Whitby Keystone, 8 Jun 1905, p. 4

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e TH~KEtSOKE.WHITW, TURSDAY, JUNE 89- 1905 Letters from. Our Cotresponidents !JREENWOOD. Mr. Wm. Marshall Sundayed cime- wbere. .1> Il Mr. Charle>' Ledgett and lady f riend spent Sunda>' witit Pickering frieuds.1'1 Mfr. Alex. Moore speut Sunday witb Ilickerlug fricuds. Mr. Frank Tait. of Ouhawa, cailed on hIle mother recenti>'. Mfr. Simon Adamson andl fainli> spent Sunday with Audie> f riends. Miss Vanvalkenburg -%as ulck on, Monda>', so there was ne sciteai. Thse Rot-. Tonkin 14 at conference bide week. Rev. Mattiiew GolU, et Whitby, papmed througli our burg recenti>'. Thte people of (Iree-nwood are serry to hepar of Mr. Joe Hortopi lineseo. I H. Avis, o! Yealrport, who le! t-lait weelk for tehe spitai, Torouto, diedt on Tutadýa>'white uudleigoitig an operation. Ils funerai took place on Thorsday. At tue meeting o! the Presb>'ter>' iteid recently, Rbv. G. 3KoGregors ir.- signatiofl, as paeter o! St.*Andrew>îs churcis, lckerlng, and St. Jobubs, Buougla>n. vwas deait with. After bearlug te report oetbtueconnut- sionerg.,1thse delegates andi Mr. bie- Oregor, tihe Presbytery accopted tue resignation, the baine te bake ef- fetit on thse Lit day of June. 11ev. H. G. Crozicr. et Hlghiaud Creek, who bas reueived a coll t teHamilton, Man., aise pres1ented liii resîgnatiofi, whilh was accepted, ta-take effett on thse 19t!s day of Jutée. Mfr. .1. E. Dsney was lni Torento DOWMAN VILE. t1is er-k on bulNiretis.1 The Induction of thse Rer. W. HlP- Ail preparîîtions rte being madle kin ag pastor oft1tie CoitgregtiLoial for thse big garden party t(> be ehurcli will take place on 'Tuceda>', 'lseld on Mr. F. N. (ilbson'is lnwn oni June 13. June l3th. MIr. Thos. I'aterson, nov ln i ls Mr. Oea. Law lisopened ie new 8t er çloht pn vr5 isîs ln i e ringndliest y tse.years ln Canada, andi wliowau dur- #ihp fere. ii fi latby hN ng luis business career a ver>' suc- Ctis osn ire atenei heceeul merchant, feeis greati>' dis- Suiwroinettue eein it Jaîgua.1.ed oter an articie lun te Glas- Dryden & Suis.on11TueAday. gevleriiid.tsigned *iIresbyterlan,' Mfr. WN,. .n'. s ca'ixlon Ja8. iPlan- jan>' staceniente Ilis whlciîlie ehar- kett eceltly.acterizep as lies. lHere are sampies: kett -eeîéiy"In Manitoba for four mouths the 1BROOKLIN. tiserniometer lis always below zero," Mfr. ('hlarles lin wîsrey, %wLo lsad "the sunri l aiways 6huo , an been engagetl teoIlerate tihe cîseese lhour'p exiboaure viii freeze cars or lactory t lits suiimee, took Yi esîddeîs fitigers," -no fislsiln Manitoba -departure <rom our inldst lait Fr1- éstreanis biit wýhitefit4ii," '.1n i inter day nfternoori. tiL reporteti that tIse ment and miik are sold f rosen lie <ild nat laite tînw te tcttite some solid," -Lié; t'ed roumn temperature îsmail debti, lîad cent rarted during wiLi average 20) degrees below zero tise feiv wceks le ivas isere. His for reveral niith)ti," **It takes an lc'avlng seenisete lisîîe diàsorganlzed axe ta brPak tise Ice lu a -barrel be- the plans or thse owner of thse tac- ..fr n ahsuntenuîîg tory, %Ir. '-prung, as ne nii lias a~ clitnatic @courge cailed liediver ticen taken