BROQELI N. b>, and IteVs. Leggott, AIEs, Sex- Mr. ortay bs myed ntoMr. smtb,' MeLctiiandlague- C uiis n ~ ~ The death oecurid o Sati5rdaY Of dr. uhM, R.fHaunsB'OS etso-MitnearlColuinhUn. Deceased hait dyaM. RnHalngha . e isIos-been i1, olly a short tisse and was lu hold e etes te iýtwgW MOnda>. ts tlsirtccintiyar.Ttsoa tt Mrs, Jas. Whitby, vested place on Monday to th" Baptist bsr- ber daughter, Mis. Fred Holliday t is lng grounsi. Rev. D. MGregor, et tbe week. Oshawa liaptist churcb, cnnilssted te Mi.Maundrel. of Orillla, sPeut Scexvlte. ,Sunday at the bomne n1 Mrs. R. hlan- nas.The FaVorite Lax7aive. Miss E. Elilott, 01 Rabae>'e. is visitisg wtb Mr. and Mis. A. C. FI-UNE AT NIGIIT MARES '1THE andMrs G.Hanis- NO NEXLT DAY BIIGET; Mis, J. Reeves un -G.Hrb OCHARGE IF IT DOESNT. ly, ci Toro to, 1visted lat Mi. , R. Mooie'a this weck. Becasse ofitls extreinely gentie aud Mis. R, B. Putts intends boldng effective action, lIsait, Oderlies bsave an atirtion sale 01ýe! b ouschold furi- becomse thse iosil popular Remtily foi niture on Thireday,. OCLt. costpaton, Mi. G. A. Joboiston, laie o! Sud- We are so positive that Itexali Or- bury juntion, bas been slPOnttd derlien wlil dos ai that 'sula itditoi agent o the C.N.O. Ry. ait Brookilej theu, sisaLvwe positivel>' gnarsstte to and bas already laknscharge, ni tse band hart tlise, mont>'yenpail un loi station. thbem upon yotlr estt e ieIst,, Ilyn Lame barb b ontetftbe mot tomn-are nt entirel>' satislled, Mion lormns ni mstilai ibeumatisel. exli Ordelits art taten like Cal- A few applications o Chambrlai' » dy * are very pleasant te, tante, doi Linimeint iili give relief. For sait b>' net grîpe, cause. nansea, or as>' lotser àn al dealers.-Ip. asyneuali>' expeiltncd W" - Rev. George Le.ach anid Mi. Leati, oürdiaiy:eatar tics are ussi5d oi Toonto. visltcd witls Dr. ami Mi. Rexai Orderlieà have a positive Starlitre this wttk. -rbcy leave rtgulativs ell et upon tihe hotsand ahortly ta sptnd tise winter Wu Orei- tend te pioviils permanent relief item, di] aid Grave, Caliornia. Constipation and tht myrlait oo - m Mis. <i.) A. E. llawaid retued lat i amnt. Jlesldes, th iseiep t leP last watt te bier home in Fritudahiipi overtOme tht necesit>' ef tise cou- Co NY. Mis. Dr. Glbet atcampaitd nIttune ni laxatives tue mp ties l lier a d will remnais wth bier ulsttr bowels iun nrmal conditin. tsi a length eftime. Wt hesesti>' btllevethebte inD ies- lot Invitatios are ot foi tise marilago fi mediaise se good as itexail Or- the et Mr. Mansen Multland, C.A.. ot dulies, esptcially for cblîdrea, aged Teronto, to Cenie May, daughter ai or delit.ate,,pet. The>' are prepSi- M. and Mi. D. Haliday, tieir cd in tonvenlent tablet ftora is in!et resideit, Srooklin, uneWedmtsday tses oe- pakages. Prmes 11., 25c e Miss Cunniingham and Miss MAm- and b0e. Wliy set tri>'thet i tOsr à morted, et O.LC. Whithy, asited ai risk on on guniantie T 7 thse Metbndist tisons festival on Mon- eembet, ReXait lImedits tan c Le day sigt, and were guentV ni Mis. obtained leniis cemmonity ont>' at a A. C. Ellott wlile ln ton. oui store-Tht Rexal store. A. I.r ilinonmess la due to a dsordtred Allie, drugglst. condition oi the stematis. Chanier- lainas Tablets aitet5stitially a attios- PR TY anis mediint, inteudtd espetll>' M. rea oîrnt arne,1 a at onetht orgau ;te tîcanse itM.Ens,-odtgTrno sa L strengthen t, toet am.I nvigrate ltlisbins o e hte ia e1 a ta regulate tise liver and te bILish Miss Jessie Willias, Tocate,. bas biliossnes positivet>' and ietually. been enînyise a, hrt hliday at. ber For aît b>' ail dtalers.