Whitby Keystone, 8 Jun 1905, p. 2

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IL. ____ I a * .+ +.î . i i..os1ts6 . JtHunt for CrniiAaIs, Dlrectiy a.. bIs. mystrqac»eecl ln London.'otiatntiTti-ttui vn( SuetrcPOlIm a sarong. but Invisible Cet. frein whleb oui>'the. rer>' lucky or the ýVery citer crlminal can escape. Wbenà Y00 conalder that tse London over whicLi Secîlauti Yard bas power bas a radius of fiteen mllEs trom Cltsnlng Cross. y@u tIlt understanti the wonderful nature of the -Police organitation. Wltaitn a tew houri 101t5h. dlscorry of a sensatlonal crime. tie author et thich bas-esacapeti. tesaix millitons of People lu London are more or Jessu niter surveillance. Imagine a terrible murder sncb an tint ai DePtford a f ev days ago. Tii. locil Police Immedately commnuir-ated with lioctauti Yard. rAvIng the facta-.setating. for example. that tbree people hale biten DUndoed In a hou-se, sud tiraI s fair-haireti Iman ef forty. w-?arlng a long "'y cver- #coat. rndbeen seem 10te ,ave lte bouse. Frein Sc'tland Yard tiers radiate 10 the twenty on e Metroprr:lran 1>011e.dir.ionrt. from tht 'A" ef Whîtphall district te lthe -Y-cf Ilfghgaîe district. euch facts as th. authorluies lu tht' K-r.atcentiral bul- lng on tire EmtinkmeIn uikItl neressry ehould bo knosn Tt I' tien ont>' a ,natter Of a tee irrur@ before 'tir Policemen In the streaets are keepingth tir e o open for s fsir-haired trarnrofforty. wenrrtng a locg gr-ay' eercoal Put thii 1« (oi)' tntp begin- uing ot the son (One of thrQe btef de- Ct. or S-taf Yard 1- on thre erene cf the crirrr-a'q ïTickly ansTt Le pn«suble for hlm to cot tiçre, andi posslbly the a- Oiatant rmnnîiiisouer h1iseif rushes da-nI on bis rolar car - The r'hiefs. with their at-eistant. make a'thrrrouzh rexamonatlon ef the. place and lte phnlrtg-aph*, A "eP felat is',boiring lt. niaiintofta-n tinzt rs !- 'ont off nt once î6 Srntisnd Yard ITti'ap r.'n de-idAoI iratItlb criminlt 09 a r-r laborer. a-nd trr Io a dec- lertlvre qt.itlv unIr-bing s'en- rOtumon kitizng h ru' vftina rulite tof utiles. Sleanwh!,. or'- or îlo e eror del-ctir-,q at tire yard w!t!ioamemnry tored a-tIi the nar'resl' of '--h rdtIe d-perat. houi- tial crtriInel'wl-omIsh el" b. l ttbcin- ni?: @,u- i aenrie. ip >t-rt oot a sesrr-h for sarb. oft lP n ht.etre grse moventert. w-i. iintrrown o l irtnr c be :racsd for dae, ha k. Tho bre- Irr. lrr(1lrnc cnnmerral travoler who lourre-. rrrrnd tire bonk stal or tirer tire booltîog orfl,- o et ee r more et the' great tailla tstiaLtlit aise pro. habîy s matn fron tire yand Tiec nthodm vary. ûfrordIng tnri crr-umances. but lu everv àrwtr-lI-r ie aret.hl, trong, tun- it'en merles orf the..prîfre nk-I Up ai Moal- land Yard flre finger pnInta on the' plece et grlassa rp bbeing rrlàliv nimnilared wtub $mornfe lte inger-prînF ne okuevu imi- ualn, For veara flre-prris have bpen mbne<ld. and tlreeare no cri rtelt smcre than 60.00(M stsq Prlsonera have bai tn slîghtly 4t tia fingerm ait arounti on a prepareti «». anti tien place Ihent on a