Whitby Gazette, 12 Oct 1911, p. 6

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1% ORI CHAPTER Y.-<(C "There is ne 'ue, air, againtt fac-ts." aaid tht with dogged insistence. you are dead wrong. Nwas recognizeci at Calaij ,rign Office mosenger f rom France. Seeing lady, a.nd knowing that married. the. mesaeng4 Gauttier by name-did n hiru, eapecially as Mr. T -ed rather to avoid recogr tain Gaultier thought 'the matter until this moi he vistited the. Foreign 0f and heard aomething of Rec thon isaw the Under th same gentleman wh E â:W*f Faimbolme to yoi him what hiac bappened, der-Secretary ôould bar to believe uuch a credih so telegramna were despat, emnbassy in Paria and at Dover. From Dovr information that exact couple as described b Gaultier had crossed Vo Tuesday momnitag; and a later a wire frein Paris the dimcovery of the naines at the, Grand Ho Pari. telegrain went on t the. gentleman haci told ager hie luggage watfoltc the. Gare du Nord, and wif. and himueef wer. for haIl an heur, but wot in tirne to dreu for dinnu hia traps arrivoci Vhey 'w taken tu hie roozn. No lug came, nom vas elîher of ucen agaiui; but vo vil on thein, never fear.>' Brett took a. hauty at-ii up and down the rotn. "So Yeu think#> he hi at lest, "that Mr. Taibol only taken part in moriney triguo with a wumnan, bul bas also bolted with the' diamonda, aacrîicing bià rccr to a Inomtntary in; iniperilling hia necir for th a few geins, which ho car convert into muneyl" "'Why not?1 It i. not tinie in the history of the w~ a man bas made a foot o ovor a vomah, or'even cq a nîumder in order tu a %(My doar Wiater, do bi able. Wl4ez. is the markei monda suuh et theme are to-b.?Tn nwlee be 1, do, tilb alghtest ai diaos. of thoin at any' E Motely apprcachina tboîr j taad Vo tho immediat, dotei arot of the perion rash e amane that ýthe Furet, and its, ineoe.gr, !te Und tary Your Commiaitioer, lbnbattmy cPoia&li sIni Paris h ,~xpletely and- abj.ctlyj oolod, to in a particula fshion by Vhs neediesae ef nana.. at the botlt f" NOAW iCIflSF ftITA1?TIIS THIE BOUSE IN THE11 RUE BARBE17T6 kut'd) topic, heo ocuic not remain sil. in ighingfoît obliged V;o cMV away physi" *éi detin an volt as menta restriction on th * eetve, play of bis imagination, and h "Tbis tiJII5 oulci at tinieuae hack andcfoto Mr. Taîbot cinring unreoordec! heurs, in the sd la by a For- litude -of hua apantinent,, final. r retunn wkning te a aenao cof his sut ho vas n a roundinge by reason et ebeer ex he " nothaustion. or--Captain Re vas noV destined te reech Vbi ioV 81)88k o ultimate stage on the present cci 'abot 500fli sion. With a preimiay ogh- nitinCap- frVi dico Smith Wvas vo noing ofh'verieci in hbis naster's peculiaritie 'nig, hon-hie servant announced the appear fice on duty ance et the Earl cf Fainholme. 