Whitby Gazette, 7 Mar 1912, p. 2

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"Wha&t-a trea4ta a é 4iur' reenlykla.inme&tomne a. iorrieýd raotbor with cix children- "lo b ranmng hoa..ehoidi dr .gr~~hor houri, loaig iiodAYs. wanawr*Bali- Y.e swoalla- naugaty ýg irl 1P) 't! Mybrothe the1-U wer-ptJs, If thyonng veman b, higis-spisited, s-setful, defisut, sfigist caenss, from abicis she sel- Loi ersgema iyîctor. Pes-iape eus- sharpesb tisesn l is e -- parent. Tbq fos-eign pool ps-audly - ais: "W is lahomve vitisut s M eïer ' WcII1, a scdh oel liithout s mother wguld bhoA utIle paradise. As ifyou ca-nid only cee-a aqretimesiear-t4he camnpliing paiieuts IS o-metiný,es a teaciser sus- Pecota sheis aceudicting 4aeas cf fs-eins; esois metNirs-cenfldeutially whisporm-tisat berî 4arlinsg-girl ila et ai sensi-tive tempeis-mmnent. "Gweimdoline issapéculia-, iigis- ists-uug hiid. If i-ou vanýt manage lier, lt's beesuse yen do'tunuder- st-sud 'ber 1'l GWENNIE's SI1ORTCOMINGS. Sncb le the sel-flaVterànSg pas-ental tbecry. . My-expeziencc of Gwcndo- line sud isundreda e-t heu- kidney - mars-km er ais iucu-pabiy iazy sud dis. ôébedieut, bût artfui enonglhte, twist mrotises round ber li111e fun'ger. *Taîk* 9mcietVricky ohildisen remiu-dg me et Hilda X., a brigbt, ciever gis-l of ten. Weli1, tiat beauty v as poeai - tâvely vicions, deflant, uninanage. aile. -I Vs-ed kindness, -fi-muesa, severity,ý pun.islsment. Allu-i vain. $h. renaiued un nefoimed-s terrer Vo mc, but gi daily joy toiser cern- teniens, aho idollzed -ber for this Iipisianeat. I vas poaeiclu nde. epi;geV h1asied iy the . headmis- troés; libadiy Mnoted by the inspecter. Hsppily, a bstillant ides strucin me. -Sending for tise metse, I pêc- .suded fber tisatViie cbid vas.Se talcntisd that aise deses-ved a emas-t- er* cheol. The fond motiser, -de- lîg'hted at my perspicacity, trans- firred the' prodigy te a/ prlvate acijool. What a relief1 Il.vng mentio-ned -thie 1"hard nut" -to a fricnd, teachçr, sise smliled wickedly, and sait:' "#Oh, that'a notiil I lied Pop- p>y J.,t- wclCver, ainsHmeIîiethlng, wha wl-oied as -if'butterOUM dneyer, ineit iii her mÏulAi. But eh.vWasl cruelly obstidàtê,-'aàelrîn incas-- n&e. - Tao very os-dbs, cntre-aVy, or hrteat f rai Ime e. clnly resumd- ed:. 'Spineoh i' One d"Y I maid:i: ',Poppy, corne to the blaekbcSrd!'l 'Spînaehl' seplied tise inap, without 'T Sefü "TVs-amoang ber oorpan- intbeY fu4ively a'ggered;, gaedàa at beï,,ith ,Iovig dmr- tics. Popp , fyoèu dc ot0 caýrle eut al-oc-J w111 have yenseer punl£ed 1 'e'S«iniohi' ôed op.ý _p.y wtth 4 duablical emile. Tise oIftdre4n-erly eoplodecI Iýhup- pre.eýd1lauigtes- I sent thus s-bç4 - Vo Vbe eadmwe otor punishuient. Tise ne ti day my fisst reqnest vas -met AIs 'Spinacia.' The eues- chi]- droui, emboldened, adopted *the- ber- - sid Word, until iV got ou my nes-es. 1dreans.d about it, sud'ïM~ hosx-- fieL .to ibid myelf mownan m 'Spin- *-aeh' thriou-gh6st the-achool. Luekils-, tu Vorr ."enoved, or Iltihmsk (j-» would have drive. -me rpy 910W TO TELL AGE 0F TREE. Wlien Trunk la Sawed Thea Can Tell. Voi Tise aaed Vsun-k et munosin ail reveal tic age etoftise tree if yot ceunt tise rings fs-cm tise centre Vc Uie outaide. Tbey viii elbu y mes-e tissu tiis. Tic rings vas-y à aidth. aud, by studyiug tisem cccF ly, yen vcansay, "This-yean, cigh- teen rings ago, wa a -fine oe. Tises-e must bave becu plenty oi aarrntb sud' afair.arnount et mois- tus-c. fer the Vs-ce made big groatis An d hs, tbirty-oue Itings back, vas a lean ye-r,oeil d a ils lmcek et cunsisine, fes-ilu tisat.yenr tise gs-ewth