pIe-e of qeclally pretp5red Pape-r ttrning tirent cluaIY round hy the' dirpetIon of arr officiai. util an lin- f rerselon et ail the' ek maritingi, bas been eft on tht' piper Fii-nsIiy tire sets of finger-prints are Indexi anti atoreti awa>' onti? -nti for eomparlon. sither vIIti finlwpn-pritntgb ot.e"tjeollr laits-,or weuh accIdenial mark@ mode.b)' aauaplng crimi- nels e-h a, tio- ef1-t on t1ir. ptereeof glis. Prs lir te tinrer-marks on the glas. -cinis a-ltir thoge of a crimînal vine bam roi l*'n ro.n or irearti of for rnany mrontirs An Eodpndeni msarch il eI onte made frrbinm. anrd POLsibly cmne et bis i;od ar'oianlar-eqare enllt In th. 4poesl. liteîmal, have bren a frequenten of aIt ln ito f 1,,n w OC irs Bctnuirs tist ln es-ery oneott%,lin en orst;' e(re la au officiai or uofr¶otcitr"trpoksenati. cf 8,-olant Yard. Te pmllkosan corilog up the court -0arrylng le-o rans. 1May' le syard min. for al inldo o? 'isguLqp« are bnt'oght Inlo use tAo-I s' mIa score of different vars gtr'torr- P-r-<tImndr.l tA-i et fIr, lient nma- rinery In tooison for thre cause cf Justicer. Tht'erîmir-al wl-r, e-esfrtra m ering- force moy P -t'-m rnlim«ltfrionats lira> by day In sort parteulir ras e usring iP drewn 'Igirtr. andtihluecriminal la liept wlihmn tiore rirr ocf hi. cnt.e. Tiers la aniir eh Wè sndlsenvpi'ed rienît tan la I.up- Prseti Thore-c ,ittPni leth' ie ertMinal. l'lit lariks nifflcitlent paI evidenro lprove the rate --l.çrndon Malil. MEXICO'S TRIEVES' MARKET. Ploce Where GooJa Stolen Prom Mur-. dereti Man Were 0f fuetid for Sale. thit Urne the aEl.victenious BeM5flYe -la possession etfttie grenP. > a 1530 Cisanle V. of GenmafY, t&6ac- eemmodate Pope Clement Vil, Sced etit Malte..-, 0"uthte . &Een of Ic Kiightset St. Jobs e! ie rdslem, 1WiII& helti tnutil . 1798, wben ýtàrou5l5 the eebutteacenei t lefn'N aWidthe. grand master of the enoir, Ferdinuandi N'on Hompescli, Itfeu nt e c sada of the Frechi. At the beginniug of the. nlueteenth century Englanti came laie esesao fe Majta. anti continues te o lti ait.-Fre "alta." by Chaplain Willfim Q. cas- nard. U. S. Navy, lu Four-Traci eya for May. ENCLISIl SPAVIN LINIMENT Remeves ail bard, soft Onrcaiousa lumps sud biemiahea f rom lion..., bloà $Pavin, curba, aplinta, nngbone, aveene>', stifles, aprains. nore sud svollen thro4i, eougbs, etc. baye *30 by use et onq bot- tle. Warranted the ' moat vonderful Blemiah Cure ever kuowvu. The Port of AncienS Mariner. Ewve strolled about the tovu ad Sm the sights of W~atc.het. They were few sud simple; yet some- thing (perhaps rte generous sunshine ot the J ut> day, or perhaps th1e inwsnd glew of cententmnent in ou? heartà) madie rhem bright anti memorable. There vere the. quaint.. narrow streets, with tbeir itiny shops sud iow atone bouses. There was the coast-guard station, wiii ita triai garden, peroheti- on a ternace above the s"a. There vas the life-boat bouse, with its doors wide open, andtihîe great boat, ispick andi pan in the glorny of siew paint, stvanding ready on its noilers, and the