Whitby Gazette, 27 Jul 1911, p. 6

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- tao saMme jars of watiW 0on-their~ qutseprtr(I"dhsIeau'Imon clad lai loose whitê Inn$. çsitnt otton trudgQ lazily bcinhd tbei-r o<0 r of Forent Ite»rvos) in -tteburros or more lkely ad&t -rt ut.ublisbedi"gives bis their weigbt to t-be alréady 1oVer-' lp 14Jh of the tiniber of thatiburee anîl.l.- a~gs par tt-hO<iO~W-iy.beats 'down froin a, trpcu sky on, 'T*'ÙttNwruY Th.VERSED. t-he saine palm andI co aci, ant TI part-y started at- The Pas i<nd general air ci ompties ad'i, coveW4 some oîgbt- thousand once pervadeB the stret. uqn,ê ile o!terit&. Tel: The universal bui1din4 material olxpoýronil ufded t-ho couThr sadobe, which is faed: with plas- cxlý&in nlddtecutyterornly ia thse botter houses. 'Pheise >arQw<1d Miti3htu lake, tihe MitigbtO -are aiways built lu t-be ferin of a river, t-hoe0-ru'sriver systens, wit-h bollow eur-tero' pnn it nujerous Tkxa nsos(nLt-o t-he patio in t-beertte. The ciudi<1g Weltemko lake>, Pakse-a (or more pret-entious homes have wjn- Plikwahigaa) 'l&ke, Setting î and dows, barred on t-he outside be- -Split laites andi the Nelson river cause thbe bouses are buiit- sng Systein, nluding (Crose andi Sipi'- np t-o t-le Street-, which gives t-boil> wek akes, Wint-aring and Landi- t-le appearanceofo celle in a prison. -In&4aeW s retun beiug madle bY Thiere is ne pst-ch of green or I - ay of t-he Missago (or Pine) river. auythiug hright t-o elieve- the uni- -bdi4st-rict- inspectetI covered soinO form duet- brewn color cof bousean 2bilies o! t-lie ci o the proposecl treet-, writes Jessie Fawler in tihe rail*ay. Les Angeles Times, ne spear cof - - ~ LEH0DOr URVY. grass is in sigbt-, aad ail thbe fiowers, are kept- in t-he at-jo. The particu- The meethod'followed was t-o rein lar village can toast of twe trees, iipt»èlon Ues, at- threc t-o six une cottonwood on t-be out-akirtes mile Ïsterv*le. Tise cen worked and eue pepper berr),. singlY> rselnnlng thse lined by cern- To cnt-esr eueof these bhuts i's t-o npas4e,'&d were- abic t-o t-asel f romn st-ep in on -a nud fluor, ramelv a four tià six iles îser day anid retumu brick one, t-o see a few eartbernu to he .iie-Int-bis weay a rapid bowls and saucers in one corner, ireao4aitieanoé wasniadc, whîscb a lit-tle pile of charreti ashes in an- a wýs ýeteSded by t-le use o! field et-ber, and a rude ait-ar msade of at - g~ua#.-couple o! packing boxes, decerated e TIBER 0F IRE REGION. with a tew Fatiy bit-s of tinsel and '1 Th$ug tsecont-y evre ~ ser e!of ibbon and empty beer c Thrbgh te contrycoveed b t(Ofls wit-h wit-hered flewers, ane %, the -exploratÎon no timbor was 6ffering te t-be virgin of Guadalou n - .oun4 at any distanceeback frin t-bhe wbo loite clown from thbe watts. <d Wâ.te'- ."0111Y a more fraction Of Chairs, lied andi table are lisaures o Per cent o!ft-h area surveyfd net- ccnmoniy found. Merican wo-s noYiw carries merebantable.timber," mnen are fend of tlowers andth -e lie report sys. patids are bnigbt- wit- blbossoms ti . IPeuaa e i, for the moPt- part-, the througiseutt-ho year. s- ouly tiiisbar tIsere wbieh La large One travelier descnibes a. 2èxi- we e*iougb