Whitby Gazette, 4 May 1905, p. 4

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i- tliem wflen you -Bé goode -and no.w our Ladies" OrowuZ ine ocôtt4~nMother Bubliard yokê, of tucks and viçennïelace with same trlwmlng on1 the Pricefro....................... Covers, the neweat btYles end alstyles, with the best embroidery, valenciennes and torchion. sizus frouie2 to 401 lPrîtee r ..........................~c ,r, fin~e cottop, flnlsbhed with clusters of narrow tucka an& swie8 Insertion, flished -wlth f<nUs o Underskfrta, made of the finpet cottons and -flue èaubrle, elaLborately trlmmed with -laces and ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ...............o.n.. ~. ..~.. ..... MENS tJRÏS1'IN GS' .IN, GREÂT PROF"U SION' 7tling that man needsisleere. AU the Iatest novelties'in 8hirts. and Neob- ail the, wanlied 'weiglla and Icnde of --'Underwear, anid ail1 et moderate prices. Take a look -at our display. f :we~ iug Suits. sin gle breasted, sack-tyle, nmade frein import- and Scotch Tlweeds, la the season W newest colors and erne, pertfectlyî~ailored with best qdality, of triuunings. 40. Frites fromn...................... ..0 up cy Colored Shirts lu plain and pleated negliges, éeparate 1link cuffs , the most popular styles for spring aud 2arlngt al sze.Prive ......................-.0 e Balbrlggao Underwear li mediumn spring weight, ýAa, sateuen faciugs, peari bUttotis, wel inished, ëizes 'glarmeut...................................... ..... by Four. lu baud Tics, mad e froîn choice silks in the latest patternis aud col-ors, seling at................. b0e. ROSS' PORT FERRY. ~wvwwvwwww wwwww~www~ww )A.Y. MNAY 4th, 1905. PrERRY, TOPICS. PER.SONAL .MENTION. MpswRs. Goilng 'and, Roacli visited Misse Fioreuýe 4&bbtt. of Dandas, Is mpendng her holdays in town. Mr. N. Byar.- was a r ý pt viqitoi' at Mr. C. Mountjoy's àaEnuiskii- Mr. andi Mrs: -L- Froy ('ah, fori- erly o! 'Port Perry, were in toîvn looklng up olti friends. "Mr. Jos. Ha'mbly andi faunily have rnoved 'to Raglan, ,vhere Mr. Hamb- ly has punehttset a lioase and 20 acres o! 'landi. - Mr . John Johýmton, o! Lindsay1, ivith 'Masterns Cecii andi Georgie, are lu town, the gueSt of Mrs. wVi,- Commi, foxf a fewda. THE CONCERT. Thei choral co neert Public Llbrary, givel ha~l)on the 27th o! & Iie uost succemsfi kln d , gîven la 'Por prograux ias given1 Baud, Ji'inuy Fax, Dci Mr. A. Bodley 'anti1 Koven. The reopts. about $90.00. Our bi glvelt their services concerts luniad o! r'aryr, titiwell, and i Isttç compliniented ti that we have tho have 'met lu a plac .jlInmy Fax cannot t eîu bsQrp a l'ont I -As 'an orig-Inal fun-:ns ',ut a& ival,- antdiwa turouurly on cach a 1odley as a plaitdst panilet le!t uothing Ordinaryprlc fl gut!Wliently i gh e po1na$ld .fe9regor or DeKoven.,, Their nu ,tfttho,,,'udlente mfpeJ Y LOCALS. gha, clda, lotirai ;aliments are c po..Cresolene tabit oz. Al 4ruggLsi underslgned ha Chatha'n inculi s. eggu, andi tii 1ass condton, Short time. Mu reekt;. Âp#ly to )Prt Penny. S. Wajll as oilee anti lot - o s les a very d7esi n . irst claqssE e wIsh!nW' teo1bu >11 to sec $IL F to 'Mr. Wallis r coluiuu 1.e( mlo. 