record 'of splendid rescues in past years inscrubeti upon lte valla. ex. vas the circular basin-harbor, vitis the %vorknien siovi>' repaining the break- wat.er, sud a couple of ancient Iookiug sehoozwra reposing on their aides lunthe niud at lov tid.. And there, back on te bill, looklng dcvii onen uhe tovu anti far awa>' acrosi thae yellow waters of tLe Bristol Channel, vas the high tower of St. Decunian's Church. "It vas froinit.hia in>' barbon," sald I to Dorothea, -that a garai friand ef ours, the Ancient Mariner, setail ou a wenderful voyage. Do yeu remember? "Thle ship van cheereti, thEe harbor dlean- ed, MentiE>' titi vsdrop, Below thie kirk, below the bill, Below the ight.house top. Tisai via the kîrk tb wLiclx ho tooketi back as lie naileti away te an unknova country'. "But, father," mid Dorothma "Thse Anelent Mariner vas net a neaE paron. lie vaseuE>'y a cltaracterl» "Are you quit. sure,» 'esaI ," tisaia ebaracter is't, a real persen? At ail events. t vas here tisai Coleridige, vaik- lug front Netiier Stova>' te Duinenaca, av tLhe lti sallor-man. Ant I ance (joIe itige &aw him, 1 neekon Le lirai, and tilil liv.. At. ve ever going te forget wbit he lias teEti us: leprayetb bet., lie onetii Lest Alithîgs othgreat aud *Maul; For thée e 4rGd wbo Eoneth us, nie ntade andi lonati ail." -Train A Day- Amoug the Quautoek MBus, b>', Dr. Hfenry VanlDyke, la the June Scrlbner's. FREE!B PENNYROYAL TEA. randition hlsiat-anti muai Lappily ' EU-Breaki5< a Traie. for roilîsince lu tItis taslciuating 'I5U4 A eonnepontient of tie Cblea"e Jour- traditîris lu moat cases ana tllI as geotius, vite bas bera aaeisln for thie uoi coi nas fit-that te "Titieves' Mian- menotonous methotiofet ar a living, ket '7 stands on the gjouuts of what decds ulae1e isiecaku g. vas once a part ofthSie sasoous gardensalumet a mmswho salti lie»va iseuit of tIhe -w lieuse" et Mentezruma. luasianufacturen on a large écale, andi va the- long das tgone by, ti tiàgrdon, i eter WanlIne t 50 Last about the nse- spacieus pUroportions, vas ah. sceneof etbr cl eggs istirm Lougt la the coeara man>' dar anti disinal crimes, snd sean>' af a yeitn. Nov, i seue test, to a4"94 ver. the robbenies anti acta et vKiolence esEalihi>, Ib.eus are broken Auto s that occurned titenefor h vas on a boy! a i ure belon. Lclng adddite La hi ghîay miieliuseti and vien ulgit Lsd cosnseus stoekI'L ene ane mca, b4e bld tali1en va"' s-an>' dark andi dan erous. ums, %khe do aetbeh * butc lt i erak ugg. l'. al ~ee>(thte miarter Ita pov- Tie>' beromte s zetbtat a seauna enfuI officer o eâ weg-etet eue of dipeem of s tisousatian heur, or lO0,00 hlisretainere, s crime that rnkWlae4 l e -t4.'" _______ bre-ast outhîe poor IndEs ia"W t 1 o og ~ aftcrvnid, Le took Lis nevezie, at l master la>' deati, kilied iun bekeOP Poviur. dusîziti-thae bath, soltes stupor by te wrnged aer*It. Tii lsnvaSeasti dltectg.as vruged min, itling te matr. peck- et., cana led awsy vith hlm trosu te. adIsi Roc" house &ail titiakels anti raikles ý ou %Nbat gedai et tIi>' lane ln Eng' viticit Le could lEs>'hi& hanta. ?ieu " hied imsooelt te te prttting ubhadeofetaat Lao.k at the Pîue t broies stase blonbcztsîa's gardenï, viser. b4",îd Lise'for epeins,étored ain 5.utlelMinai se-lf under rthietre- until tbe COscoU"« '.0U*Va>'; ite he osup1à a.t day ahouiti vake f1Vea L ci'anii tildcnsul ic> ois l = , il pas" pau bs'yeudth e guard vitioosi moles. iVM> WL outedat ot . s taton.Bu whftho.