for saw-tun-ber or railway can villâge as "Sun, Silence anti s tLoi, The poplar, bircis and jaiek adobe," andtIthie Le one's first andioe in ietee ,hort, SpindiY, lmbY lest impression. Whatever lite Le, W, and crooked foi' #nyt-lîng but fuel is around t-be plaza: for away freinoe aend pu1ipwood. Ira4,iealiy aliltsehe bre one rcees oniy an cocasional il t-amarsck bas bees kilied by insect%. water carrier or a paon ciosely ai -" We did net fbd Vwo hundred ' apped in bis serape squi.t-tingon t-c grentairekabveto ieh i te rondin tiese Pge andti damter ail sumnner," writes-Mr. doge are everywbe-re. Tisey corne ve Dicittoi. frein every open doorway andi fol- wi Thî total number of ties avAl!- low us, yelping andi barklrng. A ai &.ile in t-be district trave rsed Le -es- dozen do gs are nets too m4ù<1y forans er - atdst soins 360,000; tiese aN- average famiy. Andi the pigs-tey tbm o coasaot in udabl bepi -b sdi o -i e-etn t. For pile timber deati andi net untlI our horses' foot- are p tamawuacis andtIhte largest- o! tbe qimossi on t-hem do t-be graint antIFol' cIoeo'grained biaok spruce couid ho teziiy mruea a stop te t-ho right-. t- uated. *Thse possible upply o! fuel- But- in t-ho evening ail Lt<hangedti ti y wood Le enormôu, andthe-bre wili andth-e >.Iaco is full of lite- andi stir. or aise b. a large- suppiy e! îiuipwood, Everybo y cornes out- te enjoy the hg î buts neise o! t-ho timber is u y music andtito - estroli arounti aand th~ too inal aven for pulpiug. aroundth ie plat&. - Men anti women Th ý. do net- walk toget-er, unbesa mar- 17 RATE 0OF GROWTH 0F TREES. ieti or angageti, butt-be men walk or, Tht"'rate o! growth. as fa r as ob- three -or four abreast- on t4h in-aidie tul -'4rve, s geeraiy aciedi s ofo!t-ho promenade sendlt-be women t-rs -ýw»vedtis gneraly dcidelys oc-ion. the ough einth..oppie door t Le- Èi&e 1Pruce t-altos, ontise as-er- o -e ueteL -.opst lr r age, 'oae hundreti ye:rs t-e attain aets ln hog h.pndoso duinmeter o! four te fis-o Lncbes, andthe puque shope may ho seen groupe of mon tirinking t-iç nau, in thssmre îes-iod whitec, prucesosberga grewRýâte a diansctem,,(uf eight te Theseeopa els*1th tswel'yç inchei, and popiar t- 4eight set- aehoe, aswell ag he! tii t-o t-eW' Lches. "I saw no lackpino rs r e-kow yth'a-sE stand Nrbes'.t-ho trocsi averageci ofthoir ownars, but- by sonýe such eten Mi neles tin diasuoter,' theame$a 6Flo e s~ft-hn autisor 03.The slow rates o!f a '<fternoons in ArilSî nt v growt-bare agldiet h>od t-o have Xa band, a ,4go i sentuchtoo, -t-bat-PY i h lâ n whih cv«9,0muc u th ditrct.ort-wo 6,,ennp a we throeý*hoat- DANOtU ROMFIlE A» the year. i.eati8esare. rery D(-ÊNECTS.ý musical andi eue hears eVerYýwher* i "Tis fie lsi ud (augr L ~.t-be tinitIe of t-ho guit-ar or m&pdoli» foi] pali i, to se Mand d iger i s -piavingmrnie native 'air, iLkeisepj p')n-i "LUGlndtn" he~ o throrghot thetbn day and t-be isoe- brat-jotiends -Lt-h tnenio 'ansi daie-, IloaltbsCniin There Sald te HeIth iconditions in Australi are botter t-ban Lu an>' et-bercousl t-r>' o! t-be globe-, if t-he iow- deat rate et 10.95 a tibousant a yearuma, ho accepted as an index,>sys thb Medivai Record. Tise deatb rate