at makea itgo l" m are en board i nave l'ami I ou. i Coloel Gant c>rdnC.B., for- mmsy yeare ,uoinptroler to rane Èkr4lPrjInces. Oliristiaîi, di-td at Worthing 'on tlw e5th l. Oolonel-, Gordlon, whç> was ; ru in,1836,' vas tèo eldest mon -of' the iste Lord Francis- Gordon, and a'grýandson o! the nitth Marquie of Hiutly. HIe -had te houor cfeating as ofo *epagea st the wedding o! '*Queeui St. -Paul'. a ctéidal ndo, ho 'tîeir Maàesieg, ttendod -a al tha.nkmgivýiùg aee--ontheir u rretuïrà .froon Tdi is theAhlvd rh of St. Padcu that ha. etood b1~e sit. T e frat W ".de 'tesecond in tTM3at Fie o! Lon- don lun,1666. The firatet sorýe o! the presertt buildiÎng -wa lawdid n 1675, à-d suunder-Sir, Citrietopher WrenL --the ed.Alce 'waë cçmpleted in 1710.' The mausleum: at Frogmotro: 2taining, the remaiuns of, Queei.'Vi 'orW- and -bbc"Consort, was * vlited by ' ag ubro persona C on themanniversary o! Rer Majesty'# death. A - deSoration -of -white -*- hryeantbemum wua piaced bîround ti'. base, of thb tom1k, asud neyerai w-ere aas ý weïp 'ted, un- eudtng :one from tiis, King andT Queen,, and sanother f rom thé er-, --Dr.'.Oh&lesAlf'red Lee, who-died recenly t È &thé ag:e f85. .beini thé olde&t pritioner -:,ei ll, haas9ho- quea.thed î'b tle. city £j60 OOOfor the -provision cf ' ' * .itke eee of alpnshouisem, Pgvapiomsfor te *-'inniateî.,, RHoalso ieftý_£5, O te Io- -cal ohaýrîtiea. lii. -Léewis va a ache- 1cr and of à a io.t-rietring dieposi- tio. r.L jfeingý&- ber of 4n)in 1848 '!and' sùubaequev. ybe- .Fé.. (Glauiow)' in -1858, ELE(King's- Col1ege, Alberdeen)ý 'l 9, sd .1...P. (Bdîubur;ghy, T oft"w In ore Ic 0 -l aScapandCi" àzrOntme rt ton y -a good vord' for Cuti- it imttabilylva s an lhto1çrable !lie tehbg vas prtndlp.aliy aI. re 1, wen to b&.d. T éthlghs dlyi affécWe.- ly t do tuabou t 1, med 1w ope roiei,. vasu"'oinln'~> mplaint; <vnulçe>,vin nad 4 0 uhié tm*bet, oh Wul4gt Wntee to cm E ie e taie 8. itah. us eicitiýuîra Y. 1Whoe.-vons you ô r Boy-"rv Dr. Wiliame' Pink F1111 cuiýe by "0 fg o he -,roooý f thé.trouble là theblod h tii.y exriche anid mûake red*and P'vre. Theue. Pille cure ail troubles du6 to bad!blod, sud if you are ailing- yoüu hould start to cue Lorsel.t to-dayy 1taing-this gpoat, iedicine,. 8ol bly 1ail Medicine dealiars or by' nâil 'atý. e cnts- a box or ix boxes fer $2.50 fromn lh. Dr.kWifliams' me-' dir;ne Co.,,Brockyvllie, Ont. ARE YOU ýLEFl'-SANDED-I So>me twenýy yeas ago there Waa a.d o4amongat oertasiu -clamsea -to inake. thé children' use botlï hande equiffy, with- a yiew to devel6ping aa.midexterity. - There vWere vewy ýnation athat té -rifthie bau luintianateiy _oonuected ith the 1development, c.f language; but theïbrain-centrea t.heVhave tci do vith ]aaiËuage are situated- on -the iIefa&d~thain iiconnection -ith thei centres that côntrol the. right arm and baud. An ezamination cf thousands of