ve been aisoi CLOSEQUAýRIERS; O -R, THEF, OUSE IN T111 CHAPTEt V. Straight te tho Yard.!" cliApýrriýV"lis .tisat case I seul aemsrpauyt iiei'.the barristar vas besud - They lîad noie cosched Hyde Park1 te ec(ssctu a sense of indofnite- Corner, sud, hiling ahsjs ae .sfeelisng oef iurtaiut3' nhîch ýrtt told tIse driver te steli sOut-t seldos, cterarterized iliser bis sida tise Carîten Hetel. Théen'anis thoîîgl'ts or lsactiçins. Hoe ad- .spedu iehreatLd drova in1 mirîeëd as mucîh tehbie C'orPnui ithse direction. of'Colsttution Hil,l foi' Lirctvas.a esari vuevould-nt evideutly ,îitendiug 1te 'aveid tise i cosenit teo pose snder sel' cirruin- cosgeeted tra 0 o f Pirâdiily and atan,.05. tako the longer, but more pleasîlt,1 "It is quite truc," lie oxpiaiued, route througl1.iseoGroe Park and1 "1ht ucr irsi dsty. iust ho te ied thse Hall. Mi.r lc. and it i still isOro B tewymsidBct,"i certain ihatt vo viii ho ahle te ac- the drýiver cf tise haseesu shiCh 1 ccsipl,"lî îLespartlieou sr teck; but couveycd Me. Tahot and is coin- tiscre are cîrniesis in Sis jnquiry lpasion frein beet Gate ou Mess- NVh:cl, lbaffle me et preet" day niglit ti -yn.2 sci es1h 'Aujd uhai are tboy, sie?" isaid followedl?" I .L*Ltt Lu:Ve. "Yes," said the detetivo,"h -i "', sec îshy Mr. Talbot, vasset luis maay." 1 înt, sc'tise matter eai l. Oun Irett riibbed is hands, villi a c-,raigiffcrwar4d assiîmption iqucer expression cf ,egitiul Lot 'I oks ,cr enegaged le the pleasuro ou is keen face. pea-anct itou iation f takisg other "is"ho said, 'I like tha",t. it T, 1' iseen D ssurion te le vel te ho on the scot." , s Wh. byy theIi,' Jayi tarh mie Be dîd nt explalu Pro- grei't ailit of 42redeise-,Vliy did fessonal enfree thet t vase t1i'es cci lîcs' Mr. Talbot te ge postive stirslanit te his ahbousdisgý q'uîetlyt is cv ii oe I It vas energy andt higisly strus ng rves te 11>1 sue; Sbiey feeret sîtore specdY fSud that ho wu ,.ac tualiv folloviog iioci ,rs f îlîir crime. Thse heur tise patis taken by tise crimtinel %va ieu laie; it %vas tolerably cor' whon hoevas pursuissg. Tiseinere Sain ltl.ttbte suld mîake auc ioVe fat lest reality te tise che. Fer Vh;'Ai ight prove injurionis te thien a iile, t esy rate, there could ha iitiul s strnrning, anîd tIes tisen mutke, tiseugh himight expert vhlule asfiiu' ,'as hotînd teuho 'dia- a checke et thse ArrivQd evered by thte police Su the ordin- tisere, Brtt alighted.' arV course,'o ets." "Are yen geîng te makeanay lu- 'I don'5 e(lutte folcîs' uscir." quiries in the btaI, sicr?" said Mr., 4aid Winier. sitis e puzzled toue ten'Wintor. lis vc'iee. Tbey isad, for the salca "'Why shoulet Il" said Brett cf q;uitudel, çurned into tise Park, "Yen hava already escertatnod sud ecro sois walking t'wird BlYde frein the, management tisaIstu par- Park ('amer. "Wlîat de yenméasssou oveis renseay reli blsua any bk ses ing thàt Mr. Talbsot vonleto ie ate cue'OF. 5 i5ying mate nu oe etise matter until at tise istel."1 suixi mnisg l"$- "Yes, coufennd il I1 keOW Id.d' -Oh. 