Whitby Keystone, 8 Jun 1905, p. 8

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R,'Ubber Spunges ' 5001 to "30 aU 'Rubber-Sponges cost M Ore.. but wear longer than naturil_-' spongeîi-Sce them. We have juist racet'ved a Iàeg quanity of fine milled Toiet 8oa09- in Reliotropo, Carniation, Liti(0f the Valley, Florodoro, et, àt" loc. a box of S'oakou to 4QCe. ;pel cake. Miso flue impÃ"ted OasÃœI4,,- Extra value in flair Brusb'es and Comba. Dru ggist Otca Mledical Hall Brock St. Whitby. Couty'Town Happenings] Sec 'fltoimonfu r your wall paper. Boy -wvanted to leurn prlntlng. Àp- ply at thle office. A sgibRrlber f roni Broughami, in ren-ew!ig his utbbrItilnthe -other clay, é;ald, 4't lilî he Ucystone very. iclr. 1 emiicr youi publish an, excellepîarer." MJany others say The vouunteers leave on Tuesday next ror Niagara, where they gqý Into camp for twvo weeks. The iiew Band of the 34th Regimuent wlll ac.- coipany thc couuLingent for tbe tiret time. ii i' l The tal1es of let. Antlrew's eburch. hoeld their annual bazaar In theCoun"- cil ChamÃœber labt evenli-g. Tiieyý had beautifully decorated tic ravgin for the oveuit. Aiq thîsu paper goes ta preme the bazaur la lu ful swing. A report willi appear ncxt week., TVhe 11ev. Bernard Iryau, of! die Ciu reli of the EpIphafly,' Paikdipt. who le wei and favora.bly knoW.,n Whitby, haé been twenty-five ye -Vs In the miiitry., On Monlayetfl. Ing of this week th4c congregatoi asseuibled and presented their rector wlth an IllumluuLted addreis, a gold watch, orlin and luclct. a goid beadedi uuubrella and a clerîcal leELtlier bag. The aniîual cantata of tthe Oit- ta rioa adieb' Collegc vlI be given on NW'eduubday, Jane '14, In the mulc bail. liTe proceedw aire ta be . de- votéd tu the llbrary.. Thlr;evé)t, Io alwaym s e cjoyable. 1No &»uhùt thue 1hallwlii bu filledi on t>#lie o To Farmers. 'Mr, John, Iaw, .ut Whltbiy, bas niacfIi1Ud; Lùd wî1l bc rcady for the cotuing hirvettta fMI1 otractehI thîsscta'f out'. Mr. G. IK. Thompbôn $fis eWalli d per, an4 -puts i itau, tee. ..11 At the MiettMh"et XS Contereuce hii n Oisla vlahst week, lirs. J. m. Der3 c, oZ Ilîuby, was re-eicëtc -A Gorredflon. clrculate'l in toya lLLt Wtvek agier- i ror accu ruin ii lc weler o ite Wepterr niu k by Uic breialtç otj of a figure, the scitelices *M'A ré garde eecurIty, tht, rest accoant et eý2r;AOJwtulch Its C-uai L U 'i4 écrnt. ocf the palti up capital, euto 5 pea' cent," etc.- The'or-, rot wa"m uôt ~and ZaC once coïlret_~a ed" , The Baauk ole I a Coud condi- l tlon wlili 1*10-t"Ct euntw la mît ai Its puid up ÇADltal, aula 18 îhcase 'I'n adGiIon tria Utt fuver LWnty 'T new biook% ,e'ccLed I<rom théo este. CI lopos, 0< u& lemllix »ubiilng houop,w Ul Pubbp iç4r*y 4rect.ura bot cm wq~ onu'4 ,~'»id4 ses ai$h.kudl Il Madi ..~"~tép~I . t..... ... R.. bu Mediy ' Ur Jsek TW~ Stp..'?b~Canrd bléJorù üle'a. -aling.8.e loR. Honryh Imptovea' ls ad th e R ol. e,-a * e . bouizsbotly altet i puicliaO by fr. Jhn U.'ofP rl onar noir iieaôiiy cuznpted tpréseint elr. Robert arthe tsud hi. fre fot pmch of te aylng mle flor te btild 'ed wta c treklor aod thosea f t i ci. fare ten so juoerumzed. alats aîade ciooatorsarde bua lIibMmg Peory .hueomenil obiea Igbaran- lions cl flngu. Expoaute oplebin ieses obringarrtnemeontsafer the Te c~of uet ree fléoor ftuebu in'- hing Wl.oL1crdItabroaueent . copf he l tepgai, .a nd, -Mrs.g wler minafordthe te ocowrtaip le mangenTrn tuofand Montral. M. Perrln. One hel Wl in#t" a p r E.cuSrlyplsa.edWltbytu co-tickte- OtawaeepMr.gad Mri. ad Mru. Per bol-afrlod C heonUr and Mnd Em. Stehenon.tuWbingston.jtcet A.d1thîs week -iraislar.n ta OttawaILMA. Wangile ns. Drew sud4 daughtee toDetroit, Mmre. Brgk- bakeurn tChilcago, 1ar.dnd .'MI's. MS axteron taKigteoo. M. ,Ne& A.n tcBurantrda.l.ic ad Un. rie 1teA. Wngt e ta b ll sadèlphl Hpbu, r aCicagoé, Snd rlack toI UMleb., Dr. Havre-to Ottawa, W. J. 11.îRichardean, ta il>cton. a.nd.,25 -Ith.