sport'§. The. j"the fefOUtL3 ê 1- betw0i~LwoO.h3awU ttlIS 1 bou Tbitlà ,andithe )MêuegIý1iS. WIhkb ç0 ,wM qoà hibt ixatài ta . J r bé,I&UM ,r W Peelê ~5ihuh O acoider(tble rain fZ fth* 11t El ODther &Ports Nwcre ,aù)edbut fprthe vi want Of entripos they feli-t_ rough, o. t' t. Çtl. rit a't mie ~N'bltlby band a.'ii teC1 it - -wxsw1 ligï -- -tb b rb b the btudh bepe e 10tiot$wocl l' hil$ 'ee-y1r ol14 Promenafde Concert.6hal~k tohks by 'Nti>"st &1Q 1edgIotigiItk-0 U~"~ OiT olOtle Win a ae etOMr. JQIba 1't-. Be iül tii. College grotlad-*to partIcipite lnx piirtuIatll J' pp3fla lù8e iY.ës 'Yid rr 'Fr prxixê o O Unàtô wi the. prooleOLLle concert. Ti Ox V"t rpaei5Z$ 4LpdUV rkAk rfis o'nî ý%%esî he nketcbêd Moeurs. A. <.CUÀ"%Ç oU.ilerit iaswà~~~e ibl' 'Iifl "vary cool, Ibut evenix dld'ftt damtpen the. Interest l luisoc aIld Co l ae, "It -neid o l-b, swb Is ir .ppp l pg, Extle b n t giu t e~ b t e d x , h4 h s~ Prited -- ý- *. b 1X, ,! jthe ai36 C t. &tlple( b te . dttie itg o Ia.The.concert. walt-, ,'Qê1!rn- -1 by Male~îrct. un de," vsisting "c' owbt In4 nltry Mtters o~Vthe bundrs iw Wm.*'Mies nad NWM. Wilkinlson,bex'iuaniIteetig<" 3' "tii ito il evei'tl old-tim n O e batftýaf èetingso, f Aut) w . le*3t!oin, ôý t'Ie grYnAO tu, , enjoynieixt o!the. 8 A R. u Vtgh, t ei tiiltBIktCd b ,M4CulM' ih 'f9 4jl VbOh~V 'tternre rAt- IL; Nfeo91à<jthextaeriè ' as, il , e ed, ýto e t tù s1p1ix1o! tirewO1rks. toi_ the j#ret treeto? f'il E * odes l.1±ohT ha ,d'Ott r.- lowed bir,àa h0ge banti'wý amotetS. d et the concert 11al ~onit the lunne etactiW e 01 Jo. sad, . .liris, t . xp11 darr !,0 sus tOtario nounty tart Ge.Miwtad -Wvn. jAireS ha Tnstermhtated hetftieth 'lubt- m-, king theiii.ôe&' heard. ,well dld tbey perfoirn their dÜtte. o-n'e~1ity 'Wisholdlbg aont of the. rokets 1Ur. Uarper roelvttd a ever6 injiiry toe ii. r9ýThé folwiog, ws'read1,11Ur. 3i )lis band, oWiflg io tebrtge io~l ouketi O "WiP'h?"t" f i <cncêr u the racket. néas were the fle- d<Yevenng.; S3u[dal' Din. t Dow. John B&PMa-rw6tI, M.' , £t otd'.t" ' e »&,j, utýWaeirh Artbtir ,AIlln, 1 Ge 1A 'À us that a7 _ The third day Ofthti oBi.'"-., ~ ~ ~ ~ udutb 'ubulee 'Mwo hlly a hbytw.D@-tèBunMi.Ud&oo atfirI. M~ie wather tbongii ttW " ff$ddi. A.IL DeSo '4 Joh1n F~er,- 1tW t M kes, the paý t heicpreseiit, mJis delgbtttll, nd itii religionf- s peOt, 0W013, ot! h tovàtii O*i adKor. -leu- - Mfiiët ýaimost .ny, of tii eS*brStioA was em >dAlSêê d<lsofl *1 Àandu -U~tTi. Â 43'Éar4ýýd atdiid - g IÊ%-flià-tow VODIL ofrono 01OoIUWP' ma- o.y **ber101. ~~"~a XeIsteOf 4 former mat r'. iie . e Cyy.oUZ rmt'04 pr.ohed t 8a1i~s' *Ag wOtheifeùsder o b echurcb oty-eeYOtMs 1g, ~i gamay wMs hie ftint visit in thlvty year& »O'. Zr. ýGr=ac. Toronto, preaeml ~ tber. odit ôme e 1868eW Ti ivDr. sêJp i~!* psteo! ofth» Jie Yý1yel~ thxqui e ,p * Lllge drW ~ Mr. anti a~ines. 1~!. W. "W. H. <Wm. Rt i James dayne bel Turc au, To. remnto., j -T _É4t C.( ;whia. oono OrotV3,Toono tri ~!, "'t~ambr8, 2 Otnto GMr. Ca. Qçiu de aid.zxIo o 'uzd. Lawqoad, Tôron 0. 8oeronto.,Têoao e6>~u. Eed B.,Str3i, Moiwa 11, .1, Gc tbrToronto rrXnor.E and 'MM TYOO o. btT 14iu*eown,'Port lHope.' Txfl o{n a8fl1 , Trn ~~~y ~ a Nerolé oto ~szbin NeWome To j I 'c I To J 4 ta. I,- o- e. L k Ni 1* tater. ta. NYY. i Dtiy.~ 1' ~oi~tou. o~ito. t. Toronto. Lv.. aid *B.~ Hw4~rt Tbompeo~1 & 4" -1 1- '-~. 7e,Jt~TrYI ~ ~~îa1d~nbWaxTdf3il, orz! A. E MauuiW~ oroTo. o T. B, Tom1il59ti, ToFonéuw Geo..SmàlI, on. MiS M Kxgtoo1 ~ . Misa C~ t îvo3,ox Whisxtney, TJWonLoj,, Jo~.gton; &To1to~î.f J. MflydeTront. Blak iWiinc, T1onbit. 1!- . Reîthom~, 'oiirgp. T -G.leigh :Tôr'oatu B. J. 811g, 1roâ. '-'ýl Geo, IJ..Seih T Fo'ront. Ma.rowlâl Troto. R. D. i_latb; Tornt. T.rlw, 'Troto. W.E. CWorffik, Toronte. Gea. iiSëI1, Toronto. t Enr Uull Toroto. A. W. XGIson. ,Tront. li nutàpGoakeli, 1arontoô.-. ~ettToroton o.-