'I rotlu Nt o lonIths. dlo i do! noe it do uet t. Look c t in aid o! the n in the town April, was one ut events o! the tPenny. The by the -Citizens nualti NtGr-gor, .Miss Emnma De .amounteti to and, w-Io have1 1 C!41PET -WEAVING. "[1ha undersigne5 1a:3 raturLed.and 10 prepated to* do carpet-weaving on tha3 1hortest no 1le. and at île saina old price-10 and 12 1-2e. per yaî d. Mrs. A. Sawyer, Port Perry-49-6. It is expected that the creamiery will open on May the îst, andi the different 'routes ivili be ritn as last vear. T. Stonehouse. 'Port Perry, April I-st, 1905. A Guaranteeti dux'e on 'r s Itch.ing, Blind, Bleeding, or pro- truding Piles. DUruggisýts refundmo- ney if IPazo Ointmea(nt fails to cure any case, vu matter o£ bow long standing, in 6 to 14 days. Firat ap- plication gives ease and reet, 160 ets. If your druggist hasnIt it send 50e. in stamnps and, iL il-1 le forwarded -postpaid by Paris Madicine- Co., St. Louis. Mo. 'BRIE LOC.&LS. Borsaline-I-lats-Doubt & Son. nNew Rigly Waterproof Overcoats ispring weiglhts, at Doub't & Son. The opening o! the 1Port Ferry cnefimcry has Ïbcou postponed tilI MIay iSth. - Last market dey the buyers paid, 25 and 2.7C. cash for number- one b)utter. the pubic - A very heavy stock o! new higl the visitiag art-1 class ciothing for spripg just arrir- hem b3yin ed at- Doult & Sons. beetbani tiey Men's $7.00 Frieze Uusters, now ce o! Ibis 'qzp.. appean too o! $449 Men's $5.0o Frieze 'Pea Penny audience. Jackets, now $3.99, at' Doubt & ýaken hoe N with- Sns atsenconeti rap- . ob Snhvseud ipeanance. Nfr. H.Dut&Snlv eue ýt and -accoinu- the ageucy o! that ceebrated make - to ho desireti. o! Men's hats-the,]Borsalino-Ita.1- s b con vey a ian fet-soinething nlew. conception 'o! o! eithen Mr. Miss Emuma LIBRARY AND READING ROOM. m'bers aut lmnes Theset wo objetts o! public cane ll1-b:ouiqd wth anti inteneet hàaî1nù been brought proniinently 'before 'the publie thno- ugh theu receut tiramatiC perfor- - - unce and coace.et, andi the public baving so genenously assleuted lu ýees and other maklng Ite suceessf nit will îlot uiokly relieveti bc où'I 0! pace h o rmind auy-oue lts. ten cents who le net acquaintei wtl our 18. eatiiag roum- o! the adrantagesitl Ls, for s a-le on e offens to the publie, anti when wie ator, capac:ty sa ' publie, we do not mean tbbc ro brooders lu cltizens o! Port Perry, but lucliudo'l being useti ou- the people o! Beach, Scugog, ant- test lie utoîtinluwrlght, andinlashort-, wl W-ho vis-,I Mrm. ., -MowV- tior tOwn for bualesie or recrea- tlon. We would likse ho seo unr neati- iug roiui used Iby - everybotiy. tiecitietito oi *The Reading ftoom lo opeùn ou a-, Lilla street. the afteruooue o! Tueudo.y, Thurs- rable neitieuce -day anti Satuntiay as weil as ave'y- 1 state o! copal', évenilïg, and le 1frnee 'to t«qryono.] y a bîouse Nil'Il Nt veyqIranI én. o speu&, Fr Pakrt'icnldrs au hour lookiug 'ove -the latest Or *10 Mn. GeO. magazines ýanti paper "-1hlini- cludi the foiiowing-Thq tMal i appears the& Empire. Satura le a - urniture une Wcek y, IHîri'pir a -M11-1fe V île ho'dlng for- ecmbuer's, The BStranîL est Pnices -lave Ucime Joujrnal, TIc c a g articles, anti azine, Tii-a Cn'tury, 111 - -dte- householti fan- don News,- The Gree ýten thon caR ote opaln - iver he î~nsSt. 