Whitby Keystone, 15 Jun 1905, p. 3

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NED. Before of Otherç breakwatel tboard 1e- ý, inc*uding bc nuniber krred while iothier sub- tthe shore and divers rine boat wia - ho A-5 was t tîxat- it 'as Oiook the suli- d, froin st (-"m s and twe4ve t-ie disàster.ý as evOfi more rgcd nean tCie mtî, wen she r of the Don- boar f hcr, ere rlro.wned. boit ivas net -the 4ier had ,ng f leet tuat 1 ad aft-er a ýbn.arine boat resunued that l-e slbiua$rirue [e gasôline iu hen helpiess. - iwn and were gasoline. üQseon that ila to a point of ýkes an accu- without an>' pe the rE-solu- russed in this lr out o! or- .rong things, I speci!ic ï*.%ve hm an shlow sa dis- ilot -preeart.d 1know to ho allow flîrth- toof Gardon mv sehemo in ied by the W1;1 ïVexts ehu 14 opened Ifind it uthxe brary 'iccoin- for enjoyig âne. lid is covered w,*ill 3e ept, Il exposue to ,1-but the lit oiîcu w'iI b. e l)lOftifu lly ply cf.gootl to rond en M<k or -piper, id ther 'neae, lic roof Jviii 'Iîd the light tiuiioddhîg xin ke a restful othe- rkCty tir.a 4- - xuding.ë lie. pndn Itceon a .n y detecltîves 'w!re iii at,- na~ Alfonmo lUO)tOora polo mxîtci Y, of stâte Ir Of Kilnt dtîxe- Arch- i uun-berýf' fi thbo-' Cal>. )lenl.J3an wI. inili riie 11l gxvexx 1 q j' 1> - i car te. ONLY OINF BEST THA. ÉLUE3 RIBBON'S IT. LOVE AND ÀTITI]3 "IYes, I think go," liesasys. "Wlhyiynlutus one village, untainted aid un- ehouJld I stay?" utained by oneO wurldly tbought, until R. pute t.he question te birnelf, ex- thoro cornes a Iight-hearted fool-a Man peeting ne answer, but she answers: of the world, steeped to the. neck in self- * "éWhy! I do flot knov. Yeu are tired ishness of bis clasa, and, truc te bis of Newt.on Regis-you bave beeu ber. creed, lie pour. into lier tar a false and opunreai account of the deiigtso! the She hesitates. world beyond hier. . e caste over lier "Four nionths, about," lie says. a Iying glarnour wic4fille f11lier mind "Four months-is it so, long!"I she witlu unrest and Ionffng, and, esugbt 1by tiîys, wlth innocent Wonder; 'I did fnot the trap which h. Tas set, ho, for the. think it waa se long." moment forgets hie seifishues nd bis 111t las not seerneu long to me," lie creed, and offers her the iiollow,-worth- àaaysand le bites -hm muetache. less fancy uvhichh.liealle his love.'" By this time téhe volatile Hal lias daâh- The stern, savage tones siîk into Jean- ed on in front, and is trotting f uly aI ne', heurt, and set ber trembling. minen- couple o! hundred'yards s.head. 'sibly she elirinke away from M for a «,And yet it must have been se duil to moment, and as insensibîy draws near you who have seen aunddoue s0 much. agaln Well, it bas been a re3t for you, lias it "Whilé this le going on, tiiere le one not?" Who stands by and wvatches, unnoticed "A reet 1"l he edhoes, and there la a anid silent. This second min, knows more~ touch of self-mockery in the word-q. "Yes of the world than the other oue wbo -tht le whmt I came for, but, like most pCaes se glibly o! it. This second ian people, I bave net found exactly what I bas corne te tii. village for reet fromn. ought." that saime world sud its treaehery; ha. Jeanne glances at him *w!th a strained, corne te 13e rid of hie fellow-men aud puzzled look on ber aweet face. himacîf. He secs the. girl of my picture, "Have yoiu beeu-unhappy