Whitby Keystone, 8 Jun 1905, p. 6

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»s thereforp whelly défçrisiye, and te, êdi , b iiri . tfl- ' . refrecetoth Bit i J4 SrNDas uwoçmd that tJapaînese file been4livded iid ~a?'art cf it was f11IP éqoe J~ eet watchlng TsuabimiaSttraits, wbile h oW .~lig e the 4et DESCRIB TUE F1 101. thVea*er,guading. Tsugax IiJbsýip 4u IStraits. Be expected ito thr pefreneahavng nn asf feet formation was designed to deal vtitUif U I ma l' ~ -btee rte p aainmnf ainferior force., Dr, os roule WilI netai Ie uea hnM.Feigwsafv D E E , nsT cf *the prisoners state that theébeateiyeweqotdb h . fleet did not -have sufficient coal to Grand Maefrstdeeuttrsnee qo drawn down deep and eeg -truck j»y a permit it tO us the <>utstide TouteC te atrhpto etne piee o. weekge, but a boat frm a Vladivostock, and ;t was therefore cern- M.Bye .P,.ekn r I tha clonialcoufexecefbef Togo Early the BattUe Eoveloped the Rdestroyer picked me up. and forty oth- pelied t attempt te rn through Tau. u e nfoi ht h ayrao e the Kasuga, frein which we were trn. It is stated that Admirai 1Togo, prier nfotyo!fntiitePmeris1 Shpeferred te the shore.» to the battle, telegrs.phedzto Japanese ' aegnrleetc a ia t.o - ~~fishing companies to have their boats VlOWeu.eabeteMitr elueheco ASuperb Scene. fin readiness to rescuethe survivors.tr noapiyitwu4ntohsw Sci Lno able: The Telegraph's T ~ u dpoetoimtu ol e Concentrated iheir Fire on1 Iidividual Vessels f espondent &t Moji says 'core~ TOGO AGAIN REPORTS. Eciei cet hmeJu' ti, ice Fleet. J ~bined Russiau equadrous arrve4 n 'p owR etvnsyFell ,Into the lands m i 'f tr. os etr1o h RoetesysFet ns aesthrou-h teBabe tais J "The plan cf Admiral Rojestvenaicy wa.9 of the Japs. apoîitioe.io to divide the Japanese strength at the AWsigo,1.C. eot h a-1Oe onJn -hr a out-set a.nd bis tast cruaser Ares Wta shiLegtontoDa'C., e publi The arkden undmi,y maiestd ngt.-4EWRCOD Destroyer Plotillas Completed the Work Of the ahead 'to scout the Strait es ee -"nthi a. fo Loig datcb ite d &de Tuiedtddea atUc7.hfteTeWolCopf the Ws rm Battfeships. but at ino'ceck on the morning e! Ba Batisip.course, nas if te return to Sashoe straits, -Eighth report f rom" Toge reeeived Grand Orange Lodge of BritishAerc ATkoml:AJp1aeeo ice,.tacks with scarcbliglhts. A third nt - bu t t5 edethon~ the mtrasts o Bny May 31: Commander Ksg returncd at its opening bession heretisfer u5.TS. .. I ve~ tue j teiupt917 it refully modeuandtthe$tr-itsa of Ooreax this afternoon with the survivors of Winpg wbe bas returned traeb i sank a shipcf i teé Borodino type the waters of Iki Island. At th,; im the Dniitri Donskoi. Se reports thé noon that when the ParliamentO à ot hc a sudt-acudWs following accountao! thet etheightDurinHiehe night Donskoî on the snorning of May 29 ù ada was right in the midat lcfapridrnrzdnouwod-ceetThe Tau Islands: the Russians couitanued to move and xve its prearranged base, and a squadron opeigtsKnto alsnkad *'At 