Whitby Keystone, 1 Jun 1905, p. 8

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THE STANDARD W1ND$Mft.. ý-W Another iuetitti tion uat promit st b ad" ratWtaly - .poWê mxandPros- prltyof Whithy, isetaii. i~dard Wiudmill and Mari, *ug.Coispeany, now1 in *ro eto incorporating for the, purpose of doing basîins,. S The. prornater of tbis ecumpany is Mr. D. 0. Ho Idi iia ma.de s.veral visite ber. durinig the psyer and ion aby-Iaw vas. vot.d spon by our peojile a few we*ks ago. Mt oR l 1M"w i Memîa arranging to transer the. business ufte. Company te Whitby saatpàfou1ly superý- Iitend the. removu.l of a largo amount of machinery that will be iùuôd ini the factory1 1<, b. bilît be. The . prmncipil oufiness ot Il company, .a& imdi- eated by lib. coin- p&iy naine, will b the mnanu2facture of S WIn'dmilimandtow- > ers, but in connec- lion with- this-they will do a generai machine and foaru dry business and! engage i àthe. man- ufacture of otber:i set ialties besides windmillis. The Standard, * Windmîll that tbis1 ~, Company will man- î ufatuar. here has been on the market in tho States for over twenty - five years, snd while duingail that time. it has given- entire satisfaction te ils usere, the people who have been ma- :;77 uufacturing- homo milles during that, hime have not been content -to stand etili, but bave been constantly improving hheir produot, until aItu hi ine they are producing an all' steel, back geared miii ani steel-towor that for strength and durability are net excelled by iamy miii on tho market. Soeit an readily b. seen liaI li venture je no experiinent,. but rathor. tbis company is bringing to us thé perfected pro- ductof years of experinient.and study.on lhe part Of mon hhoroughly acquainted vithb lh.business. For tie présent, the, local affairset thé company are ini charge of Mr. George Morton, a gentleman who recently removed to Whitby troim lellhaver., where h. bas been prominently connected with the affairs of that localihy, and> cornes teus witb the. highest recommendations as a business monansd citizen. We trust that any of our roadm whove.e Oumiering e.Parehase Of wind- mille, lowers, pumps, etc., viii eall upon or write- I. Mr. George Morton, of. Wbit-. by, sud get a catalogue and prices.on wbat tii.y née&d Roses Bros., Staple and Fancy. Dry Goods. T'a b. the leading bouse of 'its kind in a lovu ie on. thing, but te be boti- 1h. leader sasveil as lhe eldeet of tbe existing similar dealers in Whitby laye muoli for a firin, yet Rose- Bros. ôan. make tus dcaim, aud their righhto it is un- -disputed on boîi peints.ý Businesses conle and go, aud it- is but a siail percent.- age of lie starters in the. race for fortune wio reach the. landmnark- of the years wbich preclaims succese ;-but when this is accimaplisied. it il the resuit of snob: hard and faithbul service that -th. public, generally so bhard to please, id ilthheir guarantes sud in rehuro give absolute confidence. Rois Bros. opened their présent promises on thoe t of Seplember, 1e78. For over tweuty years the firm oonducted a lailoring business, but have recenhly subs tîtuled tberefor the. Tw.ntieth Centunry n 1ystem of ordewe4 cIohhing, -which tliey daii s equally as satistactory. -Tbey aiso now ca rýà /'complté stock of clapie sud fancy dry goods, a]lbo furs ani gente'- turnisirge, as veil as Carrying a' very extensive lin. of iilinety; in each sud every paicuýlar'ot vhich. lhey laim te giyo pr.vhicelly as good a returu for money invested- vilhtiU'asthie buiyer golug te Toronto would getilelu th. railroad tare sud geieral expeuse. [t is al wayeli 10 support tie home dealer, -aud it is simply absurd te go -eliewhiere, vien a towu is tavored with such a bouise as Ibis, where practically al needs cari be supplied in thehUes they deal in. The Radium Sack Suit icre ilinsîratet is arnongsl the lalest productions ef thie 201h Century Brand taller chope. 