was but-two-tiids af tise average." Iu tise sarne a: glaciers as-o useful. Tise be shows layesas-sembling tise rings iu i Vs-ce-Vs-nai. Eaci layer nepreseuts a iutcr's' anoafaîl, and -by isei past winters can -be rcngisly vaicu- lated. i QUEER PL4,CES FOR NESTS. Swallows Buit on tiseeus-tain Rod -of aBet *A-very curions instance of bold- uess in swailoas va-s recos-de-dinl *1886 fs-cmOCeylon. Ia hs case. the birds but over a lamp lin tise Lin- ing-room; viat ma-de-theis- chelem cf site mos-e remrskable vwas Vise taet tisat tise imp conîd be raisedi er lovwes-eL by counter velgbte sud tise ceuuectlug ohm insa acusily pasaed tir<iugh tie mud ville' cf Vth.neat. Occaoually tise blràs-dsleots s nesting si'te-wlsicb invites ceuspari-' son vitis Vie Vtbe ldaas oet-Vise robin. uIn Jy iast a pmrfs- taal- lowa teck mdvanta.ge of "tise openi windov e anu noc'çupicçi'bedrSai in aliuse at EebIm-ham iu B.di toidshire, EngÉlandi, Vo be&in'-builId- ing their neat on the eus-Vin soct ot iom ns. mdeccupatiesofaet A.bed dS-d not in tia. leat disturb os- aIasm thie bird., visich cogpleted iate ut sud brouigat eoff tiare. nesitage vithin moyen ves.etfViae bous.- cawner'. rotum., Tii.y tock-1mai-uo-ý " VCe -f theoeu pan't oetma.bcd, *ben ee.edng their younn; but thepe vhr onîti9Y off the puit~y one entes-eL tlihe r during '»e daytisne.-Bailey's Mag4zipe. Fate séerni ta have pieked eut morne mca e b unchiýsg bagt.ep smie te lic door ma-te. "So that'. the baly, eh 1 Well, I hope yen will bsing it up te lie a conscientienus, good youag sa-n. 'A CI, arn %traid that is'ratberd.fi cuit." "«Psliaw? As the Vs-ei lient tise trec'a inciheed." [ knnea, but. this twig la Sent oun- - iu a girl, and vo as-e icline o lot it >ke at t1at."ndto vet oine md men~ 1 of nten ws n- t .s-l ary, çert4àn. eiT i ; prcaiynatmucted ME W aigwd'witil envye 1 aan ' .» dliv SUea8u Londoa Ân.wsr1.her moàlerad'od * Whilè this sound vryplusbl,- 1Ii .l. Girls love toi the view. ie slightiy rcsyr Study &U about tbe*rprivate affai&a . D thê ea.hersy~uknow Doth& a. Soriptur~ essnte il th-tahrsyu ýkow.P-terupt,.anid. Bey:, "1W. bad liver mannr ~dica~e b)ey bacon for dinn e ystrday" '~lezd a. leieured, 1uxuriôu8i8txý ï(cO, mother bias got thiare. côrns.": free froin,,*oés. carkii« ' CUOI iijchfather drives a. ram." "-W. '- w.orry moot Awoikers Qa-s;dera -thellndfo la.day."A forget Uic prclo4àd éwtng itticisiisugg"est nothêr; l'of eèhool and colège befor, teacheu get quite a fusillade. SBuolio0 get their certzficates; ' the weir denoes are not easytc> supprèse Ywaitini; for an aepointMsnt; to V-eia.ýBfri pr dréay dstrctstàe&ate 'wýrkin.ointed, brutal epie«ies, unador Oury'Uic favored unhes can settie "t-y grammar, stopé, or style. P big ites; the. majority mutT-ir neae odc tin t ec 1~he~e1v Vo utlaadis m j>a iie; complante, and ei where1f.- -affeas abut f. çm tine .O. aen ~fuily atiratios. frea. Oheaets., f NOT AHONE~D LIE. nt for the Ifke of. us, Uic lii.. MOT un'er A vHore ond Iti, you wuldl be <eutf a job P' -ar ife il studd.d witli'<Jawbaoka.. PRISON FOR, PARENTS. Teachers hî&ve their specilrunser- -Net long ago a. chaid -whcj dis, les, pr-oba.bly h moeti moute rceulV. rovçd of hep teacher's metlu ing frein eye trouble . or-. -nervous thr.w at ber an inkwell and a hjo< astrain. Someauocumb thereto, be- .wounding bier in the. eye. Anctl eëoning.-hrenic victime. 