1 forgt,"zasid BBecti. eried 'tisaetiser, "but li nover laid "Ofîcc.urse, yeu don't know visY yen s." tise dihinoîds wur osîlenl" Il "Tisat la al righit"lnia "Furm tise aer entOn tlat alB'ett. "ICorne and 50se eut inY Dtl'er diamunds are stulemi, I suPý chemisera th is eveniung ivien tise ie- 1)500.' quast is finishede t.Priapaiby tisat "Oh. dose -eo" lasiglied the bar turn e va my .ho able. te determfinle ister. "Tis is a politiuiel crime." eue plan of action.".. 'P.iie "said the amazad po- Once leit teublinself, BiTaIt diet lijeema:n. 'nt enter the hoel. Ho mnde il au "Well, va rom't qiierrel absout invarIable mb lu eosducting ils- 'o octs. and as tisere are *peehepo qiresof tiisnature te adept tisa ns polies mu Turkey, va viilcal u,.-.recismetiseetof î'reçônstÎtttieg" it, dyatc ny eiser'louid-vcleed tiseincidents cf eà,crime, se8e6 a adjectiuvesicis serves te take ienut sncb a course was possible ln tise of tIse rategory of simple ýflony." absence of tise perseus csncessed. -Wist heats me, M. Brat," fle reasened fitisa e ry plausible Raid tlise detect.%ve, icieusly preet- expîsuesion ef tise uneutpoctad eji- digtisegravai 1uaih vith is sstick, pearenco f tise Iren trauigers lui "la toe, ysi ferret sut those qaeer tishe rt Gate meusien on Mout- fact-fancies somie people veuletdaynilt'idbe îe eJ caîl îin. as I" used te deuuill I Talteot. This Young gentleuman, it tuieuryosi boSer." uigisi be tatou fer grasted, isad 41u this case it is simple enougis. net beau selected isy tisa Foreign By mre chance i happeued teOoffice te carry te a auccesaf ni issue read hie momisg Ibat thora lied suris an imp rtant andt dleate. mat- becnsosmse littho dornestie equathie toc as tisat etrusted te hi-i', ts lu royali circles t Censtantinople. eut soute gocet greousds fer the faits 1 dcn'Stees sibhether yce are se- in bis qualities ethibited bic lis su- qaiteit'atis Tikisis iistecy, Mr. pariera.. B rett tiscugtie ho eld Witer. but i is a well-reeoguized understand -tha rhesr's chemise- priseiple tisai any Sultan is hiable ter sud sttriuteaýf resu bis laver- te dia cf diceacez vbicb are waird able'*analysis cf tise alite, sud -t sund'aiufally sîîddes; fer instance, vas.quite roeonaibe, tiserefore, te tise laS ose is popularly supposeet hoiere tist Taibet vwas a masnt >tO have tlsged a long atarp sels- 'îikoly te hoe asilY dupedt.-Thse sers î',t's. is jugulear vie; others principals lu Ibis crime verev'- drask ceffec thai disagreed witis deutly weîl avare of tise trust ce- thimn. er cmnked cigarettes tee poseitlen.tise Assistant tUnder-Sec- lighly ptrîiurd. In asy case, tisa retery, ase thîey, agate, wvente met lusvarible tessili o! these iccntri- nuderrate bis Intelligence- Bosce ciLe.a bece that a frosis Sultan tisare sas a good cause for Talist eccuucol 1thse thecue. Nov, de't te sccept the explanatiosis, vaSev- forget tisaI i am simpis' tieeriziiig, or tbey vece, gîsen hlim deris tise. fr 1 lnes nu mre of thie -besinosa cncave lu tise dinisg-eoom; tise tissu ycýu do