'1 .- - Thé Vol 1110 i WHSITBY. ONTARTIO', TRURSr>ÂY, JUNE 8î fi905 - fwi'. t. - 'I f5 -'i -l E ~ lit, -t i i 'il iii T. i . i f5 i .18 'y i I. .5 i. I . i~" t- 11 j'. r,,'"'- i. i. III ut ,li) ~i t'.. LIT I, fl- 'ui"i' n St. Johà 's Bmw Mk. H. H.~8 Ç Sbbaib 5~foW 4 qabeems'I2sê~. I à tees. and on mnotion the WariIen lft, l 1 May Clearing Sale. Mr- HInlssy WrlleS Of the the: chair tili 10 o'clock TgOlidayt _______On Tuesday mornlng inoiberu of;, the Courgcil vhdtod the Ro'ue O! Re-4 DUI yez Iver ueo a County Counsi fuge, w-Jîre they very carefu)IY lr Sensational inducements to ut'? .j1tjI spected everytbing.1 Thhpe. a'Ciuiii nth e act IV Itwas therefore late when thei shapers.aitin' ow.lv s beyez' wa te omorning session wag called tuoorder 4 sue hlw o It Tho win onthe After the reading of mnute nisa o Moday an ltusualiy takes comimunications. an adj.ul'Liteflt wAS iParlor Sets two w:kesor more tu hatch out the moade til 2 p. ni, to enable C- gt DiigRo esaigu. By the imd IV the flist wk mitteeu to meet. I Dinig Rom etstiiey Upu an' lav-es the niot fer tUn Bed Room Sets I ver Sunday. fer as yez muet know, the muibers bez to return to tbeir The OId Desk Disappears. Fancy Chairs and farine an' tiings fer tat day. Sun- Myr<esoeo a.f Rockers watchin' bis crops an' Stock. au' f ig- gerîn' out lîow long be'ili ev to kape1 bigs teers tu make a profit. br plan- An Iutioii@ ai C.uucil Meeting. Laies' Socretaries, Morris and wire nin' to "ow whate on the corner "Music bath charmug Lack easy Chairs, Spring Beds and î il whin the sod lu ready tC turn To soothq the gavage breast, «down. : To Split a rock Mattru.ses, Sereens, Carpet Sweepers, Weil. s1 Pei, they sbtop Longe or omeit a cabbage.* Window Sijades. tilti Londay or Tuesday, an' lv the' Probabiy Chie! Bei. wbo i le aIS1 turnips wan4i.t hoiu. Libey skips ia caretaker of the Counicil Chaluher. AT SENIATUONAL PRICES wakc before *hcy returnu. Iv they bad ln nilnd t)jat - music bath1 stays tilti Monday. the aigu le uke cbarmas," but Dlot being able to fur- 1 A cali solicited. warmw wbn tlîey gîte back; iv they nleh the music essiiy, tried floweru M.i eSN.stays tilt Tuesday tbey lu cold. an' Instead. whien lio most beautifuliy ide-j1 iv 8 butbeLLhop&a wke.theY corated the tableg ln the chamber 1 bez tu begîn hatchîn' over agio. for the iLeeting on Monda>' nigit.1 ________ so tley mode a eîlrti1v it OU Wben the Mayor and ldermen ar- RAILWY TIE TALE. onday. au'Ol 01 watgLitd 011 wutrived theysecarcel>' kOOw the place, RAILWAYTIME TBLE. 1tht-re t use thin gît on the nixts. and must have thouglit tbey bail b>'1 bo" egwBrrzv JUNC'rîoN.1 Mither Gibbslie hola the boss Ir bhe Mistake eûtered sugne enchaflted 1 _oa .t 5.9 &.m obng gAut aoo arn. yard. He site on a nlu;t bigher an' clianiber. Wltb bated breatb andc R.28 &.0 i. softer thîn the otherp. who siteo aweuî demeanof' the mninbers took1 ?.06 p.rn. " 6.19 P.ni.)eitati nistu u.round wid their faces tlîeir accustonsed geaie. Instead o! 766 P-fl' Sunda7 9.66 pin. plrted at hlmz. They catis the ho>iLl4 itting ln the rickety old chair whlcb The 6.42 &-m. train does net go weet MoncJay tnr' Niardin. an' ivery wan iv tblui bas done duty for niany moonéi, the1 mosning. iHTTSAIN lies to sa>' <or. or yer honor Or Mayor sank into au easy. conîfort-1 WHT&.SATOm . oiiethlng lolke that whin ubtiakin' able. swlvei anm chair; in place of 0.North W-12 &nm. Golng Soth 5.Os . til the boss. tho ancieut andi uncouth deuk wbich1 là P. . 