Çor~erf~ k.theTiu4 M'ets94 tpd w Um 1 m"Afte Bey. rra"liJ» wuTt l eec ltU ~ W~~ 7I m U Kt.-12"rmetr voua ait e mtVILS »as hieass gospel Wh t gdy-hin mPP é tl. eTuoIdàcý >yt cd thelm .udi<1 a $iotla~ ,b.lng eyss ota mtht es Wall XP t 0modre t"AmýVoutee880Christ ymUs e lttw1 WO <g tas up it 8Ow» a£- ', hmen*,e cpu atiii e«Mmd eotd. or violet" te gs'w <turing nf»,- iqtepP t»asmowWuk. or da)yItgbt orto l1 Ja. ISY *4lbot,04,. -ê pfmà ý to Solow af et.Lb. ,tnklmg o!flthebrestbig8 ' *e d th »uNt MhO'k.M1 a 1~ IiI~ t1 suai lai the. West, or the fRush Of pt- 1ocheCuU~ont c tbeýtblm P15ti"t1 4! ileot kl bqslth VO b. 0«M Ou11the paie dsee Lheaie "a tisa essd ah t molg&Lw oS erp. r hminIg bird toesUd thert 1auu.otted phyiI C.»r ai lwbo areOtlgdt c vFOipmtarily make ber met in the Isee thiS*wîînt*l hotuS& 5of i>-ti 1W~tie li han abyinte le aground mole. tiiwuaews glainlaiS ltbe-P'Japau or bcfor* the 4 e >paic0f îr, in5» theawvemU. I Lb COlilIlO <the@i trnfrnfg trt'O exst in xlteroe,, UU u»ind tii oc*orâ Probab.le ,jat ont. au utrasornl unes Vh checorner- Conliig toras diii Lb.i<e m4S o e vin; lii tiké aerft ,in o ht t4 l eJen hist heaith Wb t 4goebIed the 'Wat*rà 'at I , a: ~Uke. x ".AMdII If Ijlbe Ilfteid UP frein tipol&ýda ri g te _,U4060444ise Most dlmemat <4 eartKh, mil drai ail mcm unlnie n. lSick e rwUW t mae 1be'Ur0t, PUe -&, hti sAJe's (Christ juSt a short ime of! yeur etheus.d5Sateima d1Sùt;rIt. fl before liAs crucifixionl. < -1n a nti -*iU eva4 >1srn watetruti and Vtse Ille. No mani and COUaff *W . vennbave died ~ pclw we, toheunto tise raViser but by me" twentl YUO g'eisnr utbauthey a» DICi88 mI~d io w resuun ct1iRedemW Vo nové-bai *er lvet andi boen Zmin latien PaTIG ie )20Lawem ,orkort of ltie preWit the da13 W*g ÇIPt Are su emcii hofen aio bat1c da. . u n NiaPyo totlel01dthe n au téveo!a'bïle o lli Lot ttLbelielarly understood aiiet ciCtl ete huth.i ti en Uadlt li ait el <iWI5 tht y n wrd or thoIaght bedY e"- a 'Wbsde r @kWr. BEt uwdute ycii»' Matd esk e eno eiV icpW ia, t-4T 5 eiO o u by i a a n? I7Cousti'y distrie ertl 1sud itluseo dChnlstse s O'«a- af"'Cft * mCiUeit»gfarT eI Ioi'tl e wuse k3oum oul 1tV and w'otk. ne ist la vso MIES al e" lChnitWV k.01Mthoslu m t'O aMWs, ud >esatmthe' «eretihings e; h. i 1> i~vss ou'y openîne 1h. eso ftis ai .a5 aeneO h nie aturae. nmtai, soci l sla blind, %lut ho le aklMr b>' hO thon- Iwbo eoa0 tru a l"M a 'O Ch" laupirer, tbo sprIng tmi»Whic e Snt mdumase et tbuuIudO hi Come ail eut 'uiumph it nari ent idlim dirab epak u40 t4s hoO '<hwyou thatt b. proc seWW CI oflt iflItad*01 Bea ead10 ha 1ý0 Sav tOhiR lDCM 'rea'w sady Cttatfrom a nother been 1613.MOMM1 thut tU taldpoiOt. ' Wbat did JasueCO=m1-1933M BOI3i bemIÛ1116 elad JW If" t*hO donpon «tarito do'> Ho cata te 3E .