8PIIIN G 8- work upon lte atreets 1he.113oaýe6e ~wouId b. careful tb employ -ody ýgoÔd~ worhrnen. H. iso intimated: thel- lb.ý oourtiee intende. shoxtly to suk jtbe counoit for leave tu advertise for tendes-- for the construction of.a nsw bridge over Lyous oree k. Mr. secot '.as of the opinion that --a:- good, reaaon should b.' offered before dis., chargimg any of -the. men who have fôr years .worked- upon the streets. By adopting the suggestion made by Mr. Fox to eiplo-y a-certain numnber of waen',tode. idillthe work required upon the - streebe woùld..b. 10o exclude man y Who have worked faitbfuily in -the Past. Thé. report wae then adopted. INANCE REPORT. T/ME. 11ev stock ot MORHT DAY 4XIP TUIBTY HOUB Walnut C iocks, Ameorican Watches American Jewel Iery At prie.. avy be o bo s !ay local ie.Se BARNARD'S BROCK STRETt ,- WHiTDY#- FlIDAY, APRIL 9, 1886 TOWN iCO UNCIL. The regular meeting of the town con- cil was held on' Monda.y evening. -The> members presenit r-Ie Worship the iuayor, and Messrs. 3efftey, Fox, John Smnith, Gordoi, Hewis, . eott, Noble, Burns, Jas. Long s.nd 0. Y. Bmîh. The mninutes of iat weting -r@ad sand &p. eroved. CQMN UNICATIONS AND - PETrTIONS. The. foflowink -communcions sand petiions were resu,: From Mu. L. T.1 Batclay, askiug that a Streeti lump b.eerected -on Centresto, adjoining the north-eae*i corner cf hia promises ; sio Iht a sh pieoo cf aide. walk be buill on the io uide of St. Jobn itreet, behwen bisà ce 4 Byron From Mr. Geà. J e._ othes drawing attention tb 1th bk& te Of on le est aide faci eod lim 4 aking liaI e samebe ojîber ~ ~~r' ~ vellsd or asidewalk b. ilt, the. praéclceof certain Parties à prin$o tii.mai ros himuddy*o'atber sud driving ovor tb. paid grave!lk Prom Mr. L. KEmbue., s4liug liat. a dog belonging to Mr. Frank hiton had billon big. boy, and upon messiresbeing taken by hian to have tiie dog desîroyed, ho wus informed b1rtei.poiq magitrate and tb. town soliztor liaiý& by-Iaw vas n.cossryfor pï)ote"on agilst doge. eoforeâasked lb. councilo tol snob satops eare necesssry for lie de. struot ion of vicions doge and for lb. pro. tection of ohilduen upon th. afreel. Prom Mr. Â1e:ander Thoarpeon sud others, asking hat -a new sIdewaIk. be ut on Gardon 811001t, as k àsmuol coeded. ,romN liqj> NREET PRO %an,. Mr. Fox proesod tle-r port oft leý town sud- market property oomna;lîee, recommnending tb. pRyme4t O! the followlng sceouoli :-Geo. Cormack, wood, 457.W; Wm, JB.y4.& Son, eavoluougiis, #19-20; J., ,wéeke. #6; J. Rogers, vouk, $.50 y J. Turner. repsirng, #2.#The report .lso stsed liat thb.00o 'i" obÏad&dunder con. sideratloàn tii.7wappliation ol u. E Clauo for au iner seOf M7lanasudeau- not rtoommend 41fl increasp,.-The re. Port wu.sadopo Mr. John Smilb 4preson te e rport of the 0coMttee usot ,pos montes, rcm.dn iat -0 olkwicg amounai* beg h e ti. 7iltte in- order toimprove tii. shreels sinewalke for the. curreul yei4r Main sîroots.*....ë.......... #600 North yard........ ..40000 Centre ar............400 South ward ........... .0( ) bide line.......a........100 Mr. Fox ststod! ual lu 'o=@e lowus, stone 1à usedi Isload of! piank for cro. ingp, snd h. hhoghtthe sains icght be usai boeswÎth adantqo. iegobougbt aise Ibal insbosd of lbhesernajîb.. am. ployiwg Ibis mmn for a day sud ,sisother mma forsà day to wS>k on iii, .