-bil u W& erdsiad bec a aianil hoae 'ua as onl>' s short lime the aMî, vftqintb eQot s#ud 4e1 o apneatia servant, umor. .ý l btWgdmg e on"'rvW-ISata"duido ovi Intereirts ttus te rencsgq Lis u». 900det roug » A 1U. * als vii s & ti cli- tees mumnder, fouadt Use galt>' man Andti r f 4 aed ie bere *mw t >lfpbd.o quickly sud tisoroughl>' 4epatciscd il tosbm ofew. i tb ~lkak dmiu spw A nelghbibnag gE>, w on*" «Mar tpet- tg day A" eletic laps -sereti aa «mals pnie~b n. laqlle î 11% tiseéé tlînlng tisya, eoM aud tic lbody' 1, . tiei. bnn"Dr. iLs-ot>', antid s itbei m u gdsmel svsy viii îLe coda, titis kes uiiem.sa etanti Seefftl i g~ 0 I10~1 U0EY~~$ Ment Lad Llown oven. POW4esss Wb$v Mi tu 'r ý= oisniiwm *ot Yb haliati à atums.V l IcIViX ";1W:;th 00;1;d o bb to t as«. vmt. the wh"een. JOAc 'à uny stad V wic «7 Mdmte* at.m si. -ras4 bti. telesgd set up bui___ -r s *rkmiiti kw-* o m - * * u 6 M M à--ga t bIrisu«ttiS Wts.ks W tlS b IS a meramis. apiA s bytà m" l '*W* b*--' _____mm- Dissase tüma no sammw Iftyou need ih uai Scott's Emalélon 8 Wàvner a i jiq Story of a Pelles. In the. gardens o et iiVatican tiere bas for some years been a amani mena- gerie composed of rare an mal* wlieh were sent by admirerain varions parts of the world te the. Este Leo XILIn l these animais Leo's successor, Pope Plus X_, took much interest, but as it easta a great detE to feeti them e h receutiy decided to remove them from the gar- dens and to present these te the varn- Oua religions inatitutions inRome. A beautiful pelican was among the animals and a day or two before the nienagerle was te be broken up it fletv off into the country, viiere it wa soon killed by a man wiio vas siiootiug l» the marsbes. Seeing that Le Lad obtain- ai a genine prize, he haattinedté t pre- sent it te the King, but nome of the court/officials had. heard of the peU- can'a eicape from the Vatican andti tere- fort by the monarchs o entte bird was stuffeti andi sent back to the. Pope, who his placet i t as an enament ln one of the. rooma of the. palace. That Lumbago Li Always Cured by Doddsa Kld.y Pilla. Québec Mm. Curai Hia Ldueyi' WI±ii Dodd'u Klidney Pila, and BisLumbag Vanishe&i Qnebec, P. Q., May 2&-(Special.