5.30 ýSaturday rnorning a wire',ess pregerî-ed our env clolicdl movement IoIie as det.ached te press t.he Russian.s to- thlose on board, iucluding the survivors10 h lc hc opansaemdsda message reading: 'The enenmyssquadron distance t-om the RÜssian position. Tew'dfixlsds eeemy f rom the Ostiabia and destroyer tomyilet vsntue8ye huohtewea.asngOfl slips pn~d orheat ate dabr a f I la h S ouvlndda rei ~îlnds.Te. ln en t tfor a change ini the GrandMatripteeahrcntonii oyvrlt îs in si'cht,' reached the naval base. 'TIlti sh ho.i d to rthea ~siî-o dabra fulstock. ah' , verY ShP îteaming pears v li Bîiinyntook ei Iado " <f~ odr .W Ie r .H otdfo i.wr aoai4l h h wa rnmt.dt i u hipie ors ad men werc tcineOtuatof- at its nuaxirnanapracticable speed, ai- apper h un okl r oet ftéodr 1 .Bo irae&,g.ge %a rnmtz oalorsisfie admnwrdtrie tnet fording a most imlpresenve snd maje8- eusky and staff before the -sinking of Sproule, M. P., of 4Markdalte, trle-'e aoal. ready for action. Our squadron leit tç relax their efforts until they had lurking in the ncighborhood. Trhe Rus 27, and aise 200 front the Osiiabi%,but fil ,forPrvicil rhsaitie os w esxIcie nbihadfi their rendezvons and beaded for the e.ast succecded in either siuking or capturiug sians psssed through tbe strong curent 9 fjid'11g avigation -diffictit traiîsferred 1o!f£Commons, and at Uceretiihc hc a nalc the tiid Niee c every Russîîan ship. running past Iki Island, and procee<jed Rojestvensky and staff te the Biedovy, evr eeae ioetcasne ecn n a ei n aeul os h channel of Isus-liima. Our men secmcd 'c sap i'y ~ , aeù j~nrt&ycue îh a asud whiie runring îorth ward met, on 1 iev iii offiefrsatne cr rhv ensvrlaalueesl O te b fied ith ew nsprati".Ouri usis Th e te arud ofterc a dn theleruiir y fh et e feig fM c .th D0ko t Sprno fi ce fr anrobbed i rn oails utte ae-be were eager for the long-delayed figtit to 9 o*cloek on Sunday morning, 12 mites the north headed off the enenuy. which.- all aboard wiere -transferred, and 1 Lod'-e of ite outgtanding icatur !pb tdsdb n en xesv. E east o! Chirupypn Bay, and lasted n.11 Now the great battie began.A* ia the Buii'ny sank bei-self. The Osliabia,!- lic interest, thé possible eleeiotef ti.dtrcslvîchtisbullas beg n Tssiawibihelt h day. flore the Rusrians suffered lueur Togo's vessçels manoeuvred wlth perfect accordîng to otUer survivors, 1usd ber thie chic! offiecinr thé gift of theo~-vlaa ad u iihisal r "Wuhen suhesea was ulî ahte t heaviest sa. They scemed unprepared precision, and soon the Rlussians Were en- confli!g toweri struek at the first ment- in- Canada. Delegatea, hwvr ue ocmli !dyvahr r soutwcsttboses as rugi andthoto erepel night nttacks. During our Iirst filaded, net in Uic erdinary zsense, but straigbt shot of te iste t'1o! May 27 sec la the eetion of the GradCa.'m ofdnt amr ad on pedo boats were foreed to run [or. thc night attack the Russiaim showed nine in front and on bcth flanks. The scene, and Adiriai Voelkersein was kiiled, lain to-xnorrêw unoning a ves- etd.ucat ieetisatcfrteg- sbeller of the isiand. seai-chlights6 and frustrated the attacks wrhich the correspondent wilnessed, wa and after a sîueressîie1ý of' alots sh oite t, Tiiere i a certain eto o!lnvetasaeureiviiake ')ur third fjl,,ing squadron. wîith the but clearly gave us the location of the superbiy terrible. 