$reots, it, womld b. botter to emplo Oertain nmni ber of manoi eeslanîy sA0 thoqght that by doiugs&OÏ twould be a Io th fe e towu, as rnuy men I wn heliy are ai. gsgod ora day or lwo do not d as muehI work s hey should do. il. vas mol idlog Sunt . with th ¶îs se..but meelof.ring biu Wuarks $'ufloM. A-Z àOsd, and Inferior 51 SOlo $9.- Hogs mud aud fair prices iran-,lhgIr fat o 5.per lb, sud hesv £ 41. 6ry store hogat44o 1 4per . M YXMTRE UMT. ............. ............O 0 ................ ...... .... . ...0.55 > ........... 056 ...............'. ........................050" j~U ai....... ....O550" ....... .......100 de quaalier.......q . ........ 50 82 0il 060 0 92 0 60 0 4ô 0 â5 0 70 0 29 012 1850 450 625 6 0 Mr. Jeffrey preeted'th report -of thé B . ..........44.........0. 00 colmîtîce on Lnance wbieh stated tit eans ..............050 "090 the commtittec lhsd received Lii. auditors' Rè&l. ...lve ................ a0 ,6O report for 1885 aud Ihat the sanie Iay onù .81 the. table for- the perusal 'of the.counil;. also that tbe auditore be paid $10 oèacb for quditing the accountas; liat the fùcom.n es mittee iiad referred uw il -the accountmoft"' '. Mr. R. H. Lawdàer for services rendid o atlam m&y-be promptlyîelcved respécîing lhe' consolidation act snd extra ______ tiudit. and recomnended tie pnaymenl of $15 for tii. same.-Report wau adopted. RAI, FARZ ON NARKEI DAYS4 Mr. G. Y. Smith, moved, seoonde& e , Mu. Noble, ihat'a special committee CeOf" suns Pure for &cute, Chroulo sud Mus' sisting of the mayor. reeve and depuîy Théo euatiaw, Nenlra.lia, Tic Doloreux, reeve be a committee tlu-communicate Cli00, holgPainssand ail Kindre I~ame Pb nlanlarge botîlesataI60 cents with,1h. Grand Tuunk railway lu see if il Dise x cIles for, $2.50. One b ottle wili -grant baif fàre ticket.sfroua ail puinte brdln eucaes. on the W. P. P. & L. R. 10 Ibis lown on both ou ma.rket days.-Carried. 1 FREiE TO THE BAND. ,0le i u Liver Pirlle M.r. G. Y.- Smnith moved, seconded by- Mr.- J.ffrey. liat the -uosolution passed -aI t, fenerai 4314s, Disslnegs, .thé hest meeting refusing lu grant t-hoe u -0 ,- Liver and Sitoinash Co'pane free use of Itown puoperty for anypu-ose, H7:. 5cenla per box. - Th;Ir iFrsnkin whatever, be not referred 10 lb. buwn -P7 mdescuobaedto hand. hnt thât it bave the fra sA a f th-A . r '.nnAff council chainber.-Cauried. GRANT TO TUE BOARD OP HEAZITH. Mr. G-. Y. Smith moved, seconded by Mr. Jeffuey, tiaI $50 b. placed. ho the. oredit of the board of healti for ilhecur- MARKET LOT AT THE BAY. Mr. Fox-gave notice limatat.- tie neit: meeting hoe wonld'introluce a resolution autiiouizing t ho town properly commite luo lease for a lerm of years tie market lot aI the bay, and the lesasýe will b .e- quired lufonce il sud plant trees al Mu. Fox stated hie, object in giring snob notice -of motion wae luo ascertain tii. feeling of Ihoso reeiding aI lie bay upon tii. malter, If tbey opposed 1h. leasing *ho wonuld not introduce th.q motion. .The. ground is lier. sand il is.nà use for anything, and- in the. summer time je oovered withthielles. B# Ieieing Ihelot asj above elated, at tie expiration of the jessei. lot wbuldi be relnrned- to th. coorai t1i n an improved condition acd-, 00 en b. used auas srwrealon. Ou motion, of Mr G'.' Y. Soeith the oomm"euations anmd petitions were re ferred 10, their respective commitoees ad that of Mr.,L. B. Embree lu the. town soijoit or.. The oondil then mdjourned. Wbltby. Ont., ÂpriiSLh, 1M&6 cmOÂLGO:'CATTLE NÂREUT. OattlReoepts,850;_ Shipmonte, 1,000 market stong and prices 10o hlher: Sales of 8 hippingsters, 950to 1,500 lbo., -54 to, 575; stockers sud feeder, $2 -25 b 460 ; cowu balls and nimzd,*2to St;bùlk, $2,8i}to *3 36. Hoge -B.ceiptS -11,000; Shi pmeuts. 