- John Bail, a bricklayer, reIi t 67 Little Champlain street, t bi y as added Lis -statenient to tih. great ams of proof tat Lumbago la causeti by dis- ondereti Kidneys, and ScnsequetUy easil curd by Dodd'a Kîdney PIW M. B x vas troubled wlth Lumbaofor twe yeams I coulti net work. 1bdte get up at mights to utute se Often that my-rest was broken. I reati of cures by Dodd's Kldney Pilla andmatie np MY mlid te trýy theni. Alter the. tint box 1 coulti me anti feel a ciiaige.Tire boxes cuneti me eompletely." Lumbago, like nbeumatiam, l a caned b>' uric acld- in the blooti. UrIe aciti ea- net =. y lathe, býood if the. Kitineve are 4 weright. Dotid's KkIney PISl make the. kidneys work right- ne Peut-Up Utica (LmoanAnir> la the amattuet affes Len» debonvu t. will by compartso wîth oth.u Canadian cg- lasthl. tablea sows: WlnntPes....... ..... .... ... ..117 Taronto...........5.1 Ftedertctm .... .......... .. ...7 et, Joh .. ........... ... ...*1 btoutral............L M Ottawa.............1 CiiAnle&etown. -............ ..24 . insautos..........., victoia ........... ........ Lui Menuctmo...... ... ..... . .. .- ...LE SclinCÂ Pm- am M NCRTCE8 Jas htlh.da7ui.. t ntr*,O7.,os Wb** 'ehitapSopIede htS.fe aMlt rȐacs Outm*"itit settis. i&i*effl «Mt sm semutI i. ql*ta teachIug. Tb* &»%Uir potS et l obq4ta.l tom aus i Àli4 cr= oi01eteoftiftas elle- finipa *'»ffl vue bu f iueefbou 04 womia eeLPona* an do pes lh»O doe rmaettag yeelftbere Ibis btterus. b«t1t viii etseui sncoi amiai __ 'liafli* -DeAr "4o eS#vsr bar* i - - la It l MM gelerli>- ImvAbmtai eswtimavi boiîn t r t i uil liWag 0astim- s> "44<Ugose avte bolnf $uayfor bin.Mdi la' ttilg a pissuof ewb toe M.ý fou« moti4wudtuil ffoust a .5.~~~ m-e ln IL mi aaaSd ui * l -~N-1.023e 190518 FORSAE Unless the soap 8you F OR SRTAG O use as hiý ran trcta.thIry ts.centrslly eltuateti; only useba tisbrndyOU $Mdowm orsecure& _balance at 5% per are lotgeting he estcet London Lean Company. London, Ont. FOR SALE MWO stlxCrac NMrRS. Straugie C@lin W' AW Pl îlte Gwiefs t, ftbiWonIL T1heirs la 3a CrAdls- viUiaBthe. <oer -e the great lnstt«Ustlst New.lYank béte~oe vh1Il a colltantly 1OeCitti i ebeiis es acti. 5-e &=is 1 reusquiSe, simply dmapet iu latlt.îut i*tieaucloo10k et coaY CaonS at bout Il that one vould stce 17 suspect 15 ta b. a cratile' 4t marot. And thi a ale la th. mutS usetul anti. lan a var.the mess lnbablted eratle In the tondà. DayAi dy e«MSs~ ie er 15 la the rellettmorm =àUwayfanag seuls tia Mrnylh«tbe etain-the ls.history of- the racée in15 Sc the lslalnaoftson- net a Ire atd. antiove 15 more tearsaus a"et tha" Itf t vert, an e grv- It la the Place tien. aliSe1,2»0 found- Jinge are placei-the milent viai.,e or qe trzly heartireàang methan ay other ati, miuasthe tonid bega. ipoar air 3â years IIt hu stooti vis t1do"s te-day. reatiy-drmped. open. wviii. asmany thousanti wmeahave sféoe.shazetacedly lu sud. si- ter leokia lIpeîemsly about bave laid thein helplesoftaprlng vi" nits teptha. Fan ithirty-fiv. e ns, tinter anti aummer.1 lu the bittenet eold andti he mouS titflu; -heat, It hsa een thezD came-Si, poor. thée ries, sthe humble, the Proud. thie beautiful. te homely--and oae by one thsy have laid9 teir children dOvu anti rode aven tem.4 wcnderlng whetier la veOn possible for bu. mnu love te make go great a sacrfince ant yet not dis. 81111 ah. traiedy nepea «taIef. sud year afin- Yser Mdtiday ater day th. uuîocked4 door Io openeti andi dethron#d nîntue en- t--ievIilU i& goMSCOe andi passion anti affection, aud a child la robbtdet ian hon- orable hoiue.