ln tiuis week. f ever gripe inuit enigrautsIlîke a Tise joint conuinttee aispelnted te grizzly bear." These itirasea vîli mnake arrangements for*tise union suffire te liidae thc efforts titis k3unda>' schsool picule iseld Its Initiai fabricator took te turu hIl@country'- meeting an Tues.day ei'ening. The men atgalii>ttbe finest counîtry vtite idenlc vii Le lscld ln Mr. %lpostd'u sun sîines on to-day for an Indus- groe on I)osn.rssvn ay. trious aind êitroog young man te Air. W,. Rblson îs. ia viusg bis resi-, risc te owner er a 100 acre farnw. dence re-painteci. IRev . T. W. Joilif te, flot f eeling Mns. W. Nable' fater, à1f. Mar- equai te Lise demandb et a circuit, tini, dieti at Lis homene uar blinis_ lias deciined bhc invitation tei Clare- khliesi an Tsedu>'of ttis weeli. rs. ment, und requesteci cite cooference Noible vas4 witis lier lattier at 0e te continue bis s.uperannuated rela-. time of îik; datis. cie îsavig gone tion for anothe£r >ear, hoping b>' ",Cwri-for a visiL NoiLc thrLe iveeks tha4tnte tg be able te do the werk ago, andi then rcniained because of mi a iler. ti; àpriouis iiniâtti Vhli.acl eveleped (tftçr ùt¶r rrivai, iite8sJoxvlsîl %ovt~i, oàe serîe1:j Romance of the Big Eddy Bridge. cist very èlcit. lie le rid of the Front the Oshava Vincicator: jattacit af rheuurnliisus frein viici iltc at titat tinte sittlert'd su mucît, The parilameut buildings, Toronto, ibut le nov in fer a ruts ut typhoid iast weck witnessed a grand stand lever. Latest reports state tisat uc finish to oeeof the ment absurd pro- às progresbing fav'orably. bleme whlch bas perpiexecl the wis- Thse prejeet forcoute granolitlilc dem oethbie Ontario Couut.v Council .,hldewalkii An bis village N4115 again for neani>' a gencration ef tinte. under dihssion s t tise councul Awa>' up nortit, ue huudrcd miles mueetinig on Mouday. and a decision front Oshawa, thte Count>' e! Untarlo .vae coine to Lo have a short strip border. on the District of Muskoka. Raid on lte catit udretftthe front whie te Count>' o! Victoria cornes .street. lie Lope Lis wIll be no to a fniutoh bitthegante 'point. Tite ét;atis;ftctory tIsat eacîs year viii aee townsitips of Rama, Dalton and Mer- an addltlonai section laid. nhsion belon giug to the Counties o! Air. E. Oliver, of Ottawa, vislted Ili» Ontario a nd Victoria, aind the Dis- niotiier and seider over Sunsaa>. trict of Muskoka respectIvely, con- . xU15U £8a tir UndU Lvith u im ,àflÉUW CLW*RENONT. Thse death o<ècurrecI here on Mon- da>' evenisg ef Mibx Aggie M. Smth, 6ils.ter of Mrt4. Tises. P~aterson. The youîîg lady ias, beetsi M for menthe with consuxumption. Funerai ser- vice was lisek at tise hume on Tues- day eveniug ai. 7.80. The body'la fbeing taken te Austin, Manitoba, thse ,young wowan'i former houme. Miss Mary SwItili will amo"plsy the re- mains te 'Lho wesî. On Frîda>', June 16, te Bapbist Stînday school excurésion wiui take pilace te Lindouy -and l3obeaygçeon b>' rail and boat. The train leaves te lolowlug stations at the lsourq nain- ed :1 Markhaim Rond ... ..... 7.15 Locust Hilli . .......7.21 Çaremenb ..........7.81 Gien Major ........ ....... .....7.51 Myrtle .................. .....8.05 Bîtricton Jet .................. ....8.20 The lares viii ho as toiiows. rcad- ing stations as above. To Lindesa>. To Bobua>'geon. &duit Child Adult Chili 1.05 .55 1.20 .60 1.05 .55 1.20 .60 1.00 w 01.15 .60 .95 .01.10 .50 .85 .45 1.05 r5 .80 .40 1.00 W5 Th qso who wi iw to proceed b>' boat >from Lindsay7 lu iobea>'gron ma>' do se witi thbc steamer Estur- ion. Fane, adutt, 4Oc.; cblidren, 20e. Boat wMiilossve Bobeaygeoou t 5 pin. Trains loaveu saine p &ce at .0.45 andi Liîsdsaav et 7.80. PICKERING. Tfli work on te Model Baker>' Ce'. nev eiev aber lu now progress- log rapidi>'. Thse steain barge, Lake MiChigaxa, caiied at Fairport on dunda>' axai on monday loadeci 20,000 buibels-o! barley. ti1I Th"omîas Fiehis lu erectiug a xew verandtait on the bouse ccupied b' Chas. Bradford. whtîch greati>' 19: proves its apgeal'anid. Misses MeA*moW nd d eoMMbe* o!flte Onta rie Ladies' Coiiqge. apeu Bundus>' t the parbouage wlbh tb* Bey. J'. E.'a"d MrM. oomo Wmâ. Bradford. of Nhagra F'aits who bas beelilA;d Up for m4n0e0tint with iufanSoat -- breuiutIti. .1 able tý bcar@as'gpso. owig t e' U11 I..ltbi Mr'. f~~o bas eRt cS*uelsd té nive op>Wb business Of jIackstxdtli. le i Ied bi sbop for a trm of 3 t'O Mr. 000.Law, 0f.o«w&'b menting these titre. muélicpalities mbt a bol>' bond of union the. Lord caused a streant of uo"~ideable di- mensions, caileci the Black River, to wlncl round the point wberc these titree coanties join. In the. course of time the township of Morrison grew up wlth a fine erop of white pine timber, whlob becarne the envy 1o!forne aucittut lumber- mait. and lln order to get- this tip.. ber out It becarene ueusry to buiki a bridge over'the Blet~ River at the point referred to. TPhe District -of MUOIkoka. not havtug ak-Couit-Y Coun- cil, bais ail mtterW' deit for it b>' the Ontario Ooveruuleut, whlcb or- ganized counties atternpt to do througit the Couat>' Counl. Ben"s the big lubatrnai spoe» of «mm mone ubbisbig pull a»d went at- and the BIS Count>' Couse», o! On- tario and Victorla, «d asuO'ceedfdinx getting these bodies to construct and màl1tain what bas besu kuown to lst<w for over a geoeration as "#The Ig ~Eddy Bridge." .1 Frorn that da>' to'the* prémeut trne tbeebas nover besu a s@essio or the Çô<aty Conil Whou this*4818 Eddy Brrl4 ## was not beard froni ln orne shape or other. -"8111 for the caretaker of, the,-Big DGdy Bridge" ; "%ü onuialar ou specting the Blig EU' BSe.#. 60"é; *De for- ropairo -.t lut. EddY, Br- ige." ,ë. mattsrs or titi. kIl U » o beore te Coutl Counolls of theescooties for a geber&atIo t !Ume past and- moue>' f owod.frooly and obeet!.11> up to tbls bridelag r mam the expex»se as bor tb itl- termet.4parties Instoad of byi o»1. A 1ev >'s,'5 ao tbo hwibsrtrou Korrison wvada out, tte stzsa*of Industr>' tMtt poured ovft #be »ig andi the t* '"ber eoeosIt>'of tbDig Bridge 1soaIw.e*Ilve issu.. tlate, for thse oaf~Ptou mmd1 amt as e HadN eàrov4gy te ool. o band axad parent. liesfonerai on euma t tueLU alon Csmetery vas one of the larpt seM« borie for smo 1ime, and the parade of iodces spd umg*ohanl ur>' extensive., lb'ao$Mr. Cook -vas a Ver>' streogttorwat* .warmbearted mni.n, a" da vumosderotte4 lu bi. efforts to.piomiote frateMtiiis both ln the1 lodge. lb. erksIîop, axai leiehcre. il* w4l bu gruatt' mlsud by ma>' vito bwd lierued to regard hlm au wortit>' o! a vaun Place in their &gitt>amo4mt ooourrei &tý ve-atet lover laut Wet la haul. cup thé.bb coures i rou a*botin émumd o»oflbe -s big me t o fali 014wewfse on lte ooeï' bae out~ ýtthon iUSbOtribI>'. 