humaan akè1etoneè éhowed tha ip, every in which* the r.jghltarm had>& greater deve- olInent titan the kift thera -was -a corresponding deve1opmnent on iie left Bide of the akiL. Left>-anded persona would, acccrdingly, b. èex- pected tô ha've loeà language abhility ,thian right haxided people',- "d chi.1- dren .thate-used hUit 41and!e idiýr- ently under compulsion woxfid --n der- stfl inamre the development of their ability- lu the usÙeý, o! language. In the Gérman Arrny neariy four meh out of every hundréd are left- handed, a.nd 4lu »henorth-eaétern parts oetâte Fatherland 1efehanded- neée je lem frequent titan in Oehocen- CONCERNINq -SCENT. Everyoue- kuowà, -thait'scent is made from floyer-' bu t there.. are ,few, one: may safely say, wito rea- lize themany and 'intricate-pro- ceses through whichIt V as-to'go beore it reacha my lad'y'dreas inga-table. The' centre c .-cf itilnd ry is 'iu the Senutit cf . ran - s rasse, net mlaulymil-es'frommonte Carà o 'over five huudred yesmstb scr of extractiugteperfusue from athe Allwers baa e~ rsre by tlihe.,ý and thte, usihess.bas grown V sncbimmoe'-proportions- that over a quarter-mIllion ros-e- leaVee are haundled - lu- a :mentit,' vitile vaut numbers io! ra>ngaÇfi ov- lere, -jourquil,' .und "*bets -are. aiso -Thesi leaveisb~r evers, whieh are'- picked by itand, '"are fiât divided" aud Eoted belore te- tite i- ti.lery. -Titeug;, viten thçy bave reacited titere, - tbey are macerated '-that is; their perfume. i-a abiï:-rbedýi andi tien turnç<i. Va alechol.- Titis prc es-Qf maceirati<on is very iutereuting ýTite 4liwers ajrê .teep-1 ed in heate.- - fat-il their perfume, iW.dra.ined, tfizi te fat ies,«p<ite tO *il corere l l -f tiýýi. vo -1 tý h madle linomadÀ'e. - d! fufl t À S1 LITTLE OIE È&by'a"O0wn Tablets are & sale >medicine for - littie <its--the mo- theký may fesi sure o! that.. They are .-olId urùder an abselute guar- anteç cf '-.golerný.aeut analys$ nDoVte ocontain inaréqtics -otitei- hariuful drugs-7hey 1oànnQt p.PQ uibly',do harm-,lvaysigood. 2Thou- madao!mothqrs Wh'o. hàve usd 7thern eau voueli'for - this, -aud on ce, a mnothor l'as' usâd tl'em àfor .heÏ lui thée bouse. ,Tii. Tablets qulckly rellevo ýand cure ail the,#ànor' iMa cof bs'by4'ood and cilditéod. Thil l'weeteu the stomacit, regulate the boetlu, expel wormus, break up ôoduandmao bby healthy, _ha py. and fat. They re uold 1qmed- cire dealers or by Mail at. 25 conts a box from Thé, Dr. Williamsu' Medi- cine Cc., BrQckville, -Ont. ONX -BEST 'MAN. Plaintiff (in lawsu)-"StEo you think I vil' -gét te mouey' do H is Counsel-"I thuk we wil.l get An Easy Pib te Take.-Some per- »È 'repugnauce te pilu ýbe- cas f .their nauseating taste. Parmnelee's Vogetabie Plla are se pr4epared as te make tiem agree- able te the -most -fastidicus. 