1 tecraar., Brett iooked at his vatcb, ant m-e sontaVhs waa ca-ught in the act by bis visi u, send Voiton. "Yes, I1mcv ow efixedi n soi, 1. The, Un- 1 'l ck, cieci the impetuoui r'dîy refuse young poor, "but I was sirnpty <13 )ewitness, ing bo ear the rosuit cf yenr luý ýched Vo the' quiries thnp tan, and I ventured tV the, police eil an boum eani.er." r came Vte The barrister expiaineci that ho <t>' snch a sougbt Vo iearn tbe time sasa matý by Captain er ot more curiosity. "Indccc,'ý France o n ho acdoci, "yeu: appearance at Vi few heurs jucture h particularly veicome.1 announced wanV o sir you many things con. tel. The. "Fine avay," said Failuolme4 tosa hat ~ "I'm no good at spinning a the Mn. but 1 cari-ansver questions hi*.6 wigfrein prix. boy in a Bunday-achoo.l Itat bise* WoII, ln the firigV in@tance, han going ont yeu nkowu bina mauy*yeara V' - uld return <'W. e r, &t shoo tlogehher ai en. When Rarrow. 'Thoen 1 euterod the Army 'ere te be vhilat ho bac! a University' career.; %gage oriMy rstees made me gir. np Vi fthe.. pair Service viien I succeedeci Vo the. os-ý t1&y handi laVes, and about, lhe sains limel Jack entensd lie Foreign Office.! 4e or two Tiain tbrooeoxea*go ,,*havre urst forth and, cf course, ie bcm n V a.np agod Vo hbistaer our friendshlp ýu1g&r ngt be<eaja if anything, stronger."k Sltan',o abty expreaieci. Do you know an>'- whl ta hing about his private affairs t' whise c- ::Finaca11, do you mean?" p ul s a nd t'W e l è y sp Vo b e g iu w ith ."l mut eren 'Re gelaaiay spoe rom Goverumeut, but ho bas a pri- tefra ate intonue cf smrethousaudsa& the final .-year.",' ron liaI "Theo ls lanoV Ulo V 1oenam- flisefbarrassec! fer moue>' " ommitted -"'Most sanuiket>'. Re is aparti- steal dis- culani>' steady ciap- full of eagor- ces# Vo follov a& diplomatie career erobson- and tat sort cf thhn.", V for dia- tellf yen ver. Vold liaI ue 1fsd suppôsed bolted wvil a"ànondeacript yenngo- tter lh!an voman, wii&t oulci you, sa>' 1 bempV teo-"Sfa>' " rvociferated Eaiàrholane, Rgureb ne- springing up from -the 5.41 luIt> vluo viti vhich h.oiiad subided., "11 vouldï otion sud tellthteiminvt ai 1> hth emough tovas a liar Il, ou t you "Exact!>'. Ofcouxru Yeun vould. gn OMMice et boe.are aIl, hindi o!fpope- [r-Score- Fortign 05.. o5l clm, ýpol i, sud the. aud haug."r,qpn cf0lieBrillait m. àave becu buggy lu Parta-rady 'Vo aetr, footed penhapa Ve provo, If uecesaary, liaI iiifil 1 - #»ii o *hta~ ____ lblWb bOo . »de> be itwl s t-oaa"Iëtj « DzCUsom .rgwy aià l Etina:e -0ortgag, t-a tyare Puftc h e »lb Bnd ages cf etbtsand -prOUSpeoacor-. Sporatioa rns âldenlog C hat thoy offer tht greet simenty and 41 n.,. la no reaonable âa ment tooffsette. act Chat vWC~ la the boat inrestinent for the hianli sumpülu athe. boit invest. 41 Wite to-ciay for oun bookiet on Bonds, and Bond Issues vo ROYAL SECU RITIES CORPORATION DAMK 0F MONTREIL DUILWNO YONGE AND QUM~ STI. TORONITO I. P& WHITE. Maager MONTft<AL~augm£cHÂupAx..LoNoON<uNO-) "M, hezce yOUutouel onti t mran.Y of#éuders, amcd ÎVliai hapge JWMADn nn'iocent nat- beoe.t< day. I couId- Vel -Ip a- very r4 ,narkaial.raane iponut. Once"- But BmithQpard o. &nnounu Aluner, and -Brett noV only innisti that bis.Dw ev &iatntce sheul I dne heaztily,. but also conturaveci by drawing upon the, rich etort ho>ua. of litavaried exporienes. The meal. therefore, passed pleai antly enough. BoVh men arrange Vo riait Sûr Hubert Fitzjames dur ing thie evening and decide on a de finite tourse of action which w-euhý recee the approral cf the. anthor ies -Armesi with a mandate trou theii Foreign Office, Brett ceulci en 4e er upon hie Vask without fear n Sinterference frein officialdoin. No tb hing funther couic! ho done Vhs 4>- night, asVthe prirate inquiry agen ýY ceulc noV poauibly complote an. 1- portion 0f bis laouse-to-houeserai x- tiny in the vicinity cf the Carîtoi until the. following morning at thi sarîleat. a-They amoired and-chatted quieti, -until 7.3o p.m., whon Inspeetoi SWinter again put in an appearance t o aunounce that the coroner's jur- h ac! brought in a verdict of "«Wilful murder by somo two or mère per. d sens unirnown." The. detective was somewbat qui,* Seter ip mannor now that tho son. 