4. #Itlbe~~we Letters f rom Our Caorresp ondents ' 'r* ' t t ii~ ______________________________________________ ttu e very. tlîrwme o oOd tuiudge the twýelve' trlbes of IUratel. Sucli BROOLIN.that lu prosperou san -bent. and Io the relation o! the c~Jnett The sprvices in the Balptist clîurcb f64et assured thiat the peoplo of Tweed tise Cflld- o! Uod and teO"even, arc ei e very Sunday aftrnoon at whil appreciate iheir tsuperlo>' intel- To stîîî ald es l u'tiioriglit, o 1-.20. Next Sunday the Ipastoln'e ligence and -earnest devotion ta the final judgietltUSCîadr subject will be -Recognition j luiulch ,wort.-Vindicator. 6,0tier heaven." Straîîgers à iîways vl Mayor Fovke liîas prociairned a 1. The Characbter Ã"! tho Juilge. corne. i'civie hlaf holittiy fur Thiurstday, We look upon the judiriary af!on Mfr. nnd Ml . (reenwootl. of the June I5th, 1h order that there' rnay integrity. .NV cast tte-glance 0f 0. L. C., Wlitby, %Vcr(l li towri îast be a uni on decoration udt te cerise- scorfi upon &Iy perc~on or eve» par- Tiiîes1y %îlitifig f rieîîds. tery. Ail the f riternai societîes In ilament mjîo unreî.suably seek tu Mr ie . KteJcîtlia ba] atnptown ivili 'jolis In IL iuted effort to brswiîreh the g-arment f-li il to iîitdepiîit luviîg îadchage IrOrlte rn graiies-of deceased office. The ime eracter of the judge or a r-an loalt] or ivi'( stock sliipîed iieibibc,'réi, aftfdhie oee:Lsion will be vlevates or degrades ilt character by IMr. Wrn. I)ry4lii. one of çonsiderahle generai effort. of the judgînent, -an' dnw.tcrÂaiiy ai- %Vi' :iri' soi ry tiitîru thrn allt si « There rll be a procchsioi of the mets forts thie îaws ofOunr land. -te re Co w'lIN lof ail Iiodges. and IL uuiion service ut ý veal to you the character lof the. Tii ow rtilîl rualttilt'r'as ut ht. erntery. lie conception is a j.iuige inthie spirittual k.lndgont in to coiîiiiiissi t lis w."k oi t ili,! ery t iotglîtfiii anud pi(iiilar u0.111ocyei ý.aryfr1 o elyo gr:i el roat] sou taiiitte % ilagve, nd antli those beloî,gitig 'o frrîîUrnities i tlîftt um Faitt jjýdi iiitallitt-~ . sj u-_- are mInitedt]o join lu theut i-oratmn i .le Io the Son of (Jod. God bathl Jau'toî'y %ork. jiist the Saine. ruiuitted ail judgtn-e-uL 'unto the t Thé-clivise art0y %vis sonalla lhnitgiven I'11111- ail l)oWer iti Tii .'sti:y iiifbtiiiiîag titirdai' M -.\r-iia e an rtb -W ý coOLCess wii-fle jucige th£ 'wri Si rliilitri.ow il Autt vie peoleiiithvorid, tila i.S'tai 0i>iîOli .atC Ileaven a ît i ejh ihejly" Bc-1 ortti.