'The wrtrchil waa kept ln. The newe mc speat six month wthout gettlng a reaéhed hei mother-a big, brawr pr< par night'a -roui. 0foure adipose. crea.Vure, with bloatf soho6ol-teachers bave .many woris peony face and blooddhot eyeE ontuiders iieyer hear a-bout. w4,~ waddled up te Vihe headin .Ching the young-idea bow te tree,_ and roared: "'Wat do> y ahoot in noV exhilarating sport. So meadn by a-keepin' -of my dorter in maiy-cihidren are under-fcd. shock- Finp.lly, se slapped her face. -Ge - ingly clothed, bacily trained, prae- era.l proar; uh cf teaehers;a tdeally incapable cf, absorbing inen- rival of policeman. The irate lad tai nouiiment. ' For one briglit was removed, struggling, uzil pupil wehave, ast dozen "'duffere." lurtd language, eand viciouely.kic But ail bave Vo be cramaned up Vo ine ' Her husband happened the-standard. Etence our wrinkled meet the cort-ege, sided w-th is wii *brows and incibient -gray hairs! got arre.tod; botia were finalIy ca Elementary seoools are regulated into prison. by'-a cast-iron code, andc between *,Parents are extremely erraoa tihe ever-changing ;rules, the exi- uinreaaonable, even insolent. >Ti gencies cof managergs, inspectorsansd interferel when they ought no bea-miatresses, and the worry cfi wben asked te interpose, decline, the chuldren, 'wc a re often driven to. do se. Mothers beat their childr( the verge of distý-tion. - uxinercifu11y,. but th..- ligitest Cc Sorne head.miotresseg are of ina- rection et rehool brings them roui, turc mgo, net ýaouspiuously beauti- tQ proteet their "Iittle. angele' fui, -with ,t4l gasnt Vste la dres. "nover jeaused us no auxiety. lThiz,-1wheu a Young, emeart haud- Th'ey like to correct the cde sonie tea-cher serves under suoh a A minçiu-g littie miss brought n lady yen .can understand that the a note from ber mother, requestir femm nine însVinit oi jealouscrit-icisrn me Vo exelude Mary f reinany das som-'times asserts itsclf.. Su-eh a es iu-volving a etudy -<f Shake: girl is exposed Vo many Gly- stabs peare. Shé did flot wa-ut' Mary 1 which oWsy wornen eau infliet on'wo- be a play actres! Religions fo: mnen. -Whast, aiter "i, is ber crime? air their views t-o us, suggeetispeci She eclipses thie headmistre.sa by -ber courses . for their children.Wh perBonal Cha.nns, winw.ing ways, and the latter fr11 to win prizea or scho geaserà.l popularity. .la.r*h-&psiicy arrive hndignant-Iý1 VICTOR AND- VANQUISHED. about "ao:s. If they woul oaly fecd,.ciotLhe, and keep thei The superior, who is only human, darlings clean.--we would cbeerfull feeis. thi , aind Ehe steakl t aies do there-LoonAsr. shpsaya'Chambêra' 3ouýàLj!Yet wep ns <e loubt greatly.o h regret cf- their amier) have âlad, limitations nhiessaa'ilyý inapolsed ip ne. o6rdiaary soidEét -4~uld ','hve en- swrdè pieës and spearsbig as 't wus only with .nàins e a a iallist&.s -of antiquxty tïhat nihtary ongineerse' could rvin a hugenése. * These, lowever, Could b. Vaknu aart-lor transport, w4h gretiy uimplified matters ýWhe n cannon.. adperseded, thé eider iený 9 ns ambitious monarchs IUscresed thc aeire <f their, gdns tiltheye. cone posiztively unwielcly mai- mot ileqna, s'onket . le e tb. difficulties amtte.dîag thdir mdve- meitt frein place to Piace.i But 89 Sreat *was thse awve aud-re'spect' in '-* Lpired by- these giant cannon that bhey became the prized and coveted Poseession,,cf nearly every prince a.nd genermi of the miiddle ages, A-MANIA FOR GItEAT GTNS., Particulariy .among the poten- ates of India and the Eat wms * 4 desie for 'great guns, earrîed to 's nania -paraiieled by tÏhat of thei fa- ler of Fredericin the Greit for giant grenadiers. Like everythig. ance ,hantheir strugglé fer -Iibeirty: iample.