Whitby Gazette, 25 Oct 1889, p. 5

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ti And ail tier cemeterY vers..- A teaornportera cf Scotch, Swediah, Aww,-(an and cnaduaGranites. AUl parties wlsbingverk venld do Walli te ea on us befere pnrciusing. AU sork guarsuteoil Prices of the lovest. OUce aasdW.kW@fIE5'.1 stanmd. Whitby. MaiANHOOD4 -12 ow Lost. HoElw R,ýtoed., Just publaheil, a neW dIio f Dr. Cul verwell's ceiebratea E"Sey ty induioêilby ezeuOiore.rlY iIsere- oaebrutOd autiior, lu Ib"s ~u lý~l Thebord ofregents mol yesterday wi t its advisory commiîtee sud decided net ho uccepl -wat bas been kuowv a ashe .Cobour- compromise, but offered te louve tiie mater ho aspécial session o! tho preienh greneral conférence., Dr. Kerr vas qito erWtaa this proposition would not ho received by the plaintiffs, sud hue hourd perbapi rnay h coidrdte have expr.used a sua-. las opinion b y preparingacîlvoly for defoîrd- lug thie legal action. Th Gener-al Confer- ence Special Conimiîeo deeidod teoeal 1he Conference o! 1890 là Toronto, oun1the second- Woduqeday lu Januâry riet, 1rovided tie Cobcrirg liligauls agreed te abado b its de- cision. It là uotoensidoredlikulytL uch agreement vill-be secured. Aid. Dodds, ëIiarman o! the CivicReoep. liot Cornittee, iras presethed vith ia hiud- Isoemisilvor teaserice as a leatimosial te is uai-vices ii hleapacity nameti, aid par- tcIr.ua,i mark t otpreciation on thé 4.,wUUU À A ta Craed Wei LNOOct. 2L Crmg wa s tartled 1 tunnonncomati lim tumeur ilu lb. itow Anti h. HIGH~ST Dhiusatlssauj leW' Fali Goadà -Arriýving iDa i/y Walt rs'. rb~ê»4AIANOIL 1NE CANNOT LIYE AYER ciy*teiALDAPMýiS*-Ny 7gvlriR __ Tho aa.marI~awDcIrmtO ESUVISUO ~ 5iu< ?~~~ THE ALARMING CONDITION 0F TH£ 2uoiuFtus, Ot.t, Oct. l13-Tho ux*M ié P!l7a PRINCE OF~ WAII. d.15gatuol tIi.îutoeaaio.aI ~moe1vi thoàdiS*8 axe oeISOIOr tIRat tbey__ _ à>., 7el i..yax u 1 hri>ro of !living parusites lu UudoeW.sO Mr Erastue Wv*mn Jiors.The.afteruoo î B. Iin zuib~e !Imuee.d Na Naflay T e EaMa iaen-A N' A SA L BiAtMU wape tl rvzgtiogtopark ïad4 ustachian, tubes irIQa e0YO.S~n atNt *.AehrTa. vlewiug the falls snd other sighta, and in 'howeyor' blas p 11115 1<> e afut,, sud ths e aneieb.iy., AKcertmln and speev cure for tâ eovonfing a banquet wBU tendored them lbthe ffuit of 111 discovery a15 j VuOt 1Th ie'Ln i ait s stages. by Mr. W iman at the Chitoen. Hou» emrs Msmple roeoy hasheen fmuIatodwhere- don co-epdent-cablis thut the doctors IIEAUNO.» dungte veu t M.wlas proid, <î. tafflf, @atatihd ldeatuesa sud haY Who have been lu attendance upon the Insan RIif orNasapt urwngS ithe ameinher in r. "decle,-,foyer are périnsnently crd ufront one ]Princ of Wales, have,, after careful exami-N * . Fal eranentpo curel . dra Io to eti hiec taof the cou- te throo siple applications a de at home nation, corne te the conclusion ta ho l 4 Faluw Impssile. ferenco,, and welooming*thie dèegates to by the patient mm nes two weeks. souffering froin Bright's dise».s4 The QueuJi MmiiïO bo-cins dimase mrosunof the Priujn'8 scondition, b Ma Ocleddsie resm aaiauMr . . u ol itr&Lent;boîin aveabeen c rd becanie very rneiancholy, more especially as 'r- Mr.pommWiuns spechho ontdotF f axaiu, foiLhaidngandgfsu ordSOS yit is saud hr enpataesnso oignjiu.