Whitby Gazette, 5 Oct 1911, p. 6

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- ' o.' - . .1' ix? * IY EGLRE ~ 0KTUKE eý Italian Cruisers Destroy Turkish Torpedo Boats at Irevesa and. Lanld a Force, 'A despatcis,, froue Roesays: Dulceof Abruvzel. eocra] Caoeva, Italy declared T-ac ons Turkcy bo- witis tÉe exýpeditioiuary forces, Nvii] tinuing t 2.20O on Friday 'afier- be accompanied iyOctneriaî Brie-ola noos, folowiugfalssion of tise and tise Coont CQiraldi. Tise fort Cabinet ais wsistiseTuckish reply forcei 1*madle tp og,00mn ioe Itely1 s ultiintîîu wooread. -AuTisere vil] ho 40,.0 e ltgts "Official statement f'romtise Foreign wien tise entire force io land,1cd. Office os.v.tist Tre's rply t4 Rtgi.mctts are depiigdel ru ltalyn ultimatum is 1net ptremp- tise ciief Italian towus foc Paler- tory a3 was deueafdesl, but is ova- Me, Naples, Briàd.ii,- Syrallse, tisve aud dltory, In couoquenrt Ctoniai, Tar4nise, 'Cenea,.Acouts cftisaistisctht overnment de- sad Venice, wiserç tisey vil] sbark: clactd Toc agaist Turkey. Aflter aoad tran"porta Tise force vil] tise reception of tise Turkish.reply 2%etbiic i TioliyOt 0 ihbro uas a coference betreen tise Old ab'ip, Vils amsnhiu Premnier and, tise Foreigi Minister guns, and ýtelegrapisie; appasatua, and tise Cabinet, lis waai detided will, follow tise transports. Acro- te occopy Tripoli witisouis delay. planes a nd proloobly otisèr airobhips Tise Tur]dsl Charge d-Affaires bas vil] hoe deapateised later. recelvtd bis passports to tise trou-, Tise aarsisoblockàdiug Tripoi tîco' aud siaried fer borne ou Eni- are tise Fias, Amolli, liordegno, Na- day uveniug. poli, sud-Macese. Iu addition th4e are six destroyers. REFIJSED TO SURRENDER. 'A dtspaisçi frouea Tripoli says; TUJUISE SHIPS' DAMAGED.. Tise Italisu ýdestroyertisais ntered A dsacsfroue Paris says: tise port undar tise viie lig tiis Tise Matin's Atisens.correspondent, afsesngon brougisiaa sommons for sys tisé telegrapis officiai ais Von- tisessrre)ider of tise Turissi gar- itra, Creece, virs o th ie Gos-ru- ison. Tise Turkisis authorities ce- mét tisaisà naval battle occeurred lused. AT] 'Etropeans bave takent off Prevesa ais 2 o'cîock ou Friday refuge -iu tise talian Consulte, afiernoon. Itailian *asisubtloug- snd are owatiug tise firsis siot. Tise ingte thse Joiansquadco.» entons- Italiau colouy is prepaciug for de- tered o Slotlla of Tsrkis destruy- lente. As soon'as tise ultimuaitu rg cruisîng offtishe couat of Epirols. usas dtlivered te tise Tückîs Gev- Tihe Itlions pcemptly atisacked tise eruneoistishe Italian Ieet etatsilislted flotilla, and tvo Turkisis siips Tere aàilckadc off tise toast of Tripooli; isisdly domaged isy selle. Tbey sud no Turkisb steamer is sOw oble bave gone asisore in tise Golf ci toencuer. .Ata. Tise p réect mission of tise ficet Ps-csesa la tise soutîeonisis points le te prepare evec3thing foc land- of Alisouis. Tise objets of Italy le isg tise Acmy Corps, whetî is toue- e-idcntly te encourage thse cesot manded by Gentral Coseso. If tise of Alianias, wiiri is smarting onder Italian subjeets are motested isy tise recent crîseltitO pcactiued isy Triscy tise leet uill exteufutse ares tise Turissi Geotral during tise of optratious. If tise TunissisTSo- ising. *iips atteuspisactisuonisrong9 Italian qîadron uill be sent te S FIGHTING AT TRIPOLI. dca] uithi t immediately. No dis- emiarkation of, silors and marines A despateis froin Constantinople et Tripol i is to bu erpeted, aseays: Tise Turkisis War Miniisry, tise force woo]d sois bc guficient tsu aceording iutiste reporte torrent astain an atatk isy tise garrisun bore on Fciday nigisi, hisu ceeved df Tripol. a deepascis f rom tise lte Turkis Tise Torissi fortifications are Militarvi Attsaciseais Paris, visobis larmed ouîy witb sertI] calibre assumed command of tise forces ais Kruspp glosansd cannois injure tise Tripoli, stating *tisistishe Italians, Italian varultips, whisivil] ise ble began tg disemibarle Fridsy aflter- te destroy tise forts witisont difficul- moon, but tise Turo-ks sortteded in ty Tise cruisers Marcro Polo tund sînleug -tise iras t tcbarges.