4.75. 1 Red Chiffon Polo Turban, former price $6.00, Saturday 84.50. 1 Black Shirred Chiffon Hat, former price $6.00, Saturday $4.50. 1 Black Straw and Chiffon Trirnmed Hat, for- mer price $4-50, Saturday 83.25. A Straw Sandwich Hat, former price $3.50, Saturday 82.25. i Green Foliage Hat, former price $3.50, Saturday 82.25. 1 Black Silk Polo Hat, former price $4.00, Saturday 82.75, Ail our Trimmed Hats--are the latesît styles from Fashion Centr~es, smartly etylis-h and *-a i d -1 Oc o.'L R suitabie tfor June's joyous eventes, «uplicat 1 The Question- of Shade Trees. ed nowhere. The Cash $tore BROSS Founded - 1792 BROS. *.o.portd1,794 Insurmnco fI -of JleU KEW COUNTy PAPM 00arceiy agres t h ' fsasedeee,.# ~ f00 tUr mate as te tireev'iiue o r u ,,~Žt.cU B~&~'g~Brok ok ,gte nt, 0l1117r j9gent thre valueof . aade 0 treP 'lia- -o t ixet by'tire quantIty er Wi1W, Otori>.tiré Wood; it nght ire, -but rather Ontario Courty-"The Keystoue CntrltlY e-h.ytiebat e t hPo, tifoi- Keystone Proit4)eof <the K1 te COiuiY W ttiilg, n h èfebn Brftlsh Enplre'-J. Y. Faro elh..Wi y ne nitierfehn iade it - l iest. TUrUS ETOTONf2S li inderentielt l ln ltici. and wifl adrocato wlrat it bel cires to blu theLI. 1>st in- tem& ot the ecimmnnrnty. Thre Srrbscrptloa Price la one bund-ed Pt o Bfty-two issueé, Wbeu paid iu advancCi... 1. Aheu Ufle session Ontario Counfy bot soe aid. wAvtlngRate*sr r-"Abead ilCouncil. ,%uqrôtod on aelcatlirn. Il ycu wlsh Lo e .i1 ta throu 119 lCruSTo.' o ÀveriseRrusuhould TeaLht~ t On Wednebdray moraig icrI. Purvis luce not bter tin nTuesday noon, twifInsure iiset- brougtIa nio t uefec <lon ir trtbe cirrernt IsAue. tag-nt iii 8 mltir o t tr te e Agonts Wanted lrain parts of the CountY. ta nIrclua onit~h One or the Standing Conrauik$eeas ai- C. A. cIOOD)FELLOW, tèiT Decembere, V.dltor andul afltL. The question er allowing persous ______________________________affiieted iritir tuberoujusis te reniain The Pivilges ad Duies ln tire ouse ef Refuge wan rai3et ThePriilees nd utis o a y Ir. Carnegie, eiialrnn ofethtie Newspaper. Boeard, andi a lonrg andi interesting irsecuselon teck hlaec. 11 thre 8f terneoor %Ir. 3lobray, Tire Toronto- Globe Or 3Monda'Y secon(led by Nir. lr-oonrfieidl nroyed containeti the fohiowing wise anid T'lrat, owlng 1t irie intimation ef, ireeli-atateti rerarks nîron tire abovO the 0voi(iOVJÂrr1rtirittle(ct re subject: SPecting thre electionr of cotnrty T1rce conduet ef a lîrelsîaPetr îiusit .Cou neilors wilIlibe rep)eaticltll trr he directeti by one 'standard. It nrrIst :teok qs -j ,r»,,,zýLrttl)lwl be unaiterabiy true te truti andto te uOaioptk_(1, ILn. i;, a în Ou »ur thre generai public lirerewts. Therethle COIrrrred, ndv ,sable irat, a eour- may b 'e mIstakes at Urnes as te what ithdgt es PPOfltVdia ohecount.on these are, but as long as tiley are~ i! oe~. rr de oce iîtroruousiy ought. accordîn g tu Wtt' delega LvA fri oielier coün ies tu thre bestiglîts obtainabie, tireenC- session oi tlia Ltgisi~r.trn Wtj i rge tihe adtvantag3s u (lhe presctr% urodt ilgirteneti publie., wiose servant everY o hoetnspalper must be, wii be Of eprcuenrt:tioIrlurintire ùomnty satifie. I putwig tles ens 1Couuil sidu ttih i'ro er ce aske tiiose resporisible