-RHïï ?t Vo know p -hun It, wa cst at Utreli li 1&0; f and 1 b4<I better than iV. veré y oar 1 has a Iangtli of È / oo, ih I dm u a3t c oey nh a m , e o n ip caliber f pi. * nches yeaèrs, litti. poinits; that -may b. At ý-,fchronholer cdf'the ixiteenth éen- needed fr-futre re-eec. cl tuy iiig the eoaivtof the czar çlem ysqueasi ortant a cf usia-r usovy B 4w-&S' m jdica kuowledge. Every,-la.wyer thencalld-rla.t tha amng ile <biged Vo kpwas-a.ehild:knows "ia. ordnance ,that 1lèla nthe. chtiê 'o! it. alphbbt, >the. prindiplee of iaw, o&co te avesi 1gr 6*- ,~and Vhe judge muit carîry bis tan es 1Whose aýhot-j, a yard -of height, ed -memory even furtiier.- Natural- wliich shot a min may easiiy dis-.1ly, clergymen muat allow t4ier mein- cerne as they fiee.» Tii. great gun ocries t:) rua upon religious..mattere, of the ' remnlin, 18 feit long, cf 01,,and-there are maný' divines-who:caa 500, pounds 'weight and -36 inches ltrîyrpn hl hpesfrn vtealuber,-..Whiçli bears Vise* date -of te riptes.- Ea ptr fson, 1586, iVili existes nsa witnss- tie cacia business,_ ha,'use.,for a ma-n àubstantial aecuraey Ucfthe, old acýýwhose memory can lie ~hefr .traveller's Statem ent. - - ii ue Pu .e <'pyia iV e Vfor * Â>CIENT ORDINANCE,. par"i~lr -vocation in which h. là- ( engsgd À A entury laterOliver Cromw.ell, -- writing. from _Edinýuýrgh on Decein- ber 24e leso, said%-Vhat "'.ail Scotimnd "Se. that Miss Milyuns I Before- ht noV liV se go uel brass ord- her father became ricia they callcd nàne as tuis place, I senid you her long- and lanky." - "Well, here enclosed a list thereof,'> mnd what do -they mmv nowli1" "Tàhey 'amoag the other, guas is "Iah great msa he la divineiy tali." P see t hecvents of-t.DB isola 15 sVill C4p.rnaum, viiere Jeans had Cast ou l~~î a pirit from the unfortu na esFiferr-in the syna- L gogue. .I .«« - . The i$ouié of 8imon azd Andrew --Theîrj hsemanent home. i 30. S'ek of a fever4-ý.qsshbly n lra1 ver, which traveflerâa report in aili Irife-.a# certain s5eas*nsf the yez r la the _plain iù. ýW 'r a. pernia- n asituated,' Tell blm of her-Fnliy eoaviaced that-he would b. able te, help.' I 31. Tpok lier by the bad and raiÉed' hler up-LukI ...changes' &fark'a! wording Vo e-v@odove lir, azndrebuiked thé f& ' This wolrdmg ,Iii Lui.. would seem- almoat to implýr that ilîneas -fromi leveý r we.s aimo att ributed Vto spiritý-poaseision.. eut by Luke's. wordi in, thé -verse -parall teheprocéd:iig an.'ih he spe#ksocf-- Simon'î -wife mother being "!holden with (hld . -h grip ef) a foirer.'> 32. At even, when the isun,did set -Afteri 'the close of the Sableath dýay, wýnch began and onded with. suneet. Ail that were sick-- Froxml parte of the ciÇty. Possessed witi emn-Origin- ally the Grekorhe-,e used for demon iwmm -,mpplhed only Vo the gods; gradualiy iV becamt custom- le.. I~Km~ s~ WHY SHARES fISE WHUN LARNSNS *ADJ WMILE sas,.Di on à@hj -Pred moud Io r lia, The. artiles conti- are f6r the sole purl pective Investors. anm lng tliem t roin les pc îniu It lu "wld-o mpartian d, relia info&mtien - ybe wrte? cf tii... s-ticl cf 19iaispaer have1 mn connectlon witb th tici cfil . l reader. t &À we shars livoveno pomioi t r 1amai YY~Ï~ lmesWhi ney an ~teLe îltuirc- tceresul lder-deliszred hy efo ernment, giving E) ?Pr ining riglits throu h lier f -ince, and C 4ai p aré( -free ]and on the elo atong the HUdso fBay' James Whitney b Éefl e Federat order fore, 4ext » 9 flhuh running prx~ boundary o aicba t son River d, termil baif-milé ut p lnd *asteri,-shÏre the-N( ad t1 umd4 y horbymalefor ailwé =yck, and e1qv ors ; I tent-.of thes- eEt i absi' ~ndayn li e gr 0 '.-' ti to t - L&CKWAR.