Whitby Gazette, 14 Dec 1911, p. 7

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are I~I7ing ti'einendou~ ~f 1~IS1f hi. ~miac, o! Ohi~a, Waa,- anci -t)m eonaurnPtionmQ?,eat Bût~Ii~ la larger thn over, 11~Ls ali~muing eut o! over il million poundi o! coborod China Greo» Toô.~>y thq Thfted fit~e. G<rvernm~mt tii. increased use o! tea due Vo tdghr prives cf coif.., the grester aereage given oYer ta tI>~ planting o! rubiier in Ceylon, tii. shoflage la tii. L cro» Vhs yar and tii. labor probiem in ail tea-growing j oounti~ïe, are ail factqrs which Bocount for tii. mach higher pri- mary maniiets. Theprosen~ revolution iii China may aise mean miich umalber cropu thons next year and presont indications are for stili higiier prives lxi the future. Ail these oonditione extiier mean a louer quality at the sanie prîce., or Vhs samo qaaiity at higher prices. Our experbonce shows that the tea drinking publie prefers th. latter. "IIONEST TEA IS TUE BEST POLICY" Thomasj. L~ptOflToronto, Ont. CLOSE QUARJURS; OR, n-lE lIQUSE IN THE F~UE BARBETTE CHAPTEII X. (Cont'd) La Belle Chasseuse urss evidently an a hurry. Bbc aapcd along at a surprising pace, until Uic reaehe.d a cressing where the rows cf staila sud booths were Vemporarily sus- pended. At eue corner 5t4)Oâ a cab, sud tourarda Vimia vehicle u'he directoil ber stops. Before flrett quite realizeci urbat urss happen- ing, the door cf tho cab opened, mademoiselle iumped insîde, sud, as il ho urere waiting for ber sp- Ps arauce, -the driver whippod Up herse simd drove off et a fan- s pace. At that instant a amail victoria wntLm a sturdv pony in Uic shaftu, which bail juat deposited s Iively lare in the vîcanity cf the Moulin Rouge, drove akng the streot. $rett sprang into it simd asic] cagerly Vo the driver 'Keep that cab lu sigbt! I urili psy you double lare:" The man tightened his reins sud raîscd lias whîp iii prompt ebedi- cuce to the order, wheu suddenly two arien jumped into the vehicle from opposite aides, seizeci Brett and forccd hlm' clown on te tbc seat, while one cf thom said te the a.matonished cabby- 'Take us st once te the Centrai Perfecture ol Police." Tii. oea» zec~d tiiat Uioa~ nowcomera urero flot te b~, tinifled with. Without a word or a question lac raLt}*I hi., herse acroas tue atone pavement sud thon Bren choking 'iitiî ~go at thia interference at :5 Svpreme moment, realizeci that somne cxtraerdiuary reason. ho wam s prîsoner, and lu the banda o! a C.JUJ)lo o! detoctîvea. Liv thl, timo the cab containing tue lady bail varmished, but the bar- rîster mails one dospsirimg effort. 'l'or Heaven's sake," ho saici te has captera, "taise me wbere yen wali, but firat foilow that cab and ascortaîn ita destinst.iom" "What eab 1' demanded on. e! bis guards sarca.atiically. "lime cab urimich i wish.d env driver to overtake at tho 'moment. when ~rou pounceil on me." 'Th~5 la a more trick," broko lu the otimer. 'Don'V bother about hie csb. Wo have geV hlm sale enougb, anci lot time commiseaire deai witim hum nour.'> *Llsten te me," cri.d Breit. 'You are making a frightfal suis- take. Vour action at tus moment :nay cause £rretriovabîo delay aaid losa. If yen will cnly do as I t411 you Siaut up," growled <abs Brut E rnan~ "or It uni! h. urorse for yen. Yur bout plan lu te keep a qweti torigue la year Imeaci." IV waa net often <abat Brots lest lais tomper, but amuit certaimiy b. lest it on tus occasion. Be waa ermdowed with no 'mail share ?