Whitby Gazette, 14 Dec 1911, p. 2

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p'ate-,very individual stageý of its ,rp,r*ton froam Delhi, #3.,a:d bly Lancert wiê bande p ayins,, Geoig0! EXgan. 4and, Theu, Oam -Gên.ra Peyt4u, -tfie tuWr 1luland the.Queena heira ih11.d1k and gô1tb~ Emprees Made thqir Btat. ezntry in. blaoned with thet<Royal «co-ot- tO the éÎty' on Thurada anidst Arme, and esen 4ts ai< a ynoniioet peota.oulat o-urrOund.. il'.' ,trumpetera mounted eon b4eWl ingu and wer6, cheerod by thousarids chargera. 1<ert fô1lowed the u of natives. 'The most gorgeoua part tive maort of, the V'îeroy, in îscarle% cfth~prcesion wIlh was aeverai and -Sold, prééeding the. Imperiâl Miles long, wus made up o! ruling Cadet Corps, eompoe tre o prinoee, la<1in a hinunerin silks, p rince8 and their sons. hr woarrng pricelea j ewels andniouxit- Majestieâ,' and the Viceroy's suite, ced oit hormeso aparisoned with gold succeeded. and slver trimmings. The Emperor- As their Maienties "approached, rode ulone on a magnifloont charger the eomjnand to present arme was -and the. Fmpreas followed immedi- paissed along the lineofo troops. ately behind in a Stat.e carriage Êuropean spectatore took off their drawn bv six horsee. The Sover- hats, and the natives bent deep to- eigna were delighted with the wel- warde the ground.- The Kintg thei corne acoorded thcm. , Queen, and the Vieeroy bowed right Tii.e route te the camp %v" lined and leftý in acknowledgrnent. al ternately . by Britibh and Indian The body guard o! Indian princes$'- * rogiinlents, under the comnmand of who folowed îmmediately alter Lieut.-Generai Sir J. Willecks outehloen u plendor ail that hwi ~and General Sir E. G. Barro-w. 'In passed. 'In strict order of preced- providing guarde of honor and e... ence came 150 maharajahs, rajahs, certu, native troops were aiso given nawabs, andl other chieftains. The an equai share- with the B3ritish colurun wa.s ciosed by a band o! soldiers. isavage-looking Afghan and Pathan The King-Emperor and Queen. chiefs, mounted on wild ponies, and mpree were1 roceived on the a detachment of natives andi British elaboratl decorated platform by troops. Their Majesties and the tho Viceroy and VIcereine, the Gov- Viceregal party then. repaired to ernors a.nd heads of provinces, the their camp, of whieh Circuit flouse. commander-in-chief, and a number buili. by Lord Curzon in 1903, le the of high rilitary and civil officiais, centre. After a seriee o! presentations, 'Dhe Emperor'a tent deeS not dif- their Mast ies p roceeded te a pavi- fer greatly ln apps' rance f rom the lion within a waàl I of the fort, whero other8. nternally, however, it *18 150 ruiing chiefs were introduceti. Palatiali. Great canvais halls stand Thon began the -gre at procession te near by for officiai receptions a.nd the camu four p.iles away. Thïrou5h- banquets. out India a 14 -.day lhad been ec- About a quarter o! a millien per- ciared, and bordes of natives hati sons have taken up their quarters gathered. They formed a striking in the canvas city, which is broken b ackground W t he gor geously uni- up by green lawns, polo grounds» formeti procesaion, which was head- fountains andi avenues o! trees. THE NEWS Il A PARAGRAPH HAPPENINGS FR031 AIL OVERL TUE GLOBE IN A Canada, tlhe Emipire and the Worid la Gencral Before lour Eves. CANADA. Parliament bas adjouructi to Jan- uary 10. le ie formiug r-apidiy in the up- per lakes andi may put a stop we navigati9n, Thoro wae--agiut of poultry ai Broekvil?, 'lair anti several !arm- eru3 tq»k their load* home a-gain. ~. à Thomias Jouew anti ber twoi Y/voung Bons lost th4 Ilivesla a lire Quebfte Týhe Canadian Olymnpie, Cýommit-ee- wIl ask the Domiinion Government for assistance in eaendiug a tcaxn te Stockholm next sunimer. Welland coun'ty refuses to pay thoe bill for the militia ca-lied