oof o! rente ' they .1 wateh-. said.> back stà,dt *Daübeney 1 ion,-' ans you certaii leads and *ford on - *é tbe rern * o they 5. that -tii, Mquth caliot powbyih p1y l puis Wr eeai monthu until I o. .t cl.d, Thon ,Ii. graspe ii th e r etl well. Ailý>ngh nM-ad uk C Iôren er of the i t~humb dcoraVISed me, not ýto go baok 1mile on Su bing ootthwe ii. thu 'to_ my old Position, I decided to do a year, an ý1h oné deft e.wre « s50 and have -nOt feIt any iii effect. H.e waas1t reo e ver ~have bàckache now, sel. àhd Spemt1 ~rati~th - dom a headaA3he, and ail traces'-o! ,tai. Thon ee tg tl iià -of y.6.th' se thindigestion h&ve dfitapeàied. ~,thoror le thé, o man or . teaeh Cannot sPeak -too. highly -!r a00ndinaYL r~mve uxir sventoeh ilim' Pink Fi11e and T'Iho! -lamaon. aute. Ëéwevere their pkil4 n Wi yLf h sondre a wh~t, hL letter will help imen woPottasefie 0! prpa *éy ràà*itat ffees au I-usd to "brockin' t rioin.n-w od yail medicine dealers or I iiiioitaki i~dbliedtcVndrgo15COn b mal t. ,Oo ento. a ýbox or six The, &5udix umberof holesteb id - boxes for 2.50 from Tiho Dr. Wil; mica. to ac plânk wl Onu a liama' IÇfdxednto.O'am, Brocktil., *25000the ~Inihcni rl i. Oont. amiount. fot rudand i~n the bole. area ia.Te woe ga Ti..pega VOEiI oa~ ulpiur, on ôuld-bedelntiotlhia to etft' the board..'Tii proc.ua-iurpé 19riPth àà ia plin. huard, *nd-thei witb pogm inon. o!oùa, and itu 1a~Y whqn"the-. candidatehau- sue t. keeded in extr acting the pegi ire. -the Oak- plank ýÈtha9he!zmýy-considej himbellf qialified to paie on h aW03#ÂN ýDOOTORt. QWas1Qgk to 'Dlseoye What Was Doint theMiei. -A laddv teloila ,!bad case of col fe, poiao'n*ing (Tea is equally harm- luli. beqause it. costains icaffiene- ti.s.* igunýýUd ia. effee) and, telle iVt ia a ,y e simple and sitraightfo'rward, that iterary ski]- côutkl lotimnprove it. '(1 ha4 neurýalgin *hea.dach'eafor it 3rars~ .h.sy,"Ïnd havé' uf. fered utl oy.Wh.n i frst eante hgàve!them Iieighed 140 poeunds,.,Iut theY brouiht- me down to 110. "Iwezit to maùy doctors and they gae me0 nly temporary relieL lo I suffered on, tilt one - day, A WO- man dcw-tôr wadvised -me to drink Pe0s 'tuni. 6he ýaWidI looked like I was"coffýe poisoned. - 'So -I begaz -Vo drink.,Postum, and gained.- b jpounds in. the,,fiet fow weeksiuahclàm stilli gaining, but Dot so l1gt as-,at'firstý My head- -_ aches begin- to leave me after I had i4sd Po&tiim about tw0îî wéeks -long enéugh, 14xpo'ilto geV the coffee poison ouJ o! my system. "Now ulat a few months *have passed hiflice I'began' to use Pos- ttmni, I cva; .gIadly say%~hat J inver know whata nEuralgie headache is 111<. any moie, and it ..nothing but Posty ,tV lie$r - e. 'Btdcrle!I!tltd Postum I neyeér -went out alonè; I woeid.geWbewil. dercd, t wudnot know which way Vto tu]rn. NQýw I go, aiâtie andi miy head i'as clear as a bell'. -My - ~brain, and trves are stronger haa- they havebeen for y4ars." Name givon .by ýCanàdian rostum Qo., Windsr, Ot "Ture'i a reaeon," and Vl ex- plaineMi ir t'he littie book "Th- EWifr ruai thé above Ott r? A nsw -one appetars j ii tron i'to urne. They art, tenu we, grua.and fNilt et uman Interuat. plMount IPlea8ant Posý 'Office, Lon- îdon, ' ng1and, usuallh' deais- with :wurerenand ahaif niliion letters a Lwek.an at for a pvmrywtrel.. f "Tei iet Bu.