~ pby- j amical strength, ami for an SImatant j the wild notion cagne inte his bad thathomj~t perbapi ~uec~ed la 1' two detteUves into tho roadway anil tiae~ ov.rpew.rt1 Vhs driver, takx~ charg. et lb. again te cat,êls ~igh~qt Vbp yanuab.r cd lady a4béu ~o~pakn~ ù~be, ho donhtèd noV, arrivai at the quiet corner urbere abe joiucd hlm. t'nceusciouslv ho muat. bave given E soane premon aVion o! this desperato sebeme, for the turo policemen tightened their grssp~ lorced bis hauds higber up his hacis, anil hont hia head ferurard until ho was lu danger o! having cither hia neck or bis abouldors disioeated. "Will vou keep quiet?" murmur- cd the c~mief detective. "You can- net escape, sud you are oniy mak- ing the affair more disastroas te yo ~a recif." Thon 13 rett realizeci that further rosistance urss hopelesa. Ho man- aged Le gur~le out that if they wouid aileur him te assume a more comlcrtabie attitude ho uroalci net trou hIe timem auy fartimer. Gingenly sud cautilo uslytheturo mon somewhsti relaxeci ~tho strai n. sud ho urss able te breathe freely once more Then lie laaghed, but ho couici: net help aaying lu Emglisb- "The ahadour o! Seotianci Yard falla on me even bore. Porr old Winter, heur I urilI rosat hua over Vimis adventauroî" "What are yoa talking abouti'> demandeci eue o! the mcm. "I urss ouly thinking alouil," ne- pheil Brett. "Anil what were ycur thoagiitsl" ~8amp1y,. tus,. that tue 'enlier I meet your reinirkabbs astutè ep~n- miasary tue botter I abs» ho pleaseci." CHAPTER XI. acroas Paris proeeed- they re4b04 tim~ profeoturo. Tii, tua d~ctivps humni.4thelm nisonr ia$o a, 1,ga. ~noral o!- wbsr, he vas .urv.yd with soins eurieulêy lmy tue #ubqtdinate~ Ieunging ~êar * huge Bm., uhulat on. et 117cm number repontieci bis arrivai. After a briel intorvM ho was taken into an ùiner office. Be~ hlud a groom l>aize-coverod table vas ~eated -a uharp-looking man, whose. face us chisfiy eompo*ed o! eyebrows panes-nez, a hoeked nos., a fuyions impeniale. "Your naine?" b. uazd ah.rply. "Regizialil Bretti," vas tii. me. plv. ~he Freachuman requlred tibia to bespelêfor lais» "Natieuaiity t» "English," "Professieuf» Tho officiai oenmulted ~ <~p'wriê. Von document, vhich b. mo3.cte~Î rrom a mass o! pa~ fast<.n.d ~ on Jaidia mubb.r 4. Tii.» k>ek.d uriouu1~ At Vhs pnaou.r. '>Ame yoa sure Ibis i. ~0saldtetboiqni<>i'~fo~eUre a a touel. se hhat hi asa~ romore ~ 'orne o! bis wz4e.up, Th x~t mbonl4 b. au acter. ~ neres' a~v <a botter diagulse la mu~ 11fr.» lhrqêt kmi.w Lt va ittêi~&pt1 explauatù~ Â the man repli~d £nd I atoem~tained th mbvememg~ o! tii. pnisoner at tuf Grand Hotel. During tii. alter floça liê re~,ezved messages f noix London and frein, some perDons mx Parie, uhicli documents are n6s prehably in us possession. 