pIecç. 3rd-Good vaàluèefor- the money.7 4th and last-To give perfect satisfaction. Our prîces are as Iow as the lowest, and range from $i.oo te $roo.oo. We' carry a stc ck of over $1i500 worth of watches. It will pay you in' pleasure, . e.,Perience and money to consuit us before buyÎng. "' l isa pleasure to us to show our goods. BASSETT Jeweler adOpdila £151 id ufloUt' on t4ýe. *.aahli<' a'OIext tera ,A4pi:catlloue1* lisn eeed (w' the 'vaMm> êi tIonadid t la t neod Ithwt th te*oiinfiéd tteeBod ne oure a"d ta#ka lu tii. e*turelou to OrPillilaon MY. l . 1W,, iJ. Benlstt knd,1011, or et. JeolW hlihtaa nBldy inonfiw« and cvenLng., "th tbi. al'ter.. noon4m4.. AnIèe-on ViFitred Lii. Ioee of Reuge, end ,took llIrt lu tb1 1oeM vice, del!vering'a aliert addrut *ss4 edolvgng a 00o10. fle was tb1. Étient of utf. and mrý. J. H.L1owne> Wb>IW lu, towo. Niag4ara, the -Incomparable 1t Makt your VILgyimag- July 17. TENDIERS WÂNTED. for dlgglng and filling altchfr oui. teet doWy and 14. Inchde Vedel, trot» trook Mt. &long Bnrns Le *. quatbî bioum on Apple st. and trdmrfljirn'al to teMr; 1urdge. buaeotif mt, 70 rode. mûre or le«. 1l!,dje £,oeIved up ta july 10. Prie.« to ~ quoted 117 the.rod. J.E. WIllL% c eir niiui, Water and L1igt Cam. ROYAL »RAQOONLE. cwp. Vo, ItratLheahIe, wkâ" tbi. B. gooot aaed tbrengu Whitby'. sunday>boriulgew routê e on Lturday. ,îintie ulghwt1h -PICk. 1 erIn~ £o r.ahid hI*b sbt abrle 4up *àtt1i.*hI1tlty 1onoU ýtbexy4.4 ow tkroug#k.th*,- rite sow»aylvl1.wbew, tIey> es*w44 for 1111 ý-dfty. TIb.e uWstthoe. 10 , i m u s o ~ê*8s ~ ~ tuà2Jr. fliwefl, Rut 1- NIl, i Vlctl, .fOUge dôü* W.pffl A rdw1l. ( g$r. te 43 r-44 ç w»A ejSding4-- 'h«vy. ri dtdl, ere Kerr, ilte Jôhirone% te Srtry tho J Jl» oDAL Sr-4. O t4L ' SO1À .OS, *0à- f 4ù-.tr . mt g, G.rru.d ovewb'liedcwlh Pef 4e Br.te 4 J -irai.Tciw P ple ItWA% ýQwjet4o 01 to _iflie eyaua1trare4Ùtus tark, Ètè z0 aB nd 1140* aiar4y biMu.DrtyWugRbi puleI awoutl oir a 1,01 .d jwt 9be, 9OlIUV4Ft *Û-* ffO]d tilied, 4vn ote l Ovrý 1 fr. to 2 jr.-H&sel Wil.aoouitP»- at5UIyý PO--tlhe aSt n-tj&h ld a' on Gold. Fr vI tiii, iue bi;a4- I1ev. J lo.~..flw n> mreCould be takon 107, Mà4olin-e, li e, Ue H n. fie en et, ge1n n' ta tatiofle I t jýr. te , -.-IL~e hUe11ril>t.3 WOuId b a myltry. gjhouîd Ua.rvey Paliner, £ýiarIi 1>aktttr. , *11.1Vb~rn tlor leere !ë'atjn1ay Rrlek. Dorothy lel»lthrak'hlY4 cogliau ýOn the tt4an, and aven the»:- UltOtfl. t1#ey iývOuId have"been craïded. ge I0 a Ew 4 a jr.-Wrile PEj1Let 1Ar- tii. oroWdo ttit eeport, beslino eI« I&e .jt!, O.sborne Ewiètl Ha' 1 durin< the heilIdsa)iprl". ~eune wvou1 !t<î. F1171111 Ctpbeliq. jtt4g that th att*1ýcwO Wst uul 'e.8 :.te 0 8r.-4,abol 13s>Ola7Y&tK8- 't Iiatviry, t IcejiNkoeun. W.W11 l*kUii on . jaI 11»n'l 11l loto Itr iiebua.ù Niagtr I ~ t 4jrlS e Br »own tmig Wtf~ ~~1fJt(1 VO ~&E W TO l~T I Tl~t.Ç~ ret* gutlI DrIÛr4r phOzi 67. .Wbtby< TU444àa!. Lad WLW'tmètli by ozugaur a V..Uagt. pa>'*1 ________________pot__ l Fajàmfl astdiifor M»C m1i. *aT. Raid for-tii. Cpa* **Tot, UNION xxJTMtsNoO >, WodestL ttheafkm cd i 1 tt t bly Wtc i, Ow b « t ra a> h 00 W IDtkr 1 t l lp~ort t dgte o!01 44'quïet ed,1 i A 44 a!.tIia tigf lhy tu 'rorotu <t pp.r. W4utb7 Of, cî t i miSd n4w e 5 'WS ltI t. Led aa riet Ihêt)b, " n e t - IV I . t e 1 44a V bd utr. 1 .c d 0 f d ,t U a i 4 . # I »U oo foan T . 'ur reuqy 'Bîo b M,Clçck~ E *~WS i~ 'Quiî alt'LWays -tub ~ taslt ~1O44 ro4il gu1sr wotittaotf the. W<2. g .14. oiyWrigiM A.ve., PirUIi In t:b .'1 p.m.aborf. ala oaW.daIde7,3161Y 17i ~0 $or 114tIoa'. >oBm14 t'. mkaI us. C.~ rlIlla. on July 417. f1rp m, wm qeploalo e<t tii.*or, uOlti8nd SooIwil b. e .1 ute Xo*1150*. ou fx1a>'or tâts W.k-. guir, . 5M Ilare Ulvited tuten Ur;0,d.Wjiox b" muoe.4u1 f*eoy r 'he tandLr4', .tr.igkt *1>'(emms 0»4dthe "LquS. LLAi ". ëxemwiub* tii .wrÀgoa tg Or-. l~UL011 *4II4LY Jtiy h. ~~~~o ý. n.«' Biioi t ~ 44*. 0< tielr i uls t WhIT~ E~t Whftê ]~1euoeu $~45 '4 4< a 845U 41 ft ~ 8.25 Il sè 2.25 îaboves1w*~6otl~ to~< IAW 141* h Ï(. v I4~ 4 4 1