'tiational tumn of ovents in Paris had Sassimilated with the other remark- >- ahle teaturee cf the crime. More- over, the presence of a poor of the realin had a snbduing influence up- Le on him, andhe haci the gooci aste b+ nioVt t init toc strenuously thal Lord Fainholmeas prospective bro- ther-in-lav vas noV only an acces- Iaomy tVo a foui murden, but also a fugitive thief. One nov fact wvu established hy the Post-naortem oxanination ci tvii. s Considerable violence ba en used Vo overcome the etruggl.s cftVthe servant. Ensean. Rh vc as almoat dinbc"td, and j thoe. as &'large brnlmè on hi» bacir irhoh migbt have been cana.d by the kue. of an anuiantl endearor-. ing te garrotte hlm. They voe.dlacuhing t1ifs diseor- ery and Its possible aignificauce 'I heu Smith enteredi- be&ng a IeVyhaimded, Vo his maiter. B r ad the: naîMe in&cribed, thereon., Ne Merelj maid, <'J8hoVr the. lady p"Thon ho Vurned Vo the. Bailo!Fainiielie, Ielectrifyng the. latter hy the, vords -e "Miss Bdith aibot t, ber."0 An instant laVer Misa Talbot came into th*, rocuai. The titre, men know liaI mite -brougit monientons, Per- Chance direul, Inteligence. 81>. vas deatbiy pale. Ber eyes voe unxtatuarslly-bi*hiot, lber montit net li nte00 noution. "Mr~. Nrtt o a s aid, attez' single glane at lier lover, "ve have recoivid n. letter frein my brother."1 -'<A lettor <nom Jack 1" cried FniÎr- 10bhno. "Welt 1 I never did !" eïaculated . But Brett eniy <ad- An ealuet sientiaî, lthe othen day, gare bis epîrin iaI 1ât h. nacal vcnd.rful diSoorery Oef-neent years vaa the. discev-0o! Zam-Buk. JusI- >thiak 1 As 'cson as s izugle tilu. lay. or of Zana-lBuk 1, aplied V awon or a *more, suob!ljury- ta ingured, aganutblcd piso!'NiçI one efpSIles e ico, bheen foiud Thon, agan. làs1soona Zana-IBui 0u apililed Vo a, acre, or a ceit, ër le sndineas., <t * s thei.martiug Tin luvia' hidreOn are- anch Agi.As »On an Zain-Buk isp pheto &a wound or le & diseased part,, lie cella beneali the ahin's-q- surface are 'scatinulated, that no heaîl yissue ïï laqnlckly formnedi. Tua lavi'Zam-Buh cures areper- manent. OuI>' the other day Mr. masi,! loi Delorimir Are.., Montre! calieci upon the Zam-Buk, Coz&uI pan>' and Vold lienaVtlfo ce twenty-five Yeats g hie ac b4W m arvtyVo eczena. BIla anda : a'. atoon. lime so èoyered -villa sore,$ tiai he Lad te aleep in gloves. ,Pouir Yeats ago Zam-ýBuh -vaa'inicdIfeij Vo hlm, and i'lu a <i nui It cured, hlma. T"-ay--o*,r'ltre. years al.- ter itis cureet a disosehoI%*ý î lventy-Ave yosarn--he la aVulI ured,î aud hmha La*ntrac etf xa'r.-, tum cf lteecm al Ai! drugglatse»l Zai-Buh aI, 80.box, or vo I a teufretrii andlyn odViisvtaeuu aid b. laua(lopa'velu pet t "<Joha saln!lae 5-St à* * marna mon.*" I G ra~ e la u .