ai Sibis moment. but i affect of visichis, l Inspecter stili tiinl tist 1vou viii ud soeaSiarp'iserds, lisedi een te "pia-ý ressorcties beivoco mv tiseory sudaIe" tise yousg Esglistrn. Fur- Sial witt bas artually eceurredth isr, tiiere inust have be a very At ans rale. I bava said sufficlot potont indnce5ieut isld ont beforo Se pcvve te yen tise importance o f Tabot scoule conssant tu driva, off ast besg toc, reeiyte mate ar sis a sîrageai et a eletoeue,, rest s." and wben tis abssas diernlissda t I quite ses tia,"*as tisatise Carilcu, tise excusRe gire o elet tisosgisful rejaulder. "But you cetaiuiy ha quito feasible. miel set forget, sir, tht we, in -1h mut snceiv ho Iis," cern Sc'tlard Yard are boundisy cules suuned BraIt. &,Tisa mas explaised ofi prol-Ouma. Perbap$cci viiieot tisaI h sie sîctanger iu Londes. rine lw uuysgeBtiug tisa 8word tisatieh lived quiSe close te tisa' frc,m yu etute Foreign Office C'ariSen Hotel, aud (bat tie foind aiti iofdure the suiboritics te cern- il. concenent net culy for tisa pur-. rso,i,ae ffcIlyt vitis the Home poeaof giing directions tis't seuid lesarinre't. aud ilien instructions ha uscleretece, but aise for paYing ci rused tu the policee hiris faes, te direct tise drivs'of ! bre çvcold !,cave ttc ntteren littie morn e voiiles Su go Ihore snd not te isç 5pen mius&s se are able te regard it ows exact address, wstietlia hsd adci.itea£eseung conditions." fý,uud by oxpormiice masy cf tiseut 1sm;1l bee te tIa." aid tise 1,ar-diel soi rcoogmiO, hilst i% ktues- riîemr. "Wl-eu.dues the iuquest lelge of tise lanuiaga è.5 nt ami- taka 5pace"V' ouugl te enahie iim t-e de- "Tu 's cr05150 itscribe tise ocaiity serMo ¶lsey IL sel te ajcesde tflîw seerrilîg se- -h. ni'evienc vl bc te rne place vithin a rerY short gluan S a ncssr frdistanceu! thespot shora I nov Vue1pnecs isdeýnt'ictiloss, and tis stand" 3esux hoe1lr î i~~pic ~- B u 1% et alens PaI MaIl, ap ut sasla ilai f rom tisa Tac-riesli 's et, sud tlsougisCeark- itish np ~rt reet, and le ne t Pd w;ilshsoe "YVecy seli. Yen sifl eisti, es teeofecui0sltY-ta ht W M no ee t4iiso 1ihave j 1 it y ew reid*tial hu5ildio1gs in mptut etthe ohracrflO h S jnlytiâ," sai thtie delectivo' Stv lc.jack Talbiot hOlted from n-es' don ou TeesdaY is cemupesi' vitis -LKirasi, lady. Tisay crossod eve'r Iresu aentrSE Dovor te Calais y hy ie midday test, f0 O sudveut direct te paris. Me. TaI: es'n bt aaiinybiooked roumi fehilm- bave àII Slf- ansdtisa girl lu tisa <rantd ta Hotealidtise serve te vile 'Mr-' tha idQ anet Mrs. Talbot,118 Ulstor Car- dans, LsoW,' lu tisa, regster, te it Y' sumd bts et them sjsappe.ed clforth- tiUi or vit5 - ut e ili 01ec lay bande pet, tin ou tise getlemaan .ne fear. I hbavehave, o soenoovsusPecteaiMr. Brett, that&m or 1S yoer notion cf a pobtîcal wesme wa or M004, aIl poppycecý e . i s aaai0dbsg Và irazen-f»,se -t8 e no an-. 