ÀoeofIs recovery,Y sonse of sfuieab1ý,Pawiga sries q the rare gfsCnad ast o pintdo6rptble physicluns B nUin. and that ho cannot live thiough net year. -« "au"secal feeling cf- debility, etc. If you are and the advarîtages the oblitertiou ofthe thsnw treutmentThsanucmt reedga o- îroubled with any of theso or kineired ymptons. , aplt.zlîug n jjo uîucrnn a raedg.etcn have Catarrh. and ahouid lame ne tno in procuring Customa barrier issn n cit e 1e 00118by A. B. iterîation throughont tneo empire. à bettis of NiAsàt BALx. B. tarnsa ê ime weuldh be th te Dmuox &'8s, so West King Street, The Princes physicians have recommendedÇ nsglected cold in bondl resuits lin Catarrh. followed her and ho the Toronto, Canud.-Toronto GluUàean E gypta r n h0en c epn by consuniption ani death. NASAL BALU Is soin by UntdSau epU ail druggists. or will be ent, post paid, on recript 6et Unitod StatosPrice. Ho - acom by ddrossing ponted ont -that Sufferers from catarrhel troubles sliou'. ph8siit.*h rne ilh coi prUm(s ens n Oco y ' gge ixm. e 1panied by bis physician and every possible FURCO &(00.,ents aidE QM<y the kleSX udearelllyriae ad1eBbovO. r neans that wiIi aid lu roloîrging his life t.Beware 'cf imitations similar lu naine._lionsofdollarsof Will im ce uyattendes te. duies collocted on asul .~raw material froin oprL EE1EOAFST CAN ERI. Canada., divided HSPALRMDEAFATO AN ERQE among te sîzty There ila anewdeparture iu the treatmient Il WIIi nt eEabilutPme. ber Ouatons, gOfPl'opu e diseuse. [t consita utetelOlR LONDON, Oct. 21.--The desireof the Cari- IbnBbwuSik egayérs Cào1 lation, a.soutely the specifica ussd by noted seomialista -01 adian oGovernmenîtet establish a fat 'Whon ah. wss a Cbild, ah* crisd for Castoria, amorinta to e u ud Anerica, and briuglig 111cm tluisevctoomt whteoe Whou sbtbeosme àMiss, h .ii o Ct«à,thBf B ton -cent withn theoreach .of &IL. Foi instanceethc ERASTUS WIMAN. cigar toeoacb per- treitment prrsled by speoimi physielumls Èreyhounds whioh ply between New York- Wbeml il» hbai Cblduua, aho gavt tissu Cbstoeib son per annum. Mr. Wimau furthemid Who treat imdigestion, utomaoh and liver sud Europe eerns te ho frustrated, for the Commercial Union on the North Amei. roubles ouly. was obtained sud prepared. lme ein g at lat. It wil ho rernembered eau Continent, as between Canada sud The treulmieul of ether physielans celeo bra ht aIthie last session cf 1the Conadian the United States, in witblu the. pfl ted for enriug «Orh Ve roe nd I P&r1iament aansnual subsidy cf i0OO bilities cf the iet five or Ion yoar, and o on 11rteo meemoparaul reèw 110Wwaaâ offered for tho establishmnent of a fineocf MC. CRAWFORTH, that purely by concurrent logisialien luelude diseuseof 1the lInn skjdneyi. fêIflaî firsI.cum teamers capable of makiýg 1the SVeterlnary Surgeon grd- at Washington suxd Ottawa. It might weksa . -umuliatm anderodeblitY. sue acrosa the Atia lst aa aera1e, nate of the Ontarioter- t1 tke longer te crate a Custome uio Ask yeur druggist f ohm. 