for tee biain sCou ilna tie il- re tne eaCodu of a neivépapcr eau sear..ely e scape Ji itir tis Coucli for tire pur- at tlmes f reim rossinrg tire grain andtilos afores&aiti.: Carx*ùid. tîe Tire. Wardcîî, Mr. Mowbray, Dr. torrclîng thre suseeptibllitles oftho K aiser andtihie Clerk were appointed a comnruotte toeiraitennon tirerGev but whose lnteré-stb for tire moment ILclr itet vi pnteG are InConhistent irith tire joubliC ln- e liient iu corriunetiorr with tire terest. An individuai nîiay keep iris Otiier Cotinty kivrrîicii deirutttoneiqïD opinironrs to iirelf, but a nuersjîaler thre above matter., can exercise no sucîr pri. liege. it A long discussiiion took pince on ninet go on publisiling vrews as weil the ativisablil Ly of chuging tire pre- as neivni, anti in Ã"uicg su tees are sent systeni of Aieating tnutire Court trotiden upon anti cortis erusîr d. Il HOuse. The decielen wili ire f on those îvho r.nffer ln tins way wu ntire report ef the îroper'y coin- only pliriioouically refleet tirat te TII etThW, ch. yirer relations wlulclr are strairieti to-day Te proceedilugs fTuaeywr umay to-morrois unr somno othwr iargcly occupieti ilUr revisang by- topre ho cordiarl and 4!ynpat1ietie, ali lairs. discussing reporte of Cern- would ho wei. Imîttees, etc. 1A depîrtation was heard asking for Those who have never attenipteti. a grant ef e25 for prîtes for iruit, te edit a ireirepap)er have littie idea f lowers anti honoy te be ihoire at of thre ernbarrarrinaents of thre losi- thre e.xilbition ai. Torourto tbiw year. t 'n0ir t1dir notte Mesira. Elmer Liek, IL. L. Huggard tlon Th " teadug n oftue "'and Il. Stanton, oe t Oea.wa, ysupport- as referre t o above Ie attended wiitir I eth ie application. - unrpleasant rernuirt tirte offenduurg The Warden wmm graited e$oo for edItor. Tire pour main may be lu bis servlrnes. synpaty wth is èadrs 9 tmes Tire Ciriran of thre $treet8 Com- synpatry iti he rntirs 9 tesmîttee o! tire WhItby CoucoU i rote eut of a Iundreti, anrdlire. muy11ot ce tire congtruction of a grarnotithie ho aware that tire hundreti tinre aitiewalk leading te -t-hre- ieuse et lias arrivedti (iilire tees tire trigidîty Refuge. Mr. 0rSiston wanted a, in tihe denreaner of a former cordial grant et -,$50 te ire given ýte tire town te aid Intirtie constrm*Stion et andi iarni tricîrd or acquai1ntance, the pavement, but tiré Councl turu- Tire aîi'ety-ulue gooti pointe are oh- cd dem the proposition. iteratet by the cire-occasion miren Mr. McMilan, seconcieti 1> Mr.ý Purvia, nibvedti iait ttsCeupcit sornetlrlng lu balut wiuiopposes or learned wIîti pleasure that there h# offend.1 a prospeci -et a mpre sa.tistsctery we wouiti earnenitly commendti te train service between thes-, ortihern eicoeing sentence oethtie extradt r rum muciopaUle$' Oet tiruiounty aud the lob: Ui tiorseiir suft -l- 1 i the ii.County Town, 9Ontithat the Oobe:"If tose rho ot er t oÏattaIn. (hie liproein»ent no-w, re.. (iris way -moulU oniy piriloasop4lçaIfy lig urlgeti ,bY' tirs Tewî*e wbb1 ref1ýct tiat tire relains lioir ýare through thre Board ot 'tZrade, tl strine todaymayto-orrvonCount.y heairtlly Joins In petltion.tug strainti today my tt-err-Grand T-runàk officiais i*e et@ soeaotirer tople, be cordial anti 'iCnrchauogea i uthetlins tabls xaw sympathetie, ail would'bu ireil." being arraugod. teotu 0 ,itQtiafect oun e i1t01, andti t ttile ndth ie -~Counte- C la!sauihorIiýd tô a.- - - mal Thre Oshawa. Vindcator4 -oetanet trat weeik contained bheu resnarks re- neC0 garding sirate trees li tire town.,, thre nort Tire Ms.yor'u suggewtion te thlbth out tire sira4Ie trees al*eug out atteete $ou inla ne nwitb tIhs pôur tira , _.in'- a , d baorias advocated for Y cl' Tuse cllruita dosa net peu for iaemi trees. We «tio'1gct ;4rslf ,noue k aunusine. Boumea. sd, eeas are rt kept daMp ati mouidy au the arM 00 à because -the suw e shut'ixion the l~ summer montira. Tbe teiv stte are rulusti fer theswant of, têloCi and sildaiamare *fflotb.u - they utre ever danp. 'rie8tt bore. andth iere wal4 P"a4 - look far peter 11*.0, t :, 0- Boa] mapiles strtgglihtgtëithý, 0»:, tWr lor theire t fà ~! o -tira Liacttulus cf -Os»aW% -W i re tyoo-qrerat 'wlU&-ý t 00~~1 ,nlu l thinetuk't n* Ma~i. m. h1 Why takeany risk i Ciek *b'hIntruciabto ýobtain ués. GAN tmtes f copt an~d tenders 1to0 beti owjte n $0 -02 upon 4coepttLnce by It'et tenders to hte 0 - 5tue0O O1 havethe Work comapleted by such- plg..*ê O8t 09 Yopnr 7conrùtt.ee f Ind that the town. Barley ................ 40 tu 0 40 of Whitby bas; not carried out their Bi........ .............Iî O00-tu i W0 agreement w.ith this oou n lpic. e- P.. ..06t 066 Ing the, broken' atone ,on the itreet, Rye ........ ......Y 701,tW-fO 72 ieadlng f, rom the,,louseof efgeBuck W_0.......O OO 0 sMet te, Brock atreet, but have placed Oats ..................-049 uteo ~ tbem on iother-,itreetit of the townf, SEEDS. 1 an rcmmndtatifte OW1Alfike, No. 1........... $~300to 88 O» por8iet lu vioiatint tsald agreement 4 d No........400t 5-0 the ltown wil haxe to pay for. ait...........4Oct -the atone in f uture. No. '....300 te 4 00ý" We -bave beep-i iuformed of the tact Red, No. 1i..............Q 000 tu : O U that one Donnelly, iOW v anlumate' Red, No. 2. .......... .4 50 te 5 501 o1 the ogenof Refuge, lx euffering Timothy Seed....... 90. tu, 1 OU, from an infedtious dliea5;e, andi in FLOUI ANi FEEDSý the opinfon of tihe physiclan of tihe FI~nprvt....$ 5t3O flouse or Refuge, -sbonld ho rernoveci, ou per cwt...... $2 O» 5te i3 2 andi ie reconfimend thait thre.Cierk C~îa......20o2Û ncýtffY the Couneil of the Town of- îrn, er t......... ...... ou0 to 20OU Whltby to havé hîr» rexuoveti by th& rn e o..... ... ùo eÉ.,o iStir of the present mnftIL Shorts, per ton ....... O20 OU te 25 OU Commttee on Roads and. Bridges- 11EAT, POULTRY AND PRODUCE. Your coflmittbe bav-e conaiIQreti Beef, by quarter pe et 0"5 te 7-ô the correqpontienee relating to their t lv e P&tt.à00o5-0 ttirec~ bridges on thre Connty Line of Ctilv egt u. ô0. eô5 I)urlanm andi Nortihumiberland aind 1 Pei,ç>r lbe..........O0 00 teo-010 Ontario, between th,ý townslilps or Latnbi.catch ............ 3 00> te3OU ý40 l>arhingtois aqdEast Whitby. and re-loge, 1lave wig....... a00 JOte 6 OU comrnieifl tit Mr-. Bvnry and Dr. Hioge, light. fat., .........0 LV> t-o 5, 76 Kaiser lie n ppoin v."J to net %vitiî the Hflo, beavY fat..........O*0 CO tc 75, eourî~o;a r ui.1 lbuhain and<jHOeM, dresiel per lOOlba O000 tc 8OC .