eàbov* but01ntO gve 'you -bettei'. vu4 ii show yon a lietter'SUi*tin than yen have .uy idtis 6t -We want 7011 1té 01110à see what'we hive t 0,ft'er. we calilot pituse-you la Ove way and make ià sale we 1I appreciate your cai.-ý Bigger that - Ler. Ou r assortmnt of wedding gif ts and other -linos is j ust what we claitulor it-blgger Ihan ever. Soour cuý glass window and if you bave a few minutes to spare- step jiside and look eround. We will b. plised to ses yofl. No trouble' to show gopds, and we ar'e Doti disappoin$ if you doin% buy.' SA SSETT Jcwcler and Opticlan Broclc St. South Whitëyl Ébène 67 fdrc~IM4Vi4fi amarad 'hie *ta et eu , A.n& the "ICMu6.Laen, dêe"int9e tW oituk. iù Jut rÈrved, new itSor t 'sreen *oors and wnosatGe.III ic, Uetet lluok Osland uetem, !J»I i Witby Branci or t"c WündJ. naIutiAite wfll meet lin Y2,at 2,W0 p.ei. laietrue : ,, V oulree. wil b. doanikand phpÀtÏ*- l M* fruWlta #An Inivtàt Ibn im s ed ed to aIl thr ladle-e to bc m!Itent., %ldhie and heýve a pleassut ieAing with lthe WiLling Workera at iLut e .Spencerla. on June iU. 'veryp»>no uf eSwe â good celer and great' vita lty. ltea- mmi for thilu oFerrosone'. ypa*wr to crea-te nourWh4rLgbioo4.11t 'wa ' iroken'down. had 'ne, strengtb i - obuidaot e&t' write. s mChag. Ben,- Dy, or cloyne, Ont. "M'Y ner'iea wer« U'itabl". 1iv»m thin-'bloodied'and contnnsiy'unbg»y. 'I tried Fer- rozne. Tt gave mue ne-w energyý fores., visu. [t broughut me 14rength ý- "enie welLI' Gregt" toule and re-buider ever known lu Ferrosone. So14 ever"bfere--In 50c. l>oxco% À lI&wU iodai wili Ub led undelr the aua4pices ô«thei ladies, of the4l. g e h arch, a thme reiidence «t Mr. OG. Su-est. <ns Thureday, Yuo 2i A. tgpçod eogtalw 'wIli b. gives! ln. eMaeV~t good'scotch ong*. by AMr Fulton and-.> toacb. Or Beavertcg Everybody oec- AmBs~t "t1h' Rgin«etal BaUd la ttoudauci Tes sejved Irons -5 to 8oolk Glant Triplet» "Curreney'FcG and4 "Stag" eewIng tobaccleuaiinib pig.QuAlty always rtee wsxu-IX 'YOUNG TIIII&F CJLUGHT. A youtbeul blcyele thilef 'waIs cas tured ii.Wltby 'on lhum(dpy lýf [t owmes about L til' 14 wL. ,youthr a*>ou ut oenyýame of An *2,lit*ed tiu»,mLLi w r.p eluop s Strled to seli .A bicycle. lies *wua*a Î4, lie emse«.lte WheeL 4t .41 Ïjyýt orontotim i~1~O~4~$tudIo bave b2eu i~t ~jaTulie tOi3B 'B5ï ýk iv NI ited with MisG. X,4ée 4*a~èï-atreioçnto Or- gev. Edw'asd aIn Br are~t m1 éOfdné.1Iyjae *ly r17. retn ihMr u E.Nper '-yi-are à rare r.llsb a nd aIted witb ~Geft* ps f1ti~~~~~~ utI&~ iaor iLutto ln air Xrs. fla,zniOL<t04 ava lusate O~.1,a . M ~c In tyre , VÏsito4 !.%1 It DUfl»lg the 51'8t ye, U. J. J. with hA'r pareolt,1r.ý n l a M l<e~o.«t hera.uamotBuddngp, GrLrf il'. Tronto. with :ýtheoe ration o Mce .