Mhu-a bras oet.4 ..,.,~Knjmu ~nuJ~- hi.. >S~i~~J f t' itumb i sud and'thetel' p the Iree.. There, àsutheà n-j sud ~~ lb ah-usuS ulgit waa premented.- In an 18 04rPeted open me near teedge cf -the <If grau. --Au w&lê onlýhè ide céf 1h.?creék tl.ssfy &bout wher. 1,'was, and. net morxs-han 4 14#54b twéntyAIwflv e4way a r e, m40' " pà rou .les W» scratciing sud peclcîng 4r'Oê weeni the dut. -So -1 retnàiww dquiet] srsot, an sd Waté he'bird.1 iswa i he 6By sud >y 1 mechanicalIy lurn- trlrt, and ed my beadTluînand lnclug to- 1 wà oià wer. n-at lbhecrly oasistiat had th"discevered lis gren"a aIthe edge ,taig,ý9en O ,thel .creek.,,Tho aId og fox 6fiOul "Outeadacroes. the.wa, s -eng- eut tram ituiosly<i~his rêtretat mang, li e Ools, bad- ag he ootée sen the bird, - toc. Beâ1usdcorne soe na-partially out tîom th. e» sud nwas ~uteury u-wstchiag tic grouse witi eage ýdînB. 1hat yes wtdoup.'outI 'Preeeutly ho aIoltawoly like iU tStoeryw a hadew into tlii. moues at lie low- or ,dde cf tie kuoli aud disappear- ~,Sed., A litt1e later 1 eaw him ecorn kiý i. el.croeing stealîhily out, a buudred I tlt eaui- ftd*wn tie creek. Ne Stood I,n on eth here motionlésa, s moment snd: aie P d noisel.siyh4 -4 ptc. ndts r. se'*am thle creek, -gainu~ tohy te. A thle 'aboe, .calteied the Walcr'freu ely ventured is fur by a few vigorous 1iics to near the"sId wnt'o ilently'Ouit of siglut in >0>ei e qeé 11* et nôd uo« nbas The casual'passer- by, who a dorg tironigl tbe 'loug oridorw cf- 1the Bani t Eg ofa~-ap on a> a iWtl Stoneý-P&red oourtyardi carnpieteiy shit in by- several sets ot iren gales. Mers he may se -gold "briks'> being hr<iwn int6 v-ery ozdinay.-loakîng vans .by erdinary porters, -who haudletlie prid-an elal as if iti#ere moe. wA 111G REPONSIBILITY. -Thé van being, tiiflï , a upté et- indilcluls, iea ey:- rdinaiy- loksi limib in. and seat hhenu- seIves on ils uold-pnaveod &ur.and svoegA a 8eO4We« snas.e orOcLoiW tku.t <,<ou*psxe.tiih. Qerman wci F'iIIed wlth wsonLlrly becoemhtg ful oi wisdom." The -Wis- domu was a , nattércalgrewth -as muchs was the strenglh. cf body and miind. 41. Risparentis'went-Women were net requfred te go, but etten voluntarlly acoempafid their. bus- btkudosud ,àsY,-M The. paisser-Ou4ginaly, a har- vest festivýal, wich later iyas ûob1 servéàd alü so as snuèxrial of th&, pod m.Qi>ar E-ad 2. 4-17. -' aid-A lime eut special sgic~c in. ev r J Têwi8Ihboy'% lie, hén a arlikl<. sene. he'- ieahed hi«ý rnajoritY, becoxing'hirnsielf respon- saible for obedience ,ta the iaw and for pertaoring all reqÎuirements de-ý vohving upens adult males. lu cther thaiu religiousn. uiterg, i. stili r.- Masiued s.ubject ta patemnal ove:- aiglit and sUtherity. 'Ate r the' ustom-'& barmany withhei custeom. This r - *--ed that tie fesat h eeeÉated'aI- ilége of atnec ahwvr extended ta w.omen. This bronghi about-rea nual piigrirnagea te sel a= scapital &t Ibis special - 43. When uhey , haid tulfiod,,the. dsv&--Seveu dn dxu4nff u, -h..l lu- the United statft a ierï faiorite iuyestmut are, 5al1rhed 1 Eupenient Bondi. The ordlna.ry railirod mnrgigé bonds bulld the roi.buit tbO de flt Provide ssn..,fmelgbt cars.A at ecars, alfeeperu, dinars, lasengte 'coaches. nte. Por1 dib, vesses-thatt lb. Ille of rsil?0ad eèuiîtment 1* g1or1., that It lepurcbaod lu ail untasrl ate he .amount lb edIte e,,sudthat on, the other hadg.amount Iouüua11y - ioc greit W, nhrg eaiôoa yeae'#, inôome 4t he, bee ,n 4 oid-onvenlent to -provdlip î r be edni4M uut by -a seatO stè i « o"bOuà - eeore4 b;ý the roUter n-,toàt hleb lb.y -tre ýiS0 $aud >ùte taase. la canada, aitiough qitt. 'reallg pre* Curable, 1Invedtoirsharo net qult,tesTS- ied the good *pointe ci equipmnentl bonds s a moan fur safe In"emîmmnt, snd se the great malority of Canadien equlip. mis ecurties are eold luln thenited The umui'l nanner off lsuung .qulpmet bonds ta te organite a peparate Company net par t ethle raltond whiehbubys the rofllug stock asel.l it ter, te rafiroad for 25 ber Cent. down and, hie balsus. lu tan _equi anunal InosýUtlland lu. ,tarent -.fsue. Mooerti.rlod cosPsea e rplce r dequately repaîr sýny damlaged crare. etc., keep them lnsured atdrenw .uyworu eut or lost. The. 