ÊL[th unvive as to tat. gra war ta'auity. tli lat idee thé, average Englishmn who M t l n A &arh4i kniari ItI y had itimseif atSpandau and te. o! the Star renders, MYIr. lri 1 weovored trani a 'long and severe whoM, among tle feW remaiflng objects ~.,and(s mewqua al teattaido! Curloslty in that Ultie garrison totvn muai dutlies. Frein tius Iong 111 the old Jullus Tiiurm Lis pîointed out-afs niany prchte gU. Hri olwn-the estrünghoid of tho "RIftechskriog- predtcted an r Harris' woul almhost bc çxcused îf -ho had, reoead thme tact thaI ho la moie a.ble te -go areund very, near- come ho regard the story .6t that strongly spry as ho dld betore hoe was at. gua rded tund as some, boar* Germona d, (s littho Lens than niorvelleus to legend of enigin es remote, es thaï, ef Barbarossa and the KytiffMiuser, and repiy -te our reporter, Mr. tierris oven where the actual tact of ils pro- ed l» a'ny sage e!(li atac sence with(n tour walis la remembered% subseqiient suuferitogs wîîicii lie ex- wrisShaeCimer ntePuMl need ani îhui li di no cort Gazette, ltma truc slgnlllicance efthIis iro. laily, dad what lie &d pic la- onse miss ot dormant capital seais ho liy wiouide relat 4a e ublitan- striko few-seo at least it lias seemed te is %vondertul cure. About fourficen las cge Mr. fiai-ris woke up one Spnndau, as mane of eur readers wifl ing wltli a stifi neclt; îtry as ho be aware, cased to,;be a tortress on [, and aller applying ail tlie renie- latnu8ry 21, 1903; a tew words, never- extrriatiy Ihat lie couid hear <'r the(eass, as bo its existence as such i ay î ot, lie was unable te gel r(d - ( 110t be whoi(y wîllieut Inierest. Tha The stitfnc.ss nioved te (ha spmne building wus begun ia 1319 and te for- j!ieujj.rs, (hon ho luis tups, until titkot(ons furtliýr strengtlianed ini 1&6 iado almeist c crippie et hini,' and bcîing finaI(y comploled aà laie as 1880. 'is ih extremae dillcutiy (1li-i ho All, hoîvever, thîîit now remainsis lat4m dl gel, eut ef bod et ail. As for eld culadel and the Julius Thurm. lng ilt was out oft(ho question wilh MAIIKGIIAF AlO.REGUT THE BEAR Thle attack became so bad (lait ho unelhte Ie put on eittrer his cool, wIIs prohabiy the first te fortify 1h18 or luit. Fmom t[me tone lime homrshy cipot against thea encroachiflg ,(I in Norleus medLcal nien, none \Vends albout 1160, acitougli the chi'onl- vhomn werc able te give himi ruch citis make no earlier mention oft(ha t. IL ivas q1iost inipcr-sÉ[Lio for tewer (han the date ivo first s(ated, the tW raise biis fret frein the' Iloor, and ne,(xt allusion being a record qf iLs hay- p>o.nufced his a severe case 4)1 mng boen gran(ed as n p(aco of residenCe cuar rhcumatiara, gtving huni jitwe by Mnrkgraf Ludvîg (lie loman le lis )uràgc'mcnt as te his uitimctoa iv GrOctli et the Chaniber, Fritze( by naine ry. lfowever, ene medicai gentie- (by persuasion a iew t), the dulies of this i (lnally reoommended hhe t.aths,' Samitîc Fritzel bourg mo-,st likeiy thos es a bast raenrt Mr. Harris decid* of a watclxman. te toliow his ndvlce, and wcint to The Julius Thurnni s (ha 1.51 remnaêit tnt Clemens, Mich. As ta cusloemary of the original old ase-iwit came ài ai patients, Mr. Hiarris lad 1o by its nome la utterly unknowfl-blt the lero a thberugli examinan n tones used in ils construction carres' r ho determine if (ho systen cona pond bell ln shape and kind w(th thosa id this rigorous teataient. Aller tormlng the cîty walis, and are pre- cai exainlnatlens had been made aunably ot the ane date, se thal, 1320 