I 'Y * Wi~ ~~r4 mi .mull ~v'~~w s'aïe~ ~#bV lu,5 cjiia ak ~ rab6soi ttn~~~he otau~i hse lta le* iayu lus ekizl athO Ini LO --tku mr tt ýýoIe. W. ~ ~ ~ ~ ket* hoa aitIut U i etc. Sonieth4ula, 0*0utety-ao s.awy itkÉa cet .io. *firy it liasm., aIb.W KIIE-I Oil, Siak., Nov- *o ? -sento e. luit a îtiio lira. W. A. HolIdy, *ho be e lUeR, ornerly o ~oki,~ for ýoUkw ~ie.»c a vr ujra 1 ot nearly two vesas , laj oflaPtti ut nfot tus lob. 50wMr and eMMg.lir. JmesKuiRatW tt IPM - rhe sùhilàanud tachersaiare pro-' bai atmo boni aortoualy sm.ek fur abaut 8ld& IR reasl hty prajlt1e~~lSn La Xr tRie aime tme, ail la nov sonwli Thq bazau theula 11 Min 51êHalcRSs10b 1.1 a lhe acUool on tRie botter. on BaturdaY, te. os hoonue ~my.~ueac ~24 liu.-John Blait r,. t.N. lutSi nandpic. ot St. Tefmu'churchi, iW"a# pO539 e ofdrUm ,dialogues lit.0.0 MoBien tbr.~ i'kry Umal 11111e sUccessUll.#atU,,iouth0orgla muierecltabLln @a mairng [rom tLeeprevaîl4 ïa~- A etn albr eealI ecvi .gvn omnn i whâ s dedilnet-te boRd SAn a 'coxmeteCaswU 'v luinai, vers unabie l rt iu r cOI j ea1oio fr eaaas fiulae t IL US li%1m85atte7.i otodiýtiïbgWê rsQ il DAYS TOý -M- - Fauit. op'ourè YounTanE-l CO PETE - Beaeon Lfot emoteaIty&on n a- tmg a wesk vitla rlemb in laWt-- mi Valus Tb$ &ang,,uel«*u~rthlmeut Un- due ais m Ôce t the Mettudist S. 8., vIU bo belilla asoieHall, Ixoolala, on is.sla , mDca i LA. Holiduy i wtt b À.Tr.C.M.,olotol1etMlbu; _____ _____ _____ 1bu; Mc. s tur~. À lao 14<, Vii- jbrook; Xi. fO na IQ,>-l;x1rk i, 1*q, »pssbw 9, vii MsI 1» v 9MelI .l urtt. Wiate n Koeday. Koeda,i Ly*,, dmý1 dgm~, e4 by' de? hw 1 Km- Tutr.-oelirsa @ ofs be sêes d«15 pa LOCMOONIÂTXIP M r. etewi -l,"o @bau bmoit asiTgus~ssifti i, -",jt" ut W* . Tha qulet ra eold la gotten riti ta uhe lmeuatRodauge r Itm Pnemo and Qumer srieons-diseam. 1lm7 B. W., L.. -Hall, of Wat.rlY, a$ a til firgay ellot. VhambersWe, Cough Remedy te ho abmIUtly tRô, but preparallour on.tRi. umht lot tolas. 1 have romnediIt~ oa hinnds, ad tibsyhafe t aitsrmil vitRi me." For aleby aIl dealta- KINSALE. EpwortlLLeàgue meetingte .bi on Wedaeqday nget. bIe-lo te iLelp tRie Poor," lest .laýy 111510f ory Oornmlttee. Our Umeellga have becs very inteteatng «&M-Insucmtive Ia the past. W. invite @My e u«oiO te loin ii us. The Womane»tb sorr neRa v&& bOuld et the -home ttr.Brlg- neilI on Tuesày Of!'la"t w*. The. vinter bfel riAg l gaà ra ning, Mr. Fred Gîbsen la dolng thé, kWWh nd ilthe fermera ae OtIb lb. Ivicy Rae! wlth geneal satistaO A geod may et eut, fermera ai- tuei itRio mtion i, " et J*soph stephenon et ýAU&" yOb ?nlday.ý Ou-Iieil lt.Duerilng, to IeëI vWso st1u bai a 1111e aozpnron-l law a »wdgys - l t wai et very agreeable sue eÉther, ' w the Ju4gdp ecled tlh camSeaais lUiAl liogme. pmsalulat bath e tbe-hoie Oet it !ther", Mr. Jo,. Tnlpp. Co= .overt te èel "dait4 h%'the, Breturorbeoild ci: e aiisahatAih i oo sepclal preatbul- 'Tmo ntmil pt' e11t49a"i-a bepn-j aniàll lfts. ?bex viii b. àoo aomltf- tênS, but tamps lu. aid of.ie Mu-- toa Free HlOSPItge lot cen.'i -t W1hl be aoi to -teY -wlaug ,to aid nSs cor"-I* " intrili t h.premen. -weam là reesl$dia O! îl 1g.cern- Oanitmatu'~t reoly ;o Ihe article by ' -M t M'- ' m b U,<' p ti shed lestl lis baiw bellot. *06WIlt te lIe l tu.lb CI la-Sst tpec atarmeny ».1 n furir "afIrn& o! > iiffeonc sIaotbepsrhtt. Ihrenb eaei A, Wo Oir Ow 2ÂTTUDE. 'is16-11.tie lumâmty t1-wam tw Dr. (*ka*R Ola*.t>eut tbie huaitreat-- lilu, >ü hý D, out. " Wit a itlantè eiMUt d-1 m os ormmend la tany' sObrer fIt b!.disadM dit wllI irs - . 