p new- ar su iquor 1! I i 'i srlo'd. if Jle.r and. -Euiitity eof Wbiskey. despatlr frena'Cohal< ure's- mnade by the Pro e on, Weduosday a!- auled teo ne- car of- 'Seven -b4rielB 1 of!. ieer of ;botled -whiskeyt - Tie bér la' 'beng hbeIT penidiug«'a'aysis lIy lie -Pr4vincii1< -Liouise.- Depàrtmeuit. -Thç é r nau *.izçd lun th , .. 67a -yard, con signed ho. the local agent -f à TôronWbrevr. -A.squiTH wiLLNolESN ýO1iE WAS FATAL. Bloy Piýê Ammonia Sat ln Ua.s I / - Waier. ~O A dspabei f ro' "-t, Hyacéinth ; Qjae., «ay.ya:As a reult o! a jok U i selle, au eznployeoeUtý .aPeumau Mannfacçtur.Uoe Comuan It proveci lo e- Asammonia sait, ano- -afler drj!inkinýg lhe water Iscipeule t ell uunooncious tota'he &or, zi Ène H5lif , le aves a wife a n4, T1ENTY RILLED IN CYCÙLO'NE. Bouses and- Liv. Soc Destroyéd in -l Loisiina., ,A despatèla from 7ewý Orleans' sys: Tweài, peracuns were ,killed auÉd 4à least th-reàeswre injured& .màny i- heni -8' riously, ini a cyclo- nie sto-rn'- whdh-swepl 4lrough a strip - nrtieru - Louisiana ,sud Mississippi Tuesday evening. Doz.. c.wjf émall..' houmes' were, hlown anÔIIsd màiny catlle killed. - .0. j' -- y - - y., -y - "lnet revenueý quaprnent, "t. r.té *o,,,87.0' r 8TEANGE JIED CROSS-BSEUE.I~E Bi ~t-iI The men laking ar in lie Abéir Expedilien «on te Assam border in India enco'untr mant ugits àtatre, ts àtrarol heoye, o! lioe uuacfustoneýl ho .native -m etio o! ,wsrfare. -This mýemrkable photo- ,graph shows thi.Naga (aethod,,- o! catryingth(o elabse o*n tic bsck. The native 'in- tlie --b set lias bee WOusde-d in -ihe baud - w ilubapdsgéd sudi ;~n.F-m h-8ec. - NOUST07NI SWEPTBY IR. *T4W TOB0FTBCO Fpagned by Gale, -Ôyer 250 Juilding*s ýfr»t, hI-ýýment Seint On\t,-rom 1crDetoe.-Prince Edtard- Count> j ;A de teh rom, Houston, Texas,, A despatch froni Pieton sa.ys: says;: Impelled by a',ae ht wpt oaeCo-gF'wIng-/ aspassed -theéx lin wth one of the coldeàt nortiierà ÈprineIJ stage in, PrInee E4ward, ofoWiniter, ilmei,. swePt dean <,ùnt40 og tridea. On Fr-ids houhthe 'esstérusection of 'ahipmet.,f.tii. leïf! went ;ouI - Houtnearly. nWdedymorn- lu*fifty-tuvo tons.Tesv~ ing At leu.t twAw~. bok ~ res groWnthie 'ýyer htar~Iz ei çity have been des1rye tcv ed #iCoo. Buyers -paiJ i eleven erû a rea 07n0 and on4e-.ha,If Apd three-ýquàrtè to twelve an& mie 9,n n s onts one-quar- oiie-hàlf 4ebts peýr pôun&l- fo r the ter mile deep.. Streets .0!cottagea e!.Ld j .outybsbe- -we.re dest-royod, seveiral big -mana-; comne éo<we1ll adaptcd to cann fiacturing pats wre burned .iadtorprucliepoeaee- 4ow,-. su thus 1de Z erSOù .lênt for> tqbacco. Oe~pan nardei are homeses.- The 1os sare aO4, $29 >froua ea thre -i iérs-e ,servativeëly .BeKft ro S - t0 latig; The fatmers -'ay., atter million -4cllars9. ,About $ 'xpeimet, hey re:i thé- oi ti i cn nd to t.he Mai1fcgoin tobacco btmt-rw tuig, lumber and cotton indus- -n,~dtbat the-rels more -Mo ney tris it -~etho usand balles 01, it cotton.Sîtored'in 'warehon8es .