'ie guns of nearîy ôto sank about three in t icé af ternoon. The thie delegates who 'belie'ye Rr m ieIyb ihrted alu a Takashlho lu port, rctr ot.c tcîo.-feewhc bogh uces icr' w-rhie w.e cngfîtheaa Risutu-ior ! h Dnko aBramptonls ! rmltn a be telogbasWiba esoaleaoutetia gian c-,îr.e. :and at il 30i a. in. infornmel again a crash was lieard as thie reports two dectroyers sink in the thick o! the, un office. . ýTheY- -rensupporigRv a irn un n uyceaon the mlain squadxun by %vre',(.s t.c!graph SCENE ON THE BORODINO. gmaved. Flo or an th beligerte n battie R no n desroyer. hs, f sunk." anon Dixon, o! Toi-ente, forthofcewatOWvIlxae nvrcrd that the Russian ships were îias-ýin- ginto gv htfrshtofitrughtenae reR indsryessn. Chaplalut. >Xhe subject eoai'f uo the' east chiel. -Iet.-eeurmiiî uir mitun An Officer Describea His Experience Dur- ecoîdiiett îhe eet-s werc onthe oe, nomy bills wae just touched pnhiLODSETFR RA.- Isqîîatroli, caigiscus n h ate but the Russians devîated frein theur SUBXÂRINES tTSED. aitei-noen iný:iu't slntion eppt vngc to the ât a tn inis_ 1t(W1t-n aelate oiia ore it otl a-Dr-. Spreuie's course in Parliameti oeTeNvnikt~rItrWsAl suura th4 a A nnck in he aft t <Xîn- h >o-ocbe A fie fte thirdi di% i-ion ar ve btrr, andt >oned dine, who is at Sasebo, in describing Rojestvenisky was practically defeated Terrible. when it is Oxpcted the Grnd og tAie mn Iia it i.' n eodbsexperiences, sy:" ssi h iblodrcinorhmt-. te A Tokio cable.;The Kçukumizu statesmiii takea ronounced stand nfuo emreJasýM.T d i t-c wr.atiited by *,lie (1estreyer forua-ard barbette in charge of eue of îdfatniîoUcta hc a that the e'rbhan-defi.'at o! thée 1inia rght s, 01 fl<tilla. clianged to a ý%-(rycourse. te1 nh us u thesga ob ia ae otét b it 0had Aîter speai ngîvn eri tfii-cî»irgizite av aeh Iirddvso petr 2anhgne i inl b- been su-.aiting him ever iice helf Russiîuns w-as princ;paliy due te the i - n lwn while th ie ddii a: ii thýe [0t. tii gin f iring, was givon. The ship ner- Madagascar. 11esitation uvas diqplayed formation of tlicir f leet. They advane- te extensiinidf theI order luie et uje ote prto !tel destroyer lloima lîeadedd easý s p sirste hkshm, hs i ue]Jr.so hefeean Sd noth prisinadubelio he-D. p-oi ubiefo hedcsini'vsthsatenofcmorae tea est. to uswas the Sik-ishima whLsdginthp- itionestei have the, an Là trcdlnto thtaieraSeptenaedouble îee, the M. a r (. - projectiles began te reneh us a fcw pî-oved Qie firîeunner of utter.co.s.. cruisers te the west and te battlesitips the Grand . eommtméut a niad tîht D~igthc mauoeut'r( es i Mone nts afer te beginning o! th ite o the enst. The Jîupànese -were airait- secret work. and' situai 'o!fh rdr fl.agl..p aruearcd l tothe s r w-iA tfight. 