Whitby Gazette, 9 Apr 1886, p. 2

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ru' t>ÂY, ÂPRIL 9 1886. THE FÀRMRR'aB Wflr'. Tihe flninr umm*la frm lb. 1.14 ouihy, RW ubutd &topmut4h* wemrywmy, Mes boned&iow, asu oewylioat. £11 shoWIDg bis -vornfor hei. goot lb. lu "a lit m>ne. And b» mows, »Y theskotheulietoOd hi. at v ite, idght of hi. hei. ai>of hi lit.. Wih face an sglow and baY hait& Pireparng the mes o ler husband's bamd; Ami mli. mustbtol, Ad ishe mitbli, AUl for th.eska Otlhesa.. e Sun thlnsbrlght the fa trieroeis eut, Tbiok babblsseuftly la ilie gleu, Whule hoe vous bravuy*4 thlb. oet me*; For h lovu And heo Vu* Ail for the good oflb. RaM. Rev brinkly tts vis sip"aluul bh Thée&die a banublout For deunornes aihom r iatout-; There are picsta m la ..bedto*ba -And stoi p eli AUIlfor lh. aie af the ho= Wlionilh. day la oesr M4 o'- asr, que orestmres re 1.4.114tho in done, le. tikshIs rutosi esh ou 0 -Ires FProm the abor ofthelIý»dMa hiti l rfe Thougli lie ôws, - -Md hhlce, And hom=W14 Xe resUeft»S thue. onk-c& la"<. But th. fitlihful t, frm asua Takou the bnrdsa nplltos epaer Thon, la no reulý blierêls uopsr. For t,. lious.oi d oh.»mail P-or te mgi>d therhO.q Aud i bal l*io014 And lb.oradie te rok,* AU. lor-lite gecd lotth. o n When autumi la ier., villi chn ViTlaruer galbersa hie Oopal t s EU bains a"e full, bis ft01de are. For the good o! ihe laid lhe ne' While itl bies,. Tudin inth s Re reste trom.hhe vOn tot-l But thé vilhuag vitliiilit e eom Il te ehuld"w 8', lb. h~b.and%uêam TFrom day le dzày sho.bis dome Por aiter lt.het boka",y & danÉ case cf Mi's..Lo V. SboaufviDle corpor. Stion came up foi a second time- st thc civU assises ou T.uesday..>' Ou the fi-st trial he j M7 ouad notl agi'.. "d weire disoharged. TbI ie uet. iryaihoigh *n1i asked tgv 1QO.awar"d& 'b. plitiff $1,100. 4it3augL thl dp ideý clai'ed lu favor ofdefeondants) bewgÏunder tbe im pression ltai ah. *lad - asked for 82,0009- showung som tiÜnes bow juries gsi maddIlsd,. tbon. happening, JObu another dam.age êtes iii which the plain. titi sued for #2,00D, The judge knocked off teodd #100..,hJùW llonor,.we believe, wculd have doue porfecîîiy right iii kueck iug off th.eviiol. anieumi awa,:-ded, for, item what w. caàs learu, the wuinan dîd flot even faIl at.lta spot imdicated by ber. 'We underslaud thei. coancil (anmd vry ~roefl, b) wilcarry the cage- te a o cout.- [(Igiadiau. Mi.Beb..B.FPoator, of"Nol woodP¶jace, iea've titis week.for the Wesî witba& view tu invesîing lu.inreal-estate. -11e. E Roonsproacbed au..excellent, - Srmo lai Snda nglu on the d eath eftlte 1ai. A. Aldswortjau WJoues.. Eider Siteppard Preached fareweîî ser. Mons iiilt.e Disciple ubaPOl on Saiuly, Ià8î, in ihes merniùgltut .te neaes lb ogegion sbd iii he evening %0 the public geerally. At lie eveuing So'. Vicethe ailendance was very largo. extra seats itsug t&s~.r --aooandî lai coner. B~tbdiaceunses.were earuesî and r-mpreseîivo, Mauy eyeebeing bodimnzed 4y isu a ie venerable pallirit esowe 4îochiî devoied dock lus losng. o m*niser who ever left ibis fowira ws mare - igblyr- spe.t.d hy 4ntîlens of aul reiglusde aiIlnalio.is tIa.the vaerable Eider shaprd.RII&bas boeau'-puétai'of' 1h. hogegtonu pwards efeiggyearS. UAI~iELJA5 RDDNG.