1"Te 11t"8Sid lictt, bis f-uses yoi gisteing vltb exaitmrnit et t haei y intelligence, se, snddeslv cOnveyOdheruid te hlmn. "Wculd yeun ud saishl ' h- r isg toe me os this uraciouninfer- âte1 m ateS roacise en ou' al s-v (Te oc entinned.) htid moqbile, t 40554 te MURMUR Or TBE TIEP. scist Pr tbiug of A.dov'i lise âtreamsuof, ife tîiay taai fl. Tegetiser peacefuhly tisey'd fleait; "Wa g But, just as acu as tbey vere ne,,tut va Tishet" bogan le rock theisa sct ly. "Dos'i doi't. !Imoesor é u tins la c IWelL efl ost ean 5557. sIre Il tocs. Il Fieclesired te* res';ew thse visele of the eircitmatanees atteildng thea strange mys-tcry of imodem ilife, iand the resIt f hiýs reflections qùickly bornoie apparent wben lho reache1 his Tesideuce, for in the first in- stance ha iap thr *telrgram, and then .mace several notes lu bis private diary. SThse telegrein, in due course, pro duced an elderly pcnsionè"d police inspector, a quiet, reserved ruan, whsm the> barrister hiac often ern- ployed, Ho explained briefly the cireumîtauees attending Mr. T4.-' bot'a disappearauce, and added- ,,l vaut you te flsd.eut .the naines, and if possible the b)usinessà t;--together oith en4 other infermai'- tien yen ,may.happeýn. tecoeeacross --of every perses *who lives vitii a distance, rouglily Iseaking, of tws liuidred yairds.frein thse Carl' tee Ilotel. TePetOffice Dsree- tory and yeur ove observation vol1 narrois down the inquiry ceusider- aisly, It je the ulirotorded balane of unhaiitants'with visosu 1arn Par-j ticularl , anstisitOte become defi- nttO T O itslresv.Theénsau se- Brett iiniagined ihat hoieoldfor < ho loft je undisputed oujoyenet 1 a few houri' rest beforo the Earl cf Fairboine kept tise appsisstmaiit flxed for seven o'cloekc., But ilu this hoe vas miatakon. iI Smîith broiight lu seule tee, vwiceh vas rofresbiug sfter hie walk, for 4 the eugrossiiig nature of tha moi- inge ececîmpetisui causod hlm to for- get lunchi. A cigar and evening papor next clailined bis, attention, butho had harely settled devis te the perusal of .a garbled aceointL e! avents; et Albert Qate' visn bis insu' egaiu eutered,, anueulnci)g ti suyteiOs toues. tho presesice IDf mr. iur.Smnith's ttitude to- varda the myrmnielels of Scotlaed 'Yard whe oeeassieuislly vjsited tha barris$ter ou bueiness, was peculi-1 ar. Ha regardedtisesu iti s espie-, letompered .JJy wheles0me ave, and hoe new nssde keevuthe arrivai cf thé. deteetie lu sucis a manniol1 as camosed'bis mauster t lug tj Wlin. 'ýShow hllui.. Smit," ha said cbeerily: "ha lias,,uet cerne te ar- reet me this tne." Wiutor eurte red, and e glau e et bis face brouglit BraIt quickly te bis foot. i c1Wist lWtise mattlt'"lho criod wheltisa door bad clesed behuud tbese srvant-. "Yen have receivad imeportant 505051' 1 i lsould,.tbiuk 1 have," repLaéès tise doteetivo, droppissg into a seat. <'I ýwaS lest 'rituig a report intise -Yard when i1 was sent fer sy ithe Cic[efand yen coeld have ktieîked tme Ïoivu witisa featiser vises 1P Iseard -theo reaseus. I suppose 1 amn at;isg riglstly lu eomlig et once ta. tefl yen,ýaltisengh isnssy ferry at 1tisa turne I qiits fergot to as e s -Cbief'a prmSloiim, but as yen ar'e se ed iplethse caze et tise raqmsast F ti e rigùu Office, 1 tliousgt yen ,e:st .te bars what hbU balaien- i0" flW55 4.111otieecrfeil .