Ul~ msy Rdmod f vtlag tri M*. taI*1î t, T~Oronto, 16,VWWsLý ~Ltu~~$k a bomi Troetou. tu fo'r à two weJtmý vL ,- l The >ttss" MaGdiber, of Torldo, arO th-3 gétiof grs. çhlftn. -Mr. 1(ohson, of TLi*y àvsU~ ibis tn-ot.lier, MIr. Wpa. Rebon. xi" 4% l. ianuftn, et nomtpten,hs bnx visiting Mr. andi Um(m. Weutw. Miss Doroti» lh>hertAe1 1eé« s ter, -la vliting Miss XaLe rls iillLduay.ý Mr. TIho& Ueidge, c4-l'routoi le vie. ling, bw% cousin, MisEIIea Dodgé.* Missels;iwo Drydenl la speudig aa 'Weoýk visitib4g et. "Mapie Shu.de" tarin. Mim lIlinghatm eutertalned a nm- be. r lt ir friendâ on Tts.day even- vI. W. W. %;oble, Prinipal pf tbe echoul, isvting f rIé#d$ l Wiin . vu le. The Mimeus ilayoraf t have returnéd atter ât"peaig a1 couple of wýeéka in ois M. L. Cowle. ofT oronto, lbas bquea thîe guest of MiéssLirle i r 3£r._!*ou Sehlert and Mr. Fred AI- ireethé f ig 0, are visitiag in tU.NahLuké L Very pourly In- deM-,Ith tht' shiagles, 'both inihis ~ enUd héad. Th'or«uta'r quarterly mewting will hi blffl inthe Mthodist clich next 8uni4uy ,orning. Mm Ij lr., Qllbert, ef New York, ia 4iéro ont a Ylsit ta bier pareas, Mr. o! Tçronto, are évIt ilh en Mhre. J D ana tbuir grand- Mm ia ntlo hotre sré- Dit inoai, ýon IJlùe stré,, RQLrdte ii1e olw tîn~~~k, wsl.Mtl A.H¶8A We ame goiu# to .4àrt srLy applea the secoua Wti 'iat. go cait hind etn lî IL ,how Many >ou wil hale.1 lt. t oo le, or %àm cabltut The. brrela are r4adli net, Part PerrS. ~Vrnlaiuu Uu4aezu, to ~* thé vi11égp~ ~Zop~ê t~o pwobuiu~,, lenesi. et hapie t4eaids la liro*- 5k ~utrt~ lji 1àfii~- of t gds roatly tu ýth t ppejîri au luniber, et tonir Clirty ~o et dt Li) Tiot.t ïtegumfw.,Le. Wý ttriejiliajh ÏVOM tsef'mthe éitY %eîý 'Nibltt and_ solis-Ut Mr 14 Z. twILar ftând n.Uýbto a 4e~gc c!<bbo~ #t Mt, téys;'r, -John. Parksi Ji .F âd t ItÉsA. XiKnsrnawi ;Leagié Topice. A 3, . T#i Esetil lhf ~tChatch. ,,Mott. 1K Aug.4. ierv Prograti Au.1.ChrAi' Testtui Aiig. Our MMpIot i » 31, th4 ia, t.h ho S M NWTOI, y ]3OWMANVILLE. 1 Mis~ a Snrs, East Wlit y M Meent guest of lier oousjx4 P'ain ton. !swe Thonipeoff and Ml4js MsWai ù6' IRIe gonc to 'Vislt the World'ti Faf èjr, 4t St. Louis. ft- 'The reeve of Clarke, (Col. Jobi 9 ~Ir ughes, and daughter, Miss G8rtio, liLti goné t> u anipeg, on a vieii4jo *o Bi o, Mr. Edgar Hughes. gtX-Mayor WN' F. Allen hue b.é@ qii, 4ontinoid 1 théhelon-sesuffering fron ot saia rheUmjftLsm H uas idom if elver reqliired thé soervi4s et ýty tiPhysicinn. ms Mr. IV. 8. Bragg, KinUaîon reédi MI- ýeMt, 45 suffering froin a, very pftialfi nd apd eriou' ccd n e.Héwent tu G. nitil a board on nUe of thé Outbui Id. l'e, luge and etood on a h)ourd on a lbx, ras. which sflîppe<t uand lbe feij, trikLng tc r hiu back and ruptiiring a kidney. Re eW- suffera Lftensely ut times.