here?" eshe sud for ail bis bitternesesud ies misan- sks. in a low voice. thnopy, notwitbstandiug al hie vowe, h. "Uuhappy-and hippy," b. aye; "but loves ber. But h. bas no-wild joys te neve go nhap esI a to-uigixt offer hn. ase ba. the otiier man;- ho bas Jneeu spp'a but povjerty snd>bis love te ofifer ber.1 Hie speake lber name-t.he musical NXor- Now thon, whicli irul she choose ?te mnynaine-unconsciously, and his There is a moment'. pause; with pale vocegand moey *le startled face, Joanne walks on, ber oye. A faint flush lights Jeanne's pale face fixed on tii. bandsome, pasasionate face for a moment. The naine las struck 'ber o! the speaker.k witlu a strange, sad pleaaure t.iat she "The one, fongtting for a moment bis does not understand, but le still a plea- selfisbnees aud self-intenoat, will corne, sure.sud with hi. naine, bis noble birth, .hie "I amn sorry," she says, eirnply. "I did Place in the world, in baud; the other not know-"will lajY at hier foot hie past--dark, sin- "You t.houghit al 'the world was as in- staxned and reunorseful-his poverty axxd nocent aud happy as yotirsolf," he e smv bis loveO-which nil she ehoose ?» with a frorx. "It je notsa. That world Jenne's bead droops for s moment, w.hich you are sa anxious ta enter.is not theu she raises ber face; 1* le uvhite and the haippy, joyoue place vou defflV Wit.I startled. just as tixat statue o! Galatea'e nho uowit ell.tel yox 80 I-ut iglit have been, and was-when thie .-" lhé breaks off as lielia ppens to sculpter ¶caled it-into life by the shbeer glance . t her face and( catches the <ue- Migh t o! lus passionate love. tioniïxg trouble upouî it; 4'l arn a ravn, The veil le dropping frbin ber eyes- and you niuset otle trightened at ny 1 hae net quit. gene yet; childbood and ereoaking--and isten-there u s smething girlhod are loosening their. gra.pbuit1 better to listes te,' 'and bc holds up hi:% .4111 lîoidbler. Love-love i what is it? band. iWlat doei it meam? Love--s*he bas H s heniltingle, which,. startled rend Ofit, sung Of it, a little, theuiglît of1 into seng b y lal's whîstle, sondsas flood tdtiido it nover. And yet, se of mnelody thirough the night. -bis deep, musical toues bave touuded lu SThîe ninsic se! tons the mnan; it sots the ber cmvii, what uns 1* that 'made ber girl'a delicate lipe, quiveing, anxd filis, ler hE'irt echo te tii rit why le it tat lier eyes uYiti newfouud teins.- eyes feel drawn to hls-:Why 1&As ah. "Ye.s, I muet go," liee sys, presently ak xnsl-eun-h .Joanne,, te- ",As yen say, I have 4usd y-rest,.sud caIle the toueh o! hie hand, tii. sound o!' must b. on miy piignlmage again, And bis voice, as ho kxielt by ber side lun tue d ye; Hevenknow 1 u sory.Nancy Bell, and uew, as then, sic feels ~et-axu ye Ilave kuxwe ax 'ory er soui' slipping frein ber. 71é "A.ou eo-sorryt" gamys Jeanne, "iJoanne,» lie murjm,, »W as 'hoedid serrowfuflly ncredulou. 'V"Wll, Hal will thon; 8.iiSe awOT me, fo1Ilove hý o aory." you.'# "A., all" ho ays 1*leaad at last ! themai cs "Do mot laugh at 1hlm," ah. igays, shu-. were spokexi which breaks the, long %mill i'kv. "11lai is on!>' a boy, but heh. asa o unSfe e syPslnae od w&rrubeart, aud you have tauglit him tog nJ dou e b er y, a IxolY be h. grow fend of YOU." am tbut e, ilveyn e«I did net laugh," lie says w. gravely. "I he hope Hu. wîlll net forget me-I shahl net *s inkbfobs - auds ci toSir,. forget-hîni." orsber face vitix bher.hula. * a ii "y«,» aya Jlime. "1 euieib# 1* but I1s14erod 1t' Y,' liemlyk-y. 