Whitby Keystone, 8 Jun 1905, p. 7

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t - » * Ish -by 4s- î net pr. mnpoood ât temïft (l as far a3 dutle.s as nmanuf ac- asafavor- by the tar- 'ver- quoted at 'Brak-' on for th e ier lansu- 'ence before it it woiuld the coun- otherwise- ~discredit- get a new îi t-he con- paved the e1 o! hoime ýt Promisesi Rt. chop. e- auId be Oum- . there 1-9 le C. -P.IL. Ing 'couftry asnd 'as for ly vaiatin tile phrase, id forais a iwiere Seed- 0ne. There s appreei- :ve. -Erra il la KraL- ly are theo r. are ex- itd cotntry 1tihe grain Il take ex- -nloua dam- ut of rain- amotsnt pt -cord - ZIAL. a Aibe te rT. IL. Mjadeo bu nt-h.law, i toe stand sons. The an tllr e lination of uly a sruail 1 t-ho pro- en the sc- ý%a t- ho frs Mmr. T1. J. itt.o ho in ýca ln tihe L o! cred- te over in .J. Wir- rd for thse t gufity on irAted-*tbat on. Mm. for t-he Bail was isefore, by se Waton lised was geý in t-he d Ibefere a ii h hld lave- Been kNew Ou. suad the as handed ;a 'sgiven. 18r, uamed 4er Clark, vrinée. . Kerr, ei 'I'. P. for , theicpro. Stoi '-ont. thle tintre ointed in -tett, set- - a d Who - e , But attier that its UNVARYINCI S009 QIJALITY viii s»=»d in TRY THIE RED ô 6 holding your trade. LABEL. ONL'Y- ONE 82È13S TEA. BLUE RiBBON'S IT. LVE ÂND À TJL Modern fashion has decreed that it "What is the matter t" she says, drop- la not at ail impolite to talk whule an- ping hier white hand on Hal's shoulder. other permon in singing, and Mr. L.Amb- '*We're both boriduto death, Jeaninel" ton, in a searcely ubdued voice, in talk- say a l, ini a whiaper, "and 1 want M.r. ing vow. Vrane to play or sing, and he won't."1 6 dGlad to see you at the Hall, Mr. Jeanne looks up, înd then down again Vanç," he Bays, in what hie deema the at Hl. oid English gentleman tone,.'"Are you no bored T" ahe saya, address- Vernon V'ane, who bas been looking ing V'ernon Vane. abaently al the quiet Jeanne, awakes, "I did flot say 80," he replies. and rathela auddenly, but composedly, "You are sorry you cameT" ah. moya. murmura that Mr. Lambton is very They are sp far from theý rest thit kind. they cannot be overheard in the din S "Not at al-not qt ail," returna that ivbich Georgina in making at the piano. gentleman, condescendingly. "Alwaya "Not at ail." hie answers. 'Lt was pleaaed to make the acquaintance of *cle, very kind of Miss Larnbton to ask me." ver men. l'm an admirer of art, Mr. Jeanne looks at him witlî ber ques- Vane, and like to encourage it when 1 tioning gaze. get a chance.' ' "And aVili you are aorry. that you Vernon Výane inclines bis bead.. came. Why did you come?" "Boughit a good many pictures in My It wam one of Jeanne'a atraightforward timo," goea on Mr. Laînbton, looking ai. quiestions; one that Vernon Vane finds oui nd the gorgeous rooni. "Some of oum difficuit to answver as; he looks into the rather valIuable, too, I flatter myseif. frank eyea expectant of a reply. That there Rubens, fur instance," and hie Jeanne looks around the rooin, thopgTht- nods to a hideou'i copy of one of that fulîr. ;9J master'.s gest known w;orks, which hangs "'jt is a change for me," ahe aya. "1V upon the glittering wall, and had been ia al 80 bright and gay, and it 15 80 tortutring z V'ernon Vane during the whoie quiet at home." of the time h. bas been in the room. "Vou