àD fHIDI onhson tm en o tià -to duli l. bèi n hav made grea i& EngIan tMê e ieto the I nclusio-n that' ab4ut je,. 'of-, the n hildren i the et achcols-axia.y be cl sed -as W V ec v n a?1 r e m e m i r . h o w -fotwas& madle a'f*ýw -years deal ssienti-fically qwith1i thi -Ma:nyan- unfortilnàte T-hi] wa.s &ing th~e be*t~ he couli cap; a.-d rpuch -oth -cru6li was unwittingl d ne -On wa.rd' ehiîdrei we.r1 -auz An Eng7lifyh exp-e tsugge these children sho h e chv hbegin wiLlh, intoi tv o cl'asse-- who&e -duln.e-,s s i "inuitA those whpee duinles ils 'farc 'Once tis.clas'.ific4cn :in me ktha for7m,Of, reaitne able fer thé firsat cab» 'ot bc-' aleo !or lAIesecond Cqh i1dr en o re ïnn must be..accepted.a4luàt th& -are oten. èspee ia n E coun rîes md -amo ik our Ou granti the dcscen an* ý îof lime -of -peasanttIÀ1l rs Of t froni. whozn mental1 ffbrt hi feeble-mbin-ded, but lnevitabl tionss .n4Iýfe vpry wI, bt. fitted !or hbardUnme41lIaN:- lsubjcret them to nlecUeis when we urgethem e~o o withl the alert and.; iÎck-'wzt is-characte'ris-ýtie l t.jinnat that aAfer rtacbii-~g z îce rtaiu 'in school, the~ k p 4ehoI the*rcafter supp.- i r',f .z -ex a-cp f-r atisie and><fipaIr C.hikiren whose du eiLes~ Rd-are mre t.raigic f Uré1 ent. capacity. and _èqeela night have ben. thejrlsýli the v:ctim&o--lf.semnisL.rra&t-. pairmient lafthe spec'La1 :sý! .rrested- dev7eIopmen tro*2 cause it in s. unfaa-.ur~ beyond lthe lisit of, theirl Strength ait. is toliedd -r cbu&lren ack for- th n- 1i iase* of. a.cquired -du ec MI judged each by-it-cellf Sper .WQI oiten -tur.a aBtUlp* IchilcJ,' olever onm-,60 lI jlt1iïemb, adenoi.ds "and the *hag semisltarvation, to a pientiful iuràhing diet, WlI fi n wor Lr- ryalrnée tehspirtek t uer t ithn tdy eise ini fllOCiaev8. aSes1 'the use f *-wsaîtwehr tiies-usuais omn ede ale ngth affei cm ~o t'~~~s iinternsediary between goda and th,,- bondsa. ohrairtd f' -'ho - T,-' .- ~ men, and cf tise latter regardIonss largo stock ixchanges are -aiways in de.ý sud eaiy th thrtenttcen ~ ~ ' ~ *."*~ cf whether they were good or evi. mand nt nome price, but uniike bonda ci te tury they were used in a navW-i . .1" nly gràdually was iV applied Vote rîo, r Vi pro.lusbjc fe, gagement -bet-ween tihe Princesi.c-f portonu-. meililt eapiesits, eec tat~~~~~~~~ei 'Iufi ndSvii. vn aons, . e*~missaries ef Satan as at times te vide fluctùafWàn. assures us that «î"i laweli known EhA-i 'Wi. ' di ~. stinguisised from spirits emanat- This constif"Utes oeef e iobefvesa. ....... ng fs-cm Vise goda. Iu tiis iter nesses of' shares as I 4et. Thi nd that the use cf ordipance bath been sns te od,*a we a teto-mhae utd fr t ein China abovo two thousând 1 n4 es iewra cla ts os hr ~ed o t ntrýnsic valus firot ep for wbicb it stocd, was take nucaon tyearg." Se cumbrous were the *~'P~- over by Clreek-speaking Jews, and pay eft after fthe assuitso boind to guns aud slow tise as-illesrast anyteaoui tbod u the oureenh cntur tht i man i te be understood in Visis mense other liabilities - are deductéd, aud sec- ten ortct enuytats ay ,i i4 en ~ tey ouî beflrd oslyhere, Wl Ii n mct of tise passages-of on-dly, on the amountlot--profits9 which' .Pl twei the sm ate ,., . h New Testament in wbich it oc- are resulting from. -thé ýbusiness -beinsg nd TieIda Picunveteears. cars-led on. If -profite as-e peor, as ar. >deligisted lu large trains cf as-Vil - , 34. Because they knew -hum-Manysitcauofyr.t.ssesecnel iery, snd eue of tise ruat fumons acet uhrtisad aucien auth o ities <the the m a sket; If, on the ontrasy,, pr fitÏ ý generais cf-the Empetor Aurung. , .Ch lrist; se aise Luke (4. 