'II eould itot teli youe mmmtuse- ff< oanelokaup. -lbey e are w Dow Woee&n xOp« a ladl, andtbr 4 .ough liglit for brt tee..tiat t*:* *.vu alove heu are Ioodcntlows< bëmrs it/i1 ppt" il Jeanne kwsy 1.florcely jlaasoamabiarý,ý ut Jtane, mxiny troutgo«, 'IIthlink 1kow v mmete hemrlW' - - WT&H to*aiemt *yealllwiti tars"Ilektthat I m- 1 Scome to you-that-that I ccxuld not move swayl1 Waa that love!"0 And wbat does b. sà-V 1Wbat ceau-lx. sa>'?, Net -on. Word, for thie fuinesi o! tueé joy- wwch strikes sud ikteep i hl suentButbeudnMshe hed, ho takes bher face lu bis Ixanda, lovelier now taii wae five miutes pat, ad kïses her twi<ie, tbric. ou the lps. And Jeanne? JOIIi unsbrinkunigly places lier souil -ib bauds, sudivea hm, wlth pliTOSt, -set est truist, kMss for hies. Aid thus tbey narrowly eBcape being tigdowi the. ane soting: Jeanne-Jeanne! i1Mr, Vase! Are von loat, 1k. thi. habes in the Wood?" -CHIAPTER Y, Jeanne isùtt from lier lover's aide like a Ingbtened favu at Hall&5 voi, with1 1 ber a d upon the .arm w ich lid een around ber valet a minute ago; but tihe Pressure cf that baud! bow differeftit 1 vas te tth. ligit featliertouch wlicii it bad been wnen tbey started, and h<>w cose it mw preed to hshart. Surel>' Jeanne bad, neyerlived *111 Uow'i --haS awaeiied it lest-bas awakened lnto a glorlons world o! love sud joyl1 1Hal tramxps b> their aide> whistling, qluitle uncouicieus o! the momentons ebange Whici bas taken place lu the lives o! MIS cmpaniens, sud so, *the> reach the. Gt Heuse. - «Alsafe!» 'sava Hal, loeking up at- thé old red bulding. "*Nover coux'e home but I «epet te see it reduced te, ruina b> smeOne .of uucle's experimett. Yeu'Il corne in and trv a ljttle of uncle's black bottle o! oid whîskey, Mn. Vane?" «Shall Ir vhispers Vernon. "ShalI I come lu aud tell them.t Joanne hesitates a moment; thon see boucs uP, ber -eyea beang with love, and witii a .oft littie flushion lier face. "iNo,"l she saye softly; "1not te-niglit. I 'want te have 1 ite tomyWil-t0 my ver>' soif for oee rgîti!" u 'lun on and get t.he door open, la, iSYS Vernon; thon,- as the bey disap- peare, he takea lier in hie arme. "Gooduiglut, my dxrlinz, my ovu, good ,Pight. NI iiyou--caun giem eu Lzs?" aud s e'obonds, Joanne, inno- cent Jeanne, pute liern rma. arouud hie neck amidnaws hie face down te bers and ks him, thon slic break-s fromt hum sud fles arose the courtyard. Hie socs lier turu on the tbresheld nxd wave one white band, and thon the doorj closes, and the nigtot seenus te have sud-. deuil>'grwn dsrk. He turus îr.d stnidesI away, but n6t homo; ne four willa wîi contain hie heappinesas yot, and ho gees dowi te the cliffsanmd stands gazing eut te soi, itli Janiie sweet, innoecent face dancing on the uvaves, Jennc's voie. in the breeze. and such îuept'kable je>' in bis' seul un ho h.d thought the. vend could nover give hlm.* "Oh ln>'darxing!" lie- murmura, and have I -found vol, at Ixut %vhen 1I md giron up in dospair; bave 1 found the eue thîng ali.D)y life lias licou sot upon, a true, pure, tniustîng love-for love's- sake and ine algne ?