8.00; mo..keti Arm, sud &a srange 0f Se 10 100 higher; usiesof rough and mlzed. *04' lto $4 85; paeking and sppn,251o $4060; lhght, 0 90 to $4 45; kipsSeto SbSeep-Seoeipts, 2,000 ; market àtou. a Is fnatives, $8to 6; Texas, *2 75 t104 0. TORONT'O STuEIT KARIET. The receiptsof grain on the Street yesterdsy :ver. nil, sud pniesln eonaquence are noinal. Whest la quotod aetOS to Wo for l, M M1 6e for prîng. and 7Me goomo.. BarIey is quotod .at m5e to me, oats 51 BMe teSM. pesa aI me to OD0, sud ryesai 8e. Hsv dîiil: only three loadi offered and soldat 110-110 te $15 a ton. Btraw la inomina gt810 10&aton. Hogoi stsady ea $ô625 to 46 U Beef*10950 o'0 5 for fore- qarters, audiât, S6 te7 00 for hbmd narters Lsîb,S?00to4$8 M; and mutton, $ 5 te 1$7 per» 10 bs. N10NTEE*I" CATTLE NAUxL. Pucees of th. bat caIlle ae&=t, but an oéher_. kind are rather e"oer than on lait Thursday. Oheice butohers stock brought tram ingoIo se pelb ;bula, Ial!f ltted steoe# sud mliko@eus êti"afrom net5 nePa l. Calves tre not go j» tful'as on ThuziM, but thée. vas no ma-teulaladvaue iln rices, common. verns sell'. lng aI from $S So la$5 oah, and supeilor eues aI froin06 t10010. Bheep are Very scarce, sud «et afroîu tic lu 50 par Ib. Sprig Iambe are uoi vrv pleublful, andsefa et rora * 1$5 58o0O sch. Live hopa are rather sere."ad usalia about 51 per lb. The. lesding whéat markets of the Statbe have, been depressed durlng thre pat week., Large smoche ar@ belng ,rlàed, sudBlugland la u bayint¶ fir.baud, tozuouth. Tre.wuasà elibt crese u te el ort brade l 'iv eÏ, îbushoesai New. York, fer uxport té Italy. jiÎ. receipte st Western lakeçud rfiver po Dr t rtI. ve.k weeWtbuhele, vsa00M0M8bu"h&lfor. the previeus vuek. sd604 »88 bushels for the. cortepon ve W*éofr18u; onud the sipramots bMtàelIrevek vere 2506buIes vaIItONbushels thee previous wek andfor -nu e ssiourW«esk, U bushlsvsa1.51.5 busethe erpsoding four veka lm 85 Wh.o el. aies abard prts for th., veek w. ~*1 us&114,vs A.05beshels tIré prerlvous wek, sud 617j«01bushls tIreerre. poudinug week la 188K.-The expert tersuea theme. Mr- urope.for the week we re 1 Obqashels, vsu41MM4bushéesthe.r. vieus vee snd for tIre luit e:g vek,8 *1 uhls, 481 M >bnseks for th.respoulil g -lgh Wh aMeelp1sof caIllehavae bee*z estrMeld veek «Bd Prises WOU mM aied.On 400hsdoEud, Um t rm Go Agent for Wbltby. American iewellery, The laloil styles lu -AND- arins,., cand Eari Can, ESTI (rops, uu&&u~r DW&bUU5. G01~ and Silver wA$CES, WALNUT E LOCKS. ETC,. Theochesposl Place Lu tbuwa for valuable gooda. Jas.Johnstoni - Pracîjoal Watehmaker, Brook Stree. Whitby. By-Law Nou A By -Lawu to -stop -up part of Rosa Street, amid open a- Street in lieu- . ofH rPryeat sflôsE COMORATION 0F TUE VILLAGE 1. Thal frm sud alter the paasiug of Ibis by-Iav. al tiraipart et Rosa-Street vithin bhc niUd villagesrbe a 11-l-Cme- iug Ma POMihao bbcthe onlimil of the snid Streel mee t1h. Southr limit of the road ashow- suce betweàie resitb sud sevoubh concessions et the tovuêp otReaeb, uortbueventy-fourde-ý goeaes out e huudred and ulneîy-ftve links fromisei"ie umeameut planbed whore the osaI lisait etBlucoe elreet lubereelt te sentir ItwitI of thé, ssid road aflowauce; bbeu South oixtoeu dsgiasu esst ulo th. veut iUmit of tbe. naid