Whitby Keystone, 8 Jun 1905, p. 3

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4 ~TdAGE. ON iroperty , laP.- gltats; ly c0 at 6%4 per London, Ont. SAd- kWOMANJt- nSampIes *O! 1k, linen a"4 in waiste. LrONOON. ONT. p.oi5t duits tu ~treaI nsud Pilton IToronta 7.30 sud Saturd&s spid tte- L UNE KINGSTON,. rexcept Sun- i"eter, Thou- axce Dontreai, R. agent. or ce outaide. pekdý iateri ~ins te tutu nd big tata Lt Corded. ehsand ct- asuade for lie amartiL t-he baek la p.l To neglect" î-'er te a-dWa, lite d-etroy- '10o pas power Be e3Jy kid-,- * à to a recep- it happene, dressed." L~e J oukaul C-H ted ST ~Uà LEUBON NO. S ~ 1¶~ 5~p1J~ I aid At rnay be tMu~ I bis 5ugg~sUpn $~IISt fig ay. i tie nbt bnirobablv entsltalwM no~iia(I JUNE iTU, 105. sPici6n that it *a the Rederer mm-wi oeil W4 h" mexested blunseli te hMm l'h Rv.IjrH.~.h intis remarkable m néer."-Peloubet., Tb* 1«»DI Hom&R«. M M 9. Do &i netý-Recause lt* is unlawful Oomzenmtary-L The blavàly' *" sud miverthy te wership any being but (Y&, 1-5). 1. ïnd--Thu tirit t ive vertes God imself. There vas the marne ai- complet. the description et th& nev te!mpt and refusai in chapter xix. 10 Re0aven and the iipw cartit. The entire Tiéi twice effered and twice reiusd passae 21:t 1 te 22: ô shouid b. read as Wr5baiï la ful ot teaehing. To render one unitreken description. He shoved me, te ai] eir due là wvie and seemly and (IL V..)-It vas tic angel interprettei CitrstlUk,; to off er exaggeratedbornage et xi. 9,- 17 who "sitowed"' John titis te aDY la te unveni God's erder, and te wonder.tul.vision Pure river-Titis is evi- d"g~de by pretending te, exait man dimtly'a reterence te the garden et para- vitese truc glery is that he in God's dise, aud the river by whic it w as va- creatoz.-Crpcnter. Satan wauted 'r~terd; ep~ can be pleasant or Jesus te worship hum, but neocreated tfulviteutwater. Titis river is beung should be vorsitipped by others esclbe, 1 byits t ountain-tead-the Thy fellevsiervant--One bond etfservie tre.tGe nd the- Lanib. Ail our umites angels and meni; te be servante springe et graoe, cemfort and glery are Of Ged is the itigitest title titey cai mi- in Qed: 2. By its quiality-pure, sand clear tain; wership ise for God alone. TIte «u crystal. Ail. t1h streamunsfet artitIj' veds "vershîp Qed", are most empliatic, eemfort anc muddy, but thesè are elear "te Ged give thy vorship, and net te and liie-givig.-lienry. Water et lit e-me." Thy brethren-The saintsetf Gd This lu a familir scriptural image. Liv- are akun te Ue angels. lng, pure water le everyvitere the type IV. IIn thc future world charWeter in et blesg (Pea. rxvL. 8; xlvi, 4; cv, 41; fixed (vs. 10, 11)..« 10. "eal ot the Jeel "Iin 8; John vii., 3739). P1receed- sayingu-Isaiait vii le; x=x 8,\alàd ja»- ing, etc.