- Oh, Jeanne,. my cblld-wuoman, ny own SAnd as l.e poke, Vernon 1Vane., the. grixu., cynical reclue, oiîdt.cae the. bard, sterxx fleaturw ïeoftened 'î grew yeUug9, teleoWldeyeà - geamed brigitly, 1 0 . rare- amn-le lit up tiie, haid- seulue l aeOmand reinainodt4ion.. If love a a keed Joanne and ealed lber into lite, 1itdgiven new lite-te Verixn V ane. AMIdJeaxue--velli ;Jeanne vas'fad --«utsU>'afrîid te face the, homely sc*rutin>' e! Atxut Jane; sle-ebotthat lber st-Ory Wis written 'on ber halb-parted lp& "I anx se tired, Hl, tell thetn," rff sid, aud lipped by hlm up te ber owa I gaudë ire wai voâra xtiiS"o> topthink tii. suber the corner o he< *d hih VrernunVame vculd paàs. I ýWimtwould .Auxnt -jaue, iay t#>hlm j Ieli . ame? suppose ti.y *"id "Nol»: At us errbleidea jeaune tùmred paie J for S'Irnoment.«.WhM wouî4lâe dof" the Olstter ef t.herses' hoofà, upon thie rea, udJeaneva sOnderi« Awo it cOrg1d be, viihexite'ad.lnead i around fle aceptx ovb Se e o ar, Jeanne grev tiMlasd Ah7 sud drew bsc vthntlaort tti ie !ocRtstepsra sor,tou 00550d,a onnw t sidn dresd lestheao g gain, &rosesund, sprang IOhol Ug and aImait Intte aM= of--arene itejamnes Te au ruse Sud isappolntmfexxt vere 80 ken hat b t-Od apmehl'esa fer a moment, thon eh.eld 4Oé theri aud suda itUmmered a good îonin, As, eh tlds omethlug n Lu Ls appeau- suce struck her wltliaa enso « trange- lies. Ne vas drcsaedu sun4 vlthe~ 8CruPuIOUe Caro for wioh amxI.vaet vas hJxneUs, but it wis net hie fanitiesi at- tire, but bimsil, that vm" diffeîent *0 the usual lauguidly nonobstant hiouer- eble. As he teok off bis hat ihurriedfl>, Joanne saw ho wa3usmarveîIoua te behold. fluslied. aid excifed, sund the. bina wbich Kaspod bers, aid pressed ît clIsely, vas hot &r-d -fererish. SOI11 trmgOrý,his Teceàit»uaiY se Iew, and loffdiously indolent, -wa& qulok and earnes. (To b.e entixiued.) RI-EUMATIOPAINS Driven Out o'f the System Ly Or. WiIIilam.&-Pink Pffis, ,My life vwu abaolutýly made mlx=- erable b>' rbeumatiai,»s> Mn. Geo. FBlpert, o! West River, --sheet Bar- ber, N. S. fi aln emploed ever>' aprn as a river driver sudlu c n*ýoneequenêe ram exposed te ail sorte of veutber aud expeaure in the cold %voter. A bew -yS» mgo whi le egaged7 ut 'My work I1vau seized viti *the moat soute Pa'n' lu ay, back and jointe, I1 became almostia cnlp pIe sud oould scarcel>' more about.,,, bd modicul aid, but 1* did Det hlpme Thon I began taking a reedy aleg. cd te be-a cure for nhbeumaitiam, a;i I used, tes dollars .wertb,l -bit derlved absoluteély no - eefit4The 'constar4t euffexiug- I vus lu beèu telol on mny cime se badi>' mn doNva tuatf1 desalred o! evor beixungee 00dz bé~a)f* àùn.- Tien a frlend calied my: attent ion te Dr. WIIl- liame l Pink -Pi*lýenud. altiioughx some- 'whot s keptical I deoideiL * ti'y theni. I had ontl>'usod, a fw boxes when 1 b.. gai te- feuil'better,, and aiter I bad usod eornethung. over a doten boxes 1I.vua again-in W1ýgood bealtix, Everýy tu4eg io! the, tronbi.i 1ud left ume, sxandulhough. Vqs4 e --a Ubieý ot1011P4,b expur e One of the ieadâg questions- :. mech- stisatry vorking oÃ" aniîcal engineering <if;thé presetday xiàinotoriý British, engine, buildera, hi the. extent * hete ta nleder-taken -,the- <0nstructi nof"fo viib uplaxxted by the internai1 comn der U *n nina0 0 orsi huattinmoto; xlin whicii-thi.eï-plýoaîve and.,six-y d rïrne nie force of the gaies>pxqoduced by th va-hrs-owr ' hat withu a ajIol poriztimn or decomposition of the fuel a practioal demonstrat!on of th, 1a uied