11< quitted the hotel at eight o'ciock, disguised as yen have seen. H~ ealléd for a moment at a bouse iii the Rue du Chausse. d'Antin, the numbor o! urbich ure noted, sud then made bis way te the Cafe Noix mn Moutmartre. There we watched 1dm from the door for neanly three hours. Be feigned drankonneas, but held communication witii ne person." "Ils !" cried t~ie commissary. This struck him as en important point. Ho made a memorandum o! it. "Seon after eleven o'clock ho rose hastily sud quitted tlme cafe, crossed the Boulevard, sud haiied a cab. We would have foiiowed hum, bat thoro urss ne other vo- bide in sight. As our instructions were Vo srrert him at any moment ho seemed llkeiy te clude us, ure seized him. Ho struggied violent- ly, sud teid us sema story about bis desire Vo foilow another cah, wbicb ho said ha.d disappeared. We saur no cab such as ho dcsc~ribed, and ure treated bis words as a more device te abstract attention. We uroro right.. A moment laVer he macle an attempt te escape, and ure urere compelied to use considerable force te prevout him from heiug succesaf ni. The cemmissary turned hs eyes te the prîsouer sud uras seemîagîy about te question hlm, uhen .s3rott said with s suiuie- "Perhaps, monsieur, you wiil a- low me te say s Word or tue.> "Certaiuly." The officiai kne.ur that cnuminais geueraiiy implicated themselve. uhen they comme nced explaining matters. 'You are acting, I presnme,~' said lime barnister, <'in ohedjonce te reports rocoiveci frem Lendon police wmth refererace tot ~ie mu r~kr o! four Turkiah subjeets ut AlberL Osto, and lime the!t o! sem~ va~ n. abie diamoncis ho Sultan ~ lenging:) the seomeci ~o disconcer~ taie r r.2-wh- man. IV astonislie<j hlm conaider- abi.y te Bnci hie pnisener thus in'rIi- catmng se cleaniy Vhs nature i f the charge te ho hrougimtm against hlm. "That ma~y ho se," ho sdmitted. "IV la se, ' went on Brett; "aod ii~ Vida Inatter yen are even more ho»e1ess~jr idiotie than I to~ 1 y'>u Vo ~p. have Voici ~en mv naine ai~& profession. I arn a friend id tha Engli9h gentleiiu&n hoen-apirite4,~way i~t <cmi- wihh tibia crime, anci I hove !niny pooket at tus moment a Jet- teI~4m'orn tke Bnitish Under-%~e.. tary e! 8tate for Foreigu Affalas, authonazing me Vo use my b.st o!- forts towatds elueidsting Vhs m~'s- tory a»dtr.ckummg~ the real criez.- aIa. Uere is tbo Jot.tsr1» b~p 4~ozi- tlanuécl, produoing a docuinenti muid 1rimi~jt b@fore tii. anzazed.o&i- ber. 'ami i»ônfrv au,*ik M tii. Grapd total wlfl qne~t1enabI. lo~imopy maflager, 'who mev. z azzy:triend, Les~d ~tu ooenpi.a zooms tiasme "Loi~ Fairbolisa. 1" s officiai. "Wby, that i <lvi» by Ua otuser pi'» me.» to su arrestj$b. I~arl et J paap.d Eroit, strunl~ 'iatubJe'4ê.j tota~ The P qs~.baau ~ovm vbich ~Srott b.d giroa bail a retura.& aid vltb bh 101,1*, ou wbos bo aaUe. sud aaâouiahues 1er usa.teq ~Ok, ais Jy sb~ osai erey .~.a q. wujj>.~ vi ix (To b. èuntinued~ * REBUILUING TuE UOVSE. Resuit o! fluylng a Lamp That 11h Net Fltthe Hall. "Yen," saici Mr. Mutt; "It wai rather ocici the way I cam, Vo ne i baud my bons.. You se., Mre Mutt, she urss eut shopping une daî anci happened Vo buy a very hand. sume hali-iamp----ono o! lb. kinc E that stands on the ucuel-post o! tbi otairs. Well, as soon as aime gel IV lu Lime bouse ure saur right awaj that iL uras tee big for tho stylo el the atairs; se I haci Vo geV the car. pontera Vo corne iii anci uriden theu~ sud put in ucu balustrades sud poste, anci set theni over more tour- ard the contre o! the bal]. When that was dune the hall didn't look lilce a hailuray at ail, snd I had te have the carpenters g e siiead sud toar ont the uralis ~nd mnake the oid sitting-roem into a neur