1lMoae ui lu.' k*td u ffl Uat .and bad, to go, " u«,t Ilsbar beore. hq WATOH is the tinte keeping qualitiet, the otiter itaîf the durability and ap. pearuceofetItL %OOMWAPlt %IWINOIUWO THAT WEAR1 tieîra ýfronw lte diutrlpt wouI. ýatpear iu delogationui 'C'rêthe ooepiîs ut varlons tintes, and domonstrate the horrible lncouVenie ces tbey," woeui suffer if tite bridge were dernoiuh- ed, but alW&YS agreed to -put .-up wlth titese dire lnconvenlencqis cher- fuit>' if the couinOis would'agres teý spend a few iiaidreddollars enQ mre road. or some. other brIdgen liéth district'.. The councilu geieraUey agreed to these- demanda,&Bnacou- siciered the exchaiige a gOo4 piece o! business poliO'.>-'. ADZthia;seent-1 cd desirabie lu oérler tb l'Mt rld o! tho #eWblte Elephaut" wu the counulis appeartotetbluk,.b i ha upon their bauds In the-person .of the ",Big Eddy Bridge."' B>' means of this kiud Overybody was squared except one man. whose naine wau Cooper. Cooper was an Important obstacle. Cooper's Faisj,. near the Big Eddy Bridge, was cýaîîed after him, and ho bnci a deep and u nabateabie Interest I.nitmfaintaining te Big Bridge. He IIad a fentale cow, and a settier up in mualkoka was the oui>' mant lu the district who deait In maie cows. it wasi ab- selutel>' necessar>' In the Intereste or Cooper's dair>' taoiue thte bridge evcry sprlng for the purpose of re- newiiig titis <tow. StUi the Outiays on the bridge1 continued, and It was finail>' declded b>' somoe enterprisiug councillorti to approacit Cooper witb e100 and .get bis consent tu pull down the bridge, and lb was supposed at luit the, eh- stadle had been overcome. Here la wvhere the matter came bo grleL. Cooper was Incorruptible, and couid net a 10w 1418 cou-science to rab the count>' lu titis reokiese fashion. lu accordance with a resolution and agreemnt ail round thte represeut- atives of the varions mnincipalites met in Toronito lait week te asic the leglisaturo to legalize their conduot lu ciosing Up the BrIdgc. The uprlght and lrreproacbable Cooper appeared at the Lcgisiabure aioug with the authorlzed repres- entatives of tîhe varlous counties, but before the ratification i'rocess wau gone thirougli witiî lie caiied upon the Governusent te produce their mapit and surveys. Here Io wiîere the t3tortiiiig îiurprle i aie In. Upon tlils belng doue a revelation was un- f okled wbich startled tie Legiia- bure. and aIîro»t bshook the founda- tions ef the parliament buildings. it was demostrated bliat the bridge never was Iu uer peur the boundary Ue of Ontarieor Victoria Cocunties. but entirel>' within the township of Morrison. away Up in MUnskoka by one teludp, 2Q links, 2 luchtes and a hait. The County cf Ontario neyer bad an>' rîgbt to pay ue cent for construction nor. maintenance titrough it ltitese years. Beig in thc District