Whitby Gazette, 15 Feb 1912, p. 7

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nie binàan body îà thse buaiesat factorý in thse eàd Tiie-re is 'ne oieghi hl-ours day, ýne olick .seaoosi, at a-ny time. Day and niihtwork is be-ing carried on' in tise- woishop.. 4f y<.iur body, andi it »neVer 12asesn tintil tise cgn-hhat..t frever - TVie factory of your bo.dy is its ntie power, îvithout whie ici wNv(ld have te clos-e down at once., Tlhat motive powor is tise bloid, fiealtisy, ricli, red blood wbici keeps .r whiole systese efficient and N.lîich drives away ail diseases that -niay attack it. _) d, red blocci i% tise chief con- tr(îler of every action; tise source fI all the cnergy you possesa. It uiîaids up every substance «)f your u'.-,nerves, einews andc fleshi. - ...'vsthe waste and poison- <s y,îducta cosiist-antIy created in .îî cl.v, which, if aliowed ta re- p' et up michwase and weaknîus y kin.d. (kcd blood gives cnecrgy and vitalhtv tw thse nervous systese. besides rvgulatIng the func- Lion of Lhe st<omach, intestines, liv.0-,,kidrseys and otiser organa of fIlsêbody. Briefly, on thse purity 'and.- richness (if v-our blood tise h'iealIth 6! your wh 4 bdv dcpendi. -Often Lise b! Ihegins te fail ansd beeomnes t1ln and po.)or ini qua- lity. Ie becuies Iddwith wvaste maLter and clbargedl withi poisons. Then iL is thiat thv motive power of v-our bodi]v wurk shop goca wrong, vnr phvswcal miachinery becomes ý(lsorganizcod and you flu ili. You becomc an-aemîc; -,navbe tise ncrves b)rtak do4wrs. or yclu begin te suifer frm indigestion. neuralgia, gencr- al dcbility, severe headaches. pains n the back or side, &hiimatismn, or c con paralysis. In aIl failures of thse blood Dr. Wýilliazns' Pink Pills are tise best known remedy. These pilis actuaI- 1 'v makie new, ricis blo-od, whîch brings heaith and energy to .'very pairt of the body. Thousands and t1i>usands o! people, not only in Canada, but ai-i over Lise world, te 4tify Wo the trutis of this state.- Mrnt. The following is, a bit of proof. -Mms. Fred. Stricker, ]r., Moosefld, Ont., savsI: "A few yoars ago I was a physical and nerv- ous wreck; I isad pains tbrougisout rny wisolî, body. I bue! ne appetite and my stomnacis feit as if there was a big luinp in -it. 'tise least exertion wuld make my beart beat violent- 1 v, and I would be attacked with trernblirsg spelis, and such a weak- ness tisêýt us>' breaiti would corne in g-asps. I was under a doctor's came for nearly two months. but got very littie relief. 1 tisen tried other reniedies, but witis no better re- sîîltx. Finally 1 decided ta try Dr.- Willîams' Pinik Pillis, and tisis was the firat medicine tisat reachcd Lthe rot Of îny trouble. AfLer taking ùtw puIls a few weeks I w-as mucis hetter, and bv tise time 1 had taken 5<-n boxes I was ent.irely reeovered. I now aiways keep thse pilla ini the limow and if 1 feel the least wera, 41t; takv an occasional box and fe-I all right again." a ce-rtain amousit perhaps of cap; tuity and obedieoco. (Lautleer. Now (luit we. wer* gtttiDg râ, o ."btdience," ýtbim wou)d pulpe' be a campaig3i aisinst tise, rÎi a w.'ll. (Laughter.) Thse Irobe tit ,n te tisat vas th"t te -r ang s quite a usefulsig(oie advertlmg Ment. (agse. WILLIA W LTR Thse American -Boy Sco6ut, Who welcomed Badin-Powell ta New York. Hie had just been present- ed with a-medal for lifi saving. There are now two million Boy Scouts in the world as a resuit cf Ba.dtn-Poweli s moveinent. SPOORINO. Man the Oui> Animal that Follow8 a Trail that Way. Spooring, properly . peaking,j nwans following footprinêts; but tise tcrm commonly implies much more, thi that, and signifies holding thse trait by meairs of thse man>' marks an animal leaves behind on its path. It is essentia.lly traocking by sight when tbe quarry itsef is hidden f rom vie.w; a.nd it la this ueo 4)f tise] eyesaitne in thse pursuit ofi-the in- visible gaine that distinguishes Man, Tiere la no reason ta think that any animal, other tisais nan, cem- plo>'. eye-sigbt to any .material ex.