like brightnesa and gaiety-it'a -That's a genuine Rubens; cost me, a onîr natural," he says. smali fortune, thougli1 ITnit1. What There ia omethiniz in his tone, a do vou say of that, 110w ? twitch of regret, that bringa Jeanne'a "A rcrnarkabie picture," ho saya eyes upon i again, griinly. "le It, wrong?" abe aaks. "If you had "Jes' to," assents Mr. Lambton, coin- lived aIl your life at the Gate House. placently. "A renxark-abie picture, as would you not like a change? la it you say; I've got lots of 'cm stuck about wogt>ih olerc? the place. Money ain't no ob4ect witb ?" o o wih to be rich ?" s-Ve" me wlien 1 takc a fnncy to a thing. Let's non. ou ish V er ich aksVr have the best money catbuy, 1 say, i non. w ahngJer ae.ihalitec it'a picturea or sauct-pans-tbe beat that ddlagi."may etne itelitie eau-in Mr.ne annd when I ard from rnci: eof al one could do if one had znonev. Mrdaughes ad owher a ar rtiatIn Oh, yen, it muat be nice Vo ho rich."* aud "Invte b Tu V he'l eri natsen A sliîht ahade, almoat tocn slight to b. coagearInvt e has anthdo'i;t'sithn-tperceptible, crosses NVernon Vane's hand- courtiîe ar, es"euno Vae ain, usome aface. la the child aiready grown -N'ery kind," says Venn *n gan 'Tell nme," lie says. "wbat would you bis eyes wandering froin the comnuion d fvu cerc-srcia r place face of the vuigar hoat to te Liit a? quiet figure by the table. Jantn, augy soT" y tsunsl "And,' continues Mr. Lanibton, "if ane lusiha moftly. Ltsoun dlike you 'vo got any pictures on your bandea anhia qton, aIdl he nnrsId tha-t'm wvorth buying, l'Il lopk at 'emi. 1 h ate ouNancy dol Oh ithi na J'd know a good pictuire %vlwii I sec it, àm. lbeveatew alý ncy dbell itd, ancg uej Vane," ble adds, nodding bis head con- wber a new ma;then IforbUild b ousea fidently. "'Xou lvon't tsec no bad ones iîïalaIltr orUçi ob-n in iu 'ou.-l." then. think where one coula go, and wbat V'ernon \"ane glanes at:ounhil the walls, one vOuld sec. Do voit know 1 Ihave.never and takes in the liideous copies nnd still heen to londoi T" mor-e awhutl origiiiaIa wiî h which the 9.4îNo, sv.;anrnie, n s. las apirtuivnt is adorned, sand iJuaintains aa Zins, the ha .lC:încFrn c lnoins di,,reet silence. Matid. liaîi îng ar-rsve-d,d a insther facf-op Frthe m now ut thse end of lhcr ballad, ri.ses with iiot-i i sd tili-ng 'ereface on the oan" that est sitniser, îîWaiting applause; and V'er ' lfln Srnlyo h otsrn nonVaue waika over Vo the table at 1skY. -No, 1 have not lived yet-at leamt, which Hl is turning over thie pages in Mr. Fitzjan me,%saays mo; lie aya that I a aci-apbook, have bepen aslcep, and living in creainlaDd Thle boy looks up and welcoînes hins bore at Newton Regia; ln that true? Id eages-iy. To tell the truth, lahte vorld Po very' different from what 1 boen dragged Vo the Hall against hi s know of It M will, and bais endured niartyrdoin inc Vernon Vane folda hie arms and baes dinner time. 1V in hlm, as it'la Vernon back, 'uith a frown on bis forehead. N*.tne's first dinner there, and Hial men- "Mr 'ltzj&mes appears to think so," tally vowing that if shail be the iast; he siya1 quietiy; "and, at any rate, ho flic gaudy rooni dazzlca hlm, Maud'a bal- s 110V asleep." lads bore bum, Georia's patronîzing at- Jeann1e iboks up with faint surprise at tentions madden hlm. B~ut bis sulkytetuho tmna nhmvle face