hall. Thon, o! course, 'the kitchen haci Vo ho Vomi away simd rehulît bsek cf the bouse, se Limat lime oic] kitchen uroulci de for a sitting-room, anci Vhcre haci Vo be a neur parler haut te match the finish o! lb. hall. Anci uhen timinga geL aiong that ~sr ure saur at once 'timat we bail Vo have s library adjeining tho baIl, sud thon the veranda bail Vo go te make room for tue iihrary, and nmy pet rose-bashes came ap te gwe a chance Vo baud Lime flou veranda. Well, Vo mnake a long story short, I had Vo remodel the second aterey te match lime fret, sud put a timmrd ~torey on la order Vo take c~re o! Lime roonis thait urere erourdeil eut by the changes in time second. And se I hail a flou houe. ail round." "And uras yonr wifepieasedl" "Only partiy. ~on see, juet on the isat day, uhen tii. carpentera had finisheil the timird stozsy simd uer. qmmitting uonk on tho uhobe job, une o! t hem dropped bis bain. mer through Vhs ekylmght simd ~ feU te the hall anil amasheil that eta.lr- lamp that bail starteil time uholo tlming." -s----- LIFE 0F MARSHAL NEY. lieu HI. Boast Wos UnfulflhIe4aîpI Itou ILs Lite Ended. Michel N.y, one cf tii. meet illustriena cf tii, marchai, o! Na»- oleon I., uho named hlm "T~o Braveat o! Vhs Brave," use hem 9f poasaut parents at Sarrelouxa.. in easterm Franc., mn 1769; llzzf~enin~ the amy cxi Lime eve o! tii. revo¶u. tien la 1789, bis mulitary talents muid valor 113 the fteld brou#ht uni rAnid I M~CELLANEOUS RIE~S~ B8kèdo~4~~~aît rnavk- erel over aiglit Vo remove hTino; W wash well, butter pie dieli, roil rnackerel in fioi~r and put in dith, akin aide down; cuver with milk, add leur sinali pieces of butter and i hako forty-fivo minutes. Apricot Sauce.-Use one pound of ovaporated appies, one-foarth pound o! dried apricots, etew Vo- CANADA gethor, stirring whîle boiliug, to zrnx, and prevent burning. __________________________________ Sauce Coloring.~Burn sugar iii a ruast pan until it is blaek. Thon pour a littie water at a tîme on o! sardines and arrange on a plat,- P< the sagar, Jet It hou every lime ~-- ter with chopped coiery. For drees- ai: IV tel it in a littie bot- ~ng take tho yolks cf four liard m~ spoonfai o! this color and mix with boiled eggs, put in ~ howl, and rub the sauce. Vo a peste. Add a tabiespoonful de cf Frenc.h mustard, three cf vine- a E Bakeci Mushrooms.-Thc caps or gar, a teaspoonful o! sugar, and a ch tops o! mushroom5, aller they AIre iil*ie cayenne. Mix well togother toi washeil, eau best be cooked by lay- and pour over the sardines sud coi- an ing them on sUces o! buttered bread ory. Oarnish with sliced lernon. of witb a dash o! sait and pepper sud Turnip Salad.-Paro and eut la dc s smafl bit o! butter la eaeh cup. dice four medium sized turni>.,; r l3ake Vhem iii a hot oven. The b<,il lu salted water untîl tender, loi muebreomns urili be done by the changing the wstei~ several times. time the bread is brown. They Drain la colander and when cool shouki ho served at once on a bot add one cupful of rich mayonnaise. <I1SII. Serve on lettuce leaves. Good J3iscuits.-One cap four, Cabhage Saiad.