-. Wbably tuer. lbusbeenu o iroroezciîuug eveut iu osotoioaVI ihîlthédolugs of th. &Il. --Vafiou.A.mV Si*uêttheïrr,rjyal ertibmn lb sleqhj w4iu u o Dymgît, wheu oéb8t. armIutiou, son, etM'.1 - ~ Muo, .Of Ibis lovai, atie mm r.Waïter Vèral'on ba» bougbt -1he* brick bouse latelY Owzied bY Mr- J. W.' B"ke for S975. Mises"Mary WiddilIeIdt1o'n Mouiday for penetanguishee btake chargeof a sobool thee. Busir~sv. Apane of glass wa broxen me, Mr, Worthing"o'* àshop u. j dow onFrpiday night laatand a M.0 pairý SkaTMP-Mr, Geo. A. Flewell ,writea us under, date, of March 20, hat they are anl d oing well 250 miles east et W'nieg i. Flewil bought 800 acres of l&in Dakc4ii frein Mr. A. TT.Button. and ia taking op bis residence in the new OSHIAWA-. MisM. J. Dyer bas openecid iess ad; mantie makiug rooms -over Mr.'S. Trew.. in,& store.' Mr. Goodman, easi cf Columbus, pur- chased the Michael, property on John St.> Saturday last for #700. Mr. Good- imnuintends giving u3p milliug -and re-. moving te Oshawa, wbere lie will reside in future.. -Sox<a or TExmEàNc.-Thc election o! oficers o! Oabawa dlivmision S..- of T. took plaoe iset Monday evening with the followîng rmit:.-W. P., J.. Harry Wyat P. W..P., John Je.wel ; W. A, Anuie FÀlis; R. S., O0. C. Rave ; A.. R. S.# E. Claapman -> F. S., W.. H. Wilson; treas,-T>. Cinnamoln; chap»,. W. R. L. Filt; .,E. mui ; AdO . n an- Icock; I.'S., IT.. Codey ; O. 8.j .-But- tery. A PLEÂASANT ETENIN.-J0. F . Hall Banquetted.-The members cf- court 5772 A. O. P. entertained Bro. Joseph F. Hall to air oytter - upper at John Oibson'a saloon on Frzday igt last,ï on. ths eve of' bis leaving Oshawa t10 rebin toa hie native borne.. About BD0 members ast d3wn tle supper. The chair was occupied by Bro.. Wm. Smala and the vice. hy Bru. Jno. Peirce. Aller au1 pressai had partaken of tbe oystera, the chairman brieliy' azaouncedthe purpose-of the gatbering, siating~ that ,they had met lu. do boner le Ibeir * brotlhérwho was 'about., toremoye t6 the. Uuited. States. (.>sHÂwÂk BoAp». or TR4u>.'-At the reguhar meetîug o!' thle Oshawa huard o! triade- considlerable discussion book pLace as- te whal steps -tiould be takien tu foster lte ïi(uutrie - of Oshsa. -It .wa8 btated liai a strong comparty conld he formed le rua the Hall works pro. vided the towu would give libereJ inpt oward..forming suceba' com. *pany. O&n motion td Mr'. W. B. TIomatI seconded by Mr.W.Mearns, lhe e. .ideout,, Mr.Ceua, and, me«Mw. . . a Gu ,'01. laps week wm na cm cuaiq4 'wxichal I bQse who had been, tak b "us duri4g lb.week