ârs to Ttron La. *Macbeth at the çollege. An .Iùireretatian jaifShakespeare's Ùa4beth, wbieli would bave proved po-dIýcredIt even ta Ben (lreet's Comb- pany, ýwaa the quallty ai that play rendcred at tÉe Lëadies' Coliege on Tuçooday evening, before a mont.aip- pr4tvaudience. The dramatis pevsocae were oxoeodingly Weil coep, the. costumes. appropriato eLdthe acting superi,. Not anu I- portant scenc wam omitted. and fori tureo houri the otudents nuade the audience foot they we eltn te beant ar 8cotiand, oye wJ.tuses of the great relgal tragediesk. The Ilîrat score was rathor tame..asuddeeeid, te lie t4jen lightly Iy botb-studenta and atIdience.. rbe oqoud soono prciaeuted- 1fias G riflttlwas -Lay Mtebelb. oge Wcmdero4 ut la wbotbor a la4y as méek lu dIsposi- tion. would ho alite to reveil1, he obaracter ýàf LadY Maclwt)L That sh. surpai»ed aitl jotUoo5-w» tenntiffl nature wbith sif6 0 Machetia, And lnu Ibe ioogIe IrL>sMutça thio fliOWt plbooo the wboie evénih i at t 001 N wlC "tê g et:'a wth- factor "",Gaine" t.0 hlm liel Mvr. Ek- m Patin, this Pesnal "Mentioný Mr.' e. ,mathlson w*as borean ua Mr. »tbur Lawler was ln the clty on Tueèday. Sbeifl-Paxon has been Ili witb lagrippe. c .%ra. I4mn&*of tbe town lUne, le qnuit. U1-7 Ifr. George .Cormack le having big reienCe fi-&paluted. .3 -3 .3 ltlng rqiat vpi Aý n town. ýMisiW da'UCU1lan. wvho hali been l4r«. C.. Good.feaow was lu To-.3 vanta on Frttday. Rerý. Judson '4àyior, af the China . luilftfd*Mibsaln,,la clead. . Mr. Earp la s1,lending a few day. la Pickering thigt.week. . À voat offile. inspeetor f ram To-. routa wa.m ln town on Tut,-iday. Mr. T.' G. Jackson- bas moved Intoi. bis. new bu6 on Brook treet.I. lting bher sister, lirs. John Lynde. Dr. >. MGiiJvr -ofet Toronto, apent8-'unday wIth relatives lu town. lira. Sonierville. afIt'oranto, la vie- Iting ber brother; 1fr. Robt. BerInes. lirs. 8O.e Vanstone took a trip ta Toronto ou tbe Argyle on Frlday Mm . anntug, ot Oubaw'a, le wltb ber'siatër. Mre. T. àru ton, Centre street, »tss> -Vitoria Taïùnui',0! Dow'- uuag-til1e, riëlte"d' Mis V. Barclay on wi- ',., Meare n. ot ,Ottawa, in Vis- lig erdaagbter.,ilfra. Theo. Me- Tue Y -.P.A. ot AU, Saints' cbnrcb anFrdafeen1n let.;.week held a sSla), àlM'enjoyod vory- manch. lits Las.flttan..' )o'bas been inte' -l or tsanie Wees, returu- cd bomze for a, ew 4s%ý',. but lt again for ToroptôoD osýFk'iy lire. Paxton, etof atrW ru hwbo bas been vuiting lier. cou lWre. sherlît l'astou, eturn.ed home test MOnday rnoruing. ia.Dr. Meacham iÃœ fWarsaw, and, à" &q IL K eyse h*rtaw wrc tii. guesta ai lia. S'.à. uDou7es &tthe CI. closeaIiat wéok, à tqr b th .1e XtodsW.#-.î; 1 et te Q> T1i~~ ~rm weather la now at bn,)u aI foi extraval4'fine Balbriggan UndeiwaiçqïigOIê ment. Don't ,ijraltuntil they amealg~O c.-' c., E E c. E ABi g Bargain Also ask to ,see our Foursln-Hand,.Ties, 15oae '4 op ofor 2509 E iiflureN, Scribblings. Many conipliIentary remarks have been pniiaed upon the speclai editlon of the Roystone publluhed last week. Thanks. i Ring Alfonso of Spain received a marm we'Oume ta L5ondon, although, his arrivai' oc9furred lna a raInstorin. Evidently I iffl,. a-,w4rm; tain. patrons of- The Keystone saboula, not psy attention -ta sta'fée.itî de rfgatory 1.0this buïsîe ziiaoby aur friend tbjk "nemy. eromn, tirne tô> time reports Corneto7our -cars of lnjurlouu sta.tements aDd-,misre., tain. saurce.. Conider Wi Uwiere soo reporte uiïise Weatber prophets are ptedicting a wet" o fe fi orty dayal. duratton., TIhe touriot resorts wj»I Iho bit bard- ,iftutu p#roditios sboutd:hbe reaUso4, Tbe"m=Uttary campse w1 eJ.<o ho ood Pia" -to ketp away r od - Il p VM VA 4 4,: -- e- 1904 Another Soopp m Tifor TheNorthiern U- fe Assurance o Mmuarco writtezi Sle23l,580.00 15Z msuraaice in force -. 4,44,881.,00 11 remi= i lcoane - 130..468.84loi,%- inwreet itt>omAM Ta met 24869 1- 49# 245.40, HeAd Office,, Loindon, Ou. 'Newvso -Arc 'P'ie ad tD theii Lit11, x j 1.6 PR 'i j o,! cf yu

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