instead ofih.expanqive force: ciency amd rmen*ts ýof the gai i'ý of the steam'produced by the heat of vessel may b. ad Combustion acting on water. int thfemtime. Herr -Capitali inx motor or power boats and iautomo- brnlc ot oga new ,lime. W bile vehielesý, where liqxxId fuel Ilasavait- P bue pàafr ain n ahle, the. internai combustion engin. lbas. from; 2,000 to- 2,M00 iorse&powrý Obtalned tecogniz ed supremaey wfe h o >f ing -thé. rii i' itii.at'm gai engin. burnini blast funace 'güaîesfor the returu stroke.'of the.pist or ilminùmung or fuel gag, or -produer eployaï air éompressdt txe gas inmade in adjacent apparatus, shows Pheres, and ""shxi used ale to e* under,some \tonditions 'great econoxny th exloinemixture ot gaad- and li certain favorable institices te £ Ore 4çigion quires only haif the amount of fuel de- Thi.engi'. prenta a numbero xnanded by steam 'to produce a given pleX fetures which have been- out put of power. out systematicaly& U d t aism Suah succesa lbas been secured. already th. At in a steae .upd with *ith gag euigines that it là- now demon- fVi'" of 2ffl00 horge.poýw, mw ,strted that it is far more econonucal ap x tely -thiepower,,o! ýthe, to use a so-called producer plant' t O te t.aul, feýeconomy om transform coût Into gag snd then use- beat turbine- or. reciproctlnge th a naga oo n ohmtewould e M per, cent, or. an Acerdngywith the. experlence g e.aemfor AOho=sof àae '0 from construetug large gai engines ter01 not to mention .tii. expeni power plants on land>i viabut natural' deay incidentaj *0more. ine<jxi that engfineeras should consider whethcr 3IZ cstofoprtton, etc. the Mame efficiency could fnot hbceeured in - the ëO 1c . !&a"i'engin. of- inx marine gai enigines. - iors-power 1t , o omputed tii. If the. conditions demanded Inu*tts *the saving in the- fitii 0ost, * cia., of niaeinery could b. met tii. d not inconsiderable, the'saixg liÉ vantages Of the. gag engin. wouid t.. éven te thi eraix 01»onf &_ g"sengins 'nore strlking than on land. Tbus the siioxttin. the, !irst. péar to mot absence of amoke would b. as valuable #100,00 0eýo 10 -per -cent, of the ' for e xiaval essei as 1* would bé agree- the'SUSel. able for tlýe passengers on a liner, witie WiiuStiie gas engin. for maric thie faet thât a pound of fuel-wouldcar- Poss ati 5*In lxthe. exmp xu.ta wy a gag propelled-itemer tvlce as far et *YO*Omt cal diium508 aone using steam vould Incrasmý . . DICkwytral t éf to pOuxh. radius of acion of 'a var vessel and: remilt, and It. la buNly,.Ur would resuit in #ubstatkia- ecomux -toeexpeet tlaat -thiedewepmënxtý "for the xenies a~ma. ~ ~of thè,e m O&aI0ô1 Peror,*iiee Would be no neod tmife WxU b.ai" Tm oeaforce of stokers fortiitinia.. onh)Iù encos lii lm 1 -the. gag propelied asip, a&,tbQ, Uttieb. lxc the develo -ilt t hé Ë*b. ien. lin gof 'fue could ,bÃŽ don, large y i an otor boit., Jxachinery. Evexi more ta rttvt'ould à be -he gréat f1viînwegt*,,nci ile ____________ thxegSuaqnemay balgtly beavjer- thana rerc t tuam enginet the producer veigha letat the*1 boiers and teresa grea gInzteh.v. ruite, sa-ing av eU asthat lxxvelgixt aain iii floxiloce,.8A~ »~ fulacta ln two waya; eltbor mor &Pace 1utr~ ~ M a h ei ae focarg tranaportati>xx wih onseint jlxx crailiu àna,c,r1,.I m fSg 4 M ouàmà ri -r, kxxew lova- ~ -vlxa ~, alux~ 1

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