1 fired the furet gun at 1.30, and The Jpne kueirin3ts.ntly the ithe m j chargea o!he aileged miiw&pproprlatiou an l <iî,uile coi:irnn. Tiiecet was ue-Ti siaý s'eý Oi -- n asoverjeyed t vet a eaehitseîeaiy waua beaten, adthte concentration critsers thus e Katrnirnura' strcrng icase in-.te reveuue of h rn ntra -tep mark, f o the in eFe vesst Nras fre now isme aLmoeae.e inerndl.$1 additiofna-lusheacuand l'ti Ad. adgternoon, ated r and $ o1ùe, b? o1îg w- iil Testruck in ber uppe works, and did noS t iygnia .audo u on.miral Tùoeattacked thqm, in the i-" no. per capita tex\fos each primx- og uoTR ly.tott etbt BLits-ipns hp-is. aA ube fig oatoerdrreturu te tire for at Icast ton Mill- The im~lîswere caugtitnl a cual de sac. D-iordler was inevitable. The battie- Wae euàestka. Tfie Orange .84 e asMgsrt.Ci lydan r (>îîr AtthsijristgeofthhutteLogled ticoelkese- fdsllat gi lrewf boactionh si srogl themed ,&x41t emtpire dupouls upeuupoi tlîîs actian.. - , Ad mirai Rojestvuensky came aboard te cd across te mntor, interspei-scd withl began. The actual engagmient --wass urllCd to patron1ze it l3ilY a bybàuia e]t.Teadec at arcý all expu.-ted to do your utiiio-st. Berodinjo, and directed te fightlng !lashea-of artillcry. At 2.10 p. nm. the riti- short. Iflue Ja'panee damagesl did- l± W#4 -CýVü 10 ded b h t or ici 1sae ligl'e r -Ournriion seertiil ed wsientý!y wci ô h froma the bridge .Almost immediately bornbardmeiut reacbcd its zenith. Be-.mere. slight. Thte lirate wns- bit- by & Mr. E. F. Clarke. The Englieheugioltii thoc (ini if'o this signal. afterwarda a projectile struck niy bar- tireen 3 andi 5 ina She atternoon a Russialusitell beloir the Water Ilà- .Site.retii-d f act was described au .rtogae-ot u tuiioeeig -e.oo '( irirtndooiddviostîndbette and rendered everyoue inside in- euie orheAdiaiNkhml'and ad eaie, n tonrtuaed 4lu adwa thé dirirecotiobno- e ofzi tri iuts.M. .J.W tii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ e of~ usas -abad uE t esil. Tobret ri ildiii u t-b hcnertcdmierkimocaisu a nd ouit Sndy.One ii prsitb.xjtrl f to0 £d urerus e pblc ou, fan&n , hoapeaedfo, thiri isiand keii in iî outiwii iiok. . g .pd y_ ayu.T . ... 1 evesl ierupe wrs a i. daina% e ts , - Japa ., %sIfna-ebue a scala neot cue~ uee )a a.t lire, w1liile theKaskug i hs-uddAthhe i. i;as; wa carriictIaira>. '1e u »reh calth ir 'jrU' teyc Pl aiU. L Gnn M A gavsj~auxse tly fo phled, -" ntarie ita of d TIre eaigitgm' ta,'v ]y, -m', i.c.h- iin eveu->tPîn ,eened w<rie - -oad'tber'îçu icatw j# fea emn, u ýiP Y Tho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~q ir4t iî '--~î oo .i 151oauln urernue odj~< 4'i< e 1x19ý U041 poellebut ne iétaons tayé t 71m uwaaprS litt'e later tu'Rt ~ir.od uest, me hattueaduuuartera wr od d * uIuàe the ii.iiu auacwgni$-~.esurto wb ilaoJpseUU-< and wecuhaiugeîl ciii-course arcorlîngl). aandnd t,tauiDgliua , d it u t<,î gu<uirb. ata stoiw-iM rine,3 Fine ip cuir second dPu-îion conce-tted - cor*" tke t noiai *ip td 5 .s agtrius nWU$.i io ~erl i js otte~ 4 ue n a destroyer. 