'Tii. meut delicate mau take titem'witit- out feeling thé. reyulsion thi fol- lcwu ,th»,takiug cf ordinary pilla.. Titis le one reason for te popular-* ot f these. celebrated piîls, but the Main, rTeason ta their bigit toua- cal -quality uas m edicine for tii. stomacit. Fire insurance o.wes its drigin tq 'tite Great Pire of London lun ïW6. fAInardlem Liniment-Cures Burns, ts. ýLady' (te nev eervt)-Ido -not tolerate. gosslp,, but-if ?ou -kuow a~iuteresting newS yen May telf me!, Que o!, the oommôuest cemu1laintg - o! infants', is worms, auîlVie',t ,ëffectlveapplIcation f*rl thein le -Mtitr . Graves' Worm' Extermùiia-'- tom.-r MIiasaWàtson-Did. Mr. 'ý Bark say' te -yen as ho ente Wd 'tiiedrawiug- room hstiiight C r .,"I.î?sthie beautiful miss Watson 2?"'. C laa-. 1Yeu- dear, vitlithViteempliasis 0on bbc- 'hat." j cannai - noV Tii.Bowels Must4ct HýâIthy- lu~ most aîlmet the, ùrmt care o th6 e"I eicaln is Voueothat teé bavas arîe; Open n iilyperfom- ming Siter Iýfu»étionu. ,Parýmelee'sl Vegetable Pll ar9u. compouunded tb1t ertain ingrédients lulm so on1 te -,bavais -solely and, ,tiiey -are ,Vte, yez;r bout imediclne avallable te, roducohealtity aciti of o!the borels. Indeed, ýthere lu ne othor Speéc Bo se srvlcoable, luiikeepilag tlie.,dïgestive organse'in l'ealthfil Detecive "How do ,you 1k. me' ao a travelling compAnion VI' Pri- a-oner (l'andeuffed-" OhI 1am very .auch attàcbedte ýyou." PILES CURED 1H I TO1~ A8. *91druglt u Wd manil PAZO oINT. Old .Gentleman.-«'Well, nmy litie la, are you goiug fiaiting, or' are yngoiug te ucitooli"' Little Lad -"I dunno yet. I'm juea a-rest- ling -tiimy conseienceý$3 0cornçare caused b16ti. reSsure of tiglit boots, but -ne 'eue need be troubled with tiem long viien se: simple a remedy as Hollowajy's 0Cor Cure.1lu ailable. 'It'u .ésier to 'know vitat Vodo thit i j Vo do vitat you, know. Mlnard's Liniment ReIIeve Neuraigla. THE SWEET THINU. Clara"He ayu ho thinki' the nicest'- *rl tov. itali -Sarah-'-!No, <bar; letintm ou_ Vbiinking s"99 -c 7111 'i DIclc Iasm Cqwmioa 00. : cf "à4 14nLiitol WLJ, Toronto. A NEW ONE. HIEOuushoduý-'Ycu areai% B!arg ar-1-<I*o air. I' CrieuAunt-so you htav.ea position' lu a booksellei'a.* I hope yo isuteeed' ii mùking your- sefidspenuablete .y-ôuir employ- er.. Otri--Itink 1 aesn tie. We are Vob. marrnéxt Many patexit'medicines l'a Ve cone' sud gone,'but Biokie'. -Anti-Coh- afumptive syrup -continues' teoOc- dieu orc ceugits snd-coldu, -and- au a -preveutive -of dêçay of the lungu.- It je"a 'standard '-modiiie'thàt vwidenas-u phere ci usefuluéss'yéàr -a - Ieïr. Ifye .jare mlinrièd 'of Beme hig t riiyourselfc cougit or celd, yon, canuot do b-et- ter than ryiBickieÉ"'Syru'P. Miss Thyn (waiting at the V~in -Isuppose te faut mail vil net. stop here in Hayville unles' it la flAgged?7 Native SgPr- Fluggecl!1 S'.-tn'bstop l'or. unleus she. is wreckod, mum. -Whoum, lied Gaclre Tri, Murine EBe rne&vNo Satig-yFei FIno-Acts Qnickly. Tri, il for Red,Wa, Wateri, ByJe. and Granulated iyl4s -lm. tratué Book'ilu eaéh Package Rumine l cornpouudd' br, ohm Ocunits-not a Patent meG- lI e -but......... sc........PhylclIns Prue tico' for mab, mars. Nov -.,dedicao to therPub.e Uc and seo mgttasM etaand Uic rBottle. Mnli Y s o.cTubes, 2?anber-c Mu ino 'ée. ody c-hioagO jFortu 'e favoru tite bravo wbo utbe., i. keep UIad' inimiiiÏ 1cr sale everywilere. -EXCITING5 TIRES voREitb-TORS Two-Thosaul d o- Them ilfave Resu pT t tolai!lu nRussia*. 'MMeb 18,o!fViteFôourth -EsVate-re ~ncVhavt~g amery flue iu Rusia. slan]preos gCes ou juît is merrijy no* a it 'did before Vie censtitu-; I Deputyj ;'Réheczkori;whoiteàls !rom i te- -Ç&casus,- réently cebe- brated teRusian onstitution' a fit bit"il y clliing te atte- tion o t '.~u ntreèports cf wtat' lias be. h& ein l-té eno- p ~ r vlddungth ime.H Provdt< tover ffon 1 hnndred by\ te Governient; sund titat up- w,,A. ofcatie 0Ait&-.-And .. w9 OId Jones-"Cïni you givo My j ÂiIOi!t% daugitter the luxqries to wWic1 site ProVerty ha* been accuSUMd " "- H.W.D Choly-.(enga )-"ixot muoh H .W. DA ài = 1 Toronto. longer. 'Thàt'é, I vaut te get Ë0REEYS BOYS Splendid magie la n~ (withi 12 elides); wbole or ' !. ., 1< 1 rade;,gc steam englue (ne~qe foot,,blgh) wfth eios wMte fi wbetLa i~vrytiÉ comple tng< fur -runuiug-; s dl4 9d uilet *g, or gum rauteed ibtc f o e 0 an'boy. Seud-'.-I y0ur name and weo.11oued you 40 sets TWEN cf 'beautiful Zasber d otbor poat-cards, T vorti 'Lto Bell at tncntaset'(six cardes lu alinoOt » mach ~ ~ - mo)'ho iod sltemuybarber -z a"at jb » ). [ýed u th Inneystafit Drac and - o Wi n& u 9n, hever prise logue. M you clcs.Fr1sIg40 sèt etswSvi1 East, Tork gir,~-yu a'Sl~pi Typwriter. We ýprep&yau, 1Charge drosHM- WA*RM C., Dpt. Toronto. - colordd P Suocegsful mon pi ôp rdrfé who fal av Minards Liniment .,-C 155 DLndYD. wY Don't try to4 rich ektn -gz ,Smartr men y IlhvetriedJg! Lt and loetailt4rIl ioc~ 70 -CURE A COL TaitéLiAXÂTIVEBE',C Dmugglti refond moný ,W. oxovwB signatai counsel-ýTell ni defendant l intéi *hiueif viten alý~ sure 1 don't kkwl don'V côw 1;And imate !riends.1 know? - Witns- nover witl' bu wb AnOil cf Meor BElectric Cil lu uer dic'inal substancees <tnd pushïed by ad- resuit o! the cari o! -the curtv i 0ils as apidt Itila a rare0 àud kept pUbl irist. - A trial o! ýi viction te6 LÏýIw te) 'repair -sad;itèa. jSaid Vte Veachii "'What la haîf 'of, Johu, - unaccuàt4m4 thingsansd obUor~ know for-sure, l awfully muc." over -hall' --med ineV of to oi people s1àt Constipato î-vas nov'Vi 'b.t Vlklng Vo' yo wo ere, iu- .-Jl)r. Thomnas' - ;da jumble ýf me- trov togetiter ~ertisng. bthVe fl' -investigation- alittos o! certain tii. humait body. 1atiou, sud It vo» favor. from the- donbt its povoy aàda for cenhùry rcomner where r from aùd itsa apct the poma Wyiion rm- de, Toroutco 1;etCL m LWrite U# D~Wilsou'e le.-ornc NEW.