41). At as-e large tii. price of -abares tends te- nzebe, Mis- Juinla, the couques-or. cf * 'tiiz as-y point in bis public mJn-1 rie, Iuthe case et bonds, bovo lves-, i-en, nA Bsam, captured. as many as 114 i- rsy Jeasus carefMllyý avoi-ded- ps-o- those et as cemzans- viiose-alias-es aïad pieces et «capnot ln a single "'i' h92yi ciaimiug himmeif as the Messiais, 1)31tesaifucatnsIep-eel neas- Ala bad. -i Juan a teck ,eno ~- ur did li. permit suris proclama- unuails uiagd xcppnai ,a w o la rg e nuu s ted ,ac c a ,pl, Eeat- 'o- to A-- tin etie fe i reda s-n - matte, Nf a point or 100 in extreme cgeg Jk rn enalan. pacd témfsiendiy sources. If wc thinin et -ule"s tht. bondaare, et awuuun ai ern engalsr~d~ laced isens ne4 ' ~,* ~'a ~.- tisse te wisom demon-possession lapcltvex&ise p< a, an e Sul cf the ranga .i,,, " >,, hes-e atts-ibuted as suffesing fs-om The reason '?oi ýhs ia ofýe _bsec Saa oam* su some forrn cf mental des-augemeut,aloubteac stks. id SAVED FROM WATERY GRAVE. it - nis easy te uuderstand isow any eeya-koldsl li' , ir ..,. sligist suggestion cf tle'supes-natur. Abd an lueater. [y Iu turne thé ueglectcd embanik- i / ai power of Jesu.s weuld be aug -a.bn, uoadr f 4 ment cs-umbled aud the migfity - ' mue u aufe uterk nov. Iu a mortrge bearins-b' guusi-eil intQo the river. The. larges-r im.se * '~-~~--agination. a promise te pa - a certain raî gun didappeas-ed altegetiser, but 35LerarwiebtredyTi esaua certain times. Wbetier some eigisty yearm mgo the amaîles-r--i pans- does el Ios- 111, no long as ib oee with the aid et elepharits, was buread t-mcteda'wokapeepsci.frbnduertth .nw-as noV couducive Vo restful sleep; bondisolder s- uuse.0f1cremu ~ ecrdflhd p ic~drgedte *~,-,,, ~i: rather did it filthe mmnd o e sirodbonds,ai,. backed 'h tý un tisercontes- tsoe maie sare, tioases f bis own ueed oet utu fr<4 dulet sihelr itands, eue çf wth anw1h"c' h ~strength sud inspiration f-mtse g- as-ffinça teabn&p Il~~~1o the- interegt. Tiierefore, nofra an, nIndia is dotted. The gan, once ~ ""' -~-"4- , , O ci rael adorued qith dcsý--,nm . M , awaylises-ýe Vtse isouse and city as'e os' a good s-ear-offer ans- bop«s cf s abortel ' ~~ ~ 's-~' "'.- o- agaiu astis- sud seeks'the solitude greatas- veturn on the ina'veetmexst n îuiarnmered métal, is now se wornl of a desert place, wisese h. prmYed. In tue case et the ehare, hovever,. con-, >tiat. inscri.pti;'ons-and os-namentsMIS ASQUITH A:-'D LADY LYTTON 36. Foiiowed alter hirn-Appar- ditions o.a are practicaliy obiterated..- r s re revcs-sed ve d .otspeakOf Tie or spcrttiu -atve "NAPE" KTIG N SV61ELAD ently Ahnen was already familiar --trel-ers-ed" shus-es, vhich orilbe coustd. Th mr si3isttou -aivswith the personal habits of Jesum see sen ai uommlutî i.ae. )f f rom the suri-cund-ii:îg villages briisg Ladly Lytton's littie daîgister, Lady les-mione Lyttpn, is skating whichis lcluded, tise observation et dee net involve a promise te pas- Us it offes-ings of gaulands, place pice with 111cm. Lady Lytton, like Mss. Asquiths, is a T keecu akater, - ai. pes-iods 01 meditation. sud prayes-. face value back at ?Cny turne, nie os- d it aud cowî»-ies -iu its bore aud smn. theough the latter is net iu tise rame clais as lI- ,d*aghter, Miss Eliza- 38. IuVo- the next towns-The ps-omise ans- lucome- te the. its rnuzzle wili red paint. J t stanýds bet h Asquith, wyho skates hieautifuily.