ý Obt M"i.. Jarnie Dotin and datigliter, of NI Li.keard, are vidtng lit Mrs. Io 'Btnj. Dotèn's. wo, Mrs. A1. M. Ellig, of À.shburn, spent a week with lier pairents, Eli und 'Àt Mr8. ,Niglismancler. Congratultilona -ala exceuded te >..Maixil Hoover, Grant Malcolmn, Stan- j~ley 'Hoover and A. lloover, who s0e oucceastully passeid their entralue * :~.exaunattons. TegardItn pArty under (lie nus- [da plies ot the Baptist churtuh, lield on thé lawn of Wm. King, waUs J& grand si ueees inlCvery re.spe.ct. You ba'û. indigeu.tion, a nd cou-, Scliid., of cou r--;, tliuit the s4tomach is at tuat. Su i tii, buit Ot'ere is a' eat&8e awuy bacsof etthie toracLh t hat, muest hWreached hetore 'thu stomach' ea be h malle te du its, workr. tPi eauoe la .nerye clisturbaine or iierv#, »,debilty. leirât get the uterves M, shape aend then the étomach îwiI fie jf. riIitase. errmau iîaisa uceu-, Spi sÎed. this for L1boi#sandi'eto ple whoeuige lpiition i aà d>minn)6ely genie. i,~.Ferrozone la ti fr haunr d i-. jworkin wonters In tônaeli troubuê Whem ~digestion, appetite anad ' similation are fauuty iiu.t try Yerw rozone. [t cures eofd W.eare going -te eatairt t** ui M,1sthe secou4 wek' . ilin and Jet usàù1ýý fa' bo s"ny you wil.hav. Mow lIt tso, At. or we éaiu't tU g 1'h. b<irrels are teuidy, '%V. tè ilet, Port. ?perry. ~~4t rt. ,i sa day la tla. su dey and ~~dg A few1 rom 4a p took la Perry fireweA51t xcur$îin «arai on TuesdnY.> Our tarifiers avéad nil (it log. Severai have started Miss weldon vâite.d t, MiseNelliéand Ms.hol and Mr. BErnebi't #iry, et1 are wIt.b triends e esl«o tib Meurs. -Todd sud Ieheri sunday IM$n I D Litn. Mr', jobsi îtI ,*Iteftm fer (lie west ât ille 1thSi11th Mt.Marquî-i utt cobidron, nnd ifii uitrieni" iee 1 Mr. and Mn%. . loii la î:ve . t- Mis$ Lify IPros la oo4lng ga i uruedIuîuîi ril.r a uc eekLb i tit f.. da3s in Toro~t> miss sr.î liedmà<i lias lêturnéti ýi lu h i ttUrouklun. ho~oef roui visitjpg ber 15e01é in ~Mi"i ilau. %v hlo is tirturinîa ker fu0ir rokt Whiuti. roc.,Toronto. auud Mnm. WI ps n.g o %Geo. \\ 1111uwl. uid littie duiwter, 1,î Aonie w 'iith s"eut,éds aegg, airLu Vi-ul uî,uMr, iandiMn2. . W. m-y- Mr. NW ulkinýsoui wW pre=h borte r~'u.fu.Sunday ai 7 p.n.. Mi. Ja. Il. Speuncer, .ugru ic il ,,I Luit ,Suttiydayty nlht c oupleofe ed 11 u. r Iifl - likilyliteraidu. NI,>fu- YOIîîn9 gentle-men 1&!TW h uit a.few 1 utjl, uiîihi'rt, oui Ttiv-t'.î1 for mnilesi (ror hré, g, Vry .,*ore- n i i i.,u' ustt iii t b hlui>10: ;i itui îoniouî ouatiner v'n.sii~fot ur v i. dîisfor whs&t 'uI$ - beat Mi. jî,.utlik Ii bern tutlu îu&rk ruito îben"év. This is not tcli. M V \o *Sbîlefor .oîu. îluîtutwould lhka lrpoted troni tino' .ii urry t>'14 111th.. gilui lnu in la ujfltof di vý.' o r ,t touof lhtl l. V iuii r. D; et, ottoronto, lioo ei c uuuty 1401 uon priiuoye. Ot> -fit t le w 'at.ryâ n<t hlr. Pt4'4Gra..t, NVIii,ý M. butltf Mu.of F. A. LIok3 l& 00 t1Olàk list. Whu Mr .lî.s Li k', xutluur, f ilutniunber from or t oo uin ('lwn>.,itou ranuvising onilu 't h j:îuen çparty tM.W.