'ZThOse 'ho pedof twenty kuots M-4 bour. Tho Do- îmary Ceiloge, Toronto. Office at Ltvery Stable, mnoas te include ail the nations represented cannot procure thèse remedîeS front their kninmon vinter port wasm lobe Halifax or St. nexite oGazette office, by lbe delegates, but a movement onuthei. uggs may remit the prices b Hospital Jo>hn, sud it was a oluted tha thue ase Dundan St, WhltbY. ;North wduld greatlystitnulateheo movemoul p -ayco,ws 8Wost l~t., Tr>!RIL).pend b. made item land to land luntfvedaysa t9ward the South, by showhng 'te 1r..cthi-a- sudthe remuody wIU b. ahiW te thei e r even lugs. The Canainn Pucifiec $uilw*y bility-sud enormeus advanlata. f I direct. (The. price s me odllar oech). pople ptfesedto e h hlby inteted'iii !! On. erai fsltf ul.lo f tisA temefodines of th 0 pan7 à ýQ to n ehisuik evice establiqbed s t B A L E l nin nth Cn inet f orh is q h CrrDaSo W 0Cudén ucte Iretl oheL M v iL., that oflomaoing teautHof, Whihbv. * e.! of ertste soeurs the carriago ures lu the United Status bys ineeded »npPly non, .. oti e! il.s ad ciler frolgbt requlrlug of raw materal sud cheapeluod foed, sud _____________ewee Eglnd ndth Highest cash price by sample for ail thus would aid greutby lu the, offert which coleSITn es I n gCwMD. Wdeitorte eend n vie sudthe kinda o GRAIN e ne e omrenptead tho Sekngtirou Aild phyalelafl, rettred from primov- oornpany bas bouma promotnu a fat Pacifie kine o GiAii. etend ma6neolmec o ad e Southr an*ng baît place4 lin hie bande by an 1Y-nethula .teaùmMhp service.ThoecnIpany impro- th ae iecraig ean o mtn u" ytii. tormula09 a siPlevogelable For Sale, best brande; offlour, sait, facînrors on th1e Northi. Under the clrcuai- rem.4y oi he éeeut bu- that n~ ~ eng i coal nd col ou.stances, e o peculiar te this heur, the rmove- t.oz'auinPtlctBonoblý Âatbma m tliibip enlerprises, bl t mednt nienatournda ommrcil uionbet ail t»hbroat sudLung . Zior 1 s111e a positve ImreviYou t he,10 dividual members ef it men toard, acomercal nio bewe suad radical eOrm fur IjS"Ouuabi»by au' tti takii gaau ltorestin lusuch ichemîes.As Canada sud theUnited Statua muIntpossun I 1Nsrvoua CcupWMuts, shes balng SOSI! ' r offsact, Sir George Stepheu sud 8ir W.B pigl C .e,.ret uerest forthe.delegats ewend.rf ai eurstivs e U lathous of & o.~ u~nouaieICn gress Mr ,bael Z bsJ ytoaniset e và to @iudSmith ur edMesars.Ander- Wimsu siti, aihongi i ~ ~-hiesaufferiug felleuva- aituatsd tbshi Oson & Anderson, sewl-nw tai (Jox, day, sd , g11 f i at s is *rei", I tahip owuers ad ugns cf Ibis city,« A thora & C XCmiu ins>sndfe fea rpgihjtb W lo e p'h Cna . u1fois thlst had a - oinewhat luvadod the e, lai Gommu.,FSDOb oriSugîlss, vill macodusa ! h du ho oîtthtu~.directions for prepaiug sud uaiug e sen by iffet of a ,ubvention. They subscribod umdfahurrsu ofeasi , o ii ha thé allb addreeagwithh 55IRp,, ÎXIheï or ames us wîling te ýtait. abat.. prenant ocain- as lu a certain sanie su r14 PMs. las spny th.tmight be stai'Ie&l0» object besson, which nroaced a sermon Y «r R te tiE.8 Z th e we rld uInhEt meu se- distin- b6fthe Audemsona et te Canada, sud get- lu tahvrybul lerins lie 'celd fron thte T R i 8$ ES! ibed, rom ditaneos sogreat sud re- iCu dia ov e tetrned hors sud lk- ARTIFICIAt. presoning areas of lt esse vaAtie tarted 1he work of loating the seheme- on LIMBS îhey poseemed, tovii @a ou try aii-1BEEF 1IRON &N])" WINIE.