-5. het The nima HarestHomeFestval Miss. lilorelsce Ntter spet à. tew Tidian h eot cHuromeFetivaldays lintht ýcity Irtctstly. lîed s tt Mtiodit hui , e Mn-Mn. Chas. Gibsen opent a day lit day veissg ws a îtatlUttM tîWhistby, lat wetk, rcntwing cnid ever>' way. Os Ssssday speial set- nquaintances., vices Were field at whisih tes. , Mr. and. Mis. Wllrid SnoW, Terône-a .Leggoi't, n te5l, eofiitatd. t, bv, bc a. îtisaaIPr Spécial msi wàsrendereit la>'thte htiy chir and. large, congrégatios we è issla ndinTuot, p pneàstl On Monda>' eveslug a tawl tis weet essingiT oroiss oeau ia supperad cocerct wrtbeld. Tise te wekebsî thMssPerl , J- super rôvdtdb>"tse adis we ç~-Mr. Claie Red, Bowminille, bas tellelt, Tise who sa atee inP t u>ev s peudisg a weekli t bis bôme. progiamsiwere MISS,Canaihai Miss ,Elle .Atktions,,Toronto, 8 ami MAmmond, -of the 0. L. C., igpet Suada>' aber boise. rjtgMfT4%ÇL fJW//0C 1/00 W. A.HOLLDAY, s Irolli, OM 1~ such rdoetY t th. coinbtnatko three points c 'WIIL you tty a1 Tosa r Coom Air. w. A, berp, Wh lag iSt, Jeisa amnrmosti, leit, arsüe bis studîtsa lt sr.Wm. Aohisy Sai ilst frienda lu Toiessi Isle, bent plasti. A lmpoetd. witls Chan neut asld .haand o0150 site i lauiperlirte >55t nul>' ose-tethi ale, hy ail deallra-l Mr. asd Mrs. Wen. tft iast wctk toi a WC It Son. M Paît Pt Pt Part iiîillr. 'Tho, 13 CeEpllîy. ,!4 of E'u ars for a Pî Village et G01. Ceenbank Pt tIiAVillage et Prince AI A li1Pt lir9 Pt iediçal jour- S w ili ta ,ày liio's of aipart (ii a iiityS huliSire WasPart tthc ousu s SE C aliowris<l h îar lo Nt buPais le incurable witb' Part gieCY-y S E ,Pt t fN$ solesisuii. Trepsreî.s Office, ll. gasr h Çe ilea, iii tlîrw PICîKERtING. Mis. Orviâ, 01 Phiti Coupltetü[days lust WtttW, tr, Mrs,' Jobn Beyes. Ueo. W.P. Every, ofi Wl oua àtew af bis osans>' ries, aa', he bavisg wisetled uip Cousety Town. 'OuL 'Vuesday. Sept. sotis, moVe-d onaet0(tise nidesti sligisi>'respectai iesidenti township la the perses 0i t.ormiseyy sr., at berhomlies albgre, aItishe advined agi 88 yeansi. 5h. wasa a aiv 1usd, and cmlgrated te sari>' tbiisbood, setting stsvtt, sort et Toronte, ressalatd wltb ber paiessil e year, atter whlc isee piîcersng. Sbt iearîitd tii Gerunile>' whtu ase as ahi teeu years et age, wheu tse the tarin ou vwiiciabSdisc e'îci s aie bas ever slave Is was a meat Iuidustrious wo ýescris ate a, suit, snd w esteemfed hy ail who lusew Id a tamîl>' ut tweve, e and tour daugisters, al a4i vive ber Wits tise exceptie> &us, isornasi, Whodiedinl the agtof 22' yeait. Dont trille witfà.a' told J vire toi- prudt menanads% esy hevti lalcaseofet sa notlilng better tisa Chu CeugIs Tteintdy for cougisa nebllhdren. Itla saltead saie b>' ail deslesr.-19. Mr. Johu Elvyer, saoth 0isp, dîtd a L is sboe aioe adta bl 1"Ike to sel1a- mie~s Wet hevlag n U" -SOUVENIR: RANGE ?