Thse Mx F0jr=nIuuooutm, w For mais by W. IR.. OWBR, WbIiby. DR. FOWLENS- *WILD, CU ýFS The committee on.inaal'raan d divorce -V M- B- e v . fD r . t r d g , U e v , Dr. d Xk. Carey, -R.v. Dr. Roe, Mr V C R ?i%, Sir Johin AUlan, Hon. Mr. irnningon Mv. j. A..Wo%-rýl, Mr. C. Jeins, Mir. Walketn, Q-C A con- ference counifttee tô diseusa thi estion of *lýe consoldatof, e ivaious liý=achea o the. Church w= ahalu Mptinted. IThe Dlomee of loronto presented -a U8ineorial. Mkiflg -that Lthe 1useof the. 1,%vised Veruloo f lthe k8Iture b. con. midired, but theé Synee id motAto- recommiiid it tfiI tht Church of E9gle.ndý it»pif bad takie suchait action. Mos¶'IWAL Sept, 20.-Tii. Synod cofthe. E.cuistînlProvuceof Cmaýnad et yes- terday for theii.ighth time and, huving 9Di*rd hm r doIuh.rtions,;-adjorned fer anoterthre. ye. ~The.attendmne wu màlas moat of the cicél memfbers had goue horn.,_et a large nmber 1of 14y- del.- gata ad viitrswere present. B.ev. Provoat B3ody mioved a' vote cf oààmdoIei-e on the. dfeIt! of Rey. Qgdecn ýP. The. Jeit q1Iestcii, which hu&d been, 1-brcng)tp by motion. of Dr. Daviidson, tb refer~. amàwzrkdA eari-ic lm the question tb a c teowu I»tioduce4 b>' Mr.,Han-, Wh mrted, tlat the. questin was w Guy apoliti on.. a statement which, DrDaýidaon promptly denicd. Hoe urgod tht teuestim the jnris- diction of Lthe Churcb, anid one. which catirely côscýee w'I. Pro>ince of Quebe H. then 8tm4, the . Nw Brungwick achool law,,w*iihwu sreferredto the court%, but hield.that thù.I-wQ wée. citircly dwauin ilar. LAt thei, b. a*4. xi&intaiii the héril- taxe of the'Ir feterïaid listen t eason, anwnot b. 3Uow0d to fàstcu' a rebdf1Iou to-day which the wooa depiy re et t.o-mortow. Mr a ingononc Udeb introdncing the folloLving resolution:. Thst the subiece heJesuits' Estates Act le an appropriatipo fa suni of money oncluit'ely thé property of the Province of Quebe, and its pepe(Ce xajorlty- of ý-winmare net ior- -eOu comimunion), and, wiUiln the coatroletý the -.islature cf the Provinc, and as.tbc &ct bo- or etthatîrorince, with, the unan-. rrenco t h pe ctal* o i .titutiô»àitY.was affirmed by the Èd andso by lier MW.e4 .dvce oflici' respoi 1,l ' i t y wt n l e t IrVed, t=%tit lu inca- - ny ýaction in the eeonding Lthe -ly ibjectsd. in âat~ d l BST ABLISIE D 1833'. 'j I HOUSEI$OLID BT-. W FOR THEBEST AND r' A Biuggies, -Go ~..4. moeas,a furti PENNYROY .." 7 v~a - prolocutor -vTaMARX.e 0 mub-amend easixiêi8oO t or thrft Cu __________ The. mot 14)- k 1 .. . 1 ý.