'Nithblas, Th- - Paper, The Saturday- 69 - TIc Wor1l'à 'Work. Hirp.. Sudy ÉChool, Lad t,-'s Monthly, Review'o tirt hc 'ien Pincer, 'and tocal j es r .Torou to h jTIe LI'brary subscrlptlon, -vih 95~eC~on~it Il lut opa'dallar oe' oa~u- )4xy241h. Weil relectedi- colleçtion Of EHaitory, MleShIr'nlok Blognaphy, ]ý1tlon, Literatura, cIi4, IFOR SALE. A road cart, I -pply to lier. Perry. ý cxptpqnc L ai m , UmsU ±red to'do rag carpet wc 4liould- e. HReiinsy. be dl thixues at - hie room upe nidngthe-.public fibrary. C oderate. AUl wûrk llrst guiar.anteed to «give sal Robt. Porteous. TOWN COUNOtL IIOINGS. IThe reg:iar meeting of the town uP. Monday laft, ail the nemnbers lb- lng present. On iotIn o 34.,-I*utcheson, 'an ýup. ordder, was granled, ln favor. of. W. iî l. Harrlà for, $1.55, belng express I. chiargkeýon assessors -ahd colleetor'u rollSand PoW'tage~. On notion '-pl Mr.Kfllson, Mr. -f. Frlser a report ~,dweigh *scales for~ I April. vas acceetèd, shotwing re- celpts ito' be $80.4&., : on oino Mr AIIison, the I Clerk *.as instrtýcted to ask c for tenders for 140 'býrrels ofeent. Oin tnotIon of U'r. WaddËil, the: *a aceount or C. L. Vickeryjor $8.680 "T, or supp1les furnishcd. wais ordered t o. lte -paid.ano I On snotio2 b Mr, Wadde. a fder- wüs egan ted in favor of R. Me- Knlgh*t for . for tckt o bit- 'D o'lndig'ent. Mr. Beare pettioned the counÇil gthat a sidew&lk tue laid on C~aleb Sreet, next to his property, and o n oti0on o!o Mr. XAlUson, it was laid o-ter 'to be deait with when Iother streets are considered. 0.1 *inotioq of Mr. Huiteson, Mr. qb MeKnIght was instrueted to 7 iay ' the fdilowing waiks- Cochtane É treets,, 56 rods, 3 feet wide ; Cass- I unir stimàet 12rdds .8 feetý wide -Mary strieet, 20, rois, 3 feet -wle. On àtIon- of! Wr. Jackson,.- an order was granted in, fvor o! C il. mlison lor $1.5.00 to. defr ay ex- * penses 'o! re-rnodelling stage in town iýaiIl. Mý I M. Aliscn ïntrodueed and carrIed * throiugb l~aby-;,aw to to:-row 3,) j to nu-t th.,,cgrrent expe-ise3 of 0 th-- corpo:atto.i for t1h. year 1905 3f until th?~ taxm, are colected. obOn iion!0 or M.Hiitc*HDDo, Mr. 0 Ar dIu - AI i w'-tsa-pcint:-d a nm *0 ber i, rthc, fire rgd to fUiia *vacane.y,. 'Mr . Jrm-w ojJI .tirU tq. îave a CuvIie:xi ire I nand 10 iùnvý the waterczoursno oýiMr, In gran'spi ýce_ otpaný-dand .o-iinolon uf Me. 1m- 1chil;on. Mr. Waddeil and M!r. Jack- si w2ýr-,ppluLea . coimiittreto inspect thc ca:ver and drain co - piain2d o!. On motion of 11r. Waddell, the unatter regardîng Mr. 'S'inc'air ask- ing ithe concito repeal a certain by-iaw liitiog- the licenses 'lu the YHilage of -Porti. îerry -teotwo' _be a yd n the tab' e. 0: 'met oion ,k.. -~Mr. 11aiceQn, Mr; War;dîil was appoln tedeonnsi- Cr tc- sup-Orvise. the building of ce-I meiîCiaàki lu SjuneCoawttu for hisservice, and that he pro- ce-ei with the work as s.pecd ly -as possible. Mn. R. J.' aoudy, of Toron to, ap- peared before 'the eouneil asking for a franchise 10o establish a gus puant ini Port Perry, and on mot ion of Mn. Jaékson, the whoie counecil 'wverù appointted a eommittee Lo in- vesigate the niatter. on motion of Mr. Jackson, the Western Bank and Bank o! Coi-1 inerce were g«ranted the prlvleCeo! pntting down a concrete waîkbe- tween their 'premises. PBI To preve to you thatDr Pieschaws aOlulmenLis ale:ti and absoluto curo for each' es and every form o! Itchinir. bleed&gand protrudlng pileR, the mnanufe.cturer have guarantccd i Sec tes- - timoni"l lu the dm817 proue and ask your moi qh- bore whatthey thi*VlL fwYou enuseIltand geL vour moncv back il met cured. 