Bt te 111 11 Ote ur eottaarcd ol ÈiOMua, y« SIMuo fgures tIik ltI*4 *ez Ouipâw dto ULiii"e goI 'u buawn invested in l u luli gtrfp ~-I?07Instance, thetemates ot vi~UleU Dakota have reIved $300,- Ow niliiu i rdut a île ring l' tu e t mirkows what Nature w Il rn 9«*'1«<o 1dm frog ie i qarience in the'i aa eknowa if certain seedes M i1asted e0v roperly cared for thatNtr wiU take gare cf tht, reet. lu the saine Oiw néulgQf or -., de4tiny. csly e« 65ittie effort on yonr owu Part ta keep iehthy esd strozm-fird your bdY cf théep4@i*tam ar pltoaccunaniate endt .ur sytnt i»ready te a riloff the attakethé jeruis f d1eae Dr. Plerces Coudex UKdIoeDiscovefy makes rich reil lo.d-by tacreè»sznthtéinumber of red tl.odcorpuscles. Thbere tes*0 alcobol lu tht. gréat toui e ~sb lvel up the reil blood sc«uoe1ct1. As am alterati voe ttact, waie «lyu ef erbsansd m-ots it gooes abour les wii la natures uay. Il tlmuîlates tii. liver Lt. propereaction and <eils the VOult serves, stomack andl beart on C~r bloud. Ubed for over a thîrd cf a "tu tb u wd o reMdiei n < t ýetht Vlted Sttes. More bottie. of Dr. Pierce,& Golden Nodicel * »icovery are 9014 to-day thau *ver befor- tet in a truc tentecf its medicinal value after thirty.elgbt years of ileserveil popularity. Dr. Pierce# "Medicel Adviser" sent on tteIph cf stampe te pa>' foi militai only. o fdj ie-cent stampa for book in rpef !ZrIsor 50stamnpg for cloth.botin N-cl mume. Addrssa Dt. R.V. Pierce, IhaffaoNY. TlIURSDAY, UIs 4, 1904. WHITBY'S DOIBGS8 Boy' Wsnted. To toisamaprinting. Appiy ettla Servants& Vuted. To go te the cil.>, geersi, $12 per month. Hlou.smnid, 0. Appiy et tbla office. good. gooil, Loat. on July 2ard, s grain bag. ceou- tainhîîg a î-uaet haluir, brase buck- le&, and i fi> udt. Ietween WVlit- by andathie lUnio euery. Finder wil pleaso lenve ut bîs offIce. Mr. iiallantyaie bMrried. Oua Wedneb"ly meranasMr. John lalantyfeleîf t fer Turouato, audvwua marrieti li tlc atternon te Miss Gilbrit. cf tiaut city. The happy couple lotI by thre evcfling trainta t speud saiveek witlî fieadi Lu the nortir, piIor cutireir returnhurg te Whîtby. '%Ve exteud our best wvis. Grand Unien Excurxlen. Workmeua, fireuren, band, per pet- aoc stemer ~ f'.u . idmJ,5 tm. 1fonday. Auguxt .ibth. 1lkre-ouU4 trip, 75;c», chldreni.titer '19, yeM '«M. ttiek tiaree pc>Ir de'aulaa*. tjins t Whewybavéutted ait un ou ranrd .xemwba te toctt "aa 'W . *-Oktat. - wi-tirIta . i*~iit1u park, lmeInoë,ume'r hotel , freê open air thleatre, minatuire railway q ollectrie -nlding gatiar>' sud'- al knda H of out-deor apa-t. la th-. Itesi polot c on aLeke Ontmrio furau ecursie Ti panty te âpend a deligIwttl day. Ar- bci rangements hure alec been moue. itiah theire trnaitional Itstvuy Go. tel ,carry thunee miro may »o desire trom fil Olcott t. JBuffalo aud raturât ut r tihe ezcedhgly 1gw. rate ef 75 Conta, Ttirtapart 0 et îitrLi alone, at40mile etYide creLihe fateat electrlo rondl onO ý4lre continent, la veli worth the " emiacle cost of eLcmurl-Ofl. Pouri fall 0* heurs la Buffaloe. Oloott te Loch- Pl port. a tema oft [nty ao.iasud. und i returur Mcr. If yen have orer baron b te Olcott you vilii aut te go ngain. C4 Il yoma havo not baom tirer., dont ti misa this clî to r e i.grandeat of Americsn suunolr îebort&a Brlng your t>aakett*lHot wator furnish.