ýaiu Locarytio& M Mt A!, 58th . StLSStrec. OssNiaioeMsgOimSPFu* lie plce fr theo ,vi&n went Li owwi Sbe- ici. out fflar amngorlgerat Chines.fam- 11.o! -the, better claases-do 11ot .at Mixtures sold undeï'>thè* tuame Stogther-tha tiihe,-women.prep 9e "c><thmg" 1are uaually <angerous xthe. !eoodpre ani.tO ~tho men a evd-intt h lf. o! tii. littiîe Cnes Whom ad wiiatoet à r j. s gvutheby arwe isupposed- toheip. They Vo the women. I alwaymad-doùbt. 00uainopitea anùd nareoties anid about tii.condition o f ainsâ ý<f nc1 1sleepJ prompte'rough their wàss ften told -by nyChies..ufet i lse.:s to ~p4nr friebndo o! tii, middle lasà that.iVt iO l ittie 0110 5 i igged ntoiiun- wa* not true, but .til w:6o1st-*bility. Tii. -nly ibsolùutely ua1 Bayi one iioknows. Cine anteed respedy fo'rtlifttie cnes-tii. young Chines. .frieend who tagt only remedy ..bàekéd by Vbigarn the. boys. o! an ofieial'a ffmîiy «- te. of. a govorurnent analyust t oni- sntred me that lihe çnae ihVetain npo ilateç-, ii&otici or o0therî, fmyViefatiier .Sitting at <>b"arnul drugs, ià ~bysQwn Tab-i oft fthtalthe -mother at-,tii. letô. -They èannot poÏsib1y do harmi *d'ôor, the boys and thoeac o té y0l*ys o o.Tiù~ on. aide and 4îï.r- ives-and gluteË- 01 oi eters have 1 rWed-thir val.ue. on the otiior. Stii I doubted if ~tleI epfQ oni ytiexw was a gener&1 cuttoni.',mongth4-babe, but -lcthegnowing -chÀuid.. better>ciass. yd«.. dié.Stomýaèh-n and -bowel tiroubles;. pelléd i a short time;sne wsný om;colds, simple levesaeal id I were calîing upeu -Wa baniniied, by them and ticy po young imunant. i-ei, wile, both o! moto- Viat -refresiiing -SIPep go0 lp-ý whom were krandchikiren o! vice- fnl to little oénes. Tin, Tablets -ane roye. Thon. -wère with tiem ,a,t bti.sold by Mietiiine deallens-or by maIi l turne aohegr ntiony a t25'-cents a boxfom- Te )r- anti a «rand,&on O! a ni1embeu, of the Williams, Medici . e 0o., Brockvileé, Grand t0ouncil., Ont. e"I vw4nt Vo o.k ýou',-question," I begal, "ai you'will:pardon me African d4eserts are frôm tlirty for doing so, but tii. iouly* way we to -foirty týet deep -in Sand' foreigners-van leaxna-bout the home life -o! 4h. Chines a V o inquire.- Mlnaros Lilnfnt Ri s flaraigla. r :You kn6of cus,*tà ejr the mebcre f o.u-.f l-O; s ips,èan be weighed,,in a. ew ii i. o gnerl. mprssin aIonfc~minutes by means o! an- instrument~ eignersthats when a Chines.- familykn nasap-hroeer- E Ïa at home together. the women pre- o cosaedfintVeri- pare the food- and -serve the- n orsar eriut àerAi andi thente catwa e.cate, but.,Hoi1lowaY's Corn Cure Neh d sd anilies as yus rwtiiem.u ot painiessly. tather, mother anti childt.en o! both BorI sexe.-all ca-t atlthe sietirneil", * IPrOPose,! Miss Plainer, tii-o.Young man ant i ie matko f~o ae anything p as tthe.bnk e""Y-.Mr. Hunter tom in tiieir home. 1 ave s,-weetiieart hr,; -he's nh "Then ý'tii. *omen do lot serve managey. Weç -are o- b. married the nmen first anti thenuselves eat-next month.- wiiat i. left?"' I inquiretid . ' ti 'No," saiti Mr. Sun, tii, gtand- - TrY Murlns Eve Remedy m son o! tii. Grand Coù-neilior, witsh 0n.-À r l a-twinkle i-n -hi-a eye, '"butrée me0- fer, tc have a joke whicii ii-enral among Eu. ~ 5- i P t s us, VIa-t when we ententain Ont e e t au fui Pi friendsý antithe wone rpre N ausP-.1t1gfor many years. o fot fruthat the best ii'ttie ttid- 'COIS ie I A, t sie ? »"Oc. bits they - keep for tlîems-i ye." * uine e mdyCq. Chicegg w Whichii atie tii, Chin-oe wornan -Pl ant ti. hies.utn eem ve«ry. hu- Pc-'SO you wantiVo marry mùan i6 me, anti not -no different 'my daughter, -do yen'" iYoug it, from-n- aftr ail - -"Yes, asir," - 'Peckem-"lHem: i! - - -You aware that aIhe - strong .ly ne- A c~ ~v embl. er motiier 7" Y n- "I- am ar, PkenTlen ,Vake - UESTELUWG her, yonng Man,. anti-en-beas' STP oVuIs ric. 25 CENTSihappy, as you ca-n." j - m1uother, there are two,-dean lit Vie,- kite's tsi î a box in .the. kit. cheéi." "Are tiere, deat" ~ And Vhii. yeaýr'm :kittens -Are blask, 'tmmed with white, motherY -- LOW.0COLONIST RAYES To-rTig AI -COA&T. t ;en ""uie VrOI! OlU 40qg88U WO >gr >yOi -a, SlmzIex" Typartoe., ýpuvsDi & chrges. .Addremg 201 Wp. Toronto., IM MBAD TO YVERSE. Little drop osne iLittle. grains o! of.rao ýeep the peuu8!sti. world Frow g1ro*ikg any 'worm. 'Vin go wu.h Parmýelo.'.aVegetable Pilîs. Theo fill mas la meoompounded thàat -teiri strength, antid fcieesl ,jreseeýved a t ie p l a o c r rid~yhere without fear'ofl'of- ingIIt, eir pote.ny.This is a qua- Ii ta few pillaé possesa. Bôme 1'villa lowse tbeii power, ,bui noV so tain their fmaess and poV.ncy for Ini the State -of California. the. lemal4 vote .outnumbers the, maie by ovýr8000 !OrVhuatur.o» Ir. U¶ thé WorI& pver to Curea -col i n uon. Da .- 5M. ýWHY RE ESCAPED.' - Agnes-Why dian't. you arreet1 tIc .burglar Who waa founti unier Glajys ReH. midti iat . if I 'W<>udn't -have him arreated he'd -neyer itell, h w dsty h. et. Unrd'e Liniment C1.. , imited. - ent] enlt-Theod.ore DriaOse me Of miine, waa conupleteiy cured of *henmatism aiter five years or uuffering, b -thè udjuions use of - INAIID, Te a'bone facto can be verildb nt 9g te iiim. to the Panish Pnet or any of. hie ýeighborie. - Lt.Isdor. ue. -A. COTE, Merchant. Fre hnan-' 'Wlo l VIe amalleat 10an 111 1o dluhitry 7? So- hm'an ' 'I give 1V np." Fresh- ian'4"Why, the Roman soldier whp jl ePt on lis watc h."11 Unlýss worm, b. expelleti frein Lue sh'st-em, -no chilti can b. heaithy. - Uothér Graves' Worm- Extermina- ro i' Vhe beat ,Medicine extant Vo THAT WASý THE QUESTION. "Whavtidtihte capitalit ay hen 1 yen VodIi km yenhatiauci a )(rmising aciiemell" nio sa-id it waa aill igît about tâ Proxnising, buttt Vpay ~ dl ic it Tours tmldy, Dl. MeEACKRET XaggrRoierà Lurnbeu, Co., ýi m reSiving letters al k tiil kbove- f rom pêrýsnsWho have bengiven Up by'dotos,-and: tlied al ethes, -medlines withoirt avail. Tai cerý for conuzption, weak or 'bleeding lung, lingring coughs and -broncbiti. ctan be taken où the' m o a d e ic a e s o m a h, o n w h ic h 1V sts, as a' toni. Priée. $1 per -bot. 'when orermng. Sold oly by Wm. "WhVathat 'y0e>are -saying l" 1. .; M : ro ci er " a s ju s t n.irtng abn tl.Cow that'jnmped ovor the eon " rplteti hii m ail neew. ("Well, stoP i. Thon', ne use -o! ontantly remizsiig us o! ho*w h gnbe.! andi dary ýroducts Ready-Made Meticine.-You neeti no piiýsiciàn fr ordinary ils wl-n yvou hve at iand a botte o! Dr. Tiomàs" Eclectrie 01. . For cougin, coli,! sonr. thrdat bronchai trou- -bles. t ininvlu*ble, for cad, bnbruises, sprainà it la unsur- .pa.sed,-.while for ete', sores, ulces andthe tii. bIit '19 =u unquestion- abe-b,çair. IV. neets n tstimûoni- al otlur thon Ve Use; ntithat wiil isatimfy e.nyone aÉ Vo is effective- Grace (fieeing yen wb~uld face )Pery"'But Vie- eI ~ URED luN STO 14 D VU YT« r na i tt iire m et im omy if PAZ U OINT - from infuriatoti Perçy 1 You saiti déath for me!" Ir vowk to tihe or 4nddiet iSend for our Ctifalogue 0f CULTU-RAd L. LUUEýÈo2 -Fk vris~ 'lmtleas m Valab Prg. f.,Alberta.n If yo S40an buil g - M. W. DAWSON, Tsnn - le. ALYUI. LyonUME H. W. DAWSOfN, NlnoIy -@n 8tmei,'l LYON &.PLUMMER - (Monabors Ter«ala.SW« ~zhug)Migý.! HELPý WAN'Ymb. Stocks, Rends 5and MinierSc mh n A'TEONCEr-YOUNG MNII -TO, LEARN »eM en oàoend... ,Dmailers.omveranm.t Barber" Trade; domand for barber 5d lm Uid ip .I c W m. g6e ey d a; annot ,.suuply- dem a nid ; lt -21 M id.stronne, !ROT un teach -yea tnade. -Write for partiots Trw . -.797.- - Cb m:Lyengaml.5Iare, MeonBarber Collete. 221-Queen East - Toronto. - ~*- Tino estimatpd wealth O! tIchheLAOSS.--- Unitedi States la $25,00,000,000. AI and FAIM»' 8CALBe. Wion -- Worm 9SieiamdaTorou"o MnieLniment c res Drndsuff. cAC TUM018, LUMS. ua ~ xiteruaL mÙd externàI. murod vithont Paiun by out komeutxeamens.Writi uà "Nothing sen s tic. matter witî hbeforeteelat.. Dr. muusmai. î.1L1a.- yUnr !atiien'alU'ngas, - * la- then. GOI *ê e r y " "I sioulti se ynot 1I if o'. T N, CAL UI A t I T Bb*». Irlouli been oonqghing fozi 37 yea-rs -andi he - OVna msaaa ýruo van ougi oudeT ow Vltan 6e ." RI O PURI FICO- "POO Plume, ÇOIAil PARU$ FOR SALE OR REM%. IL W. DAWSON, Nin* iGoC.Imq .stre@0 Toronto. i IEFNDIED ÂCRES . COUNTY O Particulars.in. Q01 'VERÉS 'IN PRINCE 1VUNDRZD- ACRES NEAB R BA)P. ! DZPar . jWith fineoUùse; .good .out A 00'FARMWITK TRTACRB 0re~ardni Poswtr, t arry gan "A goot-natureti nan vas cern- piainiuig bitterly on-o day o! his numeronus'Visitons andtih-e expense hie hospitaiity was te hi." "Sure anti M'Ilteli yen loy Vo get rid of themn," saiti an Iriahmnan. "ha-y, how? ""Linti meney to the pool ones anti borrow money of the rich ones, anti naytiier sort will ever Bichlé'. Anti-Consllm'ptive Syrup1 las an unpara-ileleti remerly for colds conughs;uinfluenza anti diseaas sof thé ViiroaV anti lungs. Tii. fame of Vihe medicie reÎs upon years o! Successf Id use ini eratiicatij these affections, ant i luPrOtectiÏg uman- kind fronu Vie fatal-pavages o! con- sumption, a4d as a neglecteti cold éatis- Vo consumptiOn, eue cannot b. too 1qareful t-oflgitit IVin its earily sta-ges. 1flickle'a. Syrnp is the wea- ITiiexe are fiaI ini Vhe sea as gooti -as ever *ere lie-d about. sainards LinlienUt O i Et. RER FIRST -CAKE.