R*II.v.d- MMAI4,U, OntL Dec. iJ I" "I Lad slaffered foeseveayeu leItl, kidney trouble. Could scucrIY Wà* sud wua unalle - to attend. to miy fana. sw " u-Ju" advertised, sud ster àking tilt first few pifla, fet mnuch relieyed.After takiig. balf a box, wua able, to do. à full daysa .WorL 'I know one- box of *"Bu-pi " mved me 1$10.ou doctor billa It ecsta ùtlly 3c a day to fike <'Bu-pi"f -the liddey pji!I that neyer fails. AI, druggjats live "4 BU.Ju"0#or 'il THE ÇLAFLIN E CHîmtcAtL Go. LumIT THURDÀy.jUNE 29th, 1906 _WKI'FBY'YS DOINGS. 'RIEÏ LOCALS.- K4ee rajuýt ii t t ht' Niiiwe h hltby, on Frlday. June 29th. 110%v aboutt your latin wower ýe flif, & Uarnes before bixying. Iey h&ve the -bet 't t M.lo [ 11 axn lai Ple.nie orthe Trunl 17wl ib .eM at "Çwsawa on (iÏ *k. Tfmîr-s1y. juIy Sjth, ai atîndanvf 1-4 reqnejtr'd. ograpis (-f tii" ehlhidren, and! réa wlii ho taken b>' Mn. llnnptt 'Bo-îauvili. Crneealyand LAW OFFICES CLOSE. Thsnnem ixid b.rrrîstersandut soilej rs b"g rospeétî (Il >' to in- orii tiv" pubi)lie tii-i( ihelr ,everaI c>ffjt"';q %%.il 1>-il,1<'j aI12 o'clock' vcry Fridayny sîxutiSttirdny. dur- ýn .J:'niAugs. lo & Me. ~l1l".ry.--latî"' fltti-ig , D.Or- xix' Xî. . E . J";r '-l. t(;.y,1'. Sjith. JfbSSlOI'DBE Poî'TLAIt. Ai'rangrnients lxî cng nid- or a Joint xlv'ur,4i(>lltri p4tprbolrî> )r 1 r n, 'xu dW'orkiuien r-oti,4of ro Ill",totîitip (roit 1'x'b - p-,ir;Ji ia ý P-x Mx.R. rauc".,0fArcola. N. W. yMatil -on Bros., wa li towrn tù yv :in'l r po fv4e-irythbng prq,. rruucsi u i lin '-'t. t, is sol) i - t etv uiae! i i hiii h -i ll ]~i"eIrr.b-- xu -:.x 1. yar -or'ung vp th-, siekele n a1I*.'" 11EAi TuI(*'KET. DomnuionuDay. 1Coud .going .11ue11 th. 301h AuidJ bnuY 1 4tnuit!2nd. ,f-l, retîîrning titi and !jxib>- 3rd. i aIl -tatl on,-ii canndm antsingt- r Biy ail tUekets itI'tephii-î uni- ?'f ' u.josia-I ( -NViitby, 1o c-hrap lb keî sto or r (nmEng- 1, 1ni--h qt o1-4 ttui iî'a,.Sce Stéph- son-bfoi,' tr-a veling aiiywh-ir' pecial 'buin ,Lticei'st..luMusktuk: h ts jan ail stunni:or rcuotm, vja1 LMI9 DABýY fl'tLWAY Pur'-xxanlt to - epeioxî 1 o! Tie iliy- At't. 19u0.3, uot '-s'i,- henî'by yen; tinttli.r,' ha-s lîe'n filez] iiii v' l;,iîr>(ffît'e for tie tCou naty 0-lîtarlo, aIt Whithy. Ontario.as ani 81o0%iuîg a n. vi'.î t!rsi l"ay~ ýaiion at tIr-chixi. obi Lot 1Con Wton 8, Towxiship o! M,%ara. s i Ioun a uchanige o?' rat iix"; cat ion at in -chini. on Lot Il. ta ;serý 111, "nu'dxjof Nor dii Ou-- t>rJla -l:xx-.!, Raia Island. talto I:axîi1. tant! Lots -45, -461. '-S Prl-uon -i nn-c. Town-hji0( %ma CGruri. I.itel. 4iistanttS ýton. Toronito, Jui -Is .19061. rh- inppehal aznui.t Iol-ai opth-xi tii, -Townhtp o?' Pi kvutg vîtj- . 