60e a box, ab all edealors o EMANIONI»ATE & CO.,o-ontci, Dr. OhasVs Olntment PORT PERT -MARKETS. Fali Wheat .. .O95 0 95 Spring wheat ........ ...O 08-0 90 Goose Wheat... ... ... ..0 75 0 80 Barley... ... ...0 40 045 iye .... q ....., 00) 0070 ...... .... 030 0 8 Bucirwheat .. . . .....0 40 0 53J Large peas ...... ......O00) O 75 Sinal eüs....s... ..0ô0o ô 5 Blue peas ..O.....0 03O065 Mesike Clover ...... ...- 8 00 6 00 lied Clover 7.00, 8 00 Beans bus............ 1 00 1 20 Corn EnsiTsge 04.. 93 ;1:74j Hogi Lve . .-5.(U 6 10 Wcai Washed........ .00 't 7 WolI unwasiied 0 ÔilO12 ?otatoes per bUa .......O040 0 50 Eggs per 'dos. ....O0 12,0 13 BUttetr rTh. ~0 20 0 21 Dry aipies per IDb. O 2:1-2 0 03. -Jackson springs.", John Harris, Port WANTED. An exp2rneed dining i ooîu girl. BJfêranQs. Apply tq the St. Char- 1e's Hotel, Port Ferry. For Sale. The undersigned bas for -sale at bis livery stabla, Port Perry, 3 good work horses and .3 eecondhandeut- ters. Apply Win. Jamies-on, Port Perry. NOTICE. The 'books or A. -. Carnegie have b.ee,,n le! t with the' unders&giied.with whoniî ail aceounts must be set%ýtled or, arranged at once. Wm. H.1 Harris, Bai-rrster, P1ort Perry. TO CURE A COLU. Take Laxative Bromeo Quinine Tab- iCtý3. Ail drugg-1-ts reiund the xuonney- if iL. faits tc u re. D. W. Groves signature is on cag-h box. 'J'5 cents.. THE SMELL 0F CLARIC'S. ClIark's Luscl-ous Lunch Tongue- so appeti5fiîg and juicy- sets the ga8tnie jies fîo0wiug. lb stiîuu-t late.s, huxîger and coxupletes diges-t LOST. Betwen Port Penny anti Myntie, on Tuesday niglit, Apmd t11 a heavy groy overcoat. Parties wil con- fer a favor -by leaVrik gsatme at Mr. Win. Ro>s' store or Jauuie-son's liv-ý emy stable. FARM TO 'MENT. The Howcoli farnu, t'beLweea Green- wood and, BroughaLn, 1Pickering towi.ship. 200 acres. Gond dary farm. Wili eut Lsaine for pasture for thie ,s-nmmen only if. desirod. Low ront. ,&'pply UM Golti on S. M. Newton, Whit'by, expeutors. AN .ELETCRICAL ENGINEER. Wf± are pteasaeit to noticè that Mr. Walter Boss, bonou f oun towasman Mn, Wiltlâm Coss, la ensca fui in securing f r«ft MeGill Coll3ge hLms degree o! Baehelor ot Seience. We undenstanti froua the reports o! the Montreal 'Papcethat -bis stand- lng was excellent- He took henors> Iu hie varions Rsibfccts, ant is n ow a certifl1ed electnîcai englacer. A-V ter four years lard work le ob-. ta med his rewur& l I muet be a source of! stisf.action to Mr. Me- Bride, Unti tha bPent Ferry H1.g h Schol,.,to know ýthat they eau fit pupils eftilienltly to take the'high- est courses -iu the b)est univeraities ot oui, land.- The Standard cou- gratulates %1r.Rof-non hie attain- ment, anti WMehshUim a succesef ut xa.neCr. SCROOL EXAM. Spàlhing, 1)1v. 111. Srs. and 3rs. Max. 100. May CoultIs 1û0, Vei'a Goode, 98 Kthlecu O'Briu go 9, Hazie:l Lue"s 96, Miltinet Honton 94, Hettic Arhtpçu 94, ýAiwiigh Pyke D0, Thoinas Bo weruuau go, Wajie Alex- ander, 88,_ luese Wfilson 84, Fred Jonue FO, Guss'e, Raines .79i, Wllhe- mine E vans,7i Myr Vie Old!!eld 78, &ablue Greataau78, Vea cooit,72, Louie M-Alle 72, Lucy Woodley 70, Vlutor Raines'-7), Gotrdon Spence 66, ituâe'i1 Tremeer 66,. Emhiy A-bbott 61, Peari Dg.vldon 64, Vennoi Nott 6!, GorIon Hem rn 60. .