- The .supply is exixaustless. ici viii. 26; xii. 4, 9, were commanded té HEre là an unfailing f uhiess Of love, joy seal up their prophesies. Their pro. and peace. phecies related te t;e far-distant tintes, 2. Street et lt-Titis refers te the city and the idea in their being comrnudcd described in the preoeding chapter. Tree te seal thent was, that they sitould make et life-The symbol of perpetual in- the record sure and unchatngeab1e; that moitallty. The heavnly paradise, like the they sheuld finsh it and lay it up for paradis. of Eden, bas its river and future ages; se titat, in far-distant tixues tre.et flite. "The tree ef lite is a faver- the events might b. coxnpared vitit lite ite «maeoe Solomon'a wisdomn; the prophecy. On 'the éther band, the jfruit eYfi igtes it uflldd-aents which John h.d predicted, thoué sire, thie wholeeome tongue, cac in i 'a in their ultimate development they were G tre.e oflite.' Wbat possibilities et bless- te extend to theend et the venld, and ing fliese figures shadow forth, who even into eternity, were about te be fui- shh eay twclve manner et fruits- filled. John, theretore, vas directed net Rather twelve fruitages, or fruit har- te seuul up bis predictiens; but te leave veste.'Tite idea is net that there were thent open se that a persecuted chuncit différenit species of fruits, but successive might have access te them.-Barnes., Il. crops.-Whedon. Leaves of the tree- He that is unjut--See R. V. "The words The very leaves, in their fadeless beauty, contain thst solemn lesson otten taught are a" universal guarantee 4hat perfect in the Scriptunes that we are fixing our hemîth àl the constant and everlasting ewn character eterydyw lies, blessaig cf the glenified state.--Godbey.- that, if. judgxuent oventake us at thie 3. Né imore curee. As there shall b. ne last, the resut vili'be traceable te ne more binting against God, se there shahl arbitrary decee. but te the manner iu b. ne mwore curseetfGed u n the peo- vhich, as moral beings, v. met the con- pie, toir ,they shal be al His servants ditions cf that moral system lunviticit and serve hum. Our t irst parents came ve have been placed." under the curie by einning agaunst their. Makeï. in Paraditse; these shahl neyer apsta4te, therefore nelther they uer the .*tei shall be cursed." Thiet orever settles,4be question of futur probation. There 'caii Dc no such thlingas probaL tien". vîthout the possibîlity eof allut. through' tranpgression, in whtch case » the curse would inevitaly'lollow;, "but -Th Cgo teamestersi' srike'ila euh "1there sal be no more curie," therefere unsettled. there eau he ne more probationary state. The U. S. Steel C'. big Canadian 4. Shall tec His face--This is that vision Plant js te b. *builtjust below Sand- ef Ged, etf which theologiaiue have much wich. opkeùxItonstituting the hig4cet glorv cf ~ Knso tetfala a d heaven.-Witedon. Tle vision et Gd lu, vertised for sale, but no bide vere ir»- 1. The vision et ighteousness. 2. A 'vis- ceived. ion of grace. 3. A vision of glory. Sight Th ugsoefBrazPwlan et «od as the :boltite being is incen- CTh, Trn towr e ofrg 1,9Powe an ceivable for any v Who are in creature C. ootvsrbe t$0 ott cenditions.-Ilom. Com. fSee 1. C'or. xi etofgedds. 