-d2 freeone bard baht. 'Tickets nnd full intormuation carn bulied b>' appi>'- ing te thî a tiowIui& oonmiae-a at Whitby - A. O. U. W., . .van-V vaikeurburgia, Jue. Batemnan, Il. 1). Huggard, X. W. Jeekeon. Firemaru -John Stantun, J>k% HBord,. W. J. Luke, Ç. Soldn. Ibaua- - A. 1l. AI -t lin,14 'B.W. ErAand ottuombors cf the baud. Uehawa - Fit lBros. llow- Mauvmille - Harty Cenu. 001Y a Ilmi- lIed uuuariof et1ckets wilL b. so"d; t 4oetwore lt W1 [b. wba. to bu>' amly -&soit 'iý ay dLsppltUIatti-St. a*mer lealea novmasvUlo t 7.00 a, 'mu., »*îawa 7435*aum, Whltbr S." ajai, iietimiug, etosmo viii «va 08060ott s7 p.m. A. W. jackson agent str. Artyle, Iphono 1,Wht- n caada-~ get forth Steaiflor on igtres t Riverlîl¾1 oat# tick0. f*1 IIW t 15*' aJia repaîn au. the ~oaeiIl~i* 15 * g, IfarCil - l~ "LatOflI"- Rai [,a '.' i1'~ ' " ' s re ~u u "'-.- How ng1at79 wltngspptl a'r. are té %V .for - uiWtpS ¶",aa Coiered 'Drain. plti? r.pàttd tO P&I 1000 ~ Y *nOfr0. ~~ C. ja-wrote - lg *6,B h1 printed therfliU flarok lUtPet? rtycr , lIpa1y* ep ,*e pritedthreo -r U. iohs o e tei5*tll altuer ~~ e uywo ei' 0 V bubea rno" ïd ur banfor 99e. ruiiii and Peth r o rt <'".emu yads.-w tte 1000 hadbitt e *i ay 0i e riY t )W l *ggi Wi ëê oryu 100 tgalut" oarbuinssprnt tll t pt jua r ie aai pet osaÂIth b'me prnd hereOil f1 [b e ltent God i ooo qute r td.lM o blhest a n " our it p. end, l ti e strii tàr o ý Who I e ie a1 I puictd t retci Jor, M, ew t7p n c o urii'ti re itt th ai blve t thrie. Mn' 11gUstt Pr0e00 o oiand.'vn ro or asaae eict th tipr e auyt e n ix ed tte exan d à ait Tesie rtedgrpt briim ae fo ar a "' I t he, O. tov i re fce ai ama cas0 bad 1fr&7.ll l tchlly eoul red te t 8t~ eah ie u.ti J4 ouI>'. ettbOre st eetr sport u l'LèWs-4iib. <'thougushe. tahpe tok lce~th nas, aaw. o poth,Bid~;~ex t est r y, w _prk 4 bfoe Vo 1000m uartebr 1, s d euand touit ufccb eyC, opud .17 ,agios Cnt aet nieti te Miss EVa MeCourt,[ fti e mttt he recelvo itlo.te dontra if i o ed etr'e bsde prydl htrc in ïntm*.thtiru neI r uvýmt u Ce in < orthe cn Ig>Luk&t iu Lb a Wm. cisCur e- this ter m1 eatutibi<i xunutt-eoa iir. S m bie, wbo i ked veryobarsi 0 la. tsit t ing thn'etdrtin oit, lthepaLUlrm.