Btreet thIrbeen chain# sud thirty-seven 115ks, -thon muth uevenbv-eu>r degreeg ousl une ehaîu te thbiit Imît,-bbeu nortb -sixteeu de. #tes vesu a mg tIre a" lirait.Ihereof Ibirteen obainusuMd tilr-sveD links le thesentIr limil -et the rosd Sh*.on th. sixth und seveubb con- oessions .bà outh seveMt:fui dogres WosI eue ac oftbegmmug, eontaining -unfdreths seres,rmore Ui legs, _a opped up sud elosod as a 2. T âa « 1~of' sudb portion o! Street -mcn th Pas og ftIbis byý-aw,allthbst parcel or tract of hnd deseribed tg féoovm-Coma- m:1eucing sa onoutheessl lirait et Simoe Blreei sot~'todgmees forty4dve inutes eout sotsn aud forty-ffve lnks pgum a cul C d t iuuuent bd where 1h. osai limlitofUre mid str.et uterseets 1h. soutirerai limit ot theaijovance fer roud belveen thre ixtbI and evubh conceousxeoftheb.townshlp et Beach.; nu orth seveut4urdgas out aine C= rsforty.tbm o11km10 1. vet lisait. e ofet;theuce uorth sixteen depleeete a1cng lIre nid Ilt eue ehsla; thon. etth ty4e f degrmes uweet 'na* ebîslr twesu4 315hi. ÎFre or leu, tt Sfimcoe< Stree; "thnoutIr two degmees forty4«,e mn i1ý ea<$ eueh"i, more or leu., tIrte Plaoe 0f -en deueribeDd road 10 be oeebcastu fuit. 1. e<st iesud Ires publid. bkgI W%~y155d L¶~~effset UPOn iIre atof Datesm.> t"b. day Of by giveu tIraIthe fore a» dsestthe me g.jng Sut et, o ET ~JU.AE TO HUSEEEPERS s'. - ýWe.have jwst-ope&ed owr mew .SPR*IN.G,.STOCK.0F WALL -PAPER, *bkoh for.vsriely of, patteru andeheapues& ve beliQve is unexcoeled in the county. For 'Wall Pp, l1âabom.ninig, Paper Hanging, etc.) kalsmlurw u U refuly exeute ail orders lIt hu.W. r he rac 0f oui bus wIlness ii mclwith pýublic -favor,.&s uothing wiU b. sip&4ud-.by us thar aImyprove beneficial boour oustomers.- - GIVE ISA TRIAZ Befmie purchasig, and you vii find prces and work bbhbsb ýSTAFFO;RD & WILLCOX, Dever elBock, .Whitby. if- you wanît ihe lat est Styles -in o -ock e ry -and glassware at lowes 6t priceS; if yoif.want À h ands'ome glass sett at 50 cents; if you 'atthe prettiest. and- cheapest, lamp iii town-; if. you. want a. handi oniel China tea settf for $5; if you want a beautiful -din uer sett; if -you want a.motto China oup. and saucer for,,,.5ê.ntis; if-you -want a W. GC. chamber sett 9 pieces. -for $2; :if yûwatto -select from the largest and cheapes t 8t'c-k; if yo at choice green, black or Japa n teas at 200e1;425c., 30c., 40e. a nd, 50c.prlb;i you want'apouuid .Of ch-:oice - green,. black, J ap)a n or mixed tea at 50c. per lb., with l~b prizefreifyu ana choice fresh *ground.coffee ant 20c. per 1lb.; if you wntchoice élean currants at 5e. p-er lb;1f you 'wànt choicenew Xmas fruits at bottom prices.; "if'-yo u want fres h_ bul-korcnd oy.sters direct from Batiore;ýijf you want thebest family groceries, beStý val.ue for,,your mopnery, go. to s- FR,~AjSRo '8, - BRÂZIL)LAJŽT WAREIIOU f u --- TUEH R3CKAWAY CHI R.N 18 lie essieet working.-and Most perfiect -Butter Maker known. T/JE TEL ESC OPE CIiE A ME-R ls tlhe Simplestf, the Ch-eapestrý-the Best,. No~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S. glstheek ofoio eku a,~ovsec rs b en rv f vilamlb. ngI I-BC.ze, $.9~.ooe SEE 17f TB'EFO1I-E BUYI&NGa 1Mfave Troutgh&gz R0offineçsani sUkinde ! a oriik pïosptly sttena-dotê FOR, MILK PANSi, m iLKCN T IMNGS .AN» SPRING GOODS - ~ ~ A PMTCRE lIST 0-or 1-.ITM w MfaiufactÈttdr sud Wholesale Dealer in Pressd, Pieced and staanedI TiiWsrè, W~I~BYoe von Tl13E * 1 M Il i-ýý ý,-, 1- -N e