12; 1. John iii. 2. In their foreeade- A petition-bis beei fil4 at Qigeode Saintsetf ed in this lif. otten reilect Hall te wind up the IPurlty M&àuteu te image of the heavenly in titeir coun- ig Company. tnne."If in titese mortal tenément. Captain John Barclay, for over .forty the divine glory se radiates frein the ycars supeintendent et the Allan Steant countenance a@ te enable us to e ned Io- îpCouîpany.. .4 ut'IontreuýL ~le as w~e read bocks, who con caeu ltO î, ).. «' rate the 'brillanry oethtia spiendere vhich shall'beaiti fromeintit.cOtenaneeS fanioUsrencit contralto, ha,'ýrpW 1 etfflic glôrified saints?" oa loi n hts.wf ee 5. No nlght thee-Jeohninl hie vigtio' slug agahi. ,sees one terniil day. Thils le figurative Riuiding permits, issued in Toronto for language. Darknesisti gnLIM ti.et3,0iv18,- m er~hya~e sin, sorrow, pain and death; noue of gl 3ll1,an înc~aee~R~6 these wvihlbé found in heaven. GivethiOC at3er them ight-The divine glory nevér dinis. 3 . Q. $ing bas been appointed engin- No revolving cf fthe Orb rendeni thie op.M#ofetPublic vwotin lu etge of lit - posite heuisphere dasrk. n neqpele adistric t asaten Ontanie, with hcsdo- j co. Î# D-A miso e Be. xv. 11) are mHilflned byexi- MoegiJ*<s 5.Ânothc404 .sdy~ actly thesanie Gretk word. TIb. wry vag laite th fis t. 4wnoelo.y, Dames argumnt that would p- "! dMAklinlOWibe Wâ.T e* __ punisimenutwould prove tOow là 1 oi imeltucm «î wt ia ý*ease teels Y il. <Gods 8 lupg are 'trixe (va. ., . wèeM etob Ç-6. And-Titè visons wlkh John av art luti Wë »Q« uwttWh4il nov ended.* Thue realnfégte'rfeg oi the orne lffVa a4 chapter are $hie 7lRlne. *ne sa -,n»61 M4 interpretiîyt 'ange (. reîiIm the Words of Qed (xXi. à).- Thff Uoeesw,*wlà o -Thle utergnces Aid clruvelwtioanofn ils boo OfTlheG ri$ofté ýPts tl,ý tè (R. ý--ThO elwbocalI.4 ad,, * mnsiioîxed the prophete to emaiI ph. wLê 1 1h. S.Sa Word. "By t14is *emn phuik John-l *mtwv l&sApocalypse on the sanie b4 où Mwot* vitit the. 01ldTement. He- titat kt le te take eual î ua* ' Mard aon, sud kl d scieus tiat. Rie î%I.o (I mau thing in J11 ook, 1a. llterallyp would lntimate t& Piieles vere t e b. fiIi 'a'. *i' %Iasfttv. Itssr dé*ey' support the -Ides tit t. iý tii imes ln w" dê ýnd to ftRilsturbames *M- 9laontbé e Jêva ata. !P1.Wbhî 11507au -m and iôw tiusr a'e tobu tul Iteaven o>nhynoà7oe r KINST mIS Bomb Thrown at Loubet and. H is Royal Ouest Missile Went Too _High an d Misseil Themn. Three Arresta Were Made Eadly This Mornrng. A Paris cable: As the King of Spain, aecomnpanied by President Loubet drove away frein a gala performance at thbe opera after midnîght, an Anarcliist threw a 'bemb in the direction ofthte royal carniage.* Several soldiers oethie eacrt were thrown frein titeir orses andi njured, whîle fragments of the bemb struck many persons in the crowd. Ring Aifonso and President Lou- bet had been cheered 'along thte entire route te the opera by enthusiastie crowds, and were returning when the peîétIsl'a MO ~7o1avicir.uvi SolO only 00- Izliui t ln -the Us-ofdoos KING ALFONSO, lice meaSures vers -in force along the, route eoflte Young mona.rcit. Tiheinai 'Who gave te infonmton , alainsl lAr- nold is hen-elf under- surveUlance for posi. ceuxplciiy in Lhe outrage. lm TOOX ROUGII ON RATS.' Atteuiptel Suicide Lt noeofm t Mn.Dy IL Wsiker, et Toronto. e ----~ Mr. Rq&ceteUler-muai,, b.,judged: 'lis. the Sand Ol Couxanguêt to eom feioeaidtite-pubic a àsquare bahl f Tm« UbelR's stor eoftthe standard o ompsny's matho s aid trsnsaotolil lu mrue; if tRieex e fMr. Tbisons Lawaou inhi*aisý 0 s#p rendln. P then the ËandiraàM m *y bîvl ,ta Mn. . Reeke«teradti.yte, Toronto. June .