e4othey to lbad. Isijde rutugE Iicesiserb.- wh On -Qt. D.ntlst 'OMEp D Rs1e~ No. 41 tb 'sor.- to L. oealfrbinla sates apply te self or #u Y. pbone,. I (1> .~ 4 ougi erw4ai -u lbik (g)ý wA tetwork* ý x1teton a1froi I égn' ofler onl D5f4i - . 'o mn14»o. reports. wrepr .tsd a'd' a4oètedasiffloj,. STREETS.- S. Pla*........ B. labet, hot. s;aow 6.0 W. Mk. P%;dt uples. H. BIsy, sMot.anow .......46 W. Éliiott, sho, unow.. 45 .Moore, a............9 Cha*. Tod *WeBi p 0Le47. ONT~ t' Prom te pa vd u Wo*jUt7b . e IRU'. a; 'salu be ho bard hsdi Puilder nd Çontraç«è tio and ! eàtiuuae. (urisb* S 74,Alteratdons and Jàbinj 4 C"c~r drus :S«torI;.,Wbto SHAW'S'. SH D.O L S of ira; prated by the Central Ruai iI*.éOsUge of Trentjralp ïuuag mi .iq.eifor offigepoltlons..%N 'ne nul yéur training under 'specialitàl- ê pf' whom amreUllkuown authoru oi oounmr"latertbodkat We have aludenu in atbdance froml Halifax te Vancouver. =au for Irse.Catalogue tW W. H., Shaw, ?ru,-Yoffl and Gerrird:sto., Toronto WLv We i-cel We have, ihe hMo ieoaer. s ' açtleal and the "b eqü44uiped chool in ru temOntario. Theiours"a are tborougb an ain.latlig. Antitlely le«aàdlam Baal *né Proiedu8r. ior»thptrainiug oe~ttc:abitious -Young, people of our' coutryý . Our Grâdeat « e Ç#ceemful. Amk a. audent or ex-squ. len*eare,-oui'beot "advertinemental LINDSAY -BUSINESS ,COLLEGE C. R. Bow4r, Pria. A. M. Spotton, Pros. lense .0 .(orjiedn oi ïf a~c.n& !an ~esi~fMau ut~,o h41dnCMtl i. $e-t;'QuT0ud opia or.- edvo ttis .4ire years, ago. Ne W88 nOt reahzed frôm' this sourSe and-the. Goi Cd, sio BËugg*tod tha t a um ofp money qema, O.nty and' Town , grnt. t bW paid to'Mr. -Il'arlock, f6r >-opeidn2n0 ,-1 UP_ :a d ser4ti timéetAis seauon. me cr~t p~sh o~ f~4i ~M nM i -roka*d'o sy m i The whoîe- support, th rtlWn-Govern - Ms ~aema ni Mi I*rîok tMmenta"~dl OoUnty grantB, came ,fromi-tý lm . bu erntued ,down-tbree 4> -Years a9O, amed-did fhot watt - Whoenjoy.d Qie use 0f the liaryIOI h prowch thi.CounÇil .thi, year The WOtPaitir fees. itý; imtter wu, nfot pr"sed.. [n-l votlug to transformn the libraryinoafe Rihardueai-Jacks,n-.... royed that iioafe ==tho lime -foi retur igt br<ili -,the electors did this-theymd lpsi:î evraiie t no h use of tbe librar A by-law sa ltolie n ud sed withont direct charge, the. co tt- b Uoreby~I bY fRioiardsonBaten-' to'appoint taxpayers of-the town nelme'edb -têGov. a colleetior of-tazea for 1012. '%jr,* C. ,supentdyth P . McGrotty was appoiitel, e ià yeriment andi County grants. The offly diference in the manner of Support was that ahl the raté. gatéoman-Richardsou put through a payera sghared in the expense, and aléj-iniithe by-i.w to pÈovide for thxe payment ofueanbnet.fmtelbriy * taxes by ùilmeuts.usan efifr .