frein t-nltèeos bas Steadily beau deciuinsgdur1ný t-be last t-went-y-five yoars and ne' i8 legs t-han 9 par cent, csf the t'.tu dent-bs, wbkicb a &lower percent âge t-han an>' publisheci b> an, ct-ber count.ry whicb comp;1les h statst-es un an oquali>' accursatf rua ner. In New Sonth Wales tise notifie at-ion et cases o! pulmonar>' anc tbreat tuberculossbas been cern. Puisoi-> for os-en teln' years. Tlb waiis anti ceilings o! bouses à which cases occur are sprayed se-t-i a, solution et tormaI-n and t-be floorç. ire wasbed wît-b j solution o! cor. rosis-e sublimate. Tise effactivenesa ofth-e edcscatin al cainpaigu is shown b> t-ha faci bhat open air sleeping Le more geai- erai t-han in au> et-ber country. Phare lesoarceiy a dweelling bouse -cnet mct-.etinewadays Lu A ustrali s evon a iaborer's cottage, wbfch La mot provideti with a suitable veran- lais for out-deor sleepig. Tisera La v-r>' litt-le expectoratiug on thle itiewalks or et-bar public places. Ordinances t-o pîevent t-be con- asuinatlôn -of milk and tit-er f ood- Iniffs are well observei. la ebepe where fresh meat je offered f-or mle Lt le custemar> t-o find sheetz )f water -running over t-be front -indows anti wail a fur t-he purpose )f catcbing dust. Ail large oitLot, îke Sidney, Melbourne, Atiolaido titi othars bave tub-erculosissana- orium anti aIso alarge esumber et ýds for cbronic cases. Tise Green- ,le Sanatorium, near Melbourno, iii compare favorabl' wit-h simil- r institiut-ions in Europe anti Am-ý ýries. Gratiyuzg progresa -bas beau 2ad, Ln LsofatLng cbrenic anti more art-icuiarly opon cases of tubes-u- Daie, Iu New Sontb Wales, .Vie- 'ris anti South Australia it iu es- ýmat-ad thatet loast 50 per cent, ft-bez. cases have be-eu placed iu oupitala sud a gooti proportion ci, LO rernaintier untier supervision.- ha beatliofficiaIs bolier. t-bah on- ra few years wLll elapse beoe or>' case o! pnl1monary ant t-bs kberculosis viii be untier -aScla ecn- 0as t-oreduetle danger of ,nsmltting t-be infection t-o a mein- 2ur. GAIDEX DAY BT DIT. ch Day Erlug8 Itis Ouw IVorit. lfOQday.-4hu-ing 'a m Bat-ler t-h.lavn ebouls 6ïwn t-oo cosely>'atif ap, are allcwed tÏo le utoot thbe waird frein Mt 0f.tbe sue.. ['ueaay.-4f youanar th weede- in a grarel ' Iowiug plinu viii Prove rit procure a few cent,$ gs mIaLt eattes-Lt ove 131&1= oengla n 0 snte fmot that w'aat>-w, g QeuMary, orily be'wS her heàd, ta tmyb welt' exulain that t-b oje8e- son, for tht, hieh 1 a h e seribed smhairî IfQue Alexandra bo*s froin herajaj -isl becau'se, like her "mother-4ldaw, QuCen Victoria; like the late ]!Snprego cf Austria, andI -Quee» Christina Of Span, she has a 8ecoies « !mechaniêaî contriv- anie fixed to the seat and back cushions of ber cat-rîa.ges, whieh on- -ables hor to bow eontiauonsly from thlte waigt, without any exerion or- fatigue, while thle carrnage is in motion.