iightens asa Vernon Vane bonda over "But go on," lie aya, "ycu have not lujîs and look& down at the scrapbook. todm haffwht'u uddof "Well,. Hai," ho aya, with a quietyowrerh" I leO- T.,iuies Lansarehe, Ast, :ipsm. allads and- ii1 abso to THER. Tt.jolin, i,- Ugainst . rthe ~ ther rsto9 1),t tver Uc agea of Vhe aketeb'book. VsSP ofau sar-" "'Dot»s Jeaws, wwâkto e b.rÎoi4 ý. *, Baya Je10UIIq z- 1l asked, quictly, ubm ea -e;,&bu ut'pr SUPi suppm# 0,.,Sbis lalways __i paecad pm about abhat one CoUl4 do î*4 ïUonO~ ana Wilere YOU could go and wl*.t'U My p@iI ace. 1 Itel) beî ahé ougýt M@~ r. Iii- u }'itzj.amea and tthet. "And wbatdoae ay,,tý6 tht8j a&" 'Venon Vane. "OIdoà#t knowr 8571 , 4Meg* - lesslY-. ,'Look at b h W t i r Ye_fI*û»o Imn'V hé an, Idiot t" Atuis moment thse Iloba 7IFtz- Jaines la -bendlug erI M14as jiIi loidng up, tlntmnwg intOf*ty Viu, Wook às ae t hom ïgBa& you kno." aig f'is eta? "Are you sekiofMis erra m"iOfercouse.,"as-e rilt heHnosl Clarence. You dun'-t suppose I seau Maud or Georginail" and lie iaughed scornfuily. "No! I wisb.. by George, Vhey wvere, oit-ber of thein, a pstoh upou Uootle lYýtamu atsppea out 1 "HLalai Id..dcatcblng alght 0f %W&e'at*Ii figure 1eaning. ci-sm ue raàIl-- DggStDg sbre4lILof'frOas dur, o ào I as'oitsy'f remarik thst tise toW Md ,d amer la wi Cla Csrencoe Iilzjm.sa&resedmma werpvemy dif- fièrent to. those Wh"cisho used w1151 cou- veraing wlth the. faim sex. To Vanebis 'Ramer 'assIlhtly paîtroniing, tbe earl'a Snou othislpecssnious ponter;* thougish. v as quit. wiae enougii Vo ee thât Van. vws a gentleman, aid BoUlê tirnes waa ratuier nonpluseed by *es quiet, higis bred air of Vthe aztiat. 'That roomi-the wliole house-48 enougis to blind oe, isn't it?» lie went on, ioungingover, the. balustrage. "Lt girSe me an ttacis of dyspepsi, ogie. tiines, e.amongh I arn no artist. To youP Whoe knoi all about Preper coloa and ti"sai ort of. thing, thia blaze of ricb met..! and crimson must be quit. to<> un- endu-l." Vernon Vane's ilp s cumled. "I should ecarceiy have, $iough 7011 toit the. superabundance of cokur se keen- ise Honorable Clarence looked &round at hlm. "Recause iPMul bre me of ten, 7GU mean, ho said, coolly; 1"perhaps 1V suias ry pur- pose, My good f ellow; beidoi's atiier amusingz; the ond boy is good f un wit.h his badÏg'arnuar and bis pumposity. anid there's a dec-ent soouk; thle girls 'are a bore--an awful bore, but hcre's been smie amnuement lately ince the otiber one put in an appearance. By Jove! sbe's a perfect find in a place like tAîls. W'hril guess th)at such a bole a-s t-bis could produce such a Vborouglubred speci- mon? it's a eshame ahe shoald hb -orn to blii,4b unscen and vaste ber sweetaess on the-wlsat du ydu cull it?--desert air, iffic p u ul ootim iLee, ne A great and mrous reapoe 5biiity deueed dfiii od hswieJan resta upon every inother whoee lugh- le byl Jtre, I almiost wisi I'd neyer seen tri asn h hehl il ber! it's rat-ber bard on a fellow when Ver a pasing teathr aho crl ir- be's t'ing VW swailow a dose of meilicine bood Ato womanhsoo.lhlat4ac- Vo have os glass ofet canpagne etuck t mi, d fshe mast e bela oa igtly happ bis elboiv. He't3 likely Vo tpas down thbewoahem tdelorgti n. sparkling, you k;uOw, alid lave the mcdi- She musat net be pale, suuken-eyéd, nai- cîne alune. By J4n-o. shes too cisaxmmii low, languid sud bloodiess at tlsl4 timie. sudI'mratlie halybit nî der tl-She must have sdditionai trength and iow!"',icb, pure biood te, heip hem Vo *tmong, Vernon Vane stili aVares atts ve eaithy woinanhood. Th sero la oee witb -lui bauds in hbis pockets. absolutcly certain vay Vo get an- j, nob, Thxe Honorable Cla.