Whitby Keystone, 1 Jun 1905, p. 2

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THE KYSrONETHUjiSU)AIJUNE 1, tli0 A.STI>iNSON Ticket Agent. Mr Lit'leo , te wpll krîowvn Tep-esntaiveQItît" Grarîti Triînk Ralhiay kit WXVlîy, iii w-cil and fa_ -yorabiàL>kOWA-.11,41d tliouglt of far and widv th lî ucolliinîînity. Mr. Stephenîson Vconî4lucts-,UaLtlîor-o illly; UP-tc*tdate and ti el l epîîjîpedjofi~ In the central piortioinor thei towu,!. adjacent and coti, tuiiletit Luail. ho- tels,.1It W.lll pay tlk traveller tu avoid i fhitakt-s. caîu..cd b> Liie'gen- oral crowdîng n a 'iway stations~, j by calliîîg at M.Selesusoff ici, and- procuuiiug, aL is îe*istir.', any i requlied RIailway, Boat or Oeeain. TIcketsi, aL anjy ime lbntween 7a.i -m. and ).ai. , dalY. Evi-wy ne- 4ulred informiation. maps. t auje- tables. rôutcâî, rates, CLtc, chieeufuhîy furnislîî'd freec Lu Jas 01g 1 soap- plicatiîon.. Tiets wtuan(]- fr(n. mearly ail partki of the w orld- guar-- anteeti ab 10w as the lotweà rates. The Uraid -ITnuik e.%piens.liasiseiîger trains run ttiîroiigl dailY froin Nhit. by to Chicago, Detroit, ilorL Huron,' Broe.kvîle aAti Mrtreai, wit lioutý any cftfnige out cari ,and' baggage is Ohiecked turough fi-oi in y o Mr. Steplieusuiî gives siiecial ait- tention lui pasiseigers' tieketti for Moitoba and iL1;-iu.îluColtiînb.a. via &il hie raîlwa'y and l4aLer routes. In Europeau travel Mr. -Iteptienisoi can ive the enoîce of eleveji Royal Mail .ste4isUip hues, -viz.,- Allail- State, White Star, Dominion, Cuuarti Âneietîn.. Anchur.. flambu rg Amier-*! Ican, liedi Sti'-, eavet' and- Tlîiîg- vale Unes. Cbeap tickets are sku p- plieti reading Lu and f roi XVitby to LlvepouîW, Londounder~ry, Ç,juceîsý ton, Hnsgw ull, Lieds, elfast,. Londion ,anlese rifstol, Car- diff, fDublin, Aittweî-p, Fane and Geruiany. Ali *utthie low est rateýs. Steern ge, luteirnedia te, li1, .an Secondi Cabtu parties wWülng to senid to tim, olti countuy toi- tleii, f rienis; Pan hiave pTtŽp'ai(] ueeau anti rail tickets t lînougl1 Lu de-bt ia ion, guar- aiDtLti a t Ofviîsta ndard nuckaî>t- tom )îîcsý try Stupîhîcîsoiîr taUt.ilai. xîts Mw1îey tites iî.îe,,s:uîst anJ M..TtiSON BROS.,' <irocers, etc. Matlîlson Brosý arc Dative to titi moil; tlîcy were born , bîuuglt ni) andi uducated l'ce ilu Wlitýby, andi the gooti points utof tlieilr boy- booti bome by iii%*Ieétiiig tie labot- and Ithe resu Its tlit-r-ofi n their liat-' Ive place. Tîjeir p.-ugress lias beeîi ofthie steatiy anî'd Lruly suecessful k ni *Illantiîîg thici' (et firiuly as*; tbey went, tlîîuy Iave unadP, a sure and 1steady ativance, aIdiliug 1thîiirý busliest, frotu Lime Lu lime isucli *tapbt' unmes ui C.perieuee showed .kt thelIr finie cstabltshmixt of] Duudiksstrseet thuey carry f~tirst clasUne ot dhiiu'famiy gruceries, of cnuckery andiguisac CHARLE~S TOD Baker and Confectioner. Located in the *bus>- centre of the town of Whitby, and doing an im- inense. and heavy trade is t'le Condi- tion of affairs wit h. ..Clharles Tod. This energetic business man bas during hs1 business career . ii this towrn won- both the confidence and estee.mu of the public at large, a id û onsequently enjoys a large ani liberal. share of their patronage. Mr. Toti does a general bitsiiiess in Breadi,.C lCo etjoi y ee Creaia,, ati aL.o makes a sp)ecial fea- thre of fresh and beýtutiîul eut flw ers, and ail desigils initLhese eau Lie furni.shed oOn siior Lest notice. Mn. Tuti initends building a fine inCiV place ini time for tha LrtLde .f next sun>- iînproveînent niay be e1lltdby UIe cou>ilig [ail. R. N.BMSSETT R.- S. Bassett,* the leading jew eler and optician, 15 doing business ID inhs -G o L e large and weil appointed store di- G eo Lee -rectly in the centr.e Of the busîîiess ChInse-anaialIn.Lau 1 iry por'tion or the towii andi adjacent to ~.unOsuCaadin. aunry ail-the lihotelè, whicbi z a great con- Whliby has luinthe Chînese laundry venience tO atrargeyrs andi travelers vonduCteti by Geo. Lee a littie i-i- Wflo w o purelbase goutis ini tte dustry that "S one of a-*kinid iwhieb -line caî-ried byMr. B;afsetU . Tlhis "lie citizens cOuld 'loL Weil do witî-. energet- li merchani. 'bae bis store ou t. Geo. is nul one pt the -ordin- stock-ed witb the niost beautirtil art- waeshee" iren, but is înucb icles, such'as SIlverware, Cut Glass, more. H fe h.as the bonor uf being: China, -etc. Wetidi ng gifts for snaturalizeti Canadian citizen, bav- bridesmaids can be found inl. great ing tàken tii etctAiratiori a littie less1 abundance, andi at ail prices. Mr.i than a year ago. Geo. ean sîeak j Bàs$ett also.carrnes a coxuplete stock our' language suffieiently well to ol Jeweiry, Watclîes, -Clocks, etc! OEO.R CORM ACK. Lumber Merchant. mr. Cubnback lau ai round d'aP'r. in Iuiu.b,'r. He carnies at ailltimes a stock w-hidli iiliflIMI tie bih, .f romb the field of repair, up to that Of .structur-al build ng Nwork. ln aîî- thing [rom car load lots do-wn to the snith lorder, *ueeded [c.c prompt .dc- ivery, 1w is .in a postiuii -t-) suppHy- Ilis custoniers. Aîulytui 1g i tew-a Q' ille atie ha rd ivOo-d un.bci he wv;ii ave eut at lii- roiieln ululis - lou osOf air.t ýorg tona ck -hulds thle piezi- satlit oiit ii oif;uu%il19 no e-rlQm e. a niLI n.a iil 11iil d , a. t iiu L t ivu 2 iî dali itl vlasai.-, ralluir titan .as. t Il p.zîu ist uluo evci,~ui-a in.defend mifrOin nîlyfiiit5 nU'I t-uiek [nL.-fi±lui >ol o - i' ,.. îhow- cii--', can -ieeir briing a 111.11i i.îîll LIai-ý -) ont-s 1*t.the ik u01i-dsî ail so we feel tua t Mc 0ooi~- o nl- a'îeck dan rcest easy.% undàer whlat f«Ite LIilSlm. Peýrieue antI, capital, as. Nv ftIiIn~r..iatural .abilit>- in bs choSei _IýýÉIng the bti-siiess'of %vorkl. TiivnrefoîL)pt ee uiZi- uuog Lue îi~_îe people -ôf tie town uf NVluiitby e anabido W ;ît-by un be mentoncti Mrs. word as to. the 'ý4lUe of Litii' Ci _sby, wîio- econduet îdmngs i es lem.1. ar ul)-t-lite auJ Liriving mnilliniery -%Ir. ehuesst ock eni estabiisbrnent on Duntias St. Thissinî allu igreyli lady .vlias b.ýeîilocate inleutle storýe;,idiioi to wbIchî. bhe Carres. she- now occupies for the last. une 0f fruits, antiin th eir -È tsventy-four 3 cars, anid turing this 1f green vegetables. - ime ber. hilgil lass work anti cane-i It nigit be* w-cll t reinifi fully seicteti stock bas more than rentier tiat M. Waterii>use pleaseti ail whmo bave tavoned iber. onu' in the very bc-st brandsc with> their du toiný. M rs. Crosby1 lis!> icikles, sauces, can ncti an - t.- I - - t-- I - '1' ONTARIO LADIES', COLL4EE, WHITBy Who is there. in the province of Ontario t-at. lias.flot nt soniue time ead f-he aiu n noLde~Coeelctd at Whit4y, Ont. This college for young ladies stands pre-enijiient aînong sehools of its kind ini the Dominion -of Caiiada, and the institution1 and the faculty have bilut up a repu.tatioîî thuat is world ide.. The Ontario.- Ladi-es' :College'is beauti- fully and picturesquely situated and affords the stuùderît every opportutmitv, of fresh air, cheerful sunroundings anid good' health. Th e collegec is located just a short and eonveuîient distanice froni the town, aiid thus gîves the quiet anîd. rest, that is so'essential to college life. The Town of Whithy-is also an id,-al place for such an jisttton. Situated 641 the Granid Trunk Railway, just thirty miles froun Toronto, studenshv h ar pot iy o tedugiiTrtt I ra lectures, performances, concerts -and recitals. Thius this convunjence is a great.*boouî to those w-ho are iizi attendance ai this sehool. A inaguiificent new building bias been erected known as "Frances Hall," 13O0x50 feet i dimentiotîs, Nvith a kftchen' ex- tension 55x38 feet. These buildings are constructed of -white brick and C1eveland freestone,- and are finied ini the. sanie. elegant Gotbic style of architecture as the main building. - These additions provide a new- concert-halnwdnu.hl o thegrouîdflor) ne sdeuîe hll kiche, ]undyetc. Tiiere are uineîy-eight acres of ground in conîlection with.the college, thus providing abundan*t rooni for lawmî, gardenu, riding sehool, etce. .Foll6wing is a counpiete list of the faculty of instruction :1Rev' J. J.. Hare,- Ph. D., prnucipal, and W. J. Greenîwood, B. ALiterature and Science. , Miss Burkholder, R~H. S.B., English and Litex-ature. Mis- RoWel, B.A.,* GermanFec n Italiatu; Miss Cullen, B.A., English and Modemns; Miss Tesk-ey, Oraîory; Miss Cope land,, Boukeeping ; Miss McAunmond, (It ciass Provincial') Junior English.: Miss Mary H. Smnart, Vocal- Musie;. Miss Wright,- A.O.C.MNl., Piano: -MissMthel A....-Piano; Miss Seccombe, A.O.C.., Piano; Miss Swan,- A.O.C.M.,, iPipe Organ aîîd Harmoiny ; Mrs. W.. A. liane, Vocal Music ', College of Fine Arts,-Prof. F. McGillivray Know-ips, B e t -l..--'.. . It I 'o ini-ienawtngessry oî y9 tc. $Ch ~ o! xrsso Miss Teskev, Gesture, Drantm eRaig go t ionfo r u il' utfiinSîtl3' tCommuercial College, Miss Co-peland , Doruesti cience and Art, MssMcKeand, graduate o Xt way of ine erukeiy, tîlcss uie isxercise, iMiss Leskey, Physîcal Culture; iM r. WXhite, Ridiing ; Ms. E.PpeMarn is bard intceq to sa tisfY, for i, alîthiu Matuilsou Bi'os'. toitlle i i I"tl llkcty tiýsclowe theîe -i-y articIvdu-sir- ed andi doubtless at 'a luwt(!' Ile înîk hiniseit- -uîîdenmtîood on alniostt Aiso dues iluihclass wýork lu engrar.. îhas fr-en in the M-linery business tbiaîî Il! tLI City, ollng.tu the iight- - iny subjeet. Be is a reguiar at- -iiig andi wati' repairing. Kttet to ln- Ibis town for- more tban twenty- nens -0of re L, etc., liv-re.