- t ircennsmepi barchivas ini 1 farend,' lest emeald ame Ilp n t ace of ancen, wo-k- a desa'rtspoonfuil of Ii ay wvus a DES ERT ft8andt later uncovereet vemy MvIneglaeaftl of celai vater inte DISEaT. tens1ivo vorkigs, visicis proveet siotiti pato;peur tiss "as e w 1 B a ce aFluff.-S iee ix largo c>bho tisaoi treesuiro trovo, tise pan otaining aoe quart of bell- bananes, iprielele 'iill lemes jules Dut ernarale smie' f Scinendce, iug satar and aile over- tise ire fr ad graed cocaut, ad place di- iis gives eveny promiseofetdupli. iva minutes. ilaver vith leacsral nia~reeier ie ting tise vendeeful recrd 'fet s uger, eltiser ce bath, accord- mash ernollhi ail a wo'oden epoon, luxe, wsile prebabiy vas 82iIsO g bte tste; alev tise mixture te> ada e sent csp cf posedereal ugar OÙ te) $4,0OG 00 Waually foc s cool, sanI trele. e t l y a d f o r u n k o v o c e n t u r ie s C l a F o . O n a ! f o a n d th e se t iff ly e t o n v i it e s e ! t a i e n r-pns imes." quiCartf's Fnihic, e cali' foota, n1 ggs viîcluýl aboutlet ho eligbltly fbld. ýmilk, oeeis.aPour ii)stepfle ed ilterning a iseed e! celary, anilà pieca of l'- te rant about four. minutes <or mes peol, ose ucen f butter, une ntil tisere s. e liglt rasistace, DEATI! AFTER A. SCRlATCH. ounce of floue, licocf Iern, chosp- vis.on oeaçltplut cf visippeai- -ped pa-sley. Put tise prepaed foot creem inay bsadded. Presse ti Marris Qusîsam, an leven-yea- lu a stewpass ils enengismile, te tho couisteney tof innei. Id W idser boy, fel off bis biy cie cever, add tisae suion' celeey sud le'- Itico, Blase M ange-Ido à dou- net semteda' bis rsiaIHames peel, cook geutly t'l leet hIe hiler put theea auçfuls cf milt, liougbt iistbiug cf tisa juy, bel is teuder enougis for th e bosse te o pincisof sait, nd a cant bol!- lood poisen set inan dt ho is deset. hoe pinveet, pl~ aceit ou e disis, ad cimpuu of ico, visic i as hen tiser' Sueis incidentsas tise-hy nse teepit 'seri. Strain tise geivy, ounghly vashad. Cooknetil the sulît sas isfùeoti-cuait te mats thiacee t Ilils tise huter olied tini uîml usoba.Setea )eonio reeli'za tisedangertisaI may, floue, seaseis vils ppprseiAdl àrl bobd koe glasaful f bx freai naui ole Prîrelees TresaBus' lies Siaro AbUse. boy,"' sali -Uscla mas may bave moue cuber oc nomes cour- neoy, but.tisere la ne man on eartl eau' e1 cf tisas yen have, vratop te tilseof te yen have't couse e! tee stprecleese ,h sarno beiug, 1Ire- ýbody, ne' mettes viso s9 ày mare tuas Ycpu can'Iteceny tussor- I privilega or goegiseg in timo Yen pI te yen anyvsy, sd' t cen tak ta lay thill sornetbing te be i ,Wiy, Slevey, it'a thng geîsg te thipie û#, vaatie tiing of ,encis se tise man us tnà. $i , au- I weara suceqt vaste- r uil atare ocf lb sure. it our.nelsolucin«- eathue, Stevoy. plesss1 ýo teel 5ew yo lva yea.s aeeuetof yen, pleoty cftSme; but, tse.thiigs