Id Mn. Heni' condition, the phy- miglît be n sale one to affli ho the a= s ltera JIiýaUe dw" ,c tlst t'o LJ(14IUS," il liaviag aiready acquired somas qnet suffenlng $xom inucular rheu- loopi signifleanca by 140W, for tisere was Usn. at ail, but that bis aliment wus o, common expression ia themo muhh et 1h. »nerffs, and blid unm tht' tie the people thon, as weii as Inter, gprO- 11, iijouldc -de nia ll o (10 100 pas a! upunlshing a teilaw wllh the t li e 'quifred 1 altogetllr dtfferent Julus"'-incarceratlan there b0ding 111 tnent. i Mr'. Harris plaibed. himel! for the delilquent. th hands of n t1i physilis The Thirty Years WVar saw SPim.idiu i\-, ad v4ist ae«îed-,qt4lèsetraüSeg mcup(ed by Swodîh troops, and Guata- wlm, tlsey, dU nothing, for. hlm buit -vus Adeiphus came therai luprson. il itnMe4r, -iaê filhe ý stpe o t stcod near blag bicwn sky'high by Sa la, Slioit1y &.t*-' hé OoMmnenoe tIlla gunpowder explosion i 1691, when a atument ha begon :10 improV6 pencap- tower icontalning 964 hundredwelgbt was ly, and, his apute grualty lmprev- struck by lughtning; and 1(4 next im- Hoe began tor walk around sleWIY portant ei'ont occurred wlan (the Au$s- !frsi, but îsoi was able Io gai trions marchod on Berlin la 1757 and und inore thati h. couki for a yeur tle Quecan ai, Içussia wtth lier young vous. Re %vua ble to put on hus !anniy Look hasty refug (n tlus neigli- n n, vesl, and began te loël lika boring eltadel. Dur(ng the subsequexil ttrrse. i zpeoetaslong NapoleonO wUi'8 111 Fran0iN we witli ail sort$ etf 4uesIlons as Io ylclded il Up witliout fliIng oam abat-for - wenderfui recavcry. -Tha rnadical whiIchtne solicitude as te the saty tndant, wau qÏestioned as ta the na- o! bis skia and garrison ho was re ýof the niedic(no wlich was baing promptly unihsterùd. Mucli ho the surprise et CNDEMNED TO DEATH r. flarris and ether patients thane, ho as loi4-Ahalt it, Ves a weli kiiawa by 1the KiaIg et Prussta, n sentence whicl inadian rermedy, Dr. Williamns' Pinkt was suussequenîly re4uced ho imprion- its, ýand wns wdl4sed to-oontinue lheir ment, the oltender bclng flnally par- efor o.tlima on bis retura homie. Mr. doned ta 1814. arris ls taud in h(s pralse oft1h. won- omefrte"acethtr"0 r ut curative qualities o! Dr. Wiliams' Spndu ulis for . anet herft t th n< PIla, arnd oonsentcd to malte his Sadu l raet-neel tl rine public (n tle hopo that he tnight. present lim ot day ta due ta the impor- ent olisens sitlariy affliched. Mr. tance et the ancient Ju llus Tlaurm n nIl a ris,, lins Ion , been 4 resident o! mloder'n capacity 09 quanlith w the. der nian war trcasUi'--best lcrowa oS IN (mitn, bang aweii-known builder « ieicbskriegschalL'" The. fund wbsori t lvatora, as weli as Government ia- .e yFidk IW îelor ot tha anme, so that Lits Promn- glnsaiiy ttort iyFidrcsWihl nmsce raid well km"w intcgrity is andl 10 it was Iteri added tho 120,0»04 ýv!enc tht le l sicer inthemarks whkli constitute the Frexud wu lAv!dnthat hae mode ce. n h indemnty This fUIU100 M 810h $@p$ 4atsnent hafluie.inr a nurcl o! amol effins et~ - renio ULJTNATE FATE OF T-fU. aaey Neyer Dia a Nalurai Drati, Baya tM'observanst Frisiieman- "t?Lsh never dia a naturel, deeth, mind an eld ilabenman wle lias ober ai'âs ho ishi.