1.pM. In ebgtartin' o!ff the wardin aie@! bac uerved ItW~ day and generation.i STA0ES. ' L4an the preacher to say prayers fer thse 'and whicb inayor after M'ayor inusi Iývoà hiyfo shaAaEat.1whole buneis. Tise 1rou4cier rtet have anatheinatized, Mayor Tiobson 1 ldeu. Whlb fntOr. tah0 am adprn;Sat the UWardin lie nde a 900d Ifound hiniseif bebi.nd a bandsonsei Leare. for Brougham sat 0..m. .A oSpo littIe byc htte Clerk lie keusi quarter-cut ouk dock. neat and con-1 Iprîeor.frang makin' .no mtetakew; that the ventent anUd beautiful to look upon.] MAILS oRRIVE otlier bye. Ix- gcxud îoo, an' that Es-en an up-tc".ate blotter la>' ou Vrom W.an.i EA4fSm.ARVE.Wes43es m Ihey.titdstlielr bout to hatcb theduai. a hraiîd new liik stand1 Wes, -0.0sm . Rat,9.M&.i ot agod tlti v aigu. stood ready -for use. and on eltiier1 Frr Brougham 530 p.m, Thin the Bos hoeaez., 10w bye. end 01 the dîeek stood a beauÙfi 1 MAILS CLOSE. 01 wants yez to renilsber yez are vase o! white lilae. Sisali wonder 1 For North 745 A-M. For Oshawa 860 gttin' a day. lie sez. fruw tige If Mayor ilobson feitIlike q inew naist i amS8~i 54. W "'E.6.0P-n. kounty. lie ses, aul' don't work to -fuit -good." as hoe ternsed it. We4st . .. Wes 9.0 P.n. 1blard. Vo: cnn't nsake nothîn' lotte Tho long table wlserea.t it thel __________________________b:i a day to home, lie sz; 9s Pi six cOd nmen and truc. contained tiue job out au long as yqz Ikinq bouquets offIlace and tulipe; the j PROFESSIO0NAL CARDS. 9'bere ain anY aiueto batcb Out Cîerk's dock wau iikewise adorned.1 Ibis tiitan', lie sez, aus' Yez must 90 and oven the reporters* tables liait siowX. lv yez wili gît UP aas' 9go bei forgotten. sud each iad a MEDICAL out ivery lut tie wuioîie the work'il fine bouquet in a baudsoiue vase. lasi uchl onger. (Itear. hear, Tihe dispia>' was certailiy pleasant Dr. *eldrum Fruie îtio smaîî oints>. Olvo DO to the oye, swe4t to theuane", and PH YSICL4 N, SURGL«n>T,Ž AND douni.ith e n. iv yoz would wôrk nsay bave bftn suhiug toi tihe ftd lisard yez could gît through in three linge Of the usissbens o! Coucil; lu .4CCOUCHEUR. siys. but tisîn yc: wvosld only git fact t waus goetatod; b1ut what Graduat. ni Inveity of Torouto.and Ucuntistet. lree daye' pay, lie ses. We niay Lmîglt bave been said ansd doue -hadi of Royal Coiîege ef Phyuilia.nu. Rd*iburgh. au Weill: ît t ami lage. lie sezl thse uoothing ef feet been êaent, une~ "TRE TmaRnics," BYRON ST. iout Ir the~ kounty. <Tou bet! f runi shudders to. thinek of. plh ouf e hti mali niai..). To the ulsoughtfulnesa and* good _____________________ ow WViiue Broonsfiekldthe jBoâtaute o!f3U. Dell the Mafyor amI ses. 01 wants yez to look atter the ConsgeIl pald. fltting tributo or.e-OA LMAL i-oade an' bridge..lieu ses. btter meeting celoêed.'918 wetsbix - - ilsin yez ber bin dola', an" not let a upeeCb-gx>od buusored and ý4tty- I n. O m# n, te no .kounty bridgte» gît away on DOî W.. ColwIl s.poke in sinilar rein 'tcnd