*an "'th ge' but bis eoadtion vas aeVrr eri~l because it always means more ut, aout vo we loe bL and better business for me.»P la tha cît>' ofttuelset, w"et bis qat tata vert asigatlug o Çacada. HL 4'WI aents ts aettIdar OneSuwôod, am i wisole Ile vas spahtin laPlekb '5Because 1 know a Sou-township. At tise agisetf 8 1> mm venir Range Winl give iied Misa Mary Tatia>', iy viiesab dia in 1a ti>'. Th1e-am eaJao. absobte satisaction an Jon, lJi E., Wn -d¶non. the pleased cook ila M$. s. B ifle>'.Mm Mary'au, big Ielp in aur businss. Rate, aIl cd viowsu arvivebp ~'You sec I've been sel- Ton aret l xptinlg -eY94i ing ranges for a good ssii wbess >oe t"»aka w"n aumber of years and l've pCepai neasoi ts toM pi got to know what a cao- praatianens awniae e bais U t ing apparatus should bc. umkaiie cuesef icoda"cse &5I way bedepnde upâist *ue, "Tii. Royal Souvonfr 1 in vaubleor adul.te nd ilra m a handaome ramage a.nd ena> be glvas ta Yousng ehil int a pertect cooker. impfict conllenta, a it cosiain e AU Sassas,,. ade tu "There's mothtng ta ium hanuisidnsg, SolIt by &il Ialr.-I esud '.ces"S4 off about this range-tie IG 5» UNCI OFt NEW BELL. aad ResUe Co- Lisdimesie'body requires n* i'ItONE. et Gru.>. TLdn essis, ng, saviagkIdtchem-work. Local manager j. E. wiwls oetht -'The AERA11M OVEN as an exclusive feature Bl Tl> D em bus-, latti>'anag f-1ar s larg es of the Souvenir Range. etlsew sabseritiera la Wbihi'a" i *'The roast i» entirely surrouaded by a carrent of cautihat wii materlai> lti fi warm aair in au, AERATWD oVMa-tl» tise binsisto( et ieWhtkY oofie1 Faamn à t mmand UI55I0S<U5g OUSLEd are :-A. E-CLimtia, 15* OMM; I "~For your bealtl's sake as well as for yousr family'a C. Match, liqur damier, rd « -Yous hould bnsy a Royal Souvesnir. Mayst-o , obtmbow "I.t wifl add to your repttion as a caok. meum4e ct * . ibw% teu 'There are chier atrong easons why 1 recornmend Syrm Street; o »Q-. *misaa NJB.,-comxin oanad talk the iatter om. , siAlb-t om,* .CmtatmaI Lot 3 24 18 14 Lot Lot Coni.-Acres FRt F 50 G100' N 40 TOWNSHIP, Cois. Acres 10 'i2 50 TOWNSHIP Con.. Atres Oppomite Staidlard Hast, W An Invitai s e -min su l )>tAl] ii l* l 'ciu I;'t ns. ver>' ases tprtss, Tctei ppsite ISlan us>'., Ost, tylsi,,he aliiy, the alti yo sînflt. Be 5iit bilan ynu bis>. *baî cas lic bougisi elf a gndu Fue Ceat listais lpRobe, Osl ver t.sat. o srtler. Falers ci iring dout n bs aricis oraîgesille Portlansd id seisnd.l.and ;Ct- mdhasd t - gosl SelS et TkrssI haynss; se, CIbn 'r 01 leu md miott tars n, le fol - fus,'ale; kHorsenor ws tems te boises asd lasirel ýkete nver, pet bus, 18-t50 eat, whitle ... .... .... 0.8 mal, goote ...........0 ca, sping .0...... 80 4' a..- .. ... S .ly-0.5 . .. ... .- - . . 0.8 Ikwbeat ....,.......... 0. -d Cus-r.. _.... .... .00 q» FLOUE AND» TEE». oust. partais. .76., 8 à01.1 led, sis.. .&.1.60, ssll pcn....i. , 2.005 ant p ai te .... .. o EAT, POULTET AND» PRO] et, e wt..-..0..... .00 b blta lise vulgisI....... . 1.5 aissa, pat lb ...-... .. ... 0.1.2 - ea& . ....-..... ft >ga dresed.... - -... ... --9.00 t DX14 âot "d fat--0M PRINGLEs - WHITUBY. Sale Staile.