- It la Vetter Pisani lefis Targuto Titistise romnored also tisais Itilias forces êquadron of topo ots sud de- bave lauded botisasTripoli and otroyeca under tise comow,a tise Benghsazi. [7 of laces, and evea lace coben are ooming te tise frot. BIne sud viite comniinations are Fas ion I1tt~ te have a place lu fash !on, espeet- e as i l< s aJly-inu asisfabries. c ouscf, allover lace-someof tisetu exceedlugly costly-save tise igest approval'- lu f*siio. BEAD TitIMMINOS. Tise geucral tendency lu baud- Tise pr e 1a.eusntfashiisiu e ] ntr bsg tasions la tevard tise suesl, dote beads lt,.every ciemeof oompact bag witis ricis Listings. decorsison. Il vould bc au econo- iEyelet deaiÈna lu laces. anrex- <ica] îiug te boy saopî u- peted te be eue of tise strongesis liroiderieaund toi bring thismnefasrac ts itrfssos lino vitis thie no fasiol by work- Aigrettes are being used eten- in up tise pattecru sti silver jet, sively again. They are dyed now or .olorod beàdi. te carry ot a cler *eheme of a bat. More besded garniture are,aten Mln usi]bgsl ae.Eg tissu iere-tofore, asd many o! tisce crovu s i lu isineaor. e e ore cf peai an thse larger sizea.eon fi n hto neqi leaded motifs and ornaînepet, bead -<ieclrcmiain r tn drineasudbea taneluîl ave~ Fiâtsruchses cf pleted tulle iu roieut a ce lu d tsed.ial, aveoablack sud viite are placed ounisbe t pilla a c itri heu. a ded ao creans cf many relvet oral saped banda rus ]srgely te tise aide bos. n tecrnain Egih width3s, sud tise greater portiou are Floigts ooain uUi ou black, bluot sud green nets, witis efects bave become vory popular tise colora ranglng fros tise subdued sud tise ainter ilîl donbtieam <e toues te tise brigistet kuovu sisadeas many simple, rnanisi-lookîsg nuits sud cosbinstione Novw desigos lu made cf Englisis sud scotchs mix- iseaded and metallc embroidered, turcs. b and bsowquise a good.des] o! Tiso new lashion8 have muchInl variation f rom tisose previoualy teawil eebetefsin <ee. Tise semi-geoinetrical, oni- oftisais brillianis Frenchs period nu- der Louis VI. Tise linos cf tiss-i eutal design a, suggestive o! rug pst- day vere siender, traigisis ines, ite ms, iderishave seenace- in ggestie of-a delicatei femnlnuity whitde ebrin td r minhae sa e-in tstie clotises, visics, aisen nsed ie 11rouce inbea trmmigsas eltise present day mnodes, gire os de- as iterlaced arabesqoe effect. liftlysmeîlts. Ligisiscolore predominate lu tise Ihllysml n dreusatimminga iutended for eves- ing weer, such as viite, pale bloc, ERS31C 115O TG eiuk, lavçnder, etc., ails gold and MsBcm Iodc onse à ver bugles, sced 'neail, snds-Hu em TrdoRunsf .P ,,' ' to.osin u lese Parties sud Danees. triuemisgn for afsernon guano tise lesuiug la tevard bandî embroitier- os l d siolS dosa, lace, worssee, sud chenils', empises by beads. Vi- is colors are usiee in -man of tise neattWes effects, particularly tisa usisis thé Fst Indian motif. Orange yeîbov. brigsi grecs, purplc, blila, aud s'es are ail noeud in combina- toon on n, background o! blcko, nsry, os'W asto net. There are, A despattis frois Londonseaya: Tise latet aociety recruit te tise Csycisy Thseatre Companyy la lea- nr Mostgomerie, dangiter ef Lady lSphialCoiutasce motgomerie, sud niece o! tise Earl o! Eglingison. Sun gires ber eau reason for goieg ou tise stage. Suie lbas ecomne tires], se sys, o! rounds o! bouse parties aud daucco. aud as idbe life gen- erally. PRICES 0f FARM, FROIIUCIS LEPORTS Iof TII LE5.DIN MRADE CENTRtES OR AM[ERICA. Pricc3 Of Catilte, G trsbn, ,Cla7Osb ani OÜLisct Prooice mi Homs Torunto,.1'Oc. '3,-5besaý--Tltter aSsai. 90 Der ceat. paeute. escisagcé t $3.50 lotrel tfetîclot.Maîsalac-iu patcuts. 