-' tent. for this purpose, »sYs tise "Sàtra.nd." ConeiPicuaus trickt, it ie truc, may catch thec cye of thie atoât or welf queeting for prey. and draw~ attention to tise f set tisat a poMsble victise bas passed by.1 1But. it la hardi> te lie believed that1 -either of these animale, high thougÇh iin certain particulare. ehie it- genore be, hmas a knowledg of'tise Lhape and structure d'thé, fée . Ueh 7as isa nlcoeary for telling the, nature osf thse species that bas le.fthUce or- and of thse direcon Ît bas taken. Theee essentie.ls are, leorut b> tise sense cf emeli. Smell wili. tel tise etoat if t*i tra.cks are thosoe :Of à haro it would lie proMa.bIo, >Pur- eue or of a fox it would be unvise to follow; and thse graduil waxing, or waaing oi the scent in 1a rthat direction wiIl indicate tisecourse Itisa4 has to be, chosen if the q"îbt is tolie crowned witb mSuess. r To man &]one, then, is coSstln tise power of knowins thms tis -by eye. Not that thse bnowledge ni Pinstinctive. 14 hai k> be acquired b>' strenuona. application aand 'g Practice; andsty tbe :indîviduàl vitis keen vituaUising>ower and 1 soÜnd judgment mcihop*' to =4 t a 9uuoceulutracker and .4tai pro- ýficiemsy in., the fflk.n-e s 1~ s B I r 1, 1- If la 's 3- '3 s- et, OêoflO tWb îc~h oo4 -î n e~ Tiseh- neçxt day, a-tà is al w*alk,. he fouind fio u purac m hie cut.ide, po41e, a find thàt eue lsim 'to-,doulit hi r .Athd -d with &a imilar pýrofitabli-4te- mî1t,' éent bise to tii hef cf po'iýt"-ýdce bo telhis story.- Thse authori4ies detalld a 'det- teve ta go îÎhýte Germanto the Lailor who had mnade thé cap. In- veWigtio dislese.d'the fact thae, -à bad been constructed of an odd piece of Engl ias cloth b rought, in'bv a. stranger. From it the tailer lied mnade fif teen idestical caps tooiider. HRavng a b'it loft-, he had construct- id a sixtee!xth cap, which. -ýras the. ôfié told 'tô-p«oi"IA o pist., Tise det eve- îhen follow:ed thse organist*thrnu&ý tise 'treets off tie îity'. &, n .. thée myster>' was Solvéd. Tse cap, it appeares-was -thseemblese' of a gang of pickrpockets workingà oo-operatively. Thse one who se- cured a purze <drpped Ltk into Ëhé pocket cf the first conffderato be isaw. Tise cap had identifled thse German, a'nd dbe lwl eaped the rer With thi CIue, it was an easy matter for te Russian authoritie te catch tise whole gang. À VÂIJÂBLE .-f1910151 'FUI T oula ORIUDUI Baby's Own Tablets are a meut valuable medicine for infants and young children. They break up colds, expel- worms, regul-ate tise -stoxnach and boweis, and in a na- tural way promote healtis>' seep. Tise> contain no injurious drugp and cannot possibly do isarin. Cený- cerning them )Iris. J. A. Rix, Ebbs-ý fleet, P, E. I., writes. xy-,"b.y was troubled with ber stkiach, but Eaby'is Own Tablets apeedi>' cured berami 310* 'o ,,a brightlQ healthy chilici> -,Thë Tàblisi- are, so141 by mediin. d&altiaor b> umîliI st 15 cents a box ftrom -The- i.r Vit àli"Mden diré e éls inited 61 h e.rs e, for arm _w rk Gi.-Ratyuskle tise a4<6waer, Ù, qutat-oni mportéd gs *oacf$75 eaých, and i ds that tise> 0on do fat' more vorkt2Ïîà±Jse Same nuniber Ofo!hrsel.. 