thef, osc le~ recivered. Dou'S se cf it. Wises yen eti tte stop; forget. it vises y oissrt ' time. Don't dwadha ON TO TELL. -eue esche regain cou- pes he diedl" timew. Tisa viii aisdje' b' ave time te secs iey liaiSte pst tiseir î14f cîd vale.placed oeahls. f1 nodify bie sueil cf &talea te- yesiaaupaýo i'..". isab serbcdai tise lisse, issstty desteyig tise germs tisaI speeai alsaosud steppisg tisa pain a-Ad .searting- That lsishy Zamn-Bet Zs-Bet munt net ho coufusset wilis rdinacy olutipns. Zau-But s a unique preparation *, poeOS- isg antisepSie, scothisg snd iesi- isg qieslties tisaI are sot te b. tounnai ogetiserbn, auy othor pro. paraIion. Tt senet osîy a unique beliaig issus, but iti l la asia fend. For ahi skis diseasesanad ijuriess--iata, bruses, hernsa, OS- asea, ebefing, ulcers, ringwcrus, oIe,, '1 is vithout equal. Il is alan, eseai wideiy fer piles, fer visichi k may ho regar'eed as e spec'sfic- AIl dmnggisasasd stores sel t 50'cecnte, a box. ce post Ires frium Zain-But Co., T oante, fer pries. Refuses garsuul'imsitationis. THE IIAPPY FAJIIIBI BOIY, Countriy oulh'u DaIIy 1Round of I'lsssssee. "'aI'lits te ho s boy egain vitis- ont s voe cm care, vith feactias sca'tered os my face sud issyseadinl my baie. "I'd lite te ise at tour o'cbods, addo asbnudred chor;s, saW sod ad faed the begsansd hock the stable dooca, andt bord tha' bas anid wateis the boas sud tate'tise mule te crist, sud teaci theo tcrteys bus te swim se tisaI thaywouInd't siast. and il tabout s heudreaice s ad bring tise oaite bâesandl stand 'net astise Sunes ilday sadc ha aud chisrs, sud Wear 5My bcot~ ea#t'c>E lotises aiaid vahiefeurum encrAes ki. Pr ews and mules & trais fer tsosty uieutea. Tare ýut, sift a littiesauigar over. sud 13REUDS. Visaizie SOenBeaf-Ii n tise nibeéd petetcefi 'a-.ieccy ocf11vor bea lance te ocainary corn -Tismes Bread ileelpa pinsa vter, tacbotà let,,te saIskowaecsa cako coyspreseai yoa ws'tee' place tisce. arg lard. Alloar toie ot as pea'fectly cool puer ir muatume. Addet Ire. t snd tbrae teaspens 0 f llyuift tLieasquarts slevwly, basting vilS s 'rc padde ennlil yen ahI. Fienash mixigw said set aide la cuvere for Iso houris Then lat risesagais sud bate cas ho atarteda a8 o eue-ha6it put cf oreain iviippee t t s stiff fretis. Turu intea e aSmuid anet set eway lu acecI place Iunti COOKfl4G AND,VEGETABLES. HinIs ouncoing vegetableul Aftar preparîeg 'vagatahhas place ln eCOletwatec for sema lMimaehera using. Alvaya lot vater bail ha- loeaPuîting tisemu le cool,ad con-, tisueste o olu util doua. Ternies sisonld ha peeled sud botchad frcee tisirty minutes to as bouc. %' ~Beets, beillfrosuos e utwe tours; tispn put in cohet vatar and slilpstia Off. ' Apinali, hoi twesty minutas. I Parsnips, bell frosu wenty te tilcy minutas. Osions, bout boiled lu tac or lIea waers, adaling inill tise lait iime. Strinug hbenseuld Le bojled oua and unid bell oIses. e boiusa;l -'lad lie lu s-. "TI o! A' k' tise in r- uigl Id and1 d ose] Oe tirolî ,d, whieis tisa Eng- charge f