85.3; eceettéDatentu,' 4.00. and trotir baisrs. 1$4.60,.dustrucks. raout. Ma .ltaba Wiet-Tew N. I Norliaen. 11,,lue Pôtou; Ne. .2 Nortisrn41.04; and N. 3. $,5.Bay ports.- 'Otario Tiset-No. 2I ssite. ed se mîxdneom, 65 W teti. ouaido. Peue-OGoud miling Peau. § 1 5 r Osut. aide- Ot-Osturle note tuiet a tesimuée s-bis Nu. 2 quoted at 41 teo 42. Oulelda. ané Nu. 3 aS 40 . lNe. 2IWTstern Cap'- ados, 45. usé'. . 4f. Buc suris. Barlor--Nu. 2 1, pruoble uons Pie. outedét. Ceeu-Nuo.,2 Amrcan eellowus tmOn'ka Bjta-Cur lota oulide. 75e sst'ssd 70 Bueisveat- No. I nt064 te lMe. suteid. Brus.-Manituoba bru a > uottednt*3 i, bOITW.7 a bue.Tuoonto irelibti. Sisea-lu COUNTRY 55105)tCE. Bean-aial luis, ai hOsd-piceeéQui- col at 02.30 pe erbu. , 1 ]Ioe-Strcted, ia tis, Ion tlieOcDpr lb. Combe. 8.25 te $2.50. Soteé iseNo. 1 t $14 10 814. sa trama. sud N. 2 at s$a0w o. 1 esaied traus-li te 96.us. raosb. o- Ptatoee3-Csr loto. in baga, nt Se. Polr-Priee f édesépoultre is. quatttiei--Chiei 140<o per .; tisaI.l l le 12; dotbs, . 3e; tarisse. '.Liva poultr, about 20 loeer Obustsec abuta LUTEuR, BUGS. 0210055 Setter-noire rints21n tmelk;uCeZr- ior, 16 tID,17. "reamece Ootedeta L6 te 27u PerIlis tor rlt, tndStt', toto r~ side. Est Ï7te-ilsewu-lé dquoedat 2tOu Me, and ta-shait 2n te 21. sec dozn. 1su cas, lots. Cies-Lae cnuaad t 1O0eretlb. at tais, ai 1514e. piama-Luai cear, 12 te11-2e per lb, bu eelots. ;SuPrish<ort euS. 0231t.do. racs,s. 421 $21au aus ai éued-to subisd 17 ta 171-lge; d.,is-e. 1 to li-les co55.ll Il tou ul 1-à; ibreakfast bacci. 17 lu îlei bu-Ss, 1uc-o-ztetg- Liré--Oliircee.1ou-2a. tubs la 13-fe; <511* BussaAT ItONTZAL.r Itoatreal. Ot. >-Oqats-CasmdiSflWtst- pro, lNe. il,47e. car Sus oaýstoe; testes Nie, 1tfei. 4 I-feîNe.oO. a ., fIe6,N. 2 local wviia.45;-la; 5N.,3 louai ývisita 45c; N. 4 local usiit. 41-0.Flur Maetoba s pOlaiusissaýPetplualti rts, $5.40; tdo seé.s.seo vî1 4, 0 wnos. e at* patet.. *405,e fo 5eýteseabaissa-, $A.- 70; trgight crlea.f. se te $4.4; do- la bais, 1t-W Ote-*oI. Slelýomaate-7cr barai 88&1,bai et i0t bis.. 8M50e-ÏAmueri- sas Na. 3 clles. 7f te 741-l. 'gOsnis.- Bras. Otaria, 0U. tea*M.z Stulteisa.S9Us lédlagi. Otario. M57 U ; ebeets. maetb t5. ; oullîla. *$26te *on. 3fgt -8elaclué. 10 tuM 1e; 14. 1 teei. 9 as n0e. CbaO<a-.-usetrsn. 41-I - te 1309f 113-t4 l lie onade, 201-4 te 41-L UNITEDs aesMATETBXS. 551mbl.OCt .-Srt wbiet-Ne. I Nrtisira. utrîtads, store *.sO- i8ît- tac, Ne. 2red. 97;, No. Ic"d. ies5*-N. 5 white. 95p. Crs-Ne. 3 celsus.734;11-0t-te 4 cilles. 711-le; Bi. 3 Corn. 713*Wt. ml un truck.t.isiseoni let. Oate-Np. s- .bilu. 6034; Ne. 3 white. 601 es N.4 wiie. 49q. sarle$-a>-tlng. 3 tu1 N. 1 bard. 010 -f; N. O rshera, SI.- 07e4. la 511-81-4; NOe.- 2 clisr a. teoi te J1061.-f, Ne. S abeat. 10-fs lu *.M- Cura-Nu. 3 Tellisu, 7 Ie 71.2. Osto - Nu0. &waitel, f5 ta 51-la. Itcn-Ofu. 2.9001 te <le Srasa$-<5itteo 053. leur-Fluna patente. $630t1560t; seceet Patente, Sf.' go ta *3.s a 5csears, 83.0e te <KM5;sc- eet pleurs. #2.74 te *5.50. Getrti,eu. e-Nrse-Tint catte, t5.60 te *.7, ne ableos Zelrssteurs; gsi îera. ope lt aod ait*$5m te 4550 faIr.e4ta OS8. -'Bulle are t5 llgbty bat. taqueatc,,amé toc beavc boISe *3.15 van s,çot.*bü u e $ 3 le 83.26 bld; last ibule. $f5lu w 2U75: vows. au tondi eus.os et- fer;, datetpor; peur te adieu. 8450 -te $4.7. esemera. 8",50to *3.15- Oas loaé o e ,lfrresl, b! onesipper or *e. Milliers, M73t', 870; tpcisiirs. $40 lte*#W jsaut. Seleto st. $65. 75 adcýrweigbta coudser 10pesede). 863.0 os 5.53; sotage. 83.75 pere st- u9 cors. bowev, e cj al 0tm5CTs bOougt T ______-Te eer uaC ri elu ses t ý'eI sisades j medium abutrher eeOdY et $6.50 te $5.80. Wotnand cmpstinStel, RESTRICTiOS REMOVED. ad cm se izai u t O t, 4.50. Cs,s Jyed o:-n plain and tmetallie cétlort', caie ai$425 nu40. e t. toe. S5, are much used, tise composition B,.4isb Lirefek to aY Now ble 1- buile',. 