'hçy Zan- stanud a àâiasaunt of eod, but sne el acvrng whem; rainis 18 eavy. erfl that iii imal gquatitii, e that éhey Setê1 muh leus to fea tisai horsa es Meé"beh'g hardier., w@*iith SO "e11-P1Isam ier rru"i a rws.. XI btk w.. q*&ki lad trtib3a415sd w» a ~g m11I otu lovIep ts~t. $êau E._'_-m* m *fI 1 n ~-M xùl ' nynï el the ýprairies 'wh & ou ixg th epraisea Dod'"â idn y ?.. ion pea4kt wtmore enthusiasm.. th-in l3ti MatT ~veeoa- well-kniown régi-t dent of thisplace. "I iiferd fomrheéumatiszn fort è oeyare, f, Mr. 'syver aoti ay t "'and I'W&B as oo 'troubled wthanf acute pain ai'ound my eat M case waa à séeere o1lie and several timnes I doubted îf rcoo~very 'was pasB- sible. But seven boxes éf -Dodd's inyPilacnred me completely. 1 I can truly an.d honestly -re- commiend. Dockl's idney ?igklaas at remnedy for cases like mine,. They, 'su.te)Y elearêd eut al ny aches and- paine as. if by magiv.j' Rb'1ýeuMatism is caueed bv urici ackt, in the bl ood. -'; When the kid- neys are rih thy-strain ail the "4rie acidR7ont of-t1he-blood. Dodd's ICi<ney Pilla, make' the-'kid-ley8 right., That'z why they neyer fl4 to cure rheumatiam and Knded MOST POWERFUL POISON. Cornes from Seeda of Famillar Cas-, tor i' 11Plant. The moet powe rfüi poison known lias been extra'Cied y a German chemist from the seecli of the rici- nue, the familiar castor oil plant, anid ha.s been attractingmuch atten- tion- on account cf ita reinarkable properties. Its power is estimated to lie es-grent tha.t a gram-about a thtrtieth of an ounce-would kili a million and a haif guinea. pigs. If admiraQere4-eo as ýto cause sovere illnesa wit.hout death, ît gives im- munity agair4éta larger, qu&ntfty-;- and the "oe cun be grâdýuly 11ri- erz"oed until mpore *than -a, thousand tima cmmo eu1*'rendred -as bê ua..basn and cov rW .th6 serviço weigb 57 svrin~ml jugand~eover35'Bvriga n iakýên aIl round'tihe servce' alonc will , ie worth about eightb.to ten. timies its weight x od Richard ChêinpÎi, the,-fotindér-of tvbè Bristol -.fadrncy reWVda e. ter, andaboolprtanerh - from South Car.olina-in 176ô.. It-was 'in'.by bii brôthei-ib-Iaw, *ho lived ihere, and he re.que8ted'Oham- pion to send thils-'porcelain earth" te the-Worcester fa/-'tory to have a, few pieces cfchina madle. of it. This gave him the ýid-2a to make the china himself, ar.d without i doulit waa the Commencement of the Br:stol fa.etory, thée Brst produesOf wïhich .were mn&ae with 'ÀAmeerix earth." The mùug is therefore mnoat, i 'érsIn çbecause 'it bas the eiH- bo=t ~trait,, f Champign, with the.initiâie underneath "R. C.0,» - dtetikhtful andtlumque -epecîien01 .cld BriEol. Thit*eervice was madle at Britotol; and. prètented to MrS.ý Jane, Burke, by- Mr'. and Mr-&. ChamâpiOn,ýàù.No vemb.er 3, 1774, to comumoràfte ber busband's (Edmiund Bttrke) returût to Parliamnt as member for Bri-3- toi. Thae cave' s are bea.utifuily de- corateci with raiecd flowers In bis,-I cuit china. BORES PROM ELVbBOIVTO Zâm-Buk lVorked a Mýqiracle 'et Melig. Revcrend Gentleman Fnll[y. Corroborates. Mis ete L.fllvefCado n»ia, Queens Ce., N.S. ay:'- mua jd ry ttimnyto value OII'SL su Q1SLT22ÂUV cf thç &.~ l wrcnc $upr i&c n by Co'a "KI hK$à GRANULATÉD IGAR idomsluýr abot 50ba~es tc~sd ixAl<sscf about 4ÇG bop a aie adMd-isns wuMiformly tÔ4 '99-9/P1oýtG o poen t of, pure c*= oau an rspwo ieM~ I ,aTO v UW f5gasd NILsua1 liNmiT, .S r ~--~ ~ Y pi1hg er cent. net wr>ylnt medt@i.wRITI ORt FULL EOoeNmtIIÇS I 'SOM .fet 11,4 tnio teat uxav of wotd vwdua in'nthe'bumbki A >" rit* n*& ýb oui» yeai&P, Nb avermIon to alibs hJ in crder to eOma w*lk arouod a.svtsI" ont îQ one of tis. tarts paltità reidoce, am mel lite tise ellef thi vellîag -tmhircgh r the. surrouiadig distrî occurreci a few y-cars emcotric- b.reoet. y.aet ho e êvr et id lowffl ý4rA "-13-

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