-euce yswned. bealtis.giving tleod, sud that la t rongh "You doz't seem tO sympathise, Nane; e s e -m ilim' lil4. v dou't go lu fort-is sort of thing, permy pl heRps te make ih loRfeiýgivtng lisps? By George, l'ui rather glad you bl0045 isat brings treugt-h te evéry or- dont, for 1 mhould ho inclined to e h a ntebdysdVs lwe heaith eus, for you aeem to be rathem a favorite, Vo paie, sailow eheeka. 'Xheusan4s ef teoin ber brother and ah tbat sort pale, anaemic girls iu ail -parts ç« -Can- ottiiyou know, eh?" ada isave been me-de weii sud'iltrong Stili Vernon Vane doea noV apeak, but thmeugîu the sîsce et Dr. WlllIami' IPIuk ho leans over Vho bu.bony and peema Ato PÜRS Mra. iRachel Johnson, Ieonfod tihe shrti>bery lying soie distance be- N. S-3, says -4s a reeuit f>ýen vrtiu4ylu usatà tub mool, Vhé beaiti of mry danghtçri Elten, "M Ilit have a cigarette bore. I snp- became. greaty impaimodl. She gr e x. pos, nutt V he Honorable0 Clarence, treuâeiy nervous, vas. paîs suÈd t' naud langu Vos," lic Qoutillues, waoh.suffered fremin most seveme ëhaca est ing the tîsin c!u.iid e o ea t floýt& - She W 46n' ppetite aud ,notwit àtand- Out upon the sw-eet spring aùr; lyea, ahe's ing 'atl We did for - ber Iii thie iay'e t cvry teml)tincy, iîd a fýllow right do ilCWltetuetbe ufels-*ntln- wo-ethali f ingIlier Ili' àiandkcmchief nd ndI egnV eé iat1*'con- i b-nd se-ticdo.-ni. L3ut. by Joi-e whniu~s a ditiou was -hepelessa. ludeed È began znau Vo do n heu pe0pie have uinade 1 t o fear lber tmental povema were fraittug. thirnarua liIt he s Vo murMy for Of 't rny nlndt atroisgiy urgedi Sue lt 111'1-MCV. and 'hav-e t&ken tise trouble tg tmy- De. Willams IPink Éls, ah4as in-ariais pillmiakt-r's diticliters tor bus vas te ugVodo atsytbln.g tlsa iiglit to elsooiqo troru? Have act -cgarett-e?" heIp lier 1 meut foi-a àupply. &fte~t vung 1,oklletbing t-bat sounds likie a cumt thse pilla for lostban a monVls,'saa "N! A -e epbl-. thiat buer B$o -iSImV 1vnu~ d 2iieliosoriji Cierone ges u ~ log ea t1îu ree montis ber Ieallhvu, 5 safeliew mlgit do - vers* ;4but uRyreoedOnl4i te atter ail, don't yenknv oe u ul -atu m ortO '& tinV.l rather riaky, eh? That'. ber star d1o<tor'a treatusent dId-lier not o pr [lng nov. B yJovd, slue'a vemy teenptingt 00 W w I tlni . cra vL. I Wonder vhat ny people WoWdja~y l umnte forthe vOnderinul enrtl Iwýims te me-k.e-a tec of rnyaelf and w ilha=W iiJlk - M marmy ber?" - These usi'bIoôd*hlis »r., 1 Vernon Vane moses ality anti k Pll utuDrwk -1, bthl*O*# stmaigb'eua his back. sec*'et of tisi-i-sat ver Vi o "WaV are you\IoolkIng aIdowni t i 'Tieer t e- asis the Honorable CIeroce "I as vondierilg, lée ays4 vitisquiet abj Ù i lutusa,"viether If -a ilg* kldste trssi*.b t( I ptcled vrtise baleony, ho wguld breuiký ubieti netObS bis neck: geials nerm pBut b.re in yï, e The Honorable ClareaeçbM r,7u RUn atrokes hÀ-s mousiuac»h 'hvils an solent lW5> Pink Pl*If Wonder.te 'wrapw *taoua4-, "Do'V k~w, le ava'~~ <> p ý <nutu te 'dtêirec, o t -V' ilim snd ise pitches his ýc1gxat avay. M8&ine. <Yo. itfodsi, the "eIthinis vo bad botter," &"'leu s nâ b *tUit tise otiser, W fti a uia no betor siX -boxas r % eutîreîy blofttnpoxu tielf-aeOtliai ESM. Veron Vaneld haîtdaiot, ae Iê gmniemmr las ..e strlde4u.«6«O M tes4ise-s tS lIboi, asiIs G.eozzlnt idaI ni fltàl I tIgigois to Jeann &WC441( a, ê ÛM flni*ied lieru Iadb I MA tas ~san1ucvll,,4 tLst71 *m t r Jeai1m bia psd r freatissdVionVniohnon Wat@~ t isrptbeauty e 01ber -fa<te. - ièt , '~~I ~ ey beasttfnW" . a7a; irptuned fee,. Dot8 iet plan. v~~~~~~ am Y aunstl@shdv ppn M-v*o knoW'nfo paa.To PIse pmsgbriga e 0MeMory cf 'e'- canuot tell I vs, su't4apc "eea htê111on ber anheur IAO «Dld I neot teil you -tisatlNev!ou i1e vas bovly in tise sprnt" ab!1 LSMay Vernon Vaise; "but waitftbeVhmsm- merl" "The aurarner." heb.aya, Ioekîng far- Say ah ea4. "Yes-flpep--I m afraid I maY. net b. ber.s nn Iewton Begis Vto ace the summer!" .lie apeak, as sue bas douta almot In a whlaper, sud for a moment t ms ese nlot reallzo the rneauîng et !hia ior-m thon auddenily ase cernes devu froin'tise stars, and tumna hem face. Lt la noV paie, it la net fiualed-lt la airnPly startled sud -venderki, as if She isad suddenly heard tise meemu stroke ot a great bell. 8h. e lds at him with this awakened, lMU.1 hemmrified look wbiie on.ecould t-'u twenity, then lber head droopu am aise, maa inu easured jaccents, sud hem vords dropping bow and distinct: "Are yon go;ng. thoen?" Vornson Vane looka dowu moodily, with bis bsands thrust into th&etçrokets of bis desovercro.1t. LHc bas nat meen that audden. istartled look, ho doýes not note anvtýhing but thse slow, sweet, ac- cents of thbe iusie2i vgice. (Tu ho coutinuedi.) PALE, FEEBLE GIRLS A Great -Responsibi!ity Rets on Mothers of Growing ýiirIs 14id .true, tiat, the clown bas I cisagedtbut Ve rising xigeeatipo o ne utise cbovu cf ,bià 1fatherls, that tise M erry Iidu à l fm tse0 ll- a m " ir u .e.qit. adifferent mort in thse day of Vue ebeetaic x st 4nd tise Chan is lail due te progresu, to:e ieZdwlmt'" Passion for cenSulida- lion-aMd ni « I epaa l, lua Mort, due VO tise ons vitis tUme rings lm «a Plat- fouin. Thi-se ring. and a platform vemt ote mifu*ofse.t ld-time élowns. Tbey fiai>- bergaated hlm eornpletely, and tiats a fate tisat no eue ever believedSueld over- taise a clown.li Ee founi bimooli as mnet- fectA-me and iuitficuts- a» dried pea lu an empty barrl. Re put s fingers t e ibsmuùth-coatecd nos. sud pondemed. "I muet do omethlng " h. maid tohlm- self, "Or 'Ib.honnted ont." li-at et aiU, ho mnltiplied, - for it Is tai-ntion lenemome for oesclown Vo es-en a pair ln a can-vas-enelosed ilder- nese a blocks long. Wisere oe palm vitis a atuffed club aud au lntlabedbladder mufficed -Vo keep a ene-ningei, cirons lun a rosi-lutisheo)d old -dey%, yen vi flnd witis thee sngling BrotseWrs'cos forty Îà"tewith. vîtismortsetfproperiea, capemng te mais. a holiday for tb. amali Nom vas mnltiplying aIl he bad to do. Re wau foi-ed Vto somethlug more rolu- tionamy tissu tat-iso vas feced toniti talising. Once upon a tirne al b.