-Tbeooe Drelser, lainTOUS Wataon'a Maza-lne for May. ftRONG WORDS BY A NEW YORK SPECIALISlT-"After years of testinig anti companison I have ne besîlatio n lusay- lng liai Dr. Aneus. Cure ton the Heart la thse qulckest. uitest, atim urest ýknovu te metilcal science. 1IDus it lu My Ov prit- tics. It ieUeneaths ess acsute fo>rm Or beart allient luside of thIray minutes anti neve tsnl-45 Battle of- FEovers. The battie otf foverasicis vwas elti ai Cannas receâtilyiras unusuailly auil matai, anti universail>' teclanetijte have ben immenaely succesaful. It vas get- tentieti b> glenious veather, sud takant part iu by ment ci the Cannas alite. Con- 1 spCiuus iu the. long lino et gally dtioe-Ç ateti canniages vwas a landau contai -nf X Pemuter>', of chamne olame, aI, aparty. Ih vas ammterinMarftel NiaI roses ef extraortiiany a"seand beaut>', andti ook tirai prise Another carniage vws decketiwvth Pink stock, in- termixe t viii gs o e iicatéliestiier. Amoag auntenous etier veileles vere & wagonett. deconsteti vharum udes sud occupleti by a panty ln tin>' lav. tennis costume, anti a Victoria viii large yellov carnations anti La rance roses. lTh. breaks of the, offeersof ri-1 oua regimenta vexe alao muci admire T'h. price paiti for flovers ton decoratlve anti cembatiag purpomes must Lare am.- ouatei te isundretia et pountis. Tisetioctora vise carriet eut e&e auto- *y on Atiolt von Meusel>s recalns stà= thtbisLalungs siio'waithat ho Lad sut- ferai as a yeung masi trou tubercules- la; yat lieliirai te Le near>' 9O yesnC olti. Tii.>' urtLen mini. thai Leovas «hytioepwii-tiist jl a, d aien on te braun, lii.retypeet nesembling the. great matseiatilels Helmiela, & proot ÙM imen oethile reteot feus May eri ii ti te skiat formatisn«uuail> asoclateti viti a f inumMn& ovnOi ien1 a is The.olivoeûtoes anti ail u. «'0mmt «ui eti lua atmonet mm irua by ex pover. The Maus et pulp 14 thon traisaiem e. Itia wteker baskets te the "telo,'>or e«X«e prom a.nfrese iathe aiU 008es ltaa tM bel"v. Th* ures etsDho> Mear 01&oE. elaorate.lculre i iiitie, sme andti e-> ric-es et soUie erly pedrens. Tremmeas pressure la appIletiinugb a primitve a mtan arnansueet. VI"elltehes von b hearY ooduu leftv&U sltug e ofl*a rouai ueti the e tiser lua atraek mueh von iy tcts the bu en« tm a. &Tbé, a q tire.. Box 107 TMMS OFFICE. 1 WOULO LIKEIEYEIRY WOMANU te wrtte for Our New Striaiandi 3anplee of $4.50 and $12 8ntta. In cloth. gitk. Unen 0A* lustres; &ho ralooate, alirts snd tabla. SSOUTiICTISUIT Co. LONDON. ONT. Sand for samplea <4i shirt teInt suita -ta lattis. linen. ec..