1 saw-uthaaU>' es rwugh, -nu IInor-ant as -the peu~pubuec o! what J Sheir fil onouithe itroeino. Ourai- tii-«t f anui a hall in mati arn ar division noîw be ran tîring vi- rdixutuiin u fruaei nu tu k u of 5h. zaiita. lia. oiuîs itoipcena-n meee i i. *,o~s a.rvsettîe 00,6 o-WlimMttnerO roccu.Jiug paraflId it.t the Ltutsauu ber. At 4,O'OiOcJC the' Boïdlng, v 01111 uii*u-* tIsa spocut-4 aý, adlea ir d uuIet1 thie head o!f te Rus'ian lint. cii- trd ,aïm fri heRiiiu.wrealtiô(.is nteou i * iiftë &,' $rt'Ia italn .s vil Ia. o i er- diivon % mvri hogant' pres'Lii retcowïutr ,d bths esl a cosU d emiaiUnie. ber as 10nee gwustor us Uthe potht Rus4la tue w a ta045-1 1whueliavi» tue enitiaii'i thus eiveigiilk,, v1rd el.is. cimtint er. Tr Japaffl i ~the waait nobas Catvi. &Iut"U. f*AOP.a iaece o ad tP thît eîvehîiîî thir sp.-e~lu ersag aur batit ows, e4lc iv i;4r i iatu idai~ging 10, la îtei-*si 44'a.i et tGq (-t-"a'en ieXInte-ru-utu1 etlota OJur rcond dtivib ft o. 'd a .Cour *1V r a i n ai e c o e id r a h v r a -6.e rallel wîth the nortiecri; side of the asale eba.Ou-fgIîDtü*ntu.jpmoa-dsrye, u lept uap 1wutij 1cgem1oU4i are-"@ko b.ltuazsbrn~vs~ irssan, ndt!b:s8 illvteilnt complet- - re 0' i- target;sa-d tet oui o! O "sa4 t judliii. a ' rvbnttPs cd the cuîvcbopîrg. I.'l- 1tuuesi men '~ vstai r r a p"tîy iiii1 _ ii,')' or I le*f. sj tae-t - b h t4~g4 , r'hps ere&eCl tyir b I 1voiuutetred. tpOgo Ip vit s eme,, " fluna wat -.- tdlapm on. & t. et= 1 vas pwua"laut i deal titroîgh. and oui- destroyve-r flci!W lttIunr- d t4 si et forutktgte Is ffetta blat lIs chips ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i mvreset tyr t u-iak 1ri tent tiemuSet te. weirioft l ill u~neer - - ticta e- . cepted tti-hrsO lcdaêaoIS. a .tr~ ga w or0!*» th..olae kt, ý= ~ ~ ~ t- eTtis téSe .f eueopmutcent:'ud thtt t 15 b iýmte4me.*, abrbed m heDxit ta, 1 diva %xih Ue $utlb large a 4 r anil siethe 1Rusisn's ibcua holpita wd îi- 1ranie thi ËI*C ren. 1iiiee try lired o1tP 5enotg teoutil ta4A .,bum i t.t- b.aotys,ï! o dixtari ricqteéd*i4seona !'Cuer, T~~a- e s d to rdo -enta t aattlck tti- - , te" l#font w ati" j the od, siltha alhui poothe. . tiore,@êf . r, dmi * ii. agaî Rsiu stluwnmc "Ia t s i »W ,4* pe-et M was4 secouî dbfoîoe ouLtMnI'Puc,,-.stiand M* 15.ve tietihalîg V r e ; ro -t i-t« nd th erse laie laittlenist ax thent. Im-int. *3tsitr 40.4 -~~~u - esryee ieae<l. 4. aêt*, lk ti t. uie t4 i> î TluodRus laitthe p dooglpuol<4 to die -il, lis i0Q *)$0"- in the 11%1" 0 xwtr- - tott- agns, ao4y, g-à i whtewî1 a-les P f'h s%11 boatmade it se s iIî ouU1tuaton-=- aa ll. <webît-t secnd iviâm î d*cin vinc 1 Wtb-wel 1elb or- 'r- as asa Le-d 'i--i jr-d ed- ini lu- it- rat ILI 'n.r hof tos lse 're ,' in uSu i-yi ai tteu - hin - 77e7TAI

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