partici- pat9d' . theclose a corali iSwas orm iùorder to keep ù- the in- ere t, be- !ollowin offrs ee eleced *entand directore, chas. marul -preideat--W., J. Clark,; socre MissMiaue >e; treasurer, is Burton;1 ,oerganigt, Miss Hattie w vrcewo"eie '-to join Aiberty to do -so. There are -over twenty-fve members. We ory tb learu that Mr.,Edgar Horn2e, had. his shoulder dislocated lky a1lI Mlame imeagoý, is mot reooveringy th. use arm -as speedily as was. aI first x - It 1isfenred that he wil not hê a do mch II net summer.. .Mr'. WV y, late of Oao.uingt3, is pre.- paring to Îrtabrick and tile.yard on %b. tou '1fr. William Love's .farin, three-fo as of &. mile east of the village." a firat-elassa baud at the business, Êsid a -e doubt a good article will oom jdtre dy sale. We wish lim a'scçess. Our fool Saturday organise popuar t the Pmop ,of. &sc lihmark Hienry Bi our "Msn ID. Wheel lasI weehý il toÎok a bics and bard to' o! the lx the Aro thone, lW und,. as1 ~footed u aoth irwumirjt F9 %ciw1551aS w.mise appinie(by hetown cognai tota ltie 4auchb aètion as may hbe eed nocessary te, eacourage the -establiahrn. o! a Àstrong Company te continue lte Hall workw sud coistitnte 'a-bamiitte. en mantifacluories.- [Vi udiewtor. The Canadlian' 0CLydesda!e Association bas been organized ai TQrouto, wi i Mr. t>ý, MeRse, of - Guelph, as president; M.7. Smith, o! Coluîmbtua,.vicc..preïi1îcoî ,Mr. Il. Wacle, Toronto. secweîary'. 11ev. H. 0. Rusa"bbu re8igned! hia Position in lie ilfethodist. churci.. snd bas apphed f or admissioin te, the minis. tery o! the Preshyterian churcb of Oaa. I ais,. Mi. 1135.4 Iq&s sttionedl, ou. the Brooklin sud Ct)himbue circuit.:->~R. former. PlQK ER &-Me- M-r. WS. Sleep, ai the weal , mid o! te -village, bas been seriously -ilII- wi rfftmration on- botb, lunegs,. OFF FOR THE: WES.-M' ars.. M cK.ay, Boone snd -'iliIacsou loft on M.'onday oveniug Iaït for thor farm.. aI Indian H13ad, N. W-'. T.- Mr.. MJ11er- will go-ab a" lutter -dite. 11 ABOUT TO REOE-iî rumoredl that R>v. J. J. Cameron, o! St. Andrew's. Presbyterian oiturch ini Ibi8 village,. vili Shurtly remvele a new fieL& of labor, :havîog receiýved a very hearty iuvi&sioL] tO0 do se. We did flot leara -tue name eorlit, place.. Sin" of the twn %mt se ial!rmeet. tmg ~ hi o!-elwsî cUnücil, beld, at - Brouaam on the 2lst lie atr cf cbangiug lte scioci bolmidaries o! S. S. No. 1, No,1 Union,. aud NI.f Easî,.csme npi and crea.îed a aoznewhaî :lIeu*gîhydiscussion. lb. trusleeso! lb. Tvarions sections lnlerested uni-e pmesa. séaab prepsi'ed le fighb.in ofve f their individual:*'sections.. - Ubwever. the ounacil'-adý.ated tbh- tesrilery as the3 - tonght ivýùld be equitable,, a(,dlg te- No. 4,Eas by ta.kiU.g several bundred acres !rooe&ndlÙey sud N&.I hi'ojn, sud- 'alIowimt the Mesas., Richardson b o. 0 la O..] Union froni No. L. MAXtNG 0. Bggnji....