-Chop smali, Brui ma une toaspoon lard, one teaspoori head o! cabbage lu your chup ~e r, fot haking powder, one-fourth tes- a~d sait sud pepper Vo taste, thon up spoon salt. Mix four, lard, bak- about four tableepoonfuts cf good tji~ ing powder, and sait with a spoon; edd suifioient sweet mulk or cold eider vinegar, atir weil, lot stand lu th~ a cool place for two hours, juil ho- bel water to make a atiff dough. Fleur fore eerving, add bal! cup cf cream wa huard snd roil tilI about a hall sud heaping tablespoon o! powdsr- ais mcii tiiick. Cnt out sud bako in cd sugar, mix well, serve on crisp wit q uick ovon. Some fleur takes a lettuce. i httie more water than others, but a scant cap is the average. EscallopecI Ooru.-Use one can CAKE FOR SMALL FAMILY. Ion cern, six eg~s, butter size o! an To make a layer cake, bako ens Uj~ ogg, larve pxnch cf sait and pep- good la y or, eut mn omther halves or 1310 per; mxx ureli, thon add three- thirds, a une pieco on top o! the ho1 quarters quart milk and thieken other, and proc.ed Vo frosten or urilli hread crust or broken crack. be as usuai. ere. Bake one-haif heur in medi- If varîety la wanted take the Pal arn oven. aunaI ameant of materiai for an the Ohieken and Celery Sony>. - Take ordinary cake. Divide butter la bal tii. bout part cf two heads of col- four parts. tlxr ery. Out It ap fine and add a heap- One part msy ho baked as a hie mng tableepoon e! nec. Cuok tili marbie cake, a.ftor dividîng IV iiito twi soit. Take on. quart o! chicken th.ree parts add one-haîf cake des hretb, cao pint cf inilk, and cook grated chocolate, Vo one4hird bave Us4 ail. together and season with sait plain and add twe teaspoon. straur dru and popper. Yen have a fine soup. berry flavorii~g to tii, Ia~t third. fou Broum Cake.-Jlroak four egge - into a large howi, add une scant cap cf butter and lard, one large cap cf broun sagar, ene-haif cap ~ ci biack melasses, ofle heapîng tes- spoonof sodain cap of het uster, O cînnamon, natrneg, spices and juice e! bal! a lemon. Beat long and i weli, adding Bye caps cf sifted fi~ur 'I boating it la thoroaghly. Bake iii >' a large cake pan. DESSERTS. j - P~ach Dessrt. - Drain ~uic, '--~~ ~ ian a littie 0f eaeh in pan anti] I le gene sud you have a fume irble cake. ~lmme-half pound choppeci nuts ail- ci Vo time second part urlil make nut cake. One-haîf cap oach o! uppeil dates sud nuts, one-quar- r cup cadi o! chopped figs, citron d raisins, onu-hall teaspoon cseh grated nutmog, cînuamnon, sud >ves urili make a fine fruit cake. rhe iset lourth urUl mako & aise if cake. MAKE OVERS. ~ fiee, warm petticoat can be 4e from old stockings. Take ir pairs, cut off the feet, and eut. the-haek. Stitch together, open searna, and feat~hor sVit~ch down' right side, thon put on a yoke. t, pIacin~ the ankie part at the jet. Finish by adding a ruffle, o f~ather. stitched to correspond, 1h tho seates. ~oye> Overalls.-Tako a gunny-. k, cut it through the middle the g way, length o! the leg. Sew the seains, and you will. have a o, cheap pair of oveyalls for tho ~s to do their chores iii a.fter( ool. tope Portieries.-Tako an eld r o! chenille curtains~ ravel GBjr cliflarent eok>rs, and 'wind-Ij le, takizig cars to remove ever, ead of warp. Select shades that nd nioely or oo]or wfth dycu aûd'~ at 1ooa~iy Itito long ropes. Pr~tty igris may t~e found m catalogue.. s a brasa rod. The resait la a bPeT~ handuomer thao man~' w! in the shopa. ume nain .7," L 'if i c

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