-Féaring t ho b i mmercWaiiy. usbetie might b. proseculsi for -repmese+tWg itimci as a asephew et a .wI-uoniJcT , rdWre Toronto gentleman, Hersese.n HlRIlngdoî pmaed t ittis syteu hast niglat made au mtempt 4 endjhie fr. RoektcRIer là ir lf. by awalowuug lte contents t aa- Semaoa - the ol 1> ounce box et rov e n rats.& llngan tRie el, Oamid 1w o oeled at lb. esi«dnce et ofr. Byrçn EIL 00000and *1,00,000, Walker, Oueral mager e the Cana- able. ht iau y*'0"sem dian Biank et Ccmmerce, aI 99 Si. George ,cours, 0 oa an5êl astreet, about Il» Olasi nigisi aid tm- forvard, 'squm ,busin quit.1. Sýr Mr. Wallker wvie li asIdiemute.»au &-s= ofa ,.ntb.ixig hem, tRie ynasng factlomwbave- aâtb MVeli t ti asiuai là,t li SAU about; be-q a s* alli l" , 1.ua»4#0> weih ti ed,,*,ant*jseai etdm«f».TibnvM6 thie mmiii staircase ho. pulled tise -lin«ad Cqàii4.J>ùa do" etf rougiton rataoutofi the t n i-hmi$ budam.of pçrUyad a<ck and svmljowed tihe WP ng e ýJ*tute .arlor b. etreleas a -iun ~tUSentre ci tIse root.minau!$n.t n aun e about to cehlape qâdeidm4î ut.s-io Thse, p~obe, arnulace vuec000d An d *tA eeputed tbe basai fortap41 J. p. I s 4, I s I s s r I r New Tek.........S DerotoatoLe84 ltetm*er. II* ibio1,6crul.e na f3 satUa ta 500M esa. " t f. -~ft grlû eeehts o-d«i e atait 1vh pmrlaees Aa ie fIri. Wheat le, nu- J elazuedvlthsalsoe 300 bushëls" etwhiute su d dwbnter At $Le2,10 b 'el e gs at 79c.,1sud .100 busbw Ofetspring1t-,e. DBarley unchangel100'bus3hels ehlaa Oat Clnt,100 bukiels ellng mi 47o a ueheL, Delry prduce, «la mIodetat. supply. -»Uttie MasedYo WItàt sales 19 '8te 2ic fer thie-est, Rlay tna»mdezati effet, thonsa belug OnW »10&"*.da tlmcltbY eld aet19 te *$11 a ton, anfd mdAt vto 0 aton. 8trauIàsni-, lnai luaAbsence e tore. Dreied -bops -vm unchaged, wlth saies ai M36t *ti. latter fer llght veighIs. Wheat -White, bush.e...100 te $1032 Do., red, ýbShel.....10th 0 100 Do. L b5hei . 0 e -00 Do.:ey= buhel ........o 79 te 009 Pts bushel ........0 72 te 000 liay, timothy, toun.....10,00 te il0 Do.. mixed. ton.....7 00 te, 9 "d strmw. por ton.......900 te »0c0 Dresad hbop .......8 0 te _q0 APPlest Ver bbLu....... .... 100 te SI75 Eggs. dogoi.........017 te 01S' Butter, aan.y .on...11 1 o0n Do., creauuery .. . o 22to 025, Chlekeus. fait peo lb. .03 te 014 "rurkoyu, por lb.......ois te ois8 Potatees, per bas........05te -075 Cabbage, Ver dozen....05U te 0" 5- Celery, per do-o......04o te 0 50, Ontens, Ver bag.........200 te 0 #0 -Beef, hindqusrten....9 1» te 10 50 Deo. forequarters.......00 te- 760 IDo.,-eol,e rgase....850-to 9 0 Do., c mn, caresse . 