1 e iaio tbe. ao " Aip 1' h . kouf~ , ar e the cause--tI, boa "d hait grolwer la- Cà"d. -Oums teed tao do thbil uyAi. Alita, Wb* 'wUi rtond yuur Mon.y il f ala tg do ail t-tibai 1 calmed lot Lt. Pariaan Sage la a mout bmelola hik drusang ad hait bW»98Ukr, oik sËicky or grsay l a uuaod. by vo- :ma a"timuon o!ralluement tbheob 'trr OèverLoLage bottie- 90 corSUi«- 8eth th~ 1e girl wlth the Aubuml Hair la où eeuh package. THORNTONI3 CQfNEUI. -The lollowing la ti. report ost tRi Tbornton'a Cermea soho l or NOv. 4 d1ass I-Total 70a.-Wanny Bar- Io&h 598, Evoret Jackson 82jMin- -aie 'GlIbert,461. Sr. III-Total 720-Qbladyt FreRa 8901, hrie Elilott 560, May 101k vill 481, Victor lreland 364, Wllle Marnien 291. Jr.- T11-Total 556Oà-Janîe Sturgea 4819 Uda Phullipa 293, Letta QOU- bort 273,floua Lladsay 171. Sr. ITtl O-TvLie412, ChronosSooçltt 75o Li"iteDovu Wi Wi6va -iïâkwll 360, lorence Pierce Mi8 <ordon F1rei 170. at5 MO EthlHoipon M2, Eue Stone- house 04, Join Ilodpôn' 149, 0&rà! M# ' - X944 MintPlccil10. Pt. ÎÏ-.Total 3D0-JlaMMy Linusal 28 1C*y nd"qy -M, Nora= Iioag £xhaur«mt»iw#st"* A 6 w o "On t10 to * .~LÂMP OIL -e WHAT' l' 1$NOV:> 1. sI 1 4t a new brand otdm old pi. It là »ando!d eMtbl"med bta*d on a unifores 11gh grade oit; -WhIl se made la ithe largesi "'dMd m'at po-datére rn la Ameria, andrecn1 e<utihest0fradeouilti Iii r epttation là aot a mushrom-buàt a fufl.uisc4 2, T 18 NOT an 011 that gives "double the 1gbe' of fIrd1na7 Goal 011. No oil ever produced would do tht tdou sgive the very best lght chat can b. made from petroleu. 3. IT 15 MOT an oil chat Riscs longer than ordinsry Goal OIL The lüger the ligie the more ohl you wl * consume, arnd any merchant claimIlng otherwise for any oil dons not understatid the oïl business. 4. RT I1 MOT explosive; but w. do iot clains any credit for chia, a ail Soei ilo«eéred for sale in the country muet 6rat, pai the Gbyernment Saiety Test; and it -le perfeectR-'sale, unleoï made che ubject of somaeones fooliaWnt-s. You could quench a lghted ecrci in a al of AUra i wthout dangft. For SUt by. PRLINGLE, &, MNNNG BROI6KLIN jýiXà* l.Nn aorder Wo!ment- M[argareýt-lodgaon, Ester -Sturgla Normai Glbert, Lily StOneboIMa, torein Unduiri Jr. I-Fn Luabo, 01V*- Ho&z Ronald EthL"MaryHarlock, Loise Rtomehouîm, tel Powe .Ray j Avrage for Noemer-. ONTARIO 4, 'I Our buess «educatio rera tey tlzlng yen bu&-tuluàwev Q£ o ;Afe-t eei48,Mmd labos it tIbe mo" lo YSr *Mtun. Wrte for more In- wu £VANSý lm . iAu" Wood et Wsatbeccoaditiiens qccid . Rardly hbae biamore dl~geeable than tbIaI*tialprevalliwon eiectioa day, butin0 apte oftdtiIatact a" ttue aptythat calatui turing tRie cmm- pi ,a , largevote va Rasil lir., tieuga thre total vas conalderabiy lmIss wuiava registered lin1110 Do- 01"n *WUract.enon September 21~, luti A onanatvely large crewd pteS d la In .o.veing to hear the reta,sla hie hmeto!deléat, Mr. Charlc Quiet muas bave 1.11 Ci- ideromls atwoalactlo ron t he aue majerity b. rewcevai lais home townahlp. The Ive pollig plau in tbis vllage gave him a majorfty of 6%, probabl Ythlb uaIever gitan beon to wmu mdhtiat. MiUa14Ua haniuah, la hem. agit altet apmilng tour umeur switRi Whma YOUa bave a cou gel a belle, -ot Chbrltln'a Coogi ReMey. it wyll 10051 iIIyou UP alil.rlghtant wlll vand ol mly tendemey liovand pzmfri monta. This rêmnieycmtaimno nop- iuni t O 011v atetie andt"Yb iy *î- le astoiletly te a baby àasIe an adudit Soli by al SU ur.-8 The màmaof tte-,Junior Auxlkt way edt-the ProbyWoa Churob gave a kit"keaaboy«et i le thome o M",a Ol.to Tiieyeenagl Iooro Min BaithrBlair. Mr. W. J. HaUYerafli asa bosalu 1