~i coMpresseo we.re . burn-éd. 7'Thais MIOx TUREAL'S2 ui"Vv"DgBT., item al1one represent:; êa1o.us of B200OO ç3ides the 45000,bales Eve ry «'awo" ndCi Io! coQttondestrýoyeciwith te tai- aiWop'an hl i &rd Clo'mp.rc.,s inii 4he conflag.ra- ai d~81.6 tion, 36 Sout#crn ,Psifie car s'Iod- A-despateh-from Montrea1 isys:- ed -with cottqn bales were burnèd . A repor~t wus senttýo the Board of T. number 'qV l- omC2autsni stô,res Control' bn >Tuesdsy ; howingthe. burned àamounts teo morehan 25o. populatiAo of -the ieet3F, val-a4 ý Ofr 'y esta e renue, and,ý also ,,Mihe OVER ATLANTIC M, ïDfAYXS. sstonisbiiùgfact--liatîhéqdbýae - fgued~t ul a1iW O*r Maylýe 6RO Herst-ý i May b.e n means- à per 'o à'IfbWi Ounred. snets-Bacon- long elec,1.2t 'Il3- er thl., lincase, lots.' Pork-flhort CIPP *2360; do mess, *$9.50 1o $20. Rame -7Medlnm.-to lighto, 16 la16 1-20,1 beavy, 14 toè 14 1-2c; tro, 103.4to île; breakfast bacon, 1, tîle7; 1bâcks, i9 to 20c. L ri2erces, M2; tubs, 214 D alla, ,Yontre l, Feb. 3.-das-Canadiaw Weet eurn No.., 631-2 10 6Me -,do.,, No. 3.51 142 to 12;extrÉ No. 1 feed, 521-2 le 03e, No. 2 Lôa bt.61 te 811.2e; No. 3 do., 60 ta 1.;le.4. Ào..: 49 to -4R 14&e. Barley- Ing,, $1,04 te 81.05. .Buekwbaça-Io. . 72 ta 730- f i Our- Mýanibobý'èSpýrlng .wbeaÇt pati. ents, aros. 56 <0,seconds. 51;srn bskere'. t4M9; Winter.patents, choies, *5.- [10 o 5 35; traigit rollers, -$4,65 te $415; do." b"g o1510$2.25i Blle'di eats, -bar-, reu 5<;bowga, 90 Im., $«40. Bran-*24; .horto.*2; lddilngs, zub muillie.,2m -t -*4. Ray,-*o 2, p>er ton, car loti, *15 to $U50,,Cheese-Pineeot Wsen, 5. ,ter-Ohoefft .crea'mery, 33 1ta3me; seconda, 32_10 321.2e. Eg-rs.~8to 40e. Po-, tatôes-Ier bacar lots. il "70 t'à .0 VNITED STATEýS -MZRETS. Minneàaoll, Feb.' 27.-Wet-My1*. $4-~Juy 1.0554o.03.4 ; No.-1 bard, $1.06; l<o 1Nol hrn *.041.2; No. 2 Norterg, $1.02 toel$.021-2; No. ý3 wbeat, *$1.00 1*1.001.O2. -Ne. 3 yellow ôorn, 673 to 63c. Noi 3 white oats. 49 to0 494-2c. No. 87s .7142e. Bran. *25 to *25.6S ler pirst patents. $4.90 1*520;!e. econ patents, $4.55 10 $4 80;,-iýst clears, $3.30i le~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~t *36$.scn ler,$.0t 2.60. Buffalo,, Feb. 27.-Sprlng' wheat-No. 1, Northerný. carloada store,'1.33.;Wlnter. Ne. 2 7ed, $1.01; No. 3 mrd, 99e; No. 2 -white, 91.00.ý Corn-Ne. 4ý yellow, 65 3.4c;ý on tradk, througb billed. -Oato-No. 2 white. 161.4c; No., 3 white,- 55 3-4c; No. 4 white, 541.4e. BarIey--4falting. *1.22 10i LIVE STOCK -MAIIKEs. $5.601 tel 06,75; do., catlle eommoD,, *3.P O e5; cannerg, , 4276--.14 b5.Ubutchera' eat. cl. holce éows, *5.60 te $5,76-1 do., ale meiui 3.75--te $4.75;. doi. cattIle, bull,,ý $3.60 to *6.00; .Mllkers, choie, eacb,:*'VA t» Mo,, milkers, com. n.-d medium, eac#,# 130 $065; sprinl;ers, $30, te *45. She îu ee.*ote$4.75; bueku -and eulao, 3.16 PAUIS 24 lhistinoUv, f~ mtureotii. n laprecn t l 1--. - --* -L-U-- M,-IV. ian~ri g-wuaas e rocgaluse 01 likelyto meanf tùzei4ry -i filetlace. __ siallerthan t o ind ndudbody.. iPreoity, it s * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iê HtOOI5-ofE ai afoëuud only i,he neun.. were,,but euffidiee4ly ;l"là eo 7 rtesd uh. funaaue, or-2 tii. eared Ohekedvens s~k ecuinan -mind or weak body,. _.fl i. oalied ab-j C h ec ed Vest eee linnorm al; s nd declaoeed ;ae. rt~a u » oued~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~t Put:&dfld ak Ité & WhetJier- the abnorinal j~~ in siali evers j . undearable depeds on the Yi' gou tak of- dMa ty uin ene'rà,1., by a baripinlu tuhe iceutre. "if,îte inhabiame of O"thur ay Most of U 1. nIen o-r brid e *t PMý, ýnS, ý go w un4 Ye -e coUi &Ie a s d ti~ a bad. B t y tul n Xheki color-ecskirtsar vkoe.'r mise. Tiese peeçile -are not pesi-- Misti,ha; hïkhmn'big psu-de elimol&, et,(." have -a v t ol thocY bu k fruman evetý.is white taffela, cmbr ddred i . .very g,' > h~ elèetéi Strande ci beAdaamade of col e<j aVill room for ianprovemen-ia' th-Qm,.-- woo aie sedta !fslionbu,, eImprovement la effected in -large cabochions,. sud coids to ado-ru iýà e mcae~ y-legnne u spring haLe aiear-gen.iuse, -im-en .of xtraordi- - Lsigsasea<t!bir~sdes!o&C ar3' gifla 'whosc Ibors rais. lin- &~ o~kgidŽ&ouil ostte wît, a manity -to a'higier plan-e. .- iiig i ~pam e in Ii. ce A p recoc <)u s c ild - i o u e b o rn *tre--ave~>wolongind-aaI le ba, tÀme capable o4e-4 witl-end ~fruged 5ve.m<ri.o <.i deveio'pmeiit. Lt m&Y T u -r q ô1e e u d . tat -u .ubi - n r o t c 0 r se v e e , in c e r t i r - are-u;ý Wza dùgullb laion lbsud' 0d sp for mental.y defictezit, bu-t il la -tii.- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o - ofue 14i- gfj> at~e~aaiys;and, -indeéd,- takn dret fou lire> bautes thee ls ara more oftttin no-t B~f~ bltacnd~ni at tc bck ;.the reru.lt of an unwise f6eiug ;of flnidé4.wl Il i fadepai li li , ld'sspeciaJ &olý optIýtudea,- ýwili- ,fned , ~-ow ie'&ld li n meneo out reÉ;ard Ia' itê phyedical and men- cred- bulbe, in tiep enatre. - ne.- - - Bluse wil b $ iiutrapnspar-- Tii. training o! a precociu8 clild-1 -ent 1fabriéa, and ,,.tre i . o c als for car Te, wiAd scon uld cmmowU- bigla -girdles a4 B1 eecf ecta s ns.Tei-l oldIa&wo- the ficu is-n1~o - aoced teâicher, and Éhotul ot b~ theficwuigrettes01muann .-Iurried.- On lie oa'ntrary, U[tb. eaux e !black tul or Jvelvet- b lilctu3risbng¶nelot. bon, others u 'lis blackr materiaisâ id-mnaOfncin ~ae ha aré claaped bybuceles or claspa -o! ýt oneý-upe ,il3y eioe,, o ts rlanetoca . Phy0iýd.khel1th,'11 zieuld lie' genitiy MUC WHÂT lLI HED. Exercisé is 'necded to dpveclop a# <>rgau or' faculty, but tlàe. emecî6 'Satemneiit IAsd 'by , orth-Wettcl -oeet. . 9! .MUSCle, or faeUt1tie - GintDses soItin clusively -lea'ds hoo -ue-sidedn' eS GràlnDeales' peciatl1ly thOMe -who are by v»a t u A despatchJ;ràM 4WQ iuegaa"ys: oue,-A:dd hôùld.exeer-se i e ot Tii. folldwÏng statE mentTWî%ý êt lias bes.-5 1 issued -by* the Nohi b-Oanly rëgulatç, h eu le ýW1 4lfacuül- Deelerî?' - A-soitinad ce-ers lie-s sud 1ph' î al i h ae h thé~~~ ~ ~~~ !tiee esen 7ov »: - careully lc<ke.d alfet i~c3b 1 "Whal.-inspected4 le da$k ý p,5l9,7- n>t a mlfisrtune, but a «reat fer- 000 ~ushes. -- - I une. 1The, Preooeiouè,,04ild £0' Esafê- «Inu transit, nti spectcd, 3-,6001, guarded ma.y prove to i' & os 00 busiels. - j « rcesgaift la'hupaùit-suothe-r "'In store t'cutyeu, ein. I0Q, - -shel.b- - ' -1Rquxriïd for co4ntry - als ,--lý1nî aem~i-osoet 00,001'>sies.- ~ '~t em a au laugh-when h îýtj R(ecjuired foi se - and f"e, 24Le,"g l - - 000o,000 bushels. "In farrmrs'.han -to0 market, 3a"00-,000 bushels. lun-store- et ountirY pointsy- .7,-1_ 20,1)00 bmhlé. "ufaimers' 'har dg ho m3rkýeV, "I L 213000btîshels.- r1e-I~speteI hodate, A,- t, -ofl -the 'oreùic ]ust- h< -aeh i state.t] 4prçsu -the 4do2 tom a 'to-day in ON -ing a, The o ut. lu- the - aged, sud t.h -'union -and ~ -whyýman reéfù, M-_ - eIring, la we presu me t frage camle.-Ii - cul-ne dislik- - thex . - 'a - a1-te t-te l- esraoli No of Èie Tuck ain e'brIdai kbas -~~~o - fes l.&at, 1 May coESîdeÈ,l è. f --the Provincial