'ad t teck in -Toroui.t-o hy Tft-LutiereIrcdth.,Coi. .FE r xelacting for-the- townsi hijî. H. axston ,'s evidetice wt'nct t 'ethat the pasaag' of.lca tion ha-t!bmen conîltie!, tobiy ,atlng and unulue Influence,. t#Que tpai t!- al le bat! 'qwni siLterabie ums o05cr the 'bar tî itre thc paîitgeo? di'by-l. w. - Mc$'ady tia t htintVait- w! bad bren a factorn i'i iarr> ig by.:aw. Thé township wilI con- i' tht s(ruiggle for tetuperaxice. d thý case ha-s b'en aplpealed to - livisional C-otrt. wit-hlimedt -i ht bîîxa'e ~ le' Mr. Crooz- Sat Preetoxi Sprlig-f.hi' pulpit F lAut hay Rzv. T. W. jollif(o. 0 -f wulaxiltl,. Mr-.*jolf!s prear'hi -Cours- n of i noril ing sro bre il ; 10. Mgr. Iollirfft derlared a t-i0 ~ tob- ihet ai t lipor tan t u th*m~otoIie wrltingi., coataixa- ai *it do-'s ait th#, docîerluttu of gipj rl pT<ntx'd iixitte'eares-t mnp*'rand 4lit ngan i"Lû (4 biNtory uorUo'udea.iilg with in l tteeinin r tre ie.1 the. prcaox cicop'den'-îeî tht RuliWo f tht'p#-iiii.e j« utt~e at centre avouait! QS e-Il re.vlatioa tu n e , loi !tir$ and LiaInlthe ~l" atilo, In the worîl'. rcdempton,' the arrantexiet 01Oo spro.. ece, ln 'the preetutatlo o!f li opi &n4 inlutht enoiur-t (t !Our STÂMPSO The postal authorities thIs 74 ares oudlng oit oflIarged notiq tu &Il offlc, calUIng the attentl to titi growlag use -of forel at4ailiS on tanadian letteaL'. N arriv&aIn hathle coun-try use Et 11sh stauip ansd many uof 1 Âmineeiatouriato> ua Amerle temps. ,Àll, letters lstamped w forelgu stainpe are treated wholy unpaU.'n S. CALIFORNIAs NEW TRAIN. Best Route.ý The Lo Angeli Uimited. electric lightcd, new fx th~ PIll-man shops, with al tic lat irvations for travel comfort. leaii Cf icago to.os p. m. daily, arrives Loi, Angeles 4.45p.m. Itid'daY'ý Cicago, Union I>acific & North*We ern Line and- The Sait Lake Roui Pulilman drawing rooniM and tonr sleeping cars, composite, observati car, dîinxg cars. a la carte servîc For rates, sleeping car reseratio and f ull particulars. apply toyour -ne est agent, or address, ri. H.' Benne 2 East King St., Toronito,,Oxit-tf LOW IR ATES WEST. Durlng the enlire cuminer t VZhicago and! North W">sienn R. will have lxi effeet ver'- 10w roui trip tourlst rates to Caicrado, Uta Caîlfo-rnia, Oregoni, Washingtonxi Briths nl oumubia points. Choire rout.<f goiuag anl returning w! fa Vorab! e topovets amiJ tir Ilîniits. Especlally low excurs.