- The1 tendant at thie 1Pesbyterian Sunday ai tliese. this merdhuant is a rehiabie eigbt yearas. A cali aI ber eatablisb- ane rnhiy b- situgarntg intsa- sehtool, wherpe he w>ckty Iearnus %wha 'anti proficient uptician, andti loys - ment on Dundas street, anti a hook oare,0 -icitiîi'r stock is excel- lie is taughit. Ge-orge- bas w-orked ifle iatest anci best methotis, lu- over ber stock outfine bats, etc., la len t. ta-odL le W i p a large ialindry tm'ade,- anti does.,cieuding 'ý#bat i> calledtihte Shado',. sure ho piease. .Arîyy1. o le is ls work Weil. He is a most diligent Ex'amination." Mr. Bassett -stant-- sutfficicîit" Nlaîko- tti' catl irins, f Ilow-, and mnay be scen at wonk -eti iii -bus.iness for biniseif un March ant-tti'rt-suit \wl;j,i ju-tji tIt' kimig eutnly andti ae. -lus slîop la un iM10-4, h.ving vireviously been l hibiG a itno ofIb ttl' it'-gi.ti.lirock streets zaoà01u. mange oflie bfie fRichiardso & Co. Mr. Basset is originaîî beWibyGait o>ayi - (rm Osawa.the uniy conccrn ut ils, kind in tbig - -- 1tuw-n, anti il is safe lb aay that to - - YS'~ -~WT M. Pringle dupuicate the work that ha lurned AilSaîi<t E -scjhal)Chureh, 'Whitby. Hardware, çtQ. out bY Mr. Maîison of Iis cmpany I. lu h e ha d w ar hu il -Quî be w ou hd be- a bard , ta sk lu acco nip lig . I Irdthe hada re lComplete anti -The W'itb*Y Granite Company are. uqp-to-cjate hardw-are store than*that> ir.anufacturens and direct importera - couductet by Mt'. W. M. ltningle. of ail kintis 0of granhltt1anti marble'- Thiis store is too w-el known lu thbe-monuments,- etc., anti ail' work -la Coniiuity In anti arounti Whltby bo guaranteeci. Tbe office' andiw-orks neet aun.y specual comment, but it ila are -locaheti on Brock 'Street, opposite~ suffîcuent lu su> - lt the stock car-. the post office. Tlîe Reyslone rieti at titi îs- cittrprising place of w-îslies Mr. M.ithison- every suecessa, Sbusiness lis e7omplete antild vr a andti tose wlho wisb to procure som~e- refuable. - By iouig business on a tbîu>g neal anid baisome ln thua cash b isis tis store lai in a position hune QI w-ork sliouiti cali on thia fa-- tu qulute lu custoiners a pnice t Iat vura 'ble and W-eil known Company,' us fan bi-iow- Llioke w-ho tu-ansact-tbeir anti bave Mn. Matîîisomî quote prices.- Sbusiness. ouitheecr >eti Lpla 'n, anti Mn. I'rîugîe and.- ls efficient staff are ai ailt Giîe most careful anti allen- J. E. W aterh oute. hiý o ail their liatruhis. -A gener- ah busîiess un- sl>eif andi lîavty. bant-' Croceries, - etc. ware Is donc, andti lose pittronizing 4,Abo-,t tbe fîrst poinut b impness LliS.is ubiiliiLeuîL unay FesI asauredth Ie immd of a customuier on ente'ring tîîat tiu> are geL Luuîg the ver>- besî a gmoeery'shou-e is t»iec Cuupltetcss: goots lu thec Fieé of hardware. Pahtîts, or olhierwise, of the stock, w-blu-un t mils. Gîiý Stoves, Gra>ieware, Tin- Ibis buýI;ncsS 15 veh'y et-iteitut nt a tvare, uN .'.i as a coînplete stock glanice abuît oluitutsnuiateruals Cali be '0.111,1 lu somne stores thuene ié;a sdlack ini abundant.e. The store is Ioda-ted of fuîness on tuie sielves.-. As re- Atrcellîy un L.i--bmuuiý[eSscentre of gards Ilihe different PI'Omin-eut - antid nie town, ani,.,.s inosl c3nvenient, populan bu-antis un the maîket, no ion irintiuinig purcbiasýîsl. Tho-se choicr- is left, but Mnir. Waterbouse w-ho necdi a>Lïiiîig in te bard- bas lef t notbing undonie, to satisfy w-are line woulti sa-, e moue>- b>- ook- tbe neetis of his customers. ing over the commotijous atore andi Tbere lsaba atunosPhene o? general - complete stock ut W. M. Pringle. ipu-osperty lîcre wbicb speaka cf- e17 îintîng, etc. ;-Ms-e PhysicaL Culture, 14e.: tt Institute, Brooklyn, SGuy, Music.