Âmeeting o! lhiese inlrested lu-lhe. breeding of OlYdO&sale.berf, vas ed. lu Leog' ha lioson 8Sarday aftýqnoon Is'," when a. ibition v.s- passo&proiesig srngly1 aaidsi lte -ac4imz-of the Ga"di'n* clydeaalr AssoIation. in fpauiu« a maM icm uu ake thie stauçid the, saineas. the Ibird vohÉe of. thé- .&menicuatuld bock. Sevenal. o! tIcs. ~prmesllpresed theiropiniSon ou hp'1 ýSibjécl,and they ail clmued 1us$' îe ,sandard ot the, ;w.'Quadj Und book slozk e-tbe "me as-thie-" 'IVoluas bail club held a. mIeetin2g on vening iu J. Liaîea'8s hop, ýte rthe sesson. Mr.. Moore, Our cer, wus chosen captaln*,, and ta are good for. sone rosringr iOistmau cornes agan.- ýno!.-Tbe Spriug Sh.ow o! & Scngog Agricullinral, so.. >Çbaid atI Manchester on osý-Mese.Bongard & hppîng lakge quautitiee 9 fat catIle for th. Eng. Dip*WNalgý-A boy uamed an u assistant of -on. o! hg$, while working. ab Mr. A., 's 1.11 front the roof one day lewas net hurt,. as. h. o 4gbt in a vater-butt;.but eo tul efish hlm out. y jack.knves,m- i1 i ispockeîa, la Was p liim«'float., g Éj> Tu N>,-The. cases couplâined o! for &anuoyiugv et" doho ang ire a-long eèa.paying -business ii ite snd -'costsa.must have bâaweou entfor.-oue uwday on., of tiieboys Watî *ecta aud- un hloudsy liai -Tii.. b burlul us. ~ by MÎ 1r. Ueo. (Gardner, iWho, -e.U tli enbusily engaged lu pîllng wu lhe -berut vafla. Ail lte dbri Iseen cleared out e! the cear. &ebuiling. la te be ready' !for. ' cupancy ina Juno.-Tgborebwili* iii" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -h o!ii~rl kk a1.bande menced :,lght ay -*V Htuv IL-Lgr., JoS. Watson$ (weenbaU1k, lias an inaporît dà Duha bell. - fce4flidentI, wlucb was iwu -years.old'ou Wednesday, 'the 24th Iof M arc ,uwhjch#b atlai ate weighed I88~p6ii~C 'ho ci ea Ib i -~T.Ouszr.. arr.i,.Oû~o! the beai,dif ot ie-'vo-y bet,'musical en- îertameult ever given i' «Port,?Brry. Iook place lu Ithe Metiodist cinrohl *Toedity evmnîng of last week on lthte easo! 1f h. opeung o! the new PiP PBisONÂÎ.g-Mr F..Bruce. an. old higi scitool eludeu e! thisp inbsau c e e in paaanig lthe wi ~no!leRoyal Coltege cfPlysîciau,. Qieeulg College. ,We sou ralLie huim on bis. suceis. -Mn. J.- F. HoLien, Wbitby, was liere on Tuedyeoing of-Liai week te visit usjr finud- an I lh i iàrthe new o rga u in îthe Meéthoditet curX-Rv.Ruwe, Green- biink, fli- lb. heMathedist 'paIpit on Sun. da eeuugo!' ast tweek. li. ra Oert.tay-Inanother coilimnwill be seeén a noticoee! lie.dealli o! Mr. Seth MeC wwla leI- his vicinity,-when quit. al yoùeungsoabout lwenty-aeven y '.ago,.aidWho bas net betin here ýfor. 18 Y ears, at. wîlc h lime he spent a few ments vihing. Deceas3e lias o! e e»P d hi ezîcae ii per Ci . Company wltlî other' capitadisîs, hamv iaanes lu 1kw.. mines wbîhch. tliey wre worsing- aI tie lime o! bis dal...1 ]is deobi-e which was pille a& ouprs tO1iîfriandg here,, a h as beenimingood -ahukh hiten las tebardl front,w u aedby