àJC do vas Vo Vaîl-, nov Vise only tblng ho dueau't have Vo do late, taILk.Tigis ail tise age. lie Vabked, tsiked, talked, from Aesop dovu te Dan lUe, No longer Je tiser.any pmosprity foer isjoit, for no longer cea carbar IL.No lon e u ho bound iute view vitis bis aim makmbo aud start Vhs laugis a.roilg by hie shout.ing hl. timne-honemed conundrunus. No longer egurtishe clown depend ou song aud aily, for b. can't b.e erd, but Vhe almanRe and Vis. tunuy man lu vaudeville keeps, bis joles in cireulatIon while bo cndgela bis, braine for joke. te Vako tiseir pîsce. Tise thrmes rings and- a platform- bave mail. clovnlng a ompU- eated buainess for hlm. Nov that lie eaune longer talk hbu a Vo b. everytisinng except a taikr, Hei bas Vo bel au artist lu make-up, anu a=- bat an equestrian, a iantomîtmlat, a mualelan, a gyeÏiaSt, a lshtiïi g-cliang artist. Now that hie, fun-mskug an"e-l00~Y Vo Vise- yeeacis et tise' frty clowns o-0 tise Ringlin'g showý,blias o vomis fürtv times a. isard, at tise vsry 1ea04 as tise old-time clown c et t eering,,circus snd Vthe eue maisen. Tisee bown "set» iatie titure et tise ueweta. Thie clowni muet mais. up -incliaàracr.* Acoating et bismuth, adab ofet bmlght med bei-e sud Vbcre , a Pierroýt cap ever hie, ears, and aPierrotruile v un iei usek vou'tdo, nov. IHfebas Vo usais. up as tise -dude,'am tis-econutryman, as tise con!idenoe man, as Vhs or ~gineas Vhs fat-,police man, i ts ss y k l as Mary- Min on, ber sftemoni outm-am uvheu lie bas#imade up lieisaw lu a5t bisý j I- Y 1 Zoqlugàiaown at e 4h;la mor-e Iiey tb tn t b I udseving as tise Ma& legs à6f tie iisdbkey or -tse frion't legs etf r sucated giraffe. GMIVLT ROOM. flnVt *awdYour AÂI-ertisement la t, EPuft' AdvlcS. MXaisybuyersofet dvemtiaiugp..» ë the Ve mitake of-trying V o gVt er tha tse vo tis et Visirm oney iu type Tihe eadlug publice-'W alwys: Iek4n fur advetsemeut, it's terce et - habItý -v tis hVey waut*to just ut that par. ticular moment or net, but they are net looklng for incisof imlid reading mat- ter set ln ucb arnailtyp tatoys perseis of exeeptional eyesight or vitRa a vemy atrong pair-et glaases couid rea& iCleartbod type aud whte. apaceaîe vemy mucli more attractive sud vil! ai. ways be se than any arnail type tisat cm be nsed l in an adrertisemeut. Th*e publie do't r"ad-one advertiserete soid viser. Vbey read Von that arîe , briel sud attractive.- Just becanse a meu paya, 300 for haIt page oet ad-vertialug àae nereao whyise ueed'to put 3a'0 orda -on tisat Me apace visen M00vords -or les woubd' tel! tise mtory sud 'tel! 'It b te . - ê persoa cares Vo vade tismo ugis a long dravu eout atory' Vo find lu Vthse i that Vu. msaine Vblng could ha-ve -b" told'î lua l!dozen msentenees. And besides, vbat l is e good et put. Vlg au advertisemet ilu a papgr itis a large -clmeuhltiou ilh-the advemtfimoren4 is vwitten lu nbauc vay ýthat louitbag 10) per cent, et tise readera e-er!attempt* Vo read îttf Tii. lgist of tlstrty MinutqV steady rôad.lin uan advertisernent-wili- discoumage meat anyoté, ne matter.bei' lutemeed tisey 'May b. lu tise artcè Z'« suposn aman does psy forsî fev incises eofviste- spsC'e, tisaIla nos ooverdvlwu p é,la noV I* .4v lontiatsepublie r Vu.-b adwl, isaI ramfid dla tiseeou tisaI vl b* àgtisereturna teéVoVth e int lmniedlatelj'.- Tell th* paepl biaI yen vat temVoku' ûslng onlJ ais woi4d-as -ate necsy and don4 foot youeurI l îto tblunklug anl yemr etn ore for yow Mer. word. a r osr~ ovulgt advsrfsingspa..Is only expmnive vis tis nc-stleet la not &-Wite If APi>Y DAYS FOR BABY.,

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