-iq rates to tbie PacifIe Coaat f ro ,Jun;' 25th to July 71h, lor furth, rauticuars, Illustratel folders et, "'-rite or cali on B. IH. Bennxett, Ge triil Agent,0- E"~t Kinig St., Tc onto, Ont. SUM3MER %ONFEIIENCE. Tie summer (oniference for th iulyo? thp Bybe and!i4sslon't. t b,, hel'I at tie Outia-o Ladies' Co lege. W'htby, coxstitutett a gréa p~i-g'for the' ehrltian wou-ker aitnîg yoling pieople of tixis di' trivt air-i especially-o?'tiche toi B'-ing in trrxatiouual Iaux1 lîiter-hJrnoiniimitloitaî rang.? IL Sproertus will îb' large andi froin th iisoioary tan!Ipont ttii" sttidy ixi Au-ra, Indlia, Chiiv nuit! .apar 3i1-&ot:aics frointhtiece con tinvn- anl tointri"q will bt, prt"sent an s;>nk uS'îrh au opportunnty to ht-a - rîxxx:e nu loaris lasnover bpe, < off rc-Ii iu Canada b-fore. Tht. Bib' .t ~tudy xiii b, -conducit-ed byl'y Bei ît> u-Trocp. tif NMontré.ul, ;an ui)i-ioxary 'instit i tî- ttill 1>' con lut -t -d 1,y ;, Eat<y TaVlor. of -Net Y'or'k, un.IMr. Iliaruy-y at, I11k-, eo lt,uu. l'ati àd',ý iuuthe yoig jîcopie' ivork ln the c ti- tati8. Tii Coxî rtnecwPl ux-tir -lu ia '.ntu'bl uiptit'turtlty fin',i1i - ytouîuger '.ork t u-~<0 li' l(f-r-x tdenonuxualioni to b-coni'-ot,,tlit i lir t-il wlith one xtno t-r n'lia tG interciiang.' idea&4 ln tht' va'ut l'mrtîu-iso?' worl, iii tii't ý4 ~a I~ui ' sce t il] u uuhty a il -,etîristita u rotiix'niooÊ -1, 'krsha%. <loti'w si) rn(uci, 10o iîut' ' dnt liritig- t flue tasti f'w yîa--s It %%iU mjjark't < ,tii-hgliut îpoInt yet r avheAI iii the hi-stot'y o?' tiltyounju p îl..forward îno%ý,-îîîeuuî bn liin tauxaliai ciiuu-tlu- it lx ,di-etion o?' lu' Lifuigwatiti'bIli;uîîiul t for tlu gu',t -at(i-"t:tIy t ii llaug#,j',tj-, t aulaptu in iii u in't i (on ii tii.-. tinctiv -,fuamut--or, t a-î'tieth (enu- tuny - protfýt'tuutii'm. Thxe Preby- t rimits M-tuo il-ts Cuiih of Eng- land!, Baîtio'lexnu d co-gr!'g4liouu. a1iî" i.s w i l , ' 'tpr's- td A îlot- mexit of LM di<luga tes lha.-, b'î'uu nîndh'to tii -s--î- thtxrLli s hy îh,- cou- t~~~~~o r,4;.;,nt'c<,I> ahxr I :111(l bd- ig" î lI llf' Coli&'ge, bli uo )linît j's Pau J dupo-i t- iii îîixiîî rfre'nitheŽ wia y a- t nritthe -' j0t1l (f the . Ch~o: for thi, gyrnuasitiu (ilortheu ocesre wht r-e hc sssionis are to be heu!. N-il a ' fi%(,- or s.-A Iiiiidr-,dt. As th-ia' g.î ii;,riiîg sù hI n ttra) o' t:iî. 't for LikX e i'ference j; larg.'; a r. gj4i't i fe of z3 o,) ch.iutrg, 1, whLulx Van n,,ot 1p Colnud- "ýred 11gh. co nsi&~ring the e'haracer î f thîý gatht'rixug iThe 'îfrn- ivili comibin- itii:,irttioli aun s.tiet_ îo in lx a notabl1ý- tegree, and t!t ' ixoprdt! hat vvry.ruîany t rti-e yoîinz opIte% of our eiiue eewill aval ti- i'~lvu oSthi.. uniqu.i-'pri.