1h is juit another example et boy very different 2th Century Brand grments-are ftrom aIl ethers. Thc Radium, iackis an exceptionally sanart mmrsleadpocuuii a marked degvee tual airot distinction, liaI eharacterizes 20th Century Ëfind gar. ment@ generally. Sold by Roses Broe. 'The Keystone Tua .KEISfTONqE va. ulabliehedi in Whitby in the Spring et1903- Theme was a cryiug need for a second newspaper ini Whilby-a paper that wouid b. achuated I.y progressive ideas and sound pxrincipleg; 'a paper-liat woiftd not seek aivaya te ha.j>the'lown in a bebind-the-pge cenditioii i order le soare away competilers in ils own lineofe buùtosa;, a"'psper that wouid ad'vocate propoe sanddevolopinoul in the conxw iin±*u4THi -KJar- sT8oioeocaeho neel'and fRU *thedeinand. -The taunobin 4.awpei alwsyé 'au up-bu) shtai or telie l4t.w yossm tl if l.r~lIsul igil le Wiitby collegiate Inetitute. The infant bas not boeu strangled, howeyer, but hias lived and thrived W m. HIuplbur t and grown, aud tu-day -lias a place in the life and esheem of the communîty;Bvkmt which is a craditable one aVUd a growing one. The editor of tbis- paper bas' il Il A. loilg-cstabii shed business la -that set Up an ideal ho tseek te attain unto,. and though the ideal has net be- i nto w1leh Mr. Xii'W. ur*burt re- neariy.reached, yeît the btriving bias hieiped him and possibly the commun- i cently stoppedl in Whitby,' when ý-in ity. Tnere are many defects and weaknesses in the literary -and mechanical Mard eTtlis year lie purchased thée construction eft tus piper, and 'of every newspaper-perbaps less. in TElacknmiti busneseticMr. Gerg KBYSTONE (aI lest we trust so) iban in mosh .hown weekhe; n yt- burt larned bis trade in. Ubige. realize, more, fully thia others rnay, how far short ofour -ideal il fails. anidcanie te Whitby f rom Pickering, We shaHl net cease to strive 10 -make TUEKeBYSTONF, more worthy -ofwflcre bie iad, been 'emlloyea.': He is -a first-clas workman, a;nd. - le the cemmunity and more useful te il. Tbhis- is an ambition Ibal makes lite able'.te liandie al clasees eT -work. worth living,, and there arei few avenues of service te a. community more 'In &ýfdiioe te iborsesioeing ' and pý 11get .rl1epair *orik, fr.' Hurlburt capable of..being made useful thau Ibat of newspae ork. d:. a rý.e il.we 'rpâiringan The hwo years that have goae by since"lie*,inceptioan of Ibis paper have lin pauntiung.. Tis wi11 prove a great leeu yearis of bard work, some.disappointments, and. many nouaeent.convenleince te customers, and S'hould, TEK KEYSTONE le IIOW past the initial stage, is permatienhly eshablisbed, bas inca ia l argely uincreased busi-. ness wiil corne to thus eiop as time proven ils righî b hlive and its ability te b. useful, and fa-ces- the future ith goe on. mi. Iluribari bas aîready confidence. b ad'a. liberal sbareoT new business Tier ar fe ciice, i an, i li, povice e yungwit sub ainstarting., and -when bis-skill au a T h e e a e f w fl i e s , ï f a n y i n t h * p o v i c e s o y o u g i t h s u c a b l a c k s m i t h b c q m e s k ù ,ô w n > l i e w i l l .well-equipped plant. The plant was entirely new when inàlalled, snd lbas doutes«e et eybusy.Te been added to continuahly ever since, until now r.he equipment; comprises siop ik'loeated a cross f rein 1Klng eeymodern necessity., The latest acquisition i a ype-ettg machine, Bo' ançy i atcol n w hic as just been -installed and 'put'into sp lendid working ordei. ThisonB cntet- places TEEizKUY5TONE office in a position excelled- by few counlry weeklies in Ontario. -Ail classes et job printing are neatly exe-cuted. Two monthl J J. O'connor magazne, The. Canadian Co-operator" 'snd "Vox Collegii," are issued Baksut fro TriKE5TOE roos * Down near the railway track onI TEE KEzYiSToNz seeki not te absori ail l te'printing business ini th~ unda1s street east le iocated *the community ho the delriment of any competilor, but by good. work and fair ell--known 'Irish Palace ýSboeing prics tomert a éaionabe sare f ptronge.Forge'" .orf3r. .J. J. O'Connors wiici pracs bmenta rasonbleshar ofpatrnag. - enjeys a i'ery' large 'trade. *.3Mr. Thae TUE KEYsToNz je appreciated, the -many commendatory. (YsO'Connor 'camet hty no e sp oken and written- testify. A lady in ene o et .American_ States in writ- j rente heu years ago, and* began busi- ing le a tniend said, "TEEi KEYSTONE is a credilte lite tewn et Wbitby. . I -ess in 'the. stand lic. new -. eupies., He bas;'by- menit'andi attention t is the beet paper ever priated there in my experience of over a quarter 'of a business succeeded in building up a, conhury." Thusis, very.fiahhering, indeed, asnd should, inspire the publisligr lucrative ,trade. * .tltey 3Mr. to do, botter qork, in the future. O'Coiinor bas matie deeided- impreve- We2 sincerely thhnk ourrnany :friende ilnd patrons 'for Ibeir p ersonal mentes n lu is- shop. Tie, oldfog friendsbip,àiud their bearty support. -***andibiow'i g1e laet *fur raisinig, hie, wind. The inter- ~ ioofethe sop. bas.been:rearranged, I. Paquett *beig a memben eToiéBoard.o! Ed- &àndthe wallif tre4teil ho a ec9ah e JHôDo ne Babe. catien for four years. wiitenlng, 'iiJe Hendean ar e 3fr. acksn lewellknôw tLSbo da nlnese -and ligituiese quite at- j*CaGan ee Tiere bas> been, opeu'ed up in Wiit- elgn gn !hesemrA-tractive. 3Mr. O'Connor lea.agent forî by during -the paust veek a -new gyle.a"'whicî dose suci a large trade hie Ca rnrages matie by -he. Caniada Oi Thelegetb barber soInop h he Public Librery psegn nifegtfot hie Carniage Ce., eowf e rdutlié prospereus .bu sinessee -or builing te . kownas he Ryalplace eveny summen. Piyeieahly, selle quit. a numben. Hrcien buidin. e b kowas heRoylfr. Jackson le a big mai, an'id e< le- a specialhy wt n 'onr that oeT esers. T. H. Barber Shop, aki 1h adjoinsthe Royal occupies & goti sized pceliti nt i tshebstewMr Tif a upr- ,1 dnesiicag Hetel. The properieton le a Wiitby eteei'of is feliow cihizens and-in. os boy, Mr.. I. Paqueht, wio leannet isiebis usefulneesh i cmu:y n* *In the.year182heb trade lutrhown, and tien speit -te-,, wh î.ie ies yeare IMon treal, .acqurig the finisieti skhh l:and eaxperiencethiat 7 - enly a city dan mmpart. The nie sbop bissaben teny aeahly renovat- W..G.. W alter-s. cd sud fltted up, and isj an .attrjact- Ive place te 'atep Inte for a bit of DPy 8"Go'4v1Othing, et., etc.~ toneoriai werk. Being localet in'la Imeut convenlent place, andd witb t îe Ole of -the stores eT Whlitby whci' skifl and experience attaineti by a! kceps abrest -eT.. he tumes le tiat sojounu In tbe cîty,3Mr. Paquett eTf3Mr. W. G. Walhers. 1h le situat- should recelve a larg-e' patronage. cd ln a conspficueus anti cenvenie.-it Visitons te town . sboulti reilienber place near the corner of Brock aid'- thl@ new'sîop. 'Dundas streets. Olie- bas on ly te1 enter te -t once gel. an. impression \Amr-, -that bere le a s tore stockedti o. tie A. Jac son 'full, andth«tat witi geede pleasîng A* , a. hn othie eye aid attractive ' he Pormt Whltby Gensral Morohant haste, 3fr. . Walters cannies- a fu lune eT dry gode, gents' Tunnishiuge, Down near the bay, a. mile roni ready-hc)-wear clothing, etc., -anld the ente el*Whibytowâ thr he gootis aid styles are neyer. ai-i lsc cetra' Wityh1ntire wed te get olti or ouh-ofn-dàtEs..Mr. i.quile a lrgecoieny ef resitients. qtr es ontig bc e Tiey are in the towi, but tiec béa- merciants lu,.*emali towns bave tic. tien le designahcd by tic naine Port- courage hoventure, andti tat lie Whltby. Thère le a post office, a *irnportiig o! goode, Mn. Walh'ers churci, andi a general store, aid« buys. direct frein Englanii, Gem- tic hast le tic subject of- hie sketch.. maîy andi othier Europeai countries, Mn. A. W. 'Jackson le hbepropreeor andi is thus able ho give bis custoni- of thie store. flc came.,fom i he ers as goome satisfaction as. they' Emenald.Isfle wien, but a bey, andi could get by buyliin luhe 'ihy. Aid Reidence of Mr. J. H. Downey. ' bas Ilvet i ah he Port ever since- as te pnitemî. tjif iu ore ili nitfei fonr tiat le 33 long ' yeane. the gooti value gliet. For the pash fifteen yeans Mr. PeneoDalhy 3fr. Walhers Ase ai Chas. W ilkinson. etabilshedi as the Dowîî Jackson bas icen in business as a sîreWti, experienced, capable busi-ma aae yM.D generai merchaît. Tiat mea.nsthiat. nemi'- mai. Ils was bora antid Butcher !