83.50 te85; taateoo. $150 t', 82.75. bonds being frequently in cube pe-Lej Into Canada. Feederl.e bnîeý teer',. 85 to 1060 pourids. fortu. .5 tu 85MS; good brfers. 1450 te$4s8; Aong tise varions fortus in A despatei fremtu w sa ys. boue, $3.50 ina 84,. fIbeemarkt.bca tsier: visicis bonds areued for dresde- Tise Britisis GoverumenÎ hbUn< '- îogst es. $3 50 îu $4; beus7, $3 in 83. coration le included a new pane]l fed Canada thastihe restr;:.4o85 s bs. 4.#3-Lastba; 'msoetiesirr s t 8 sas lu saxeo loe satin, deeorated proiibitng tise impo rtation of cat- Ur 850 Ca1ses, 83M50to e 5. EJls mac. at tise end witis black, wite and ise, slîeep) and other ruminants snd at saab. silis pospaats Iower. green beads.swine frotu tiseUnited ingdoin jete" 0a So grecs eade.to Canada, ou account of tise pre. FASRON NTES. valence of the fot and moutit dis- FASRON NTES. eaoe in thse former, bave becs ce- MOTIJER AND 801Ç DIE. Striptas will bie retained. snoved. Tise restrictions bas-e boots ý&tins are-to have a great popaL- su fore since Juiy 6. Dease-Lattron Vs Çarted WltIs Old gM j5at.5~ os ~f(>lune, causez fleart Break. ()Id colratrsilonfternoo. ia fî)ÏL1 ii RsSIAS PIAVT. A despateis from iEat Brooklield, Ti cse or er eion. Iass., sacs; Bound togetiser bY Th05J ei' for istoe1n.for- fRaumates for 1M12 CeiUforu Er-trap5 abjot tlieir srits. tise bodjea w:, frdresyabr- ett ~.12'~8. of Mss. Mary Lacec and ber son, 'AI » J.fon t Ptnii ,B. Lutey oA Fitehbsrg, acre #r1wq oefor blacks sud wbite Th epasi rm .piersrittg bod lu Lake asiwy ored liassees alIe-r but littIeaiatemeatu ss ienletmtea or f' ,ada Çr'î oes.-crnar:;ed or to]t a osti s 005T~s.is bte l)um' onTbusdu, pvi. fr , jp5ed te have 1-d iehnst'a 5oi. tui, ,55gae amal . i l an~cpen;ueJt~.O-5 ' <de. ýMs.,. acecy %as53 Yeats 01,d n-n s'àtirT5' . 3.~.T~oer1H dh . ~2 Four lillieu« n4FiSef ennjuri la Mexico ' aaye-i: A terril-c explse )n e! rkts &Bd baolsines crovole,] tuiurtis iere. - sslinga fo)ur deathasud ftteentiotulli llur- os, east a shadea cf81OOMOrrthe f Ml.rcon Wdo«&YOf thea Iuue rtraeopled intte'-%,!r I 4Cisfcluad Iait theyar, l1-, e î"T.ovl'ifi"a O t é ;n Z', H [W : S INA PARR 1A ,Rp4, 1]APPuENINS FR021 ALL OVESý TUhioI3LOllE IN A, ZtUTSRIELL. Canada, the Empire andI us.e'Sarl lu GéessaI Bsfre Ioa* - . -CANADA - Octoboer 130"tîlI.bu Tiankegsvnsg Day. - Tise reorganizaloon of th iseGa.sld Trnnk officia staff hmbheun cons-- pletgol. Tise railussys are applysaog for on- ereaseel remunersion'for carryius tise Mails. Berlin, Ont., bas ocrc15,000 po- pulation, sand il mon ho aneerpor- slned aus acly.' 'The dosigns -fer tise nov geld cinage te - h.icEucd siortly- bave iseen asmounues]* Lient.-Goves'uer Sir Dansel ands Lady MeMillan ver. bauquetod, by Wiunipeg cillzeuusud giron a banduome preseut, Sir Danie!la retiriisg. Eigist tisousanel dollars' vas t-u eu Icesu Ibissafs- of tise Canadiean Exprees Company aisHamiltono, and George.Kennusgis,toise u lgdrS, sud aui>lier in are under accent. GRIEAT BRITAtIN- Tise Duke sud Duthes 'etofCen- nugt iss'lli oeil for easola ou the 61is dl Oétoeiss. - Tier, laseucis anxietylu. nitais as teO possible complications la Greece andthe Blkeass. -asd Tise Brillais Govrnernst a i- cidetefoeappont a Board i eT rade Coùmmission 'te arbitraté. on labor disputes. Rer. 'Dr.'William Patrick, Prina- ipal o! Manitioba Preebytouian CIl- lege, diedoon Tiusrday at Kirkin-, tîbbocis, Srotlaud. -TiseIrishs cailvay trike bas not yel bocu seIlles] owing te tise re- !usal of th~e compau]ie reiustate al tisesmen wvisenouot.. Thegraudsen ans]jsir..of tise'laise Mr,'. -~E;Gtladasonee s been ec- ted for tise.Kilmiarnock- Burgist dl- rusion lu tise Impaci&i. sn1ls-ment. GENERAL. Grece ms-y talte' *dsatge of Turkcy's troubla leetrlilc. Orer eue tisounand i -miliitac- latEs bave beu acresteel ln ItaIy - NONTREAL ,ASS8SSHIENT. Rlemarkabie Abvisuce Shava lu, Prespcsty Valsailln. A deepsichIsfressm- MotreaisaaYs: Foc om ate vcls pasis clerk ais tise City- Bal bave luen aoyking upon a- report .tsoh'jl2is e - tiun - trSet -h v.eity raluatleu cof tise oisy for tisecuareut year. Tise report aboya tbaî tise lucreaso le tise groas raIstien o! propecty ameunta te Jeilg'-ivô millions o! dollars. NisSteen umillions o! tise ameunt lsatallnbtited le lise assone- meut, for tisa ArsI time lu tise Sus- tory cf th isetl, of theiarbos' pru- perty. Up t.te ic urreuis year tis prssperty wmas saowun thlie exemptm ed lst f te tty.Tise total as- acasimeul valuation o! aIl tise ceai eàlate ad a n ino&-utise ciisy uc reaoues aom of slmseesi e hou. 4sold million dollars. Lut year tht total relualiesa - as four iundred and tisirty-aevessuimillion. DRATH RIEVEAXS D UAL LIFE. st. Lbouis Lausysi Pied Froe Ca.' adla Twsaly Tours Ago. X deBatcb trois SI. Louis, Mo., says: Tise rensarisable tery ofthtie bidelen lite o! JamesXM Sutherlaud, for tvouisy ye&a a wyor lu St Louis, bas beo4 rercaleel tisougis a riit le tbis eity o! biteeson, J. Sinclair Sutland,îtodfs!Ciarlots- town, Prince Bdascel Islandl. Sth- erland wuas isried severa] daya age lu lit. Poter's Copatary beside thli beautiful usensse #lo for more tissu Ififtec yoaru isadJioel a higis plats lu St Louis ass w alerSue ieds tisces reares go.' Sise vas tise daugiter et s leSnymaun sd the vif. o!fliutbarlaud's laus parîner usiscu lai as as uen5a Ccunelor lu Canadla. -hcame tôte saUnît- r te aises fier er hisan b il died auddeniy sud Suthserlandl fol- hôeel er. Sulisrlinsds uidov sud four chiren are in. Canada. CBOLERA LN TUNIS. Thhty.Shx IleatsisiateportesiAmmug Avalasls- One Day. A despaicis frsn' Paria oaya: Choiera lu epidesele in Tunis, a regaucy sud French protectorats cf nortltrrn Atrica, and the colonial offielias decided t enaforce strict C$OIoWseoTIAT'1as0 PaR CENT. OF sp5CIiLATsRa LOSE U5NEY.- A FurISe Usretslon fess te m ualeat0 Pure Investrnesi ta CveDosa n l55s- Ing F acts an Ssisulatiae-TiO nemIAd- -lc tieS proapssttsm pecutatara-ta s 5o't (Dy- 11!Isvestuc.l IntuseOas t issw asaila aat paitt speculationa dîfucc t(ram lnvqaostsl. Tise protileal dîffrase ea taoel taiveat- Metat 0 as sces, usas acioti 0ne lu cisanceset sas-n. -isreatstheise svstoe ai- meuet always balisasngreat SauSoto' t tisa cxpeaaaaetf cababilty ai lattelY lu- treastd alsa -etbis houdsgiltoe <Dea- later sacrifices oeriblait', hi caues ao' pret-or os. Newus.eaortutatelymaay peulaterw find bue tisae od proveb, ~Disa . Iensdaacbaalment," eqasaiîapplcable ta -s»aouatlss, anditerfare. dabisi la tisa News York market. As a mattar ut au- tuaS eieriei)te, i t 'tisagbarcas latl qjte as pr'ftabl-and probable- lIs exsstcsslsot oaytos'Meront a bordes rcea. 'Yeu prnbably asua numthisîs aboutt bosses. -Tu a eau eser kbans eougi about tisa Tas Yurkssmarket lu makeaL orthatb atOs-Tisa ritr'bas basa s sambar ut Yearo ia thes tocks bse5. sass& befors talai toutisa more moest but lags nerare-sei' business oS arît- (li ad eau peak w iths mustisurtV. But. et taurses, tisa reauar aIllaut as- eapt scauti à ud statemeot wabsout @eus geud rossons -ila advancaed. Qate resustly, a News Yorb bruisar aure- -tlly asaisteot slarge aussster aofaaccusta as bis, books andsi scuveed. mueis lu bla surprise, tsasa -alisi sout feser lus of bis cliente bat muses aishtye pr cent. uf secaotrs aratual, loga, lm abat lie 'laeed. --Ter ayetc"Mrt"e andso Sue fesser flen oabs s million dollar »-5aat sp.' asnduby celnlsibt theqamal endeu. laeur Malina a' asdollar?" Unesastîtîn. ubtem, itbe suaS] spocusatur kbots sial Mr. Mttrgan austdoisgin tse s tockomar.- bt iso esubtImabe mottyan od "bg" Mery, oi. 5Butishat 6s- tisa atIs <Iffi eStsty. Tisa galais s teas wat l- tas, us <oua ?no abuc, le éie-ast Tous' <osas lu as gpuo4 as Molne. Mr. Storgasa lasitiar îulngte l put pricea no or 'dosa -us ho la -leasing tisasatesthve wlo aatura l nidtions.