... .- . 10 Ibfor2< Gu*riieed abloutely pure. JE.WILLIS DUUGGIST AND OPTICIANe, MEDICAL HALL, WBIT»Ye 111E WIIITBY GAZET The Whtty Chîoaicle VT4ePZVZjy KBYSTONE Publlabed eyery Tbursday 'n the year et theoiSole iâe JuSt.S, vWlty.The Ga- sotte and Cbrotle bave the largest circule- liOCS Of ny pipOrsa lu h. cou nty. Adver. tbI n ltiefe Papera paya, Rates ox appli Subucription p" $ egîaar; $1.3o ilflot p«W lua vance. A.OODP2ELLOW9 Cioid Watch foir Sonie Oýnt 1 994*e une will wlù the goid Wadch alirOd by . N. Bi3tst fur thl. MpSest s of suori4lotîo thl rriho- Who et&'rt early wilIlheve &'loNger tUnie la wbqoh ta'.work- oiwbtthae who delpj, ln beenaitig. q tYr7tobipho bere are f4li110' wto do Dot tolitheppor aa 6lUi) wprk on lbepart Of. uani. on. lwonld solur.tb.lr Dame.. Moth0r *dvAntffl W qIn Coo1it. ïiZt., le cîo o r tluke about, lu andi Tla'. îtle to enter. mut orwtlto bisa wil rovo propf ty. puy wIII bWll yoa (e, to prove axwxt,, or e.et la Ir. 8hoop's RIeter- ~t lyç' a 0 4My' book oo ltbor Dyjap- TP* Ut or. T» XLdAqa. k ObL" 0ofthe ÀtOmbeb lieârt or icOV4 te, oeaI ut .L Ooýrnxor ertr ofe tre&tlog .ycloIotu cuir. 870*%toIntrealmeot IWtreât- r"lt* of etjour .»mnt. sat sout, wiçazes, alwsyo. And tbe KaÊ ,diiduyas - a uah&&va & tew 7ognif peopie 0511 evt4bi-ro, - boytxrt laroo n riù 1I.Fred Hoar ha» ieaê Mr. Bruce W11-ozi bai <mOlie4ra fiu, mew *ubber tired bb"g>. aloa& ;li IXuevr"»t et lug liearneds. H. Mpy« lie ha$t ererythlng n3w¶e ex- cept a ulco driver. gr. ÂÀuMos was vlotted by- bis bmr.e-n-1aw <rom &lott towoadibpL fimia MAY Brown le ienUfng ber blldayti iander the Parental roo!. Tbow.. %Ilàon le býll&lng a.new %granoxy for P.J. Seldomm. - j.L. Green, tailler ênd 4raer or Gtewwood. ba.e ont (gr beeholot floewar gSX4 t te ho foond aay- ~wlsre. Bloomi 19 C~onatntly to e fouend t bpre.j.Ttiotnow .the dIipliLy or o4e l ndeiL4ilI 10 1 obe Ye. A- recnt Iltor to brio grounds Coruated ,Over 100 îarlei!ôs or flowerjng U-ow,', Thigt-Wc offer ond hundred doiarq rewai'd for any cso e-a tarrh tbid caniiot lie oured by'llai)'. atarrti Cure. Y.J. CtieneY & 'Cc: Toledo, Ohio., lVO the under.nlgmne baya known F.J. Chenoy for the lait ffl" an3w d beller. hîni perteotlY tiens andfluanciall. abe te tarry WAug inuon anld Mxvin, Wbétê. Ostrrhti uInetaiten lern&aUi,- aetlng direotly iVpQn be blood and InNicOtilsurfaces ot the yt4m. Tell-, tlmnon-lisi'sent rree. Price.5eyr bottieê. eold by all Drnggli*s. Talce Hall'a' Family PISetor toouattlmlti4l.' yet Of~l $asktchwan Piked 4idp~ii a4 te jo4àn%,ageer;rabiy a81ëted" bxiê,m ten4a,»c#, and Uioee pbea.t luform cUW nt ,ite usolr.sexclle~sn i- b2-r fffi be. t r Or0) ju tikhidrdStoufîfll, w"aa in. l0wn ont Monday. - pRev. ja;î, Oraut delvord