- T ree p o u n d a cf] naug&r Ve a bài)e cf ripe grape., removf> items and, place ln "mui Ors of fruit, make barrel jaintight; Put baaY for. Von or Ivoire veeka8; 'then bottie for ue;thieioder the, rioher lnu avor. - ý ' - Orse on AtcPclo aje~ tematOssud lsuce im Put pieu- ty f sIton Vte.» and lot 'stand lover niglit. Iu the. moruing drain vi uid adu culons 'whièh have ben icecti m. Put rvinegar-lu a large ketti.. Add a utle ga p,, cinuamon aid. 0,doves. Thteapiéea ,cait beput uia akifdeuijred. Put- torn tee su ceo*n u inegar sud. let oe À a b ll. Put in ja an s d - Cer - eliit.- ighteeu largeý cars ~ -ot f en c olargohead of cab, býage foufr lare oniens, two large peppers <grnen>olê argo ppperd <red, cmu sd ao-qartupd lIlt-tea b c e s egar,'ou-urep p malt 5eutacelrosec, ndr- hep Ixago lsbesoits grnn& xnu>tvdi 'ex" quato inegars. BeAlInhot., - le nMteu aitea. Seal l*t. Di batPl Çineger , too9twon. - oi» gallon ot-ýpiarpie'cabliage- finé-, puto oe-liai cnp of sat, P >t 1 «toaie- W"n. .Over li"apour-bofIisa wsler, 1Cover and let stand watigl clA;P, drain vl! Irougit a chcllth 'Agenu Pour ou boiliaag valor drain it beforýe4 aU cOnecaaP 01 grated homrsdiah. Over tis, pu quarts et boiliag vinegar,,)ëwleh t#o ceps cf augan' bas been ad4.4. Govr and let stard iautUcoM. PRESERyING, HEL 3. 200 amali pickles, waâsii &n'Jçd da1« -with brush;lot eVset tet4u ho rd-y vith a cloth., drlropIl Vthé jars, cover wl-tiithehsfotltowhigt One gallon eider vinegar, One cnp- fnl of horseradlsh, One cupful brovu suigar, One. cupful Sait. tvo table- spooxif ni cf mustard iqeed. twuq tablespoonfuls cf rauata.rd s eod two tablespoonfuis cf ainin: coer -e with grape leaves. Ail thia as pif~ over cold. Th6oin Appt. or Red Efaw Jelly- Take Vhs reci haws, eut off blossom end, and wash and cover with water; oook.tilt soft; put throngh jehly bag. Thon o.dd the juice of one lemon Vo each quart juice and t-wo-Vhirds as much sugar as fruit juice, and boilVii 1Vt will thickenr when a littIe i. taken ont on a sau- cer This i. fine. Red have grow w- i the ti, ooda and are very lit- die known as food, but thoy maire the most doudcous jelly. .Fruit Butter.-The easiest way te maire fruit butter, especially peaeh, cook fruit, piess Vhyougii col- ander, add sugar, pour in gallon crocir or jar place in a. hot oven. At fimat put on bottoin cf oven, and viien it commences Vo boit place a alide under. Rèquires no stirming-and dees noV spiatter store or burn the bands, and maires richer, botter butter. When, cen- ning peaches use peelings for but-1 ter. Peelings <rom -one bush'el wilt maire four quarta of butter. Crabapple Jielly Hin.-Wash thn apples, cut. off aems andi ail bad spots, thon put in large enough irot- VIe and barely cover wiVh vater; cook slowly till ahl ingredients are soft and tender, then strain thr,'-ugh a rJean flour sacir, mea-1 sure the juice, and add equal1 amount uf augar and (Vo one-haîf peck of apples) use one-haîf a le- mon that lias been washed and- ilieed into the juice, andi boilt t- gether &bout oe-halt heur, or Viii it thiokens on a ancem, when set auideto cool. This wiul maire it a olear dark redne!ud a. lovély flavr- rise rapidly, but gradually iswell as it cooks, and Vhs bairing shoulci continue in a moderato oven with evon heat for fi'. hours at least. This