eut a-t Briclgeburg during the Grau&' Trunk istriko, and the dapartain throatens suit for it. The Winnipeg Tradtes and La-ber Cotnneil discu;ssed the MeNa-mars case, aud decide.d in favor of main- taîiig international relations witb Unitedi States unions. W'reck Ccmimissioncr Demer,-, holtis captalu Maekay sud Mate Ca.mpbell responsible for the. grounding o! the steamer Corununa in Lake -Superior, anti suspendu their certilicates. QIRAT-BRITAIN. The Brit"s copyright bill pas.ed Unionbut party ,would igbt hbe rule te tthe laista gasp, UNITED 8TM~S. Premier Borden a-ndt Ambassar Bryce sddressecd tho ew York Cac' uadian Club on Prkiy night. Tho Amerloan Fpderation o! Lab- the crirninal ple*dods of iii. Mc- ~RAL. SERIOU S SITUATION. Montreali la ledged lu With Small- .4ox Cases. A despatch f rom Montreal says: Dr. Pelletier o! the Provîncial Board o! Health states that the smaîlpox situation lu the Pro-ymne is serjous ini the extreme, in nome districts amountlng to an epidemnic. Hie tiecares that Montreal in liter- aily hodgcd in witiisxuallpox-striek- en municipalities, ant ilho in actively waging a vaccination campaign. In one smaîl town close te Montreai, he says, there are thirty-nine cases in quarantine. The spreati o! the dise-ase, he Says, can be accounted for by the fact that it often appears first in a very mild forni, and ie either unnoticed or diagnoseti as chickenpox. There is alec a great deal o! opposition 'in some o! the outiying communîties te 'vaccina& tien, aud the.,people live uner very SUICIDE AT LNINASYLiUN. Mrs. Lucy M. Phili's R angs Ber~- self WIth a Wlndow Cord. A despatch frein London,' Ont says: Mrs. Lucy M. Phillips, ageJ 67, fer ive years au Wmiate e! 4he Lonidon Hospital for tue Insane, commîtteti suicide at that institu- tion on Wedneaday afier breakfast.1 Sbe h.d gone te bher room, whoeo sh. broke the clord on the. window1 1sh, tied it around ber nock, and1 'Jumped f rom the W.W te iloor. hien dîscovered by a à urse- the woman wa-s breatbing lber tant..,- Mns. Phillipa was looked upoui"a model patient. Ber home w*# f0r-. mîyli Cinten. Prie« Gong AvayUp-loprta. i'Adespatch from X1ex York s:s 1naïpOrtations oet pota>ou fpin *b0 Zae e*l'g to arrive mtr», quote Maine potatees in t markeli bore at 03$a a esçy, bpù double the prie, a yuar ago, and $4 a ak i rur0tc4 From prad. the pgtmopwo- duomns cunt.riofr o!Lb. ord ý ports 61mevslaok' «OrF~. 96 nor t -ent. -patenità, -'U600 eabord. Ilaniohi oisi:-Pf4 Patents 5 sooei -paI4onte 5,and stronc teekers', 011-I. Bgy VetuNô. 2 Northern, #41 i% anti N*. 3,.01-2.Bay ,ports. OnZaio wheat-No. 2 white, reti andi Mkaedi now, S. hg rlhs Pear-Geeti shlpping pos% O4, ut. aide. Oats-4iar Iota of Ne. 2 Ontarl6, out. aide ait 43 to-43 1-2c, and of lNe. à3ait'O' t 4214c; on trâek.,,Toronto, 46 te 461-2c; Ne. 2 Western Canada oaits, 461U, aind feed. 44 1-.eBay eorts. »*XleY-No. 3 extra, 85 te 87, ontside; feeti bal1ey, 70 te ?. Crs-Ne. 3 Ameriean Yellow quoted at Oc9. Toronto fresght. RYe-Car lots in fair off or, wlth No. 2 ait 91 ta 924, ontside. Buckwheat-60 to 63ç' outoide. flrsn--Manltoba bran, $23 ta $23 50, In bats. Toronto freighta. Shorts, $26. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Âppleo-Wintjer stock, $3 te *4.60 Ver barre. Bes.ns-Smzall Iota on hand-picked, $2M3 te $2.36per bush. 11oney-Ext.racted, in tins. il te 1 e pr IL Comba, *2M50te *$176. Baleti hay-No. 1I-ast $16 te $17. on treck. a.nd No. 2 at $14 te *14.50. ronto. POtat3ea--C&r lots. In bagas, *1.26 te 81-.0,and out of store. $1.40 to $1.0 Poultry-Wholes7ale price. efdresseti poult.ry .-Chickens, 12 te 13c per lb.; owil, 9 te Ile; ducks, 12 te 14e ; geese, il te lIe; turkeys. 18 teu2Me. Live poultry, awbout 2c lowor ths.n the above. BUTTER, EGUS. CHEESE. Butter--Dairy. coice, in wrappers ,26 te 28e; store lots, 23 te 25<,, snd Inferlor, tubs, 17 te 18c. Creaimery quotet ait 30 te ile for reliàs, ad 28 te 29o fer solids,. per lb. Eggs-Strlotly newlaiid. 