Whitby Gazette, 18 Jul 1907, p. 3

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toSPëa ka goodword -for tro e lo us in a wretéee [th bmasben, barngdow» at tinies wa~,s o ore and culd im0 mone aboilt. ti Ie4 diffeesat remedies they ped. or Whobo d been. izin -Pe- *imehto try It,itndf ami 11(4 beganà b hnprove a ohI ai Itit muclibet- i 1~ "'thi&nk you for your fine remedy. i, aertainiy a goduend to, Uck wo- eATII F THE INTEfINAL aslhr 'Berties,WltChrh ~s11tered \vlt.h catarrli of the s5km- Ybowels anti internaI ergans. Ev- altltlag 1 aie, seeîne t o hurt me. I s.psgeof tihe bourels 'W~gnnedlclaie. I1was se tireti 'Idachiet al ever. i1lied -my laît -side, atui -tie least ex- oh r etcitemnént mado rue short oi ,',iow, tter takiag- Peruna for six- ixaOà'tla, 1 ram s uell as, I ever urus. Pe- auna tlas workcd urenders fçr me. 1 te4leve Perunia Isth e best raedicine iu [bic %vrrit, ant 1 recernaend t4o temy i1iWooderfui EKfet t lied Upon a, Feroclous Bute. The MaiarejaetfJammulied at one Cisie fteedistinction of possessig the finest maie Uger kWpt in captivili'aoui- mherro lai the uorîti.* Mr. Perciva l In- <çen, ln 'Uadcrthie Sun ," describes this Lenat, andi tells a sirangelyin aterasting alery, which lie'deciares as shrictiy true, in regard1leJil. Tht tlger, a glerious brute! white Sund erangetand black, urihh steealsin- ours snd bath lîke Sihh dagger, iuy Etikily lI bis cage. andi groeliNa.. (1aun, the attendant, spoke te Vie hlger, end as lie dids se Ve aaIht g bila- îoil furîQuali'agathintt ifilsy bart4. T[he keeper put bis slendeý hba nitier- .hsclpfblng, and 'puliedt Utlte urhlfe .bag. Soea-years ego the fger bati found 14U. the Utile back door of lits den w«s cpen. 'Tii. assistant o! 1h. 11111e mena- genle relunedta hofinti hîm loose In the gardon, and ied.' l> In ait an ouheur mu'a streets urere as these et e deatid ci. No manrin- ileredti h.etIger, and lie glidet ialientli' downa theo main streat et th. toua, a beautitul vision et orange and blsk- strIpeti death. He reacliedtite luge, andi vanulibet. Aa. heur iatçer Natian came back Io ,bis urork-ý and;heard as. ý A :teWý tie. -Tie. usual t hinese crourd iame around me, and not aVi,, rs. 1 asked tn Intelligeinyoung Miau tbrougli my-'interpreterwbc ln hils litieb1g mansion, id un. Y veli kept for a Chines. bouse?, SOOCHOW. -Tuhiàai spirit, for'wuhih,'Oa tThi s led me to_ malce tnquiry about of the. Prlncipallîy have long -been Ji 0 'e systeni of gng in China, whlçh famous, seems Io have long tison_ is endrffl rqnized tidera '8 0044II)1Iby 4te .-beeé trom, thiwàj- sciiema that works admniraly, and jg, enlar. <Wltit, for only ona e "taX hf- cdutrse, very anel&at, Ile.,aUl otwrcruit ur'as indnee4 ho join. Miore hntttosi-, th i Mddle Kngdbux,, Iudging froinithé. kfher prooeedlngi The chie! bas_',aE residence, oe<u-., mst have been Oadly, iiised. binés hi' the hill and vew>y fie At amy rate, tbe Sufiiiay aller lie ciothing, and lie Io,, inthie bestV f acoepted the ?Kipgàà lW t"tIi. ueclely-buto euh -bereIs anot known. ciating minifier t thé ehurcil eUs-W Ai a mark et bis digni'ehaMcves about lie lid forme y'.' w,=Iwppd0 urifl a long stlck, urbIclila-aflowedim tajho app l me nd rue 1-Y the nity auttoritlee. He-aise bas object o$ce miw the Power, of 11e and deatb over bis wordsi'-' bEggarly subjects and punlabes ail ci- . 'n I lences coomitted by theine tia bzýcflpUtioo taby <ý"htâ1" The beggar cheft la a reguiar attend-..