- lioli.thie Son i of Mau nConling ini Ni r N uila Luk' t~ ialii iig his'File foliol'ivui, is _No..1 f a series of son- îoe nigoyh ug i. reta ttir'j~ait ~ ~ ii ' E.,t:t i ii huit i flSolthe uarthiî Beuioki d ilgila10h-tilials tcatja y i. H coiuie,wn'o w-as oiiue ILbabe i tht ~ (%% il1 lii (tu. Babit i, . . -- a (ilit jjitit ùîî' hei, cradied ils a Manger, R \it- liailîilia(Ii llug ii-whiitflt0lIte iiab souglitby the I roi i i tatsi rîa. i i iill (Allers i l oc . Tho"r li tti t lic jutlg-, rau ilt Ile ofi Beliîld, lie cOrnes itiif 'a al, îîî0a - 11i1i11Lt1() feiet. '.lic05se lite wnVfs d s j£ anid rejeetcd M\r, l'la r ii ;;i a tt'Bah \t 2 (or. '>.Ila). -'l "-.1 i' uust 1Ir ts1. %who %vas cruell iid IlIrugal-: Ilit .'tk i- a'ia ui .i iiiHhîa'1 ' i.4.1riatginîit sat tt 1 y'judgî'd by JIloînaistribunais, anid ll-ait i lîau.îa Il Lt t' ýda.ji1-t- î tt 't î:tii ~y o41i' nay rîo-! rtîcili-d as a weak-wiïded Jecw 1 Be-:, iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t f'l: rt iitI~ii~t i l.it' lit ili I'i 'tlie tilia ilgs il,1:1'1, Ai ii.'. body:. holil, lie who bung upon tccroy,; [li f tat v -k 'i-Iîal . NNif art'î'sli rut a eorîljti g )ti t :tIf', tat .us"11 0 lw'sits upon th 1e Throue à ndît]siip Nil'. 1\ih- iit 1i 1i a ta. é, au'îta tvi a t hta i' 'il tr 0Y "i act i h- coulne 'tu jUdge the lis,it 1)11ii a' s:îtai,,a'toitr Tfit i' fîl>.rîîîl. - ai .l îje i îîucu %% i>i'd andi a% etige Hlu own l cet i T!, 1,a t "l I't-li ii4t ria. o ta i tlii' Stlwita i iiitis ' td i iii ala tiin r i ii i îe will tisver 'hec hraye or u i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %Itt sttil{iIItt at ui i Wmthtiiirfê ib 1ttilLty eMst]'al iî,niton, on bichai t otuie nmartyrs of' ~* t 'i f t - i la~aîî~ ~ t ~.t- t-aitnîî' ry . W'. di tiot t i rit i(.t' ,-;%It zerlatid, wbeiî lie prayeci Parts tit in îTîîaî 4a.îl a uu\t to-liglIt diziiittg ivittii it illt5Con- ' v vilge c od Ti luhee w k ovr..i tua îîîr, foi to, oft lt0Lodît tagherd Mis Li iI lii't' , uf tt Lt t~ - N ili' ernti'i 'rs ii.s Wlio ~ho sainth, wlîohc bouesi j-*-ýjqsfer:-t. ý lillir. %%iil co tr ivry v tpi t 14, Lie sce ttcrvo i nt t e Alpitne inounît- t. ' U i la t tl aii'. itt.'l't'tit e.s'..t11'i , or-si ast la'j his ced(.' M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~0,-1 r.i atl'itt-iala liu riii'Js" otisitsis( -iai't. L'Ie. liii.. jitt.t ut)r i *liaî' r, just meniton ILa Nv w .11i t"] Jle %%,'lo stanids out. u-dity as tit'; MIr. 1).. I t a a ridti gîtetr, of idi it iS tu. 10 titi, grefit L i ijtr. hlir.' a'tou r of mets . huai lii ls ti t ay lIraii iai, a r.' a afir atLt i tsi t wiL t la t- IL i î'w, Lc»iîON % tl i.' >!;r. j iri-t i'y, t:> y dowinî ttue iedatoriai work to ~î î. i rai M n.u~. r. ~ ~iiîî iii iibas nîany lowiîwr., that att : tcîî 1 1lmn s. deo îî 1ta ikar j t aLtt'i. ),,t ttî otr taitii;not oriiy ti., ùt.idy sici'îî-, bit i -.le Ir, an Omiîscnit Jut]ge, :Illi t tii~~ r b . t é nt t0% l lPIleit's :rit . il-o, ia t twliii w ale i~- oitaccotîn t of lts Oal s'eia He lî:î t L i'i liaI i>iii t y i jt'> l igi-itîtis soiai:ity renîait' i iiC iSt ct~ is t1t' tiidtilolî of ail mtoral creattires 'i 1 pèt. titt ig'Lî litla y irî' îii aio lpatît un tiitIiv great jutig- IîîIly kîioivn. A fiearthlyjti" L r uli. îîîî'î t ay, Iw fi-îthe>- arise trolls i 'u.