rédm-IW -ffl e»ereo sas e» oh of Its heat Où.le ih hlrty- ers là couIdereti a perfect bird. hovo"tbey Must have more Z n mryoung pigeons, or the IZ nj Ored, whlch wtlafooîe ad" thinle of the bird. peter la geerally blackàmottled, lge esand a tuftloifeathér. t hebeaks andisomoîlmesa hach o! Ibehea& t i. tterx a suiea trumt[pet. 1« er irve their aaue froM lbe ù of tumbllmit or rofllcg, over heir Wght. ey aseonad. ebeut of fancy' pigeon,U Lb.>' points. w la a no>le.looklb r, iit ad hesti creol. Acatiah e of logie 4-1»»raýig ilucolor is.h leud lthe bglitle la the ordia,>' -bira, but Wu& ach u begmont vnguable klu. The plueffle la generally dan- coloreti or black, Ibough lu some rare cas e blbrd fa bina pW.Iedrluinmlg hem v h.n qt. lie iedistance asubMe uorasM asthuy .~acquire stresgth - sud efpurleno.. They muil beled, but nôl oierf.d, before etart- lI. f umgry they wll tirusulde hau rfood;ïf overfeti, tbey*wllbelkelyto ,*e.-Thu>' mutI b. vaterod or tbirat *Hl1 Ilad them t. o, tk t6 eqUsilb, audti neboy coulti blame them for c~ ~k.nhe box or -- HësUeri profetime uQtai nlfOuignorance 01 hi. whereaboutm sund suoh gri e hlm min" that ,th. detoolves ve' r* ,led ute pa*bs Of Afý4v" w eÏoffruilOu m% t. the uspiolon ual ithe fagitve & maklmg effotu té bave hm v in uhlm. Onaà erwau day the office,, ve.luMa"s. field, wvieehey uspoled su appoimenu hati bernamati.. SmrenoughiHesier and hi. dauqhtxer ailgiletifrora su omuibua belote the botel, sud lu a few minutes a .mlOUrrlere up vtoemumt The younoe >mmai a rush for lhe car. < aebut th., affira vorete er. fixaI. ëoslerable rsitaueorMtilvasoffeted byth 1.vouugj l.llov, vho- vas aýrmed, and xi the.exoltement Jobu'Hilter -walkod rapldly lotot. he. opus ountry vu hàaport manteau lu bhandi. l vas aseeraut altervard litIfrester, Who vas thon an olti ma%, vaâ ikeluthatdaY ati pari .11h. mcDxl, ibu e-lire di»stne1aI lay, belveen mmfedanti lM bhome la Huron Oouty about forty miles. The yoammu atkon bock ti. Mh- ganredandtisuenoed lta àlerm o, yuar lu thie penlt.ntlary, rbut no l*acio 1'the' mouey vas loud. Wltblu à 1eV Îmontha ah;er bi mprlmoumént h.oped Wfroin lie pealteuhlary wlth a borse thisf, who int'o duced hlmm no ieslin. of budse..atiJt geulieel hcasebreaklmg. Aiter afev veska of paritab1hlphbspreolou pair of mauips, vhIi, bldîmg onu nlghlu .mavamp, 1.11 Juto a dispute over a valuabhe watoh, wbloh beloea lesieàr, In theOrnagise vbll fohovWedthe oangMlohlgador wmssahbed The herse tief vuasteard tr#Acet by muas cf -the walob, andi, vas irletanti bug cd for mSrder. ý ýý Fight with a Polar Bear. Iu July. 1886, lv.wo*balo-oats ver. "ma lg)ohaly acroa s hata Bay lu use Ocbotik Ses, wheu lb, barpoomer romarkei,, -i' q the port.boy, aIr." Tbhs -~an immen siberlau 1-1Wice fiDe -isi ' awie, sMd -'00 of at I Mato ;mEl 010 yl uàism ma yuu -M~ mces snd ohdrun orowded tihe llMus out upon -thé yeilow pl.Au 'vasil oustom, ol.a gua vwu .llowed t. be.Û& The prairie chicoWu and auti 1 bucberie wihoi lufi t h. rifle' deW dealngoraok ;'- the aste4ope e~ouid if ,ourlouly frou th. many lUtile rid s liai vanot jet; the atragglilogbuvo cIltI froious. ,graasy hoUov and - lm off, but no 1usd mot lanS..aougblt e .tay1 After mlx tisys' arohleg ve coulti mo1 orStt fRalIày Batte, but .*11nme foi mlltesto thewesiward. One evenlt«vmlb made.eut camps ou ibe beake o a tribto of Hearrher sud piluMof butale chips smoéking blt vryld.l the ok amuds oomlgon the nlu bêi im ,four Sioux seul ornt in b.mtrhe o lotige ho ropor4 Md sOnutheorletwa hem hlm rmsundlng yells reaohlag every pati lb. cmp. h twholudlus'vngpsi mdt soon all kuev the, eveme of tb. di incldin thewmWreport. Thait eveal fb gbrà&ocmïl w b d d100 of the b rider.suMd hunlox vere electud lerthb.MI rov'. huai m bilets, for't1h, uôouts badi portedàalarge had of buadomlY four mi le vasa greal sght tbaI Ithe suna he upon t.ie ux4mrana &untêed sf1t 1 MOu zieurt of tne Zsmuy lfving- ehas avay a crouti of miussa id iake the oheeks -of ail -tee «s' andti heir eeus parklhzg. iohimg moto beautîful sud more tbsu tbis open fuel ll th Imol. ,y"t he v bo e baves are falling "d a fi me wltih beauty of the arlet lobella, andthelbt swamp. F41h thé geun fLoyer.- [N. Y. ibune. peprfect, ray fruîtit lae.and I selmns of tbe yoar, andi amiti b of disees., vbeiiber epidumia, ,r sporadie, genersi, speclal or mer proper restrIctions uas c=a.ý ultasnamut w ill ourediarrh ces, vfrg,ý ,cllco olti, lover. or any e whoe reatmoat requires lhe >*kept beli open ; for tlds effuob ruisi aôknowledged tW bave th. pperien;' but te b. useti- .dvau. a hoêlth anti dirsaelb. lollow. *'ýImPor&olvê: Pfait shoulti b. , raw, freab ant perfect. .I 1.5w moue of proprietosrbro>.-. The dore-cote ahoula b.Usa wltb dat. or plasteeedti wI-cenent te keep Il frue Item vorailu, vblch poster té lI brdaver>'. mach. Sometimesthe voodv-orkhumnide me hbat osua h.takes sport anisorubbed. A It lu tb. roof of a boume furnses 'a gooti tiove0oce. Tii.e ntrauci shoulti h. luthie gmble sud th.main points ore fr.edom from da fuei re. aece for air, pleut>' of oom aMd aideq Ircaicats. .Pigeons biu te bre.d ai'the endi of M»n ,zhelr animi ho b.thebh &I ides Rand~ oruaheti one a ..ngwocd br. the.um mùdsavors.Ne.te se ýýat over baud" until 1,, S rld ..wuihe chocka"asuIf Ult t a plagi1 wanu hale. Faillg te olear bimseui t h. audduly ruaheti for aux boat, andi beote ututi thqi ordir to,.414Btma for your hlv.e' ag ol omùadbe obeyêd bo»h feetwere on the, &unout a value, sd w. ver. oui>' caveti from cap chas. ulhalmgan perliapi .omelblug worm, by lb. pur. prompitlon of the harn.ooer. who mlahtuna .th. bfirdaà Who. pales are gocti