- It le so-mething ini the nature of the uglidirrg seat-s tsed ln ro'wing. Queson Mary clocline t-o mate useoo! tliss cont-rivance, on t-be plea that Le disposez ber tW seasi,-okneai, a nialady by which she ie extrernelv proue; and it ie ho- cairso wit-ho.ut this cont-ivance She would be overeome by fatigue if compelled to bow eontinuously frein the waist, that sho iuerely contents hereif with an inclination of the ie-ad, which she endeavors to malte as gracions as possible, bt. which courtesy t-han a This mat-t-r of bosving in ra- spense t-o the saluitations o! thes -Public le a Perpetuai source o! dif- tfarences, and es-en disputes, asueng *t-be mainbers o! royal and imper - LaI families, anti bas c-reat-od ne Cendi of haviblooti &nmingstthens. 1 According t-o t-be mules o! etiquet-te, it Le ouI> tise lady o! bighest rssuk in thse carniage or part-y wbo il e -r- mit-ted t-o resporsd t-et-be- salut.a- tions et bowiug, antI wbeu, for Lu- istanica, turing t-ha late reigu -t-ha theu Prince-s ef Wales was driying with ber mtôther-is'sn7lawQue-en Alexandtra, t-be formler was pro- el-uçeti from aoknowledgiiig any sa- lute, avten on t-he part of lier per- soual Lut-Laat-es. The Coun-tees o! Flanderu, mot-ler o! RKing Albsert of Belginminl the days wben bar sister-,in-iaw* t-be late Queen Heu- niet-ta efthtie, Belgians, waa et-il ai-ive-,"a.bsolutely refiasedt<> edrIve anywber-e witb thelatter, on t-ha, groundti -at t 4eas -inLurious t-o lie-r diguity t-o b. snale te rot-urn salutàtions addressed -t-o ber par- sonal>'. Tbhe meet tiistiaÎguishie conrtesy pasi b> olti Emperor Francis Jo- se-ph t-o hie royal guetu,, wheu driv- ing them back t-o t-be railr-ead sta- tion ist Viena, Le when hb. abso- iuteiy tieclines t-o aeknewl»dot, any o! t-hj saintes o! t-be people lining t-be street, leaving t-bat entirel> t-o bis vieit-or, so as t-o couve>' te t-be latter t-be impressLon t-bat t-hae o Pula jsomage Le atidresseitW bien, t-be 'anti net- t-o biseit. ti'.- TVt- vuSeea fer ell o!- bot o! a not b. bu~ t-lie clip-t-u t-bey viii B< thle dis-oct forer Bat. to bl-lical Worth of t-une- bly oêen - di'- -.-- -- isongse ' i W5t,45 varbie, a litteatrident lilino.1 sý; t-be taser "oinge aà veas-. bave i PS> r, feo ntlite- an, udeveloWpe, is - borue robin; sdt~grosbeak fias recou 0~*ang s beamtihl v rbi,ratiner tond at Mas. ~>5Ul~tàmteu$-ltperfectepisu l tu -- ýY 1-;'u e nd '-I n- e- ig -s Dr na e ri- le ;y r a ig n it . -i4Y 7 eealluf cLtdes sýo ýoï»e càe thé e rom ýi il Ille; Nb. 13 Le chock full, JiI v"ther& à f m» Le matIe cto 14' !àud" La,- otheïs the, 8 'begin not at 1, butat bO, a71'e ev-71 "Thé f*t Le, many htel Mai, agora. have di8oovered that%,a troor nuMbereci 13 Wodn't là, andI nome times there, le difficulty in allodtin, No, 11j3 or NO. 213. Several time I b&Wknùoýw people- bave an hot el rgther th'an have a number Coi tainsg the-reaeclfigures î3. ut 13 s 'not t-ho only numbeý ConEidered unlucky. A gent-enal well know? at a certAin botel-hi otten stopped at lt-weas shown in t0 No. 4. As soon as ho caugi ,siglit o-!)t-be number on t-be dojor-h- stepýtc back and asked for an et-ler toom, oxplaining that 4 anc m1ultiples -of it were his uinluckà numbers. There was net anotbeà roorn to offer hlm, se he went ton neighboring hotel. In t-he morning ho returned for a picture he had lot t. "'Just as weil you didn't have that reoom, sir,' said the clerk, in handing it over. "No. 4 was buirn out in t-be night; a wire fused.' "Atter that t-he gentleman was more than eveT cooaviaced t-at-4 was a numbor te be avoided at-11d conte. «There are 'unlucky' roems in Borne hotelu, though, I knew a cage whare t-bore wore twe mjuicides in thse ,ame rotin during a perlcd e! about aix weekm and ahort)y a!