- 1$ckV u 0 dced wa asaatet bylie î1a~tjMliB atLyod~ Coekuni wold'noOOJiiu or îf wo ex.idareports Hog e 13. Acot bet&iDt A re a -ade*lg." . ir peL n suis >'d th re a ai- a(rmfld' left on teafeiO 'r[ a 3ro1lto1. e 'volitthe cmmeliit as tti Lre b lo te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Tornt au iàiutt>is a'1Veflut ols USa since retmaed tO ~tp'6etby ês- CivînUoiiduy u lieyd4s wIk lac mrrke the holse, Ohaa#onpotmday%,V wy wrk tirer. We extfd o wha Mr.or-aj 824icp;,or r aor d$005sî)n Eeyroril Maor low!ma rdsoS iC, i4 uly sontfa*l tt 13's tli usewell e ;potoa ë- pro. apetIw < IPri tmaitC.tichipe p M A, petviitijodote5t w fn ~~ t b 4io'~ Ertune eCe 0. 't us., ueand pone of OUT -iimeau tiYe oue.dabut o tal <barYu mn', wu mïr-iot té aoe.Treslcft ê&U.omlr4 er*Ma, ms offnc. cutlno evaicîuh $00't 1f. itirt apetybiag d a*ofa w . 11k., jiBS sauelph I>inas ., for te o-log uskoka, e aJrgtof Wm.Meoutof tb oWer s foae tie 4% <£ "~uItI#tlrh bie, b oked ryein ï, oULI lg- S<d y tàk te w-ofthe~ W4 ýIii@6Laeà te ero44 -s 'estcan.#4 Reli J.isues l to me', '<6 adeex Hois, B. A..t t- ted he..pae d1W,2s-par ý ubi ,a,.enn*3 rga -i &-ýrm T mari a tI Idot heu gala "i agoociSoaý w~zo s. WHITBY. e délfverto ail parts o etitwn ortlÉty Y&, w, >are.qfr 'EOW OST otîr-mg ei1edl tock,-of slect sain~, W im ea~esry te ak room'for iî TprtGoud. Iw. Wel ' Alt' ltetbookma tiu s, se- wb -lpa Crae I 'n Brook St. SouI0b. ~Agenut for Butterick Pattern&. 4, BOUSE 50 n#e3II iNext door tol MJou8T 'C utý Bargein Day et OurÀAug » seuli Wb «véorothemuhrsà'ffrN iuLssale, and net bmoo'0 ~oeu à Dm le t go by . mn Iii' i s<oucil price on, m*e d4 iwiîu 4X IY ' zig iotél., 2A BLEt ,'* !#Und tétobreak meords- in bfr.Wc kniuo tliat yuexezCt loft nmar.4so uoket iniàeit t«ght w vocoutit tosa pennyth yen>' soit iturLug the COMIM d&Y0s, tillJ$ .uestiledo qt dt au ee ioti 1: wd i 4»Wbe atta< ~paxedto rri Spetoctly wt thut theo rat« for 5< de .tde a Chirk. c1 was a novq 'World brokE the Èxwish < of a woiga urifflned, y 'Prray lie silvery voi bcd 1Ihere 1- would not cireaao<J to KoTod faith. enIi& xi D)avidl ma whnt dîd1 nPkod the q the Engilsti anid plrasi 1Ia Ughed agi -more Steel trmaneng pa rtragging, y( rwfletvojgx Yeu were phono men Wonder ho-g Dinich of Yi asurdtha Brighton. er Why ai v'ou;I e iiglit.Y JcCfttiIith&i ~t6one oft j in the woei .,aibout Air., -~iy. licà <ýt1wfon awe al oc tiue e ortttmty ci plch agi ýy tidtb ia' Dlug Co& A em,,gatais9 rgurs turte, 'ou Itï went, Tva Umue STry *Dao Ums ta iirhm*pMolsi,<or, #W ut t00841551 tir. Ner Cash Grooory. J. E-W tuu'. 18« Parclueit arimoe, us e »WtW**eahk. Mý tant food, et the New.vCash Gr*osw7. 1 1It J. B. Nat.rhsouaàe. paretoý à.A. W eoson a anttftr t <pp91, i steamerAralo. soc hlm or eauete. to l phone làforton Inlem me. 1' W. have .omstlumg e te t in amekeit upoat .ItieNovr Whsn jeu vaut .smsthlug atnaloi bea and bacon try us e GI4M GroceY. J. I& WtI#bwse. Domt mim i#.eeo caOh igroory. i E We~, gîobton ai ion fit.o.~I MWut -oltae k ,1 ' 4 bargalua oIl et lor sale.Esr tut La enother ne viliidolo al Kelly, o et no w* ont aluI4 ifor sale o' '1 ISsau m449 t eto0«(0,- mLbs I. aavià h Ta -c t, fi * v: