Th~t vas largoly * W WWUM ~Ontario "'>" "' DEATIX O -?INFANT. - - PIIg TOwiiH11 ~Wêi4i'yhèd eath oècuired on 'Mody *ZMari ô at 2p.M,; l #Àqë aIl the Wirdtdaughter e IR.N.,Wp4Mrs. Weiday, Mirck 'G, afit 0p.; EsBasl, Wbutly. Sinoe blrtii lait - ru1Town- Ha» ,àüTIbdaye NovemW -e cii hild ha4 been _daUcate. IP ~ g Iterulent waa mail.on- Tuedym- s il, Thuisdlay. àfarià , at ternoin m u. 7-0p.m çOsava ToWU Hall WtS I 4ar'the, auspioe-,,of the:. May Court optici sale di the stocndilb-rit < d ujyý-eoWg,-Mach' lut.Th, jcwle- ptiie ~ii~pîmetao! eogeJoui~lo *~foowm10 l appear on the proprani WLihiy Ota m ~cn. ,PicerigcaIeilocFts i" on ~Knigt. Mr. -Walker,, of -Tl- ti. l 'Saturdal, Mre 2., tStaiwoor of Fprsay Madi ihls.Xhedat o!pression ia the 1Colleg, lns tue leure bt .» 1.; t. "t of-Mules MoCamus, -Nicolle - Harvyf instrumental solos and duet; Mis tawa Nurserles, under us auspieu of Dig îre sl;MisCaia W.' C T.the' Wbtby Horticul dg o~e~..~ p~ f TSi~1)Qly 0~S ~ . Hospital bed. chentuina.Dôcrs opei 8 o'lc.Admnisin 200. ThohguarmotIgoIýt4lW. ~? THE TÂBRMCE -b V wli ii hld- ai'behome ci.. "Sudl * alrd0., E~u Semmlh o~r oeveiiftg. Mornlng servie i '11 bei- ui .V. PëU lbas f.dtmed Muzch 4, ai. 7.30 o'clock. The report "Trus ta lii Qe "hm ie ~~se*s* absenl. - , hede*>ai to tii e peraao ,Evegnlservice, 7 p.m. Subjei~telirS *frukat cPDpUSrl Toroato, will b. -givon. "ÂAntidot. i éFear." Meu'8Insttus tiiroughout the Prov- YVwtors ~will b.e,- ocrl , ywlcmd-Sabbath S"col 8 P.M. c,.undeet*e-,Depu.tment- of._Agri- v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T 0~ etn.---t iToognzt Vlaumes i» -MooltaI tue. Ms 'wel bas .travell ' d -8 - ------ p.m. .L th- - à u cf 1 ea 94.ngfrom Oweil -As tusuelgooti music wilt bl u- Sudto iawatadrs - nahod -at both servis. by, our ~vratI.Uosa oiesl a U9P1U4I ppocatti bor - artoan parts log the.Province. -Sho - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - o conseration. nightinlatiie- Luag! Insitui ela dWtrimte where tiere are' ~~~ ~A'reception service wMlib. eU 'la bt'if i2.5t-f rianlzatio!i lidiviaiersae ' NUswing - at wh al il who wlsh b jota .eluber, ai Au Idea o! tlf SapritonUe 11wls -500 Stère. actie or associatô members*BI' be.twork may be gà from ii. fol- --4- - ,.aeolre. a io oi'g" appeareti la i. v Remombr ii.cocert .Co, - theer-meeting Thur7Maon. 1iaiidri log cacei sll o yui~ ng~u eealç.. Mises PDwilthei.delegate, fia -~~~ decllyplesslg 'andi forcel eak- Dr. Rud' cululn olesh..,eus -PUBIC EEING ~ er, aneimiàe qut.-an impression on Dr'.oeo atb ilm. soUi'. uismeiPULCn E1l b. 4 . ler1eaes.S *À laPi ii i -îyý il Sseeclobc e w ujet"l in, --tht Q* te W. %. N. Rtàdiard"o'sf0 o oWÈuilChamber,- Town of whtiW heeflC¶ nuuHoe"a coliw --*tkWa&ood stage p l imp *baie. to.beaddreesed LyRév. E.-C. Hall, o! shaa,-ta iioIntresa c'ti. pprTiCO, ,and àn. excellent deliveryi, * T telsrA.YP. ffiin wil. bllren. Ad Soiey, f ~ made. the atternoon pass ail toc pylek-, 4b@WhuldlaAil Sante' Schooteu9m on Hallte- orsizing asentfor Outi6 TQ"sday aigut, Mardi 5,.ai 8 oclock. County. Mv: Hall lu. d4eiv- BIT-S Ing a ranchO!if -tO8oçtty orgauizeti CAMPBELL-At 68 -,Rusholme ro ad, M tig o i louh-n arihy' n n efot viib ud on Februa y 22, 1912, to Mr. at j o ti. So th On ar o a à, ibi ocason to fe c i a i o 5r . MÏ à rs. Colin A. Cam pbell, a daugh- ~'auvaivAsociatM ion iibe.belti 1 -on.The. spledid 'wcro k te.