î-ca refui lie amy ie, wit h Nil- r.ii iNil, .1'11(lîi Lttii soit, 50 t'i r(- jidgi'd ti a u t . îta- r nîl viatecver zeai lie nia>' scarcl i ui uull s~~~~~~~~~~~ 111 a1 aiai trj t riatgl Wo .trt .iiiî r eu i. A li(t iitr ihool of si-bt evidence, hlac i sable to u rnulint t r i aî tli! i ilio ll.Illt trl tilis nîgltttw'iciî l'rot. Clark ai (oi-1ilimitilkes, ho cunaicîun theln linocuei(t1 k-*.. rlaiy i\jitttib i. l'a 5y gZi ti'tii tr .iset'ius ta> hi-IL sup- .stîd ci'-ar tUe guîlty. Tiiere î:anlbe' jirt ,Isi. la t mi%('te io liig 11,no îur uh jos.îibiity ut tihe bar c r..1ia.i" tim M ý dlIi) h. -0S- tie(' ' ' ' of J utigineîi t." 'rtTbey cirist. tuilti iity now p ts g rassI tig i t( .iac~atoily, tli nitigt ilui tit-iscoinit fClristtho be anillatt in uinia' Hi' p onu t la'Lat îî'k î' t Y lii ft -r Ilu'tl, i fi islt)Itit. sçri tii lt I 1 sii'tu si huoceus. 0f godiinesFi, tuay ecten put a siieciai lui Ii Li y i a L i ' rN ,'ik vtt>ii i tit'lut a(imSthif et , L ait] t hitt t h tle lurrnfuti on lanctiA1, Yet tUîeir tiIjar ~ (lt!ai lirideaililis thet'seond uil ci- char.îcters i ili ajpear vastly difler-, 'i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b AI ra irat fa ien.'îS t tgb 'i-î . Adeaithi ehi !S eut 1i1iit% ligit 01 theît. ireat J utg- îl. sît ~u , v lttav.I n îî'îijtigeî'to enter litum %ll o- Hli Andun t. No (aise esti-nates ha Iri MIr .1 tlitiiti tisgi iii" oil I itît- t liat i t wouiliibû liinly mioî'dlesli to ttiere be umade, 1no aptilogies aceeited. ili mî iiyur iri'i-ss*tllg titt .5- ('111Meni back tor ;a destil>' they Truc and riglsteouti are t-se judg-, j1fuattýl l ti 3 r ,fa'ilitt cti- liai] entered aties. go liiiorder ho imenlte aor theAluîiigbty. Noonit.1uný 17.11is 9#itritat Il g1î l livil iî. Lta- iiljiidgî. thlent 0 Lu t. hy i b rlng t tîat day calnstilde behind te figî SISt a lt" tlii lii iOitarilitiaki ig theiii lfort h andiiti îsigil t hesIt'i o aia's-o eIng1euses o t a lat itaai tata strît siti cii. ili'stlfyly ili41%'liicltt>' have iai- ove? up an liuintmaI unfruitfu liube. 'ady cntoeîd *1 "iîs Is tise qîes- -\o bribe of murre prufiésiou alsalia- CLAREMONT. tîrin askibi] b>' NJiioîters hof tiis1er the judgumenh, for 'He knowcetli' v-iew %%c f(d inan>' Bible êue i the. secrets of our hatat i Nu. îiîit)Nt i'îaî ar illotituiciii',v vui ia-i iiio thier s-dglpt ienvel.he iidden sins of tour natures. zSj "li liva ttiuftiir. 