-Pisot taken at Murs-en, Swit- sho-re country about-tise Sea ef Ga- If the. compaus- maliens ubstantigl pro on a massIve ca-rriage ef spiid nias- zer land, by special arragmetwitb Tise Taties-. - ile was tisickiy dofted witb smali fite the directos-s mas- coumider -Il vis0' ir svill g es et w e n ci ies .te "declare a dlivide ud"- e, divide th . ; ne Daucel o GhrtY Gn.cThegra qo ren mus-derer callcd' Mucklc Mcg. -' TÉE BLUE 1-N ixFLOOD. For te thia en-d carne I fertis - profits pro rata amoug the.sharehelders, y 0 wcge tit ou n This great Scottrh gun,* about .- Jesus may have refes-sed sirnpiyte usuallîs- ou a basie cf se muci per cent. boreot teu trytnss- ancises. - 8twhicis as Mens. Meg se rnany apo-. Watem* Ri.6es Sevea eer uighis lcsving Capernaum' and net ou the pas- value et caci »bas. lu bis iwas cast in 1628 and isrekeu up twVo cryphal atonies have been told, lajh Lime glut.cousemtiùg, Vo returu at oc, ve -ois1 ase tue .share tends lo rien lu:ps-las, h cetîisItr n~made of isooped staves and is 16 though informed that aIl who hacrpciveowhte teear n s. 1 cetris hobby cf Or3ietim- feet long anud its charge is-said te Wisen tise. flood begins lu tise hearti cf his presence therewero unes behind il te mak. its intrinsie valune rarchs led t-o tIs.e asting of stiil mck e1 hoveer and "àrîug, tfse natvesndfrtise colohssa - e Oiet-jmon,-:save btheenive oftheupper s-e- seeking hlm (verse 37)..Anetis es ter or 1liat. As a -uIc, tse .mas-kei cooslcanunï. Que ef these wýs a granite hall neaî-îy as hig as a gioeofethtie Biue Nule prepare fer permlisslale interpretatieu isthut cefshesuaAheiruiçau, Vis Mli-i-aian o Lod t heGalle-way cow.- i eostd~teir ious-ney ta the uorth, wlth ha retors te Vise beneveleut purpose bave blien macle iii or4Lordhos the-1wiatevcr prcdico is considered s i iomsina hî. vaiuc of the a555dB) cepende prima-ils-eu Plains, cast at Ahmrednugguris- ; an e - aei 45 a a2-oýisIi iso a hl. tecmaysablt rntt & i 154. Ainoste o te-tvton, aciincuhere snd wcighs sonie live aud wcs-tistaking. -lun"Fýive Years in 39.?reachîng and, casting eut de- cepn-ubiiso-notea-du- lu4 itA ay cst a baol fo ons,<and, tlss-e-cuarter tons.tise Saidan, " Mt. E-dwrd Fother- mena-Rer. olcnriy the expression deuds. 1 i stll ieso .n te goun amd te Tis ntiue eapfi as sedat illt-ells ow qs0-ckiy tise Nile riscs. "casting eut demons" must be W -Tke a caucrete case. A fea s-ours agoe ruina cf deoayed 'Bijapur, lu tise thse siege of -DunshasUopn lu1489 anc( t i5fod ensdow o oprtd oinld iehe aiing cf a compausny tsmWtemnfctr Bomby Pesienc. Te gintat ormn i 149, wile "cri tweu nt'hec orpaî-ativeîy nas-rew varions lddaof diseases. certain - selikou breakf-ast food. At -withiu wisee ruzzie a s-au maày ing te rdtoabioirc o wttrennos uift.es do4. A îeper-.Leps-esy was oeeof knowu, sud iis market probiematical. The easily recline asrve-ed hy tisej it went tbrois hTisreave Castle.l Oe -iit as went te bed witis tise t diseafls i.ciwo-ug fcapyiarosalzdndlae t meueyvsudagarlaud cfThe boa-s.atiesysceithelu Vise<enetiau afsen-patisewbetternncfea andh banin. lia, Tnatives, aise made il offerings bf Evelyn, in bis diary fer 1645, mca- rge a uua. is batascouid lié seen sud measur-ti tts n od eesl qaiu -- * aisa cannon weigbing 16,513 peuncis, way up tise bank wc bad a Vhriviug al uessod iec eprosy iu amount th.- total value of the visible TWO DISCUARGES A DAY. és li iu-yIIRn tvegetable-gas-den, sud îs-om ~sa e isle edmnpae.isst.The stock tbat a@e-is-en a-a* Inl Europe, aise, guns of lange si'c France, dined, and in heareal wîudews cio! us-hoee it wu «. ar w. ith the bonde atI Ihe lime issd-in ise' were higisîy prizeci, thougis t w at Fioence 'Iusty pieces of ord- sibie te sec eveas tise top ci m lsuDses t vs-àius atr i bnssoknolI-uc wcre niade-approaching tisese I - usce, wsercet eue is for a ball of 8teame5r'a maat. Wiseu I waked lthe tesrn, but especially ts. losthsome Value. diah moustera lu dimensions. 