ik esxs (2 s Nti cei 18- A eý-xc 1 s1 epulcher. wUas a eime of the Vue pjt the o habfyedpe ath 9FHéNl(QW. ner tat~stis*df. the iBodd of Heiltbl c*diate' th6.t âout'17 pèr ent. cof hepupiso! the -publie achool are #~hottigted.It is tL6 latest the- êry4ahthic myopia. freqnently de- velops 'frc>m ,training of the eyee ,by the pupils in their efforts to sce Ih the experiments now under - may the eyee of the ohildren are traixed by exercises in correct see- *n by nieans o! optical test cards. Wt pupils are asked daily te teet theïr eyes by rending the cardis 'Which are placed on the walls of 'he atihool roores. It has beet' f ou.nd benefici.il tp rest the cyes from study by- looking up occasion- ally and reading the cards. Thip haf' the tendency te eliminate eye strà- 'n and te gsive nonnal vision. The system was tried for eighl. years in tlfe* Publie Achools of Grand Forks, N.D., and there i"~ rcÔr-À of ten thougand -cases of pupils ý ho. have tricd the systeni ujidê'r.thée direction of their teach- ors. An article in the New York - eiAlý Jeùrnal neyerai monthp - gsta forth that afilfr eight years' work the examinatio'n of t-w thousand pupil.s in the Public %dhoola of that city revealed thih ~ thanone per cent.. wer4 >my-opic. -The previeue çereentagi b~jeen- six., 'f ekjand euh study are no :b au *9 shortsight-edneB, ac -éoring tc> this theory, but tihe irr use -of ýthe- eyeî. The Mn ýOpISr eaof ten ce etooa miscalculi - tzo dstaucea3 and te unnecei * ring. It lÏe f1,Quudthe ~the- kèen_ sàghed ea.gle:,oî, the -f huplaced ini a'cage wi oten 1itSle &dint hît eyes to hienxew m~ :rýondinpgs that. ho becoixiconet hed wau e ots 1Thèere nany -, cases in ti kchôola oo thor 4e --cf ve out are. gf aiUi Ioet la Vtàtl.n* -m'O* teauêt !rstr The article» ocatrbuted bif "J flVO9r* are for thé mole@pptboé o f gIM4MPré.k pective Investors. esud: if oublo e.1 UBfi tltg tbem from 1«128 500,7 Uy tlp-R4 pIuclng I l wIt i st'afflgd'«. Tt Impéartial and relisible oligtt etti Informaation may be rolili v@fl. writer of theeartlè).. 1314 lI e pblile ot thie paper have ne lntf»tusi$@weu# in connacotion.with this matter éttier itb4 tbose of the readmi'. ~y"Invegtor;") Alter thé investor has atisfl.éd himieif as to the sa.icty of a public utilit7 of- forntg there are aérerai ethel' pointe te be oonaidored. In passinq, howéver, it » might be noted that if the 1-aIe la a new oee that le a Public off crins, GOmorn weil.kxxowflbankiflg boume. lb*. particu. lare required ta eat.isfy euch ail é*-Aminli. tion as bas been set OutI n thia eàolt=it Erecentiy, if »ott i-van in the advettie0 ýk prospectuti. wl1 alwaye hc availablefrn rthé isung boumé. 'here tb6o 19se h ai becix on thé market for sanmé yearm, milch cfe the Information must bc taken for u ranted; but iflbhe eécUrft ie one whle1h P melle freely on thé exohanges. much am Bell It Téléphone. Electrlcal Developméflts. Hall. CI fax Traflways, Montrés! Street Ra.ilwaY iC or Winnipeg Street E.alwài bhonls, thb, It mnarket adjuste thé prîce, as a ru1s, to e meet any weaknesses or altorationé 1in e the position- oft-the companie. IIi ftt bc mentioned ln paslng that ýnonet fthe ot bonds mentloxiéd séil below .4a tact t1h0é ýC- are ail quoted above-par.1, M- Aller eaférty corne, of course. rate otl [y- incorné. ÂeýÉ'ru1é. thé stréét raiw&y snâ [a other pubIie utllity bonds sell ta yield à, s- somewbat Iower réturu thian gond indue- iat trIal b6nds. They return, howévér, MOr& lir than thé average municipal or railway en bond-oxceptfflg équipment bonde. ir- Theo ozrertillity et a public utilltr ýV, bond, viaLeaoon@4d«iably. In Canada, bc-wovér,- tue. boter clama ef thèmeLée., h o: tb n éé b a îêed n ,u tlU tlé s i n -la rg e a i t w rowing erile.. are - mo. popular sud.- nt therefo?é, are.-resdir cozisértble in thée ope m»u~arket or by umsing thw nas col- >rïý lIgteal t or t a 6" witlr a& bsk. bydo no siér~ e u mah ,j'd Pfflpèt ot of &I1Ateciat iýnl!u w u n~ile»a l~ ô hyî eme~'p abative tbamllthé aS- th. eyamr e A oawlp déýre8 .*fcusm u Wj- sound45 pet cet. Publie-I-utifity bond #ol4 _1 iaa ar. if ef 151UO & liuke- te p-téopti Onf tt % tan4 thé arné CI value, that a soui (Ruth 44 in which' B the scOùne -ni t i&,inentoned