Whitby Gazette, 17 Feb 1910, p. 6

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OR, THE lIERI "P'erhapo, toc, hie docs not lieveyo will carry ent Y£ ticrai. " -Yes; tisse French alwas) aginc it la impossibie'to treat ti, like simple mrtaîn, tand that1 elould net dare to att ers las wn,ld in St....Petersbusrg. bu t.. ' rypoaibly; bot in a nu( lie ha~s iseçitjis te cross tise f lier, and sv.eo tise seas." '1 saw hlm pesa near hlises carniage, vhich vent tovard 1 écaux Park." "'Tt le te lacregrettoil yen net felow it. We inigiht kenen vIses it conductee M. "I eid nset follov it, but nome suiv it again eftera'ard." 'Ah!sreally! and vises di< go?" " 'IV v wen tote sRulesde Vi it topped befoes'your houttes, 's-te opened, tise carulage er "WlsIaVl Irtre!" eried M. Bi ov "f Ah! this iie tuee, nch,sa arn aniazed yes i, oulud attach rce of au- droppc d amlllInt t ossible t es a fot )d lierd 't hall pinit Irretis side rm tise f seraI1 ,tueepali and iýmer for tise t Potsti.las tijrrenglta 'ieve andc n mess.e This je siilatoeed nutri' F, s tiolov andîs'itise.i1for ;n'valids1 il. viih wak digestion,. e }led li'e-itose pitens oi e em s'liver imb li-e, Wlsasinsd x_ dry thetn, lay ie a vell isutteresiy ff. diipping tia,; iix tegetherlu a havli in tlIsen large tallspeenflm cf br'ead1 s! cryseb,, ore tesepeçnful tof Pour, e 0etapeu ol)pped perely, n.t c. little sait ail pespe and a ennui lv ho4ledanion . Lever sncb live . p~iiliver wacrlthtser. Pleos ýestripa cfi Ilbacon ncTbtise tep, peur li aif.a il int cf sater, bise slovly feren sndia tise ni eePO o ,un'f , >" n '"'"' day? Assdtfor acat. pteo ua> "Lo unhav it Holw je hie l>'eely dauigtr?'l1i ek" li ra f c p e (I have th a tg e . ry t ti a M . de C a rn e hs h e e 'jait laid doacu, that tise yuncg mn - oiitkosradiI. rultt orhu, tandxs 1 ,itatW ahi keep sleuce tu tise sud fur fear "' l n an, isdthr'iicgs e>ttt'Ioted a oft tise vengeancetof tise Nihiliste. aemsthingse te tells abouit."' h- Muat ha ailI lete." seo hi 1 have moesthiasonce hesodis. ThiWs sE aid le u edry t <ol~ tti cd. lma oolts _poed te regret hie capture. Do tnd se eriouttaun airthat the tf«, - '""h"' an' the yen noV think that ihall he remined .ulju ditî iage i t ISFORTUXE FOR THE BLOOD- ereamery frec hoewwouâà have eompremieedr tittîdetnd langoage. . S. f' ' in 'ierf b -seule issiprudeunlt atl" I "Then, sir, be kind ennughIos(otehi "Yes," nuormuree tise colonel, I rxplunlie yooeýslf," be s.id, issrgn-' Tijfestune for tiseblDl<els-Itoat ereun u "wes terére perhips toi) hIl'U.Un-! tilv. "i tisoughtY(Us ouvehd l uuld lacprieteci in &Il tise publie cesved m' foiutrrsatcly it ih e olate te retrace jal nme a friendly ViSWIt. Ipe i 1ates. Yensu M Mt saavo e7 90 w mnakers s our %teps. ThisjaCarneel sà foes'1i-vas nitrkt; but I sannet gos-9,ihaee trosig lunga te enale-= a *eek o wars d . He veusi lie t #a0 usfo]-'uIrat yen Ihave tueplay teine." î-wjthntnd al thne dut asd i- 5 Is bardy as o visit bis "I il -jhave te ask ,Ie & a.leo1ý roe f.umr n he . ell9týina w- ustIselh accomplies, for ao f i3M. de 'arniel" rcpliepd M'a- ,iedm and coud of 'tinter. Ces- goiid lin! convituerd it iv ,,ly a accuai." imo, r' okicî frail et M. PI"sie' ttiiption l, pprI ly eekg,,creassfr "Your exctleuecy," Said< i . of. ick flooit; the naturel iresait of ti'jrcea vrjl e,bairtastscct«"tiser s 15 t ut bave brentisat hs -'sne1ei una.- Te jsýesvçctoti>ptien t.sct therb ettl tint Vto baveýrceesîurO" Vo a v as gifted withs a sang. fr'id tiat iîc Iloodisjec c.-ea b ebtter. ,ueans5-,'eu have u'serloolrcli. I be- s"" invincible,. for ise replir-i sutIs- say te proteet tise orge nes te ue 'Ir _ uru v c l uld SbcVottr tu eStUxe ,.1t trtra5'iusghilamlf t ulate ibin ricis hîoed ftroua te "Tud rnte Irlssrty1 " Younwis te Ilnov a -sa bash- longs. Marly have beecsasved by "Te eclfise u c sreneani Yenurne tai M.de Carnoe, vis'rvas Dr. Wlljasss Pink -Pillahrsb N acf~~~~~~ rmp, tttl.tovhr d, I islciee. itît M. Duer- tisses Pilla are a remsarablebld "aPardon utc' en, , 1itni.îj g' res,.1i' hnire"iuider ; not indiretly but lirectly W baerleee ,otle1 es. rrtu'n "' ~re piect Me.iinuî --scitis (e.Ach doses.,They have cored W zold ISc ,u sie s aW'!d Meui siis to Intes vr>yen mtiuoisands ofetaes oe!f aneacsu; 6kasIse _'rcsf lr' irtii ~ isiirsv,"éitue l'r issel 5C50 ic1t5555; general deliffty O- j.rcss.In.. rel leo e rith is g#niema n.-enUd aile-iler" troets arsng sut l 'Irsfrct tat isirtPestitoC1 n.a,>',t ,li,'e. pnote l, Ni. A prier b!aetl. - 1 vewriti bcfa% efge b i 'e i r l5ueeel5',hlrand didi ct sprak1 r 4isitrat'y esettotiri It is peusbie. bat aissee,ttly A bore su a peri;en wà lise - j eY1ý e.C]eï. Ido llnt '-rt sers entluh islop i vtb tbinu dulabut e arenivl ad Ot lien' t. lu wC5n.-( censpJl iiu emi."riit ýbbage fcsaing.-'i'iece oe! se et an egg ç'er.1111 lari e eggs, veilibeates ; bal aiof aveet milIr, half teacp( pc>nt, of ecusta-e4, ittle blaecrkspepper; vesegar te0 M ase yens ke. Poil aII Vegel] &lide t-cuool; sip a* lhai bbage fine ; poseur sroe.iug e 1,Yonr excellency forgtathat ho, traordmna.Ty that a groom shculd ]o leVed thse caugiter of IM, Dorger"' have rjnktd hie neck te eeçertain of Cd."wbat had becoeof itise banker"ç 'Did hie fot robs umecf ioy paper !ex-secrctary. Wha knows if thilti se the very day lie wassdjsinissed cisap hiadrt seôethii>g te do witis Sï» thé'issukor I On that day lie tire theft. Yoo ongt tei have male d listeued. te the voitrç ef a vomjai si. jquest" ' ache had bee his titress. Sire 'Yctsr excelisney, it hias iec's .i prorised jm lher protection ije dune4tnd I1Jhave ascertained peso, . fojreigo .parte, and lie vas cotent tively that j t vas a mners chanec. witis thee lfty thou8and f rancs tak- Fortlsnately lie broke is issad be- rt eltfhem the iýâfe." j fore lie lMfd tintie to beble. And l "Unless À a 5s snt to.hii as lie tise proef je tltat dorjng this month. il,) e" t.attempt lisbee made to Je.s "Bab! This pernson whis uddete- liver M. de Carneel." ],, ienebeet an old dcbt ia a very' Tise dour op ced anud a valet lie improbable chareo,-tr." I ied entercd, iearieg a card unern'r "H1owever it rmsy be, yôtur excil- alwrsaiter. l lency, Ibis 'acco)llplicesof!11, de,: 'Iho je itl" asked tise colone-l, Carnoe1 jtbhs teoujposibs it ' jil a getursetfimpatience. 'ft fsn." Iave said 1I aeld receive ne en." l * ."Becauise tise svarcis bas, not heen Y or exeellency, tis gentlemano well Fmade. Tise informnatione1 bave' jnsisted, aaying that lhe came ont receetly recived ronrmtihe chif of pressing bi ineiï." thse third section le vcry incein' M. Borisoff took tise card. . andI pleo Ties are ubcore wyeues1reand.iiti atouiishueut the came, 'whom ne one bas theught of as tiranif q Iis visiter. sgin ad- arcegiutg tisese 0ots. -:Ask- rim jeto tise salon" hie sail *la y 1 letw that my Casket' Con-. Vo tise valet di pied.1 tained 4lup 'shotle plein:oçtMymy fill'1XVieuoinswitlt is steward ision, all nny correspond sce nithi -Deyou knoevwhvisnks for mel r th( -genral an d tise miniser" 1It18tise rnephieseof tise Issker ý Wht j.isjeextraordinary is tt.1Dorgeres. 1 do mt, kons. hm. tbey>esouId hsave 1necn avtrre of tise Wist tean hie ant vitime " * depositin ig cf thie easket witis yeus "Your excellessey, perhaps tise las lae y tise secretary, uno soelva intt enb i doibt." "Very likley; bot'foi' ahatlI )t "Vyouit excelleecy, 1 ihave miade a is singular tisatbe appears Just 'as1 minute inunest coucenifetise ifs e o 'w ee peaking cf tise, eetary. ý led sy tise yoteng nanI undà t is "',. Va tise ead of the stables s certain that ho did set asneeSatto, ua 1erad y travPlling.carriagei iitis a single Rossian. 1 bave goies, ýal eveute. IV is by.ne mesg se far as te ebotain informationt con-! certain tIr t 1 oball décidé t,, a eerning this aCountesn Yalta, Wh,) ta eema. bas tonds deposited t M. DeOrger. Tise intendant bnaced peooirr' es and 1 aie atisfied tissetlbe bas ly, tand left tise rooni baekwar'l nover sees iber" Afier tlinising hlm, M. MEtirle "Oh, tise Yalta bas neoeOf505c- 0of'roseS fen tise divsn and pues' * tien itis Nihiliste. I hae point-,cl jeta tise ueigisioing salon. ed ber out te tise departinent. isheïfemm aie lire" bas been watched very clostly, and. tnigbyavnoe tn yut it la certain tisat abilenet engated 4*q;pI)55sjcr ef bis ceuntenai)cr. * eplities. Rer <thor seas e kiidljdc 4!st55510pinces, visesolul sjugave atsi'e errand wom cf a Ci.m gaentr It vas net tise livt , prÀncýpality te tise emperr'for aov ti h le ise acrutise bamkeri ute. lesal millions ofFablesa. Tise dauBis- phew hut it ac never spoken t) > ter married somoe tiser disposessstd he n iii nttlgwudIs lord, Whosesoun left ber e vides. he co old songisbt fer tise cl. She left Rsie inle hr ci'lellocd, enel. andha.ains oslytlusî~fi IkI~5~ "Moeieur" he said, "beforrs iv-

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