1 t~~~~ ~ ultontf~ utgî'î h iae.nOt decclved. God if, not mocked for i 'Nil'. J1 atîti Attis la £imiîig to ttiti' Tue>' argue tiat.-tiiere air-i Iai»' whahisoeî'er a mia-n sw that hurt i i i it wii oiite ilsIL, e ti uiginents. .Thre sthe jîîdginerît lshaillie alto reap." Jdg.Sic lioisi uît luv.Imue Lel>t'I ~ nations, of Uic dead at taethe 3.l ie omâa igen ti 'kno . S tCC tî ttI~ u iiiit St 'mol a.uîitisit t'd hil lîoîe ui]udgueUt 01 secret of every heurt, fit> oCalitotbwtl th aniien. Tliey bohtlet abshnt 1u jdge righteuublY. îlec zeeds 'no ttîtî jcî iiitb" a t,tMyulelrt'srit heîeî,[' nnetasn rons Jury tu lend aid tuo kis delgiops so I ~~n1' iueîîh sat Sit.ti-br ote body.-a.re preScrit with the Lord %wltnegenm Uonj"uas p evidence. BeI ill ia.tti ogfi'ulti a-et wt i uuo laoar l Inii> Preilenle of the. Evil one; fore the judgmeît seat of (Christt ,Ni-. goP%-T>i c litsiothvtt t huit atthe lott reamt Day couls O oCOunclhor ecu istind tu dispute Mu- i.ewTolaii ai t' tti oL.'hatite inai jîidgicuÃt, l'hen ail #shait Hitq sntence, n pelt rile wi-'k ittii I)at. -a li ttu- 1ir t tand b ebore lte J isage Lo give ail court or jurisdlction. Tite unilvertse Nin. I'îo. Iaatît~.îii ti<is1stol mîtccOulat o! thte cl dunc IAn tlie il l-I avo entire confidence 11, t lie tliat eIte likes tit> wes4t. ii t at beluvezlà Dot la Judged *- eau ompIS the cOOOXt bc Uicsltuaîi Mn. a nt i rs. Tuaven ahtended tise a ?s.tv.'V 8 ; 1& "ô It Ienuto ikliodomi. Wntobt ai,, *Pffr- ftnt î tior Mm'um. Tu'msheit' isothiciat lie thlio-iy posofle judgmnent it î nonarcha and4 -ri unoss. ict aud joor, J'oi rciard on Sunduay. lune 10. i dttità >ladîvîding ias suAnt*.aud aa-ibond and fre aâil aï.ie m*hallt come m. Thiinam Urallauiî litoodb tu sait-ienrs. whhiteInlurealttyl t Ib judgmnent fso'tbla. Tii king un.bSetred andiun- for thjt' 014 cosunruy oni Saturdny. I/aie]Upois tise .erth.1n tpiilt. crcmwned; t-te 'e<g.r wîUou'#. 1>1. Wilhiiot S1torey, wlW clh.nbing à a j iwblieveras paed la#ay, are with t#t$irs; the scotua* wt*iu 111 t mep, uad idlis tam-i'bi-ken ln two t> ' t - cvw butt o i .th Chist ulaum 's and Ibe *lote 'wltut iuis jilces ti joIly or porunally te only t;) 1* 4?i*L Z-bfly dlatl9tos> will ot WHITEVAL~~. attaiaied y lioy tie &rcetion ai thse sà ulald yun w~,ti~ >l. wen outnîomng fr OVrii. ThI0e &aI,ta tb ,bo eau 20". dtan U ti sotterla These 5t h ' axinuat osuociatioi> of of b«h îeais 4&1îIlt eîa<i%t het wi al bi W al ýpsrlldvl4., w'bitby -mand Undaay ilaptisi îerfiettlo O!gkry iitultheyý la. »y t i b OQt o4 m ciu relies lattti hobekl boieon Tue*- uweIthoir liiitual bol.. a4 lro.iefaft 0& _" la aal-Wpsl>de ada>', Wednesday andi Tbursday of clso ttiair »slcI-hýuaI iSew'aw4s ln tM ÃhU I -ta» tou uao letwek. Tite, memiberm anid fritodmu 0atacah uti nl pJua.stti 1mtbqoe Um bat, g -ot"dr l or tllp Bptiot 6ohurch bore sare mat-'satds tisen- Isave hbes'sanad tUe - I...