\QrttÀuri;,1kriand u1s to repairing sucîr Chickee, perlb..... 10 teO' 12- ofI lhcRCIIbriikzeg ascan advstntag.Pu-oe, Per lb ........... -0 i teo --ni eou siy bc ïrrpaire'd, and rem-baiiing Geene.,dresseti Per lb.... 0OÃœ9-to O lu- sueh or tîrt!nu .,3noed re-biidlng- Trkey'a, dressed, per lb O 12 te -.0 1, Thre connrlte:! recornînendti (at tihe-Butter, rolli ...... ....... 0 16 teO Q18 (iovernment GS o-todt;'COminisiol- Lard*.....0................ 0 10 tg 0 12t er. A. W. Cawj'beii1, Esq.. bc asked Eggs, per dozen..........O0 12 te O01W te mako suggestions, plans andi spe.. Potatoes, lier bag .........O0 00 teo 0W elilcationw in oiise uew bridges bave Apples, per harrel ........i1 OUC te l 25 to bo bulit, ntut hlit thre certifi- Ornons, per bus........ 0 <0O te 2-00 ente of tho conrnissioners thelw ly e on-. 0t '1 oft sncb repaire or rebuliding be iaCOSt Ilay. per lto.....*.*.*....8OUte9O' U0 by the Connty Treasurer. ei Srwprla. ...2Ote3O Your committer beg te >report tirat RIDES. they have- conaliereti the report of IHides, percwt .......... $0OUw te $8 O the representatives of thre Brookd<11- Sepkn...... 0 o le 1 vioion as 'to the condition of the Deacçna ................. o 25 tg o 60 bridges over the Boaver River be- T'aliew, rendered, per lb O 041 o 041 tw-een Brook andi Thorah, andi re- iWooI, unwwaahed..........O0114 teoA 20 conimendti tat tirey and the chair- Lamb Skins................ O.OU te 090? man or this committee be instructec pelts.............. 42 pO8 te examine the salit bridge and-ar- range for the necessary repaire of the sanie, anti that thre c<i o f such itns~ L~uso oU repaire by the treasurer on tre cer- Sun £f L 1' f&. tificate of the <raid commissioners. O N 0F NTR ,105 We have considered thre report et CUT FONAI* 95 the representatives of the On tario WniTIX D. 0. MoonfWhitby division as- te the condition ef the Olerk, Jan. De lob. 2t marii 2t A ril e Rosa bridge between Easit Whltby May 8, June 6, Muy 8, 8ept., ,C t.4 andi Oshawa; jwhich was reported te No. 7t1Peu. 6,-Jan. l- 1900, them au being out et repair, and OsA« .c.Mcde4 ýti founti that necessury repaire have 0ek ab1O e.:,Mýà3 %1 been madie by the Commistiloners ant Jn 0,lb ,Mac ,Ari a cost ef '845.00, which ive reconi- May 4, June 7t July 6,, sept. TeC>ot., menti payment of by County Treas-. Nor. 8& Dec. .7, Jan. 10, 1905.- urer on thre adoption of thîs report. BIoLa M. Qjeèson, 0tcenWo4 ciProm snch report we f ad, that threMoirke j&n.1 11, Mm-t O May 8t jb1y 1os hannel of the creak shoultibe Sept* 1le Nov. 9, jan « ,iO etraàgbtened, as It bus chaniged poM t.. tien aincethe bulding oe t rie brIie. QITPfT J. .IUlhiiP We recommen th iaït the work shoutd Pemr, a1rk uu. 13, Marol 8, Mayi 9 ire dons under thre direction et, Mr. JIy14 ,8.8, Nov., 10) ja»., 13, 195.' Henry' il it eu be dons at a rea- ~ J.l t oU tonable 'coat. arid isthi. at tire bigCeljaPhIL 2, ardi. 7, Mq bridge, nt thesbase linse- îr&lnte.i uy4 . Veut commaittes bave co sdrsd rp J 14ispt 1&5,NOV. 24 lJa. 1%~ îtbe report of J, IIclougui, C. E.,105 lEngineer f1otk.oIkCountp3r sad ot OÂmÇuëroloIo--o eore 4eth Ouamtu

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