-RBoy Raines 58, Hardy Pdrdy 56, R&u- .o;,plt 8rt-er -54, -l4ugh Ç4ampbell 5û, AUDLBY. AI!. Lynde luis returnied to schoo1, Mr,. Wrn. Bays is driviang a-fn iiew buggy. Mrs. W. Demiis is spetidig a- few, days with lier parents., W. Mercer irý doing conisidérable fencix'g this. spriiig. H1e builtis a Yery neat patent x&il fence. Gea. W-àlteïs' was around to cal anti square up last week. Hîs rnany friends' were, pleased to see him. again, and' hope heie my live long to en-JOY the fruits of his Iabor.,, F.M. Chapman. hias started in" 1partnerýship with w. Remmter on a' local paper in Alexandria. We aý:e, glUd to knlow, that_ lie is gradually riigto the front,,raù n é,ot4l. The Sunday.School'staff leel the need of 1an evening's preparationi, consequently next weeka Bible clase will be forined and mneet regu- ladly. Let there be a united spirit froua the ýstart. 1On the fine farua of Mr.' Theo. McGilivray may be, seen the finest herd of fat cattie that can be found anywhere. ;They nuîuber up nearly seventy head we are told ant iwIll be- ready for shipment -in a feW wveeks. The most of themt were purchased last fall and the rest before the present high' price. NOTICE 0F APPLICATION. The Ottawa Riiver Rilway Com- pany will apply at the present,,3es- sion of!'the Legisiature o! Ontario for the passing of an Act autboriz- lng 'thc Cowupany to construet a bnaBch Une f roui the town o! Or- ita Io Port Stanley, passing tîhrough the Towns*p3 of! Orilila, Vespra, Essa -and Tossoran'tia, in the County-of Siin-coe; MuimurMfono Atnaran*th, East Luther andi East Gariafraxa, iu the County of Duf!- erin, West Gara! raxa, Peel- or Nichol andtiPlking'ion, ln the Coun- ty o! Wellington; Wooilch or Wellesley anti Wiimot, lu the Colin- ty o! Waterloo; North Easthope, D&wale andi BIun.-haýrd, lu the Co- tyý orfrP2rth; West Zorra anti EaÉt Nissouri, lu ýtre Conuty of- Oxford; West Nissouri, London and West- minlÉter, in the County of Middlesax; Yarmouth 'anti Southwold, in - the County o! Elgin; anti touching-at thec Towns o! Onihlia and the Cities o!, Stratford anti Lon-don and St. Thomas ;- aud also 10o construet a branel tine from lits matn lhue ah a point »In the Township o! Mara, In the Couuty o! Ontarlo,- to the City o! Toronto; passing throngh the3 Townships o!f Thorali, Brock," Scot- landi, Uxrluitge, lu the County o! Ontario; andi Georgina andi or East Gwillimbury, Whitchurch, Markham anti York, lu the County o! York. Da:teti at Ottawa tho 1711 day o! Alpil, 1905, W. D. Hogg, Secretary. IPO~T&UT Breeders of Live Stock 'The flrovï»oial Live BStock Association.;purPose, baviag an- other- sale of Live stock goietime in tge firet part of -IN- >ioed of Youn)g Cattie, mig iaar, al the meu2 present except Mr. CoI meetilIg Was a'brief and~ Radial Railway Entranc 1 The Clerk of. the Cou, wrote asking that a deli sent froin Whitby to a be heId;,,in Toronto retl of entrahce ino Toront differeut lunes of the 'Y R-ailway SysteinutTown Farewell wa# .appointet sent Whitby., -" YorkJ11 n bej eý quesl C) of rk Ra Donneily, Cnt D« MEr. [lewis sccureti the passage of the relief'report as follows: We re- commend that the clerk be- in,- struct -etito notify the governor o! the house -of refuge that this coun ' cil wiül not, af ter 'the i 5th -of -May, continue' to pay for, the keep. of Frank- Donnelly, au lumnate froua this àtowni. Steet, Accounts. Mr. Hewis, secured the adoption o! the- streets report, as foilows:-' John MacCarl, work,ý $20;. Robt. Plaskett, work, $1.5.75; Trhos., Har- ris, work,_51.50; P. Geehan, work,.t 75c-; John Connors, work, $3; I John Bravener, .teauanig, 510./ 1. R. Uuderwood, work, $4.48; Ex- panded Metal Co., metal for Lynde's bridge,. $ii8.8o. The Bank Account. . extenslec over the s1i1eline betweeui Lots 18 andi 1, Co-n. 9. Mr. H-aycraft, seconded by Mr. Oke, moves -that the application of, YWml. Young for -a bonus on 8o roda o! wire fCeeoppositle lot 22, 1cQn. 3,- be granted on côuaplying with by-law governin9 same. Carried. Mr. Haycroft, seconded by 31r. Oke, -noves .that -the. treasurer grant his cheque in-fàrvor oi 'Geo. Corma'ck, for $225.95,, bing amount due for a car of -lumnber, less Ireigh1L, Dr. Moo-re,' seconded bvy Mr. Oke, Invdthat the *flollowing concil-- 1coujunction wuth-thec commiissioners 'of the Townships of Pickering a~nd eeach to superintend- thé expendi4w tures of- the appropriatins made by th e respective- towni4 s- Wmi lOke, opposite base I 'ile td 4- con. Pidkeri'ng. town linDr-ilIr, o * r.Luke secured the passage 'of *JJ.J J AAI5 the finance report as fouuows: D. town, ulne; F. .Browni, opposite con.. R. Vickers, deputy returning offi- 9t o.81ikrn-tw ie cer 5750; Shw, $8.o~and the reeve and Councior Y. ce,$75ý,*Jas. -hw do., '.,o Brown be1 the conmi s.sioners o n the T4. Fairbanks,ý do., $ý.5o; R. S. eé Ow ie C,,rid Cormnack, do., 5,8.5o; John W;:Wl-Rehtoule.Cxed sondo.,57.5; S M. ewto, 3r. Brown inoved; seconded by prnùg, $6o.4i; Thos. WilIson, â1tM. Oke, that Dr. Mofore and.Coun- towe n admre,5.0 h o~ cillor laycraft le appointed to iiee mittee recommenti that the bank îabou, repaïrs for Îlie road srp account be left witl the Western..,pitn h sne niegg Bank at 4~ per cent. for, the -year, iga prtrfrteva for the saine. tarrit'd.- as the Dominion, Bank would flot rHacatseoddb Mr take the acéounit for less,.than five Oe ivt o ev oitrdc per-cent., and also recouamenti the andNo8r fôrnuer mnotion ito change the ac-abr-atoB-w contbeno rcidei? of Townsliip of Whi.üby, t-b authgr- property couamittee, haivi;ïs4;â'ev re iepyei-fabn e eti ~ ~ ~ ~ l aofeof$fru r~ -buâln virefenice, to prevent vray for the oid town scales, .we ditngo nw 1 ihwy o .recommend that the samne be ac-pr-de fobyB aw o.8, and that the samne'be _aseed. Car- Lower Fire Rates.. Mr. W. C. Wells,' secretary of the Farmers' Co-operative Harvesting Machine Cbo, rote respecting an increase in their insurance rates,- which drew forthý the passage- of the following resolution: Moved lv Mr. . Jackson,- seconded by Mr. Lawler, that theclerk be authorized to communicate witl the Farmiers' C 0-operative Harvest- ing Machine Co. andi the -Board of Fire Underwriters, acquainting them with the fact. that the water worlçs, systeni, which was temp or- arily disabled by frost, las ,been in coniplete, and efficient worl,-i!ng order since the 7th of Mardi,and that there is now no defect in the systeni that affects its efficiée in the -event o! fire, the