D a. BOGART, Phyuiolan, Surgeon, LIAccoucher, &ao., &o. olihe ad renidence -neit. All Sait'& ehuriih. Whiftby, October th, 1885. n YOUNGBMITH, LL.B., Bar-' ne t tothemarket, Witby. DR. P. GORDON MELDRUM, ornce Hos--e tolo a. Zn,2te 4and 7teg9P. i. *No. 3, the Terrace, Byron fit., Wbftby. M ESS RS.IUTCHIE & BILINGSP Barristers sud Attorueys at Law, Solic~i- tors in Chancery, &o., Whaitby. 0. Il. RITOHIE, W K.- BILLINGB, Toronto. Whitby. D AVID ORMI'STON, B.Aî 1Attor- voya.ncor, ho. Oerxc-Ii, the. Orne. formerly. occupied by the. Dominion Bm&k. in oMlans Bloc, SeckatretWitb. - 43 J OUN E. FAREWELL, LL.P.,, e Barrister, Ceuanty Orown Attorney' hiid County Soliitor. Orîou-Boutn WAng, Court Bouse, Whitby. 2 JTAMES RUTLEDGE, ]3arrister, ZY o., Opraca trmerly eccupied by Pare- weil & R ildg,nXt te loyal Hotel,B;ock t. w1hitby. 2 ITNO.'BALL DOW9 l3urtster and tP Solicitor, &o., &o. Onrrcn: - emll Block, upostairs. Money toi oan. Privat*tuudo.- te jbau on Morigage at 6 Percent. ir Aml±aftGREENWOOD4r'At- * ommOy udsolicitor, O'vey Neer t ar Pblec.-1>ost 0000ceDrairr;No. Il parms bouglht and sold; M&Ma'age Settlements; Loans negotîsted n,&aliInda et Preperty; WiUle sud Trustsxnade Specialities. 421Y ?A'RM TO RENT> Part of.-the estate ofthte Late Shrff Rey- nolds, adjoituing the. P. W. & P. 'P. Railway track. %bout 68aores. Apply to j. B. »OW, Bollitor. THE WESTERNI.BANK1 01F CANADA. WHITBY, - ONTARIO. THOMAS DOW> COUÜNTY A RCFIJTECT.ý ÂflREFULLT prepared 'Drawings Cand 8pecifcations fiarnimed tom every misse of wonk. Omaea-Gerrie ]Block, cerner Brockand Dundas teets.Whitby. PiikerngLumber Yard. J.-H. .M.Quay, Prop.- pull stock caf Lumaber of ail kinds. Shingles, Piokets, bath, etc. Prices te suit the times. AU1 orders promptly -attended to. Jôhn A. McBean, L uibcr, Lath, Sh itgles, Cedar Posts, etc. Stocks sud consagnmeflts bandled nu commis-, *ieu. Bil stuft eut teor&der. Oflic-1S Victorlit St., TOIRONTO. theSi.lovest -poctble o e% tae,ee u t t ith C i gt& Odce sudné Tad-Near Si. W. PlP. Ey. rudIzze kaeWhilbV ... WOD >WO1BUY GEOS CORMACKÇ "" 'Lul»rmech&t.A large supply bhIWM*u0 OYth Y VOPrniablngssud aIl inds of T.. - L."AK.e14 0~0 LoroSai aMé lEndR w9ýLm&à%'kdfS-Lo - 1ýli h nrýrrA 1lhve theofi whoesoenes.Motoe ooomie thin the erary kinda, and canunet be soié in e_ - cUte th tiimutitude of 1ev teat, ahort veight lumior oPaS edeu OkI oLV inwDansCe., 105 Wal t. .Y. Stickoy FIy .Paperi Pois.on FIy Paper, Fly Powder.. Be AUl Mata' Futiva I. Ail Saluts' cbn'rch auuiverssry 0-- meujs will h. praacbed .on, Sunday, >ýNov. 8rd, and the festival will bho lId lu tle musie hall oun1'uetsday evaning lNev.Sth. Catharine Wilkinson, 14t1h con.,Reac.b, la daad, nged 69 years.' On. o! Mr. ' Wm. Ledgettla childrou died Binée, Our Iset issue, and 'vas ýbuiid - h avaîn Armyhonors. 11ei. Jas. Curie ~id ou Mouday evening et ibu rsdnee i augb teir, Mme.- JohinLuke. Esasîi Wliby,i .advauced fageofet 2ye ReH l 194rod as a missienary iu thea Metho- dWoomgreg*îion for many Yeaus. Iio Nt conronStho D»etet Ive. Detectiva Black, cf Toronto, camùe down to';WkusbY on- Monday to look af- ter' a mdlitte, named william- Swain, Wb io wau arrested under' île- name cf I~eeincharges of pickiug poecketad larceoy. The trial teck place bTi6f^be Coôuzty Jndge, aotwo cf wain' als .ýwreonIudte swear Ilim out of bie trouble, btwhen sley t.w DetioCtivéý Black tbay skipped eut, aud le! t ~' te lis ;fate. Ou eue charge lie wus con-' vicie«aùsd was sentenoed te six menthe' aud on-the otIer ho waa remauded 'for sentence. Mr. 0. A. Hnntiy, o! Andleyr et-, ly sold Mm. W. 'Woodruff, ,butèb.r,,'o Pýickerîngf a pig. 1Mr. WoodIýùff ola',th pork to bis custpmers, aud clime îhehs- P. es' - a Wa»Ueau get trou, now intilth 'O etyeair fer 81.75-Tu 'a G.&. 