hemorrhage, eot le PsrZNTRGft,:Mwcv AEaIM-A patent Iright fiend caUd upioa hf->. WODIr6nn, of, Scugogi %W. o1hga-dayi. offruniùg -lu appoint hunu a<ent 'fàr aun invention lut !dry washed t othiug. oQn a rack R'xe(j a,rougd/ stOve,ý pipes.. -Mi. MLaruou mnaie & ah-iru.neîwhiclW'vas tob. writteàý sfteVw"Pd, agreeing bW the propsd The..lb agent read the agreemeuiwhich BeÊUW i - atis. factory,, and '3k. 3Lamôou. sigu4 -,il; 'ot il tui'usd o - uteaks ta ltere àguié-,re"sd is agrmeet tsu he PuctuuiOI4. ed.",ibseed, o!'teCù'M papay , ilKcinàWeed b fnnus-he"le àMi4U.4ead9"'M à ,IXe Lanon watoipW46she,»oa, , .d6iMsd, luI affl tble*iihpdgme tlaseli b.s*awe.,b we hve not hearl TtL.ersg Ne1,sfi OLlg-n eXMent lbrsmd 0f ROLL FLOUR, FOR $29>25 b o Saiousbomurs Relias enew klid cf a àt lmi s!tabas anythhlhetf pepW» afed lu the p orig lo.Arepresentati're ofvryfmlyiit jrdge le inviied te eauiiand go. WAItoo0m-OppËosfte Mr. Downe 1Ysofaie,. wbitby. W%. B . PRINýGLE CATIIRI J& effectve tumanl doses, actasvmthout gpinmg, doea flotr oo -casion. flausea, and: will not create irri. tationandcong"stion as do IflRfyofthe * aUsual .catharties-ad' minitered .lM.lth£ Ladies and Clii.' dren having- the môst s jensitive Sto.w bic or complaint. CAM PBELL' . CATà ARTIC OMox.or» islespecially adapted for the cure. of LITER COMPLÂ1A=T IîU i. ORDERS.. Foi A.r TMC N.ls iA' PETITE.. FOR SIcK HElkÀàCIE A»DBESL FOR CONSTIPATION, OR COSTIVÊNESU. FOR ALL CXLLNS .l ipOF.XS DiIÔI»ERED, STA&TE Or TI. la.SToM This medicihebeing ln Iiquid' form, the dose can, ln easily regalated- bu meet the reqirementa o!, differentper. 'sons,- thus m"aking aequaliy wel adapted, tek.~seof te ittlechfld-as- te the: aduit. Put up in - lireone :ot=&, md soid by aildealers niS faznily- 2edicinea PAl -KILLER Managers of Faetoriea, IOIWOpS, .1'kmtton., i ntaa -IHoamg, -i oreiovboyvlr moeiaoer g~iiUGr SUDDEN-> COLDS., C.P Ls qcoi QE9SÈI On STOPIPAGE OP PAINS ir TU-ElSTOMÂrCII, UM9- MER ÀAXD BOWEL C0MPLAINTs , 'BORR TRLxOAT'ý'&C. EFFECTIVE. *XD XEST LINIMENT ON, BARTH N-It EMOviNO THE PAIX -TISiM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED. FAC E, TOOTHACI{ 25cts. pe Bottie.. W -Bewara of Imitations. CAMIRELL'S EIXIR Tit aagreeable y.et. potent,.pzepar&*- tionis especialIya.dapte<1for.tti.rellef. nê cue-of that. clps o! disordMers attendant upon a.,Iô*orreduced- state, of thie systen!, and utually acco .lp anied.. by- Pallor, Weakness, and.-JPalpitation: 01 the fleart. P'rompt .esuits.4 l haustion arising fromj' La:o Blood, .Acuter Chr iiseaaes, adite -weaknega thatliivariably. accompanliea..-. the recoëver-y front Wasýting" Feversm. No' xemedy will1 gi ve zûore spedyr&ief n7r' I)yspepsia orliidigestion, -ita act.<iîon hormiles tOziie,.excitn tbe organs o!l digetionto ctio .,: «tlusaffoidii -g itnmediate and.