46c, delivereti bore. ansd fresh ait 27 ta 28e per dozen, in case lots. Oheese-Larga, 15 1.2e. aind twlnu ai% 15 34o par lb., HOU PItODUCTS. Baeon-Liong eleair, Il11-2 te l2e per lb, in case lots. Peuh, short eut,, 622.50;. Mess, *9.-50 te$0. ams-Xedlusi eY~7AA(ýT>USTC SIA NM ROI CTURLE. WAT ?PRAXE8, the 1 aItmple ln the groundis of the Royal Palmce I 0GOO JEWS W1,CANADA BIGýCMTES AILE CENTRÉ FoRn MOUSE TRIN HALF. Institutions With Philanthropiei Aims--Baeh te the Land ln Palestine.1 ugnt.~~~~~~~ 10t 04;ieiy,1 e1 .e ew facts and iAgures about the relis. 10 3-4 te lie; breakfaist bacon, 16 te Jewe cf Çanatia may be intere-sting.1 17o; backa. 19 te lMe. - Itis Country it i.estimateti thait Lard-TIerces, 1l34.e tubs, MZ; paille, there are 159,000 Jewse, of, which 281.0. , j Mot uiù leses38,000,. Torto ý*tmss,l--t 8 t"' -ko, eo. ~a. or the iîgy-îî mnrnlgration, No~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~lw wilr-wenk loa ble it o je NtOi 1 '.srw'rJWin 46t 46 14cextra o. 1 ee&i.46 1.to 47t, bere rexuams te beeterUI de.. 45a. Barle-Xanitoba eed,'. 40f; i geater part o! them' ive in the citles wbera. there seeemai malUnt. % .te *1.00. Bucheat-XIi, ~te b. greater faciities for the ply- 66 te 66c. lUur-Matoba Sprtng wbeat 1n ttevros4ae hc r ~ ip~a, *550; sconde *5 in; obracteristic 0etb4J. race. strass bakers', $430; Wiater patents. coie, 475, 44 4s; stralgbl reier.-. THEIR COLONIZAýTION.- 15 *540;do. baes *15 t *205.RoUti AS iL is they are tound congreS.&t. oat Barscls *526;baie- 90 lb@-., $&$0- cd"in cities unsteud of -ecatteriiig I-4&SbOft*-*LM ddtngs--Wte tthemselves ailover the arable landit. S osl5,$ t *4 I7~8.14 The Jows are - etoonizer, buI>~t. Der ton,.e.r lots. $14» t10-t'm h....- oaci colorzy is ted to thei~mo ?tîawt ~ t Wetr, 14 4,- £"3aterne, art in th eu ea t S.igreat eiti.I I1? te$1. tn.-,lboien e=ets. nneari o b.ry bla «Y. 3012 4 30-Moi omda. 19 10ef. £m e eittre ~.tiy oa-k -I'~.b. Sc saeld.1* e ~eilI Ifoxind, andti -iI* Tepb.uàhip im! :1> teol.1441-2 tae1- 1o.Pottos-Perbot. imoroe..b> raadbyanm'AI o~r lots. te *1*114L - natairal e4xsuejac J*Jt.ýme ___ top large -aad b.ê ,ureté4 ON1YZ 5TAI~ES *.~l5TS. perce0iage tor. XI;om'~ If4ô to * îU;My. $1.04 12 Io .064.- da a. e, arer IÇO. .1 bard,1* i~ Iorhomn, *1,.t4bu*ands fta ôd twilb *314; Io arri,#% *1*U4te 8.*t Q, l.tritifntqujar4for fi;#0 .. s, m.s4. *oe, fCs,4 .No, bt.oo 46u.kq $81,000 RAISEI) IN CANADA. I.To assiet any suoh is the object e! the Zionist movement. In Can- ada albus there was subseribetilat yea.r $31,000, andl the Je'wish Col- onial Trust, withà,cptlo 2- OO does ie part inu*the mrat work of -repatriation. Colonies have alreatiy been, entablisheti in Pales- tino, andi thousauds bave been as- siste t t return, there, and resu-me the telling o! the landi from which their foretathers had been. driven. There is ne desire 'to aunex the w-noie country f rom the Turkey, but it ia the intention to inake an effort te purchase it-anti have a. local gev- graînemt o! their own untior the szrnt'o!fb~Trr '~ rehdeaeon Cetly 1[ea~1 o! the Stainp Camnpa.Ignimig Cosnmlttee. At O~L1êTBI4 MÊE4L:ze a.K FREE Saniple mn TRý'E C LÂkN, ET fUl JBi LEANER, ed cm enqufry-Addnus: 'SALApA, Toronto BYNAIVIITERS' RINU The United States Government Is Aftor the "Ininer Cirole." A despatch fromnLos, A.ngeles, resuit of an "muner rcl' hi Cal., sys;P5to ieinspectors th45 ra-nks 01 cgaaiz<edla' aeto tako charge of the probi.ng .