9 ~ 15,the.Torouto WeeIy Mail, TU&e an*i,~Sd Fireaide, aweekly 1C antdian afiouusural aud sstory ,papor, aud, a l 6odoapreium plate 1 ~btyou eau get for 2g.7,5:- 1Tho aihowe Mnutoned, pepem,the PreMn plate, &te a splendid .oî cf Dickens' IWhaî yen eau nat-for *1.75:-TasGA- zt?ýz andthe Toron to WeeIc!y f;npr,*'e. in.6 l yeur nama aet once. Âddress S. M Newton, Gazette office, Whtby. Firet in, *firs8i served, JroOUrtowa'concert. TëbeoWhitby Forresters ýintend giving a gwaud concert lu.thbe musbco hall on Mondity evebizig,, Octeber -28t1. -This 'prù4iwes te ha -the, let con- oert 1 the seasen. Thare will' be sncb' Wttlse asMisa Ketchuin, MisirB. Fidler, j MpsLrdMie Editb Murray, Mis Lu l4aker, Mre. Geo. Ross, Master Willl, Taylor sud asiéter, and Messrs. W LýGray. John Burus, Menaglan ý(ef Poet IEope), Bryau and Nicholson (ci- thi ' bitby Cornet Baud» - aud Palmer., Tbl!ewiU aiso e aunaddroesby lighI Chf, anger N. b. Paterson, Q.C ThÏý' ntertainment w 111 certamnly ha of ont rpgtronag,,e. -Tberefore gi eForreaters a funl bonse. n ouBrout,oet Neweatle, will proeach mgiJR audileveuing.,in Ail Saite*s ehclu exsa und .. ey. Mr. Fidie prftbhes at Newcastle. the meeting, of tbe Presbytery et tl , beldl last week, the Boy. Mr. tnond, ef' Newcacitle, tered bis] %ion. The congregation was cit- 'eppear for its interest s at 51. nost ate bo held ilu St. Paul's dcurcI, apvilo, ont5h. t»ird Tneaday et Ynazi. The. 1ev. Mr. MeLreni >cillen aud Cartwright, gave no. * uignation of Ivit charge in Jan - ot unlea financial matters ptave 8tfit1rO luthe, interun. W. R IOWE aelug te Nsut aob Au Mr. James C ousins coniemplabes re- movlng tô Maniteba h. ha. decided ,te, bave a big sale of 1bis -herses, cattie, sabeep, pige, implemnents, etc., and bas instrneted Mr. L. Fairbanks to'sali wiîh- ont r eservo the. saine by public anction st bis promises, lots 82 snd 88, 8th con., 'Whitby tewnsbipt on Friday, November ist. Sale at il o'clock;- free lunch provid. ed. emember'ibis ià a large sale. The whereabouts of Mr. P. C. Dow.- ney are stilli nnkuown. According -te the reoports e!, the, Toronto dailie, bis Ieaving withous, acquainîing his friende cf bhis intentions is en old trick, ho having gone off once hefore and was net lîeard of for four years. ?i s owuey bas gene te ber father's hi meý in. Toronto. 'TIc Powney Ce. bave no iresent inten- tion of closing up the Wbitly business; on the contrary a manager will ho sap. peinted are long. 'Laie Warvoutom-the Eloentionlmt. This ac complishied emotienal and tragie young.actrees drew a very select audience te the-music hall on Mevday eveuiug to lister. to ber literary enter- taiumont, Her, ruenite as an artiste are of -muel more than ordiuary note, sho 'hua a iel flexible voice, knows bow teO use it, ber conceiption cf pure draniatie sud tragie work is only acquired, we sbonld judge, by the closest observation sund deep study, and bas an appropriate costume for.e ach eharseter. In-ber "chbariot race" from '1-Bon Hur" th. au dience wus brougît te the vivid scenes wbcre, the, Roman blost is firet rac« te tle boreo!f this great fiction. In- ber higber clase o! dramatie- work, suob -as "setenes frein Macbeth," -..le latter ecene" sand "leep wfhlng scene," -ber >fuît powers wera-brougbt ont.In- short sIc je the besi draniatic reader w. have ever heard, and in ti. alvent of lier pop. uilar manager, Mr. W.,W. Wright Kelly, decidiug te again have ber appear le-- fore lb. Whitby'publie, lu the near tii- lure, wblel'ig. s1ib,'.ether probable, we haspeak a much lager bouse &han whièh, greeod ber on'Konday eveang. -Chastassd 'Dn'ugc WE~IT5'Y. FOR SALE -OR TO LET. Aven de4irble home. latly=uped by. M. Rcado.situated omlevetc Whutby town, -on Kingaton adThpe centaine about 7j acres cf Jiand ýgoo and good tramne b [dns.Apy te, the under- signedl on the pre e. E. EtebArallSfl Sal esmnen Wantéd.f A permanent po&ition guaran tsed wlth salary sud expenemad. Ko .xpemience nebted vill Us. =rea vantages to effinners., yPaui i- igr ities. Out4# tree. Wzite â quiioxd ge et000ofTerritery.satagage. Rohaa.N. -I. ,Notice la hersby givonprsattCp.10 Richlard. Hopper, A move ison foot to lnd-ic' Ge.Cormack sud Wrn. Baruos a large '88.000 combiued skatir càurling ninthîe vacant lot a the, tanery. 