- tLe y atti ng i~ l the s-rions. Tii-. fiî'st ~rî,oîu w iv î1 u n h e'.'nugo? N'uIay .xî it uanîd -the last one oen u e01c ngfsul;- t'ay. lMii. Morîing sSiosw1l b-' devoted (o ileii' tdy. nis.ion- ary. Imittutrs and! nil-sion study aîses ndt! 11wetellxîgs to p:alu ion4dirst;,;s b-Y îhtsoxîi andi others, Afternoons n tu rt' tfi -. for. reýeto.ttrnenn or %vhicih wiII b' ùir',t*ly ithe ha nIf,; of a loc~al un ion "l'otnuit tîp. .Jj ,pay 1), ,Id(,d uha t îiik Co,,t*rence vil >- aq uç'fulandamiprofitabl* to sunt!ay Sebool wortiers ag to me, mexnbereOf. y4ulng p4x ople-"% x'lctjç.f Cause. Of Iconstipation 1THE "bile" is Nature's cathar- ýTtic. So longras the fversp plies a good flow of bile the f=o passes along-the alimcstary canaW and the waste 'natter is promptly removed, from the body. Failure of thelive r bnngconsi. vatin, ndiestonclogglzïg of the. kWIqS d P*t«ipgOf bewholo »1r. CbaWes Kd4ny-Liv.r PlU P *sively cure cont1imbmes ol therdirect and Sp. "caton cm the lver, and "hIriatho oely way that a Lastig cure fb Oe ceaipumtim can ossbly b. efféct.d r.Cbam.'s Kidu.y.UiverPlUs, one pil! a dose, 23 cents a box, e ml& deaiers or Edmansca, Sat.. & Co., Toroto. The poetrelt and=uga ture of Dr. A. W. Cltb. Is ý= book author,» agiv« he 'I. of id 1, r !n e )f ýe ear lem Bc<- the 3au 'ith as om t est 'ta at vii St- ite. P on'b ce. C >nsj tt. Ie ýnd i, th me7 àn B xi- BRIEF LOVA.LS. Lace Ilse, elbow at 50c. per pair, at length gloves Black -sIlk elbow leigth gloves at 75.-- and $1, jus't arriied at Rosgs Bead Rozg DIros. change of ad this w- ek. -3Illinery sale now 'on at tic Wash store, Ross Bros. M.Is;; Szuatch rIt tou 3.Ion'iay hcr home in KingsvilIe, where wi11 'p:-nd h-r vacation. for she Trhere le economy ,ixn an Oiu Stove. S*ee our stock. We have thern 1i fotur s'*ze, and the best on the mtark. et- R ce & Barries. %Ir, ]ROY 'W. Talng, formerly o! b"I A-rcade, lias acciepted a positioný %'ith Ï.Nr. A. J1. Graham, who In týeîîds o op2 n uip an uip-to-Jate clothing anda ftrn»hshing s'bre lin Osha-iva, * or about August Ist. The W. A. 'of 1il Sainte' chuu-ch havL, F*eit their biie awvaY for the yeir to, Lac l'à Ronge a diztant in- Jinn Ienu-ding school in -ask, Diocese ii 7àriy 300 miles froin tie rail- ray. The 'n1i! ' ýsîon i@supei<intexmled iy, Vefnera.ble Arch Dûacon Maukay. M-r.P. Tty;orý. A. Ml. Roýs, Jas. Il 'Nieho.:on an] W. J. Link-' vi4ted 'ideŽlty :1o(1g"" A.T1. and! A.M., or il(rt Pýeru-y, oui Monday 'niglit of ýhis m**eek, wicn Pa-st Dis*ri2,t Dep- ty lo irstalil ]tWeoLficir.s for liail 1o-IgP. Tiiey ruport havxig aï nagoodt!ut" n- i a p't-asauîî c Il 6 xl v I lr il t- Il 6 -'EIDNIO BF3E;'ý.S. POirT1 WHTBY NOTUS. iss4Gae BSmith lu visxItlng irleflis aB'roolkiin, Ma'.. Wm Coemn, of Toronto, wum a reoint viigitor hema *i. Ueo. White, of Port Huron, visîted relatives here last week. MUD QATS.i The Êmarah Is the bugy, icone