-of Olutr ùortiuàau youtag frlen4. tint et the arriage -cerernonleà andbs!cftyjoa4h r~ tunerai processons cAf -private- .famJIthea iIy théamnatta1ken rs liorder to get. bis pay ýýfor keeplng aurai'chmrniffled. hib huagry ' crourd of beggars, Whbo Conterts .bave been beld ho _r otlierwlse weould hinder the lfestival or twney for al kinds oi objecIs at di procession tui a disagreeable, noisy Way. ent finmes, but probabli tii. strir 1 uras told that the beggar chot of So- uras thot $r rbicli *snob an entert chow -bas an Inoonie of about S815,OW~ ment was 4rgenied- at Briartld a year. The bilet cf the.one li Slang- 1Norh-IEast Lancasire, sOri le hlaiolty Is *urrîlabout $85MO MostI:Th.concert ursswawidely adverhsei, istcrekeepere have enan memen& i~ taurtb tbe beggar chielto' keep bis "'staff" UT RFEHN CeD1 away. They psy about t 1a yeir eau QIE ERSHN AN)f and Ia retum for li thr adverbIsqerets,,stated Wlit- the cheft gives a prInt ýC et orf-[lie'pmtc4iro3 a$ hWa storekeeper wi>-he-atZ011lie e gI w aa thét Îar bis &ot teeé th4 p4 cfe t,>ney -jth- puriau bg txand fâ: eLfeoi -. iW for: qoth.enn THE DEMANDS6ý0F BEGGAlijS te Oi tion4 iui4eWbo5e' are mdiflerent kindc ô 'gr sia o be id th100k ÏPio.. I& j Imperial beggars, or Lac Yen- tng hleces&, andti Unt l the rcif 8M0 rssI urordsin ean "ol<ImènZ buton!¶liave licd b Iii hc bjecVlfl vIaur._ probabli' ne paratlleflu Inte world, as Bazaars b5ve lflewise turnishedtu f scme (!ifeni are 'descendanths of tVian- f oraianorts'and econditions of -o01* cient Ming dynasty or distIy retat- Wilhin 4lie houdartes df Oie Sýt8t4 éd te the present reîgning lauperlal Penaisylvazila they hava d<anê flwn bonuse. They are scabbered alil ver tie cruciating1y, funny tbings,,. but betw counttry, amre i ,t to number upward of tour and Ilve years ego thêy mquie 10.M00'andti re spécially nmauhlercs lài lîed tlieunevs ln Uul. rMPeCt Pekia. Junperli ~begqars are easi x- A ,popular citizenta mvtng beau- art cognlzed becénsattbey -are afled ed 10 ý and tbrown bIte prlàoai téawalt, wer garmeats 0f tl tperlal yellow trjai.t>mdr , cl wbicli lb. tub ef di0èýent oliwes. Iieters an tata«.beHê*d hlm ho -haqutha hulul palnted la black on ithe basIcand front à teps were tken e 50 i.eY,ý of-tlietr robes hoé<tancte theta profession. wbîii te preevie for bis <talence. Tt Tliay uear eithar a strow bat or a val- te« the Viesape cfà a bar, thi %M vet cap ornanuented with a brasa bu - di'of whieh uras desoeibed fain th ton.,.,llemO WVleu lIrai 1 saw them 1i teckhem - te lie elti degraded olikala, .1for thare 1an e BRIjA?<F ANI> SUCCESSUL. hundr eds of them ln Seochour.-They lTh. bazaalyas lintia buldng c&rry a uroden bell la thir banda W far eway Ir in 4he prison in wlubll announos theIr-imrvaL. As a ruIe they )beMe&Îuy os langufsing, anti, are Ove 40years éUgeand have 4b othýIà»ýpla geu. ' 0! h 'UhI (amily ho sUpport ten n avae ~ .,a~. ihe'W41u l Ille wAm4w EE g hie Pau Malil a~ts as, ralher more, than W>r moade ini a place ci-,-wotoip limte Wiile ý$for a veY dif*A lnents 0f'soldî ier hd -basa ing tht eiglborh4od for the 'PLAc~ UnWiêleriDagtu t o ine om*,.,.flteoa p mweri -bgrud-a4d .Uo1U 10LSeioifGvalue C,f i 4 1 fl ai tg k e e p b n ilre s l< ' w k h o n é Sorder and Veawd TCSOtêùf é e et, ot a ~i a icn,. but 1tU a elo'beffng $ ), OO ooM h n 4f" withoi4 flelig, b;inia, #ttIied, h'e fund htmsêltîg ic t h p '..b ginnin g c t01,r 1Q ofle rIker Vth= when liebeg#n blidiâl M d bufeted ankt4?l froin thi. uphftéf _ __ _ _ _ iinai lia en îake~ ~ ~ ~ ' lieawer Iv.rOld MarY bas retted mc t- b . globi W hem a 0, n i.i1l1he la a iosidoe~rae~-P'd ber le b.d wiz a feeling .cf re!J ",' ow timate, 'T*lijre, oiild," :sbeýaajd, as $uIdk wIilesansSC i~goo"aIght. 01 hope yen won'V I s1 c, w Ch htcbws, liey-hd CudMed 'kOwâ =Ider ids of!.Austeth lla, i tOs, b t4 ts~ el h re or -l dread ri lt again., s ago heui noI~e -sfieh, itbiat *lm, It' ~IecUon ~ yo~U My 4crmas'btwhéàeen and AOO4am'sa> 4urneti, larebeati- da beels, ftwnlng, d thefiger, ant Ibo&eli' tistone. e pugece.It u et had ddo,#.> i Ue i. b*,a ide. t4e bar.. la papy of imistItufd misty. M Minag dyn seiL Tit FRla -rase.ci , 1-.a.oç

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