è 1 tlioy dit bodies %i ai<a AIli wouI4 b. ficatlig on tu tfticet. Ilie ivaier @bout ait tise whll cuse such bodies If ui.moluted wouli uave le, Qecat. "h umears, o! course. Ilsh la natun m,9 dlrr a natrai dealli, -net fbhi Ir -11ty. And perhapi It shouid no %Jleid natuirel demnl (ba ls iail cai i!vý 4ie. Timair envlm'onmneni lnducr lity (bat (s lu (hein native ia d11uid escîre, end (lçse cat.W bh uprersîtly ciassed uas n 4 rçe efnC atshu carry tisa captiv 1 t h in (hein native'eteinent wer ýver lested, 1 bellevè they wout YIf thev hed aflelîent Io& î. pnckedinl12ie& stroisg boXas or OSa> cf whch abconaisa 90800, maries1 double cons and tO.OJ» Ma»e The question bas, et eOUM'Wbften 01(4 put, net only abroad but also ta (Ce may. wbteb.rlhaWise l1,0 Id IMM r- -<ti>.e moaey lIn ard ceh lie db, (bei A b;- ueang soaietour tao ve millions val ir- annuuiily In what iiglit *therw4s4 bea ýe. cuniUlat»v6 Intereal" Tsamodtera00q Id dition _qf 0» menly Muaihotwllh1 higlsly 4vdgid =rdit sYnlaus, bas rO revoiutlonIzed tho bwskiulg (rans l In a orMer lmes bIla GrMay fi s erWa P- spealu, hoordis rIWMesg 1in5*S1Ok LI And yet, fabulais 5U lb.siMM eM a- sound, illfres!but l11(1k xperliM ts h Ir) ~ be W o formes oW sw f ,ou XO îufflce tIoerbaust even sug(i M rlly1 vU souçce, IfO«ceO4hppedbIntc Iuo mobl a, smi. In "10 * li dali, expenses cf Pruw Id ne.ns teb10 6%0wý> m*usat d dihg Um*.1I uomga. 1r" h~g usesfwoms est to thé front, fo« frein the xilitmr point of, view the advantage el evén -a teéw daya is by no manne to b. under. In the business of everyday lité the accumulation of unproductive capital ta carefully avoided, ail -motUrY trans- actions being carried on In. such manner es to avold In'as great 9, de"reo8spos- sible every Ioss of interersi. Surplus capital Is desirable, and in normal limes also, auIplus credit, but - a superabun-, dance dl ready money, of actual cash, bs practically unknowli under prosent eoonomic c*onditiows. The actual cur- rency',. incoins of!the rosira as welt aM la paper money, b sbecoming, 'comparBi- tively spetking, less and less. The mani doing business upon a smnall scale muSt needs make use ol il Jo. a certain extOnt in . hi petty transactions; .Jarger con. oerns, hqw~ever, liablWuallygonduct Iher (mvanciai matters on the more convea- lent and now geaeraly recognlzed plan. This systefl1 of economnizing cash, ex- cellent as it may be in ties of peace, is, however, quite lmpracticable UPON THEf EVE 0F A WAR» Business mon et avery degrea then like te see (heir moaey onrits equlvaient: they then wish for (heniseives an accu- mulmation of coin in ordor (o be in e position (o wlthstaisd panic, should sucis arise. in erden le place an army upon a praper wer footing a State must et neees.-sity stand Inu-immédiate need ef immense aumis, and this by n sort of bc the pracisa case la industrîal and commerial circles, (hoame pulse beat- ing; through the whoie social organiza- ien îvhertIare aninvalved intahe apro- duction and dellvery et war mahteriais, arma, clothlng. fodder, homses, caille, etc., te say nothhng of tise paymant 10 t ie -many extra t1uousanc> ofet bd 1pressed Imbo ser lme iThus th1e dealers, the maxuactul'er .and'the iniddlemea -draw on the smaUle ebanks, snd -lieue lis helr tura on tise 1greater, aad ahoufld tisese st4nd ntupari th1e Shate banka inust !lnaIly be resontMd àte ta keep maltera aMlatunill affaira' mail have regained iie equIlhbriwft- 1Such, ln a plain way, atisotheros alon, id'.e(ne oet(ho gold -In the Juifus hirrin;. i (t la not, therefare, as more fash ln 9hanti for prompt axpenditure ltha t tis Germnan Goveniiflint persisala hearding hk; aniunt of dead capital, tiseIneié, 1gucrdirng et which must laIn saIf ligu.ro g ut e lAdy sum annualiy, but as.as gret national reserve et