- Tiselu tisa aid al> gsaeaiftisa coutry (air lutetoe lita. Tis a a unusér anaeofthses elt--er' batweeat tva e iaoperstra Saiacr. Bat suas il ea u autosast ose creuse ot New York' s nascallgais.vaat te do you eay iBatSTualoeebaaseauas- utiar att sta-Oser irous - amaSte ode tisa apesitcand th es upeandi astiar millO-tluaen etr ,3OU macginse usut 0 eeue "paoiset S lya uts- eus ia to- spair-oOrbmpaoste castbat cour iuég- meat lu igisl mut ohat bat oue badtheis bavaetso eutit. Tisou, suppsea Mr. Mo0rganandet s sîssars woseset lu8uesalin ite arsa-bt yus basa e lu Jdge bous se"a5 cesdt tisUe, moue! markts lu Leedoa, fNaw Tfou snd Frane ara eai lueaffet allises'aathaie arepa 5 wi o, oisssl. duetrlas araetalin. Yeut may.Jasige car rmUctl tlu On-as et prefiett-Pranceo aes Osraasut ai aai 't5eta brsate, aiss'isbs Markasetelu#palingtbs'ugb tsaroaItses a!et an u sieasssof s a w. rerisc un per at.,ot loearàlusurpridielg 'lus; paO cassambecl-f et 20 v5r cmnt a! ibe vse odentt loge araethes bs isses usiat, 5.coigelaos-dlreelers be5 taie ait- vantais uoféau ane neledre, nmaace Imsuia v ise she. balassees la shîis tasr issepea e pat 550155att smaeof ibsir trimt*- - It youu mat spas5ate, tbereftca. ce. maembas' tt oliticlaslogan, "Caata for. tbs Oanadlaau." ture thisar es net une re s musa sla Nev Yerk. Canaa lu à gaoig cuntry. bac indes. Irisa' arm grous5ng, stasdbe ossesl be din respet. go lac usabavea mi aret fiou tratas dspreeis5eas unir iicbt5 in offepaa-lea stis tise States. Ast.,5lut ad b>' r tse.dot sImportant, -TOUI As-E ONt THESPO5 ,T anTouea, Ifae. cantona damaa itslée 'tise effice e01tisa tôaues lseas i aise s siacs youuvios to up@ouateanast Bat ont tes' ceurnelt, Var- boss, awbat tise rismetsare. Ocrceai- lroear uay iseousrom rt. isat lutter. maties. In àhOtn, ues chances m"s bat. Un utis apclatinc, bie isae5tl b ber. ia*tsst. Jp5sauaisr tisas tiesala- les' tisa iarglu tisp gratter tb<e riais. A tuso per centsisntis lAu elY âeetob, "busist-obope" s-ho sau Osî>' matamita.! Il yes jsue. Lagitissate bi-ters uill aat do bislssonea ea@ t5a.s- Osapeina use' gin, as e s et> Oe ves Kt sesl. Tvests' point je tarly sale, but enS, îtiiathse VsaStuaeseatisi.ueatpoposiar Caredlls toSkbase drupped il pointu, aet . P. e. sier 2e. Teetra, aises Fou ePeclat te @o os a substatill saiin ast ba prestareote b acku - ns r trî usaisin alt os sra; ulberaiee. alseoteila !55 jusensft Musha Serentautitisalenti rus.cas u ay nessecbave. a asane tu ilv. il a fair lut-yig mia!befoiesdtai don an se ue uapautdropdue.tlucona- dtions ai b DO 0ans caot frea, andl sisoeesecat Wealt baumaellytasaez. soevea-, the but a aicestoe te» ssa are Othitig et spausel lual se .- TW. DW Y EN AL hsppy' ênugh te bava bis meisise take ir by the wiug anddrag bl tT~1~~ tie isoard sud luote isnes.- 4,4 BLEEDERS." Tiselane accident of prseisiw TUIIi RUNAWAY DT.CK. -1 more dreaded ly thea phsicien t*hass te ses a paient spon -aiosuiso isu In ise center o! tisa big'city park lsertorsued 'so$o irrhlal opvsauio0, 1 s' h eauiiu] 111e pond, sud liisheantis as lancsug a bol or reuseuris pond is ail inland, and ou this anad adenoide - bleed and issecid aop' stansuda acurions Iittle bouse. on bisleediug, psrbapsunti!'hoiesst. -Tisorc are neo"windos, ~.bout oeoly Al- tse 'naaremeuliem, 'snob m two long roT-s of decrs; ope -ounlisepramaurus. eeld, aud lis, applcation' gcotsnd;tise otiser teacisid,, 1501, hy of 'àisptitm, 'and4» ah 'tise enusual fligis o! stairs, but by boardasîsop- oues,'anch iw lyina lgature ronda lsog gent]y up te tiese *cond stc'Y isba bleediusg part er tearin is villa sud dc-wu almeet ' tiste water'A the csotery, are trisd, sud tired in cdgo. - -- vaiu.'-' - Aistro ise mes] bouse bond tise Poctuuattly, this -acident' ha jog rcflbranches lcf wllîca- pessraroly, sud' eau' iappen aiai trees, et' a ]ove]y ligii green, sud ouly in.