15 la proposo<l te gi land sud a bonus (beiüg raisod b acription). t tlese ýgentlemen1 purpese.,,lInretura tboy saa. tbe ink for tan >joinýs. Thero Ls probability oetthe succoas o! the And' ve il ougbt -to prove, as needus omethtag iu the &amueonva for the winier. If yen do net fe posas, therafee, th contrilmte t île ebject-deuired, do nattbhro water on ihe acharne, as many içintan. A màeeting cof tho anbscribets9 !und for, theeoroction of a ourlie skating nlnk building, in tl. Tc Whiîhy, vitI hb ld at Bay'.s Hc Fridayaveq*ing, Oct. 25ih, nt o dlock, .w Gysatarsfu winwlg at 1l New stock opera ahàwlatbo sêleï ab W. G. Walberis'. New abado. in plusho. -oufly 4 yard at W. G. Waitera'. Prelh iâ koptem - 605 prQ Oas't îe brickyard, r ln the. face. -a WR3on moudasy wa by acclamation r in groceries, coai as assiguad. da by-law grant- scîcel purposes. iperty lu Osbaw& lorsborry for $, bood ddu 'l o shai E. ste . m. -Bennett, of Oodar Dale, was this week fonud not IgQiltyý. by Police blagîstrate Hlarper on the charge of selling liquor' withont a Ilicense. Benjamin Heward,of Cedar Dale, Wa5t& thio week ordered by Police -Magistrate Harper te pay $50 and coste, for golicit- inig orders for liquors wîthont a license. Dr. Bogart bas been fined 610 and costa for granting an order to Maguire, of Pickering, to obtdnu liqnor while drunk one Suuclay ~cul.We- think it but just to atate ýhAt tboe]3octor states positively that Magrtire decl4red to bini that hoe was very iii and was not tudei the influence of liquor, and tuat,isiii hyý hie isned the order. Magistrate flar. per fined the Doctor as hoe tbougbt the eviden ce Rufficient to warrant the- con- clusion that the Doctor could bave told by Maguire's dppearanco thiat lie was drnnk at the timee oasked for the ordor. Town Cousmeil. . The regniar meeting of the town coun- cil was held on Monday evening. Mr. WilIis pre.eented the report of the re- lief comrnitstee, recommendhag pliyment of an acconnt of Mr. Richard Snowý of $6,50. Mr. G, Y. * Bith -preseated. thereport cf, the finance cern- xnttee. recomtmending that the account of Mr. R. 8. Cormnack for tolegrama re hie shop burglary be referred te the au-, dit of criminal justice; aise ibat oe dollar per week -be allowedý Mrs. Ferres. ter for keeping the. child. Precýhett* tîili sucli ture as the mayor procures s home for i5. The report wus adopted with- ont amendment. Aàr»solution, iro- duced by Mr. Aunes, seconded by ýMr. Willis, signifying the beilief that the G. T. Rfy. charges more than a- legal fare frein Whîtby t.o Toronto and oalling Up. on t he town eolicitor te inývestigate, was, withdrawn. A communication was read from the clerk of Oshawa te the bill Whitby requested Oishaws te .psy ià congeotion wth the Hurst-boiler explo. Sien, sating>that 5h. same.would ha fil- ed. Se on motion of Mr., Long, second - oct by Mr. Sott,the matter was referred te the town solicitor for au oinion ae te what proooeings sbould bho taken -e if i XWuwaxMfum o te itheoamizu. The The Grmewood Qatineal Milliug Co. b~ave adod a steamer te uheir sIready *weJI.equippe*d miii. *Mfr. P. Larkiu. waain Greenwood linS week. Mise AjIco Tait- i. abie te le arouzad again, - Lasi week a barn belonging te 1Mr. Hfeury Sonley,4th- co ncession et Whitby, wau týýumt, togoiher WUit i coiitentsi th* evasip of "ixiefssied - I