-permnentre;ef 'Ih «rmnatV*»'.prom~rtiea.of i Merdiffèrent arolnticel the..Elixîir' sontaitiwï Menderit useful inýFlaiuIeîît 1>yapepsisý. &L laValLlable remedy foôr. toui"- Dyspeps;ia, wbichla iipt téoeour iR For hnbpoverir*.4BJood, Lo 01"o Appetfte, Despondencyand mil casei> hero 8L -effective aud certaiw stimu.ý. bât- itsi m reuiýed the E1iit- vii. W. tDUf(Ldiùyalubje..- -i lFevera cf, a- kalàrIi ,Tye, andýf the varjusevil resuts follow in . p. prove. a. valuabl6. ?StOTftvSas, the: Scinblntio oCiconkýÇaliss.ya au*d WILL !EURE OR RELIEVC' 9ILIOUNE88, DIZZINESS, DY8PESIA, DROPSY, INDfE8TIN~. FLUÜTTEffING 4AULVDICÉE 0 F THE NEXAT, ERY81PELA8,. ACIDITY 0F I~LT RUZ/E,'TE <2TOMAOIH. HEARTBURN, «DRYNESS IIEADACHE, . 0F THE SKI#.5 And.vey pece'of dkieasei arcising frorm~ dlso=sd.reV LIVR, K.OMEYSI. GTOMAOI%- ROWELS OR ELLCJ0àD5 Y. ELBURN K *P.r~s Th"s Qet houm lKdem a i!Nteagali te laiw.csatsfu Thos tfamena îilpurity the BLOOD, ,iacitmetpover!ulyyèî soothingly on th. ana CLIVIr-ST OMACN? KIDNEYS%,p ,&Ud BOWEL5,',giving ton., energy, and.vageur' i-héeegrost MAIN 5PBI.r GS OFLIPE. Thoy arzonienirec 'ommcnifdeas a never faling rsmedy i .cases where the- ceustitutlon,. ftrom wbateerocause, bas ýbacome im*pa.ired cr' weakenéeTeôy ake 'woùifcnfuily efficaciïâs in. ,ail ailment làoidentiltc PemasIof t.al agei;. - ~and as a G»WliRÂ-LPÂ)fLY MFD CINEM, are, àuupue ibis auiniailoremedy..IfmeffeciUaflyrubbc&, ron the neck andi client,, a&-Salt lI meat, M C ure W BORE TRBOÂT, Bronohitls, Ooughs, -Coldu, and ev-en ASMÂA. For oeandular- QCOITY RIUMATI18M. ,Adevrzy kin* eo,!BMSEIN I[SASE,Iî lias-Éoee be.sm knwntô0fail.. Th Pille am&uidOntmayat-*are P.I5uiactured. only -Mt 5a,OXFORD STILET, OXN,- Ami are muid by ail.. Tenders etý Medicines througkoutlie Civilize& Wor!d :'.wiilidireoliong.- for lue.in abnontever.y lm.guage. The 2- vde Marke of theeMedibmnen3-ar. regis- in . laOttawa. Hoasany. oailnonghoutr ',te' ButnPoamsnions,! ,wlio .a&y keep a-, ' imerican ocunierfeibu f'or, gale, viii be pres. e e i d . . £&bel- o..thé ]Pots'.-, moi eu.I h addie.. la mot 53. Oxfamd- Street, Loun.. &,wi ngMachineos STILL .11 NEd.D. every wre zatemaýnais b.uýretaî 'nwith bheir. mois. The ruen oular niaclia. etf1he dayi sewing. equaly-'Weil te9 finoat aid cosost labtief, using thread frorn Ne. S8te 800, andi Combnrn sas in rumnng, freeitlta rniç noise, ndfreintheft CSesruobion are situnons *overlantiugi.-. th 1h=7anhundt-essold - lu- ttiseounty n<ne:02e coxplalit-hubeon ruade,'. a recerd-Étis.t'cau bs -shswa. byno oiher.Vom-. -panv, il defloè coÏpetitien. Rofre-ceu-kiadiy- Ipsritd Ioay lady -ho Sas ýpnreb.sed Tbeoý !,l~ "and là addition ià ofeorgd tSe- Idiag -vol ary eerlflabeo f, Major NezyexA Estf, tlie isacknowledged-te-be lb. beskrueehanict .li tiiasection of 1h.eclnutry.- - -'ERTMPCATE c-op > A1E~ 1 WXmTY,1. IItmL *To whom ft 'ma, coeo.s-Thusis t e rtlp- thal,, having examlned. rnafrëe and uane s I - --q 1

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