wili insure. moistume, firmness 4nd a mich color. Be sure Vo have your fire se Vit i sunt need ne- Pionishing during the baking, else the cooling of Vhe oven by lb. fresh fuel nay spoil the cake. If fuel ho addod, let it ho in very sinail quan- tu-tues at a Vime, su the heat vih n-ut bo diminished. MICE AND RATS. Miesem omnipresent, and whihe theur appeamances duesiiot argue an unusually carelessly kept bouse, Vhçir continued residence does point Vo that condition. Their favorite home is in darir cornons amici scraps of papon and cloth. If these are not provideci, andi a <requent disturb- auce of conditions is kept up, a coinfortable home wiii not resuht. If food i. protecteci, as sugges-ted, there Ivriii be. little inducement to continueci residence. Traps, are effective for awhile, but viii oventually cease to attract both mice and rats. Somnetimes sul- phur i. hurnoc in ceilars or near the haunts of rats. This viii not be efficacious unless a pail of vater is net near the, burning suiphur Also remember Vo roniove motal ar- ticles and colored materials. Thene are reliable extermin aVons on the market, but 1V se otten happons that theyr are noV used according Vo, di- ,roctions. Always put a dish 'of water near the food providei. l'ho food causes thi -rat, which, viien sat- !Éflecl, causes deatii. If Vhe wuqVer às near Vtheanimal dieg before reaching its home. The. fact that, this food la poîsonus îla argument enong Vo, induce the greateet care in'its use. Word seoins Vo go round that certain bocalities are undesir- fble viien mauy deatha have resuit- ,cl andcitVhe.place li.- ahunued. The 4est extenminator of aIl, however, vigilant, effective and hârnuless, is FRENCH COFFEE. Cofte. ie Vo, France vhat te& ta Vo. England, sud it lis strange that lteé Engliait canuot make coffe. an>" botter thau, the, French eau maIre 'tea. Ye.t Veofiçe tbotitreste oni tie games pnlnciple-Vûo lrouicb- 1>' wanrm>)heu 'teusil lu whicb either beveragê la nmade. Prorlded that one SE ues oite. 'luhernies, as te French italwagys do, thon. 15 çorea- monr ,wvy-_coite. aitculd,not -have &a malçlng V.. .11 Vte bot *àter sbuuld - WP01rédon aI oitc. Vo bning -eut Vtes ilivor. ýIu te-ca, ofi coiffé, iiao l d set abottn sUIe4l. Pest~ ouira s asi!quntit-Y cf bobu*tr on ît at'g, 'The coffft pot placed iVhs e ven vheve il, oa-glel va i tough t net, lQ n«ar Mthefire, Dour- anIitquisulit> et~ ~ 0 bolt1vt I ii and ai. Lcw () Vodrain th*oghIti>' hfore ýàdiný-ecýghfor lt 4.m»,iredqusu-- tity O colle aro aIonce., On noa- acoonila coitée te boil, oce il- .1 i I i E i wall paper -even'through colits r1 size or shelin. Past e a. heet otft tinfoil over tii. spot, taking eaprof to amooth out ail wrinkles. Whei 1 dry, repaper, and you will have no' further trouble. When yon wish to copy patterns illustrated in magazines for Irish, crochet or cross atitch cushion t1ops or mottees, use the rnagnifying, glass. The stitches may be very1' easily counted with-out straining the eyes. Try this way of cleaning a Pana- ma hat and yon will hc delighted with the resuit. Wet some isuiphur and maire a paste of it and rub it on the hat with a small brush. Put on plenty to cover, the bat thor- oughly. Let it stand in Vhe sun un-i Vil perfectly dry. Then rmb it