- mul bal o SaurdyMmcli onsfornegeoetichutira b tiIsMcINTYRE-Oný Satûrday, Fob.ý 24P .....8 l. Solty - 1sProine htofl ve y1912,' ai 15 Cedar avenue, Tioronto, -~-. ' [t a -warm placeéIn ii.har i ' Y the Bey, andi Mrs.,E.A. cluiyre Ru b« th. concrt-lu tue-w-I'mÏaisamivoman. -A Yery ia# i dagte- kg oumi à odriaauggh__________________________ 1Vias -cÏe-.debota miiiabornaeg sO e acerai~wcotn'.Father, MothrSiteBrother, - . il-sho~d se arisian.Sage For sal,4. arliy potal (eS Its hies),~ ~ ls4 ll-irrive la0mb avabs wiik f romir, rUsl sua ou rder .1o shemflt ~MrPreventsaldnces--BaniShescrous wblch means, thait te balr ho- 0oMe$ MI, of 1b1- and luste, and umrdCode Dmie-46.D~nduff-Stops FPaDn grvraitatibuaul Tfr up fi lalov ipa S 3~ir nd tchng cal IThousmàds are, wauq tii.., ouing PArSIN AG f la tlown ae glg pricalJtu1u.-Wet flochup oÊf ld ewlry webu bas ndressin a iScomialp e a entc cl nimb K 1ulkee iiinuhet verfo Timaiwlohaeï.r" rqwb - * PARISIA SAGE te zeald, estoer a leeaa 1 oay ocguýiiet, are K i aid ru if &-Wel tonhphsr W.J.1% willcdo dioès sale mbaltleaBiii."p fil Mak __ SNSGE.-headEto »h ai lion aie iherctf _______________troule; i ous ?era. W~b~ av wve eenlrl' In ,urgteen ho peqntd it~a auso b' cue ti ott'i&lpii < ic i eatIt lu in d PAz~r1usta furmoDr-Adm 4i calhmr o alad imot i m eieib r nij-ab a cf isglir i'tel dubt~ gMe.PrI~ASG ms wWch, SAG rci te oleo ts 11ev&SAý- Wm tvre. - i. buro. àe ss,t M sue foktlé. ibas it . W k a e- 7 I ady .rtise n4 enttherein wc be -ei ma-,ny ey es. Gethe Idea? yot ntgla A I,- nd stables, mrte r. ubi. brick, Ordér your.spngfootwear jand avoid-the rush. C ipplesl'wnwk aspmciait>, Our Motto - >1at RéP&ia WHI1TBY - ONT a r u.oa &R bCaua esât . tisines bçhoo1 kýcp5 qpu l cut'lheyear Yopem au&ly day and inompete their, cour out 1.1.' tropUbu of millsumjmhi ty 5a tudy âa t bonie or pu homiand fIi i ihe '.hCqlles..ý Edue etor'a Association of.,qana4a for part.'cuIarï.ý uProside t Mm IU0 '~ Just LOkU -- anc morne, terms, good buy. r ao*, Byrqn &> ae--nw brick h1.tJ ouse en cernent- foun4.; * i Iw lea ro .ois sud bath> electrie iqi1tt4- Il bhot air -bcatlng, beifr' isble ,condition,,large corner 10ot, goodgarden beatiftahde rees, teimes 4eap. "ii4 ml"3"aone' foitndation, eight rooma, large cellar, fiïrnacie, e tcic- lighted, double lot ', gooti gardesf apple aberry,- and pear trees, owscr .lealig town, tçrrnso, Cheap. r~. 00 xacr~armgood orchard, y $eJter0 BrCSLîqSouith, pair cf ,Y"-'uern-U tahedsix roomed, atilr ai t storey trameho son smenlo- S dation, là <rat citasatate -of repair,'bot medi air beting, eiectric li'gbtingS l arge veMr- and&h, o Street, pI1pasnt a rud- ings cbeap. .OA. Noté.:-There jel~ 4snî ctaeo uapas sae :lot, -all rented., ml otg n, t'fW Byron st., Nor*b, towa. - T~t.~.>iiOck oi xIl lots, level. snd -beuutlfqtUy shded, appiýe and pear treeg, -choiée.building-sits Pr9eriestochýooe from - S. -WATSOtÉ GfI mve, OOM , DIneen BuldIng TORON4TO pion. Adelaidmqj_Ç Tha',what îhéy ai. wlys -Say about -Photpu nïade atf our. Studio. Jirdyt giù ran an d receive the highut ýt-l-»,BttrEggs and-dressîed Poùluy rrtle, at ýj.1 Shand'e *bop. te buyproduc iloon. I il b. at My home 1» Whitby, B3STER - Whhýby, nti. Wmn*nm' I - t >eltsE ines, Ipatsý ,Overshoes, Ruibers, rand.ail1 OffçW.tea.r at Rèed ri - rock StfeetSI BIROCK ST- t-. -i N1 -rT - - --- - - - ---