- She measuret uthVe butter Witu a very slemn ar,ý -Tio milk anti ,sugar -àvlso-1 and aIhe - te k tne reaeut-cane - Tèo coujt ie ggs conecty, andteV add alittle bi 0f baking-pewder, whicn, -you1 k iow , beg innens- o t -om it; - Thien he stinleti IVal -togthe;r, an zh. i~.Luà-i. az i . 0"-- 0 A CURU. f. ..- stitiof'lr ett retalKi toes. -imn "Y i4usl )ths e pl lsadRiwaysayS. 12C ý1nooîîeYi1a.d -- 'Four years ago I sltpped in tins Cep: H F'th Arasfan t12]d StresS. P.w Y«%t st'ation and, feu* on a frelght truck, liend' for Free Book aembu sustainlng a bat cnt on the front of rT 'fll particu1ars of TRESIGNi1 my leg. -I tlueught this vonit 14keai, [I~ REMED'<, the 'WorIdt-inious but lnistead o!01doing go 1V 4,eieope« TS Cure fur Epilepsy -"iaad rita. J Simple, home treatmont. Into a badl uler,,and làter Lite ,g form,' llfF t25yars ansa of eczema whlch spread soniy rapidly111 Tatimounials from al - md u o .trte( on h~ oiter ieg. Luiparts of - the. worîd. Opver Both legi bocame ' ao nmdsr RNH 100in one s-car. - tuat celdenl g ab~u na wrk p eREH MEDIES -LMJ- - tha I tuld OI17 ioaboutÎiywar 1 10,s.lams' ChambersTrhe by havlngthem bandngodi 3Ny doute sald 1, must àtop werk and-lay up. - "fter -'six 'muitns of! th iis tr.ubl 1 consnlted anetker deet4,r, buÙt s*!t no0 better reslt.- I tried ui 1 th*e slvu, ow ', liniments and létieus I heard;o!, but Iiste-d of getig bettît Ir Logt w.ras "'This va y ondition wken. I gost,"' My firit box o! Ze.-Bnkj Gnatiy te My, 4eIIgkVýtbat . ist box gve 'ne.ne.- le!. l coîtlnued te I ii Vt ores,, axd da by day thilyget bottter? I eould see that at lait I ba« jet held ST R EO O i ,of beet&img whlchi-, w 4 -cure me, ýandla the ont-lt 414. ~la inw iver ar sInce- Zan- _LIIM1YENT tkore b baieenn no net*uyn iç tte Externai apIlîiionfor.ilman 5C55UL" - - lisait. Evr>one nioa o Eueh - Mthn ature-of te ué a@t euvi vaefu iaiie Itn whieh -Z&Mf-uk fl a d th <UIvu"ulbiaiýte ':PUreIY- herbal, A la e4Yteàïëoln,&TUIRGÉON teor gréât bahm ts a sUTur u5 umi naYec.' Maso g "r«,.u eke d' ký,uDr .Dw'aformula lias 1t. lu ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ' > t i b o u k O ii p . -F e r R b oC Ü h nt i m k beney only hurk Faliholme drc E-di Vin foiiowed stant1j comipiehÏ _ is startieti' ex j'sevants,* stqod J conld not fail Vsi Jean, Hus.12ein-u -otiier tino Tui course, until. VI -- She iinstanatiy * Viey -inust contia in theguisç ot -In ti resplectV liu w as inval; z ally ceultino i fiends and Vhej ýAèSseon as h, - ditii andi ii -é ý -iim, and li' ~casual's roll. G -- passéd cjos6-to hIis-coinpns glanoefroin tù ,sta-ntiy set ýtheM people -bound- seulles e!or'Vte their steamer. But '.-anothe Pro-l V. * , loýj .