è.TC wlth -hie epgit h« .t tiseb.UstutaI ww t W'> mCh, yen; iho ame tdorfes atigoisdisposai <1m>q" <#Aôîho0Bave the w ldby tawlug M&c<iui ýoi1 apillttlng buJiSty. m iWlt -aid umtebuimlfs-ladbaMlat tieM a t»- od b.e ui. (lisad ><1Christ bImI*USe eretQoiirjm. "flat MMwuet -l Une bas taissa bod' 01 9w Pavai'unen wreto bioome titow«VotU f whik eh Chrit ee#.V4f .04 i>- -e~ t*ate je o aesto *MM'bas êmI VUlitd Lbeyead lU ptitt01rt ndweù u h li Vbu ro inUo1 wblch Cbrist lied t* MoU*1 i ma lives! e in AMaiM92 e mxhojm&t ~ok (bat ho liit"a&, OU < Mdel methe -4npIad d U tb eCt" b lb. aunlLtud-. Ciltopoo45MI, '1h 0emm---" Alter hb d tird u4»u,1aS-Otl blilud efl - Mansi tt00 t»s lod. &pre&dalt d,&Uouksl tm mû roIwo; ui & -,u a me 9" b mui the. 4wtm-lm W80 elUOt- bloed. Chi* t mm Wm i tie bmdb4,4d~~ and, dn«ew i nttttsid4boUt 'blriL Ib 1ot cfit OObl swePâàet "iP'>lg dacirie hAst~'wIgb (s ý*. U indil ax1 s o lup itia w*uI iia'vebOma d0 Chismas: lb.greaÎi.slL M *4- *1 t Wdov urls ai I* ja«m0I% t 1( fmi 4tImo oit 01p ver smm.h. usa Il lm $0 o est ~~êlb. ri b 0GmL_ Christ. There çM1 imv ev.»hoat*UaI, war"h.1-0*- 600à,14 but ta *ve Vt im'.amU'.smma, ssstua museM4i tu teho,1 ibU h«de4ir.W tfor~si. mbcb Is 1ai - io e lb o,. s1wý4 l re bis olloeAnd504iexmasime ý0 ltas t 0tal bMi omsaie ii'~bI and B~*ruwl.~~ Milà.. ~w *smet~ frin bs h * ~ I~Ihils ut*a IF ibi mw -imo b.dl laimttetbslste hsgà 111.an orth ait 4 Bt ~ - l0je pibtelsit baser. - -tb 0CC* Ldd 1eredl~s Sam. as wt onisi ttasmoreCd arasil rY, i - existe IW ke woeld, bOt it >Û M~ tihaitI-a-d< le are all14 I ùtuleae polynesial me oean; ddop "W. eletrA 'a" eS reo"h ued ithotasiBiC slans, 'vo coulsi10 nber» fron thec joui- horrible leui zd pertiapseoven _ti O@L el the nQdmi .toi11mption.1 'Ye-cnsumpiOti ime mnore tiai. perlai fom t. f 'r ýOnsuaýpt.iOn, tise which physIciausi e iesignate tube=rc ike ite cira comu firut thc culera sumpt'lon octAle ,,'g.nst,, 0.01.lm But flac mIcrobe.ý tl ha~ tuaI doi N" 'tne marn.1 #mmt sud ilaid acko~ * h1luew miente iis elle, tI torm by il LI M iii' er mmei Men te znlddlngs e.ls houglut± pr wilO leiy g« ee i tola, lrgeil>'ft lte tpion 0c!' y to dojte Pgs M ,Mapeted ihey vîli baib, the miliiiand Mt a teL ýwouId oui âOil If cia The resitý OM- - Axoýn by Ie show Ju -i ago heasi 1suts ge il IU Pound of" Itel sgt.' esl= miii yo! Lis. th ic p P11<1 toj led depeas boit ema of ci ibed, - ai et amnous uat cI than If tI me dus-tmg veree. clb-moe bUe wali calud ri uuthe 0 i4 w i n ltr od ucc4to and are Ito rA ,tô wP.scnd six w-peki- ¶lth WJ.b the 4Ù. a «i i W f.0ý, w1iÔ wàt 01 the iiuhabitallt& 'ne t Q ýUemd, The. trat rorird of ui ~ oov±aiI mlithatw.iCiOW of -bi là* SUBàpagm of crptumr.wJi.o' any go- $~11~I N1Ot% 4i4Of, fatber or 1Wtber or auco'- xi oxI51164ly ~u niho .apfflrae » ddeuly. li i"kýIW t ilat je soi»et- i y eo=i.