specte, a moral sup-1 ýport wa might almast say, -wbarofmt h. knawiedge wiit be suiciant lu]ce, r ttrb ait lie poople'. b nIi Now yi 'case o! flnmnelal arin ule lueur ci a national bSed. A MTERSGRATITUDE. SMm. V. <heoret, et St. Penoit, Out., wnitea s utoibows: "Itlaliwitb feelings e! the deepest gratitude tisat i wnite le telt you wisat Baby's (hm Tabtla hava domne fr my baby. When I1Le le gar s glng hlm the Tablets ho was bo thin nd wakd th t oloed ilhe a skelielon. Hlm digestion %au poor-, u iwss on0q*5teahc ud crled, îday andi r- t 1 t00 ta4 box o! Baby's xýTab- ho and ront bhe aiaIthe.y did ma a, ý0 -Wa waDai*iàt ar W at bc lt anl o pssiasusi hh aiw1u1pubxe pt es 1yadoumasg a obldNl , , T ai"Cu -.,f la , timskgabxo.*be la1À bOS n Mýav» t wh tud SIat. Teaee1ýat "Mwo bwrm t4at»M f ' Sef41prbo ndpt i t i I I I Il Il Il 'J C i i 'While iîa Wasàà, 1~u~o tiaeaft.nt rd, a-rt g cm rs maidf entezîod ,en. SLi I huevera mn n i4 ,thé ~ ~~-0'O saaYshe wsitsV>$,PeIlk toeh F LY ~Iat81sU Théiclergmn, ~t unin.witsi F yý,-intriol.haL leé tdU1'hý bWSo thing wbul ha - ~LD SY - enlttg te yeir reaching a ~~g~JTS,(INOIUSAID ll~AL m . mght -have: epair oft rousa! fit'Itre."tBoh, we1eovflb. Weil 9»t iliiiM ceiMMoies aië-oe ~ ed .by uinuslng -inocidenà.' __________________ 'àlateld o! 'astali v1lirý ot the end. Yeuth envOOaS US i5wth a"1'a tier ..f lb. bride, a1 buey&iicy and streiigth that -méklireUta1aeai, Caii agv a seeni a Joy Ihat is to go on forever, and ln 1Sgll black frook cool. f in tudymidleag, nde&W. jatailh -Wheaib te olergym lim acoun oft1v-Pastibutthon queslo, OWl» glvethiibisl 'eiarried t ,tI i as?" t thon was lait for -thémorne tînt twe and two make, tour, d.s4_M- rn huia!,letuh more.- giMe;ýha àc "Now 1 hava arrived ah that VI0 * 0! lc ea a d, "Ildé',lmaàl i lite wleii i begin (W knOw. Dant for ______ heaven's sako think ltat 1 amn aluting n moumntiii view. Fan f rom IL sBy~jP~>m "Lieneyer secred te -Mee o flitof jey as now, a.nd l'm VNOd for a, go& cift'aoPro long slretch of (t yet., wlth saaska u b~y Zin-fluk and underatandillg bnoudenlnlg, flndinj -cue, whlçh-1*4 delled douel enjoyment la everythhng; and taking ycars, Sepiys Ibis broadar view af thinE%, 110t, OCUPýd "Oetlemen,-After a very, tee much by detail, this stored- up accu-, have proved Ztun-Buk, emn mulatonet! long g hrfigtruck Ooem~s taetary., '11 cured ,Me ofa à superiluos sand useless, uIaDÈo m1-ut of five ye ar$ oa0êsl1ng hi going through it and hhrewngtWhl*i o hdbena-lr odoal away. Zain-Btïir oertaingy 4oes ver "rTda lotthat l'are beau geng throUgis ,d-_-t« m in -,b. cubby hales la MEY dekl bWftvé '<6ur8truly, gIbxas and buiidleao! SC.:O1ésm , pu Fé rw strdaway, and 1 mu ý jeý .tit 'a o box or a'bundle St, n imî -grsd , Èk à -1t, and throw IL away. s *Illl U wer 1)è te anybodÏ? )-_ýWbMê pepa-r r--i ean wlsy A.llo1tl4ýeüd- cetIh ostU ut uam sW ,l. i leave Ilte ocumber itIngs U fO sTn8 Ruk G., Teonntô,for prlee. i body els te throw aw8y? l4 e» satsp :for, ltýl "Tisane-may ba some thtisgs. to-be sure. tbat l'Il want te save, tblnpgi 1h51 o(ber people will, waat te keep 41bQacih5é.tùns "Vhat ýkind ola loôkii 1 wtt! -Save ,.but as 1tofiI. bsliof ilii <hap abtoi 4n' stuff', whyw. Ia just se me9b-4?gmet hw" "Wol ,If y- üwsoea ba4gige, and Illi 'il115w Crér -mo &ýf ei ý away.. and w1% à oce .~d ~ h~lbm8<n Itave you tiWe Rb. bas ne -equal tvotsbesonsoexc testfikd wl»ba A mars drepp and a bey who, blend hlmq-pcked la hlm. 5* iDmnwr cf the, genuino hair t It fww LtOIc e"dOil their flt4eiT 1