*Jr'o luigý evt.?y preî,urattoitfor thse friends1 Ungutiy. bell, ln order, to j 'us.l,4j e *t'Oa1bve muid delegates wbo 111117 coUHL hlisfinal 'nient? % l t wÃ"u»>I4' laýr" 00rts Among teewjieak r*' are Utey. 0(). Lbe ltpo#tbe f or -tts Wolsli, of1tsa ov. mcEweu, of htia"enfor Iseavoo eWaawism e.e0 Mcmu -ok Utuxbrige; lH. Wm1inghlinî 01!Wii- tise &Ouias Weil Va pmn-tt*tO. 1ý fL"t$*-st 14m4 l by; 'Item. Wý . 1t ober'ts. of O<»bal a lubluoi, ancdýti, lu Ii er lub w Ue. , gLrown, mnd lIer.t , 1c ivsre. $o~bof Toronsto. Dr.- 8owerby nio pasago wastb teâ$1A$ w 4m* wl etise min addrese nt theuiever ieave Il 1*1. l'eoôft. lM evenniXg sesaloun. Ts puranim l le irllî O!ftellm. (W. a gooa1 ons, and s uld tead ta a sîtît Christ at "rl» Iw z mOtscisslaumlaoIn. ' Word' - sivum - W-.* O.hei 'Th --i od MY 0 Ob Thse tow 0 Iilnduy oua Jui Fred Fitwe. an Ballet 'a *148, il or 1lm ~eeu un IV"S ontting ila -a milluter of tht oyo. Ho e lIn. ronto-1 iiav. It -Brns. 1 HALF WATroH is the time Ieeping quaHies, the other haif tise durabiity anal &p- pearà nce cf ut. NVhen we sel] yon a -watch we combine th7e two, niakixig a perfect %vhole. We have tiien at ail priceq f rom 81.'00 up, but wotuid 'like St o recommendal - goot] one. Wefan gi'e you whîat yen want iîowevser, andl fit good vaine if not better thau e lsewhcre. Norman Bassett, Jeweiler and Optician. Brock St., South, Whiîby. that they nver lîad anY work to fitnlidi; t1iO>çe wlio fok] tteir arms lioping to beo Carrled to itho ekisonuflOWery beds of eza e" % These are the people! whoio wUl h grt-ftly- surprised w-lien tUie Lord cornes and reveaW- to tlîeîn no bank aceounit, no *'3ér lu ilîcir crown and answers ilmat they -are s*Lved, -but as bylre. 'Tts flot the wide ph,> lactery Nor i4tubborn (net, nojr stated lpray- ers' t Tliat niake rnen salnLt..We judge the Irce By what If. bears." Ilereinber, too, unsaved one to- niglît, thmt yoUueut glVeý an ne- cotint of the deeds yon perfiprîn. Reisý îneînber wlien yoiî thu&k yodl znck Uiod, you -mock yoursei(, fur f#e eau- 1flot be îuoeked by your pùhi i1f e, therefore be pot decelved, for -wiiat- soever a man> ýowiet1i tluît simah - eI also reap.' lu that Great bzy your, fetteble excuset§ will fade away, and& ,you wJl stand lu awlut shienco be- lore tne Ibroue et Ood. guilty of eternai deatrn' 3. It Is a seif-reveihng Judgme-xxt. In Jesus Christ "thel aw îappears dmawn ont ln living cha&racter. and by this 1mw >diai urdeedii 1* jucg- etd. it wîhIIbu an.Judgidenf: of self- revota tlon and betf-condentuattlon.oDlii OOCoibuteOWlettbs*' aOCUaIlg