- torwardg a sudclen denit--f noin catural Causes t-bis time-tool place in thbe saine roons. In tact It in Uot uncomamon for a nerios of mish aps or t-ragedios to occur or Ib8 connected with a particular ru)onsi." SENTENCE SERMONS. Wbat t-be sagas bave said et man. Man bas beau deflnecj b>' Aritotle as "a raouing animal";- b> Pla- te as "a political animai"; b>' Dan- t-e as "a nidiculeuts animal ' ; by 'Varchi antI John Fiske as "aun - provable animal"; anti Boenhaee calls hlm "mud vorited up b>'t-ha baud o! Qed. " Man la t-be anirual capable ot politîcai wisdom..-Plato. Ce-rtainly minse ne t-ber t-ban t-le dreare of s cloud.-Pindar. Why I see aIl o! ns t-e le ne mono than- valunvermeantishatiev.- Man i-s a buntie o! habits.-Anîs- Hîppocrate. Phili fat-ber et Alexander, bati a serrant vbose soie business Lt- vas t-orerentn i hm 'tb.hovas bureau. It- le said, aeordingly, t-bat -ho neyer vent fror t-bé bouse, anti bssing reture etinver gave, audience te au>'one vit-bout ekst t-bis servant voultisay,t-o himt-lre. tiesn..lua -leuti oice. "Philip, thon a r t I ý t n Il "i! e u i - is a cmeimo h ui iu reason leho u ma o f in hîg nutritive antI rprodue- i nctibnog ho - belonkg tW th-e an- srti e- S-o- *o . ea 'V ee- belsie hoas ýmuch sQt t-be 'urassaîti-.Iliou' art an &ni- carryiug a corpse.-ýMarcus aen , man a a Wolfe nt-amaeu, (t-us. -' -ho caaLouly h. compar.. ise dis-t fscmwhioh t-hou-vast, f0ý, th he W1-Juniqb Âft4' Thc5e Ii f1his pite of -6"pr-evaijing belie! 14.- ilki 'ah feurid thé, ook- îto th cou tary Te-o ît , thé- soventeen Th act that it was found at, th&e yeaîr lcst a11, lg n is" tizne the moneyWas being braoughi. gnie~ lida taen llaidtnm-Intez@ the temp le fo r the neceesury ber--u!' the àaglng frîâ tenity. 1j1 î r6h irgo makes it scem - a natural. iging to tell you about ït. inferenco that the book was hid- "Last nveek I ranrip t-o Green- lien1 whare the money Wfl8 kept. wood Laké, and while -1 was thereý Giv.<i by Moses-This detail is- I fished some of the little streamns fot gfven by 2 ings, th-e older re- near 'by for trout. They are not cord. The Chronicier ba& in mmnd wonderful trout streama, but I the entire Pentateuich, whereas, as have never faileil to get enough for! note-c above, the account, in ings breakfa&t. This time 1 fotind th e-m implies cuiy the book of Douter- so 10ow friom the lack -of raim that onomy. Many critical students of o.Ily in the pools'uas it posisible to the Old Testament now bel;eve th*- fish lt ail. Ancl the trout in the, main portion of 1euterononmy was Poo18 were So, scary t-bat it wras written, not by Moses, but at a necessa y to staIk.them with a later tinie, and was made^ up of great care as one would stalk a materials of an earlier date. deer. 16. Shaphan carried the book to -The firrst day I elirnbed ufver the kiig-A lc<ompariso)n with 2 the 13c] aie M ,<ita:n t-i Blmsk K ;ng s24e-2. 9 shiow sti tiat tliS m en- (jreek, wbere t!