eamBiNtyPbi4vacation luto other kùunitbO.heoeo!bsakwhc t. )Ionoy te LU&h, Obc Et p" Mre.ses. Voisheb1loitistihe big IM~dy seconded by Mr. Luke. Wbitbv. Ont. bridge. lie SOL an' Iv yezloses dIS>'l[nrepty Mn. Bell uald ho vhought _____- - ore ye'll loue yer job. hebcE.a the occasion o!fisstallng a iscw desk Dow & 11o0IIIlvray Tu you. Barry Ilrvos. hoe nez. and chair for the Mayo'z ebould b. BarrIBLrs toNlnicitnru, etc. . Moeytu Iwn. î urry Up wid yen motion toa upplit inýqrked lu gouse fltting way. sud he Offies opit. Ponit OtIte, %Whitby, Ont a agryeulturà i tcomaitttus, be nez.lîad risouglit o! fioweru. [ae wa. Y. B. OW, B.A. T. A. NMc6ILL1 L L B. 's' boyrconsmittees to foinauce. anu, ost htth Cuclwr Ia. coususttees tu eddycate. aus' to 1 d wsti bis plgeunne.' James R.tId. F legpiate. e1ceteree, but the tilliere iv:The 2ouncl wero apparcuti>' pime.- P»&Mister, 155. Mouey te Loa on es Tertut.. the soit. ho am ,tlise wsot noblist oc.- icd& that lir. Ieu wsàs pleaued tiat ofimntl. acI ot o aa1 ltS Wtb.cyjiashun iv tikn aIL, hc ses. 4îetstbe>' wene 1teaed. und tbe. speotat- Ont JhnE.Faowll ~buinignored. hoe ues. Bemoides, lhe ors JoIned in tis e iure of eth se. we gîte osir pnintin'bl ige ejob.,occasion. Joh E Freel, . .p ho si. an' we kUn sSck lbtotu the M. bawer uns absent trous thej Bamulner, County Crown Attorney, and îîriliter mano. ho eam aut lho cau't meeting. snd mieed ail thepleis*ot Coussty Solicitor. Offic--Soutls wxng %juecl. WhloIe we are here, holie Mgts sud soandu o! tht. unique ce-~ of Court House. Wlitbv. se:s. lets pagesu thbie uso&hutlu au' cason. repiorte we km. wwldu wurkin' tooî The ('bris ross a budget of cos.- I liard. go an to make bhe lînloter gîl munîcaîliong. DENTAL a hstie on. mW. [D. Pr 'agio îand tbeM. Igoc. Kaiser.,lio ser, luswan Word at*iiug fo r ceusent. eldevaliç u W. AdaUnsyu > ss e ei 0wl i reen 1street. u1<fski, tr« MaDetii.u--. . TheJ. erge ou S, UUdtyz more froe tre to slnd yez on bu Frais $Ir WllbIsn Mi4loek hlumi Oedne..a. t.i.i Tene. lîoeK u ruyoulî be thle wau chosen. lie C.Oumdititee ne tebjiqhones,. a.eliugfor Opentlaurdy euaba.Seit. But don% gît tou cgoky, ho infonmaislon au tu îelephoue *9utO8i Dr. Jas. B. johastono &osz. o Onwi<yauunSui atert. fer litre. DeUstin. itatl o f Royal cwe etDesl.altitere are ot hemis.Fsoui wattr and IgISIt oaiîm ouîi fu.nToroalo Hoior Au* ws.u hsei. Word tu you. .itmmy ers. reterrlng to thse-di#miseal of vo~ty,pasUatu niO 01 1o f »e*aCarnegîe ie, s am Ves be~l' u Yen Engîncer -8eak"nasud opruosnai 8.Ouu.0<1. Wl!Wi 15 'eisilWSW bd the monoy bage iIV the koulnty. 1noîso !tsefon eia ! 5405 CiWliiOCk~4l iW5iM tis& IOsarsi iblur weiî. au* doo't let no!tout. w»u but lbe iobers Irvtitisla rdonni YoM C.I.(odciu.sku mi- _J lj , flli « se:. S beSl . tC-pruvekaisiigMcsa Tii... re mol subsi ls-aiig for ginyaua wio urn W"#i- No. 2 18yron aud Contrea treetu cm't about 4 oOn West ie o! Green street Ot1d5DhlIdas and Coborne strot, 4 footidke. vont about 0100. Car'-. ried. Aise asis town ton boan o! $100 to psy for work on idlewaike unti thse jf Cbut Of Revislon shaîl report uplon sald work . Uarried. Tisore s'as a big discussion oven' tius eiause reconsmendiuÈ a f Ne foot PAVeement f rom