-h inymrtl l nsi hlafr portnt sC nd~, e aly l larelaionclsss aip-building firm underlook te con- Ând pplance fo ai De-~ te ~t0~j'~ - truot veéSels of the clama requîred, sud vers formultes ot the iHumnun Body ifye ralaaid.llargeu yurupeit dt tkecaneso -spinal Diseuse, Rtp Jelalteaagodeffl 11.th q lions 1 te poor. arcilgpyin Diseus, Drasso fthe lnos Cegre a holid consâ-,Id n .la l--v .i- y Be.!, liou sdud WIhetn, ue . In ~* - ll» accoding as t-hoenterpria. wu suc- su AUs Koe Keotlw ens ! edho(ls ~oko> , s bessful or not. OÔn lbe nîoey mtrk.t, 11ev.- Legs, Club Fout, EFtc. certain sens. a mosegrbtou <tw ldclPoosionas the beat aRr belgoeu a enta i nesn hm ' o -edioe thiugfat »rodueê& It1fi51 elvua VerOnet luelined--le riait mueh ÂLSO<eRUTCHES. ceuntries, ubt oncesà hïnble »mùhjct4.w t ablodâm u»& emefe , et epeolsilvn Ios Ioroe-tef,.o'ta hýl-tbbi 117 C urch t.~ Tronto Ont.MB>.yon o n e 0bad, sud sateulos asssre wuk in atheresulloet Impect ArOr,1ef-lta1hodetbuhd ogoaRpbiocuiecbrhoor lI1su0.emt food, ofVustiievers or exSse ulue, 111e prosent oerrners-of the îails _________________ Oubd net rssI the. <j=potiy to îia îotSb'mn ~Be! ualhfrîPeînîo! accopl, u -mi vividly briusg tte i m ci he! dl @a«, pkse ut W«,u& lesud Ibge«" v -11otrutie o mauditi api 4- a movemeul Ii the .North toward buid ni thie .xnaclstei ystzui., 5ùliuIb7 ô - Ô, aleetebldl ii.Bili ai U B.- tiwshy of tlb. cheme. O ause lld Eff o ' a tuin v thcl Suthiin tebarm ii »e lj . 0WTh'e schemse bas nov roceived itis qilelua -- unoveSirtGeorge.and Sir lunldewsanieadinge- Sfuny persons Woonder st the tireil, vn s&M tien, aMd wlieh wau also baruuoui ith - b ir or e sud S hei#reonld tidus-wiug V5s7 felig tat ppeah=ibei wlte.n li. rogrusa ef muknd. the rSid over. b, ansie i hr itl aa *pparent osume. tmaybepovety cfttRb hediofte, tt«W biecil 1miaiscthea r nler asose and le tio or a lisarlered stom"ah:*- mi'otboî case the feil aasbohb 1of1e Andoracusndsud e Ivo msmach, blood Xa i Ivor ares met port ormiug name, as liaI cf cinqueror, sud conquese tbeir te- utiozusand, wtb mari>'persons, vas siting alimost ont o! use a"suoto!Cmid i igisionne àcl ii 111 A-1 lmaw >a&Aiha-"£an&1 -L, -6t- 1w .1%ftàmwmfwnn Éf natter. .The. alcauship mn, i eamd m9w1 MI-9 MURRAY Hlas.opened in'Simon Fraser' s .old stand, ST.. -- WIIITB~Y~. ~C<wLL SOLICITED. IRINGLE'-S Merchiant'Tailoring Estabtishment -ordered clotluing good, stylish and oheap.. N F THE BIG V- Dunidas St., Whlitby% OR PINIOS ND CAMRS Cannea Chioéken, Canned Turkey, C ned Ham,, Canned Pig's Feetl canned- Corn-]3eef. Lunch Tonguo, Oregon- Ox'Tongue, cauned Beef by the lb. Patted Xnchovy Faste, Patted Tongue,ý Patte4 Ham. ,ed Hams,oelebrated Patted Meat, choice 'on, ohoioe 1Hain, Chiokeri and T-ngne. iE N CASH. I our l the '-Ca The AT- Tew Dress Goods, New Trimmings, New Buttons, New . rsey Jackets, New Opera Shawls, New Corsets, New iRilb, )ns, New Flannel8 in plain, stripès and pý.aids New Shake(r lannols ini plain and s3tripes, Néw Muslins, New Co14toas, New Sheetings, Shirtings, and Tiekings, New Cretonnes omplete new stock of Gents' Furnishirfgs to select from. INSPECTION INVITED W. G. WALTERS, Oddfellow' block, ~Whitby ]BIZOCOK: i8 the place to get yoùr ÉgVeMIE'y

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