-troam 12.50 Up. Montreal LUne Steamers BellenilleHamiton and Pletn Lean. Hamilton 12 noon andi Toronto 7.30 P-m. on Tue«Sdss. Thuredaya sud Saturdisy for Bay, of*Quinte Kentreal and, lnterine- diate ports. .LOW, R&TES ABOVU IJNU TORoNTo)-MONrRE4 UNE STEAUMS TORONTO AM» ICNGSTO'N. Leave Torontoet; 3 P. m. tiafly. exasi-uas-E dars. Prom July itially. Rocthester Thou- andti Ilande RaPit IsLt. wr N~ Oniresi Quobecand Mixrray Bay, Tto aao.Ssgenay River. For Information spPly to0 R. RL agents Or write H. lFaste? Charro. Western I'os.5ge Aigent- Toronto. Soe Xore of TiseseDon't5 Dont put ai jour allevauce outatiet. Don't vear ventlcaliy shaped rmaterial ifyou are tait. IDouWt expect great bargalast4 'aura out gréat &%vinea IDont irear big aleeves anti bÏg. bats If you are short. Donlt put ceat belon. eut Cordeti SEu wea't cover a peen lit. Dont lumpluto jour elothes andi ex- peet tu look dreassd Don*t forget that iress wu matie for vomain, net womaufor dresa. Aushalby petticoat kilEs the sart!ait gevn.-Wasùluea Time. KII>NEY CET.- Pala ln the ba*ic l the eiz'-of the hala.? faoribs». Te rneulect the eall la te deflier ah. body ever te A dWs ease cruel. rutwlesant iaui"-y lme destroy- tue. Seutls Auieon tiifa«Cure bu pover skia te mirawulm la bliast héneedy itdi- neya out or tke.tmire et dines... krefUas la sMx hours.-18 «Wiat do yon imean by gollg tobed wltli yeureothes ou?"'- -Why, 1 tieaetien wt te àrecep- tien 4 ti eier nIgu antit 1 h l w~n Tritimiated 1ferTales frosà ILe-Journal OR-ANG;E BOSOM Tilt prelels nselyt. a ~ po itif faU mlc use . . rt o .ett @RIls M A Hreause .8 eGLSnoOt JCJNE 18TII, 1905. TiogenHsely Rme.-Rev. 22: .11. Commentaiy.-L lTh.eHhM an (vs. 1-5). 1. anti-Tht tiriavf'eyvr topethiL, description of the ne ;eavan, anti the new earth. The ent' passage 21: 1 te 22.5 shculd lie rend - oe unbroken desçniption. Be aboyai (I. V.)-It vas the angel iuterprîii etfxxi. 9, 17 who - "ihoveti" John ý vendent ai vision. Pure river-This isE dsntlÃŽ a nefeence te îLe garden ef par -1 dise,' anti the river by wbich it vas tareti; ne plaec au b. pleasant t~utul vithout 'water. Titis rive? 'eenibed, 1, b>' ias fountain-beAdt titrène et Ced sud th ii.Lnb. Ailm springset grace, comf ont andi giory aý ÃœL od2. By it quality-pure, anti cles as crytal AU ibe streanUL-oief stLld eomfort are muddy, but these are - c1. ant iJife-giving.-Henny. Water of lifeH This ia a tamiliar scriptural image. Lil mng, pure waten is evenyviiene the y o 1 blesuan (Piaa. xxxvi 8; xlVi, 4; cv, 4 Jeel ii.18; John rii., 37-39). Pncees lng, oic.- lTh. supply i. êxhaustlesi Riare la an unfailing f ulmens- of love, .jÃ" andi pukce 27. Street et lt-Titis refera to'the cgi descnibet inlathe -preoediug cLapier. _r of life-The -symbol -of perpeinal ht montallity. The Lea'eniy paradis., like tii paradis. ut Eden,-Las its river an~ irae o! tif . "The iree of lite ialsa dý ite tage f 99iôgnona-'svideni;- fruit Yo r ighteous, ithe fulfilled:dg L;ai% - iLe wiolesome Songue,e is tre.e hW.f' What possihilities oet Liesi ing tie . l gum s shadow - forth, w ib abl se' ,' tw.vemunner et fruits- Rather tvelve fruitages, oný fruit ha]~ resta. Tii. ides la aot that ihere wei dliffereut apecies of fruits, but succeanru «es-Whedon. Leaves eftihe tree- Tlhe rery le-ares, in temr fadelesa beaut are s univgýrsa4 -guaranie tisai Perfe healtkis thîe tiutani Ùd-ÇVèas? 