Mo oxt8 1Ing u«. -Christ *1111 flot ouly Ipresido at the judgnient but Re wili'b. the iîtanuard i>y wihch c.racter li> s-s t1mated and destluiy determGiet. W. rend about UthelBook# a ig Opened wflereifl are *wrît&cu uur decdotand iactions. Those books are; -Ged*@ rcrncuibrlhie and our owu .Ilves. our dee<is are rewaw~bred by- Gog ani lîid 'foi' uo to Cive ail occount. oif. Your ovrk chl.racte,&, book, on record pré-.iag *41 thé e dtd ai- fectlug your murai and, spiritùa 11li e*, 1ani at .judsment snob 1 n.'s character Wlll be manitested .40tu lgbt of Chjiat fallsu pon"It. aNo actlod whetbier tour or fair . ru er rdoue but it IeAVs saomewbevéê A record wrltten by fInger*.%lsl ,As a bies#rtfg or' a «uM.11 INot a. dêed oomMitteu4"sh-- evext fade away. Dot a oul> ot water Sgimen in~ christ"anCIi'tIy.*#hall Itsl thelmuBIvOSupous titi. Isooli ,otm. 0,s~ t'enimbW'4flC andi upou tise moral fibres orofuar 'uýwn i vés.Let us tbe-e- fore liq7 UP troutreb u lmNtmiilr wlse'O lse atal ford us aternat i loy *04Iulit ut>~(~ TRAW IA Now a'. N-eoety: We have a full new stock of ail kinds of Straw Hats. Men-s Fancy Boaters, special at 25 cents- Boy's Fancy Boaters,' special at :25 cents. Our- selection of Childrens' Sailors, very attractive at 20c. 25c. and 40c., 'N p W. A. Holllclay & Co. 'BE ROOKLIN AOND AS HBURN, s At the Cash -Hardware Store .GapdenToolIs We have a complete lihe of iGardeù Tools, Hoes, Rakes, Spades,- Shovels, Forks, in fact evervthino used ini the garden. - 1lýEST -QUALITI NO SECONDS. And we guarantee our PRIOES RIGHT. W.M. Pri',ng le Corpner Hardware-Store- WHITBYj for iong-dlttnce services bc ulti.. mateiy. owxsed anal opemated b>' the gos-erament of Canaqa, andi unti tiste la aocomplished aWe would -urge upnthse overnmnent the ueceaulty O! prrnttlaijs ndependent llnea to ha-.totait adfgrecs acce#s to local rallway statione, 4,19so that It wossld -b. a <reat publlc boon If tbe radius of eosnsnunlcation, -at the, oradivair> anut icharges, iri'.' eteud»d :'to tii. dlotrtet o! f rosi ffV9.to molen I milep arcmnd an>' town tir vllage la whlihas>'censtral offil luor, =&y **%Wlth regard to Information about local or I ndepessdent he lllthue eoucty ire lwoukt recumunendti tt [ths, coanty' clark address a letter to -Isle foilowins -gentemen. atkssg Uit awns#rs b: glyentothes fol-. cations thper hclve l liedlately forardd by slnito thsetss>tastow. ' geruai 01 Canada. A . -Ilonvers, Gireen River;.. Dr. *3wodle, Clare0int ; Dr. ,"'Lwoo. C>e-ro4 1' For Re. Nlbe-roorwca brIck cottage, Centre FIre Acres, lodlng bobahrd., NIce & Mcllfvray Whtby, or Ytoa Trust tomeanv, 1Liitod, To£ru)nto. Whilbyito Toronto. Servicel effect T"y May 2Srd, 1005; atler whleh date evéry- AIl eda F -I