-thse cane e! a nous patient, lu front cf' lis, on tise beah.of siaud witis -'hlse constitution tise dote sud grave], tise lits]. Tares oresai- is unfasuiliar; bu husi 'uis t, doet iays laugisng. -' happesa,' il --cettus rse andl moe T boss vise lire in tis bouse vear tericble tisan deatis'frens say etb*e uotising hui s nov.ueite' clotiug, casse Iollovwissg pesuaten;'for ii 'aits yellov ateekingsa ud sscs, is seoiuleoked-or -tisai lcomes 11kô for tisey are a gresi ar Il oSdcluks a belt Irons tise'lue. ,viehisbeiong te' tise ity. Tisee osisstitiso al 'ssal. te, vicih 1 Onoe ne rning s baby dock thlu accident is du e is atisakiseve icame to tise doso outne f tise opper aasisemopisilia; tisose' mn1ject te it troomu lu tise lisis] osse. e etood are ealle4 O'bleederst Tise disease 1tistre savisilo,:lookisg op and lovu la oeeoettihe l, selely. lIt cou- tise shore. It seemed tee, good -a s<la in a redeced co;ggolaloiIity; day- te stsy in, sel'tise uttle dock tisatis , tise cils wviiçis dinarily açaddltd slowly dovu tise sleplus closeotise open mentocf -t]sè mi- board wslk, dippcd hsbia ll-ltiatubuehlood-vtesels, sud tiustotp thes Taler te sec-if il vgaBwarm, tise bîncel-Irens 002106fronsa a sl sud isieol sistatd te avin a y. -uouisd, de net fores; eenaequeutly, Île Sari c e arly telisen~d el the blond% conuinuez te escape. Tisa thisllanel, and vas bsarug a hasppy globules-cOf tise hlood sud tise col- time, v1>eu outIfrou eisnd ahbig ering mettes' are. usually as tissy huas saln suncil drake, or grnd are iun-Iesîtis, for tise trouble la tatiser' elluk, big sud atreng gean- purely satsensical eue-a, deflincq rory cross. - of-e!lisse salte, tise preseuce et aSieh Tise. 11111e dock was,- of course, i esmeutial if cls are te lu, errs- mucs trlghleued. He trled te lure cd. round and saint back-, but ho juatlu tiseme.cAses, il doe etelayo jpoundel tise saier' wish bis teet reqnsre e amurgeon te fulliel a fats] sud Iscat is alis bis sae]] ings, 'und;aib ou ontiseoe,aas-- witbetst going aisead any. cidental lent or .a mere pin-seratbi Tise big duck lwm -rvgO IsItï m»is tien -aîzi' Ieut aumber et hlm and gare lmo.nsa iard thunsp rital flud.A mle drainowvai th aiîti bis blu],. viieisdrcoe bis boad self- te ise a bleeder oos sois dare cots' ondes' ater, metisas 1e'got te ~save-. ho -ii]] uifer assy pain bis sueutis full, sud almesi cisoukeel,' Irons an acloing toeto nolier tisasa Tise bis duck followdoci bn and keisPt albeus is to e hogslled, sudbelsa o rapping iins itis' is bill. Net un- meut taels net tlotai bis bandds tii bce vas asissi iacirte tise lotI].or ipsa tlap in viuiser,' lest aais- bouse did tite ld drake lbars hlm. lbnaîrckputiewyess He usent away qtss.kleg crts-ly. ucontrellable outposriosg ofIblooel. Tihe 11111e duck ccsviod out of tise Why theç hleod 1à dol-dent lu lissa ater and lay 'ou -bis <Id. uebs.e tselail net knoaa. Tise ceudition varm <suad, trying te, get hi% brealis la 1ereditary, sud èddly esugi, sud tee tireà le nsoveo or es saund. ailhoughis isaffecte mou anal boys . 'JustJtseu lbesaw , sonethissfi (ýtelulassl eusiirly, lis ia 1'traummit- Iiled hlm With terroir. Ont o e! > tsd tircugls tis ems-le lino. Tisus, etol tisa lover doçrs inte se ua a muas May be a bleeder; biselshil. 1big gry rat usas ereepwig. Hl'5 dren' aili scape, but tiseMale ch]]- tluy lack ekyts vers shînius l'ke dieue! -fbis daugister ahIlalis beads, sud lbc vas lookîng nigisis t surely, ose or ail, <nier. tise lîtisie dock. Nearer sud nezarer Trealmieut cosiete lu tise daily tise rat creptI.,Tise dnck trled t» administraion et lime salts, sncb, gel up oneis' feot. as tise lactateofo calcioum, Ilrougis t e usas se fs'igisteued tisaisho long perioda e!t ise. Gelatio bas .erieel, I'Peep Ipeep l?> se10014 <ase olbeanu sed,- apparsnlly vila ,Se cos-sîc. benefit.-Yontis s ossjsssiou. Il was a sai!, useak voicle, sud 1tise euiy eue te isear il vas the old TRE ORION'S BIG 0(138. 