- ted meats, niusta rts, olives, et 7'ell ae butter, eggi,, ant pult, se'aaonable finies. A to'wn if, niw-;Ys benel'itte( havlng a truly neliable hou.se especially w-heu t hatfllouse's. de, are wlth -the, lîe.lirtor "istomac rect. Pli ors t>, 1 un-)1.1 .fWiii 1 î V.1 M lnve aý full ia Ž. lie i re9gLrded lit- 1 àt-'d i '> Li ii iun'- i e b#a-ý o d 1 1 ti s uîIzl CI's ,:înd ýtl oe \ s th kaui t ~ of Ehit- 'pî iiuai L1s. l W Li t by id pot0- I 1uh;_18 lita Led 1ai liLuecllu reles, ratti-n-.is Tii cXîeiCîe enbles L.,- -i i> .,->,Ol îoîctîlîtigput- uîg u nîîîîe-L, e~ eso oulti Mr, ii- ti-1 tye-l ii:>> ge I pan Itt M-.iMliiyè,uouaauLisa- ail -musî)fga:Ili.nzted rofiug, c'ave- lIhIdte OUI.tkirifsil2et m'LI lie car- nie a iiil iijîiy 0of lte birt-matie- îiiunu,.î;11o1(-i uJ te- la rgest- stocks J l t. itei- Lowil >of tuuwdr-111(1gran- - ahst e niîi air:sfoi- v--ste made in'i-> anadla. Wiliailytbling -goe-S wronig ',v* Éb stLove- or furuîace, AIr Mli ti ' s ible a ai> to tell you - ini a lt-wiii a uttl telia t. the trouble ovICIantit u k't rivcla L aLent if he L J.Meln type Hardware. etc. Harnese M aker. every br-aincîio' hi.,"d B~i O mat Lt-t- W>:> t i uie-'l t un t1w way- u ing a îiti ou l'r îeJ, coiiiectcti vi tIl fi o ' .î 1i 'i .-lu;t w o- t. > ail ,h-ut cu it sup guets sutlu i olii- - miUit U p-Eu, oti11i» .'l i -i1 h g-r, iLt, i--utt, li I ,oii sLte LiS î. u IL i.1,..ý;1 i a, ! - ii:'lL 11 o i-.. uiiil, lI li a>I s a- Giroceries, etc. Mtiý. i *t1ichî 1 i-s lap- or Whlt- bywiiii iy ii-c)ii-i.ineialinost - alaiia ti-s Liki iw L:t'vie -grocery l1jiUl- tre dteï1de- , anti it lias - louuisliot.i4--d1vnthe yeans,- anti is b- day .bniht andi up-tu-dzie in ils n1UalLed exîlenienze Tite lute Thos. Luiw7e b-g:î1>anti hoduteti the btsîi'*. îi l lis- deat>, wfhentie- Stori ..-uaS muti in Mus. LaIuit'~S. fiailut'. wiîchl-1-theurs totlay. IL is lî.ua;g- ilby -M.-A-ithlîur T. Lawvler, ~u niîîLu lii--dbusinîess man, and -Il n-uib r ofWhit'bY Toffi1 Couc.- - The' LIlvc 'ocy 5asuo --for oîll î-esand ui- cornect.ness ii]til' xgu ocIery bîi-s1iicSýS. T-le -store -- is -xciiciti - toCcdwitil every-- -tlhiîngt1a t. ude'i il grucer sloit eu rry. h"nîî L s. -ii mît ti-getables -are Pl- iq. îiceJ ountiîî'îr respwetive sea"Oûs- a- spi--c lty-i-s latie-ut chîoice b > -- Oft t:àS a i l -e6ffie;auj n tlarge ineA Qf er 0ck;.ry. iès earried. T-bat t hlf - gnc('ny 'iýtoà*'e- ducs un immnunse trzad.- -usfiunmttfi j'sL by-- Lie alinost con-; stmiit Liirong ut éphlu -going in- anti olit atmui- i il . t- Lte counters ho b.-seve].Tllil ui -îaia.getiuiit enijoys tlîte a-stt'e[î u -alt1confuietce 0f 'the 'hlo, cou, iiiiiuu>ity! :biigs ag~. c., s abu->,> -e-nieutsa-edontiîii ,lChange - -- ;ry at f :s î alit] -t--: ~-- Titis ;I gro- -. l'd -sihtoi, for' :i~u(~ thtie at inipeals t(-4uiPîiost e',iry peisou .Menýt alns isi e-tuts i rî ià_-il J11 a special nan- b" -l iin t licexiî- ne of. rey Metiodat Taerncle Whitb<. ( 1 'o.ligitt, Rpý,i;Àtri- iltllý-o Prei

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