oniy matter reqiuiring attenition,,being an addi-J tion to the present covering of sonie of the water. mains, which the* conmiîssioners undertake shal le remedieti during the couaing suminer. Beet Sugar By-law. Mr. John Smith wrote as, fol- Iows: " 'I desire to protest a-gainst the ýpassing of the by-law to aidî thie. Keystone Sugar Company, as one *ho is entitied -to the exep'ip- prgvided- for in By-lawý; .e 631, ýant desire to give you notice. that I, regard . epa-ssing of, tIii by-law as ià(eguI Iuid shé2ll .ojt t-o its confirmuation if it 1qmtne to make the. taxes ýpay~iU there. Under asesable on -ail Larin lands-, irrespctive o! theý willingness of the o'wners to bee hable therefor." This latter was referred -to. the town aolivitor- moved hy Mr. Luke anti secondeti hy Mr. 1awler, thatthe hy-law to aid the ICcystOne Sugar Co.,- by grantieag thereto $25,000 by way o! bonus, to issue debentü.rrfl there- foto provide for payient o! suçAi lebentUreS, andi for gatn eraaexe3nptilouis froni taxation ,%ten years to aid colnpany le ed andi that saiti by-law be d ' a third time anti passeti, m~1~uayor andi clark do sligal aimx the seal (itliis !~ÔN~~i tereto. Cauried. ried. Mfr. Brown imoved. secondeti lv Dýr. 'Moore, that the application of H.- E. Derby for a bonus -o! 8<1-rotis! of w ire fence betweem, lts 18 ant i , con. 9,Jalso the-'application o! Roh- ert Hejeron for a bonus o! 8o rods of wire' fence between lots 28- -and 29, 9t1i con., be granted, subjeet i(> the p)rovision of Bv'law No. -,44. Carried. Dr... M oo re moved, secondeti bv- Mr. ,-Brown, that the reeve grant his orders on the treasurer-for the !oiloyving - amounts: F. Bratley, 4 'YSdays' work <Div , $650; W. ,A. Holliday, goods, to C. Wheeler, 56.42: W. A. Holida*y, accouInt- for gasoline for Brooklin ligîts, $ïl.44; Win. Arksey, topav- for work, Div. - No.- $5.85-; R. G. Oke, 2,046-ft., 3- and 4 cedar, at $22, 555;R. 'G. Huson, work, Div. No. Io, $1.50: W in. Kerr, repai:ri'ng culvert Div., 75-C-4 Thos. Dowvnev,, to pay ,<l and others for.w'ork in Div. $2 W. Kerr, to- pay for -ework, Aiv* 7. $9; -Fre 'd Slater,- 17 roA' O! wire- fence at 55c. and se5ding - Posts, Brooklin cemeterv, 911iioý C. 'Bon- est, 8 days' worc Brookdlin cerne- tery, $io; Jno. Croxail, i day tak- ing down and, tebuilding fence, î7th con., $1.25;., W. Oke, tO py for pflw wshov - e o ~ ring *own Iie li account, $17-80; W. . IHolliday, to pay hfor #ght onca of luier, $27.9r, 'Jas., IrowuI, b" us i-2o. rotin wire fence, 7th cbil., ý$30. Carrieti. I- Dr. àlooré mnoveti, seconded& -by Mr. Oke, tha-t permission is ,hertby ,given to tle'C. P. R. Co.' to ex- tend their track-s acroas the side roati betwenit* n.1,,con. 9, Whitby Towiisbip. subjecet t' the appreval o! the, railwav oy s ,soners. Carrieti. Mr. 1 Havcraft; secondeti by D»ý MXoore, moved -that the a&q*or',s roll as returned be aecepted, and that the treasurer grant bis~ checpte in favor- of Chas. J. Spmuetr for $5, being the aamQuut o!f..Lwy as assessor for verir x9oS' ir e ,11r. Havcraft, sconidýby l»r. Oke, iinoveti that this c«unà,, do now adjourn to intet un Ntextyl June 5th, at 9 a. In., aka cotit of revision andi getrai hu,-ut-%s. Car- 11db Çows, persons ha particu- 1 .1 1

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