30'0 1pqunds weight and another for nçxt morning jLfancied fer a meom- d. aa f epoy, aregardecd !luu - ËOcopty Thteëd *1380, during tise great struggle 1i- 60, which weiglis 72,500 peunda." eut that I wa-s tise victim et a. haîlu- punismezit for in oommnitted eithes- stock sold\sàt AS. an'the. Genemnl Miu- tacc VeicesudGene, IisaiiThiswasmose rma wîce a. heavy ciauaien-, for ties-e, opuoste the iy the.suffèer hinracît or bis im--gr c çts\pmpany aid afisd tise Venetiai admis-ai, lsnied to as the great gu'n ot Gient, Inoandoor etthe bouste, saun gtL -es ite siàaetors!Peoa 5timu;puschas..- "Wmatî ufri5s le ish- canunn. whidh tes-tise pes-iod we e ais Marguerite Enragee, os- Raging er at h»rs-auchor. Tlle flood had -flited were Mereci-es- oreznoni.-.9stock," askeuS t iend. who ýýf huge indeed lu bis redouit on tii. Meg, ahicis welghs this-teen Vona. corne, sud tise ater b.d sen ay lineVn ies-tuhezgp-e.ntret$-gen tz ta ulsclp premoutory of Fossone. On.etfEvélyli, calis thia once tarnous waaL ral metors during the n a. hbtdbyrtaiscsnies tua.»"eîadola," tdIb - IL, these bombarda cas-t a atone veigs pan, ahicis dates fs-cm 1430, a lu coosuection with tise conau fmBîgroedwtfo Ssi'hîtu o~as .esnng onfu . ing 150 pands, the ether ths-ev "basilisco." tisis flood, I remember oe ei sn thg ulc ieU Va ece tla-aid uetnil .9~ig udt stenes et 18(r peunda, sud these . In 1802 a TurieSigun, origiually out on a ehooting expedition about tepuleminlsts-y tJeaus oÉL its pas-off àkebondi beooemnatss-lts- au# acr fedof eciamonigieug- tventy feet long,- ta-heu at Vie bat ii.e tirn When the flocd aaexpect- ue ie i ie bslvbs1 s il 5 srs-fair- divldend -on tilt locad.d agmin at, niglit. tle -cf Alexandria, aas piaced on ed, sud camping ti a dis-ed-up echan-.Stegii etent iii Sgdlf ofu Te * eirtw ivdnd e." a "They could be fired only once ;a Vie parade-ground et the Nors.ece fthtei rives- for the nigixt. Atsriet i.ney eadcse Ti êtsoaIodvdn.a e day," wArtes tise histos-isu Sisinon-. Guards. daybreak I wua waked suddqnly by their cass or station.entl. cd wes-e psu; thi e "S ear lb.- di annory enmsu hserva, w.boo ok nme ronghîy, ae.dhz- uh 'Ssuf- .retus-n lotàlled i ver- tout_ jui -as& - 4 di, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - an moeetnmseth THE LARGEST -GUIN tellisg me .tha.t th atrsw'- i ient-te rejusure tht-faith als-eacy per cent, vas Wpui usen)s-dldn hit;, but ahen they atruck the mark ewaer wrea -onaa~ u adIoa their effect ami serions." Admairai in the. varie!is sid te lieue guaird- mont upon u.. T7%e eamp vas il. in, dilo.abonusetI 1 vp:eaI -T Pietro Dos-ia, thia. Genoes on-igNlaYrkBaboscolossal a*4,ae, -andi a.ready tVe ,men -ir t4.-e~.hou -%avy n'otu ean mdd-n.Tsyear the- made-va hl.dly n e hie piece %f' artilles-Y, flfty foot longluylaig i.dxiys dci 5fnnteeuInoc i e- uski< bîer.ý 4 shots, and the. neit day ma-ny men Weigi ~-More- thau ..I» tons s.,and tago rbcen nga. - Awy V-t.0 hnges e à"~u1,, hv.hýqiv f'li.;elas,,vr O1 iwere-k'idby anote. -- u-în a25Qeau.prjctl atêgul-oiôld9aia o'Àor,, p %mnd - _; uJaht !i>.--------- Fotythee ymss aVrth E g- <stno e ixee m e. Ye -i4 c m s> *te.s gia naly ap.~ ( êm are vo - ý- a.tt-bns:ciIdbyslr4it uj neeaes -j- -i. 'T- O.ATGIBIING C -deétos-.,doeoncnt-desei happening -ahen oee' uieeze-s,s-. J. Zalarl Vsian -Ïliug- specialsut, ' exhaustive Â'udy o-f thi *discover whatcëauaes Vi

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