(toTZ62 0 ~i h MRaaracase« within a ' of the dynaýiters' ring 15y the Fed- MeManigal's istory is deuy eral Goyernment, The re-,son for guarded by thie }Lurm~n . this is the laect, it is said, that ho declared to bea chronclog-l2a1 st,)Y postal laws m.ake possiblo the pre- of travel fr«oeEe of t:jc paration of~ a qtr«ûgar caze than try to another, leaving liw thoze governixig interstate comn- trail of explos2ons. While s"Dme o merce, Tho use of the mails in> pjot- WM Mni .il tory Ihm bctr n J ting clrime w hich fa a vilation of the d tsa , t e ur e n 1 [rà' the postal laws, wi]i lay the feun det«ctivez Is&y, will ejectI'jJ'y t he dlation fo-r the proceedInga.planed. publia. Meaa>while bS0 sect '- The Federal Probe, into t cdyna- vice m n éebei Pi ed t Ithr nting outrag-et which, are alleged disposai o! Oscar L&,w r, speq by the National Erectors' Associa- deputyato>e.'nêl. Lwr tion and the National Manufactur- expects theI.ilicýtzmn of a doz" -ers' Association to 'have bceen the San Francisco labor leaders. Tho Animal That Men and Beasts Alie Let Alone. It wa.s Stoe telling tinie andi tho men about the camp fire were dis. cuasing the ranl which wiid animaIs hOlti amorng th-emseives, telîing all sort* of yarne to 'prove that some partiîelular beast was emperor o!the Northern toreets. Thie relative fightîng merite o! panthers, bob cats, enrageti bucks ahd uncortain- tenipereti bears hati been gone o-ver wheîi an olti gui-de w-ho had been ëmoking lu silence injecteti the question : "Hlow about akunks 1" Undisturbed by the shout o! laughter thst 'greetoedtis question, ha eonjtintied. "You eau iaugh al you like but I guesa that noune o! you wouîd cale to tackle a skunk if one strolle inii- te camp psat new, and animais is just like huxuans when it cornes to ths.t eort o! apussy. The skunk doeesut wcrrZ mucit about who's *atp~bwa, n~en t yo mk« utny imlstke. it doe4n't ,matter howý hungry any o! the big -!elIowa --maly b. they leave the ïskunk alone anti when they meet him bling along t>hey go the long waoud "Sfa- -Ie observene ani- mal.preYs on the *kuk unloa itle-- -hIS he'.vry3young and4 a.way- frr oMman d Papa, se 1-nia-k. a suess 1thi-t unleï& & M'un cones: along wit-h'& guunor ets a trap fOr hlmthe akunk must live te a ripeI 0fcoure a do' wvilltackle a k . e i, tik Ï lsand nmeeds-i a lot1ýt-O! emiernce ,to 'teach tlierà seltue. But 'ther's OnJy afew D.4IRY EXPERTS. Resolations Adeptcd Dealing WIth Condueot of Cheesfe Factories. A despateli from Ottawa -saysti The convention of daliry experts r.- commendeti the gracling andi qua- lity payment systorn for aIl creain- gathoring oreaniffle; the pasteur- ization of wbey in ail whey tanks at cheese factorles; the pasteuiiz. ation of all dairy product6 Wte ha prove the keeplng qualities, and the use o! balances or scales for weighing in the Babeoek tests in- stead o! readlug the glasses,. as i in commuon pra.ctice. Another r.- solution wa.s draited reoinmend- ing payment of cheese fa.etory pa- trons by the fat and caseim test, but as some evidence was brought to, light- reflec'ting upon the pre3ent method et testing casein the reso- lution was left on the table for dis- cussion at a future conterence. A USTR Lt'S JED A!lR I .1 L .1 -'-----3 .1 A despateh irom London says Australia bas a-cquized the freehold Of a magnifleent site ln tue Btra.ud, anti intOnts te ereet therson at the 100t O! $,82O0M0 a great building çwhîch viii inclu4e- au exhibition hall 'and tii.- haq resOfthe U'stalian Btal". New Zealand liasbeen-tolId by Apatralia.that "h will bc wsbconkeil éheërea to coma under the - ame ro'of. Lean'whil., The. Mo*uing ?fest ià rging the -it.l portance -of groupiug the. Londoa ofic~-f-1I-i. overseasdominIona in on4 building, there m mking aui Imperial, centre iu'the Empiroe'., PEUL FR81 J1I(cu1AL-TITUDE". 'nas t ee gate ..arr: w as Th U u âpire pact duze. macr In W es araIL in> th) C-0veu pr:les wîth ing olti c 2. both 9 an fold age i, 7. 1 - of th able AU stani 10. Weil cluti< lest to MOU the Tl,' mon 444, writ f olk< oni bra day wol reao -i' KING OF TIIE WOOI)S.

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