*~Iu ' (la), iîiorniuuuu, liés buri î antî tbkk- 6,' Ver), lirtrudnbroke thle ub'iftî * O t lulriPo rt a goo@4 fus. of!thui pijuercing ILluintie, *mîi uuk- liruî.rnî, Lie g. tkjapêp* ù. buéds 1144g uîatil 'uouflu. ' i h f rienda ebes Mu..i.'i Ii e heçurbisrelu r ril Mi-e Mamie 94tao~pk j*ý,»edin auotutiefriui Tirouut c>,ti lue nehe Ilias lui I ilidlv ýi . n Torontoe *ialBra m P. iu.'en tuîkiiug anedicrl treitueîtrt fui r ton. mi- verîîsl %wuuk'. Muftsq4Mugijne sI,ui- MrThuos 'Cook lx wearl*# à'a suI. cer us iutîso home f rom Viu t xi iv- u O*r ii t't A*cornte off tbýtus.das-% inatn. for ia..borrtxtîti. $ W,.am gjoing to atà<t toi wck Mr. . îiu iti r ult. 'u liu 1. eulploy- 'n" Y .applen the so@nd w~li~g vit l uuàaheSI ie fanu. li' t t h il Unt, go Çtl indluo4At usfimow rabout Vu ry îmtlfiîl accident. lie. 'ut u Part Il ut'tttnY You wiUlliavé. Dont leave t ay up aladder n.%Iit Mi1 a i i tt 10 tt, or é&tAýLt kOt tein ftll. A,; u rr,4tlt Air. 111ltt Lm .Tii.,barrels' are re4 '%V, G. MQ- no%% ltrelrig a hliokutît foi .re ni. tir.net. Pi. rt l'e rry. Staîtr ut ilute airue, uitl rflt ii it of ii t urout; nauare i[s antici;îated. L.vorybody eujoyed Mr. Dauvid SF A~VJ Huima%' fini't«t at it r. 'Vni. Nom t.u ht .%MIs"(oralrlo ui Whtîsgurdeui purty tuid tiui in laMcdiavin asud Mma. N, l#tfj. ail et thm tiuîé't une iluey ever eiîîW ,it ceai Toronîto, aputiSirulay gt Miv. Ed- VO1O, uncît lva'u itiîportoulfruux Edu,-ward r.'. * burgh, Scotkand. Mî. 1llîîuu 't.4 h rc4. Stevuensbas bea $ýiàÎinXt, WutYMIilo..î guinurous un tu.uing ih. Mv. Joi. Sborî'a, wlieronver lie tirinkeit tîjîl îuc apere- Misw"May NMCiKauaa1, t-Iblxv U h i c1lated. viitinc fort iii. naat l J The uinberm uf thé tlrooklia Ten- nis Club were lth tiertàtsutf Miss Etluwt and Mim JJoule llolliday Olt iheLr lhome un M:onday evenrinofe lnut 'uv'e'k. The éar1y limt to ltbe evening wuas dî.oted to etsit, atfrer 'whiah n vory lnto'exing prtigrame.. conasinl ofgutnisic sud gaiusa, lia% ipatiilged lhi. i Thé fullowîug wésc êmnoux theséi m'bu teêk la the sîîàdit7 seberg pitOùle frein Whitby te Rumëbagak - l* tgdltIu Scoft. Min 4lice Ovor, Mi4s TLiazé iujitthm, Y*uak &Ott, mi" L42isai p4lM iS. MAti1o *rnett,milss sl1. Al reuoit =anomn derluad. ie hume. Mr. John MéDetapi"4 Mîr . J flmuahli llottard Lord, t 'rê1 inx wituh (rl'endx bhi. hira. Beroha tnS, ë homte for' ler bu>j*y Ur. Juba Iuîown a" Sunduîy wl!h luM -i» mMisspa." «4 fix Swzdftlwd. pst MêlC.t»ni Éiul ina tu theiotor 4ar, Who ah&wîe4 no sIgani siaowlug up. I'Wat do, Yeu walit te buther yeur béait aboeut rn p.oppo>a hoesfor il" seouteit bêk tWhu th tDetr.» htxeupa' - th lwrite lay éa~srkdtliat if lié were ,a t Doctor ho, V" eertsinly sdo gentle- -tâtera ma. IfU atMriate >permt-tle. atac totai eiregassilir the, I$ht a ea4 uety of others on the road, the farmoum Who Màatan nthe r"and# >ï bae b atothéflrt k t.1a 4ô , e wilabo ose et thms. 4àY. put Ua*éii and thé asitomobl1lst- iU heaU semo- aiÙtui thing te thé oÀavtog.etfthé pUb&lô. Mài Davie' Sm=oked Balls are Soue*u: j Ph e . i~ 4olé i h çe4~ méat lin. tbeaej re boeleabm, ani price ut pi-4mjit I&e .zr sow.-W. U Martin.. a Mies &via '..Doyle a"d tes 4ua« Lîtle f*cainÎW tei«, a" Wït'I Mu ýoiA~ trin S Uine to, à ii- I ar Yi I ho 1 CIL