-telbry i Bakr-Bat.nman overt, that thie The -books and, appurtenances af the library, JComuât1tee on Tomu - Poperty be valued at some $1,600 or, Mo, really -bexonged ta authox zttelae h i ltetrie the itzn lgI uIt o lBrocsotrtfole year e, for no one or t*o or mor»e could say for 16,100 so Chas. Mcrotty. Car. tsirryimIoou. - Jackson-Bate'an-mom tbat the The passing of tiie by-l 1a une lhmsexteüd-' 'Auditors'e Report juat reoeived be'ad- eded the use of the library toaevery- citizen, . has * .opted,_ e'nd the Clcrk jutborizedte placed the - institution in the'- hande o a oaà bave 100 copies printed. Carried.Bdr The meeting thea auilourued. repi!esentative of the citizens, and lis spread the. Colt of Maintenance' over the entire cemnmuzùtv. Concet tLeColIge Somebody-we beieve icitizes a hl -ow atmalte81,600 worth af books, CONCE RT AT THE. COLLEGU. Th izes-nweoyheuettelbrr A concrt of xnuch mnit -mas -5ivO11Thuat tiz san0 as thy tus f e mot stric atthe (2oIiege on Iyriday ýevenlng 0 uttesaeoste wudi h !ýtsrc last week, mhin for tii, Snst'ume in letter of the statute had been followec.fthr I Wi4> Ms. watwod, loutitiîtshud prove ta have'been any- irregularity in -tii Swa rod lya pulch audifenoce. ia maero po ure, that cen b. rectiled;but -in- de itiee.1-ed tire nimbers were hèe meantime the lihrary is free to ail, and 'h rece4vea wîth inuci appreciaýtion. MÏr. Co'UIceil Should not hWdsitate ta 1eVyla reasonable Waiker, of Torýonto, mas tht OUlY gen- sum afor its support., Jtieiau ,takiiigpart, and ûMà splendi4 luhe ete nhatweau 'p signàdeiigbt,.d liIWho beard hlm. I i1 acs n i 1te--nls eký ae Miss Laura -Krulit, a . pulil, assented i that "I*evious ta the. vote, al the-Suip S aIons and mit. .Mt. Wal"i ansd gave pôrtrsles ' 'I n aike l cavasPn _ fo g, ~enceof-poeessin i na&fhlCent votes, afflured the elector htteb"c .i - Ui0 weil c6ntroied. A f jc f y a th rp~e .foer ti, tin,~î.be. tibat.Miîs IKnight wl only -Obýt ofthe'b-lawý 6 Srîova hefflit toi . b. Wonet., the Cltowna in nwbuilding bihWss ) e l * vca onaments. Otii- for vith mnUy wiých M]r. Andrei, Carnegie'iod- SHarvey' Olgmsirady te Supply." ~Nccti;.'p.nidY, - r 4e4-.t4 ie4EveryRone ivili admiit that miuch was said; a.bout, vioa.. th nw uiding, iore, idetho n about ýltbe beef4I i ofthe, -lib7y,.because ti .pr etaie Min Stifler .193 curing.'the building wae macle .the.ocesion and» S-Oi'aturday lait-the dah*wed otenoeuef a tablish th «frée - of Mise Lillian Sohiller, d". re'of ar. U- eeWeri,, , .who a .w jômehn 'tr .E'Sàùéi~, gevernc>- d i.Mie besicles the&newbuilding. on,,,the corner, 110d we-b ~Cont7Ja!.'Mis Sinler me ms uot.. belW-two extracts from this ~p~ai hast1 mt'nof timelai!, basriosuluptio ,ýaihfor -ea rq, andi -ha$ À 'i~dJueSihoWîirIgta uhswsth ae gnoeatmiNùOrer. - For son' «im' On May2Sth wspubliauheaa-report, of,-- publice »bas béen véry, III, six! ber detIk re- meetingy,on prgphotwihrea 'c, leaued a *-enVle lvt pinirom. ha twocolexp andtstte, ra er* were not f the ofasr e!knowlng Miscsale ÈQI 1ei hebr hihigh etei. e Ir lois "Are you in: favôo ýai afreà *ibray? ste ~ mlii 1e~ve Goternon ~c1 iler very Ïr0eeed a how thaï -m'W cvlie cutie lo ley, trs.,3a ijler biilnÉ dieu! ev- and ..for centuri s th-P ] i~yauago. Thxe asebhp ofbooks * "- :akuu"Ite Port r Credit for-- braries lias been, in - ges otathe gea oni . - 9 k. a.iiit ~-'ej l aadisiitan e nty'oj Mau < ï, Saturday nlugiit 1hat t elephoà.d r.-LT.'rch 1taO a ii. -heCourt fr ailabunment forti. 1 1L e was *à futurs going, te uat po csePCi te~ed wheft set lot 'tria, a6t8 r was too, mucli Ri ves absolute prý - a jo u ni g. u t uu ,ca e, h a w e v., h. gW iite<j ca unot leàk. It h. 0 the Pstmftt. 1fiir.a -rat many r~ ~~'l Iia iercae a i Uad adjourned-Oýolwill W. M. RN IV.ý 7altt atiG-Vi &C. v. aldone,. RN * Gawki v., CawkemWa# a fmiY disipute. Tiie e widoW aud exedutrix ai the late Samuel Cawker, butcher, aif Whitby, brouglat-suit affainsî F.- E. j1 'Uawler, butcheraiofsliawa. ta recover 175, theiS prce f a rfriguatrtored~ on the . defndant's >The plaintie clhimd ttbrhs.dvhe O E tho reriger t ,o 10, but. id of oed to el It M - SafY , at r9». Shephad sold iil for,$75, and, whem the pur-e Ode c a e we to' Be it, itcould u al b . fund, de. o e O r fendant having brokemi it ~ way of sendin1 The defence uhawed Ihat Mr. S. Cawker ha$dt ff r e d t a s e l - t b i e a r u i c le , fo r $ 0 . H$p t5u a t t. d contra claie for 834.-10- for -sales laned 'and not fc returned, bi>ard 10r tweï noeke, a cutting bloèk, aig prie tickets, an4 moae. loaDed am lime to IID R time. BIIOOLINY3R Tii. Courýt woujd sol alowcotaainiOS AW gaveth lleplaitif judgsiint fôr $45 sýthei.value af reirigerator. J.K. arew eî, K ç,fori pa ntif; W..E. N.A < Sirwlair fibr defendant. ' i TrWO JOHNS IN CURT.. John -A. ' o n >,s ed J u Ed a afo ,T h t m pa ad amge.Ti. l dirsi ~" rtr9 plain. a m tiff ~ff <Jlîms duinaes romý cIeam~ e p1 intifs land WuJùno,1 1,çjrýrvlgh m 20e; 1 4 be tlerefroin.anil cm , elj 5 ahie own ue.. H - Florda O a, "0 lsa eism agg-ro *à#us forîlgly Illatnng plain U~ 8 g l ui~ r mss ~ r nrrougfully .-de -~p dtifs a. I ~ l'une-lasi fauu-d "eq* juo b;~~ p lh e 'caie arzy l fwY sm un u ber.-*,-- lIfe' d IeO3 fo ~ 4J ~ e e ar re e at cly a u as y e d b y ý la j6 -, iff' ne Jresudcailile bag<uiidluse1; ihici sio~ej hat~ .Poems uýý ut lave oen- dit. Once.29 leàd >fcalewi n I l;?emon, sî-t stan 6h add >1 lb. ofti hlr itun4l roPdNR' -)trtoid RO So £ofin goi-xon, ,s proved it in everY. climate under every conditionI Iyears. iLE, eorner Hiardware, WHITBy VANAR-D BANK 0F CA NADA gbi& onvemence- and low c;t unite. w mak issued 'by tusBanki a Most muatictoy' Ssmail sunis to any part of Cinada. ... 3c- $10to $30 ... I0r» Q..6r- $30 to $5...1 olarger amouutl. CU, C.A. McCLE.L"iAN.Mang P.EN et-the nice mooth Oranesa ce,. now. Better Orangsic 25e --f prrdoz, Naval -,Oranges, 939k, 40Ce and'.SOc, gper D geo the Sw omt! La rgeK bn 0 - e o e r eroangeýs, 3 sweet-oang n ~ h~futacrosÈr thÈrn jn Trm v i L ees. ce i.4eep- be b, b whitle uaradbelain1 -2UKWwRE s * i-S ~ v * t. -'r * -t~ '.,- a- * * * * ~ - .0! - - 4 '-a1.-'- r Onu 'at t.h~ --__-- j; etc. le,