Whitby Gazette, 4 Aug 1904, p. 3

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C>"Ftt TrIkt8 iii army, -and .Ou« arsny to-lay. are belng dy d'rýect-Ad W ct4ttiug Our cern- [CtlolÏ baitweenSithowcheug sud Cheng, thotr apefatiom s tarting SQlin traverutng lCan-Shukan, lùtfie, <Md. 4oH«a % 'Sur, ousteru *front, the Japan- begciu theo offensve tiis. mornlng net Our 1kipvUsu 'a-pouitian. the ys mâii cuntflaratton boing nst lt-s rigbt ftanl, whlch ws ed. 'ho enxmy le also acting an the (nive botwcen Lliao-Yçang and mntaza <aimont duo north of t-Vang-Ghoîng), «ahlrt auri pi' posted nt Iatatelatze. (25 fi tram Llao-Yang). tellgenca tIns been reccived onf nuldorablc nunîber of Jpanese iig aff Yitnkoîv under the caver nvera1 warshi ps." turther despatmch from Gen. ropatkln ta t-he Iimparar, dated 'd"y, nya:- LII oui- positions wvere ret ained nit oucheng when the llghting cea9ed 3.45 p.in., July 31, but 1 have yet rccelved reports o! the op- ons on aur ext-raine right ilank. Ve, retained ail aur positions hold ur Pustarn force at Yangzc Pass. Keller, coanmanllng. hast chasen un the paot Iram whlch ta ch the flght. A bat-tory near hlm exposed ta henvier tire than any *i', sud ho was anortally waunded 1, 'clack -lu tho. atteon . Ile 20 mInutea lait-r." )il. Kouroptin alian roported retîrrnent of the Russian van- rd of the ota4b front a short dis- !c ln t-ha direction of Hai-Ohoeg. wr dotermineoL fIghting -noar t-he age et Saitchongtse t-he Japanea irently concentrated constderablo L-4 on the %aitnâtnzua Ride of Lino- g. Trhe flussian lusses ln t-he Lng anl Tuly 31 have net yot a reported, 'but t-ho Russians hold r pobitionà. cIosat-ch froni Tokia "-ys It la rtel aur gooi nut-harity thut 1.the t'Nha',i 4rpuy, under (iOn. Nocbu. beau1 f1ghtilig sinice Satur-day. and OccUSiojd Sinîai*uzieg, -about 12J Rçit f Il aLi7 s - i>On takellcr mila't of IiO-Chong on thbe West- BU'ii. eah a,,, ssman 1"m"fvi'mn* ernya %lanttd. A l1,dCr K 4e thora. ZRUS8iA AftMED TI4 *,A 4tramcT t4o ti egard ta Count eàpàcsô 'leadership ofth" ' àliounted bghddts. ietoris " Ià nlo reason ta coDWfil 1110*7t of býanditt' wharn flusslt,, aI'r *iokumin regards the 0iIe~ CfoZ as critical. iR urgm'In ictiafl on the Part Cf -1 aP"-, ,FELTNrG 1iSPFS1h A depatch from St -PMI Baya; Since Uic Rlqs,41tanrCt*0ré XTathekiso and tha taiing 4t- Chwang by theo Japanrse tI12* bore, lins krown *uddlenr l0l XU4 ipistie. With the JnPan'1O " get &roundCoan. Ko"a PaLk tram New-Chwang., wvith thJ presing iliU 1401 iat10g eant, and a Japaaanc Os 10 ening the Ilussian cillU abovo Liao-Yang. the it4 the entire Ilussiain Eairulno May h bc nuCly fl"SrV>Y itguo<l to the toragn war*c0" enta ta go to Hartîn. and Aiexiert's going to Xblatiivostý hlghly significaint. îndcltinlE Gen. Kourapatkifl ITUv ai r dccîded thtit his r.-sertnt ~~ The teupr<of the %Ill front ovor tabese cou[ 1nhICllretr mavoinp-ntm lu sho" n bv tII ments of two Russian coîrq with (h.n'ral fRerschelrnaff, port thiit '<hosoldier't ore t rctreamting.- and the -stateMdl anotlher 1< uss an corresp<rndêfl7 soys: *'Our niptn ra-ired Iroif l kfao vvth hoavy hearts. Stili another corrcsqpondeht. **Wta areait wonder.-gtrucki atrategy and genitis ofCnOO ki. Everything ho lni i8qloex with clock-iwork regtiltitY, aS ha han no rilroad. but MUet his moen over moUntalîl roadsi PerhapH 1»(, min. which Sceme to htt\' e hgtn t4isq tii earmesi.,n 'Save General KOU kin's position. APAr IP 'i:Drr Iw TO them l u ma Itii 116. O! a. 2 its , rotret Itood? 