offi with a dlean cloth; your hat wiill look like new. Borax moistened with amrnoni* removes brown stains from enam- eled or granite ware. It is also ef- ficacious in mild cases of scorching. Let stand several hours. In severe Cases try a strong solution of 'Bal- soda -or concentrated lye and let it .... remain overnight and thon rub spot gently with cloth dipped in pow- dere4, bath brick. To'darn a worn place in a ishirt- waist or other thin material, Iay a piece of paper-not too stiff-on the wrong side and-stitch back and forth on the sewing machine Vo cc>ver the spot. The paper will keep the material froin puckering and will corne off in the wash. This looks much nicer than patching anid is dune <a5ter. Floor - Hint.-Buy an ~z&nr mop; saturate in.crude parafni,. ojl, pnUrehased at any'dr.uggist's. Wrap the niop iii cheesecloth and stand in a draining pan for several days, until Vhe paraffin cil is thoroughly absorbed. You wiIl find it invalu- able for ha.rdwood oz pamnted floors and the. cheesecloth excellent for dusting highly poiished furniture. The. use of- kerosene with soap for washing bas been' so f requently re- oomniended that doubtcess ail arc familiar with the procasâ, but hoe lsa& way whieh la far superior: Take one box of ccncentrated lye 'a.d'5 -~ cents worth each of saits of tartari' idry- ammonis, and borax. Place lye and ammonia in a atone jar,. pour one quart of, boiling water over it, taking came noV to inhale ,the fumes. WMon dissolved add, saIts of Vartar and borax, and wyhen thia is diaaolved add seven quarts of coki vateér a.nd bottie for use. MTe a cnpfni of this ftuid to a hoiler of water and put tpe clothes in elcithes begin te bçil; rinse thor- qüighlý' and'haug ont. It la better 7' ta saà the.cloÎhes lu cold vater., to Ïwbioli ha&sbeen added a iittiç ofth ft. lid, b -fti mûtnoVimper& trve.., Tii. elotlhealokbeautifull$ whiteêand cbar. Be-caréttai Vo keep thi7 répi rtion l,t !the way ci chidin ndlabelbot. *1 At petuons peer had soins difficulty iu restnaining a vild I'mpulse Vo ctasp hem to bis beant thon aund thePé. E-ion Mr. Winter vas moveci noV Vo proclaim bis disbelief. i «'I mwii. see yo u i the r'nemning, air," ho unuttereci. Brett nocdeci, and the cdetective vont ont, sayinig Vo himacîf as ho reached Vhe stueet- "Norro! 0f course ho lias nore. It'a in the farnily. JusV hooic at that girl! Stil ,,iV did require some gnit, Vo aigu ii.namin uthe hotel register aud thon catill si-t down te vrite a lottor eling bis people not te vormy about hlm. 've kuovu a few rm cases in my in>e, but this one-" The nemainder of M r. Wnter's soliloqu>' was lest lu the spasmodic excitement of boardiug a passing omnibus, for tVii. atest item cf nova muast b. conveyedVo Vthe Yard wftâ al speed. (To ho continuecl.) ICOPISIIi.4 bUt tb.r* hast, Uu4 OeaitlA#ft Af mAuma! aid ~.towp Il 1 1 -, 1 or uthe .4 iiamue Value. every th9 wa tLve he -Of this J'ames Sask., there is tifv to Pink Pi years tve rywe S0 impa mi'k wo make im lite foll under t doc t< rs, otten re PuIs b the M« anud wji medical üf the tn. t hemn fl to b S stored and en. that try ~' ahtte maany o ~' rea.d thi courage S what D done fo at 50 ce dicine lùw - A WONDERVUL DISCOVERY.

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