îere i.i a mLtrctch vî it-on o<f the book sboulcd Pot have sitreaqin abolit alf a mile ltj-.g hen made at- this point, ILts in- turnbling dow, through a roceky t-roduct-ion herc, ant-ioipat-ing the gorge caled Buttr-(nilk Falls. narration iu verse -18, miesaua There is a Frines of abo ut lhalf a awlcward statement. What t-bis doz n as ade w tb ine rr ed ia te scr"b c actîally did w as, first of a i, po'ls and in thecQi the t-mut %were to report tu the king the "comple- gathered. tion of his work lu C«,Inection with ' r si g the m ou taiyn. 1 no- t-e repair (if the tem ple, which bs-J tced tbat -on every t->osh anîd s&-rub beeii intriîsted Wtoh-e c-are of the were do7,ens of seventepri year lo- Levîtes. etusts that liad juxt ruade their ap- 14~. Rea-d t1iercin-Tic~ writer re- pearauice. They kept uip a buzz- cognizes the repair of t-be temple, unlike the g 8eoundirig nul. wlic'h had been intime Pentateucli unietewhir o.i digtant machiin- t-o the king, a-cd 5v rays ho mead ery. 1 picked several t)ff the huNtî- 0o11y portioîis of it. Adïnitt-ing t-bat es and examned them cloqcly and it nas thi) bouk of Deuiteronomy fouind them te be very attractivept1îat i% %s read, tli, sta-temei-,t in 2 ini thei1 r colui-icig, mnuch more K!Y ngs tiiot -fopitkj-,n mead it- is at than the one r4dible and natitral. J1JLY 3tq oa 0. 1, - u see ev ry bum rer. D ent. 2> - uuud ho api. to mos-a tie - -Weil i. wess 1r-es-bcd t-heo -reck ki-ig de(-J)l 13 lit, tholgit of bis I fisfhe-jd-je-n tlinoutgb t-ha gorge People's neget vihe -c-sve-sut of uithifiles, using .4oma coasi-dered Jebovals. especiaiiy attractive t-orainbow, 20. Ahikans -Sp>ok-encof b * yJonc- for tlis at-resu-s was ebocked witli mnish (26. 24) as a wortby courtier t-be Western troit about fuve yeaîs' wliu deie.nded tise prophet on a cri- ago. il mny best efforts were in t-Lal occasion, and t-he fat-ber- of -vain, so I turneci and i flhed up GIedaliah, who governd the citIýg -with-angle wormss, cat-chiug a few f Judai aitcr t-he fall o! Jrusaýnative brook ti-out, ouuly two cof hem. whic eb re large ersougb te keep. The kiug,'s servant--Some special -Ail t-bis t-ino ht-i .îoîing o! the offiee of sljfje r wt s' e are not, leeusts bac? been .o'unding in my c<prta;i. oars, and suddenly t-e ho toght oc- 21. Go . . . fosa great is tise wmath curet t-o ue that pemisap3 t-le of Jelios-abal---Thie king was fearfisi tiret mighit like them as a change of it-he thrcateuaing calurnit> wbi-ob etf diet. tie readîsg vi the law led him t-o "I sc-n bat fis-e or six lu My expect. liait box, andI salect-iug a likely 22. J{uldab t-lia prphetess.--The pool I cassisMn. Lucust directlin lutom-s was appliec t-o several women t-ho shatiowof su overhangng rock lu t-be OltI Testa men t-Mi ians, D- wbero t-er. vas an edtiy f white honnis, tisa srife o! Isalais, Neadiais foani freint-be waterfail aibore. Ha (Ne-h. . 14). Buldah- muet bave bit tise vat-or rat-r be-as-ilv' but been a w<sm:an osf scknewIedged ro- t-bat maodene dti#erene. Ris' legs put-c as a. propltcisees,nsamueb as began t-o twiteis sud bis bat-l!ul- 1t-ha nseuge-rs oet tha king sougist ly colorati vinge gave a slight fut- lier ot at once, when directad t-o t-ar vien bang! t-be trent bat him, "inqusire ot Jehovah." We bave anti down again into t-be pool. ne turt-ber information cencerniag '"Wben I beaeelt-he fieli aft-er ber té~an what in cont-aineti in t-bis, a gooti st-ruggle, for I was flsbiug and t-he paralci acceunt in 2 King* wit-h a five ounce rod sud bad 22. 14.20. Hon husba.nd's grand- NG'LANDINO NET, fat-er was keeper et t-ho garment-, itept* for special festive occasions at 1 vas tielightt-etito iud he ax as itise PilaCe. rainbow seuck.reasu-e<j exacti>' 12 24. Ail t-be curses-See Dent. 28. Lnehei. And I getOe eli;oves-y 15.28. A more -te-rible taté for t-be ,pool viser. I bat pras-Louel> l bed i ot>'anti t-benation coald bas-dl>' vitb bot-h fly anti worm, aIl on ho- b. mmaginei. -ouato anti alineasurins about t-be 28. Gatsiered t-o t-b> grave in, -e s- ir.e, -poaoe-As Jojiali was lain in t-ho 94On t'wo suceatsivedtist1 triedc bat-t-ietofMegidido, t-hase arda, il tswo et-ber hnc>oks with t-be sanie t-sken literally, are at leait a t-oi-- hait a&!Ibath alno- se asgoud lmet-. on> t-o tisegenui-nes o! t-be Tii-es. st-re&ans bave ne rAinbow la prophec.y. As a mat-t-er ot act, le- t-bérebut t-be- native t-sont 1 g-et, cause of! his personal ploty andIbu v-es-e aIl vonthb sce-ing andi the iUit-y, tise king vas npaneti tise beutet isv- Ia-I-sntboth-b- agon>' et -witnessingt-hue evit wluigh ore tIm. it--fl1ows. Iol- - befeillbis people. Citst, is aPretty1g»d usouthbtul, 1: 2.AUl tise eiders-No offiiai admit bution u lit- ei-ie -ha-t ase is -rentbut ratJez- t-he ýa l f ffres-wu. troat bÏ,baua s Ctt- 0 qs-o bohugea 'anticlans. bi~moutIi - - - .0.AUl th. e-opin-Itasap- - <nt anothe-r- sing, Tbrere' l pt-as saaeblCOnsIstig -o! *lt,. ýom near visers I1 . eon Stat-es Pl a a~anti ages. Nadta ftQItiS good'biset k - h ate a eoanant--Literally, Rislhing. - Aftar "I g t ek 1rordlý "eut- a covenant, anu x~a~ <'te nhw ood. -L atk e 1 tt-rôhl à ý- cver t-at 'aaro fro a_ -le -n tu e t m 'icipatLe» tl fths e enig t, #3 between, wbie& tisepas-ties nvIý4:-Y bs,~ êiaam ont-hei' ltOt-b- t thie vaiketi. Tbis, b6w-e'si w as uo4't - mo- 'wtiny 't?êitittinesxpon;esta pt--t o enait-Tih ath> vange i $--fsh 'ýl-er: niW- ow e c~tioen t iA he i AM~-t--T t- j toa strong seiud oer fc or t-ne salé 1of duult-mese, P»g tiss..- Fi-al> 1ilstsin sttire «i itcai, aujt-arcane ant rx.oAx'«e*, jt' t-othbe tangle etof DY.re 9tin ' oCI~O,àthe plave hi" tabei "- on %nd teji seret se etamyraquit- a ahoiday atpect. Groupa of Offl a trie rapter mlet ft-î fô c o nciai, 4h itb a- black eyed Tise reprt- niaks aisuderochet- lac" or trily ' - 4qa%. Tli:, eprt alc anumnber £if, Men wrap tisenîÉs els le lu #kir i , t bntrprtec-f erapen ansd ait stoIi¶.l foi'i~O~ 04tlýregio rfronm ira, but t-be oJock, whens tb.> wll >*IétPZ,- êaly ~ninabiaJt-bt-,if-a Ai hildren, vonte Irom mil" ea u M$t 4thbchaueso f rontrolliàg on -foot-,un -bllrfflog, $1> wraii;r syes~, lu In l sorti e m*wp "-a t A L alretain. An sntes-ei Thelb. aeenda om hr4 - Polt otd istbi*t the IndiAna eto! ý e QýI ae 11fliLa4 rit jaruafil5l i-e vii - .- - tiet sih bfero $Me ic Ioan wos'ime Thmefi b6e due tOhu

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