'bEesIg& cf th-e glorifiai st ate.î-Q oie' 3. Nofîjre corÉe. As there - eaàr be Y more ui bag against Godf n80 there ahi Le no-13one curse of Goa upen ti -p. pie, tt,4jýtbey sh-ail-be aIlHBi s ervau an tie hiim Ourn fEraiparents -can undtee ourse by siI)ning-ýgtit te Make' --> 'Paradinie; uhese s i4al e petèý- therefoire neititer the>' at tii'eaeiIS mmlibLecurse'Ti.hlas foer -ettE e- question of fuue prbaio Tiee-' b. e n aL thing as *vc tise C ttie i b n mre TBma rheefo titere-tWLe ne ore baicaryta 4.- 3huee MHisâ -1f-'- ,~ thtvs et Goç4ýcf vhicb ubo'là gaps ave mar .poke% ,'onstituti vheisigL etGleu -i. Thé vision oet nigiteOMu;es.. 'ý i ion t gave 3.A vision of glory. Sig of Soti .as îthe -absolute bêsng ïi'-MêOd eelabie fur any who -anc lu gCrestN wontitlans.-Rocm. Cem. See . J èr Mi 12 IL John iLi.2. 'lua thei i;f JYé - saiutse ofCed ini tbslo-Ife ofien railt thee lmqW ofithe e har*y -a ia bi saomw1pain m - - he" pereida 'breoa wti malAri&a Ocr -crime..-Weoj Hov Gesmauy ets the. Trade. Thse .&meana people have ne concep- tion ofet tivgor ana aggresav.aes Min1 viaisGernmany la rgiug ner cEaUma u the ferelga marketa anai crcumveatlug no far as -possie, the efforts et othar couaties te secuxe a ohame f-the tor- eign trade. It la Germa i nfluence, ex- ertei tisrougis certain walI-known chan.- adaà, that lias halpedti t defeat aur slsp- aubsilY bilas and otiier plansansd me&- surcé designe t tedevelop anud promoe Our foreiga commerce. Ih l.athesm polie>' that hap led te the formation of the German syndicat. te helpr defeat Mr. Chaniberlain'. proteetive tarif f. Alert,, sismewti, reseurceful, and ittiefatigable,. thie manufacturer ansd business leaders 0f dermay are leaving no atone uatura- adin la eir efforts te capture a lia' &ihar. et the vend'.mati. The repente et our foraga consubls 1- etai la German citles ua n the titrade centres ef Af nica, Southi Amenles, anti Asia liave been filleti for several .years pat wlth seounta of the. meanandi measures devlsed Lv the German (lovera- ment'sud German 'luinesa'men te puait the sale of German pois Ia ensry quar- ter of the wonii. O a score of recent conular reports lyng befora uset thls moment ail exeepi oee tevote a largel ameuttoet pace to'descrlbing te worlc that Genmayny adelug lu the. ievelo>-I ment of lier tratie Intereats aLroati, fre- quetlyeourased iii our feeble andi Inaéteuat.e!ffts along the sasse Una& -ýLeaWs Week1y. .u an Of tua" WIth the. vatiy tlureauti i oL f styles in foetger, thieaumben et sorts et leather *mplo7l andthet .vantons col-I ora de rIgue-r, te are ef thei.bu ie a£ matter vLlel takes on toaslianrable ise- pentane.. The £nt ente.wty la the. canef e tshoe la the. tre. >Wlthoat t»»i shee cnot be g vnlukl. ain- tres au. cng b. matie andreta- cI.t4oklu.en t trou. ma e> e badis e au heait ZZe m'a,..u Invi luti forer tiersla no reaseafor Dot au Xexper mimtha tbe - mnunirtloui1 It te, becem* thsUW. hui AMtibWtit. la extrem.e CM mo atier vas aetuli 'lz"

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