7drake. Be kusa t i iva s acry- .for belp, sud ho bogan te padelle lsiulaueus Dlsolsarte Bra ia suad beuttes' as fast as lac coulsl t: Clam Tan 1Miles Asvy. usard lise shore, ail tise tins m Adepisi fos oue up lus, "Quack b quackis'nnisha Adsac rmLno a v a Isas i]tise etier dueks 'ieard Tise baistlesisip Os'ion'a ILS-juta: il"and knesf *omolbisg usas wrossg. gus h ave heeu trled vils rearis. Iu tise fate cf cea] danger hc quick- able offet. Setrensenioans wa ly lurneel proisector. tise onict55ielltisaI indas isoe Tise rat iessetepped nous, as if shake5 lu Sentises, tou milfsm .diel set.quité kocw çabat te do, and say. Tise structure c!ft]he siip , est as tise drake reacheelthisbaor~ ewll viisbstood thse test nseehioveel 1tise rat toruec d a tarsee te crawl1 no dameage. AIl lise.e.-agiocd in 'back suder tise houas. Hec uas justthisdring operatien acre acf-_pa]. .tee laIs. Oee capofthtie old drake's ded esrasis. Haedeuod gbaism aie, Sbill senl bluerr'on bis b&àk Bc- ]ightm sud pes.t-isoles usere l> y 'fore b. couid geist b ad lait bise fractureel, and tise eorerinds -r! ksuether rap, sd qaaigbn-easned goeda luntt aip'a ris mm l y c a nuondes tise duék-soosse. horsttund match crckery s%%as ]ia, bogta>Te rau .1 amaee Tise docks acre net ha n m di e ar. ise r aînsosny hukled 1> tise b]bat takste tfie > ol fater rtsmd ~ t y.lu bed Manuer s is ita they ver. r.iui.i- .I forther at ýally stregtises.d,b hai ie boîtese Lo he ss o! eue e! thee mbip's boa tell eJea Astes'rtise litîle dock, bcusas ont, BIEÂVERS BUSI WITH BAS~ 'Rave Sint Off the Water From Fower- l CIompany at, North Bay. A deepatcistrom Nor'thBay ss: uitisthe resaIt tisaI net cougis .Nths Bay vas le diarkuoss ou Wed- vater lu availabla te supssiy tise 1 seselay iiglt, ne electrie leerrent dmad Lwwae gi euscal tii Iselug available fur illusunaticon-tsels' dans, matas a hs.d situation Tise poesr for tise local Plant lis verse. As tise laus forbida inter- .generaised on Souths River, tusenty tortes v it> tise boes. Ithecose- miles ausay, by tise NipueesSu Puser pauyr are helsulesg. sud l appiying Companys, ad issus uater l giveiste tise Ontario <krse ent fer ja thie Tesson for lihe falture of the mnec!aý permsin tùuledestroy tise .pauses'IIcaused, tise c5p550y oceals bossuer duan d allous 0 e wvotet ssttse by beauses'dansa ln Algssjssina <àitheIaipower plant. UnIes. iPrk, visera tise bead usaters and somsetbisag la peéily dois, lNoth . -eftrre atorafe of SoutIh River arcer, .Calendar, and Pvsos il] tce4 it us elaod lisais bear nt onIT bave te raýturnslts~i 1 erg q ebIailngback watts sicbltl bt indutstries aillý- svech val- .a.._W -'-ý-0r th'e p,,er o.osopnusV. i ferpto. v tise s-easibeýLsn-isutaff ~H~ffER~ OR FÂR NOURH Shipment From Newf6 d, to 'Fort A dçtpatcls. rom Ed oieeto n usys 0u e ": 8 e ecl d .' Tisree -carloads oft' .eiiseer;(r m ona aes.Thr",e ra nortblssmu Necfoündlaud 'rýin " u ~vI.je ta eu'ai srs ny Edmont~uou-onWeduesday dne, saCreel, syt3s zUl orths of Edmoe - (Janadian Nortisern Railway', froin ton, sand fromru tis-pont lbey tvlli tise est., Tiseeviare 431 roindecr ho'talceri eierland 'tea-Attssbasc~ in isiree cars, and a fourtis car wasLanding. lieuestIs av iofseus voll slocked w 'itis ceinciter food, mess broken "tlliseled audlishe"othesen and grass. Tise Iepartmeut.of th ii ile1 conroyec inlu-aggona. At luterior -bas planusedite'stck tise Athsabasca Lausllug thçLanumIss< il1 diaricis o!fMackenzie, 444 toi -,, 4bnplao s s ndfloâtiea douen mals arc te' bc s'ed * r C4 ýyin e tsýth*béca t1rer leirê Smith, porpones in 'lobts cr~ea e.f sý_L hë whlil 1W their ,destibation, Tisey northin luplace of do4s. _Th - coin- .uliui*.'e sr l7ive tises- sigument cf reludeer le 't ewfdutud- r and milesi by ths tissu isiei jeurney. laud Sept, 8, sud :passed ticoghis leais au sud, 'o; I "o -

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