7 M5 te 7 75. mutton. Pa« cwt. .. .860 te 10 ou Vos!. Ver ewt. ....800 cto $60 Lamb, sprng, Vor lb. .300 -te I150 Bd-tiuRa Cattie Xarketa, Lmono.--Cate are quoted at Il;( te 1114 ver lb.; refx-lzerstor beef. DU te 9%co pot lb.;- sheep, 18 te 14%c e r lb. -CiteeaeMarkt&s Loudon.-Bîddlog At 84ec. nosales. Beievllo.4sls ere: 'Magrath, M00; Ken, 915; Ifeâgmon, 50; Loi-oIt, Chnhtna rOnIen & son# $35, m- 8 8-1k; balanoor go1 on Street At Ibisf1%=r.. '9 3.»ç I14 ast 9 3-16e. WooR. Leudon.-Thê-eneral tonsetftheéelmi kat durlug th. weok-,was finm. the, anrt*&s! for th* sert serIesnuwAbet 11.714 bàles, In. eludint 54.m00 orwutrdddiret, lTh. IagOte outrage oecurred. TRi pace around tite opera bouse was deiarcd for 200 yards, .but .th-avennle "'p packcd vith a dense throng, vich Mwe awaitiug lhe passage et ttc royal aid Presideutial parties mdmlred thie citaming tomie, the decoratiens extend- hng as far as lbe Palais Royal. The pro- ession arnived at ttc end et Avenue de VOpera and crossed te Place Thecatre Pracaise, vitere ver. asscmbled at least lI00 persone lu ttc Rue de Rohan, a short atreet, tormng prmellcally a cou- tlni#ation et Avenue de L'Opera. 'There, jat a ew yards befere reachlug tire Rue Rivoi4 a mani spralig orvard wiLli is- armn r'ised lu lb. air, and before the cordon et police ceuld prevent hlm, lie, witluout uttering a vend, threw a projectile hanlte direction oethIle royal crriage. The police lmmediatoly rush- ed-toward hlm. * At titat moment a deafening explosiçn o=crred. Cries frein thc crowd vene he*rd sud a scene et intense excitemezut bgn. iSoldiers were ceeu te fait, but mie h fash froxeintiibemit ded eut ut was observed that lte King sud the P'resldeni ha4 ipot îeen -uiruck, and Uaeir oe.rrage proceeded en its vay. The benxb had len tiironw iti tote great terce, aud pass'euiover the royal carriage and, etruçk ithe shoulder et a 1cuirassier, m'u4 tten . fehto-Ah. rud vitere St exploded, frn~t t fil ta"k. ine, Lb lrses «tW salors, uausIng- beun le boit and titrov theirrider4. Çaptaîu Schnueder, wtao vas wdlpg; mi ,Oaptain Gars-ien, vise vais on 'tîee bit, vête thrown,. Fragments oiflte boxnb also struct ?Ive pesbs-asegeaut, t1*o l iceme w vini(Who va senonual alte ."e). On. terse et the "=,ni vasw klled outnIglut, and six others je) *bout îanaied aidbleeding.,, 11 .Thie forc.etfthe., explosion vas lti-Uic, and caused a deraugemeut ,tis'e ca trie liglits,, which ver. ml extisgulsh.d adding drkuata tise confusonM= o zuen and ciMdren sereaunc, and a p#ulcc ensued untIl tRi e oie nestored order- In tRie meantise, lte neMaîfder et the escont bad, losed anouidtise pIca- niage, vitch dlsappear.d uder.tue croit-, wgay efthlie leurre. Thé yun'81;2eg as le b. e sit$ng besieit reiet. .lSe VU aspl, but app&Mntl7 camJ=tuaibete ie terri- &r. lappeared lise King ealied o». et and seut -hlm bmte niakeimatnuru sennlngtIse od.d. »be Mer- nagel dro*e oI to te s.Palais »)ee bmmd U.bytroopse mndd av&try. Tii. ptnin I uevuns fieof etPolice Jimtenngad i..£ 1h le tkbp% vnti lo tie M10p *i rl VIEb. &ruw -

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