Blyron. te Centre Ptreetà on Coisorne. that lu beulde Mrs. Dow'w resîience sud tise Taber- Macle. The Petion auked for a fouur font îs&venuent for Mr. Dow, aud -f Ive or six teet for thse Taber macle. Thse eonulîtee Ihougsi a anid go ermeided T'he -Councilr .vould not azree. aud go tsey 1usd ta returu into coinsnîtee of the whobe tLa reconelder Lise clause, sud a m'Otton to iay pavement aceondiug 10 terme o! petttion cariifi Mr. J ackson. ehairman of tise Town Propenu>' Commiltte. îald the bMayor 1s8d caIidbina dowm for' aiowing the propcrty o! 'the FI". Brigade- isose, etc.,-to be boaned andi lotI iy- ln*- around tiese treets. He. bad t(se hs u buiideru. ta tise towu t@ flil ciuterns. toe<Gsoler [lave, ta fluash newers. aud to tise men buid- ing,.Cornent pavement. IL SOCoSed Impossible ta refusie ubw. iavin7g se. eoumodated severai. -lHe wo hId 1e Li Concil'a opiuioni au to Vhat lne .souId do lu tie matter. Ris owu s'lew was ibist no part o! tise tire-1 flg*stlng aisîsaratus .siouid ho loaned to anyu for ituy purp4ms. »I1ir. Hrper sîsoke strèngiy aiong i the cme. ino. Ho tsosuglut i we tise dut>' o! bulîders btsstrflluh ,tir own hume. It was ibîcir work to"suppiy wn.Ler for buildig. ansd wiietlser they isaussid t-or boufilit ut f r'm the water stystoni they aftouid prOride tis enss o! gettiug lMinl elther 'case. A largo quaistIt>'of,- houe s'as; nos' ouI, snd lu case o! tire wouid not bc avaibabla tus' use. T'he firemen ail were opposqd ta tie boaning,,o! an>' part or!theecqnip- ment. Mi' Roula al1§o sîpoku agalfiel thse praCtice o! iettUng out aisîsaratue. 4 Ms'. Colwlll iii Dot altôgettier apee. le t buhtter,,siie -b,, sgusc ~ pailInidfor, Set thie 'uýtei_ ttoSutise iydrantto athe jplacet whére it was ruqulnod. - I ,tis tomn eoid water Il ehould Prq- Yide'ë maîe uans of- xuaktug Itl avail 1'tle~ motion 'carie il- Jackxon- fflxrper-ýTIht uno pari. o! the tire sspisauce t t -te Taown.sot WVhitbl, ho psed for aispu 1srpououiea',li fer, tire protette. Utr. Jackson- asklsd tort îeio wiiobroulte> this -way -y is. Jacks-on, i&ewiï4 Luie. itarper. iy w»I tise ]armerts' Co.aIrsftve Br-' veutiug Machine -Co'e y-law wtt s'ead a lbU'd lime Tise latter tram wAterIsud Light, Coummsianera iijrsuretrrmite . te Town SollcilC'; the repuesl or C À <ioodeibow *wus. eislta Towu,- ,Prep.ity Commintte.;ilte lttei' lions thise arinera.' C*oarti» e rrd to tie oxuoi4l-aw t0aItroM'ui, 1t NV. Mu1aek. lis'. jacksonaa"i0 rqteir"d ta thse conditi,o 01 otise apProa0bl*stOlise UX. tackson, s.kd tisat an 1w,- eaudesceut iitit. li- iatedos0 thse bws lite ýne&r à litJohn'~s uitei. Tis' wa, a very darit piano. and i.U.w'* wrere anUtefaus eventisgsiYOtS tise çulibi - x. ltewtu sî.*#aed lisee -zi< ravitm«0$tis ret lajupe. h tii. one now ut Ns'. >oldriug's nora«i ,waee«Kuod sat hte thtber cos'0s; tite tiabt vouksi ilice up tise trfte leti iseln a*d give l, iht ig liso corner nawued. t hn.t'i M, r, intioewix Ald ul'lti i -wit 0q 114-1504 te, CounciU At inou tine.lq au te lgit ngeas' tb Thsrerer em bms.kutty disona-tk noad m-icu vCo. âe. 141 sIîy la ( ), .1111 bo% IiiliY. fi s îs i. siq i. lut- lit I li er til Il- UseI liii b c - in-ove the fovori art and hoi Try a loa!l lightod, clea