în )i t~Joe & t'hê Ileals 1Aid ocieties "id store, Port Perry, w&$45s t op 1 rertgffl.L pla«4ed serai undred ïr:,daY hoii~lo8 litie ees 900od familles. ~ F~rObo olf\Ot -4u~~fiow~Lr, eIsoi. ailouste s- a t wpek WItti lfr4s, krthiii ours oadoptive bomev$olr a baby girl ~i.i~n five -intbes old, anothor four imoe- Sm.tule.wû b-een Abd, e. s baby boy or threelncboefrim 403b~.&Y respctllO&e taniiiy in Coionrr; Dl2tie u l irs1itOtake one. ur Liese chil- tOwn hs~PK dren ed bjLv. e io IWof rbs' un U~r. 1)ougia&' SeýW&rl Of sault Ste- -inter$erenns y e'J'4es ~iviSit ng hie ratier, Mr. ,e F. Stewart. 'Pofo tîrh1r, Fi.to prove M. s A Nel Vajters w.s- riTt-& triai ýmibox« boooisofovor Sund-O Y. .5Wirsî %iilMdy. Ut tme nd rit eroving nioeiy. nWliug , antlaeptie bla. ocMain- Ited ln towfl o~ ndfYwt$1& 11) mueà lffl '109 iwre4»ýÇ.tAs Oil and tr. .Cooper. glvÀOélutant and lastlng re lier 1b Traberaloe piilpit 1otb-iiorflIfg and M1tarrli of the.1io83an'd thk'oel'. ffl evel2o ud8. ti. ri -te* o-ad - BOB fovoarslf n ad ~ 1. ed wtat tuis plep*&atlon eau-and wîIl l îaw.atr~v~~i r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oW homey,. r. ho, e IcDa tom. , RfiDID WIB Lam~e Jars 50. Sod y k- ndsoth'v r ttoine&, te thoir homiela NIKGAýRÂ lCA4mp NOTE& ~ ~ ~ ~lig~U~Mi ~Il <>flTnedayevenng it .80.îooîugiIknra, oe ~vLItlu gWittler . , oe io wose ;er t)»Ilr eIxmrîe1»' en te, jar. and rrl0.&trl' *&S i*Actioâl ts edr. i .- Vids PeerldZ, {o - prese loio. .~lil is -CiwO., New yo*k, W>fW Wiged witbth e thé Mroi uuy i. and trg. " wee ttie Irytk wuindsud wai ir walaoe Q Om *'.~ vnilkt 4 d i1S'aii ej9 pG lliigregi- .ranýefi. suxle , meu.,oiw ar ra ln,4 e egsed 'Cai- w çovl) Je. i 4 -À ( 14 1; -srvs hê . , P w Z, _Aýà id -the. lad liuW.< ustl men g ePS 5to C104 BOl1, Who Loaw akt aler uguelonug -<lai joy. 15<4E 111 elptedi Luiîrtol taos ~ ~~5[perrlpOfdlDgte tii. '<1< bér. QIt a is Lnuniber -weiit on LI> 5eCur., b" lbeeu reporteil atolea. Ti140 a slow> to Uie Model Uri' on( Moo4ý&y. saillft t warrant the, d*tODtlM 1140GVG lkur4.yaigit Juti 22,or tie boy. Who ga.Ve ins a 1toi tîii 8and 1Concert tun Muain Rail. J-441 . Toroto.li tll ! oon detectiTS Knnd cm Donlt lorget the Garden Party at &aiYsd îoe»lttth you'th liao) ->1.C. Q pencerIi» un Joue 28. ît l. %ktme end hjWve a pieamant evemlng t J, %penoaz"e on J une 3oOIIia'n ui 7. Àgreat mvitng [n fuel wbén, yoli É?4'14XANCE £y-&êUiA.TIQN' 1Wve e. Sttndard oU atove, Cati aii4" underalsued hieWby girai1l 4 .AM t4w n'at o. ' M. t aes40, , IWCatIoi l i sts 11 *çL8ch?>9 i ,ti'àIi teod barcl s.r!ee o au at ni e st fi»s WhWbiiV ColgW,46,~ Ang iiet, Jues 28rd, cOMemratlng and st tic CIM"lotS uil1 * ti-e lespvl'of «t-t.John thBo 1put. ins 85s0dtdancwtb the Jane tb. 11.. .. tWble wiII lime table- çw bra iithe ourmon.,-W4cuI1 15 ;ýi*pt li. of' -Wu3l poper4. IBorder .OU0.CtOflO e pres. ~aItIngasdpaper- - 11,tory rbeumatI'uui. - ' - orthre