-4M one of thu leU8NY gr.wdeet CI4Mest renuiitc eriac- - ~ tuiu'g tm. ý t Te4al evoe produSec. i] ýL1.41ij th ast u mto:,Mm ho lvec. ne . Ont - A"butter. cln-adai Lflt0U40trom JIla lps., 'lo e pli$Pl uth Lr <ed ciIsraë*1l lvath. beolr dalréb1w to ed *vior 1 stand", iv«» 1I).. givm USs tt, leOtOS onton nAI8tIVIWe. lIb. raie of âd4mhkntiira1- bi lur Wcete lu" . »t UNI- I .4fl!S' *hieh ln img the. rown o,'iuking the laver sgý ciwtt~<>'~ inot&I man. 1110opening Word& ri, rion, flI MweVeV, Iare rcpeated 1 in . ansid nu*«k àif- deslr1e1. <>One, uns-thiuk et Gabriel'a Word$ in IAlkU IIed1aig aiIU jii.. 19. -j am GabTIel thst stand la' 411l%. If l <i'the presenceo f 00<." Tbey asio< lemsdlves -eth ~un back tte-tthe Lor'* 'wor0tI4> m@t tIir~@ 85 t *m ATZl iii 0.». v1i., 1, "walk be- Et anid mn" gratlh. fore me and he theu. perfect" (inaf- pe«'I*a6te "rw gins upregt. sincore>. Thie s t the ïad adIobortdolt- naly, wa&y for tbose-who would b. the, It1Ie biSt lë- -Lord,8 inesseUgers'. edwhoii about o00e tS 504 to fircé ' , 1 co0ioernifl his mesage te Ahab. ~ laiSeedlg, 'T erosall mot lie de'Vnor rain ôf rahi sand rtfll tiiese years but accordiiig to MY Ii*t 4ponu tii tc.%Wd, wo muet consider Jas. v., Ut'ldg' ~4 ti.17, whero it le wnlt-tei tbat ha pray- 11 ,0Èb~ ag ed earneiOet at it ukht mot rMin, ~ ot1l~a~ i <0 am 8180 Veut. x., 17, whre we, rv prIS8 wore.Xe- bavetii. authorlLy for suci a pray- er, the Lord having threatefled tov tiatls ht cau 4hut up the hmeav esi d wltbhoId I jolUE la to Imd *It rali .if they t.urned frein mm Vo ne lC llï& Cp.OM. werabip idole. Tuat the heavem bats8 and 'M Ilewere thinesauit Up ini the days of 1 ratloI= aIs ca' b. E is lonfirnied by our Lord in ~~po5&» ZS~~ v.,1275. Bilieving prayer must Ibaseit -l'upon some Plain assurance 0" WÂ?AgR,.*inthe Word ot God or soane cear re- TBlAtJOxbl frein od concerul»g.Hua WIii,'Gorge Muller bas called the. taIl.~ 8uap ~ orine -the Igaceofetlatth snd the latter the elt o!fla"th. In oe way ~It'iiS' ~s-Air t Gote od -will guideus. ?I_ ý , ý -- 1Verses ,2 ýD 6 Sivan e istory of U* . I ookhertR sid the ravens and t'a ail*« 4ýorigto lthe'Word o! tihe Aàta iLo IiICI *fhbMaitLqmh tan d the raxuns obeYOd.-The. lre tLime tut ~ $#é tItS Ou.piiBSlOi~ ~'be Wrd of the~ '11he or4" Jo1m ., IB. a 4 t hitix God lt W#ark uàm- 11 d Âa- -do41 mm u o grtrtoeïbmi.tIss ihdm b. do. inssla'mtVit 4>' ~ IW - mat.s a iý Oam. b l o g e qpq the dimei p avwm à imite ne 1» t aur hp4900ond, bepoe tI 'homm4 lI b ulty m a 1ume'. e leva, m~asslast*e saumm taln m'e l mtiunysgus. y hs tosi. simw4labIU-Axtoi liat .16 -At -~m alu s -e lw Su4at eis #tm IR&e 'a haMsom1.nab50d"S hi lU M4d& v