an eic- celleat addrd'u to youiug pleple oen suuilay evening, ta klflg for bIts aUb- lent .1 ale "-ektdoot for your Hlesdacbe. X$I- certin ILt canuse and thle cure 1e3't blrd tto fînd. XLÔok te (taonuicli a.nd bowni.g.Arent yôÔU oneLiT3iLtod Luf't youîr lver snggiuh lent thie ~macib Tai n Dits nilseloin? What you need vî thie olcmuseng tolie Ini- $luenceoro! Ur. li$mîltOfl'c lUs. Thelr flecte iti-iAutieg, beqause tbpy nid a'l ltoa adtng rgang Is b out ail Unbotb auftr. and toue ný lie. yonr m4omatb Frets a cbaoê e* -,( - ci*ierte, anud 4 so _qa»ekly. For - réal buoyan't bealtk b ifUul Psua~lary. 5..Pe'box, sail 4mawe. 0f Ie elernolIrngtmgpo3r ,lot- cons ÇÂ&T WIIIT13Y COUNCIL. V%7 <».Aiiel îmet t#119 day. XmiabeeaIl pa'.sent. tIkeve Mothe.rxill lui k116houxt W! ljomip Bak, C. L»iurt i anlOL. qui »s0a-tlou. ..E. FAreýwiel, Kt.- .AÀ aeel ..Caa,5.Ma -bo ?,1l~RW47 c., sd F. j4. l'eo1 &lred liy Mr. IGktford, eocon4.d bY. 1.Bennett. tSAt Im t4 4ees p'iat' tbs o*der ou tihe ?reasarer UW <ivor or tbaê toiUolng v pLu oswIeugboa- fo' 'e oues. Ja.ipean 23r-a'............. . H. ssoe 16.,r4........ 4>Iovd livMr'. (ijiford, ffloadd by-ý *uàgéd te Uotlfy tevmn». tla'YOmbCo. to eS 4b. to qtiâvel oCari 'St laie eu analu trock and su. te put I pI4 betweentractaset mwltohb.. CerrIled. 9?'r. DoolttIe, lîomed by V clard, mw»vrd tth lt Rostr atý bleorder on tkeTnffureelt&«!Pr4 cf*** 4"I~i¶ Uotbmfor # 1Q0 0e imln f U ds* tord IW *, b7rý aube *t*s.ýl* Ita i 114 I" W MA a.. 1TcYn Wag bs .ered lsiicon- onb flt t rolcine obarch lier., lied beeff, gIrn'a eSU te theýPresbytet'. an.bubat Walscbeburg, 'd'nt. T1a 'a nnbahoîa.À flTprti' Mir. ýTt had not nesieted, but woo kaly t. onf Etird&x revouing a ootball unte beb"~n the Bt¶mCeoca figures. Spei~1forTwo Weeksa An improved î section adjacent to jnction town ail under cultivation, ail iu orop, first claesin every particular, at $25 per aore. $1500 cash, balance to suit purchaser ; intereest 8 per cent. Thtis land is easily worth $30 per acre, at which price the adjacent lands are held, sud to whioh price titis Bhall be raisèd on the lSth of July. -r i I The G o .B w I o Liniited (Suocessorsi to Bewell & BeweIl) Real Estate Brokers sudi Financial Agents, ~ÂBERNETHY Sth B!Roal Hote ~4av g eured 'a ifunberof >îscôÎ&d ýUnd -sigle anad double buggies, *ss new wgigl and camragis, yre are pie._ pied teoOr $tlhem at 4ary low Pdicea. AU kinds of aMage and, wagon re.- pafrisig doc e'wftih M-"atness an4d da- Patch. gr goal., rnfo bs SASKATCHEWAN. Il I ! II i i îî i î I0F i1i J-UST IN Somethlog NwadNice in . Glass You wait theni tMs tiue Of the yearto ç decorate the, ahe Wehave thèm ni ce st,15, 20'25 and73.»ceach.; Be-a uyer JÙO E.WATRHOUS6 5 ci el 2P] ýl le