'Company tisetsnue$s'bonds. sec6ured hi 4a ùnortgageon the equipmeut snd guar* apteed absolutely, pru incp4 ad nt est'.- by b . hergtlread outil tha. rsllroad ha* eomvlated the. pâment for a certtin* lot -o1f'equl»ment. Tihitie le tlit deës ntpaos, but remabmlnh l&e eempauY (or,. ratier, a trustee wicek le usuall* a ii a Lht e t he cfl.drmunsandfts d -bugles, -ihl. iefoi the,. Bcd- 8os c egarsaofei euai ~rE nia e a to ti aitnac ~t rgimntalbanha.Thle cost et uew regulatiens tbrew sore of- 'tbe_>expensèe n the publie puise.' BÉut eoven now ià is consideredf tiat- in - jModern, business aîmy the officers sbouid not be liable te this 1kind' of ependiture. ;,ýEoery officer to-day ban to sub- 'scrîien day' a pay a year- te sup- port 1is regiimental band,9 ad liat doos~ ~ &I -h cve iei.expense. in 1h. malter. Take the case of the 1~oya Artl1 and ie. publie grant us 04,600a year, and the of- fre~ c th ?elment rare called upùion, 1<> proyide. further gum of som: $6,O~ .uuullyteiaintain, TVhe suggesitiùn is that if the War Officeput an ý.end ô-*Ibs ô' n h iéréeýsts oÛ 1h.servýice he Chancel- lor cf the. Excheqiiei, is flot iikeiy te provide the whole cost oft1he, miitary brase bauds out of the publie puise. And a veteran re- oiuiting seigeant whe catches bis mien by the. National Gallery de- claies tbat the abolition ofthe, bands will pretty wel min bis business. DANGER 0F GASOLEXE. It Oaa Put,,-Tou ont .1 usaninl a ':Short Time. In a letter te lhe Médical jogr- nal Dr.,T-. D. W. Pineknzey declares- liat public WSrniig, should bel given -iîi ,regird ta 4ngr ro fms here gasoiene sburned, and -catlýE the 'Caeof a man, *ho was, fôund unconsciom n& sn4. near deatfi ý,after a s tî horý lime & li oelmi in wbieh isI- mpobile. engle*.muig in ' e'ltime agô,"l hâ esyg, "i was, aisé 'calles4 tose. a plumâber ,whô: wa rendoed helilos.and ai- In. St'ýncèùsoioùs by fumes from 'bif stne ,toîeh. Il ap1>ears th 1 s-émal 'aM-ount oli iiu~s~ i neoear tecausehClp-, neéses' sud ht lier. us 'itie i o ne~ ~ ~ ~~~~e nahgc 4uu. i i.Ie. ~then)bd lsni iv ié b aid4sjero adieh _ciul<é i4t pcsibly h0Weý give.nmore than- lwo dance» t n onoùsn. TiINy quarrei-ed Xitj b ad Ioved Jimmy with ai ber. Warm'&ider of Young girlhood. After the"quarrel sepÈut hum out etf 'hm .rt or -tbought she bad; but s"Oehoeb~rth li et f ew weeks KXatine, the woman, te self- etufficient, self-reliant bachejor girl, bad remembered evbunings -4pent with her one-time lover; jolly outings they had taken ta- g.ether, and &Il the. foolish but beautif ni air casIes they had buit wbule Iove'g ltMe. SNow, with the dawning -of a n'ew year, Katherine feit terîibly alone. For the firet time in ber lite she reaIized the passage of,.lime and, that àhe wasgo-igld Wouid again? S1 tho>ught net, Men.Àh.e adýiý apeî,but neyer one' a'e,ë her heartstrings as dearai I < had. She 'wondpred ,as. .e 'at betor6e her unfinished work, if e.would ever see Jimmy again. ?erhaps hlot. He had gone abroad,- eh. hadc hearci, and was. in business in Lon- don. Try As ahe _migýt, . could not work. A wislk yfaigit -do lier good-a briak walk in lhe crisp air. Twice eh& paeed -through 1 he litIle park adjoining, the . blek ini whîch ée had b. er apartmonts j then etarted downtwn in, eearch cf sie knew net what. Si. had xiot gone far when ' h. noticed comiug 'toward ter the -stai- wart figure of a man etriding along withf a familiar Swing. "KRatherino EIlion, as 1lv.V exclaimed a big voce, asn4-Kitty found herseif ehaking bfabas wîth the Jimiy of, old. grown beavker süd. bhandaomer-. Greetings -x changeai, Jimmy aaked iere abe, was gaing. "Nowheire in partacu- la. imjuslotfrawI) "Then corne, witk me-let". haVe seoïa th ing te st àu ag ood iod- "ý'No, JiMmy,you came zp to My bpartMçnts. Tbere'a a log ire- andl'i mae a so tes. "Tha'e pledid!Sha. Ical a taxi -17 C"NO, no. 1,live quit.near;- w. -cap -easily walk thee.~" 4 aedbêfora ablasnnzfie of'~ 'cre-ek Ict W,