-Thwe mngt yM.D à. 1 T.epresent lad fti he to tccoIony composing Port, Wbih- brougit up in hile town, anti has Tichee'tcOmmoélIous aid neatest~j f ony i an by i. -keepe evemythhng frein "a beendegbsns in thie store he uce ipiièhtyl itToiSpnei 85 neetile ho an ancb'Ien inhe-,lin.e!ofnow- occupies for over -twcnhyyeare.- o-_.Naanei185a grocenies, drytea'ondad odce nDn' geode, boots anti H. le, thierefure, a seasoneti vehea weisdcnuht nDnas' he management of. . hi shoe, etc. lnathseart of mercbandizing. ýHie street by génial -anti obligio& ; ,i ce that date. Tie fii Mr. Jacjuieu le" hie year a. mcm- store 'le oneeoft he-leokhing places r "C ile"' Whki>oî. verybody,.reca rae nni ber eft heTown Council, repreent- of business uaiecuny iaiknw W"ilinsor. he isa beenae. rig Ing -hie South Ward. He le one o!fioe.who have neetis -in any et thet goiîg ii aint out -ameîg -hc people'uple cefybwan he enengetiu membere, andi general- lunes- Of goode canrieti --- and ail for :a gootily spel now. --He * as siticrable trade le doue et ly, lik. an Iriesina, speakg, -îls classes *have b liôuld nlot fail ho et following bie vocation eT but- by lan filling contracte fo mmd nàanti defends, is 'convictions give W. G. Walten@s-% cail,, whicb cher for se long a thue hbat whatie tntos Tesspp wthi uxuci riahnral abi 1lihy as a nicans that iey wili become ps't- d eÉtko buthegoipi t icTuirai b ais Il up speaker. .!,e bas badtihe honor oT nrons. '<; !abee e'e ob eane fromt *1y> thcaverage "elayeroeTthec gentli graini, anti are prebably kiUne." Soule ye4rs .ago -lie was in Canatihan fin' - exporing business here; ,,tien. soldýtehoa Lir t shsc&e oe * Houghhon; tien,.was' 9kihler for i t bc! ing ani l hi f rl th1e03 It 18 iniseedg, >'owever resumeti. business 'in i owî openîn in oclu'nqu u 'up'in the siop- be nàow roccupîe. anti profitable business. 4Yôuý can et prehhy aeariy .ail your rms i.aconlt E wanhs lu -Tresfi icàts ,supphied ah rmtsi acmlt Mr. Wikirisonb'à bep, anti have tic apparatus1 ,dniv 'n by g- ~sains dehiseredte hthe o.In lime, gine, andtihic fhrm buyL for tunner, Mr. -Wilkinson .ýis' a'jgrains anti grasses anti c t tienh, aeful, honorabl e'-yeung perýfectly befoe ipin A1 business mai, anid recelves a' goodly of tic Unitedi Stahes an, siare of'tic pahronaçe 'ah- he dis- 1T'iis season thbey -have.-. posaI of hiée ihizns.' Charlie anti lanti American bouses give hie ,splendid dnivîng mare are' well- 'quantifies of seeti peas,1 known sigihs on tii. streeta o!the for 'tie bouses- represen' *towm andi vliiait and long may t hie produet le bar cahcd hhey se continue. * buys it' ah an agneeti-upo busheVL' Ii titre. lin Jof Downey- & Ce. liààe a - The'NewArmstrong House î whîcb zvey roit The New. Armstrong' Houe, <con..t1 Mr. J. -H. Downeybas - cte nd a .m a .,. w v ___M___%-W *The firm or \7ichol,-on cuples et proniinerit 1eadio * tetsouth. Thei firm.jl of Jahs. Nicholson .aiul Cepý both aibleourteolit ,ipned busine., m u Th -a fine- store pilerflidlv et artistie and usefitJ furnitu b ev~ery4'aste and need. store is t.heir wr shop, repair furijittre. Trame 1) cever easy chairs and lo do anytbing else .required Jine- The quality of the and their work may be reiied upô'n. Il th ie. firi au article It rny be taker el, that it -is 'O.K. Tileir not Up ln CG. either, but il able and fair. Thieàî .fac trtue, Atit l fot tlo b. wc if they do a large, trade. Ais undertakers thie Iirnj ticaily ail1 he busïneos oi mputy.. and their profic: tig.s.brandei ut tiinir Thé Tilrïu Stands- ver ry foe le ments Wei itre of hie hown, ai Of great couvenine rooRi., wih whictîTn, *travt!efrr. irtq4;nZ fhrr (are well ani fa-voval !TbeVe lrze buae.sirv, situated. MNr, Lewis. ~of thsý llntet. le tri be., * on th- firsIt-claiss hou d ti ! . a id lie &(J ri5 r' r I!Patr onage.o cial trade. Nicholson& sidenS of Mrâ, W. âteriL

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