7the « tW IOtraiw raluwa.X lu",w i~t$~u uooiontýOf jf habage, Duc 8 a aA 1c'quegtiÔfl WhtÇý # Xô W-Oirh ýwié to hol*7 ttao-Yafg 11# -6 illuat nIlhaPa af relit-ving Port li' 14001 t-o 1e g!né. *'M(,>wo- 1J, q <bormnai. Ltwould 'hante Cm #s latl our or tive ytffl for thibua élo g an unee,ta have taken tfio offeusivéo atlos,-o - t.he plgins on account of- ic-.:the 1~o. ited upon t-he rany season pro- an,2-S Ing hlm Iromn sorlatia .attack, -. Rolle 2,il ushs~a'ni irs gowu tittheifer cff,;t, e by a, ratum Ofthe îzstlI ira- fOI' loki .Twre ilys' doirapour, would hbe Wboki :hit -tocbeck Gen. Iuroki'es ad- **'i g'No. --2 Weet -~ Butter-Th ~of tlm ai u llt'eS. 'me < lu Ifr*tlMafl, ucar Peter R A despatch frein T<okia saý Russians ahaindonied Tatché naafl an Monduy, retiring hb advancing' arrny under 01 Thpy applied the torrh ta kiao andi t-hasurroundlng t-a wbaen the Japnasa rriy, faund t-hea hues nae >Silt1 The Japanesa pulsuit ex ii ï ond Tat.cbeklao, and the 'i etwing occupied I*tnkow. 'Ilia position hold by the laist 'Buuda&y sauth of Tit 1 consj.tod a! niait miles of andilJortilcrfiot. Wrerosm lac and hlc.tao was tineovred and de- ed inmnJa rôatt, lu whlch the BRITAIN 1 IWTIIE AT 0F RUISSIANS. Rusa&= Guil, 1. Petersaburg, Aug. '2.-A repart - tra i an nuîparontly rellaiblé source -- A London dei lnst îîght 1' t-o Lýeo oa-et tjhat. tlsh C.àvernmel i. Kourop)atkint'a main terce ha4 tiens t-o Sir C r raîaidly inovlng north for ra.vatr- Brit-isht Anîb ays. ueurgetkuilly ' cordlng t-o' thiâ report, no troapà pinkiîag of t.he., colng ta t-ha front tram itussia Commua.nder b 1 gene putt Hlarbin uIn the' pat stock 8aquadrai o days. Thaiy wilI ba det-rnined tion o! <hea uc -e uand a.Very avaulabla place of Oilnt t-ha il lng ttck wil bu rtished i suthiiiaintinad red )ty for t-ha removal ut t-rou ut h but it la kaao io-Yng and at-ler poinlts t t-le four and his i thwrd, leavllag a akeletonr for-ce 'ta desnand t-ha co,tet't-he anaeavuc on mhutîl be miade i positions. u1C4w will lio ti diplomatie doni TIIOOPS DEPiIFSSFI). That t-ho Uri ,ondauî, Aug. 2.-The carreapan- gr»té' t- ut t-ha Express at Chefoe iuys Inernt lonai lins amon a let-ter tram a itusalan Intrnamion l1a icr that ias sunuggled o>ut of~ Promiero Bai rt- Arthur. stat-îng thot theo lasCnnosa alanking et the groateut deprebialan alixîag the 'lie '4regre îps. Tlheir couirage, howovar, La wiîch roacbed kntalîed by t-ha effort- of Uerî> flruod this i oessai, thoir conuuaiinder. 11h0 JO:-1rlilou uteso~~~~~~~ sh* cas udylsss l'e herie ta -i lt-ai niakos un urgent ojpPeal for lige. but 1 am ni-thg ta ho made t-o pt to,*c tien of IWO*d La port ~Arthur, t4-belack of whii Committqe t0i idtly cautributos te ,t-ha depresslof t4e 0<o m the, troope. the Âttorme RUSSIANS 1tETUEATING.. - OOI*y W ax40 &-4mpat-ch ta, t-ho Exdfhango 0010- îtcas ny, London, froMt j».rue atat*Btho t- a tologyleu frptw Tl<t4$ii I1b& u n rocelvad theci ' iîng th-bS iOW0 der t- (In. Kouroit6fkti le evcU^tIàg W~ Ihu a-Yang and wltbrswln orti A doupatr.1 <ratés loAs4on ny -~a VI i -Undated doapatula -froui surntm j * tmU hwgvia Oh'ef't th 1e ]1Xngwl, w U*t 4btt' r evot Uiomno d 4i*blal Jr g -qor east ,or east. teady «t 45e for ci, et. AmorCB i= istO4 ), 2 yeliOW' 57ic td66 àfc~N.3n tbe. traçit Taranto' w.~hite- ara quot *-2 whità At 82Pi et sud nÙdl~de f rclg teady ait 60ct- lia qiioted unchaàPgd. Un ,print.s*. r. 'tubs, good ta téirgrades.. rolls, goadti t %fWiBandi 81c taI gg*-Ju,6tàionsarec1* -perdomcz.,a -g $1 ta o 1 but, o-i4ta to-iospo L. I;2li 1 "d tf o priug oc ôIioc for aid bl4 i*gd Ü- hoiaylIe -tO ý:aro ,sed nltte iw115 PSed hor ithe frai -oiiIy pu 9 iltact., 'Paice e rom ov la galthej TA p-0 sdy wam <tu!. Itý Mlh «p the lf brakein' on came< lu inord g9 for e Mad wa' Ffl for cage 9_ the red lia 2 usuat-, for for <«t-hoye di AgrIcult-t at tit oi' Irel, eut- 'fOncraging L, reeci of lvi *.50 horsaand1 'à-Ait u ont nor ra hofot tere "are fnn wh, ro hil for for' u0rvlce'At types. «ci' h a'rresr.ô Vr 1 lbl ontpe- Von~~ e àPéhrS pal the qnaor Sbutlaa shC 4,but- it w *t-ruc- thbe cot- us" il he' lmu ais. ti iton 1

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