cf the zinud-cat fisheri»en these liée ýb1nnuiar nighta'; and the veteraiie are ronduacting day school, téach- Inag the boys holw te, make and throtw the fis;h-worma bail, so at-ý tz'actlve to the horned trout. DOMINION DAY RATES. Excursion tlckete betwmen ai poiits en Une of the Cana.']lan Pac-ý ific PLallway, an4 f rovil l. P. R. Ftations te nea.riy ail points on connecting Unes, will'bp on sale Junn '"0 to, JUlY 2, inc1u&lve, ai the rate or single rare for rounid trip. Tickets goc>d for re.turxi until and oni Tursrly. Ju:'y 3. This givffl ive dayq of low rate at a xnost de- lightful time for siummer -trips. rWpkets and further -information fertn any Caxiadlan Pacifie Agent. Commrunicationl wa-s received froni h- i-erk o'& he ftico' :avc-r t on. notifyIng the couu-a-iî utt ti-it vi1'.a&e wOxltl flot b',! soxs. i? for thp xmaintenance î'O?' lii B e'on at the flouiVOfo?'Refuge.F * PîrialPlot., Mr. Mo'ry -cu'elu 1)' Kitis-'r, -'nov,-d tint tihe curs o?' tfýi? hou"e of liefxgt be atii ar:c hereby autiiorizeatl 10 procuxre a. 'brial plot li t 11V tnion U-puaîe.. try for thti bunial of en-sein_ o't ~the 110,15e of-i 1,iep n- that they prozu<e S ttb:stoxie bo be set up therebu. on %whieh ti:'r xiam-'s tintinnxb:'r înay bh'in-. iy-,-i, axnd lîtLa .ni.til s-lototr mark'-r bi sset at tich-e ta- grave -wth a corrsponding nauuîb -r th-rto. Ç'arriexl. - Not By AGood i Ueaî. iinox'-l.tint thi-iCoun ty na-,4mjîP tht' 2axitin gtt-n brid-P, k tn-a,; tt-ý Brown bridge. .Ti ' ye'a auJ xys li xgbe t' -nand tht-t-e '.erc for tht' xxîýýtbOu -2,1 ~--rs ii ous. MQMra. an ixr- v'ý!---3.,Thýmoo %oil',- lf, l-ii:' n luin à -- - A. v eu- pcm-irug ex-cnt tranuspire] woxîî-1 Go jîxk:I. an utthphomne t>!.%Ir. Wnm. Harris Mu-r. Pouchî-r. 'oxI-d l'y M'. k 'iNI.o Wdndy îxn 0h MlPan,, moveti that 1h- r 'kandi I i - iugtitl-, arria-îx or iir'i:' Treasurer-,rb'grantet! on,' xonth'- ditilgh t P. Lavîxa .t) i,.t) Mr'. tave of' absexîce ;liv-y appoixttng d RBob' ni B. M-lCGticy. of Enîbjey, tihe i:r onip'ýtî nt pers ,,ýn baýt!fi ilof fie'at ing tcIrgynman b-ýiug '1h' h- ix' aiýs ,,cc n] patng ;the p--".l i -. . LV. 2 MO1iueru, of tu, Method- tr~c-'urrl!"d- t Psît, hu rci, - Orono. Ti" bride "'as Sajry Ixcr'-ae. giv"-n away b>' heu- father, anti wa- u. :ngi.'9 t]" y Dr. -ai tir-1inl white si1k. trimi--d witiihi- .niove-d tj,,tit d Trea-atr-r. si k lc"ant i ixertion, witi Pearl b nIxvcwd muIli crea" - Of tal ,ary trimning. earu-ing a 1botîqivet of ù. tie amount of! $130 peu-tiinuxn. wtie carnations andt! maiden ir C 'a ritFda Tarms, h-75rbxixe.unnit! beiîg hx'-u-sus- Mu-. Krr, rar-:ak1r O?' the Court -- ,'r Latin. gow'nrdlnlu white organ- Ilt-"-rasr;t- niuraeo? tixxa' ; n.sc'tuotî, tint! earryirug ai $23..jnniieea f - boulquet of pirik carnations anl T h,, Turnkey a: th,! gaG! teeei-ed - mi mi hîrfern,4. Tie gu-onum wa's -atteîîtict!by his-coxîs-in, 3fr.. ThoînasJ MeNlv*huey, o, Etub:ey. Tic bridai- rCaq' it party riteri-ýdthpia parlar to tixe'ueîsact D xian d guarantced '; î'ius o?' 31"ndre:soîîu's '.xetd ing * cure for each nd una.rtih. r7n lerü-t!by 1Mi Neva' cPIL Etj form cf -Snth roo Tz eg brWa leerording - rvctl li tic dining rooun-whulch pile&. See i est!mori 'ti.1 il c preo-i .and nsk '.tasul~ey ieortî! ~<L your neighbrsa boutiît. à 'i tcanuse it ad andi p1nk carnations ad f Pr- alers ey-t~ os .eat n-. A. vary hanisomne and, costly DR@ CHASE.'8 OINTMENT. co.lxetion o! giftts. iii a tniasure _____ trstified te the popularit>' or the bri dai1 couple. The groom's gif t an iicra%;eof, $.:5, îo tht' bride wruas a su-mer tea 'uer- Mn. .chillar. carptaktrrof the vie-' ami o ticbnid~ma-i!, a o~t!Houee o! Refuge, received a a bracelet. Tic bu-ide's goiuîg.way eu-nase o! $50. dr.w-as a gray eatou suit tial-.. mpno¶"flist muîe wib btutffela sLk.h.ler waist NI. I<Kerr- ruxeti23to, b&*ng a white satin ail ox-eru lace. pe li lcciuig andtiiproving the The guests nutuberet! about sevexi- Cout Houin lttwn t3'. Tiiey i re preec'nt fi'oni Eubiey Tii" bo:owu,- -g's so? h Lindsay, Betian>'. Brook,itu, Van- - rSnýaet ý a tyucuWhitby, Ennîiskl i, Neir- nied out.- cau'. 'o:lia and Orono.. They a T a a nuintu1r o?' iu-(n hetitea.ds 1541 anîid soero! ie on - the- a-natua-b, ~ purciaset! for C) o'ý loch train IQr po7nt-i West. is ? al b Tliat tir electrirc Iighi-ng be MASONS AT CiUICI. xtended tth(- île arterýs of the N. p'eilI ' ' e~rîîxiitasTturnh"ýy an l ;aoi. andt! tat prechd y le. rlire tung htto<witeh-- e P ;LŽ .1c Ôlight thecor- preahed >' ey. u-. u-iiit O uitiors from thi--, main hall. alsolk.hen îh l emnbtrs Or CJPoside Lodge -A. t lt-hrooni in gaoi u coxpletd. I, gec- F.4 a]A-M.aSI Unday_1eveningtee -ic ligit tr> b Pte iecn Irom a text. appropriate to thee ~Tha~t a n"" wcOoren gate be o-Ca' tOn on 1xh-i btliting o! $o'.omon,@'s , acF, xviir" the ît! gate r temnpil. Tii" l'-on tratvn frorni tht'san ttWp't the maIe and fie- iext by fie preacher tveue fiat ail umale y&rds. great andi noble achievement iwa'" tdTîtit a h-ý, wat!-r bc>lIer be ti rrsuit Or Patient effort. work- place! in th, (',"0'kltt<hen ta con- ing 'wlthOluî nOi$se, hjustex, or di- nc withi tir' cookixig range. hau-unxy. The - great forces o!f ________________ nature, the niovenients of thepln ý,t in their c0irses zant!the rsubtle'4 proetpe95 o?' guowth w-re ail nois-. A l lem lxi their operation. it wa- W.119~ P il mafinly the deetrucîe foucet.hat w.,ouked wlth noise and binster, God M nhrLpnsho H'n-~ wrksxakecssy isworks M teacher, Granite Hill. Mý1- Of igrac9,1nthe hearts c01 menanti- Wi' - greatly mîstaken Who BPP k Ioka, Ont., wntes t-J 4For two that th,»' Iwlnngs anà >progre" 01 of as 1 suffered from bleeding Piles, 4-Priual«Tu-t cn bpdisin.snd îSt eU day about haif a cup utsht-4 by '"Il Markcd outward aigus of blood. 1 underwent an operat. sxinh as the Peadixag o! a book. a' ion in the Ottawa Geperai Hospta] chane roîark;- or a qtriktang mci- and for about two xùonths 1i Wus dent. Trhe Caties of keaven open better, but MY13 old trouble retun.d, 'oseeusyand u-e belote'hear not ai atmc lod n that ehêired anîhm 0 ralse and of MY doctori toId me 1 would tuhansgivjxig wt which tht Tre- hav t ndergo nte pios tîznuu~ ouîisgreetA b>' the but wo su othnet. eaton ho4vieniy ho-st. jLet' il thon do u Iwtl oCcnet ou okhere qUaetiyý, patiexitl>', "I<y fither whO l prpr ofc baa inu lku Ostentation the Richulcu Hotel ttavaw adylsegi r b&ekbltlr4z, go thAt the wiiî Of me tô use Dr. CJaae's OintMeutSMd Gcu *hleh Wu Peace on earth good tw boe$ cured me, 1I d oct« yuIl tOw&rd mns" MaY b. aong lose an>' bIOOd 5fter bei"M g lU b.d hsae below. -About 40 fwanb.y cf the airMaoxlc or* iglteaed to tâw ~ su have "Meiyreaso AOmlnlou O&Y excur,%ion a bcen ar,rlMIefo r the Steei 8teabmer Erndale, tliete 'Food gcng Satur.. day anid retifin"ZMOnday. The boat leaves "tb1iY, t 8.45 a. j. ,rtuyiiig »le 0 ronto t 00 and 1.30 p.' Tieket& Very credlt&b-* to the artikt Mr sîill, of catIa. Gardens - ,is the Mathiori bake Wagon in11it-s xiew~ Euitof lil'.» and, verm ilion gveeli. InforDis 8 bright ahi! .. gIiclos patch of, color 011 our dwit brown streets ai04, Picase$ the eyeï Jadd wth i&r "'In rot lecet! h u,,111 rd brick and dreary ctI'eets. .N. HUBERT LA~BAlri. Mr. IHîîtert LhaÎL ,grand sîcnie au spectacular production"Fnu< .app?a[ at the 0pEr& HOn'se Whitby, Frîday £Cvnuru ,'June 29th. The counpany is large and tlfinet one cd @am? fourte'n >ye1r4 rsu-ceç. ;1xitd hais retaiiied practîc11iy thée ;anie p-rsoi el troughotxt. *"Faust"- ned'i but littie tcG1nmcnùt to %ny reading Pab.i more tit1 i a th.-t Mt Labftdie's version Of the play folcws morg ClOý*elY ths' Iixii or uc gi'eat GrÛanPOet's mastor- p-ce titan other preSexiteti. the pro- duction, conîlp-ete i ipwry detail. icarrl-d by tiie Company. ÇOUNTY cobUNCIL NOTE.S. jcoa B cil Think 4 Design Registered Send 3 corks Cdr-wu froUI quartj bottles of Corby'sa lx. L Re Whisay and receive a liandsomie enamnel souvenir. Box -83- Montreal 'Sati*sfaction. 1 always get satisfaction whn 1I takze My shoè rpairing to R~ . uinton- He is a neat workman and up-to-date. 1?. H. Quin ton, Opposite Hurlberî's Blacksmith Shep. Ternis Strictly Cash. Intending Brock St., Wh itby. tee it as car in wl Ae. NEXT Coal 1 Aile C pars ant i SINGLE FARE For DOMIINIO.N 1AY betweeu aÏ Stations, JGoing 1 NE 29, 30,? For tickel on gents - E. ST Town *A Telegrapý office.) Sett. .GOING TO THE NORTI-wWE.S lie mue Io go îWecttTa ÂBERNETHY, N. W IF YOLT WANT THE BEST4 WIld baud $7 fo $P5 per acreà T.mproved1 fanas, 30 to $35 per -acre5 suy turmaO! reayment; .Wiland at $6 per =ce, closetIo ralirod, SClKooIs, »l ar frcflnAbemiethY, Paditally !mjroved àInZ, FraIl MormaUca forwaziled on BeWél &MeweI TheBeaEs~t.D«ers of &bI*etày, À&BSj NeW. T. SINFUL HABITS IN YOUTH MAKE NERVOUS, WEAK# DISEASED MEN. THE REÉULT cf Ignorane; and fohiy layonth, overerarton cf mind and body *nud future haPPineSu of tliousandu of promis no(oe c. Some fade and wlther &ta early age, at the biossom of1 mauh=odWbllo0 Otiier MrUferced f0 drag ont a weary, f ruitietîs and mnaischoij' existence.Othgere«ach atni- mcny but fiod ne solace or cemrnot thore. Thovletluasare found la al stations of life-the farm, the Office, th*. workshop, the. PUlPIt. the tIndes snd lte professions.UsvsSbIy mS.lm Wsskosss are guaranteed ciared by ont New Mthel!r.etminegr l@ S Psy. You ru nu rlsk 25 years aDitreit. ]Bank&Ueuity. CURED WREN ILL ELSE PAILEO. Na mante s~Ihswft s 61 amn 33 years of sq. and married. Wheu yoîàag 1 lad & gay fe auj indleratows td later excesséï, madetouble for me, 1 became weak and nervous. MY kidusYs becam6 affeeted and 1 feared hlrightle Disease. Maxrld Llif wau unsatlsfactor;y and MY home înhappr. 1 trled everyrthlng-aii falled tlii1 toc>k treatrnent frein Dia. Kennedy a:Kergaii. Thoit New Metbod bulit nme up inontally, physlcally and sexB&aiy. 1 fsei and set -lke a man la evary respect. They treated nie six rears cge. They are hoast, skilf ul and responsible fin atncaily, se why patrise Quacks' and Fakirs whennyou cani be cured by reliable dectors.' -W . .3elton. The. nienarclus of te f r FYll before thie scythie of Tima lut my tuoml destructive efforts Of snow. and heat and cold. Rave no effert on - Win . oâ"- IL hssfor jean axtoid- Pater sons " Wire Edge" > Ready.-RoofrinJ Scoits lma than ordinar-y siingles sud listeaa fletime. It.is main, snow aid lire proof-iuaures dry, comfortabe quarters for lie stock sud poultry-an aes the idesi roof! for homes, bsnis, chickeu bouses, etc. Semple and booliet fe e. Write for thena. Hardware- dealers everywhere have ?Â'"RvnsN3'S WI&X BE»Z " or viii procure (it fer you. Es*galasa a N M M M. m lu i lu F 1