ut Muskoka h. wvas en- tirel>' a iDovernment proposition. Tliiî being the case, tlie Ueverumenti decided to send an Investigator to look loto thc wbole matter and au- certain the neede o! thie cominunit>'. It was a grand isigltt ta witneus bbe bosou, o! the guileless Cooper sweii up wlth prIde Wi'eu bis kîto- iedge o! geography brought te a conclusion a -probient wblch puzzled' conucillorusud leglil.ators for a score o!fyears. Cooper hs entitied to our evèrlasting gratitude, Dot oui>' for solvlxag the problew na its, dylng nmoments, but for the cool rnuner 1u Wbloh ho perrnltted , the taxpavers o! titis cotant>' to 'fed titis "White Elephant" for so mas>' yvears, vites le knew ail the titue that t beionged to some. other Man. Wben vo sel! you a watch - e combine the two, making a' perfect wbebe. W. bave them at &al prices frein 81.00 up, but would 1k. te recontmend a' sood eue. We can give you What yen want hewever, and -8 At the Cash Hardware Store ',Garden ools We have a -complote lino Garden Tools, Hoes, Rakesy Spades, Shovels, F'orks, in fact everything used in tee gardon. lEST QUALITYS NO SECONDS. And wo guarante our PRICES. RIGET. Corner Hardware Store WHITBY i I PADO PVT?4LEW LEGS. ON.YOUR HORS£ flJThe ozxlv -t4atmeulfoor mavîcular - Oum*"e W.«M0.1oeB-" auma r s o Thé» pds Win Our%, orheIp t. cure, WII1 mak. é sfo.u4a À' I5vot~t frog ~ui4 mole frqmbrulmo.. !~ M~k* hors. wve4@td. i I ~ P~.v*utt ~>aUUig wh.n golug 0V.? 01v.. l.né.r:wwktuq~! -- lame b@ws.& Gleaulags j Eý 'I A S à ô I I AI1~ fromi su1ta1~ éd no~ bRd "BAIL" &t 900d value if Dot botter than elsewhere. Norman Basse#i, Jeweller and Optician. Brock St., South, Whitby. OOUNTY OOIJNIL -COUNTY OF ONTARIO. The next meeting of the Conoil ci the Corporation of the County of Ontario for- the year 190W, wili b. held pursuant to adjournuient at the Court House in the Town of Whitby, on *oaday, thne StIn dey of diurn next, at the hour of two o'clock in2 the afternoon. Ail accounts to b. laid before the Coun- cil mnust b. forwarded to the Clerk at eail three day. before the meeting vi the Councîl properly certUied. Dated a t Whtby, Ibis 15tà day Of May, £D. 19 05. JNO. Z. FABEWELL, Coupty Clerk, Co. of Ontario. 190, STR. AILSYLÉ. Whitby tb Toron!W. eric e ffeet Tuesdy, Kayý23rd195 after whieh date ever>' Tuesday and Fid*AY DURLNG THE SEABON. Steamner luaves Par, round kip Nevoaste, 6.30 a.m 75/1 Bowmanville, 7.10 irn. loi Oshav, 8.00 a&mn. b0c Whitby, 8.45 arn. Oc. Childi«endr l2y.ars, haIt -lems krivin uToroaloet11.45&.m.. 1Xoturu m ylu uToroto*t &0.p.o Tickets iuay b. extended for the. ëm6a apn pplica"tiote i.puir e&W Cou peg haadled Cam.ully Md pïMrpt. M"ais"d statie-rooniacoomo4ati eat tomnable rates. A. W. JACKSO)N, JNO. HAZLgT 4agot, Whitby.moaer. Ph*zas14. F. a. 1EAX$, oa. Âjgt. Godd.s' WhaT~ao fer Rem& We have ini stock a numnber of specialties in the celobratod Willlim.' B..t, for mon and boys. Also the-d rian8 ., for men, one of thB best boots made. A now lino of Women's Oxfords and child- ren's boots has just arrivod. Ail these are good goods at close prices. W. A. Holllday & 'Co. BROOKLIN A» ASHBURN.

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